#linuxcnc | Logs for 2015-08-17

[00:00:09] <XXCoder> so plan to work on it eh
[00:03:38] <furrywolf> the parts diagram shows a lock washer under the nut. I did not see a lock washer under the nut. instead I saw piss-poor goober welds on top of the nut. sounds like it came loose once, the washer is probably sitting inside the base somewhere, and rather than fix it properly, someone made it worse.
[00:04:06] <furrywolf> and in the process of goobering the nut, they burnt through two of the oil lines, only one of which they fixed.
[00:04:16] <XXCoder> jeez
[00:04:21] <XXCoder> dont they read manual
[00:04:34] <XXCoder> and washer? it can be made in many ways if its lost
[00:04:58] <XXCoder> lathe, milling, even router.
[00:05:56] <furrywolf> ... hardware store.
[00:06:15] <XXCoder> im assuming nearest one is million miles away
[00:07:00] <Wolf_> lock washer… shop misc fastener bin
[00:08:01] * furrywolf has no shop
[00:11:50] <XXCoder> anyway point is theres no real excuse
[00:11:57] <XXCoder> its just a disk
[00:12:14] <XXCoder> actually lock washer
[00:12:22] <XXCoder> but thats stock
[00:12:32] <furrywolf> maybe. it could well have been a flat one with tabs on the side and a slot for the key or something.
[00:12:39] <furrywolf> the picture in the manual scan I got is useless.
[00:12:59] <furrywolf> that's kinda what it looks like though.
[00:15:22] <furrywolf> http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMFgxNjAw/z/ISAAAOxydUJTMIrm/$_35.JPG that variety
[00:15:53] <XXCoder> assuming cant buy, just mill it then bend tabs
[00:19:51] <furrywolf> it's annoyingly hard to get to. I suspect this is why the last person fixed it wrong.
[00:23:23] <deep_pink_> someone know about hinge like door hinge but without sideways play?
[00:23:46] <furrywolf> double tapered roller bearings. :P
[00:25:14] <deep_pink_> for the band-saw
[00:29:15] <Wolf_> eh, door hinge for a band saw?
[00:31:30] <furrywolf> bbl, wolfy bedtime
[00:31:55] <deep_pink_> http://i.imgur.com/oTpuck0.png
[00:32:10] <deep_pink_> something like that ^
[00:32:18] <deep_pink_> XXCoder: furrywolf ?
[00:33:01] <XXCoder> dunno
[00:33:02] <Wolf_> oh, to make it a horizontal saw
[00:33:48] <deep_pink_> Wolf_: exactly
[00:34:45] <fenn> another vote for angular contact bearings
[00:35:01] <Wolf_> only thing I can think of would be to get a hinge for a heavy door, one that has bushing/bearings for the load, pull the pin and replace it with a bolt and spring to give it some preload
[00:35:38] <Wolf_> but at that point you might as well make a proper pivot with angular contact bearings
[00:36:01] <deep_pink_> Wolf_: what do you mean?
[00:36:04] <furrywolf> <furrywolf> double tapered roller bearings. :P
[00:36:05] <furrywolf> bbl
[00:36:08] <deep_pink_> "proper pivot with angular contact bearings"
[00:36:27] <fenn> like a bicycle fork
[00:36:51] <fenn> the part the handlebar attaches to is very smooth and precisely constrained
[00:37:09] <fenn> otherwise the wheel would bounce around and would be hard to steer
[00:37:10] <XXCoder> fenn: good to know if you has bicycle scrap and need that lol
[00:37:12] <Wolf_> or wheel bearings, spindle bearings esc
[00:37:31] <fenn> i made an air compressor out of a bicycle once :P
[00:37:32] <deep_pink_> where i can get tham?
[00:37:52] <deep_pink_> I pay for the band saw 79$..
[00:38:01] <Wolf_> bearing store?
[00:38:07] <XXCoder> fenn: I challenge you, make one again, but this time make sure it is still ridable lol
[00:38:11] <deep_pink_> and I'm going to use it just to cut stock...
[00:38:55] <deep_pink_> It's not have to be very precise
[00:39:37] <fenn> roller skate bearings would be good enough
[00:39:44] <deep_pink_> I'm just looking for somthing slightly better than door hinge
[00:40:04] <Wolf_> http://amzn.com/B00B9J0966 need the right door hinge
[00:40:26] <XXCoder> one of those big shed door hidnge
[00:40:41] <deep_pink_> http://www.amazon.com/Global-Door-Controls-Brushed-Chrome/dp/B00164PT5U/ref=pd_sim_60_1?ie=UTF8&refRID=0W0JKTM9DJK26S76NH4X
[00:40:59] <Wolf_> commercial door hinges are rated for fire doors
[00:41:21] <fenn> deep_pink_: you probably want a piano hinge, it's like a continuous strip of door hinge material
[00:41:43] <fenn> a smaller hinge would have less play but you do need some strength
[00:41:50] <deep_pink_> fenn: I dont like them.
[00:41:57] <deep_pink_> I have some here..
[00:42:05] <Wolf_> the hinge I linked is for like 150lbs + doors
[00:44:11] <deep_pink_> Wolf_: I think the I tea with the screw with the spring is the best,
[00:45:04] <Wolf_> well, one thing I forgot, the commercial door hinges are riveted pins
[00:45:09] <fenn> you could use your mill to drill out the hinge to a more precise dimension, and put a precision pin in it
[00:46:00] <deep_pink_> the white part going to made out of PVC,,
[00:46:13] <Wolf_> get the set of hinges, mount the first one to both parts, put a preload on half of it, then mount the 2nd hinge
[00:46:24] <deep_pink_> so It's not going to be super acurate anyway...
[00:47:41] <Wolf_> you do know the one you linked is a auto closing one right?
[00:47:57] <deep_pink_> yes,,
[00:48:23] <fenn> heh you could use a hydraulic door closer to regulate the bandsaw's closing speed
[00:48:46] <Wolf_> saw weight + 2 spring hinges will be too much down pressure for a porta ban
[00:48:50] <Wolf_> band*
[00:49:01] <fenn> :(
[00:49:47] <Wolf_> my horizontal saw has a spring to take some of the load off the closing
[00:51:20] <fenn> the hydraulics are to reduce the load, not increase it
[00:51:35] <fenn> well something like that
[00:51:48] <Wolf_> ahh, I get ya, same thing on my wilton
[00:52:04] <Wolf_> except that it needs new hoses all the way around lol
[00:52:15] <Wolf_> and a new cylinder packing...
[00:56:53] <deep_pink_> I need to find a way to weld without to weld :(
[00:59:03] <deep_pink_> the saw has 4 screws 2 on each side that hlding the cover plate
[01:00:11] <deep_pink_> If i will find a way to use tham it will be much better.
[01:46:09] <Wolf_> how hard is it to machine a ball screw shaft end…
[01:48:50] <archivist> easy on the right machine, hard on the wrong
[01:49:21] <fenn> usually they are case hardened so you need to grind off the threads first
[01:49:42] <Wolf_> so lathe + tool post grinder? or?
[01:49:50] <archivist> needs a collet and through spindle clearance
[01:50:34] <Wolf_> :/ don’t thing my pos will do a collet
[01:51:08] <fenn> can use a chuck too, actually a 4 jaw might be best because you can adjust runout
[01:51:10] <archivist> or a long bed with a steady
[01:51:49] <fenn> don't need tool post grinder, can use bench grinder
[01:51:57] <Wolf_> it will fit in my 7x10… and I can 4 jaw it
[01:53:27] <archivist> dont let the shaft whip and get bent while working on it
[01:54:21] <Wolf_> yeah, that I do know, I have a 4 screw thing I made on the back end of my lathe head
[01:57:05] <XXCoder> I got curious
[01:57:15] <XXCoder> but I cant find any video of someone making er collet
[01:57:56] <archivist> many operations
[01:59:08] <archivist> drill, machine outer, part off, slit (maybe not in that order), harden, grind
[01:59:38] <archivist> inspect, pack
[02:01:06] <XXCoder> fun
[02:01:13] <fenn> video of ballscrew machining http://youtu.be/dzIsR4Mg158
[02:02:15] <fenn> they use an induction heater to anneal the end but a lot of people wrap wet rags around the part they don't want to get hot and use a propane torch
[02:03:00] <XXCoder> wet rag is bad idea
[02:03:02] <fenn> also you need to indicate on the shallow part of the thread by setting your lathe to threading mode
[02:03:13] <XXCoder> but same time its better for COOLING part
[02:05:45] <XXCoder> nice
[02:05:58] <XXCoder> using rod to keep bearings inside as roll into ball screw
[02:06:18] <fenn> it's a cardboard tube, all ball nuts come that way
[02:08:30] <fenn> i thought it might be easier to just drill a hole into the end and insert a pre-machined pin
[02:08:54] <fenn> with glue or brazing
[02:08:55] <XXCoder> is it just me or is youtube kinda broken for yiy guys too?
[02:10:02] <Wolf_> well, its a 1405 screw, and one end is turned down to 10mm dia for about 28mm
[02:10:14] <Wolf_> smooth, no threads or anything
[02:12:28] <fenn> i don't know what 1405 is but there are a lot of google hits for 1605
[02:12:52] <deep_pink__> 14mm ballsc
[02:13:06] <deep_pink__> 14mm diameter 5mm pitch
[02:13:58] <Wolf_> yeah, its a THK ball screw I have had laying around for a while
[02:15:02] <Wolf_> 14mm outside, 5mm pitch, rolled ball screw with a BNT type (square) nut
[02:17:27] <Wolf_> guess I could just turn a “adapter” for it and pin it on or something
[02:19:31] <Deejay> moin
[02:22:02] <fenn> yes you could machine a thing that clamps on the end and preloads the bearings, since it's already turned down
[02:22:33] <deep_pink> moin Deejay
[02:23:11] <fenn> it would have to be clamped really solidly
[02:23:48] <fenn> able to withstand the maximum pulling force from the screw and motor
[02:24:32] <Deejay> moin deep_pink :)
[02:25:30] <deep_pink> I'm trying to figurout what is the best way to mount the band saw
[02:26:55] <deep_pink> I need to clamp it some how in 45 deg.
[02:29:10] <Wolf_> fenn: what about threading it then pinning the two parts together
[02:30:15] <Wolf_> but… I think i’m stuck machining it either way, cause I need to shorten it too lol
[02:30:49] <XXCoder> enlarge your machine
[02:30:55] <XXCoder> easier? ;)
[02:32:28] <Wolf_> 750mm Z axis, yeah :D stretch the column right?
[02:32:48] <XXCoder> lol
[02:34:40] <archivist> I did, I put a box under the column
[02:35:12] <Wolf_> if I was smart I wouldnt be dicking around with the Z axis stuff and should be focused on making/parts ordering the x/y stuff lol
[02:35:47] <Wolf_> archivist: I was planning on doing that when I get the extended tables for the x1
[02:35:54] <archivist> http://www.collection.archivist.info/archive/DJCPD/PD/2009/2009_07_10_cnc_with_LCD_P4/IMG_0268.JPG
[02:36:00] <Wolf_> tables/ axis
[02:36:53] <archivist> column is an old lathe bed, added stiffness and height later
[02:38:12] <Wolf_> nice
[02:40:06] <archivist> it is about time the Z screw was upgraded, it still has the lathes 1mm pitch screw
[02:40:10] <deep_pink> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKdkAs482Po
[02:41:10] <Loetmichel> mornin'
[02:42:30] <Wolf_> I’m hoping this micro mill cnc’ed up will be enough w/ a x/y upgrade for a bit, really want it just to focus on learning this stuff with and to assist in making parts for a cnc plasma table
[02:46:55] <XXCoder> nice
[02:47:42] <archivist> the experience of self build and modification is valuable
[02:55:18] <Wolf_> yeah, I figured that doing a conversion to get started with cnc made more sense then trying to build a whole machine from scratch
[02:55:35] <XXCoder> both ways is valuable experence
[02:56:16] <Wolf_> I’m also tired of turning them little hand wheels
[02:56:35] <XXCoder> lol
[02:57:10] <archivist> you need the hand turning to know the feel of cutting
[03:00:27] <Wolf_> I’m probably doing most of that wrong lol
[03:06:52] <XXCoder> dnno
[03:06:59] <XXCoder> learning experence either way
[03:20:18] <SEL> hello
[03:20:49] <SEL> trying to configure camview in gmoccapy but to no avail :-)
[03:24:40] <SEL> camview works (with input v4l2 output opengl)
[03:28:18] <XXCoder> hey
[03:28:34] <XXCoder> dunno answer to that but channels not totally dead just quiet atm
[03:32:58] <SEL> good morning
[03:33:42] <archivist> camview is rather unmaintained, one needs to fix whatever fails to work
[03:40:43] <SEL> it works standalone, but it displays nothing inside the Camera tab
[03:41:55] <archivist> look for error messages, fix the causes
[03:42:50] <SEL> error is : device 0 does not support VIDIOC_CROPCAP
[03:44:26] <archivist> fix the code to not use that then
[03:45:01] <archivist> resize the pane to the image size or scale the image
[03:47:58] <SEL> it sounds easy to do but still
[03:48:52] <archivist> I have never looked at the the code for either of them
[03:49:46] <archivist> I did mess about with a camera for a while but gave up when I realised the optical and alignment problems
[04:32:25] <trentster> archivist: Here is a perfect real world example of correct placement/direction of structural ribs vs force. https://monosnap.com/file/Wg8lFWlTFjt3UIh86ZqqYBfWhgj4ox.png
[04:32:55] <trentster> Just happens to be demonstrated in this case with shipping containers and blast wave ;-)
[04:36:05] <archivist> big bang theory
[04:40:17] <trentster> heh yeah - something like that
[05:03:12] <Wolf_> yeah http://imgur.com/ELHiqf0
[05:22:09] <trentster> Wolf_: check out http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-china-33933352
[05:22:25] <trentster> got blast waves and much higher quality plus sound
[05:22:48] * Loetmichel wonders what they had stored there
[05:22:56] <Loetmichel> that was quite a BIGbang
[05:23:31] <trentster> mainly hundreds of tons of sodium cyanide
[05:24:53] <trentster> Think it was a ABS Plastic factory and its used for the manufacturing process.
[05:25:33] <archivist> was a dangerous chemicals storage and forwarding
[05:26:29] <Wolf_> the gif loop was close enough that you could see the shipping containers flying from the blast wave
[05:26:29] <Loetmichel> "dangerouss chemicals" ... confirmed i think
[05:26:31] <Loetmichel> :-)
[05:27:19] <trentster> Anyone need a used car? http://www.autonews.com/apps/pbcsi.dll/storyimage/CA/20150813/GLOBAL03/150819936/V2/0/V2-150819936.jpg
[05:27:59] <Loetmichel> ouch
[05:30:43] <trentster> one of the blast craters has a radius of about 190M - so its a pretty significant explosion by any standard
[05:31:37] <archivist> small compared to the local crater here :)
[05:32:13] <trentster> yeah - I guess that one was not man made - "space made" right
[05:32:25] <archivist> tps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RAF_Fauld_explosion
[05:32:27] <trentster> or you talking about nuke crater?
[05:32:47] <archivist> I am just a few miles from that
[05:34:21] <trentster> wow! - that was 4000 tons of High Explosive bombs detonating and blast crater was 230M
[05:34:39] <trentster> So 190M for chemical accident is unbelievable
[05:37:08] <archivist> the chinese was above ground, the local was below, but it give one an impression of what happened here
[05:37:55] <Loetmichel> even more impressive to have a deep crater at all for a surface explosion
[05:38:08] <Loetmichel> that must have been some quite volatile chemical
[05:39:21] <trentster> yeah - what is really evident about the force of the blast is how shipping containers were tossed about and crumpled like tissue paper by the shock wave itself - can be seen in these photos http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-china-33844086
[05:41:32] <trentster> I think over 30 000 brand new cars burnt there. Enough so that Toyota/hyundai world wide shipments are effected as that is the major car shipping port in China.
[05:52:22] <trentster> Loetmichel: Its hard to get real facts out of China with the media blackout and all, but the chemicals involved appear to be mainly Sodium Cyanide and I think the firefighters sprayed the first fire-fighters sprayed the flames with water it produced "acetylene" - which is not so good for fire suppression :P
[06:09:16] <Wolf_> nice, z-axis conversion is almost done… in cad
[06:15:28] <Wolf_> combining this mod http://www.rysium.com/projects/189-mini-mill-modifications with http://www.briandorey.com/post/Axminster-SIEG-Super-X1-Micro-Mill-Z-Axis-Ballscrew-Upgrade.aspx but I don’t have that funky tilting column to fight with so I can go straight arms back to the ball screw nut (mine is a x1 as well)
[08:35:32] <trentster> Hi all - Planning on buying new spindle today and deciding on a couple of options and need advice. Any reason why not to use a Chinese 80mm Spindle mount? the one you have to drill holes in yourself for mounting?
[08:37:13] <trentster> Also in regards to attaching a DIY "Mist Coolant Lubrication Spray" what should I be looking for in terms of air flow? a little fridge compressor?
[08:50:06] <Wolf_> read somewhere that fridge compressor won’t keep up if its constant misting, ok if you are running pulsed misting
[08:51:05] <trentster> Wolf_: I have no clue about misting - up till now I have been following cutter with vacuum in one hand and spray coolant in the other - I hope to change that soon.
[08:51:57] <Wolf_> no idea here either, I was planning on doing flood cooling cause I like doing things the hard way
[08:52:07] <trentster> still trying to figure out what spindle I should be getting to replace current 400W one. There are so many options. I guess getting a square housing spindle will probably be the best option plus saves having to buy mounting brack
[08:52:29] <trentster> Was hoping that someone here could give me some spindle advice
[08:55:25] <zeeshan|2> trentster: is it really worth doing diy mist coolant spray
[08:55:33] <zeeshan|2> when you can buy the noga minicool for $80?
[08:55:55] <zeeshan|2> :P
[08:56:10] <trentster> zeeshan|2: I don't know thats why I am asking :p
[08:56:20] <trentster> I don't know what a noga minicool is
[08:56:59] <trentster> googling
[08:57:18] <zeeshan|2> https://youtu.be/G3wUoPdK_ms?t=571
[08:57:20] <zeeshan|2> watch :P
[08:57:36] <zeeshan|2> mist coolant is awesome
[08:57:43] <zeeshan|2> when you actually have dropplets
[08:57:48] <zeeshan|2> vs a pure mist
[08:58:04] <zeeshan|2> will destroy flood coolant in most scenarios
[08:58:07] <zeeshan|2> lots of papers about this
[08:58:11] <trentster> watching - thanks :-)
[08:58:23] <trentster> its for a cnc router btw
[08:58:35] <zeeshan|2> should work well i'd think!
[08:58:44] <zeeshan|2> you said you use a vacuum
[08:58:50] <zeeshan|2> were you routing wood?
[08:58:53] <trentster> and spindle recommendation?
[08:58:57] <zeeshan|2> im thinking of adding a shop vac to my mill
[08:59:03] <zeeshan|2> for this wood job i gotta do this weekend
[08:59:09] <trentster> I do both wood, aluminium and acrylic
[08:59:50] <trentster> yeah - I am using a dust cyclone with a shop vac - best thing I ever bought/made
[09:00:35] <trentster> I never get so much as a puff of dust into the shopvac all goes into a bucket
[09:00:49] <Wolf_> cyclone is great, I have one mounted on a 30gallon drum
[09:01:16] <zeeshan|2> http://www.ebay.com/itm/Z-Balg-fur-MIKRON-WF21C-D-WF31C-CH-D-DE-SA-WF32D-CH-Frasmaschine-/121561123097?hash=item1c4d9b8919
[09:01:21] <zeeshan|2> man i can't justify spending
[09:01:25] <zeeshan|2> almost 400 bux
[09:01:28] <zeeshan|2> for this Z way cover
[09:01:40] <zeeshan|2> i wonder if i can built it for cheaper
[09:01:49] <zeeshan|2> it looks like not even $60 in material
[09:04:41] <trentster> So what spindles do you guys use?
[09:48:47] <ssi> morn
[09:48:51] <zeeshan|2> hi
[09:48:59] <zeeshan|2> damn it when will i be done with this handle
[09:49:00] <zeeshan|2> !!
[09:49:04] <zeeshan|2> been working on it too much
[09:49:08] <zeeshan|2> need to pay attention to research
[09:57:40] <ssi> lol
[11:23:50] <zeeshan-lab> :D
[11:28:53] <trentster> any opinions on this item? http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/2-2KW-WATER-COOLED-SPINDLE-MOTOR-2-2KW-VFD-FREQUENCY-VARIABLE-COOLE-MOTOR-GREAT-/331620565948
[11:29:06] <trentster> is it worth considering or a run for the hills kind of thing?
[11:30:46] <ssi> a bunch of people have reported success with them... I've never used one personally
[11:30:52] <CaptHindsight> trentster: are they local? if so then you can always exchange or return it if you get a bad one
[11:31:06] <zeeshan-lab> hey i was thinking the other day
[11:31:13] <ssi> oh shit zee's thinking again
[11:31:23] <zeeshan-lab> could you not chop the sine wave of asingle phase motor
[11:31:27] <zeeshan-lab> to contorl its speed
[11:31:33] <zeeshan-lab> like you prolly cant control it at low rpm
[11:31:42] <zeeshan-lab> but why cant you do it at medium speeds
[11:31:50] <ssi> um define single phase motor?
[11:31:53] <CaptHindsight> zeeshan-lab: you mean like a dimmer circuit?
[11:32:01] <ssi> AC induction motor?
[11:32:05] <zeeshan-lab> no CaptHindsight
[11:32:07] <ssi> or DC permanent magnet motor
[11:32:08] <zeeshan-lab> ssi: yes
[11:32:10] <zeeshan-lab> ac induction
[11:32:20] <zeeshan-lab> so imagine just a switch
[11:32:25] <zeeshan-lab> and you rapidly turning that switch on and off
[11:32:31] <zeeshan-lab> if the off duration is longer
[11:32:33] <ssi> I don't think that'll work
[11:32:36] <zeeshan-lab> it should slow down the motor
[11:32:37] <zeeshan-lab> why
[11:32:39] <CaptHindsight> yeah like a dimmer
[11:33:00] <zeeshan-lab> CaptHindsight: dimmer is adding resistance
[11:33:05] <CaptHindsight> nope
[11:33:07] <zeeshan-lab> im switching the 60 hz wave on and off rapidly
[11:33:37] <CaptHindsight> look at a ceiling fan speed controller, it does just that
[11:33:47] <ssi> you could change the speed by modulating the frequency you drive it with
[11:33:51] <CaptHindsight> or a dimmer for incandescent lighting
[11:34:03] <zeeshan-lab> so why cant you do the same principle to a motor
[11:34:10] <ssi> but I don't think that chopping 60hz ac is going to change the speed of the motor
[11:34:14] <ssi> it'll act more like a current limit
[11:34:50] <trentster> CaptHindsight: yeah they are shipped from local company ebay -but its just a sub chinese business with local stock
[11:35:07] <trentster> so only real benefit there is fast shipping
[11:35:09] <ssi> zeeshan-lab: my mom gave me a key machine yesterday
[11:35:11] <ssi> and a bunch of key blanks
[11:35:22] <zeeshan-lab> whatcha gonna rob
[11:35:25] <ssi> EVERYTHING
[11:35:33] <pcw_home> yeah lowingin the RMS voltage will drop the torque of a single phase motor and the the motor will lose sync and stall
[11:35:42] <trentster> ssi: do you know if they have 2 or 4 bearings?
[11:35:43] <pcw_home> lowering
[11:35:48] <ssi> trentster: no clue :/
[11:35:50] <CaptHindsight> http://www3.telus.net/Whalco/SDim.htm
[11:35:54] <trentster> as it does not say - just says german bearings
[11:36:23] <pcw_home> German brand probably :-)
[11:37:02] <zeeshan-lab> lol
[11:37:29] <CaptHindsight> trentster: if you end up with a good one it will be fine, if you end up with the one they dropped, didn't have all the parts for, bent shaft, dirty bearings etc return it
[11:38:49] <Loetmichel> trentster: ther is a bearing company in china that is called "german bearings".... honi soit qui mal y pense :-)
[11:39:06] <trentster> Loetmichel: really? or you kidding?
[11:39:21] <trentster> haha classic
[11:39:36] <CaptHindsight> just like the "100% Beef" co
[11:40:00] <trentster> CaptHindsight: assuming its in good order - its worth taking a chance on?
[11:40:12] <Loetmichel> i am not kidding
[11:40:28] <trentster> any suggestions for spindle mounts for the thing? single piece vs 2 pieces top and bottom rings?
[11:40:28] <CaptHindsight> trentster: up to you and the possible hassle of returns
[11:41:03] <trentster> hmmm
[11:41:38] <Loetmichel> trentster: link to the spindle?
[11:41:57] <Rab> trentster, many people have good experiences with those. Some don't. The quality is a gamble, and returns to china are impractical.
[11:42:43] <PetefromTn_> Okay parts are cookin' ;)
[11:42:53] <Rab> trentster, I imagine local seller softens the returns issue somewhat.
[11:43:00] <Loetmichel> trentster: found the link. i have 2 of the 800W variant in use
[11:43:10] <Loetmichel> working quite well
[11:43:10] <ssi> I figure on stuff like that if you can't afford to take a chance on a cheap chinese spindle, you definitely can't afford to buy a quality one :D
[11:43:50] <PetefromTn_> depends on whether or not the QUALITY one is used/old stock for a good price
[11:46:08] <Loetmichel> The one at the company recently started to "sing" a little in certain RPM. otherwise they are fine. nearly zero runout (meaning lower than 0,01mm, thats about as precise as i can measure). BUt i heard some need a regrind of the collet cone because they have lots of runout. THe bearings seem to cope well with light work (a bit of bearing noise after 1 year of ~5h a workday use is considered
[11:46:08] <Loetmichel> normal i think), they dont leak cooling fluid and are very quiet.
[11:46:36] <trentster> Loetmichel: the one I am looking at is 2.2kw not sure its the same thing
[11:46:50] <trentster> http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/2-2KW-WATER-COOLED-SPINDLE-MOTOR-2-2KW-VFD-FREQUENCY-VARIABLE-COOLE-MOTOR-GREAT-/331620565948
[11:47:10] <Rab> trentster, same thing, just scaled up.
[11:47:12] <Loetmichel> it is the same spindle, only a bit smaller
[11:47:12] <ssi> trentster: it's the same thing... there's a whole range of those spindles
[11:47:16] <Loetmichel> but same construction
[11:47:18] <ssi> 800, 1200, 1500, 2200, 3300W
[11:47:30] <Loetmichel> all the 800W to 2.2kw are identical in makeup
[11:47:32] <Rab> Loetmichel, are you using the chinese VFD?
[11:47:35] <PetefromTn_> and just $304 ;)
[11:47:38] <Loetmichel> just differend length /diameter
[11:47:45] <Loetmichel> Rab: yes
[11:48:22] <Loetmichel> http://www.cyrom.org/palbum/main.php?g2_itemId=12811
[11:48:47] <trentster> and is water cooled generally the way to go if you have the option?
[11:49:00] <Loetmichel> the air cooled howl
[11:49:21] <Loetmichel> and have very small cooling fins inside, they tend to get gunked up with swarf/dust fast
[11:49:22] <trentster> yeah - I have a 400w air cooled spindle its not too bad compared to a dremel or router
[11:49:55] <trentster> ok so I need to factor in pump plus mount
[11:52:22] <Loetmichel> trentster: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNLjMg0Nitk <- aside of a bit of bearing/VFD_PWM sing you hear NOTHING of the spindle...
[11:52:49] <Loetmichel> the pump is not that much of a problem
[11:53:04] <trentster> Loetmichel: thanks
[11:53:06] <Loetmichel> a simple inside fountain pump is sufficient
[11:53:34] <Loetmichel> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9Ov69t0uwo
[11:53:58] <Loetmichel> and thats the same for the 2.2kw, just the bucket has t be a bit bigger or made from metal to dissipate more heat ;)
[11:54:00] <trentster> man! cutting plastics are messy!
[11:54:09] <Loetmichel> it is ;)
[11:54:20] <Loetmichel> that the title of the vid: "its snowing"
[11:54:37] <trentster> your lcd panel is taking a pounding in that position
[11:55:18] <Loetmichel> so what.
[11:55:32] <Loetmichel> its a $10 15" tft from the trash heap ;)
[11:56:37] <trentster> yeah - mine too ;-)
[11:57:00] <Loetmichel> btw: thats me in an ex job.. had to trim off some resin cast with a 40mm diameter mill bit... and the duster nozzle doesent fit around that... http://www.cyrom.org/palbum/main.php?g2_itemId=5077
[11:57:51] <trentster> haha
[11:58:13] <trentster> This one should be titled santa clause if the other one is its snowing
[11:58:17] <trentster> :P
[11:59:14] <trentster> in your vacuum table video - is that also a chinese 800w cheapie?
[11:59:17] * Loetmichel was not amused
[11:59:23] <trentster> the spindle I mean?
[11:59:26] <Loetmichel> which one`?
[12:00:03] <trentster> it was not meant to be an insult it was meant to say you are covered in snow - so tried to stick to the x-mas snow theme
[12:00:17] <Loetmichel> i meant i was not amused on that pic
[12:00:23] <trentster> aaah
[12:00:28] <Loetmichel> i didnt get it as an insult
[12:00:59] <trentster> I work with a German - I often have to be careful of the way I phrase things ;-)
[12:01:06] <trentster> tend to get myself in trouble.
[12:01:08] <Loetmichel> actuall i get called "santa" quite often ,)
[12:01:14] <Loetmichel> +y
[12:02:16] <zeeshan-lab> Loetmichel: find me a balg for my cnc machine!
[12:02:21] <Loetmichel> http://www.cyrom.org/palbum/main.php?g2_itemId=14598 <- as of now i have not smoked a year the rest of the beard is also white ;)
[12:02:23] <ssi> BALG?!
[12:02:33] <zeeshan-lab> z germans call bellows balg
[12:02:34] <zeeshan-lab> :P
[12:02:39] <ssi> lol
[12:02:46] <Loetmichel> ssi: he means a zigzag folding thing that protects the ways
[12:02:50] <ssi> yea got it :D
[12:03:02] <zeeshan-lab> ive been using german keywords
[12:03:08] <zeeshan-lab> but im not getting much hits
[12:03:16] <ssi> for the mikron?
[12:03:20] <zeeshan-lab> only one place that wants 300 euros for a bellow cove
[12:03:21] <zeeshan-lab> lol
[12:03:28] <zeeshan-lab> for that much money ill just use a piuece of plastic
[12:03:29] <zeeshan-lab> !
[12:03:30] <zeeshan-lab> yes
[12:03:36] <Loetmichel> http://www.cyrom.org/pce/abdeck.avi <- like this?
[12:04:16] <Loetmichel> zeeshan-lab: actually we call them "faltenbalg" for obvious reasons ;)
[12:04:26] <zeeshan-lab> yes somethinglike that
[12:04:33] <zeeshan-lab> but from the material that cnc ones are made from
[12:04:37] <zeeshan-lab> can take hot steel chips
[12:04:40] <ssi> FALTENBALG
[12:04:59] <zeeshan-lab> nice Loetmichel
[12:05:00] <zeeshan-lab> more hits
[12:05:02] <ssi> BLEISTIFTSPITZER
[12:05:28] <ssi> is the german word for a very specific kind of lathe :D
[12:05:46] <Loetmichel> "balg" is an OLD german word for skin
[12:06:00] <Loetmichel> make your own sense of that "faltenbalg" then ;)
[12:06:03] <ssi> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKL6elkbFy0
[12:06:12] <zeeshan-lab> ripped skin?
[12:06:13] <zeeshan-lab> :P
[12:06:56] <zeeshan-lab> Metallbearbeitung ?
[12:07:18] <ssi> arbeit is work
[12:07:20] <Loetmichel> ssi: thats a BIT overdone (the vid) dont you think?
[12:07:22] <ssi> so I'm guessing 'metalworking'?
[12:07:26] <zeeshan-lab> oh
[12:07:26] <ssi> Loetmichel: a bit ;D
[12:07:35] <Loetmichel> zeeshan-lab: correct
[12:07:53] <Loetmichel> "bearbeitung" means to modify something
[12:08:01] <Loetmichel> "work ON it" you know?
[12:08:03] <ssi> yea
[12:08:10] <zeeshan-lab> how do you say
[12:08:12] <zeeshan-lab> "way coveR"
[12:08:27] <Loetmichel> depends
[12:08:32] <zeeshan-lab> a common way
[12:08:36] <Loetmichel> a cover is a "abdeckung"
[12:08:45] <PetefromTn_> how do you say gesundheit?
[12:09:01] <PetefromTn_> farvergnugen?
[12:09:06] <Loetmichel> but i dont know how to translate "way" for every possible way
[12:09:15] <Loetmichel> PetefromTn_: +h
[12:09:21] <zeeshan-lab> OMFG
[12:09:22] <zeeshan-lab> OMFG
[12:09:23] <zeeshan-lab> OMFG
[12:09:38] <zeeshan-lab> http://www.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http://unimachines.co.za/img/3088/deckel-fp-4-atc-s.jpg&imgrefurl=http://unimachines.co.za/page/311&h=150&w=200&tbnid=-gC4DC5R_E6REM:&docid=itVOAQ7xYeCqxM&itg=1&ei=xw_SVcGzOZGsyASO95joAg&tbm=isch&client=ubuntu&ved=0CB0QMygaMBo4ZGoVChMIgbOyysiwxwIVERaSCh2OOwYt
[12:09:41] <zeeshan-lab> sorry for big link
[12:09:42] <ssi> fahr means drive
[12:09:44] <zeeshan-lab> HOLY COW
[12:09:47] <ssi> fahren
[12:09:50] <zeeshan-lab> THERE IS A 4th AXIS in the right orientation!!
[12:10:18] <PetefromTn_> what does +h mean heh
[12:10:32] <Loetmichel> fahrvergnügen would be "fun to drive"
[12:10:33] <ssi> you spelled it 'far', but there's an h in there
[12:10:36] <ssi> 'fahr'
[12:10:36] <PetefromTn_> looks backwards to me LOL
[12:10:39] <ssi> +h
[12:10:43] <ssi> add h
[12:10:44] <ssi> come on man
[12:10:46] <ssi> context clues
[12:10:48] <Loetmichel> and "gesundheit" would be "bless you" if i am not mistaken
[12:10:53] <zeeshan-lab> DU HAST
[12:10:56] <zeeshan-lab> DU HAST MICH
[12:11:00] <PetefromTn_> Oh who gives a rats ass how I spelled it I was joking..
[12:11:12] <zeeshan-lab> PetefromTn_: gemans dont get jokes
[12:11:15] <zeeshan-lab> :-)
[12:11:17] <ssi> :D
[12:11:20] <PetefromTn_> neither do canadians apparently
[12:11:40] <Loetmichel> zeeshan-lab: not quite correct
[12:11:52] <ssi> you can always tell a german
[12:11:55] <ssi> you just can't tell him much :D
[12:11:58] <Loetmichel> we DO have some problems with british humor tho ;)
[12:12:10] <PetefromTn_> doesn't everyone?
[12:12:28] <Loetmichel> PetefromTn_: you mean: aside from the brits? ;)
[12:13:00] <zeeshan-lab> german humor is eradicating a generations
[12:13:03] <zeeshan-lab> :P
[12:13:05] * zeeshan-lab hides
[12:13:08] <zeeshan-lab> -a
[12:13:28] <PetefromTn_> I was watching the brittish version of the Office TV show on netflix yesterday.... my wife sat there and watched it for about a half hour... then she stated " you do know I have not laughed one single time right....not even a snicker" I laughed my ass off at that...
[12:13:40] <zeeshan-lab> lol
[12:14:18] <zeeshan-lab> i found a cheape way cover
[12:14:26] <zeeshan-lab> http://www.zoelch.de/shop/shop/USER_ARTIKEL_HANDLING_AUFRUF.php?darstellen=1&Kategorie_ID=114&Ziel_ID=1705&anzeigen_ab=&sort=&order=&PEPPERSESS=6e20fb93468929438b5418ec3e678c65
[12:14:29] <zeeshan-lab> thank you Loetmichel
[12:14:35] <zeeshan-lab> the faltenbalg worked
[12:14:46] <zeeshan-lab> i just cant surf that damn site
[12:15:25] <Loetmichel> hrhr
[12:15:36] <Loetmichel> tip:make it yourself its easy
[12:15:57] <Loetmichel> just get some rubber clad cloth, a dull knife and a pattern
[12:16:34] <Loetmichel> (a DULL knofe to imprint the folds rather then cut the material)
[12:16:37] <Loetmichel> knife
[12:16:43] <zeeshan-lab> on internets
[12:16:50] <zeeshan-lab> it says neoprene is the mateiral
[12:17:03] <trentster> PetefromTn_: the US version of the office is 10X better imho
[12:17:09] <Jymmm> neoprene resists many chemicals
[12:17:12] <zeeshan-lab> or nylon
[12:17:35] <zeeshan-lab> okay here we go
[12:17:36] <zeeshan-lab> nylon cloth
[12:17:39] <zeeshan-lab> looks like the right material
[12:17:40] <zeeshan-lab> hmm
[12:17:47] <Loetmichel> nylon melts
[12:18:07] <Loetmichel> rummer clad cloth only smoes a bit on a red hot swarf
[12:18:12] <Loetmichel> rubber
[12:18:16] <Jymmm> so does neoprene =)
[12:18:17] <zeeshan-lab> at 220C
[12:18:20] <zeeshan-lab> it does
[12:18:27] <Loetmichel> the kind that is used for oooold air matresses
[12:18:32] <Jymmm> so does steel =)
[12:18:58] <PetefromTn_> trentster yeah I must agree... that brit humor is hard to stomach sometimes...
[12:19:06] <Loetmichel> steel doesent bend well (repeatedly)
[12:19:14] <PetefromTn_> but then the US version of Top gear.....
[12:19:25] <Loetmichel> PetefromTn_: urgs
[12:19:30] <Loetmichel> dont remind me if that
[12:19:38] <zeeshan-lab> "nylon canvas fabric"
[12:19:56] <Loetmichel> hamster, cpt slow and jeremy are not replaceable
[12:20:03] <Jymmm> zeeshan-lab: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5EgLMMhbRfc
[12:20:11] <Loetmichel> especially hamster and cpt slow
[12:20:34] <trentster> PetefromTn_: yeah I used to like the Monty Python stuff - but these days all the best entertainment stuff is US.
[12:20:36] <Jymmm> zeeshan-lab: http://www.cnczone.com/forums/general-metalwork-discussion/58425-cnc.html
[12:22:07] <zeeshan-lab> cotton doesnt look like a good material :P
[12:22:09] <zeeshan-lab> asking for a fire!!
[12:22:23] <Loetmichel> zeeshan-lab: wouldnt happen
[12:22:23] <PetefromTn_> Oh I LOVE Top Gear and Monty Python but that office show kinda sucked...
[12:22:44] <Loetmichel> if its covered in polyurethan it just glims, even if you have red hot swarf on it
[12:22:54] <Loetmichel> it would not even burn thru that easy
[12:23:33] <zeeshan-lab> okay good to know!
[12:23:35] <trentster> PetefromTn_: The stuff I really like always seems to be HBO produced
[12:23:36] <zeeshan-lab> ill attempt that
[12:24:09] <Loetmichel> thats why i said: use an old rubber clad denim air matress?
[12:24:13] <PetefromTn_> haven't had HBO for over a decade now damn..
[12:24:26] <ssi> waxed canvas maybe?
[12:24:34] <Loetmichel> (what are these called in englsih, the ones that are made for swimming on the pool?
[12:24:36] <trentster> but I have an odd taste tho - I love "curb your enthusiasm" and "season 2 of true detective" both of which people seem to not like!
[12:24:51] <ssi> Loetmichel: raft?
[12:24:57] <PetefromTn_> I seem to recall some guys making bellows way covers with treated denim materials from jeans LOL
[12:26:20] <fenn> those look like kane bellows
[12:26:50] <Loetmichel> http://www.grandcanyon.de/matten/sitz_liege_matratze.html <- these
[12:27:13] <fenn> oh nm i am wrong, not kane bellows
[12:28:58] <CaptHindsight> the wiki sections on latency are old and from a time where it was an issue with the hardware and kernels of the day, does anyone care to help update it?
[12:29:18] <PetefromTn_> Woohoo New Tig stuff just arrived!!
[12:29:56] <ssi> https://www.edx.org/course/underactuated-robotics-mitx-6-832x#!
[12:31:57] <PetefromTn_> http://i.imgur.com/rDtpD0i.jpg
[12:32:12] <ssi> tig finger?
[12:32:14] <PetefromTn_> stil waiting on the Tee fitting to get here so I can hook this all up
[12:32:21] <PetefromTn_> yeah I got two of them
[12:32:26] <ssi> I've never used one
[12:32:31] <ssi> I just have asbestos-hands
[12:32:36] <PetefromTn_> hoping they work half as good as they say
[12:33:01] <PetefromTn_> I don't....shit gets hot pretty quick
[12:33:29] <ssi> I've been handling hot shit so long I hardly notice anymore :P
[12:34:04] <PetefromTn_> what do you think I have been doing LOL... this tubing gets real hot and if I am gonna be doing a lot of it that will slow things down considerably
[12:34:26] <PetefromTn_> and I wear some rather thick welding gauntlets
[12:34:50] <ssi> I have short fingers and gloves always run long for me, and I have a hard time working in them
[12:34:55] <PetefromTn_> It's mostly my pinky finger that gets it because I often brace against the work with it
[12:34:58] <ssi> I ought to sit down and sew the fingers shorter
[12:35:35] <PetefromTn_> the fingers on my Tig glove torch hand are all burnt up LOL
[12:35:52] <PetefromTn_> I am hoping I can put this stuff on there and be able to brace longer and be more comfortable
[12:36:16] <PetefromTn_> I don't use a water cooled torch so maybe you do and it helps I dunno...
[12:36:37] <ssi> I do
[12:36:38] <Loetmichel> ssi: i used to grab clean welds with my thumb...
[12:36:43] <ssi> I think water cooled torches are mandatory
[12:37:07] <Loetmichel> unti i got hooked on a bit of MAG wire sticking out of the freshly made weld...
[12:37:18] <Loetmichel> ... was a nasty burn
[12:37:22] <ssi> lol I bet
[12:37:25] <PetefromTn_> naah
[12:37:31] <ssi> I did a really dumb thing a million years ago
[12:37:37] <ssi> I was screwing with an HF ham radio
[12:37:40] <PetefromTn_> I have been welding stuff with this thing for years
[12:37:43] <ssi> and I wanted to key it into a dummy load
[12:37:46] <PetefromTn_> the problem is really not the torch
[12:38:00] <ssi> and my idiot brain decided a pair of 100 ohm 1/4W resistors twisted together would make an ok 50 ohm dummy load
[12:38:05] <PetefromTn_> the parts themselves just get damn hot after awhile especially aluminum
[12:38:17] <ssi> which I held between thumb and forefinger in the antenna jack, and keyed up 100W of power through it
[12:38:20] <Loetmichel> ssi:it would
[12:38:25] <Loetmichel> for 0,5W ;)
[12:38:33] <ssi> I had a 1/8" deep resistor-shaped crater in my thumb and forefinger for a loooong time :D
[12:38:51] <Loetmichel> i can imagine
[12:40:12] <Loetmichel> dumbest thing i did once was to throw a brick into the camp fire. to grab it our with bare hands 15 min later as a "foot warmer" in the sleepong bag while camping... didnt knw that there was a brick in the fire all day long... grabbed the wrong one...
[12:40:29] <Loetmichel> the bandage was on that hand for 2 weeks ;)
[12:40:43] <ssi> ow haha
[12:41:06] <ssi> but yea I've experienced that crazy ass feeling you get when you finish welding some 3/16" aluminum and go to try to pick it up
[12:41:12] <ssi> and it feels slippery like a bar of soap
[12:41:18] <ssi> because your skin is sloughing off
[12:41:26] <ssi> and then it starts to tighten
[12:41:34] <ssi> and there's no pain yet, but then you realize you've done something horribly horribly wrong
[12:41:36] <Loetmichel> "why is it smelling like fried bacon all of a sudden?" ... " OH SHI*!!!!111"
[12:42:04] <Loetmichel> yeah, exactly that feeling
[12:43:27] <Loetmichel> and you can actually hear your brain gears grinding "what did go wrong here?!?..."
[12:43:33] <ssi> hahah yeah
[12:43:37] <Loetmichel> in slomo
[12:43:46] <PetefromTn_> Oh I know that feeling too....unfortunately
[12:45:51] <Loetmichel> we have a german saying: " there you can hear the dime drop cent by cent"
[12:46:16] <ssi> auf deutsche, bitte?
[12:46:21] <Loetmichel> (actually "groschen" which was 10 pfennig)
[12:46:22] <PetefromTn_> I think I have burned myself more times from a piece that I had grinded some on that welding... but I DID just poke my arm with a hot tig filler wire the other day...
[12:46:34] <Loetmichel> "da kannst du den groschen pfennigweise fallen hören"
[12:46:37] <ssi> :D
[12:46:56] <ssi> parses reasonably well :D
[12:48:35] <Loetmichel> meaning that someone parses a situation _quite_ slow
[12:49:39] <Loetmichel> is that a thing in english also ? "drop the dime" for someone parsing somthing?
[12:50:33] <ssi> "you could hear a pin drop" is an english phrase with similar context
[12:50:40] <ssi> but not exactly the same
[12:51:00] <ssi> "drop a dime" in english is euphemistic for calling in an anonymous tip to the police on somebody
[12:51:09] <Deejay> oh, ssi versteht deutsch?
[12:51:19] <Loetmichel> "hear a pin drop" works in german also. but for "it is very quiet here"
[12:51:21] <ssi> very little sadly :(
[12:51:32] <Deejay> ah k :)
[12:51:33] <ssi> I studied in high school and I retain only bits and pieces
[12:51:43] <ssi> but I like the language a lot
[12:52:00] <Deejay> hopefully not only the bad words ;)
[12:52:07] <Loetmichel> "da kannst du eine Stecknadel fallen hören" -> VERY quiet location
[12:52:26] <ssi> yeah that's closer to the english usage
[12:52:48] <ssi> Deejay: no, mostly not the bad words :)
[12:52:59] <ssi> mostly silly words like Bleistiftspitzer
[12:53:06] <Deejay> hrhr
[12:53:11] <Deejay> nice
[12:53:12] <Loetmichel> i think the "den groschen fallen hören" comes from the old vending machines with the fully mechanic change accepting meachanism
[12:54:10] <Loetmichel> where you can hear the the coin fall thru the mechanics slowly to be accepted or rejected
[12:55:49] <PetefromTn_> Damn I hate styrofoam peanuts...
[12:55:57] <ssi> ugh yes they make a huge mess
[12:56:33] <PetefromTn_> just got this new shiny artifact in the mail and I am like a kid at Christmas ripping stuff open LOL
[12:56:36] <ssi> lol
[12:56:41] <PetefromTn_> Damn Peanuts go everywhere....
[12:57:10] <Deejay> hihi
[12:57:30] <PetefromTn_> and they magically magnetically whatever refuse to go anywhere near my dust broom
[12:57:48] <PetefromTn_> It's a conspiracy I swear ;)
[13:00:49] <PetefromTn_> https://knoxville.craigslist.org/tls/5169110287.html I think this guy is smoking the wacky weed or something...
[13:01:14] <ssi> lol
[13:01:32] <PetefromTn_> I don't believe that thing was $500.00 when it was brand new heh
[13:01:38] <ssi> I'm pretty sure it's not
[13:01:40] <_methods> harbor fright
[13:01:41] <_methods> lol
[13:01:52] <_methods> ooh a helmet too
[13:02:01] <ssi> $199
[13:02:13] <PetefromTn_> yeah I think that is probably all it is worth....
[13:02:19] <ssi> that's what it was NEW
[13:02:20] <_methods> did he put lincoln stickers on a harbor fright weld hood
[13:02:25] <PetefromTn_> whats funny is INITIALLY he was asking $65.00 for it...
[13:02:39] <PetefromTn_> now he is up to $500.00
[13:03:07] <PetefromTn_> not even sure a real miller mig in that condition would be worth $500.00
[13:03:31] <ssi> nope
[13:04:19] <Loetmichel> hmmm
[13:04:38] <Loetmichel> still in search of a cheap combination of mig/mag/tig/MMA inverter
[13:04:51] <Loetmichel> didnt found anything in germany
[13:05:13] <Loetmichel> (mma= stick)
[13:11:17] <James628> Hi, After downgrading from 2.7 to 2.6.9 I have this erros with a Mesa 7i43 config: " Watchdog has bit! (set the .has-bit pin to False to resume)" lcnc starts, but no movement on axes.
[13:13:23] <cradek> I think in 2.6 you have to explicitly pet the watchdog, but in 2.7 it happens automatically in the write function
[13:14:02] <cradek> so you probably just need to add watchdog petting to your servo thread
[13:16:09] <James628> thanks cradek, I'll check it out!!
[13:18:56] <cradek> I found this difference in man hostmot2
[13:19:02] <cradek> the hm2 docs are really good
[13:51:13] <zeeshan|2> hey pete
[13:51:20] <zeeshan|2> what are those things in the plastic bag
[13:51:24] <zeeshan|2> to attach a rubber hose?
[13:51:29] <zeeshan|2> aw damn he left
[13:58:13] <Jymmm> How much of a groove is "acceptable" on rear rotor?
[14:01:42] <zeeshan|2> Jymmm: almost all the manuals ive looked at
[14:01:45] <zeeshan|2> specify the overall thickness
[14:01:47] <zeeshan|2> not groove depth
[14:02:09] <zeeshan|2> and itll change by car cause like you know, rotors come in different sizes :P
[14:02:28] <zeeshan|2> but to give you a feel for the numbers
[14:02:42] <zeeshan|2> on a 2 door coupe, youre only allowed 20 thou of wear
[14:02:45] <zeeshan|2> on the rotor
[14:02:57] <zeeshan|2> but a thicker rotor on the same car is 40 thou
[14:03:06] <zeeshan|2> (the upgrade brakes option)
[14:03:49] <Jymmm> Well, I'm basically asking IF I need to have them turned or not
[14:04:28] <zeeshan|2> usually if you can see the groove
[14:04:30] <zeeshan|2> its game over already
[14:04:34] <Rab> Jymmm, my bro-in-law drove a Volvo 240 until the rear piston literally wore through the rotor and left just a loose hoop of metal. That seems unsafe to me, so I would stop short somewhere.
[14:04:55] <Rab> Basically when the pad is gone.
[14:04:58] <ssi> a groove in the rotor isn't the same as wearing the pads through :P
[14:05:29] <zeeshan|2> i always wanted one of those on the car brake lathes
[14:05:31] <zeeshan|2> they are pretty cool
[14:05:35] <Jymmm> plenty of pad, just a grove in the rotor
[14:05:43] <ssi> groove won't hurt anything
[14:05:44] <zeeshan|2> oh
[14:05:46] <zeeshan|2> a single grOOVE?
[14:05:47] <zeeshan|2> lol
[14:05:52] <Jymmm> yeah
[14:06:01] <Rab> Jymmm, what type of vehicle and how does the pad look?
[14:06:02] <zeeshan|2> http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y12/slurppie/DSCF0035.jpg
[14:06:03] <zeeshan|2> like that?
[14:06:29] <Jymmm> zeeshan|2: OH hell no, no where near that thick
[14:06:36] <zeeshan|2> you worry too much
[14:06:37] <zeeshan|2> lol
[14:06:46] <Rab> Plenty of good meat left in that pic.
[14:06:47] <Jymmm> 2001 Ford Expedition 2WD Rear
[14:07:02] <zeeshan|2> stop buying cheap rotors!!
[14:07:06] <ssi> lol
[14:07:21] <ssi> ford truck brake rotors are cheaper than the scrap value of the iron
[14:07:23] <Jymmm> zeeshan|2: They are original from factory biotch
[14:07:29] <zeeshan|2> stop buying cheap rotors!!
[14:07:29] <zeeshan|2> stop buying cheap rotors!!
[14:07:42] <zeeshan|2> :-)
[14:07:54] <Jymmm> ssi: Not at $69.98
[14:07:55] <zeeshan|2> i run brembo blanks
[14:07:56] <zeeshan|2> they are awesome
[14:08:05] <Rab> Jymmm, I would drive until pad reaches the wear limit. Then replace rear pads and rotors, both sides.
[14:08:06] <Jymmm> zeeshan|2: Great, send me some
[14:08:12] <zeeshan|2> buy some!
[14:08:26] <zeeshan|2> speaking of car stuff
[14:08:26] <Jymmm> zeeshan|2: Insert YOUR cc here [ ]
[14:08:31] <zeeshan|2> i just changed my neighbours strut assmebly
[14:08:34] <zeeshan|2> he came to me last night
[14:08:34] <ssi> I've paid $12 for ford truck rotors
[14:08:41] <zeeshan|2> saying theres major clunking coming on his wifes car
[14:08:50] <zeeshan|2> im like its likely a broken spring or ball joint
[14:08:56] <zeeshan|2> hes like it cant be a spring cause he looked
[14:08:59] <Jymmm> Rab: The claiper went bad, started smoking everything
[14:08:59] <zeeshan|2> so i look myself
[14:09:03] <zeeshan|2> the spring is shattered in 3 pieces
[14:09:04] <zeeshan|2> haha
[14:09:09] <ssi> CLAIPER
[14:09:14] <Jymmm> ssi: from where?
[14:09:17] <ssi> autozone
[14:09:26] <ssi> depends on the truck tho :P
[14:09:27] <Jymmm> ssi: thats where i just bought these from
[14:09:36] <zeeshan|2> i thought they were original ford
[14:09:37] <zeeshan|2> lol
[14:09:37] <zeeshan|2> liar
[14:09:45] <ssi> lol
[14:09:53] <zeeshan|2> if you run that cheap shit
[14:09:55] <zeeshan|2> it warps so easily
[14:09:58] <Jymmm> zeeshan|2: Dude, I bought EVERYTHING to replace, and will return what I don't use.
[14:10:18] <Jymmm> and if I don't HAVE to replace the rotor, I won't
[14:10:42] <zeeshan|2> why wouldnt you change pads
[14:10:44] <zeeshan|2> er
[14:10:46] <zeeshan|2> rotors when youre doing pads?
[14:10:49] <Rab> Jymmm, in all seriousness, if the caliper seized, it's possible that the rotor overheated and warped. Better to refresh everything IMO.
[14:10:52] <zeeshan|2> youre just gonna prematurely wear the pads
[14:11:01] <zeeshan|2> he'd see warping
[14:11:02] <zeeshan|2> its obvious
[14:11:03] <Rab> Rear brakes last forever anyway.
[14:11:17] <zeeshan|2> http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v225/bennyfizzle/rotorpwnage.jpg
[14:11:22] <zeeshan|2> its really obvious when you overheat a rotor
[14:11:29] <zeeshan|2> and sometimes you get microcracks
[14:11:46] <Jymmm> zeeshan|2: damn dude, wth did you do to that car?!
[14:11:55] <zeeshan|2> guaranteed seized caliper
[14:12:09] <zeeshan|2> or someone racing to ohard
[14:12:12] <zeeshan|2> *too hard
[14:12:29] <Jymmm> Rab: It smoked/burned a lot, but there is still some rubber left so I don't think it got hot enough to warp the disc
[14:12:35] <ssi> "racing to o-hard" also applies
[14:12:42] <Rab> zeeshan|2, I've seen several cases of warped rotors on non-performance passenger cars which weren't obvious. Those were usually due to overtightened lugs etc rather than stuck piston though.
[14:12:42] <ssi> as in racing the temper right out of the steel :D
[14:13:01] <zeeshan|2> rab
[14:13:05] <zeeshan|2> if your rotor is even out by 2 thou
[14:13:11] <zeeshan|2> you'll feel massive shuddering when you brake
[14:13:13] <zeeshan|2> i think its obvious
[14:13:20] <zeeshan|2> but then again my neighbour was driving with a broken spring
[14:13:21] <Jymmm> Rab: IT had been leaking for a long time, but only froze up for 7 miles
[14:13:22] <zeeshan|2> thinking it was ok
[14:13:30] <Rab> zeeshan|2, sure, I assumed you meant visibly obvious.
[14:13:40] <zeeshan|2> you assume a lot!
[14:13:41] <zeeshan|2> :-)
[14:13:43] * zeeshan|2 slaps
[14:14:02] <Rab> They looked fine, but there was braking shudder.
[14:14:35] <zeeshan|2> you can measure runout you know
[14:14:36] <zeeshan|2> :)
[14:15:01] <zeeshan|2> ssi: i always wanted those sexy carbon discs
[14:15:05] <zeeshan|2> but man theyre like 3000$
[14:15:07] <zeeshan|2> for a set
[14:15:08] <Jymmm> So, replace? resurface? leave as-is? I thnk the groove is apx 0.015"
[14:15:10] <ssi> make some
[14:15:13] <zeeshan|2> lol
[14:15:16] <SpeedEvil> zeeshan|2: make your own
[14:15:24] <SpeedEvil> zeeshan|2: carbon fibre + pitch + oven
[14:15:25] <zeeshan|2> yea i dont think im gonna play wit hfire
[14:15:33] <zeeshan|2> i rather have a dot approved rotor
[14:15:36] <Rab> Jymmm, are you set up to measure runout?
[14:15:39] <ssi> lol
[14:15:43] <zeeshan|2> i had this old 240sx
[14:15:45] <zeeshan|2> the brake line burst
[14:15:48] <Jymmm> Rab: nope
[14:15:52] <zeeshan|2> it really sucks when you lose brakes at 60 mph
[14:15:58] <zeeshan|2> i dunno how i didnt die that day
[14:16:11] <ssi> I've lost brakes at 100mph and it wasn't too big a deal
[14:16:17] <Rab> Jymmm, you can take the rotor to local auto machine shop. Some Vato Zone type stores will do turning too. They can tell you if the rotor's salvageable.
[14:16:19] <ssi> just increased my rollout :D
[14:16:30] <zeeshan|2> losing brakes in an airplane doesnt count
[14:16:38] <zeeshan|2> jk
[14:16:38] <zeeshan|2> :D
[14:16:38] <ssi> lololol
[14:16:40] <cradek> I lost brakes at 40mph (pointed at a red light) and that was bad enough
[14:16:48] <zeeshan|2> cradek: its scary crap man
[14:16:51] <Rab> zeeshan|2, 240sx has one brake line?
[14:16:53] <ssi> speaking of which, I went through a bunch of crap on the RV last week
[14:16:54] <zeeshan|2> i actually went through a red
[14:16:58] <Jymmm> Rab: Hell the pad look great, other that all the charring =)
[14:17:03] <zeeshan|2> Rab: yes to the rear
[14:17:04] <cradek> I knew my master cylinder was getting bad, but until then I had been able to pump and get some stopping...
[14:17:05] <zeeshan|2> and then it splits
[14:17:13] <ssi> rebuilt the master cylinders which were leaking in the floor, replaced teh shitty tygon lines with good aeroquip shit, new tires, tubes, and brake pads
[14:17:17] <zeeshan|2> the master did it's job
[14:17:18] <ssi> and I have a caliper leaking now
[14:17:21] <zeeshan|2> i had one pump of brake power
[14:17:23] <ssi> need to pull it, clean it up and re-ring it
[14:17:27] <zeeshan|2> which slowed me down to about 20
[14:17:31] <cradek> so I honked all the way through, haha
[14:17:37] <zeeshan|2> and then i steered into a curb
[14:17:40] <zeeshan|2> so i didnt run over a person in front of me
[14:17:41] <cradek> then drove very slowly to a shop
[14:17:49] <zeeshan|2> went over a curve thrugh the initersection
[14:17:53] <zeeshan|2> and rolled my way to a stop :D
[14:17:59] <zeeshan|2> (btw ebrake didnt work)
[14:18:06] <zeeshan|2> cradek nice
[14:18:06] <zeeshan|2> haha
[14:18:08] <Rab> I had a school bus with hydraulic brakes which lost braking a few times...really bad situation. One of my friends banged up a car with it.
[14:18:15] <cradek> I'm much smarter (and richer) now
[14:18:23] <ssi> zeeshan|2: stop driving crappy cars!
[14:18:23] <ssi> zeeshan|2: stop driving crappy cars!
[14:18:24] <ssi> zeeshan|2: stop driving crappy cars!
[14:18:24] <zeeshan|2> yea f messing with brakes
[14:18:25] <ssi> lololol
[14:18:27] <zeeshan|2> dude i was 17
[14:18:28] <zeeshan|2> haha
[14:18:34] <zeeshan|2> it was all i could afford :)
[14:18:47] <zeeshan|2> the eclipse was being a garage queen
[14:18:53] <cradek> mine was a 49 ford I traded an old IBM XT for (really)
[14:18:59] <zeeshan|2> LOL
[14:19:09] <zeeshan|2> i traded the 240sx for a subwoofer
[14:19:15] <cradek> haha
[14:19:46] <zeeshan|2> ever since that experience i run cupro nickel brake lines
[14:20:01] <zeeshan|2> i wish all manufacturers did this
[14:20:01] <cradek> ever since then, I stick with 1950 or newer cars
[14:20:04] <zeeshan|2> volvo uses
[14:20:51] <cradek> http://www.barrett-jackson.com/staging/carlist/items/Fullsize/Cars/132971/132971_Front_3-4_Web.JPG
[14:21:02] <cradek> like this except rusty
[14:21:16] <renesis> i was just in that shop
[14:21:29] <renesis> my friend is a project manager there, heh
[14:21:35] <cradek> weird, wonder what he did with the fuel filler
[14:22:00] <zeeshan|2> cradek what do you drive now
[14:22:18] <cradek> a 2003 vw
[14:22:27] <cradek> brand new, haha
[14:22:38] <zeeshan|2> they are pretty good cars
[14:23:30] <cradek> yeah it's really a great car
[14:23:51] <ssi> I've been happy with VWs-
[14:24:00] <ssi> I've bought three new VWs in the last 10 years
[14:24:33] <zeeshan|2> im glad i was born after carbs
[14:25:31] <renesis> i think only my crx had carbs
[14:26:14] <cradek> inside view: http://www.touchoftechnology.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/IMG_0024.jpg
[14:26:18] <renesis> even the z had efi
[14:26:37] <zeeshan|2> holy shifter
[14:26:56] <cradek> imagine that brake pedal going all the way to the floor instead of doing something
[14:26:59] <renesis> shifter kinda normal, haha @ pedal travel
[14:27:05] <cradek> yeah, all two feet of travel, haha
[14:27:06] <renesis> cradek: =O
[14:27:07] <zeeshan|2> hey at least youre in a truck
[14:27:10] <zeeshan|2> so you can take most people out
[14:27:11] <zeeshan|2> :)
[14:27:37] <renesis> thing on the left is parking brake?
[14:27:42] <cradek> yeah
[14:27:45] <cradek> didn't work of course
[14:28:41] <cradek> haha the speedo goes to 100
[14:28:44] <renesis> interior looks nice, just needs a new set of pads for the pedals
[14:28:52] <renesis> the truck goes to 45?
[14:28:53] <cradek> the truck goes about 50
[14:28:59] <renesis> nice
[14:29:23] <cradek> no synchros at all, on any gear
[14:29:31] <renesis> crunch
[14:29:43] <ssi> zeeshan|2: here you go: https://scontent-atl1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/11885168_10206562076204351_5411455723523379381_n.jpg?oh=b5653bc9907b2e895609866b6f1f2b18&oe=563782B0
[14:29:43] <zeeshan|2> how do you get it in first gear?
[14:29:50] <zeeshan|2> hjaha
[14:29:51] <cradek> you don't use first gear :-)
[14:31:07] <cradek> getting back down into 3rd while turning a corner was the tricky one
[14:31:18] <ssi> heel toe
[14:31:43] <renesis> and i guess you would unclutch a bit while in N to get input shaft going tiny bit and then kind of lean into it
[14:31:53] <renesis> i have to heal toe on my toyotaCar
[14:32:12] <ssi> my old truck was that way too
[14:32:15] <cradek> yep idle speed and corner-turning speed in 3rd gear were pretty similar
[14:32:16] <ssi> it was like driving a cement truck
[14:32:20] <renesis> i dunno if previous owner destroyed synchros somehow, or its just a big stupid heavy truck transmission
[14:32:25] <ssi> 1989 f150 4x4 4 speed
[14:33:17] <cradek> heh, I bet a 1989 had synchros. my 52 had them (not R & 1st of course)
[14:33:30] <zeeshan|2> damn subaru
[14:33:35] <zeeshan|2> still doesnt have syncro for R
[14:33:38] <zeeshan|2> 2010!!
[14:33:42] <cradek> does anything??
[14:33:48] <zeeshan|2> the rx7 does!
[14:33:54] <zeeshan|2> the t56 from the vette is in there
[14:34:01] <zeeshan|2> it has syncros on even reverse
[14:34:08] <zeeshan|2> syncro
[14:34:08] <cradek> huh maybe I wouldn't notice one - I don't expect it to be there
[14:34:18] <cradek> now I'll have to try on my vw
[14:34:25] <zeeshan|2> well just roll your car a bit
[14:34:28] <zeeshan|2> and try to put in reverse
[14:34:34] <zeeshan|2> mine crunches right away
[14:34:35] <cradek> I know how :-)
[14:34:40] <zeeshan|2> annoying
[14:34:50] <ssi> cradek: it had synchros but they were wo' slap out
[14:35:04] <zeeshan|2> cradek you woulda noticed
[14:35:05] <zeeshan|2> by now!
[14:35:08] <zeeshan|2> is what im trying to get at
[14:35:13] <ssi> pretty sure all my VWs have had synchros on R
[14:35:19] <cradek> huh
[14:36:19] <zeeshan|2> i think tremec makes some sweet transmissions
[14:36:24] <zeeshan|2> their double syncro design
[14:36:25] <zeeshan|2> sex
[14:36:47] <zeeshan|2> http://www.malwoodauto.com.au/images/tremec/Sync_assy.jpg
[14:42:18] <zeeshan|2> a sourcing output is something that sources its current
[14:42:22] <zeeshan|2> from an external supply right?
[14:42:34] <zeeshan|2> while a sinking output is something that provides the external load with current
[14:42:42] <zeeshan|2> i need a way to remember this
[14:44:58] * Tom_itx beats it into zeeshan|2's head
[14:45:28] <zeeshan|2> :)
[14:45:42] <zeeshan|2> actually now that i think about it, i have it backwards
[14:45:48] <zeeshan|2> a sourcing output is one that can provide current
[14:45:53] <zeeshan|2> while a sinking can't
[14:45:59] <zeeshan|2> you need to connect an external supply to a sinking output
[14:46:00] <Tom_itx> http://www.dataq.com/blog/faqs/whats-all-this-sink-and-source-current-stuff/
[14:46:22] <zeeshan|2> yep
[14:46:24] <zeeshan|2> thank you
[14:46:28] <zeeshan|2> the power supply is internal for the sourcing
[14:46:38] <zeeshan|2> so i just need to think of it like this
[14:46:46] <zeeshan|2> sourcing outputs -> they are the source!
[14:46:50] <zeeshan|2> so they provide current
[14:47:22] <zeeshan|2> soemtimes i see people interchange sourcing with pull up / pull down
[14:47:54] <zeeshan|2> sourcing is analogous to pull down id think
[14:48:04] <zeeshan|2> dam you electronics.
[14:48:32] <Tom_itx> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Current_sources_and_sinks
[14:48:47] <Tom_itx> A source is:
[14:48:47] <Tom_itx> A flow of positive charges from the "invisible" to the "visible" compartment (i.e. toward the eye), or...
[14:48:47] <Tom_itx> A flow of negative charges from the "visible" to the "invisible" (away from the eye).
[14:48:47] <Tom_itx> A sink is:
[14:48:47] <Tom_itx> A flow of positive charges "away from the eye", or...
[14:48:47] <Tom_itx> A flow of negative charges "toward the eye".
[14:49:02] <zeeshan|2> to me that doesnt make sense
[14:49:16] <zeeshan|2> but that is just me
[14:49:25] <Tom_itx> bad example wiki..
[14:49:42] <zeeshan|2> at least the nice thing is
[14:49:47] <zeeshan|2> if you reverse your connections on this
[14:49:49] <zeeshan|2> its hard to blow things up
[14:49:53] <zeeshan|2> cause of the internal resistors
[14:49:59] <Tom_itx> http://www.profaceamerica.com/sites/default/files/cms/cms/resource_library/app_notes/d04d3f022ec61680/apnt109.pdf
[14:49:59] <zeeshan|2> it just doesnt work the way you expect it to
[14:50:41] <PetefromTn_> http://i.imgur.com/e1VNDbZ.jpg
[14:51:18] <Tom_itx> i see where you gripped it in the vise
[14:51:47] <Tom_itx> pretty sexy
[14:51:47] <zeeshan|2> PetefromTn_:
[14:51:48] <zeeshan|2> sexy
[14:51:56] <zeeshan|2> ribbed for pleasure
[14:52:06] <PetefromTn_> http://i.imgur.com/SyPdsy3.jpg
[14:52:15] <zeeshan|2> home anodized? :)
[14:52:45] <PetefromTn_> http://i.imgur.com/yYvEccC.jpg
[14:52:47] <Tom_itx> i bet not
[14:52:47] <PetefromTn_> yeah
[14:52:53] <PetefromTn_> just finished it
[14:53:03] <ssi> looks good
[14:53:16] <Tom_itx> you must be gettin better at it cause that looks ok
[14:53:26] <PetefromTn_> it's decent
[14:53:27] <zeeshan|2> just ok??
[14:53:29] <zeeshan|2> that looks fantastic
[14:53:46] <Tom_itx> i'm a harsh critic
[14:53:55] <PetefromTn_> there is a very slight spot on the right side I need to do something about not sure what
[14:54:07] <PetefromTn_> but overall it is very even and black as night
[14:54:15] <PetefromTn_> not bad for a hack I guess LOL
[14:54:20] <ssi> still rit dye?
[14:54:24] <ssi> or capn's stuf
[14:54:29] <PetefromTn_> rit dys
[14:54:31] <PetefromTn_> dye
[14:54:33] <ssi> cool
[14:54:45] <PetefromTn_> have not figured out how to use Capn's stuff without problems yet
[14:54:54] <PetefromTn_> I am sure it is something I am doing wrong
[14:54:58] <PetefromTn_> just don't know what
[14:56:11] <zeeshan|2> or hes sent you troll dye
[14:56:25] <PetefromTn_> ya never know ;)
[14:58:35] <PetefromTn_> it's funny I kinda screwed up on this one and accidentally dropped the rail holding this part into the acid bath...I thought FRACKKKK I probably contaminated or screwed it up somehow now...
[15:01:52] <rob_h> you realy cant beat using anodizing dyes tho for anodizing it makes life so much more easy... and pays off in the long run.. i know they cost abit
[15:04:08] <PetefromTn_> I paid for the nice anodizing dyes man... just can't seem to make them work right
[15:04:17] <rob_h> depends on make tho
[15:04:24] <SpeedEvil> Alloy matters
[15:04:52] <PetefromTn_> I got the best stuff from Capn on here...he does this stuff for a living.
[15:04:57] <andypugh> Has anyone switched a motor from star to delta where the terminals are in a circle?
[15:04:58] <PetefromTn_> alloy is 6061
[15:05:03] <rob_h> i had some and they just did not work any good. then i swiched make to clariant dyes and magic works right away every time and very stable
[15:05:25] <andypugh> I just can’t seem to find a way to do it without making new jumper bars.
[15:05:42] <rob_h> prob made with one type in mind i guess
[15:06:04] <Tom_itx> andypugh, never messed with 3phase much
[15:07:11] <zeeshan|2> what is star
[15:07:13] <zeeshan|2> you mean Y?
[15:07:14] <zeeshan|2> :D
[15:07:21] <Tom_itx> no, wye
[15:07:23] <CaptHindsight> rob_h: he's using solvent dye for his anodize vs water based dyes
[15:07:24] <andypugh> With the rectangular arrangment you just move the bars about.
[15:07:33] <zeeshan|2> andypugh: yea thats how 3 phase motors are
[15:07:42] <zeeshan|2> with delta you need 3 bus bars
[15:07:48] <zeeshan|2> with star you just need 2
[15:07:54] <Tom_itx> http://www.mandc.co.za/pdfs/Star_Delta_Starting_and_Dual_Voltage_Motors_Explained.pdf
[15:07:55] <andypugh> Let me get a photo.
[15:08:02] <zeeshan|2> its got 6 terminals right?
[15:08:07] <CaptHindsight> PetefromTn_: have you tied the other colors?
[15:08:54] <CaptHindsight> tied/tried
[15:08:56] <PetefromTn_> CaptHindsight I have not really been able to get an even coloration with your dies yet. This part was done with rit dye in water solution. I am sure I am not doing something right with yours but I have not been able to figure out what really
[15:09:17] <zeeshan|2> CaptHindsight: are you sure you didnt send him photopolymer
[15:09:24] <zeeshan|2> and send me anodizing liquid?1
[15:09:29] <zeeshan|2> =]
[15:09:32] <CaptHindsight> PetefromTn_: no matter what color or only with the Black?
[15:09:41] <furrywolf> where would one buy largeish (1") crow's foot wrenches?
[15:09:48] <furrywolf> other than the snapon truck. heh.
[15:09:57] <PetefromTn_> have not tried the other colors don't really have enough of them to immerse my parts fully..
[15:09:58] <zeeshan|2> furrywolf: my local equivalent of harbor freight has
[15:10:09] <furrywolf> I could try sears I guess...
[15:10:10] <zeeshan|2> but it came in a set
[15:10:23] <furrywolf> no crappy tire here. :P
[15:10:37] <zeeshan|2> nahh
[15:10:38] <zeeshan|2> princess auto
[15:10:44] <CaptHindsight> zeeshan|2: pretty sure it tasted like solvent dye vs photopolymers according to the outgoing QC dept. :)
[15:10:47] <zeeshan|2> canadian tire is a notch above harbor freight
[15:10:55] <furrywolf> lol
[15:10:57] <zeeshan|2> CaptHindsight: hahaha
[15:11:25] <zeeshan|2> furrywolf: really need a crow foot?
[15:11:29] <zeeshan|2> cant use a shorty?
[15:11:30] <furrywolf> yes
[15:11:47] <zeeshan|2> make one out of a spare wrench
[15:11:48] <zeeshan|2> :D
[15:11:52] <furrywolf> as long as the shorty is less than an inch long, sure.
[15:12:04] <zeeshan|2> yea thats not gonna happen
[15:12:25] <furrywolf> making one is plan B... just get out the oxytorch and bend it.
[15:12:33] <CaptHindsight> PetefromTn_: try airbrushing the colors on
[15:12:49] <zeeshan|2> furrywolf: i think autozone will have it
[15:12:54] <CaptHindsight> cleanup with denatured alcohol
[15:16:11] <furrywolf> I can't find ANY crow's foot wrenches on autozone's site, either searching or browsing.
[15:16:20] <andypugh> https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/23z5QHH6s6L_Uv5YLsQKcNMTjNZETYmyPJy0liipFm0?feat=directlink
[15:16:20] <zeeshan|2> call!
[15:16:31] <zeeshan|2> andypugh: holy cow mate
[15:16:36] <zeeshan|2> that is COOL
[15:16:40] <PetefromTn_> I might try that. I bought the dye because I was hoping to be able to just immerse the parts but it sort of cakes on in places causing issues.
[15:17:19] <andypugh> I just want to make sure that I am not missing anything obvious before I make 3 new (short) links
[15:17:31] <andypugh> zeeshan|2: ?
[15:17:42] <zeeshan|2> ive never seen that before!
[15:17:46] <zeeshan|2> its usually arranged in a grid
[15:18:15] <zeeshan|2> does it say a1 a2 a3
[15:18:17] <zeeshan|2> c1 c2 c3?
[15:18:21] <andypugh> Yes, the grid works a lot better, you can use the same links for both schemes
[15:18:39] <andypugh> A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2
[15:19:13] <zeeshan|2> im almost curious
[15:19:19] <zeeshan|2> if this is where the star delta came from
[15:19:27] <zeeshan|2> cause it literally looks like it
[15:19:52] <zeeshan|2> only thing that makes sense to me is
[15:19:58] <zeeshan|2> a1 a2 is one coil and so on
[15:20:09] <zeeshan|2> so f or you to go to Y
[15:20:18] <andypugh> Exactly that.
[15:20:46] <zeeshan|2> youll basically connect A1 to l1. b1 to l2 , c1 to l3
[15:20:47] <cradek> I know nothing about 3phase, but can't you move the wires instead of the jumpers? nothing looks captive to me
[15:20:54] <andypugh> So, in delta, I need to connect to A1+B1, A2+C1 and B2+C2 (or similar)
[15:21:02] <zeeshan|2> are you going delta
[15:21:02] <zeeshan|2> or Y
[15:21:04] <zeeshan|2> sorry
[15:21:07] <cradek> the marking on the black plastic would be wrong then
[15:21:21] <zeeshan|2> ah you said delta
[15:21:53] <zeeshan|2> andypugh: i dont see anything wrong with your logic
[15:21:58] <andypugh> I think I need three little links, A2-C1, C2-B1, B2-A1
[15:22:01] <zeeshan|2> and where those coils are connected
[15:22:06] <zeeshan|2> you'd hook up l1 l2 l3
[15:22:50] <andypugh> I am 100% positive that three little links will do the job, but normally all that you need is inside the terminal box.
[15:22:50] <zeeshan|2> i agree with cradek
[15:22:52] <zeeshan|2> i'd just mnove the wires
[15:22:55] <zeeshan|2> rather than make new links
[15:23:09] <zeeshan|2> if you have enough slack
[15:23:50] <DaViruz> wow, never seen a motor connection box like that :)
[15:24:06] <andypugh> I’d rather not move the wires, I have a feelig that it’s not the done thing :-)
[15:24:16] <zeeshan|2> its not
[15:24:18] <cradek> heh
[15:24:20] <zeeshan|2> since its labeled on the plastic
[15:24:23] <andypugh> DaViruz: I can’t find one on Google either
[15:24:24] <zeeshan|2> but hey it works :P
[15:24:34] <DaViruz> that should be star? for delta you'd need three links, so moving wires won't do much
[15:25:03] <zeeshan|2> why
[15:25:14] <DaViruz> because there are only two links there
[15:25:25] <zeeshan|2> you could have a1 b2 on one stud, b1 c2 on another stud and c1 and a2 on another stud
[15:25:26] <Tom_itx> you need one more link
[15:25:33] <zeeshan|2> and just run the l1 l2 l3
[15:25:34] <zeeshan|2> to each studf
[15:25:38] <DaViruz> zeeshan|2: oh, yeah, that'd work
[15:25:39] <Tom_itx> just make another jumper
[15:25:40] <zeeshan|2> you dont need links
[15:25:54] <DaViruz> Tom_itx: there too long as well for that
[15:26:04] <zeeshan|2> man that is cool as hell
[15:26:07] <zeeshan|2> it literally is a Y
[15:26:08] <zeeshan|2> hahaha
[15:26:10] <zeeshan|2> so cool
[15:26:32] <Tom_itx> i mean make some wire jumpers of your own
[15:26:46] <zeeshan|2> im so paranoid about this stuff
[15:26:49] <zeeshan|2> about making my own links
[15:26:55] <zeeshan|2> cause like all this shit is approved
[15:27:07] <zeeshan|2> thinks dinky parts have gone through some serious testing
[15:27:09] <andypugh> I have some beryllium copper I could use :-)
[15:27:12] <Tom_itx> andypugh, your carousel demo is very cool btw
[15:27:15] <zeeshan|2> yea but is it plated?!
[15:27:37] <andypugh> zeeshan|2: No
[15:27:40] <zeeshan|2> whoever wired your motor last
[15:27:42] <zeeshan|2> needs to be slapped
[15:27:49] <zeeshan|2> you always through the extra links in there!!
[15:28:08] <andypugh> I don’t think that three links of that length would work
[15:28:16] <DaViruz> it's nice of them to label the wires as well
[15:28:21] <zeeshan|2> like in a bag
[15:28:24] <zeeshan|2> usually its just stuffed in there
[15:28:26] <Tom_itx> not only do you need to get the right 3 coils but you need the right ends too or it will be out of phase won't it?
[15:28:36] <zeeshan|2> andypugh: be a man
[15:28:38] <zeeshan|2> do the stud technique
[15:28:41] <zeeshan|2> =]
[15:28:55] <Tom_itx> that's how i figured out the phases of my 3 transformers i tied together
[15:29:04] <zeeshan|2> i dont think the stud technique is going to work though in my opinion
[15:29:05] <andypugh> Tom_itx: If you get an end wrong, the motor runs backwards. No big deal, you just swap two input wires.
[15:29:08] <zeeshan|2> cause those wires usually have no slack in them
[15:29:11] <Tom_itx> oh
[15:29:22] <Tom_itx> well hell then... wire it up
[15:29:28] <deep_pink> there is too slow feed rate?
[15:29:45] <zeeshan|2> deep_pink: yes, the one that causes ploughing
[15:29:47] <zeeshan|2> rather than cutting
[15:30:06] <zeeshan|2> andypugh: help me wire my VFD plz :-(
[15:30:09] <zeeshan|2> youve done so much vfd work
[15:30:13] <furrywolf> or chatter
[15:30:16] <Tom_itx> i wouldn't move the exhisting wires though since they've figured out the phases for you already
[15:30:19] <XXCoder> if i remember too slow also means tool gets dull too fast due to all that rubbing
[15:30:28] <zeeshan|2> Tom_itx: everything is labelled :P
[15:30:31] <Tom_itx> with the labels moulded in the insulation
[15:33:07] <andypugh> zeeshan|2: I have only wired 3 vfds. Well, maybe 4 by the end of tonight.
[15:33:17] <zeeshan|2> =[
[15:33:23] <zeeshan|2> ive done modbus
[15:33:28] <zeeshan|2> and a pot
[15:33:33] <zeeshan|2> but i havent done 7i77 to vfd
[15:33:56] <deep_pink> I'm take 0.1 mm cut 3mm deep at 650 rpm with 60mm/Min
[15:34:07] <deep_pink> 4 flute end mill HSS
[15:34:09] <zeeshan|2> do i connect aoutX@7i77 to vrf2@vfd , and gnd@7i77 to common@vfd
[15:34:09] <zeeshan|2> ?
[15:34:13] <deep_pink> mild steel
[15:34:17] <zeeshan|2> vrf2 expects a -10 to 10v signal
[15:34:42] <zeeshan|2> and then the vfd should reverse and go fwd
[15:34:42] <zeeshan|2> itself
[15:34:54] <zeeshan|2> the only other output i need from 7i77 should be a start/stop ?
[15:37:25] <Wolf_> need the tool size to math the feed deep_pink
[15:37:42] <zeeshan|2> Wolf_: dont help :P
[15:37:45] <zeeshan|2> i told formulas
[15:37:50] <zeeshan|2> doesnt wanna learn :P
[15:38:13] <Wolf_> I don’t even know them… I’m milling dumbs
[15:38:27] <Wolf_> but there are apps for it :D
[15:38:34] <XXCoder> math is pretty strightforward for me
[15:38:38] <XXCoder> too bad my memory sucks
[15:38:44] <deep_pink> zeeshan|2: Wolf_ - http://i.imgur.com/TWq3pXD.png
[15:39:13] <zeeshan|2> deep_pink: you might as well learn the proper terms??!
[15:39:38] <Wolf_> climb or conventional? :P
[15:39:40] <deep_pink> zeeshan|2: what do you mean?
[15:39:42] <andypugh> zeeshan|2: 7i77? Hmm, I think that is bipolar output, so you would need to check the VFD manual.
[15:39:59] <deep_pink> I set it to conventional
[15:40:17] <zeeshan|2> 7i77 outputs -10 to 10
[15:40:22] <zeeshan|2> vfd expects -10 to 10
[15:40:29] <zeeshan|2> i get thrown off at the common + ground part
[15:40:32] <deep_pink> but the numbers are ok?
[15:40:39] <Wolf_> almost done the z-axis ball screw setup http://i.imgur.com/NZCBIdp.png?1
[15:40:45] <deep_pink> looks resnable?
[15:40:56] <andypugh> zeeshan|2: Yes, me too. Ask pcw_home ?
[15:41:25] <zeeshan|2> dear pcw_home can you help
[15:41:28] <deep_pink> Wolf_: I press middle click without thinking..
[15:41:46] <zeeshan|2> deep_pink: the arrow with 0.1mm is "radial depth of cut"
[15:41:53] <zeeshan|2> the 3mm is "axial depth of cut"
[15:42:01] <XXCoder> zeeshan|2: fgured the 4th axis hack out yet?
[15:42:08] <zeeshan|2> 60mm/min is your feed rate
[15:42:16] <zeeshan|2> if you use these terms you wont have to draw pics
[15:42:29] <zeeshan|2> XXCoder: one thing at a time
[15:42:35] <XXCoder> lol ok
[15:42:36] <zeeshan|2> id like to fix my rigid tapping today
[15:42:38] <zeeshan|2> then do bellows
[15:42:39] <zeeshan|2> then 4th axis
[15:43:21] <deep_pink> zeeshan|2: but atlieat I know the terms now..
[15:43:39] <deep_pink> at least*
[15:43:53] <zeeshan|2> your rpm is good
[15:44:19] <zeeshan|2> your feedrate is good
[15:44:19] <XXCoder> http://www.truetex.com/servomod.htm
[15:45:21] <zeeshan|2> axial doc is good
[15:45:28] <zeeshan|2> why such a small radial doc though?
[15:45:37] <zeeshan|2> is this a finishing pass?
[15:45:40] <furrywolf> Napa's website says they sell them, but won't say any of the local stores have them, just that I need to call them for availability... which I'm guessing means they'll be special-order.
[15:45:52] <furrywolf> And they're $30 each. for napa tools.
[15:46:10] <Wolf_> hate getting tools at napa
[15:46:20] <deep_pink> I have no idea, I just try some number.
[15:47:07] <zeeshan|2> andypugh: is my logic correct though
[15:47:16] <zeeshan|2> that you only need a start/stop signals on top of the analog signal
[15:47:48] <Wolf_> isn’t 0v stop
[15:47:55] <zeeshan|2> you cant trust it
[15:47:56] <deep_pink> zeeshan|2: there is a way to calculate the "radial depth of cut" and the "axial depth of cut"
[15:47:58] <zeeshan|2> cause theres always noise
[15:48:02] <furrywolf> just heard back from the auction selling the Mori-Seiki SL-1... apparantly it's in excellent shape except one position on the turret is crunched and the battery in the controller died so the controller won't work.
[15:48:07] <furrywolf> just says "low battery". lol
[15:48:15] <SpeedEvil> hah
[15:48:26] <zeeshan|2> deep_pink: yes but it is hard
[15:48:36] <zeeshan|2> they depend on how rigid your machine is
[15:48:43] <zeeshan|2> and the tool length and diameter and flute specs
[15:48:53] <furrywolf> they say it only cut aluminum, has very low hours, and was fully functional until it sat and the battery ran down.
[15:48:59] <furrywolf> how much should I bid on it?
[15:49:11] <zeeshan|2> $500
[15:49:13] <zeeshan|2> :D
[15:49:21] <furrywolf> that's it?
[15:49:25] <zeeshan|2> no im kidding
[15:49:26] <deep_pink> zeeshan|2: g0704 - almost zero rigidity
[15:49:29] <fenn> zeeshan|2: i too would like to see formulas for calculating ideal depth of cut
[15:49:30] <zeeshan|2> realistically it'll easily go for 2k
[15:49:54] <zeeshan|2> fenn: one way is to assume your machine is rigid
[15:50:01] <zeeshan|2> which is pretty reasonable for a decent machine
[15:50:07] <furrywolf> unfortunately, it's a sealed bid auction... so if I put down $2k, and everyone else puts down $10, I still pay $2k...
[15:50:11] <fenn> so only the tool is flexing in this scenario
[15:50:13] <zeeshan|2> then you can use the bending of beams formulas to approximate
[15:50:20] <zeeshan|2> your tool is a cantilever beam
[15:50:38] <PetefromTn_> deep_pink for the smaller machines I find it easiest to just manuall jog around cutting the material you intend to use making test cuts at varying depths and speeds/feeds until you find what works for you. Most online calculators will have you going beyond the limits of the machine easily
[15:50:40] <furrywolf> apparantly my new mill is quite ridgid... I found one forum posting where the guy says that after using it, a bridgeport feels flimsy. lol
[15:50:42] <zeeshan|2> you know the yield strength of both carbide and hss for example and also know modulus of elasticity
[15:50:50] <fenn> zeeshan|2: if you have FEA model of the machine you can use that instead?
[15:50:52] <zeeshan|2> so you can determine when the tool will shatter
[15:51:02] <fenn> (in addition to tool flex)
[15:51:08] <zeeshan|2> its hard to do that
[15:51:20] <furrywolf> "The college forklift cannot lift this machine onto a trailer." is not a good sign. how much does it weigh? lol
[15:51:24] * furrywolf googles
[15:51:26] <zeeshan|2> cause you really need a perfect model to predict
[15:51:44] <zeeshan|2> in class we always assumed the machine was rigid
[15:51:50] <zeeshan|2> it wasn't a g0704
[15:51:51] <zeeshan|2> :D
[15:51:51] <fenn> can measure deflection of the machine
[15:52:08] <zeeshan|2> you know what the hard part is?
[15:52:12] <zeeshan|2> determining the cutting forces
[15:52:19] <zeeshan|2> to figure out h ow much your tool will deflect
[15:52:22] <fenn> i'm annoyed at how little quantification of machine rigidity is done in general
[15:52:24] <deep_pink> zeeshan|2: but if 0.1mm radial cut is too small what to try instad?
[15:52:37] <zeeshan|2> deep_pink: itll work
[15:52:46] <zeeshan|2> you'lljust be making very small chips
[15:52:55] <zeeshan|2> i think you machine can handle 2 mm radial doc no problem
[15:52:57] <deep_pink> I know like hair..
[15:53:07] <zeeshan|2> try your .1mm
[15:53:10] <zeeshan|2> try 2mm
[15:53:14] <furrywolf> so... how much should I bid, given that it's sealed bids?
[15:53:14] <fenn> isn't cutting force proportional to the cross sectional area of each chip? times the workpiece material tensile strength
[15:53:14] <zeeshan|2> you're not gonna break your cool
[15:53:20] <PetefromTn_> that is just .0039" typical finish pass for most machines...
[15:53:22] <Jymmm> I'm in the process of uploading some photos, but how do you determine if a caliper or maybe a bearing/seal hasn't gone bad?
[15:53:41] <zeeshan|2> fenn: i wish it was that simple :P
[15:53:44] <deep_pink> In a spot that there is about 1 mm the machine vaibrate sooo much
[15:55:02] <Wolf_> zeeshan|2: I though there is normally a spindle on output right? -10v 10v is coming off a different i/o ?
[15:55:12] <Wolf_> thought*
[15:55:27] <zeeshan|2> Wolf_: the -10 to 10 is an analog signal
[15:55:32] <PetefromTn_> setup your cutter for the least amount of stickout possible for the cut. use the shortes toolholder available. make sure your gibs are tight. try varying the spindle speed a bit up and down during the cut to see if it clears up
[15:55:33] <zeeshan|2> but the vfd also has some digital inputs
[15:55:38] * furrywolf pokes zee while waiting for a dollar amount
[15:55:44] <zeeshan|2> to tell it go reverse / fwd /
[15:55:47] <zeeshan|2> start stop etc
[15:56:14] <zeeshan|2> furrywolf: i thought i wrote 2000
[15:56:19] <PetefromTn_> BBL
[15:56:22] <Wolf_> I know nothing of VFD… yet
[15:56:38] <zeeshan|2> ya'll stressing me out
[15:56:38] <zeeshan|2> haha
[15:56:48] * zeeshan|2 goes back to figuring this vfd nonsense
[15:56:52] <furrywolf> yes, then I said it was a sealed bid auction, and if I bid that, and win, I'll be paying that, even if no one else bids anything. heh.
[15:57:10] <zeeshan|2> furrywolf: i honestly stopped bidding like that
[15:57:13] <furrywolf> it's not a maximum bid, proxy bid, or anything like that.
[15:57:16] <zeeshan|2> gov auctions here are like that
[15:57:28] <zeeshan|2> you';ll have some tard there
[15:57:31] <zeeshan|2> that'll pay 10k for that machine
[15:57:34] <zeeshan|2> cause it's new looking
[15:57:39] <furrywolf> hrmm, 5500lbs isn't tooooo bad. my relative's neighbor's 5000lb forklift can probably move that.
[15:57:48] <zeeshan|2> ive seen some welders that go on kijiji for 500
[15:57:52] <zeeshan|2> go for double that on gov auctions
[15:57:54] <zeeshan|2> cause of the bid process
[15:58:06] <furrywolf> when we moved my 4000lb mill, he has his kids (I think one's 5 and one's 8, somewhere abouts there) climb on the back for extra weight. :P
[15:58:12] <zeeshan|2> lol
[15:58:41] <furrywolf> then they wanted to ride on the forks, but he made them go run home and back to fetch him more beer first. :)
[15:58:43] * furrywolf loves rednecks
[15:58:51] <zeeshan|2> hahaha
[15:58:52] <malcom2073> lol
[15:58:58] <malcom2073> rednecks have the coolest stuff
[16:00:26] <furrywolf> googling the SL-1, apparantly it does use normal encoders and servo drives, will plug right into a mesa board.
[16:01:15] <Jymmm> 5 and 8yo can't weight but 140lbs combined
[16:01:28] <Jymmm> not very good ballast =)
[16:01:40] <XXCoder> depends on leverage
[16:01:47] <furrywolf> Jymmm: I think they mostly just wanted a ride. :P
[16:01:49] <XXCoder> with right lever 1 oz would move earth
[16:01:57] <Jymmm> furrywolf: True =)
[16:02:08] <XXCoder> fur is likely right though lol
[16:02:11] <Jymmm> furrywolf: not quarters required
[16:02:15] <Jymmm> no*
[16:03:26] <furrywolf> 10hp spindle... not going to be able to run that easily.
[16:04:13] <furrywolf> especially if it's 3ph, as I only have a 5hp phase converter.
[16:04:20] <zeeshan|2> buy that 10hp
[16:04:22] <zeeshan|2> from ebay
[16:04:29] <zeeshan|2> nm
[16:04:38] <zeeshan|2> is it 240v?
[16:04:42] <furrywolf> dunno
[16:04:46] <zeeshan|2> thats important
[16:04:47] <zeeshan|2> if its not
[16:04:58] <zeeshan|2> it might be a big headache
[16:06:12] <furrywolf> 10hp is a lot of power at any voltage. and that's just spindle.
[16:07:20] <furrywolf> I know they're available in 220v 3ph, but I don't know what the one at the auction is, and won't until I get there. they're not opening until 4pm.
[16:07:24] <fenn> you can run it at a lower power...
[16:07:45] <furrywolf> fenn: until the starter for the converter trips trying to get the spindle up to speed. :)
[16:07:53] <zeeshan|2> furrywolf: i hope you win
[16:08:00] <zeeshan|2> i would bid the most you can.
[16:08:03] <zeeshan|2> if you really want it
[16:08:16] <furrywolf> I don't have anywhere to put it, which really lowers how much I want it. :(
[16:08:24] <Jymmm> ONE ZILLION DOLLARS !!!!!
[16:08:31] <fenn> go amish, use a V8 diesel hydraulic pump
[16:08:39] <fenn> no more electricity worries
[16:08:59] <Jymmm> fenn: is that a 4HP + one donkey?
[16:08:59] <furrywolf> I don't know if the amish use things like that. :P
[16:09:08] <XXCoder> amish do use tech
[16:09:17] <XXCoder> just careful what to allow into their lives
[16:09:25] <XXCoder> due to sinful nature and so on
[16:09:26] <malcom2073> I bid against the amish on linear actuators on a regular basis at a place near here :/
[16:09:28] <fenn> hydraulic cnc machines are pretty common
[16:09:37] <malcom2073> They can always out bid ya
[16:09:39] <zeeshan|2> lol
[16:09:45] <zeeshan|2> what do amish want with linear actuators
[16:09:48] <Jymmm> malcom2073: why's that?
[16:09:51] <zeeshan|2> that's halarious
[16:10:01] <malcom2073> I haven't a clue! I couldn't understand a word the guy said when I asked
[16:10:01] <fenn> they make stuff, duh
[16:10:03] <malcom2073> Jymmm: They pool their money
[16:10:07] <XXCoder> zeeshan|2: like I said.. they use tech
[16:10:08] <Jymmm> malcom2073: ah
[16:10:50] <Jymmm> only 55 more images to upload....
[16:11:50] <Jymmm> FYI... yellowjackets like brake cleaner
[16:12:28] <XXCoder> use brake cleaner in cup near big fan blowing into fine net
[16:12:49] <Jymmm> XXCoder: heck no, too expensive =)
[16:12:58] <Jymmm> ...to waste that is
[16:13:19] <Jymmm> be back when images upload
[16:13:28] <XXCoder> I dont think it takes much to keep up - just smear some on plate or something?
[16:15:48] <furrywolf> next time you're looking for brake cleaner, go to the electronics store and buy "electric motor cleaner FOR USE ONLY ON ENERGIZED EQUIPMENT". that's right, for use only on live equipment. why? because apparantly they're some loophole in the law that lets them fill it with all the nice chlorinated solvents as long as it's only for use on energized equipment. :)
[16:16:53] <malcom2073> I love not living in CA
[16:18:40] <furrywolf> heh
[16:19:36] <XXCoder> we need to try save envorment, by finding better ways to do stuff not by just banning stuff
[16:19:51] <XXCoder> though some seriously toxic stuff MUST be banned - like fracking
[16:20:02] <XXCoder> fracking fracking.
[16:20:10] <ssi> lol
[16:20:17] <ssi> propoganda machine got another one
[16:20:17] <furrywolf> the california brake cleaner is half as toxic... and half as effective, so you use twice as much.
[16:20:21] <malcom2073> ssi: +1
[16:20:38] <XXCoder> furrywolf: exactly my point
[16:20:47] <XXCoder> fnd better way thats less toxic
[16:20:51] <furrywolf> you can frack with many liquids, including plain water, which is quite common.
[16:20:59] <SpeedEvil> Fracking is not really harmful
[16:21:07] <malcom2073> The company I work for, they frack with water
[16:21:08] <SpeedEvil> disposing of the liquids used - yes - that's a problem
[16:21:19] <XXCoder> malcom2073: and you can light water on fire
[16:21:31] <malcom2073> XXCoder: You can light anything on fire
[16:21:33] <ssi> you can light anything on fire
[16:21:34] <ssi> lol
[16:21:36] <SpeedEvil> XXCoder: There were places you could do that before fracking
[16:21:43] <furrywolf> the crude oil is much more toxic than the water being used to access it. :P
[16:21:45] <XXCoder> rich guy who got rich fought to get fracking banned near his home
[16:21:52] <XXCoder> rich from fracking that is
[16:22:25] <zeeshan|2> since the mesa has sourcing outputs
[16:22:30] <zeeshan|2> i need to configure the vfd for sinking inputs
[16:22:31] <zeeshan|2> right?
[16:22:37] <XXCoder> SpeedEvil: thats the problem, if theres nice way to clean uo results im fine with fracking
[16:22:59] <SpeedEvil> Cleaning up the liquid is technologically trivial
[16:23:11] <SpeedEvil> It's simply somewhat more expensive
[16:23:29] <XXCoder> which means companies will give it the finger
[16:23:34] <XXCoder> and just inject back in
[16:24:19] * furrywolf wonders how many gallons of crude XXCoder uses every day, between vehicles, power, purchasing agricultural products, etc. :P
[16:24:20] <SpeedEvil> Nothing wrong with reinjection - done right
[16:24:40] <XXCoder> furrywolf: lots.
[16:24:59] <malcom2073> furrywolf: That's the "You use oil, so you can't try to improve the planet" argument though
[16:25:03] <cradek> http://www.okgeosurvey1.gov/pages/earthquakes/faq.php
[16:25:06] <cradek> scroll down to the graphs
[16:25:12] <XXCoder> furrywolf: im not hiding my usage, just saying find a better way. in fact group of researchers found a way to MAKE crude oil
[16:25:36] <XXCoder> malcom2073: yeah. I use 21 mpg van because I cannot afford better
[16:25:38] <furrywolf> malcom2073: no, it's the "you use lots of oil that was produced by fracking, stop complaining about fracking" argument. :)
[16:25:50] <XXCoder> malcom2073: I'm waiting for elio though. 84 mpg!
[16:26:06] <malcom2073> furrywolf: My favorite though, is when people complain about oil, and in the same breath, complain about the high price of fuel
[16:26:16] <furrywolf> lol
[16:26:22] <XXCoder> actually I want fuel prices to rise
[16:26:35] <malcom2073> Me too, I'll lose my contract if they stay this low :P
[16:26:36] <furrywolf> I had a chance to buy an electric van for $1000 a couple years back... I should have.
[16:26:38] <XXCoder> not too much, just enough for alternates to improve
[16:26:47] <Jymmm> XXCoder: A college prodiced a car back in the 80's that got 122MPG, a petorlium company (Shell?) bought the patent
[16:26:59] <malcom2073> Jymmm: Then the patent has expired, where's this patent?
[16:27:00] <cradek> haha Jymmm
[16:27:00] <furrywolf> as someone in the transportation industry, where fuel is a major cost, I want it to go down.
[16:27:12] <XXCoder> Jymmm: doubtful. like water engine
[16:27:18] <Jymmm> malcom2073: 1980's, not 1880's =)
[16:27:23] <malcom2073> Jymmm: Everyone who has claimed this, have tried to present all sorts of "supercarb" design patents
[16:27:24] <cradek> Jymmm: used to be 100mpg. it's getting better over time.
[16:27:26] <ssi> 100+ mpg isn't even hard to do
[16:27:38] <cradek> ssi: when that silly story started, it was
[16:27:59] <malcom2073> ssi: I got to work on wikispeed's 100mpg car
[16:28:02] <ssi> hell, my 5 passenger midsized normal 3300lb car is 60+mpg
[16:28:12] <Jymmm> XXCoder: Nope, that used parts from different mfg's... body was an MG iirc, then different carb, engine etc.
[16:28:12] <malcom2073> 100mph out of a stock honda civic engine, with some creative aerodynamics
[16:28:16] <malcom2073> 100mpg
[16:28:16] <ssi> my 200mph airplane is 25mpg
[16:28:18] <furrywolf> I want a subaru diesel. 65mpg in a full-size all-wheel-drive crossover/station wagon. :P
[16:28:38] <XXCoder> ssi: your pkane got better mpg than my van
[16:28:45] <Wolf_> some guy hyper milled a regular diesel jetta around the usa at a average of 81mpg or something
[16:28:46] <furrywolf> ssi: which car do you have?
[16:28:52] <ssi> furrywolf: VW jetta diesel
[16:28:55] <Jymmm> furrywolf: Ewwwww station wagon!!! You ride in the bitch seat wavign to everyone!!!
[16:28:56] <cradek> http://www.snopes.com/autos/business/carburetor.asp
[16:29:02] <ssi> and it's 60+mpg even with the horrible EPA emissions tune
[16:29:15] <ssi> with a particulate filter delete and a more efficient tune, they do close to 70
[16:29:32] <XXCoder> planes use leaded though
[16:29:39] <XXCoder> ssi: has it changed?
[16:29:40] <furrywolf> ssi: figured. get a subaru instead. even better milage, and you get all-wheel-drive and more cargo room. :P
[16:29:47] <Wolf_> my TDI only gets 36mpg average....
[16:29:50] <furrywolf> Jymmm: huh?
[16:30:02] <malcom2073> My one car gets 8mpg
[16:30:19] <XXCoder> jeez malcom2073 get out and push it, better mpg lol
[16:30:27] <malcom2073> Lol
[16:30:32] <Jymmm> furrywolf: http://smartbitchestrashybooks.com/images/uploads/station-wagon.jpg
[16:30:44] <Wolf_> lol, my work truck gets 9mpg...
[16:31:00] <XXCoder> http://www.eliomotors.com/ if you guys are curious
[16:31:02] <furrywolf> XXCoder: no. despite what all the hippies say, person-power is one of the LEAST efficient energy sources.
[16:31:16] <XXCoder> will make for great work transport
[16:31:20] <ssi> furrywolf: subaru doesn't have nearly the drag coefficient, and it certainly won't do as well with AWD
[16:31:31] <ssi> Wolf_: you're driving it wrong then
[16:31:33] <ssi> the TDI that is
[16:31:34] <XXCoder> furrywolf: did not say anything about human energy, only mpg lol
[16:31:51] <furrywolf> XXCoder: yes.
[16:31:51] <Jymmm> furrywolf: Wait, asking a hippie about energy (work), is like asking hitler about equal rights for all.
[16:32:06] <XXCoder> I'm not a hippie
[16:32:17] <XXCoder> I just care about everyone and earth
[16:32:35] <furrywolf> XXCoder: the amount of fuel used to produce food to enable a person to put out a certain amount of work far exceeds the amount of fuel needed to run an engine to do the same work.
[16:32:36] <Wolf_> ssi: yeah, its still new < 3k mi on it, loaded with EPA BS, and I have a lead foot (traffic court tomorrow attests to that lol)
[16:32:38] <XXCoder> so we has earth down billions of years, not just 100 years.
[16:32:46] <Jymmm> XXCoder: Then stop using crude oil and any/all of it's brproducts.... SOY for all!!!
[16:32:48] <XXCoder> furrywolf: I know!
[16:32:50] <cradek> furrywolf: good thing people don't have to push cars around much
[16:32:54] <XXCoder> furrywolf: I was kidding jeez lol
[16:33:36] <ssi> Wolf_: if I don't work at it, and I'm just driving around town, I average around 40-42
[16:33:37] <cradek> furrywolf: if so, I bet we'd quickly make them lighter
[16:33:48] <furrywolf> there's a whole institute here dedicated to person-powered garbage... they have demos like a bicycle-powered blender, a bicycle-powered television, a bicycle-powered washing machine, etc, etc....
[16:33:56] <Wolf_> ssi: left out mine is a DSG too
[16:33:57] <XXCoder> Jymmm: no alteratives for poor
[16:34:08] <ssi> I'm not sure if that helps or hurts
[16:34:10] <ssi> mineas a manual
[16:34:20] <XXCoder> Jymmm: elio is great alternative, once it gets made. cheap and 84 mpg
[16:34:23] <ssi> also, is yours a jetta, golf, jsw, or what?
[16:34:28] <ssi> the jetta has the lowest Cd
[16:34:36] <Wolf_> golf sportwagen
[16:34:41] <ssi> yeah they don't do quite as well
[16:34:55] <ssi> hatchbacks have a shitty drag profile
[16:35:00] <furrywolf> Elio is an ugly piece of unsafe crap.
[16:35:02] <ssi> you can see it in the dirt patterns that accrue on them
[16:35:14] <ssi> furrywolf: I want to enter one of those human-powered flight contests
[16:35:15] <XXCoder> furrywolf: and it will replace many of shitty cars with low mpg
[16:35:22] <ssi> and make a turbine powered helicopter that runs off liposuction waste
[16:35:26] <malcom2073> The problem with things like the ello, is they're really only practical for trendy suurbanites
[16:35:26] <XXCoder> furrywolf: like my van. 21 mpg.
[16:35:29] <malcom2073> suburbanites*
[16:35:33] <Jymmm> Are we sure this is/was just a bad caliper, or could it be a bad bearing/seal??? http://imgur.com/a/JltUl/all
[16:35:33] <furrywolf> ssi: depends on the vehicle. my subaru back window stays clean. the toyota matrix I used to drive would cover the back window in dirt every day.
[16:35:54] <furrywolf> ssi: are you amazingly fit? :P
[16:35:57] <Wolf_> VW still gets better mpg then http://i.imgur.com/yERX7l3.jpg
[16:35:59] <furrywolf> it seems to be a requirement for human-powered flight
[16:36:00] <XXCoder> malcom2073: no, its designed for home-work transport in most cases. in many of those cases, only one person in cr.
[16:36:11] <ssi> yes, it's amazing I fit into most airplanes
[16:36:27] <furrywolf> lol
[16:36:32] <XXCoder> malcom2073: if it was made to be trendy it would be $40000 or so
[16:37:00] <furrywolf> I was doing some back-of-brain figuring the other day, and I think we now have the technology to successfully build person-sized ornithopters for short flights.
[16:37:07] <furrywolf> using brushless motors and lifepo4 batteries.
[16:37:15] <malcom2073> heh
[16:37:24] <XXCoder> furrywolf: what would range be
[16:37:28] <ssi> glad you qualified that with "short flights" :)
[16:37:29] <SpeedEvil> furrywolf: it's all in the disk loading
[16:37:37] <ssi> energy density still isnt' good enough for batteries
[16:37:39] <SpeedEvil> XXCoder: it depends what you want.
[16:37:45] <ssi> gasoline has an amazingly high energy density
[16:37:59] <XXCoder> she said batteries
[16:38:00] <furrywolf> XXCoder: a few minutes
[16:38:12] <SpeedEvil> you can do a ~1m*1m platform which will get you to perhaps 2km altitude and back again, for perhaps 4 minutes of powered flight
[16:38:15] <furrywolf> ssi: yes, but it's also hard to apply that energy to the complex actuators needed.
[16:38:20] <XXCoder> furrywolf: lol awesome I guess, just like jet backpack. fun for few mins
[16:38:30] <SpeedEvil> furrywolf: I have a simple design for that for ornithopters.
[16:38:31] <ssi> for an ornithopter sure
[16:38:32] <SpeedEvil> furrywolf: you cheat.
[16:38:33] <XXCoder> furrywolf: micro tubroines
[16:38:36] <ssi> but ornithopters are silly beasts :)
[16:38:44] <furrywolf> and this is a case where power density matters more than energy density... as I said, short flights. :P
[16:38:52] <SpeedEvil> furrywolf: you make teh wing completly rigid, and weight-shift with a large swinging weight
[16:39:05] <SpeedEvil> rotating around the wing axis
[16:39:06] <furrywolf> ssi: the person who manufactures an affordable ornithopter will be fucking rich.
[16:39:07] <ssi> but in the general case of electric flight, the flight times are just too low to be practical
[16:39:10] <ssi> because of energy density
[16:39:19] <furrywolf> yes
[16:39:21] <ssi> fucking rich temporarily
[16:39:26] <ssi> until the lawsuits start rolling in :D
[16:39:40] <malcom2073> Get rich, sell company to someone else, run
[16:39:41] <malcom2073> run fast
[16:39:44] <furrywolf> I think that once you have enough money, lawsuits no longer apply to you. :P
[16:39:56] <ssi> I think you're wrong
[16:40:14] <furrywolf> when was the last time you heard of a rich person or corporation being sued for more than a couple percent of their liquid assets? :P
[16:40:34] <furrywolf> (successfully)
[16:40:36] <XXCoder> furrywolf: idea: plug cable. limited range but unlimited time
[16:40:38] <ssi> when was the last time you heard of an aircraft company going out of business because of product liability lawsuits?
[16:41:22] <XXCoder> furrywolf: just watch out for blackouts LOL
[16:41:27] <XXCoder> well time to go work laters
[16:42:30] <furrywolf> dunno. I don't pay any attention to aircraft companies unless it makes the news, and last I heard boeing, embraer etc were all still around.
[16:42:59] <ssi> boeing doesn't make things that morons can get their hands on and kill themselves and others in
[16:43:15] <ssi> at least not anymore :D
[16:43:16] <furrywolf> ... you've met your average soldier, right? :P
[16:43:36] <ssi> a soldier isn't an individual moron
[16:43:50] <ssi> a soldier is an agent of a larger moron
[16:44:02] <ssi> which oddly enough doesn't sue companies when it misuses their products
[16:44:12] <Jymmm> Does this photo look like it's the bearing/seal/axle -or- the caliper that went bad ??? http://imgur.com/a/JltUl#26
[16:44:13] <furrywolf> my truck was built to be soldier-proof. it has big handles, big labels, and a governor, even though it's a gasoline engine.
[16:44:33] <malcom2073> Jymmm: Is that grease, or brake fluid?
[16:44:40] <malcom2073> Or gear oil?
[16:44:49] <furrywolf> just what I was about to say... what fluid seems to be leaking? :P
[16:45:11] <Jymmm> malcom2073: I don't know. I hit it a bit with charcoal lighter fluid to loosen it up, then with brake cleaner.
[16:45:43] <furrywolf> my guess from the level of grime is gear oil. smell it.
[16:45:50] <furrywolf> gear oil has a distinctive smell. it smells like gear oil.
[16:46:18] <Jymmm> furrywolf: Of course I have nfc what that smells like.
[16:46:33] <furrywolf> you'll know it when you smell it. :P
[16:46:47] <Wolf_> is that ford 8.8 rear? limited slip?
[16:46:50] <Jymmm> I don't smell anything
[16:46:58] <malcom2073> Then it's not gear oil
[16:47:02] <Jymmm> Wolf_: 2001 For Expedition XLT 2WD
[16:47:07] <Jymmm> Ford*
[16:47:25] <furrywolf> was your brake fluid low?
[16:47:30] <Jymmm> No
[16:47:31] <furrywolf> is the axle gear oil level low?
[16:47:42] <furrywolf> did you go offroading and fill the axle with water?
[16:47:46] <Jymmm> I've never touvhed it.
[16:47:49] <Wolf_> if it has limited slip rear you will be able to smell it, smells lovely
[16:48:42] * furrywolf has filled axle with water.
[16:48:43] <furrywolf> axle
[16:48:45] <furrywolf> axleS
[16:48:45] <furrywolf> grr
[16:49:08] <Wolf_> ^ check axle vent tube, make sure its not plugged either
[16:49:17] <Jymmm> As you can see in the other pics, I have the brakes completely apart. Before I put everthing back together I'm just trying to determine if it's just the bad caliper, or something more
[16:50:11] <furrywolf> what other pics?
[16:50:14] <Jymmm> Wolf_: I saw a small hose coming off the axel, but no clue.
[16:50:29] <Jymmm> furrywolf: the 57 others at the top
[16:50:32] <furrywolf> does there seem to be gear oil leaking out?
[16:50:32] <furrywolf> lol
[16:50:56] <Wolf_> looks like the axle seal is weeping a little
[16:51:12] <furrywolf> gear oil has a noticable smell and feel, very different from brake fluid's smell and feel.
[16:51:30] <ssi> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTFv2Bbx-48
[16:51:35] <Jymmm> furrywolf: a stench? I smell NOTHGIN at all right now.
[16:51:36] <Wolf_> I would go with the checking the axle vent imo
[16:51:55] <Jymmm> Wolf_: whats it for/do ?
[16:52:09] <furrywolf> with the age of the vehicle, a bad axle seal is entirely plausible.
[16:52:20] <furrywolf> how do the wheel bearing feel? measure/feel endplay and sideplay.
[16:52:26] <Jymmm> furrywolf: only 79K miles on it
[16:52:35] <Wolf_> air vent for the axle housing so it doesn’t pressurize when hot and push oil out the seals
[16:52:58] <furrywolf> Wolf_: my truck was available with an option to intentionally pressurize the axles, to about 3psi. :P
[16:53:15] <Wolf_> hehe nice
[16:53:29] <Jymmm> furrywolf: When I grabbed the studs, that was a tiny bit of up/down play, maybe 15-20 thousands?
[16:53:33] <Wolf_> think a plugged vent will do better then 3psi
[16:53:51] <Wolf_> Jymmm: thats just ford quality
[16:54:00] <Jymmm> Wolf_: Heh, I figured =)
[16:54:11] <furrywolf> the vents for the axles, transmission, t-case, bellhousing, etc, all tee together with the PCV system and run to the air cleaner.
[16:54:21] <furrywolf> 15 thous means your bearings are shot, and it probably ate the oil seal.
[16:54:53] <Jymmm> wolf says normal, furrywolf says shot bearings
[16:54:57] <Wolf_> one on most fords comes off the axle, and then is clipped on the frame rail with a hooked shaped plastic tube
[16:56:00] <zeeshan|2> gear oil smells like dirty sweat
[16:56:03] <zeeshan|2> massive BO
[16:56:07] <zeeshan|2> :D
[16:56:13] <furrywolf> if you have the fording kit, the pcv system is fitted with a switchable pressure relief valve. if you pull the fording handle, it isolates the block from the intake, and lets the blowby gasses build up to 3psi. since everything is teed together, this pressurizes the engine, transmission, t-case, bellhousing (sealed), axles, etc. :)
[16:56:23] <zeeshan|2> whatever leak that is
[16:56:26] <zeeshan|2> has been going on for a while
[16:56:33] <zeeshan|2> cause that crud has built up
[16:56:36] <Wolf_> Jymmm: if in doubt, price out the parts, its not too hard of a job. worst part is putting the oil back in the axle (mostly due to the smell)
[16:57:12] <furrywolf> the way you check its operation is the shifter boot (cloth reinforced) swells up and balloons.
[16:57:38] <Wolf_> lol cool furrywolf, what car?
[16:57:46] <furrywolf> Wolf_: jeep m715
[16:58:15] <furrywolf> designed for deep-water fording without water getting into any part of the mechanics, by maintaining a positive pressure on the whole system.
[16:58:27] <Jymmm> Ok, let me rub a finger thru that crud and check the strench level. it seems the only real way to tell if the caliper ahs been leaking for a while like zeeshan|2 mentioned, or axle/bearing/seal related... brb
[16:58:51] <furrywolf> if you have 15 thous of sideplay, I'd assume something is wrong.
[16:59:02] <zeeshan|2> did i read that right
[16:59:13] <zeeshan|2> the studs for your wheels
[16:59:17] <zeeshan|2> have 15 thou play?
[16:59:19] <zeeshan|2> =D
[16:59:46] <Jymmm> zeeshan|2: not the studs themselves, what they are connected to
[16:59:50] <zeeshan|2> oh
[16:59:52] <zeeshan|2> your wheel bearing or
[16:59:55] <zeeshan|2> ball joint is gone
[16:59:58] <zeeshan|2> wait
[16:59:59] <zeeshan|2> this is rear
[17:00:04] <zeeshan|2> it could also be your tie rod
[17:00:10] <zeeshan|2> youre gonna have to grab each arm
[17:00:13] <zeeshan|2> put the wheel back on
[17:00:15] <Jymmm> brb, checking sticky factor
[17:00:16] <zeeshan|2> tighten the studs temporarily
[17:00:21] <zeeshan|2> and move it
[17:00:22] <Jymmm> stinky*
[17:00:32] <zeeshan|2> youll see the movement
[17:00:48] <Wolf_> buy a 10mm bore fixed side ball screw mount or just toss two bearings in a 12.75mm plate with 3mm between the bearings left?
[17:01:10] <furrywolf> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgAs4NHwPzQ that's why you pressurize your axles. :P
[17:09:56] <Jymmm> Alright, I got all in that crude like a protologist... no smell/stench
[17:10:34] <furrywolf> it's probably gear oil anyway.
[17:10:45] <zeeshan|2> SOLID
[17:10:47] <zeeshan|2> solid rear axle?
[17:11:51] <Jymmm> zeeshan|2: What I know are in the 58 pics I uploaded
[17:12:57] <zeeshan|2> i wasnt here :{
[17:13:18] <zeeshan|2> you need to check where that 15 thou of play is coming
[17:13:24] <zeeshan|2> if its wheel bearing, its a big deal
[17:13:32] <Jymmm> http://imgur.com/a/JltUl/all
[17:13:34] <zeeshan|2> if its a control arm, its not as big of a deal
[17:13:45] <zeeshan|2> but you'll need to fix it soon
[17:14:29] <zeeshan|2> Jymmm: im with furrywolf on this
[17:14:37] <zeeshan|2> it looks like gear oil that has been slowly seeping for a long time
[17:14:43] <zeeshan|2> like at least 4-5 months
[17:14:47] <Jymmm> zeeshan|2: it has ZERO smell
[17:14:58] <furrywolf> you occasionally find odorless gear oil. it's usually garbage.
[17:14:58] <zeeshan|2> smell is subjective right
[17:15:15] <zeeshan|2> but the fact that its right near your solid rear axle to hub interface
[17:15:23] <zeeshan|2> really makes me think its a failed seal
[17:15:24] <zeeshan|2> or gasket
[17:15:35] <Jymmm> zeeshan|2: did you see the first pics?
[17:15:45] <Jymmm> zeeshan|2: the ones where everythign was burnt?
[17:16:30] <zeeshan|2> i only saw the leak pic
[17:16:31] <zeeshan|2> with crud
[17:16:47] <zeeshan|2> imgur being silly
[17:16:48] <Jymmm> zeeshan|2: look at the top thumbnails, there are 58 pics
[17:16:48] <zeeshan|2> saying overcap
[17:16:56] <Wolf_> I would at least pull the diff cover and refill if everything looks ok
[17:16:57] <Jymmm> yeah I saw that too
[17:17:08] <zeeshan|2> why remove diff cover
[17:17:11] <zeeshan|2> just open the fill plug
[17:17:14] <zeeshan|2> if fluid doesnt piss out
[17:17:14] <Jymmm> Wolf_: the big round thing?
[17:17:15] <zeeshan|2> its low
[17:17:24] <zeeshan|2> add fluid :P
[17:17:40] <Jymmm> Wolf_: http://imgur.com/a/JltUl#21
[17:17:56] <zeeshan|2> must be nice working on a suv
[17:18:00] <zeeshan|2> with so much ground clearance
[17:18:00] <zeeshan|2> lol
[17:18:11] <Wolf_> no drain plug on a ford 8.8 rear
[17:18:25] <furrywolf> zeeshan-lab: I lifted one of my subarus... you can lift whatever you're working on. :P
[17:18:26] <zeeshan|2> are you kidding me
[17:18:39] <Wolf_> fill plug is up top tho
[17:18:40] <zeeshan|2> furrywolf: :P
[17:18:52] <zeeshan|2> Wolf_: i dont believe you
[17:18:54] <Jymmm> Wolf_: whats this to the left a bit? http://imgur.com/a/JltUl#22
[17:18:58] <zeeshan|2> youre telling me you gotta remove the diff cover
[17:19:00] <zeeshan|2> to drain the fluid
[17:19:00] <zeeshan|2> LOL
[17:19:07] <zeeshan|2> what!!
[17:19:08] <Wolf_> yup
[17:19:13] <zeeshan|2> what kind of retarded design is that
[17:19:14] <Jymmm> Wolf_: inline witht he axel
[17:19:20] <andypugh> Well, I made some links, and I conected the VFD, and the motor ran. https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/xpOiREZSixWBuuQuMqcAydMTjNZETYmyPJy0liipFm0?feat=directlink
[17:19:24] <Wolf_> ford
[17:19:43] <zeeshan|2> andypugh:
[17:19:46] <zeeshan|2> looks like DELTA!!!!
[17:19:46] <zeeshan|2> :D
[17:20:08] <zeeshan|2> you forgot the ground washer
[17:20:11] <zeeshan|2> on the other screw :P
[17:20:48] <andypugh> Yes, though that is slightly misleading as the sides of the delta are toplogically nodes.
[17:21:16] <andypugh> The box had 4 large and 3 small washers I just re-used them.
[17:21:50] <zeeshan|2> theres a washer
[17:21:55] <zeeshan|2> on top right screw doing nothing
[17:21:56] <zeeshan|2> :P
[17:22:07] * zeeshan|2 pays attention to detail
[17:22:11] <andypugh> Yes, and there is a missing screw too.
[17:22:16] <zeeshan|2> yes
[17:22:23] <zeeshan|2> that doesnt bother you?
[17:22:24] <furrywolf> andypugh: what should I bid on a Mori Seiki SL-1? :)
[17:22:28] <zeeshan|2> that bothers the hell out of me
[17:22:30] <andypugh> You might be over-estimating the access I have to the box.
[17:23:08] <andypugh> If I could find a cheese-head UNF screw of the right size, I would replace the missing one. But the chances are approximately zero.
[17:23:26] <cradek> yeah make sure it's black too
[17:23:29] <zeeshan|2> LOL
[17:23:31] <zeeshan|2> i would
[17:23:41] <zeeshan|2> (i wouldnt)
[17:23:46] <zeeshan|2> but i definitely would get the screw
[17:23:49] <zeeshan|2> cause just bothers me for some reason
[17:23:57] <zeeshan|2> thats why it takes me long to finish things
[17:24:02] <cradek> zeeshan|2: perhaps you could mail him one
[17:24:14] <zeeshan|2> i actually have that screw size
[17:24:18] <zeeshan|2> if its standard electric unf stuff
[17:24:21] <andypugh> I wasn’t aware that it was missing until I looked at the photo.
[17:24:22] <furrywolf> cradek: what should I bid on a Mori Seiki SL-1? :)
[17:24:23] <zeeshan|2> looks like #10
[17:24:26] <zeeshan|2> or 12
[17:24:48] <andypugh> I bet I can’t get a #10 screw here.
[17:25:02] <zeeshan|2> #10 screw for kurt vise
[17:25:04] <zeeshan|2> sounds like a deal
[17:25:11] <zeeshan|2> :D
[17:26:03] <andypugh> There is only one listing on eBay UK for UNF cheese-head.
[17:26:05] <furrywolf> bah, you're all no help. :P
[17:26:07] <furrywolf> bbl
[17:26:14] <zeeshan|2> furrywolf: $5r
[17:26:21] <cradek> furrywolf: it's a mistake to base what you're willing to pay on what others are willing to pay
[17:26:41] <cradek> (which is why I hate hate hate auctions)
[17:26:48] <furrywolf> how about basing my opinion of the machine's value on other people's opinion of the machine's value?
[17:26:54] <andypugh> furrywolf: Think of a price, then imagine you have won it, and are about to pay. How do you feel?
[17:27:05] <cradek> yes!
[17:27:18] <cradek> then imagine you DIDN'T win it. How do you feel?
[17:27:27] <cradek> if you're pretty much ok both ways, that's the price you should bid
[17:27:39] <zeeshan|2> i'd pay $2000
[17:27:40] <zeeshan|2> for that machine
[17:27:43] <zeeshan|2> no more
[17:27:56] <furrywolf> I'll feel mad that I don't have a place to put it and I'll have to have a stupidly shiny bit of equipment under a tarp in the driveway taking up my parking spot because I can't afford a hose.
[17:27:59] <furrywolf> house
[17:28:10] <cradek> so if someone else gets it for $2001 you'd be fine? if so that's the right bid.
[17:28:18] <zeeshan|2> actually
[17:28:22] <zeeshan|2> cradek you make a good point
[17:28:25] <fenn> add weird numbers to the end
[17:28:29] <zeeshan|2> rule #1 of bidding, never put a whole number
[17:28:32] <zeeshan|2> cause thats what most people do
[17:28:34] <zeeshan|2> silly me
[17:28:40] <zeeshan|2> yep fen :P
[17:28:49] <furrywolf> yes, I know that, and was planning on that.
[17:28:53] <fenn> take your favorite prime number and multiply it by your other favorite prime number
[17:28:57] <furrywolf> I can't store it and I can't power it, but I want it. :(
[17:29:00] <zeeshan|2> furrywolf: maybe bidding isn't a silly thing
[17:29:03] <zeeshan|2> is i mean
[17:29:06] <zeeshan|2> cause you dont have the space
[17:29:11] <ssi> or the money :P
[17:29:29] <Wolf_> win it, ship it to me, I’ll clean it up for you and store it
[17:29:33] <zeeshan|2> man if i fry my vfd
[17:29:36] <zeeshan|2> doing this bullshit wiring
[17:29:38] <zeeshan|2> im gonna cry
[17:29:43] <zeeshan|2> but im gonan do it
[17:29:49] <furrywolf> lol
[17:30:45] <andypugh> don’t buy a machine with no home. There will be others.
[17:31:00] <zeeshan|2> furry i frigging gave up on that lathe the other day
[17:31:02] <zeeshan|2> listen to andy
[17:31:31] <zeeshan|2> shielded twisted pair between vfd and 7i77 for +/-10v signal, single wires to 24v to vfd common
[17:31:38] <zeeshan|2> vfd fr pin to dio.
[17:31:47] <zeeshan|2> ^ sounds right? :P
[17:32:23] <furrywolf> andypugh: there won't be others around here. there is NO cnc industry around here. That one, at our only college, is the only one in existance. lol
[17:32:34] <furrywolf> if I don't buy it now, any one I buy in the future will require a road trip.
[17:32:46] <zeeshan|2> buying a machine
[17:32:48] <zeeshan|2> to put it under a tarp
[17:32:50] <zeeshan|2> is a really dumb idea
[17:33:02] <zeeshan|2> thats how you become a hoarder
[17:33:12] <andypugh> Oh, maybe it is worth grabbing then. Can you buy a shed to put it in?
[17:33:27] <furrywolf> We have no industry left, at all. Nada. The only working machine shop left in the area is the one working mill left in the area, and it's entirely manual. (a relative is a millwright there, one of the 5 millwrights left in the county)
[17:33:55] <cradek> if it's 8' tall or less you could rent a garage for storage while you build
[17:34:06] <andypugh> To me a millwright works on windmills and watermills.
[17:34:10] <furrywolf> There's two local engine-focused machine shops, and they're all manual machines.
[17:34:26] <furrywolf> The local fab shop finally got into the digital age and got a plasma table, but the rest of the shop is manual.
[17:34:36] <furrywolf> andypugh: here a millwright works on sawmills. :)
[17:37:13] <furrywolf> I can rent another storage unit, but the cost of the machine then goes up every month.
[17:37:20] <furrywolf> and unlike my shoptask, I can't run it inside the storage unit. :)
[17:37:42] <furrywolf> the storage units have 120V 15A outlets... not 15hp 3ph outlets. :)
[17:38:24] <andypugh> You just need a generator.
[17:38:33] <zeeshan|2> hes only got 20 of them! :D
[17:38:36] <zeeshan|2> so this can actually work
[17:39:04] <furrywolf> the largest ones are around 30A 240V... I'm not sure what the machine draws, but it'd need a couple of them. :P
[17:39:04] <Wolf_> gang them and phase them? lol
[17:39:51] <furrywolf> they _are_ parallelable, though. two of them will give me 60A 240V. I only have two 240V ones, but I could probably parallel the 120V ones separately with each leg of the 240V ones as long as the 240V ones are started first. not sure how the inverters will handle that, though...
[17:41:03] <furrywolf> bbl
[17:44:14] <Deejay> gn8
[17:46:30] <andypugh> If they were mechanical you could phase them for 3-phase with belts, but that won’t work witrh inverters.
[18:07:49] <Loetmichel> btw: had a good laugh today. my boss is in china atm. so i got a mail this morning: "please draw the parts we discussed and send the files to me"... I mailed back that i cant because he took the prototype with him where i have to measure for that. A few hours later my co-worker got an angry mail "why is that drawing not here?!? *rant*" ... so i wrote back "if you would ready your */"§$/%
[18:07:50] <Loetmichel> mail you would know that we cant. and joerg is the wrong guy anyway"... my coworker stood behind me and nearly shat his pants "ohoho... thats not good language!"
[18:08:12] <Loetmichel> ... a few minutes later i got a mail "sorry, didtn know that. so we'll do the drawing when i am back." coworker read that and couldn belive his eyes ;) he thought the next thing i would get was a pink slip per mail ;)
[18:11:01] <CaptHindsight> andypugh: ever do any aluminum die casting about the size of a laptop or tablet enclosure?
[18:11:24] <andypugh> I have never done any at all
[18:11:35] <CaptHindsight> nevermind
[18:12:05] <CaptHindsight> was wondering what the cycle times might be for something that size and intricacy
[18:29:40] <deep_pink> for PVC what is better climb or conventional? 7/16 end mill 2 flute hss
[18:31:20] <PetefromTn_> I doubt PVC would care what you did with it...soft stuff.
[18:37:13] <Rab> deep_pink, I got better results convential milling with a 1/4" 2 flute carbide end mill.
[18:37:19] <skunkworks> either way the shavings are going to wrap around your tool and pull your cell phone out of your pocket..
[18:37:55] <deep_pink> skunkworks: what??
[18:38:14] <deep_pink> what cellphone?
[18:38:42] <Rab> Climb milling seems like it would cause more friction and do a worse job of clearing swarf. I tried it, and the finish wasn't as nice.
[18:39:17] <PetefromTn_> never noticed much difference in plastics really...
[18:43:45] <JT-Shop> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kx0Xd0I7Y8o
[18:53:37] <JT-Shop> neatly tucked away but easy to get to and only takes up 16" x 24" of floor space http://gnipsel.com/images/7x12-bandsaw/7%20x%2012%20Bandsaw%2007.jpg
[18:58:03] <PetefromTn_> JT-Shop you gonna make a larger table top for it? Otherwise looks great man..
[18:58:34] <JT-Shop> yea, need to, a buddy gave me a cast iron one that is just a tad too big to fit :(
[18:58:51] <JT-Shop> that top was a cobble up about 10 years ago...
[18:58:51] <PetefromTn_> MAKE it ift
[18:58:52] <PetefromTn_> fit
[18:59:13] <PetefromTn_> what's your max throat on it?
[18:59:29] <JT-Shop> it's a 7 x 12
[19:00:08] <PetefromTn_> I wonder how feasible it would be to fab up some new blocks to twist the blade a touch more for more throat?
[19:00:34] <fenn> less twist
[19:00:53] <PetefromTn_> Oh yeah it would be less huh
[19:00:56] <PetefromTn_> WIN
[19:01:00] <JT-Shop> change it in any way and you lose somewhere
[19:01:09] <PetefromTn_> I don't see how?
[19:01:17] <JT-Shop> now it is unlimited in X
[19:01:25] <JT-Shop> if you get more Y you loose X
[19:01:51] <JT-Shop> if the blade was not twisted then unlimited Y depth but X is now 7"
[19:02:01] <fenn> when you expect bells, it's whistles
[19:02:18] <JT-Shop> yes exactly
[19:02:18] <PetefromTn_> I don't see how that is correct
[19:02:35] <JT-Shop> btw fenn did you check out the 2.7 docs since I fixed the rest
[19:02:58] <PetefromTn_> if the guides did not twist the blade at all the blade would be inline with the wheels which are parallel to each other
[19:03:20] <PetefromTn_> so you would get the full width of the distance between the blade and arm
[19:03:22] <JT-Shop> in the conventional setup with the blade on a 45 I have unlimited X if the blade is at 0 then I have unlimited Y
[19:03:40] <PetefromTn_> when you twist it as it comes you increase that angle moving it toward the arm making the 7" throat
[19:03:43] <JT-Shop> yea and unlimited depth of Y
[19:04:08] <JT-Shop> you only exchange the X and Y depth by twisting the blade
[19:04:34] <PetefromTn_> well I don't see it but I will take your word for it I guess
[19:04:46] <fenn> JT-Shop: looks good here, only a minor nitpick was detected: HTML warning: line 261 and 272, attribute lacks closing quote
[19:05:00] <fenn> it's actually an extra quote
[19:05:56] <JT-Shop> I got those but buildbot is choking on something
[19:06:17] <JT-Shop> so it must not have built the latest ones
[19:06:37] <fenn> cool beans
[19:11:54] <fenn> following deep_pink's example i also bought a portable bandsaw
[19:12:36] <fenn> so now i can sleep over at friend's houses and have bandsaw parties
[19:13:01] <malcom2073> lol nice
[19:13:48] <deep_pink> I did the part in conventional milling - work awesome!!
[19:14:29] <deep_pink> Rab: - thanks!
[19:17:01] <fenn> http://www.ebay.com/itm/161784753191 hope the spraypaint comes off
[19:26:15] <andypugh> I wonder why they sprayed it?
[19:26:30] <fenn> construction workers mark their own tools so they don't get mixed up
[19:32:14] <andypugh> Ah, yes, like cavers and climbers mark their gear.
[19:33:16] <Wolf_> hmm looking at all these cnc mill conversion for bigger mills, I forgot how bad the X1 is built
[19:34:11] <Wolf_> lead screws just shoved through cast mounts with no bearings/bushing nothing
[19:34:58] <fenn> that's impressive (impressively bad)
[19:35:21] <malcom2073> Heh
[19:36:05] <Wolf_> mine is all galled up on the face between the block and the wheel, explains why the thing feels like shit to turn
[19:37:31] <PetefromTn_> https://greenville.craigslist.org/tls/5127902267.html Now this is what I call a Bandsaw ;)
[19:37:59] <malcom2073> Haha that's awesome
[19:38:15] <Wolf_> meh, only 3 feet of throat
[19:38:19] <Wolf_> :)
[19:38:28] <PetefromTn_> I know right...PUNY
[19:38:37] <malcom2073> I've seen more throat on a.... nevermind
[19:38:56] <Wolf_> I wouldnt want that thing
[19:39:02] <fenn> there is one like that for sale here for $5k
[19:39:12] <PetefromTn_> https://greenville.craigslist.org/tls/5173551556.html This is a nice little guy
[19:40:54] <Wolf_> bet there isn’t anything good in my area on CL...
[19:42:39] <Wolf_> hmm, $900 bridgeport
[19:43:29] <andypugh> PetefromTn_: But no blade-welder
[19:44:32] <PetefromTn_> it has a blade welder
[19:44:57] <PetefromTn_> well the first one anyway
[19:45:31] <andypugh> I meant the baby one.
[19:46:02] <Wolf_> hmm http://washingtondc.craigslist.org/nva/tls/5171562665.html
[19:46:05] <PetefromTn_> heh Baby one....
[19:46:15] <zeeshan-mill> hmm
[19:46:18] <zeeshan-mill> nothing blew up so far
[19:46:23] <zeeshan-mill> time to linuxcnc this spindle!
[19:46:27] <PetefromTn_> wells index is a very nice machine
[19:47:43] <andypugh> http://www.lathes.co.uk/index/
[19:48:21] <Wolf_> I love these kind of ads, http://baltimore.craigslist.org/tls/5122906301.html
[19:50:11] <zeeshan-mill> what is a halpin
[19:50:19] <zeeshan-mill> er
[19:50:23] <PetefromTn_> holds your do up?
[19:50:25] <zeeshan-mill> is it okay to setp in custom.h
[19:50:28] <zeeshan-mill> custom.hal
[19:50:40] <zeeshan-mill> i need to set a pin to a constant value
[19:50:57] <andypugh> Yes, you can do that
[19:51:30] <zeeshan-mill> okay
[19:55:58] <zeeshan-mill> setp hm2_5i25.0.7i77.0.1.analogout5 3
[19:56:04] <zeeshan-mill> volt measure doesnt read 3v
[19:56:07] <zeeshan-mill> i read 0v
[19:56:10] <zeeshan-mill> hm
[19:56:26] <zeeshan-mill> measure = meter . so many typos today
[19:56:46] <andypugh> is hm2…write added to a thread?
[19:56:57] <zeeshan-mill> i have linuxcnc open
[19:56:59] <zeeshan-mill> so all the axis can move
[19:57:04] <andypugh> Is realtime running?
[19:57:09] <zeeshan-mill> yes
[19:57:12] <andypugh> Should work then
[19:57:16] <zeeshan-mill> hm
[19:57:25] <andypugh> maybe enable?
[19:57:35] <zeeshan-mill> hmm lemme try that
[19:59:43] <andypugh> You don’t need to put these commands in a HAL file, open a terminal (with LinuxCNC running) and halcmd -kf to join a running hAL session and accept HAL commands from the terminal
[20:00:12] <zeeshan-mill> im using the hal config screen
[20:00:17] <zeeshan-mill> but that is awesme to know!!
[20:00:28] <zeeshan-mill> there is only one pin called analogena for the 7i77
[20:00:30] <zeeshan-mill> and its set to true
[20:01:04] <zeeshan-mill> maybe its soething to do with scale
[20:01:11] <zeeshan-mill> 5 might not mean 5v
[20:03:44] <zeeshan-mill> sigh!!
[20:08:13] <zeeshan-mill> hm2_5i25.0.7i77.0.1.analogout5-scalemax ; hm2_5i25.0.7i77.0.1.analogout5-minlim ; hm2_5i25.0.7i77.0.1.analogout2-maxlim
[20:08:18] <zeeshan-mill> whoops
[20:08:23] <zeeshan-mill> i think its something to do with this
[20:08:30] <zeeshan-mill> these are considered pins right?
[20:10:10] <zeeshan-mill> nope its not a pin
[20:13:50] <andypugh> Params, but you can setp them
[20:14:08] <andypugh> Don’t use the HAL config screen, it’s painful
[20:14:23] <andypugh> The terminal version gets tab-completion and command history
[20:14:25] <zeeshan-mill> haha yea the method you told me
[20:14:27] <zeeshan-mill> helps a lot
[20:14:30] <zeeshan-mill> you can copy and paste into it too
[20:14:40] <zeeshan-mill> looks like its nothing to do with scalemax
[20:14:42] <Wolf_> x/y axis crappy lead screw setup, what type of bearings would be recommend other then angular? things have a 8mm shaft on this pos
[20:14:44] <andypugh> tab completion is te best bit
[20:14:45] <zeeshan-mill> they are just setting -10 to 10v
[20:14:46] <zeeshan-mill> which seems right
[20:15:26] <andypugh> Sorry not to be more help, but I need to sleep
[20:15:28] <andypugh> Night all
[20:15:30] <zeeshan-mill> nite!
[20:26:35] <zeeshan-mill> pcw_home, you around? :)
[20:28:52] <zeeshan-mill> found the pin!!!
[20:28:53] <zeeshan-mill> hm2_5i25.0.7i77.0.1.spinena
[20:29:01] <zeeshan-mill> darn i guess that has to be enabled for it to work!
[21:04:43] <zeeshan|2> if i measure 24v when output is enabled through 7i77, and 0v when it is disabled
[21:05:00] <zeeshan|2> could i still have an error with how i've hooked it up with the load?
[21:06:41] <Tom_itx> uh oh
[21:07:20] <zeeshan|2> confused as hell
[21:07:32] <zeeshan|2> its reading the desired voltage at analog out physically
[21:07:38] <zeeshan|2> but the spindle won't spin!
[21:07:52] <Tom_itx> pull the rope start
[21:08:05] <zeeshan|2> Tom_itx: help me!
[21:08:10] <zeeshan|2> http://i.imgur.com/Hl1X0Ro.jpg
[21:08:17] <zeeshan|2> i've got it wired like bottom right
[21:08:29] <Tom_itx> holy crap
[21:08:41] <zeeshan|2> because im not using the internal supply of the vfd
[21:08:49] <zeeshan|2> and my output module is a "source" type
[21:08:55] <zeeshan|2> since 7i77 is sourcing outputs
[21:09:05] <zeeshan|2> did i wire it right? :P
[21:09:17] <Tom_itx> com goes to GND?
[21:09:25] <Tom_itx> i don't have a 7i77
[21:09:50] <zeeshan|2> 7i77 internally grounds the 24v supply
[21:09:58] <zeeshan|2> through the field power pins
[21:10:10] <zeeshan|2> so you give it 24vdc @ field power, and ground of the power supply
[21:10:31] <Tom_itx> is field power isolated?
[21:10:43] <Tom_itx> if it is, you need the other end of that as GND i presume
[21:11:05] * zeeshan|2 thinks
[21:11:14] <Tom_itx> lemme finish up here and i'll look
[21:13:41] <zeeshan|2> ive got it wired wrong
[21:13:42] <Tom_itx> pin 8 of the field power plug
[21:13:51] <zeeshan|2> it should be like top right
[21:13:53] <zeeshan|2> not bottom right
[21:13:59] <zeeshan|2> im looking at my old output wiring
[21:14:08] <zeeshan|2> 7i77 -> load -> ground
[21:14:24] <zeeshan|2> 7i77 outputxx -> load -> ground
[21:14:30] <zeeshan|2> thats how it is wired
[21:14:39] <zeeshan|2> if i follow the bottom right diagram in that image i posted
[21:14:40] <Tom_itx> pin 8 as gnd?
[21:14:46] <zeeshan|2> lemme check
[21:15:09] <zeeshan|2> yes its ground
[21:15:25] <zeeshan|2> and pin 5 is vin
[21:15:30] <Wolf_> damn I can’t seem to find 8mm angular contact bearings
[21:15:33] <zeeshan|2> and ive got the jumper set
[21:15:37] <zeeshan|2> so all vfields are shorted together
[21:15:56] <zeeshan|2> so if you look at the bottom right diagram
[21:15:59] <zeeshan|2> its basically saying this
[21:16:23] <Tom_itx> u just said bottom right was wrong
[21:16:40] <zeeshan|2> 24v enters through pcs pin, goes through some circuit comes out fr, goes through mesa
[21:16:43] <zeeshan|2> which is supposed to ground it internally
[21:16:53] <zeeshan|2> unless im thinking about it wrong.
[21:18:41] <zeeshan|2> its just 2 wires to swap
[21:18:50] <zeeshan|2> i gotta ground bc
[21:18:54] <zeeshan|2> instead of giving 24vdc to pcs
[21:19:06] <zeeshan|2> so 1 wire to swap :P
[21:19:19] <zeeshan|2> hopefully idont fry anything |:P
[21:19:33] <Tom_itx> that's not what either of those diagrams show
[21:19:43] <Tom_itx> why gnd bc?
[21:20:19] <Tom_itx> those both show BC to source
[21:25:20] <zeeshan-mill> no fire yet
[21:27:53] <zeeshan-mill> ok something clearly wrong
[21:27:58] <zeeshan-mill> when i turn on the output it reads 24
[21:28:00] <zeeshan-mill> when its off
[21:28:02] <zeeshan-mill> it reads 18 :P
[21:28:07] <zeeshan-mill> so maybe idid have it wired up right before
[21:32:36] <Tom_itx> source type with outside power?
[21:32:39] <Tom_itx> lower right
[21:34:29] <zeeshan-mill> i think i fried something
[21:34:40] <zeeshan-mill> Tom_itx, yes i had it wired up as source type outside power
[21:34:45] <zeeshan-mill> and when i measured on it output 24
[21:34:50] <zeeshan-mill> and when i measured off it output 0
[21:34:58] <zeeshan-mill> then i swapped to wiring like the top right
[21:35:06] <zeeshan-mill> and it read 24when on and 18 when off
[21:35:14] <zeeshan-mill> i swapped the wires again back to the original
[21:35:17] <zeeshan-mill> and now its doing the same thing
[21:35:20] <zeeshan-mill> 24v on 18v off
[21:36:12] <zeeshan-mill> actually its floating at 20V
[21:36:13] <zeeshan-mill> now
[21:36:17] <zeeshan-mill> not 0
[21:38:14] <Wolf_> missing pull down?
[21:38:30] <zeeshan-mill> i think i fried something on the 7i7
[21:38:31] <zeeshan-mill> 7
[21:38:33] <zeeshan-mill> output side
[21:38:34] <Wolf_> or cooked it
[21:39:31] <zeeshan-mill> WTF is going on here
[21:39:41] <zeeshan-mill> if i turn both outputs 04 and 05 off
[21:39:44] <zeeshan-mill> which is what i have wired
[21:39:47] <zeeshan-mill> then they both read 0
[21:39:50] <zeeshan-mill> but if i enable one of them
[21:40:00] <zeeshan-mill> then one reads 24v the other reads 20v
[21:40:05] <zeeshan-mill> HMM?
[21:40:22] <Wolf_> thats with nothing connected?
[21:40:30] <zeeshan-mill> no thats with wires connected
[21:40:54] <Wolf_> loop back?
[21:54:28] <furrywolf> I bid $550 on each lathe... not going to win the mori seiki. other people were discussing how many thousands to bid. heh.
[21:55:29] <furrywolf> absolutely beautiful condition machine
[21:56:25] <furrywolf> they got rid of it because last week the Haas rep finished sitting up their brand new turning center with a modern control and live tooling...
[21:56:30] <furrywolf> setting up
[21:56:46] <zeeshan-mill> i hope you get it
[21:56:48] <furrywolf> they haven't even made chips on their new machine yet. heh.
[21:56:52] <zeeshan-mill> were there a lot of people there?
[21:56:53] <furrywolf> I won't.
[21:57:08] <PetefromTn_> zeeshan|2 Hey man ya got a sec for a tig question?
[21:57:13] <furrywolf> I know one guy was talking about bidding $6k but decided to knock a thousand off because the control lost its settings when the battery died.
[21:58:11] <furrywolf> apparantly you have to reenter all the parameters manually and it takes three weeks. ouch.
[21:59:01] <Tom_itx> furrywolf, did it make you feel better just to bid?
[21:59:33] <furrywolf> no, it pissed me off that I don't have a house to put it in, which is why I bid so low.
[21:59:58] <furrywolf> I'd already placed my bid then anyway. heh.
[22:00:05] <Tom_itx> they don't give out the parameters either
[22:00:47] <furrywolf> my plan was linuxcnc, but the guy that's probably going to win it was planning on using the original control.
[22:01:29] <PetefromTn_> heh so you bid on a bigass CNC lathe and you have nowhere to put it
[22:01:52] <furrywolf> he owns a machine shop a while south and seemed to have an actual money-bringing-in use for it.
[22:02:07] <furrywolf> PetefromTn_: would you let that stop you? :P
[22:02:17] <PetefromTn_> well...yeah
[22:02:30] * furrywolf has several tarps
[22:02:44] <PetefromTn_> what's that old adage.... before you lift an elephant it is a good idea to know where you are gonna set it down LOL
[22:02:54] <furrywolf> lol
[22:03:11] <furrywolf> and lifting it would be fun, since they said their forklift went up at the back instead of the front when they tried moving it. :)
[22:03:18] <PetefromTn_> I've been to a couple auctions so I know how EASY it is to get caught up in the excitement tho..
[22:03:50] <PetefromTn_> http://www.ebay.com/itm/Harris-308L-Stainless-Steel-TIG-Rod-045-x-36-1LB-308LTHO-/371402123986?hash=item56794aaad2 anyone ever use harris Tig rods?
[22:04:07] * furrywolf still needs a tig welder
[22:05:32] <furrywolf> I also bid $550 on the harrison lathe... it's in good shape other than a bad halfnut.
[22:05:55] <furrywolf> it's a much more reasonable size and power requirements.
[22:06:09] <furrywolf> the mori seiki label said it draws a continuous 19.something kW!
[22:08:40] <furrywolf> it draws more power than most houses here have available.
[22:08:59] <furrywolf> unless it's a grow house. they always upgrade to 200A service. :)
[22:12:19] <furrywolf> the harrison is 3hp, which I can run off my rotary converter, and everything felt nice and smooth, except, as the seller warned me, the half-nut popped out randomly.
[22:13:16] <furrywolf> however, I doubt I'm winning it either.
[22:13:33] <furrywolf> I bid $85 on the ct-40 toolholders, and $50 on the injection molding machine, figuring if no one else bids I'll haul it off. :P
[22:24:38] <PetefromTn_> good luck man
[22:26:45] <furrywolf> I doubt I'm winning anything.
[22:26:53] <furrywolf> I need a house and a shop. :(
[22:27:04] <furrywolf> I would have a bit a LOT more on the mori seiki if I had a place to put it.
[22:27:13] <furrywolf> it was too pretty to put under a tarp. looked like brand new.
[22:27:19] <furrywolf> s/bit/bid
[22:27:51] <PetefromTn_> that would be a perfect machine for me here really
[22:28:17] <PetefromTn_> not crazy HP and reasonable overall size to capability ratio
[22:28:36] <furrywolf> 10hp spindle isn't crazy? :)
[22:28:42] <furrywolf> you must have a big shop!
[22:29:01] <PetefromTn_> well it is just about all I can run here.
[22:29:10] <PetefromTn_> my Cincinatti Arrow 500 is similar in size
[22:29:11] <MattyMatt> off electricity
[22:29:24] <furrywolf> the spindle is 10hp, total load close to 20hp... the servo drive claims to pull 4kW on its own...
[22:29:31] <MattyMatt> my learner motorbike had 12kW "spindle"
[22:29:32] <PetefromTn_> my house/shop has 200 amp service
[22:29:36] <furrywolf> another 2hp for hydraulics, 1hp for coolant, etc.
[22:30:01] <PetefromTn_> yup same as the cincinatti....overall probably closer to 20
[22:30:25] <PetefromTn_> but I could probably run it here okay I think
[22:30:39] <PetefromTn_> the CNC lathe I am building has a 7.5HP spindle
[22:31:13] <zeeshan-mill> holy cow
[22:31:17] <zeeshan-mill> using analogout
[22:31:23] <zeeshan-mill> the spindle is SUPER responsive
[22:31:26] <zeeshan-mill> hmmm!!!!!1
[22:31:33] <furrywolf> I want a shop. :(
[22:31:38] <zeeshan-mill> sorry i am on a tangent
[22:31:39] <furrywolf> houses cost too fucking much!
[22:31:44] <Wolf_> man… makes my mill sound vert very pathetic.. 1/5hp
[22:31:54] <MattyMatt> move to detroit. squat a factory
[22:32:06] <furrywolf> a small house on a lot big enough for a metal building is more than ten years of my entire net income...
[22:32:09] <zeeshan-mill> lol wolf
[22:32:21] <zeeshan-mill> stop it
[22:32:24] <zeeshan-mill> youre in usa
[22:32:27] <zeeshan-mill> theres so many slum towns
[22:32:33] <zeeshan-mill> you can get a massive property for 80k
[22:32:34] <zeeshan-mill> :P
[22:32:53] <MattyMatt> I'm sure you can get an acre of desert for even less
[22:32:57] <zeeshan-mill> lol
[22:32:59] <zeeshan-mill> thats true
[22:33:05] <MattyMatt> somewhere to pour a slab and pitch a tent
[22:33:23] <pcw_home> zeeshan-mill: dont try to measure 24V 7I77 digital outputs without a load
[22:33:33] <furrywolf> but then I'd have to live in the desert. heh.
[22:33:35] <zeeshan-mill> pcw_home, i had it wired wrong
[22:33:44] <zeeshan-mill> its working now
[22:33:48] <zeeshan-mill> this stupid manual is retarded
[22:33:51] <Wolf_> I bought a piece of shit house, but with land and a 35x24’ shop in the back, under $200k, buddy dad got a place around the corner from me thats on 1 acre ish but has a 30x50’ shop out back for $75k
[22:34:05] <furrywolf> pcw_home: any progress on 7i76es? since it seems I'm not going to get the cnc lathe I bid on, now I can spend the money on your stuff. :P
[22:34:17] <pcw_home> that have up to 5 ua leakage so may read some voltage with a DVM when off
[22:34:28] <furrywolf> $200k is a lot of cash.
[22:34:29] <zeeshan-mill> pcw_home, is there a manual where it talks about things like spinena etc
[22:34:36] <zeeshan-mill> that took me a little while to figure out!!:P
[22:34:43] <pcw_home> being built now
[22:35:49] <pcw_home> hal show pin?
[22:35:59] <zeeshan-mill> pcw_home, nah
[22:36:05] <zeeshan-mill> i mean i didnt know you needed spin ena
[22:36:10] <zeeshan-mill> for driver #5
[22:36:17] <furrywolf> my net income is around $20k. heh.
[22:36:19] <zeeshan-mill> i was wondering why it wasnt outputting any voltage
[22:36:27] <zeeshan-mill> i feel like im not reading a manual somwhere
[22:36:33] <zeeshan-mill> and saving myself this pain
[22:36:52] <zeeshan-mill> http://i.imgur.com/vV733bA.jpg
[22:36:56] <zeeshan-mill> the vfd manual is so retarded
[22:36:58] <zeeshan-mill> er wrong image
[22:37:06] <pcw_home> "Six uncommitted OPTO coupler outputs are available for drive enable. Five of these
[22:37:08] <pcw_home> outputs are (ENA0 through ENA4) are switched in common while ENA5 can be
[22:37:09] <pcw_home> independently switched for spindle applications."
[22:37:34] <zeeshan-mill> http://i.imgur.com/Hl1X0Ro.jpg
[22:37:44] <zeeshan-mill> pcw_home, 7i77pdf?
[22:38:14] <zeeshan-mill> does it look like to anyone else
[22:38:24] <zeeshan-mill> that the top right diagram has a wire going to BC?
[22:38:38] <zeeshan-mill> cause thats how i had it hooked up and its wrong
[22:38:41] <zeeshan-mill> its supposed to go to pcs
[22:38:45] <zeeshan-mill> they screwed up the line spacing
[22:39:01] <zeeshan-mill> :(
[22:42:10] <PetefromTn_> man this uber thin .040 tig wire sure makes controlling things easier
[22:42:22] <zeeshan-mill> for thin pipe right?
[22:42:28] <zeeshan-mill> it doesnt blob
[22:42:31] <zeeshan-mill> but melts nicely into puddle
[22:42:32] <pcw_home> bottom right is how you should wire it for 7I77 24V outputs
[22:42:40] <PetefromTn_> actually I am using it on the sch40 stuff
[22:42:44] <zeeshan-mill> pcw_home, but i had it like that
[22:42:45] <zeeshan-mill> and it didnt work
[22:42:49] <PetefromTn_> apparently that is what the other guy was using
[22:42:50] <zeeshan-mill> i had to wire it like the top
[22:42:52] <zeeshan-mill> and now its working
[22:43:19] <PetefromTn_> I went over there today to talk to them about stuff and found a couple rods leftover
[22:43:23] <zeeshan-mill> when i was feeding +24v into pcs
[22:43:25] <zeeshan-mill> it didnt work
[22:43:29] <PetefromTn_> so I grabbed them and started testing with it here.
[22:43:29] <zeeshan-mill> but if i ground pcs
[22:43:30] <zeeshan-mill> it works
[22:43:36] <PetefromTn_> what a difference that makes
[22:43:56] <zeeshan-mill> i use a spool from a mig welder
[22:43:57] <PetefromTn_> I think I am gonna order some .045 308L rod
[22:43:58] <zeeshan-mill> its the same thing
[22:44:03] <zeeshan-mill> its cheaper in a spool
[22:44:06] <PetefromTn_> no shit..
[22:44:08] <pcw_home> thats right, bottom right picture grounds PCS
[22:44:10] <PetefromTn_> thats a good tip
[22:44:24] <PetefromTn_> it's funny you mention that
[22:44:30] <PetefromTn_> this stuff mics at .035
[22:44:34] <zeeshan-mill> pcw_home, but its going to the positive side of the battery
[22:44:37] <zeeshan-mill> in that pic
[22:44:39] <PetefromTn_> which is common size for mig welders
[22:44:47] <zeeshan-mill> yea PetefromTn_
[22:44:55] <PetefromTn_> I looked online and the rod comes in .045
[22:44:55] <zeeshan-mill> the cool thing is you can buy it at home depot
[22:45:02] <PetefromTn_> WAT
[22:45:02] <zeeshan-mill> if you really it in a rush
[22:45:03] <pcw_home> nope negative side (small bar)
[22:45:20] <PetefromTn_> 308L stuff?
[22:45:24] <zeeshan-mill> yea pete
[22:45:28] <zeeshan-mill> no 309l
[22:45:29] <PetefromTn_> excellent
[22:45:29] <zeeshan-mill> though
[22:45:47] <PetefromTn_> its not real expensive in rod form
[22:45:56] <PetefromTn_> 8.75 or so a pound
[22:45:59] <zeeshan-mill> wow im a TARD
[22:46:00] <zeeshan-mill> LOL
[22:46:11] <zeeshan-mill> how did i screw up something so basic
[22:46:15] <zeeshan-mill> small bar as +
[22:46:16] <zeeshan-mill> LOL
[22:46:21] <zeeshan-mill> laugh at me all
[22:46:22] <PetefromTn_> http://www.ebay.com/itm/Harris-308L-Stainless-Steel-TIG-Rod-045-x-36-1LB-308LTHO-/371402123986?hash=item56794aaad2
[22:46:46] <zeeshan-mill> locally i get raped for that stuff
[22:46:58] <zeeshan-mill> also with .035
[22:47:05] <zeeshan-mill> you run out of it quicker!!!
[22:47:05] <PetefromTn_> whats a roll cost?
[22:47:21] <zeeshan-mill> around 40 bux for a 5lb
[22:47:22] <PetefromTn_> honestly after using this stuff
[22:47:25] <zeeshan-mill> lemme check
[22:47:31] <PetefromTn_> it is really thin and wiggly
[22:47:46] <PetefromTn_> I think the .035 stuff in rod form would be easier to hold onto etc.
[22:47:51] <PetefromTn_> sorry .045
[22:48:14] <zeeshan-mill> im not sure about 0.045
[22:48:19] <zeeshan-mill> i only got the thin stuff
[22:48:25] * furrywolf curls up and yawns
[22:48:40] <PetefromTn_> I talked to the owner and he said that is all he used on the stainless apparently
[22:49:08] <PetefromTn_> and looking at his welds they are really narrow and tightly packed so I think that is probably a correct assumption
[22:49:44] <PetefromTn_> all I know is it is a LOT easier to control the bead with it compared to the stuff I have been using
[22:50:49] <zeeshan-mill> nice
[22:50:52] <furrywolf> one of these days I'll hopefully find a way to earn more money... but it's hard! 20k a year isn't bad around here...
[22:50:53] <zeeshan-mill> are they using an inverter
[22:51:05] <PetefromTn_> I'd like to order a couple pounds of that harris stuff from ebay but I just checked my piggy bank and I think I blew my load on all that flowmeter/tigfinger/gas/household electrical outletsand switches schtuff...
[22:51:18] <PetefromTn_> who?
[22:52:12] <zeeshan-mill> the guy who does narrow welds
[22:52:16] <PetefromTn_> furrywolf honestly man what little I know about your knowledge base I would think you could get a job doing something making a lot more money than that. Just your electrical knowledge would get it done.
[22:52:25] <zeeshan-mill> furrywolf, do something about it if it bothers you!
[22:52:49] <PetefromTn_> no apparenlty he had a Miller transformer machine
[22:52:55] <zeeshan-mill> ah
[22:53:03] <zeeshan-mill> PetefromTn_, me too i feel the same way about furrywolf
[22:53:11] <zeeshan-mill> hes silly for not doing something about it
[22:53:11] <Wolf_> I have a inverter machine
[22:53:12] * zeeshan-mill slaps
[22:53:28] <PetefromTn_> Wolf_ what kind
[22:53:40] <Wolf_> miller dynasty 200dx
[22:53:49] <zeeshan-mill> show us your welds
[22:53:57] <zeeshan-mill> !
[22:54:22] <PetefromTn_> that looks like a nice machine but I don't know much about it.
[22:54:25] <furrywolf> it's very hard to turn skills into money, especially when you're not particularly good at anything.
[22:54:49] <PetefromTn_> it's a 3500 dollar machine so it must be decent LOL
[22:54:49] <zeeshan-mill> 1590
[22:54:50] <zeeshan-mill> er
[22:55:02] <zeeshan-mill> PetefromTn_, i think its more man
[22:55:09] <zeeshan-mill> silly expensive
[22:55:25] <PetefromTn_> http://store.cyberweld.com/mildyn200dxa.html
[22:55:29] <Wolf_> it was cheaper when I got it…
[22:55:38] <Wolf_> but that was 10yrs ago
[22:55:43] <Wolf_> http://wolfmetalfab.com/pics/The%20Old%20Shop/slides/IMG_0193.JPG
[22:55:54] <Wolf_> some ugly stainless welds
[22:55:55] <PetefromTn_> nice
[22:56:08] <PetefromTn_> what is that?
[22:56:31] <zeeshan-mill> nice!
[22:56:35] <zeeshan-mill> we have another tigger here
[22:56:36] <zeeshan-mill> hooray
[22:56:38] <Wolf_> your gonna laugh, its a bracket for a over the stove microwave oven
[22:56:54] <PetefromTn_> hey man whatever works right
[22:57:15] <furrywolf> it's very hard to make more than minimum wage without a specialist profession, like doctor or lawyer... and around here even many doctors make close to minimum wage, because all the useless people are on medi-cal, and that's all they pay.
[22:57:24] <Wolf_> house had a old window to what use to be a car port
[22:58:00] <PetefromTn_> furrywolf do like so many others do.... LIE on your resume to get in hehe
[22:58:19] <furrywolf> you can't lie your way to doctor or lawyer. or, at least, I can't. :P
[22:58:30] <Wolf_> here is another of the same thing http://wolfmetalfab.com/pics/The%20Old%20Shop/slides/IMG_0195.JPG
[22:58:31] <PetefromTn_> I am not talking about Doctor or lawyer
[22:58:57] <PetefromTn_> but honestly that has apparently been done too
[22:59:10] <PetefromTn_> Wolf_ so you have a fabrication business?
[22:59:26] <Wolf_> overall http://wolfmetalfab.com/pics/The%20Old%20Shop/slides/IMG_0192.JPG willing to bet that I didn’t need the extra tubes
[22:59:35] <furrywolf> yes, I know it's been done, which is why I added that I couldn't, not that no one could. :P
[22:59:43] <Wolf_> yeah somewhat, do commercial truck unfitting
[22:59:46] <Wolf_> up-fitting
[22:59:59] <PetefromTn_> sweet
[23:00:12] <zeeshan-mill> 318
[23:00:25] <PetefromTn_> brb
[23:00:46] <Wolf_> mostly small stuff http://wolfmetalfab.com/pics/Welding%20Work/slides/IMG_0220.jpg
[23:02:11] <furrywolf> I was talking to someone who repaired honda generators the other day, for the largest shop in the area... he was happy he finally, after years of work, got a raise to $13 an hour.
[23:04:22] <Wolf_> ok, machine question, looking at the shaft couplers for the axis drives on mcmaster-carr, which ones should I be looking at?
[23:05:25] <furrywolf> and $13 an hour is pretty damn good.
[23:05:37] <furrywolf> and yet not nearly enough to think about home ownership
[23:06:51] <Wolf_> Aluminum Coupling Hubs and Shore 98A Spiders, Zero backlash are the right ones?
[23:11:51] <furrywolf> bbl, wolfy bedtime
[23:12:35] <zeeshan-mill> furrywolf, youre in a shit area
[23:12:36] <zeeshan-mill> move.
[23:12:37] <zeeshan-mill> simple
[23:12:38] <zeeshan-mill> :)
[23:13:34] <furrywolf> seems the only people making money around here are growing weed or selling supplies for growing weed... and even that's going away, both because prices are so low it's hard to make any money, and because it'll soon be legal and the entire industry will vanish.
[23:31:42] <fenn> Wolf_: they don't make machines like the van norman anymore... i almost got one but it slipped away
[23:32:39] <PetefromTn_> zeeshan|2 ya there?
[23:33:10] <fenn> one of the devs has one: http://jmkasunich.com/vannorman/VN_Home.htm
[23:33:13] <Wolf_> fenn: yeah I did a search on them after I linked it, interesting looking machine
[23:37:38] <PetefromTn_> http://www.ebay.com/itm/ER308L-Stainless-Steel-308L-MIG-Welding-Wire-0-045-2-Lb-Roll-/190557352361?hash=item2c5e1a71a9 OOH... I think this is the ticket
[23:38:17] <zeeshan-mill> yes
[23:38:30] <zeeshan-mill> in and out a bit
[23:38:32] <zeeshan-mill> tuning the spindle
[23:38:39] <zeeshan-mill> man fak modbus for spindle control
[23:38:41] <zeeshan-mill> its so much slower
[23:39:00] <PetefromTn_> I know right.. I gotta switch back mine to analog so I can get the damn toolchanger working
[23:39:09] <zeeshan-mill> youre going to pid it?
[23:39:27] <PetefromTn_> right now I NEED to spend as much spare time practicing this Tig welding stainless so I can do their work here
[23:39:42] <PetefromTn_> I dunno whatever gives the best orient
[23:39:50] <zeeshan-mill> did you try backpurging
[23:39:53] <zeeshan-mill> with your new setup
[23:39:55] <PetefromTn_> either PID or using the braking feature as PCW said.
[23:40:06] <PetefromTn_> no I am actually still waiting on the TEE to get here.
[23:40:11] <PetefromTn_> I did receive the new flow reg
[23:40:17] <PetefromTn_> and my tig fingers today
[23:40:25] <PetefromTn_> that tig finger is pretty nice actually
[23:40:39] <PetefromTn_> very smooth sliding action on the metal and keeps the heat off your pinky LOL
[23:40:40] <zeeshan-mill> yea lets you prop your finger
[23:40:51] <zeeshan-mill> for the longest time
[23:40:54] <zeeshan-mill> i used to use a cotton cloth
[23:40:54] <zeeshan-mill> lol
[23:40:57] <zeeshan-mill> ghetto!
[23:40:59] <PetefromTn_> hey man can you critique me here...
[23:41:11] <PetefromTn_> don't laugh LOL
[23:41:13] <zeeshan-mill> hehe
[23:41:24] <PetefromTn_> http://i.imgur.com/R3kR4p2.jpg
[23:41:36] <zeeshan-mill> this comp is slow!
[23:42:32] <zeeshan-mill> honestly to me that looks good
[23:42:48] <zeeshan-mill> you dont have much grey going on
[23:42:51] <PetefromTn_> really..
[23:42:55] <zeeshan-mill> meanin your feed is good
[23:43:07] <PetefromTn_> that is NO back purge whatsoever
[23:43:12] <zeeshan-mill> yep i believ eyou!
[23:43:14] <zeeshan-mill> when you backpurge
[23:43:20] <PetefromTn_> and using 3/32 tungsten
[23:43:23] <zeeshan-mill> youll see it gets easier to control
[23:43:25] <PetefromTn_> numer 12 cup
[23:43:34] <PetefromTn_> and that .030 wire/rod
[23:43:36] <zeeshan-mill> nice
[23:43:57] <PetefromTn_> man if it gets easier to control with the back purge I might just be able to do this.
[23:44:04] <PetefromTn_> the more I practice the better I get
[23:44:13] <zeeshan-mill> trust me
[23:44:13] <PetefromTn_> my biggest issue is stopping and starting
[23:44:15] <zeeshan-mill> ive seen some welders
[23:44:18] <zeeshan-mill> some people have it
[23:44:19] <zeeshan-mill> some people dont
[23:44:22] <zeeshan-mill> you got it
[23:44:22] <zeeshan-mill> haha
[23:44:54] <zeeshan-mill> do you have an autodarkening helmet?
[23:44:54] <PetefromTn_> I am trying REAL hard to get my technique down on this tube
[23:45:04] <zeeshan-mill> how are you welding this tube
[23:45:06] <PetefromTn_> yeah it's not a crazy expensive one tho
[23:45:08] <zeeshan-mill> do you have it along the axis
[23:45:13] <zeeshan-mill> like
[23:45:21] <zeeshan-mill> is the radial part against your table
[23:45:27] <zeeshan-mill> or are the ends of the tube against your table
[23:46:10] <PetefromTn_> actually what I am doing is I put the two pieces close together against the movable jaw of my chinese POS CNC vise to align them and then tack in two places
[23:46:16] <PetefromTn_> then once it is one piece
[23:46:26] <PetefromTn_> I kinda lightly clamp it in the vise
[23:46:44] <PetefromTn_> and put the vise sideways on the table in front of me
[23:46:58] <PetefromTn_> and then weld from right to left across the crack
[23:47:04] <zeeshan-mill> gotcha
[23:47:06] <zeeshan-mill> thats good
[23:47:30] <zeeshan-mill> do you know of the technique
[23:47:37] <zeeshan-mill> where youre a lazy welder
[23:47:44] <zeeshan-mill> and you dont wanna chamfer the pipes
[23:47:49] <Wolf_> good helmet does wonders, and helps if you can get in to good working position
[23:47:54] <zeeshan-mill> so you put a piece of 1/16 tig wire between the pipes
[23:47:56] <zeeshan-mill> tack
[23:47:58] <zeeshan-mill> and then weld
[23:48:07] <zeeshan-mill> if you havent tried that, try it!
[23:48:12] <PetefromTn_> no but that is a neat idea
[23:48:21] <PetefromTn_> these pipes I have been prepping like
[23:48:36] <PetefromTn_> take them and using a die gringer with a sanding disk
[23:48:48] <PetefromTn_> sorta polish away the exterior rough texture
[23:49:17] <PetefromTn_> then use my 3m scotch brite wheel on the bench grinder to polish them a bit not going too crazy as these are just test pieces
[23:49:23] <zeeshan-mill> yes
[23:49:25] <PetefromTn_> then I wipe everything down with acetone
[23:49:36] <PetefromTn_> set up on the POS CNC vise
[23:49:52] <PetefromTn_> Oh forgot to add the champfer to both pieces
[23:50:01] <PetefromTn_> before the polishing
[23:50:04] <PetefromTn_> ;)
[23:50:16] <PetefromTn_> what kinda helmet do you have?
[23:50:50] <zeeshan-mill> miller "elite" series
[23:50:57] <Wolf_> speedglas
[23:50:58] <zeeshan-mill> its got a big viewing window
[23:51:03] <zeeshan-mill> speedglas is sweet
[23:51:51] <PetefromTn_> mine is made by Kobalt tools probably just a rebranded chinese one or something but it works okay
[23:52:09] <zeeshan-mill> sorry to interrupt this conversation
[23:52:14] <zeeshan-mill> but i just fixed my rigid tapping!!!!
[23:52:17] <zeeshan-mill> it WAS modbus
[23:52:19] <zeeshan-mill> causing the lag
[23:52:24] <zeeshan-mill> now its consistently reversing
[23:52:25] <Wolf_> sweet
[23:52:27] <zeeshan-mill> within 5 thou
[23:52:38] <zeeshan-mill> it still overshoots
[23:52:40] <zeeshan-mill> but its consistent
[23:52:42] <zeeshan-mill> and much less
[23:53:14] <PetefromTn_> great man glad you got it sorted
[23:53:24] * Wolf_ sends zeeshan-mill all the cad files for parts that need tapped for the x1 conversion
[23:53:45] <zeeshan-mill> i still need a brake
[23:53:47] <zeeshan-mill> haha wolf
[23:53:52] <zeeshan-mill> ask pete!!
[23:53:52] <zeeshan-mill> :P
[23:53:55] <zeeshan-mill> hes in usa!
[23:54:40] <Wolf_> not too many holes, most of the tapping is gonna be on the mill anyways http://i.imgur.com/NZCBIdp.png?1
[23:55:30] <zeeshan-mill> what is that
[23:55:34] <PetefromTn_> http://i.imgur.com/wLxZS5v.jpg ROFL
[23:56:40] <PetefromTn_> http://www.bakersgas.com/media/products/LINK3101-1.jpg this one looks nice
[23:57:33] <PetefromTn_> http://opwelding.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Miller-Digital-Elite-Auto-Helmets.jpg freakin' clowns hehe
[23:57:40] <Wolf_> x1 column, missing the headstock, with the z axis ball screw mount, column cap for air spring cabled counter weight. bar on the side is from the ball nut to the head, still missing the stepper mount and some minor tweaks
[23:58:21] <zeeshan-mill> yea i got that style
[23:58:25] <zeeshan-mill> but its silver
[23:58:41] <PetefromTn_> how much was it?
[23:58:47] <zeeshan-mill> kinda expensive
[23:58:49] <zeeshan-mill> but remember im in canada
[23:58:53] <zeeshan-mill> 280 on "SALE"
[23:58:59] <zeeshan-mill> 10 years ago or so
[23:59:02] <PetefromTn_> I'd like to have a full window hemmet
[23:59:08] <zeeshan-mill> its worth it
[23:59:32] <PetefromTn_> I can let my wife/kids watch me with this one when I get a new one LOL
[23:59:41] <zeeshan-mill> yea!
[23:59:41] <zeeshan-mill> haha