#linuxcnc | Logs for 2015-05-27

[00:06:42] <pcw_home> This error is at the loading of the hm2_pci driver stage so fine details in hal file are
[00:06:43] <pcw_home> probably not the issue might be hardware (dirty PCI slot), linuxcnc version
[00:06:45] <pcw_home> (not exactly sure when 5I24 support was merged) etc, dmesg will give a better clue
[00:07:05] <treid_> http://www.linuxcnc.org/index.php/english/forum/30-cnc-machines/28632-14x40-lathe-retrofit?start=20#59097
[00:08:00] <treid_> I posted the dmesg and linux debug text there
[00:08:35] <treid_> This version 2.6 of linuxcnc and a 2 day old motherboard. all the hardware is new
[00:26:50] <pcw_home> 2.6.?
[00:28:57] <pcw_home> Like I said, I'm not sure when 5I24 support was added
[00:30:32] <pcw_home> you can check if the card is detected with
[00:30:34] <pcw_home> lspci -nv | grep 2718
[00:31:31] <treid_> 2.6.4
[00:32:23] <treid_> that command didn't return anything
[00:32:46] <pcw_home> OK so the card is not detected
[00:33:07] <pcw_home> are all lights out on the card?
[00:33:18] <treid_> Yes
[00:33:25] <treid_> the red LED flashes once on startup
[00:35:23] <pcw_home> W9 in up position?
[00:37:11] <treid_> Yeah it looks like all jumpers are in the default position. Up or Left
[00:37:59] <treid_> The 7i49 I have connected to the 5i24 has teh yellow LED lit
[00:38:05] <pcw_home> did you say you had a 5I25?
[00:38:22] <treid_> and it's getting power through the ribbon cable
[00:38:29] <treid_> It is the 5i24
[00:39:00] <pcw_home> do you have a 5i23 or 5I25?
[00:39:15] <treid_> No just the 5i24
[00:39:57] <pcw_home> well maybe failed 5I24 or bad PCI slot or some incompatibility I have not seen
[00:40:32] <pcw_home> what motherboard?
[00:41:06] <treid_> It is the Gigabyte J1900N-D3V
[00:41:33] <pcw_home> the 5I24 is known to work with that
[00:42:10] <pcw_home> so dont know. might try updating to the latest 2.6
[00:43:07] <treid_> Yeah it seemed like a good combo from what I read
[00:43:12] <pcw_home> but no ID sounds like PCI issues either bad slot, dirt on fingers or some such
[00:43:57] <treid_> Is the single LED flash a bad sign or normal?
[00:45:30] <pcw_home> thats normal (it means the FPGA loaded its configuration successfully )
[00:46:48] <treid_> Ok. I can try cleaning the contacts? I'm not certain I have another PCI card to test the slot
[00:46:50] <pcw_home> can you post the results of
[00:46:51] <pcw_home> lspci -nv > foo.txt somewhere? (like pastebin)
[00:48:54] <treid_> http://pastebin.com/wiHJPs0M
[00:55:03] <treid_> This is probably better: http://pastebin.com/EnSzM4Tx
[01:07:15] <pcw_home> well no sign of the 5I24 so dont know
[01:07:59] <treid_> strange
[01:08:50] <treid_> is it possible to send the card back for a new one?
[01:08:56] <pcw_home> probably have to try another PCI card on the slot and see if it works and likewise try the 5I24 in another PC
[01:09:22] <pcw_home> not sure where the problem lies
[01:10:37] <treid_> I will have to come up with a way to test... don't have another pci card or desktop to plug this into
[01:11:45] <pcw_home> might also try cleaning the 5i24 contact fingers (99% isopropyl alcohol is good for this)
[01:11:59] <treid_> Ok, I have some 99% at work
[01:12:47] <treid_> Is there a good way to test the card on a Windows machine?
[01:13:34] <pcw_home> it should show up in the hardware manager
[01:13:57] <treid_> Ok
[01:14:14] <pcw_home> as a DPIO card with id of 2718:5I24
[01:14:49] <treid_> Got it
[01:15:09] <pcw_home> bbl
[01:15:13] <treid_> If I test the slot and the card and find it's the card at fault, what is my best course of action
[01:15:25] <treid_> thanks for your help by the way
[01:15:38] <pcw_home> we can repair/replace it
[01:15:49] <treid_> contact you through IRC or email?
[01:15:57] <pcw_home> email
[01:16:08] <treid_> what address is best
[01:16:29] <pcw_home> tech@mesanet.com
[01:16:49] <treid_> Ok, thank you. I really appreciate your patience
[02:06:29] <Deejay> moin
[10:54:21] <Simonious> How does BobCAM stack up vs CAMBAM?
[10:55:12] <archivist> not used either, heard more whining about bob though
[10:55:36] <archivist> usually pleasant comments about cambam
[10:56:47] <JT-Shop> I have bobcrap, do you want to buy it from me?
[10:56:56] <archivist> hehe
[10:56:58] <JT-Shop> only slightly used LOL
[10:57:55] <archivist> my only bias, is I have met the writer/owner of cambam
[10:58:13] <malcom2073> Did they ever decide if you're allowed to sell used software? I don't recall how that went (Seriously not trolling you, I'm curious)
[10:58:18] <malcom2073> :P
[10:59:00] <archivist> define "they" depends on your license
[10:59:48] <malcom2073> Hmm, I should go google that, there was a big hubub about it a while back, wonder how the lawsuits turned out.
[11:00:30] <archivist> each seller can write their own small print
[11:00:35] <Simonious> I've only used cambam so far myself, very much a novice with it
[11:07:26] <ssi> anyone have any experience with the cncrouterparts.com motion platforms?
[11:07:33] <Simonious> can cambam do vcut text?
[11:07:50] <_methods> ssi: i was lookin at those myself
[11:08:01] <eventor> yes, there exists an V Carve like plugin
[11:08:04] <_methods> their whole design is up for DL
[11:08:14] <_methods> so you can make it all yourself if you want
[11:08:31] <ssi> _methods: i'm thinking about just breaking down and buying their shit
[11:08:38] <ssi> I'm about to have money, and i don't really have time
[11:08:41] <_methods> yeah sometimes taht is much easier
[11:08:42] <_methods> yeah
[11:08:45] <ssi> trying to decide if it'd be a decent laser platform
[11:08:47] <zeeshan> ssi
[11:08:50] <_methods> looks good to me
[11:08:52] <zeeshan> a lab rght next to ours
[11:08:56] <zeeshan> boug tthis:
[11:09:06] <Simonious> _methods: I'm pretty novice at the moment - currently have a bobcam rep in a video chat demo
[11:09:12] <ssi> a convertible laser/router would be tits
[11:09:15] <zeeshan> http://www.cncrouterparts.com/benchtop-pro-cnc-machine-kit-p-314.html
[11:09:28] <zeeshan> only complaint is theyre running mach 3 :P
[11:09:28] <_methods> ?
[11:09:34] <zeeshan> but it comes with a full motion controller
[11:09:45] <ssi> I haven't really looked closely at the benchtop ones
[11:09:51] <ssi> too many moneys for too little usefuls
[11:10:02] <archivist> that looks like mecano
[11:10:08] <Rab> Can anybody recommend speed/feed/etc for machining PVC plumbing fittings with micro tooling? I have .125" single- and two-flute endmills, mainly concerned with the PVC melting and grabbing the tool.
[11:10:18] <ssi> the 4x8' pro cnc platform is $4500
[11:10:29] <_methods> is that with everything?
[11:10:33] <ssi> I think I can do motors and electronics for $2K, and tube/psu/chiller for another $2k
[11:10:36] <malcom2073> My only complaint would be the lack of spring preload on the vgroove wheels
[11:10:36] <ssi> no it's just mechanicals
[11:10:45] <_methods> still that's not bad
[11:10:46] <malcom2073> They're adjusted with offset nuts
[11:10:50] <_methods> is that including all the extrusions?
[11:10:53] <ssi> and no legs on the table either
[11:10:53] <ssi> yeah
[11:11:12] <ssi> malcom2073: I believe on the pro series they use a sliding preloaded wheel carriage
[11:11:20] <_methods> yeah
[11:11:22] <ssi> the pro series is the ones with the angled CRS bars
[11:11:42] <malcom2073> ssi: Ah ok, I looked at their carriages a while back and didn't see the pro
[11:11:48] <_methods> i was going to copy their design and replace all that crap with linear ways
[11:12:18] <ssi> http://www.cncrouterparts.com/v-con-tension-sled-kit-p-244.html
[11:12:47] <ssi> _methods: 100" linear ways are $$$ :(
[11:12:52] <malcom2073> That's not bad
[11:12:53] <_methods> yeah i know
[11:13:03] <zeeshan> ssi just weld that shit together!
[11:13:04] <zeeshan> :P
[11:13:06] <ssi> I already have three 60" axes
[11:13:06] <pingufan> Hello, I am currently routing a breakout board with opto couplers. Output is no problem for four axes, I use Data 1-8 (pins 2...9). But I need two more outputs and 2-3 inputs Can somebody tell me which pins I should use?
[11:13:13] <ssi> and they were spendy enough heh
[11:13:44] <_methods> i don't know i still have plenty of time to finalize my design
[11:13:50] <zeeshan> http://www.cncrouterparts.com/images/CRP4896render2.jpg
[11:13:51] <ssi> I'm also wondering how smooth and accurate their rack & pinion is
[11:13:52] <zeeshan> where be legs
[11:13:54] <_methods> gotta get my air situation for the plasma right first
[11:13:57] <ssi> zeeshan: doesn't come with legs
[11:14:05] <malcom2073> _methods: I have two 2.6meter 30mm THK rails, could chop them up, buy carriages, and be set :-P
[11:14:14] <ssi> I got my plasma table hooked up and sorta working day before yesterday
[11:14:29] <zeeshan> ssi i wanna make a foldable plasma table
[11:14:31] <zeeshan> so bad!!
[11:14:31] <malcom2073> oh you want 100 inches
[11:14:36] <zeeshan> i cut a lot of flanges
[11:14:44] <_methods> watching auctions for a good deal on dryer and compressor
[11:14:56] <ssi> _methods: I have a spare compressor and a spare dryer
[11:15:01] <_methods> oh rly?
[11:15:03] <ssi> but one of my dryers isn't working correctly I don't think
[11:15:47] <zeeshan> ssi is your house fixed btw
[11:15:48] <malcom2073> ssi: You want two 2.6meter rails? :-D
[11:15:54] <ssi> zeeshan: not yet
[11:15:56] <ssi> malcom2073: how much?!
[11:16:01] <ssi> with trucks?
[11:16:41] <Rab> pingufan, looks like you have a few more pin options: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:25_Pin_D-sub_pinout.svg
[11:16:50] <zeeshan> this might be a silly q
[11:16:53] <zeeshan> but on the routers
[11:16:56] <zeeshan> are the 2 motors in sync?
[11:17:02] <zeeshan> ie being driven by same stepper driver?
[11:17:03] <malcom2073> ssi: I have two 2.6m, two 900mm, and 4 trucks total. Was debating combingin them to two 3.5m rails
[11:17:07] <ssi> zeeshan: depends how you do it
[11:17:15] <malcom2073> I paid $800 for the two 2.6 with no trucks though :/
[11:18:14] <malcom2073> I'd sell them for what I paid for them just to get rid of them. I'd use them, but not for like 4-5 years so they're just taking up space. Shipping would be hell though
[11:18:34] <pingufan> Rab: Are the inputs internally pulled hight by the PC port?
[11:19:06] <Rab> pingufan, I have a chinese breakout board that makes all those pins available. 12 outputs and 5 inputs. LinuxCNC can control all of them.
[11:19:24] <Rab> (Write 12 and read 5.)
[11:19:58] <ssi> malcom2073: where in the world are you
[11:20:15] <Rab> pingufan, I believe all the signals are handled the same. But I can't confirm that.
[11:20:15] <malcom2073> pennsylvania, USA (mid east coast)
[11:20:17] <archivist> pingufan, occasionally I have had to modify pullups
[11:20:26] <malcom2073> you're georgiaish yeah?
[11:20:56] <ssi> yeah
[11:20:58] <ssi> that's not too bad
[11:21:07] <ssi> I could come up in the cherokee six and fetch them
[11:21:16] <ssi> but it occurs to me that those railsa re actually too short for what I want
[11:21:17] <malcom2073> Holy shit, actually.... this would be a better deal for you: http://www.ebay.com/itm/HSR20R4UU-2520L-Used-Linear-Bearing-THK-LM-Guide-30mm-pitch-NSK-CNC-2Rail-8Block-/221760059488?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item33a1edf860
[11:21:23] <malcom2073> Comes with *many* trucks, is only 20mm though
[11:21:33] <malcom2073> And HSR, not THK
[11:21:41] <malcom2073> My rails are used fwiw
[11:21:56] <ssi> wow that's really not a terrible deal
[11:21:57] <malcom2073> I don't believe there are any dings, I'd have to take them out of the packaging again and go over them
[11:21:59] <ssi> BUT
[11:22:06] <ssi> I really want to be able to do a full sheet of plywood
[11:22:12] <ssi> and 100" of rail won't do 100" of travel :(
[11:22:14] <malcom2073> Heh that's why I got the 2600 + 900
[11:22:21] <malcom2073> You can butt THK's against each other
[11:22:34] <ssi> yeah
[11:22:38] <Rab> pingufan, this is the board I have. For the price, you might want to consider buying one rather than fabricating your own. http://item.ebay.com/251728061990
[11:22:49] <ssi> I probably ought to just get the cncrouterparts kit
[11:22:55] <malcom2073> Probably lol
[11:23:01] <ssi> rather than screwing around with coming up with a design that'll probably end up crappy heh
[11:23:04] <pingufan> archivist: I also would not bet that today's parallel ports are libe in the 70's
[11:23:06] <malcom2073> These rails could be mounted to cut 1/2" aluminum
[11:23:10] <pingufan> ...like...
[11:23:19] <malcom2073> http://mikesshop.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Overview.png
[11:23:36] <malcom2073> I bought all the rails, then realized the steel for the frame would cost twice what I paid for the rails
[11:24:00] <pingufan> Rab: They steal 5V from USB. This is patchwork.
[11:24:20] <malcom2073> But it should be able to blow through a 5x10 sheet of 1/2" aluminum like nobodies business :/
[11:24:43] <ssi> lol
[11:25:20] <Rab> pingufan, USB is a much better source of power than the parport itself.
[11:25:20] <malcom2073> Do the cncrouterparts machine. in a couple years if you wanna upgrade, I'll likelynot have done anything with them so ping me again haha
[11:25:41] <pingufan> Sure. But the plug itself is a nightmare.
[11:25:42] <malcom2073> Can't much sell them, I got them with free shipping so... never make that back
[11:26:12] <Rab> pingufan, you can use the screw terminals as well.
[11:29:11] <Simonious> can CAMBAM do simulations? (like bobcam..) :P
[11:30:40] <archivist> Simonious, I thought you said you had it
[11:31:12] <Simonious> archivist: I've used it, but only a very little and I'm very novice.
[11:32:35] <archivist> there is also linuxcnc in its sim mode or openscam
[11:33:27] <Simonious> bobcam is sounding tidier in that respect then, because it can do it without using another package, am I right?
[11:35:28] <ssi> malcom2073: I like your table design
[11:37:19] <malcom2073> ssi: I'm actually thinking of doing a total redesign. Move the rails up, make the gantry *flat*, and have the Z hang down from it
[11:37:34] <malcom2073> Keeps the chips off the rails, and reduces gantry flex, at the cost of height and mass
[11:38:04] <malcom2073> saw it once... lemme find a picture
[11:38:26] <malcom2073> http://image.en.09635.com/2012-10/17/CNC-Mould-Router-Rd-1325-4x8-493.jpg
[11:38:33] <malcom2073> Not so large, but that sort of thing, rails high off
[11:38:54] <Rab> malcom2073, I'm considering that geometry myself for a project. I think it's usually disfavored because it blocks easy access to the work area.
[11:39:26] <Rab> Also because you need a table frame and a gantry frame, and a very rigid connection between them.
[11:39:28] <malcom2073> Rab: Agreed, you have to have 10ft of length to set a piece inside
[11:39:35] <malcom2073> to one side
[11:40:00] <malcom2073> Right, the whole U shaped channel is going to have to be massive
[11:40:04] <Rab> I think I'd make it wider and end-load.
[11:40:10] <malcom2073> But it makes the gantry *way* more stable
[11:40:31] <malcom2073> I thought about it, but I have room
[11:40:56] <Rab> Also reduces gantry weight.
[11:40:58] <malcom2073> This is going in my 40ft long polebarn once I get it concreted along with my mill and lathe that are crowding my garage heh
[11:41:10] <malcom2073> making it wider?
[11:41:26] <Rab> No, that basic configuration.
[11:41:29] <malcom2073> Ah yeah
[11:43:37] <Rab> Only thing I don't like is that the Z-axis needs to be very rigid, because it has to drop so far that it's usually below the moment between the Y-axis rails.
[11:44:05] <Rab> But that might not be much of a problem.
[11:44:23] <Rab> And hard to avoid with large Z travel anyway.
[11:45:09] <malcom2073> Yeah, I figured I'd rather make a really rigid Z than a really rigid gantry
[11:45:35] <Rab> I guess the moment is actually centered at the lower Z rail in a 2-rail system.
[11:45:54] <Rab> Er, Y rail.
[11:46:04] <malcom2073> is that Y? or X?
[11:46:53] <malcom2073> I figured gantry travel was Y, cross-gantry was X, but I came from the world that must not be named, so I'm likely backwards
[11:47:13] <Rab> Actually I think it might be advantageous to have two widely-spaced, horizontal Y rails, with the Z axis plunging between them.
[11:47:41] <malcom2073> Ahhh hmm
[11:48:00] <Rab> You lose some X travel with a wide gantry, but it should also be more rigid.
[11:48:12] <malcom2073> Yeah, I like that. I have *tons* of travel heh
[11:50:12] <malcom2073> 3.4m of rail, even a 400mm gantry would still give me 3m of travel, which is 500 more than I *need* for most practical purposes
[12:04:44] <ssi> malcom2073: I always liked the hybrid of that, where you have one low rail and one high rail
[12:05:22] <malcom2073> Hmm, to what purpose?
[12:05:32] <Rab> ssi, breaking up the plane = greater 3D rigidity?
[12:05:38] <ssi> I dunno
[12:05:40] <ssi> maybe not :P
[12:05:43] <malcom2073> Heh
[12:05:51] <ssi> makes loading easy tho
[12:05:56] <ssi> and the gantry is just an L rather than a U
[13:25:17] <Jymmm> IRS Hacked http://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/2015/05/26/irs-breach-100000-accounts-get-transcript/27980049/
[13:48:59] <witnit> anyone know a good price for machine like this? http://tucson.craigslist.org/bfs/5044701170.html
[13:50:02] <witnit> i was thinking like 3200, but im a bad judge of single spindle machines
[13:57:33] <_methods> isn't that the same machine JT-Shop has?
[13:57:37] <witnit> one could probably change the encoder on it and resell for 30% more
[13:57:46] <witnit> i think so
[14:02:23] <ssi> that's a newer CHNC
[14:02:29] <ssi> $3200 would be a good price
[14:02:49] <ssi> wonder which encoder is bad... spindle prolly
[14:03:00] <ssi> on turret encoder maybe
[14:28:20] <furrywolf> look for one with a bad control. that seems to make them cheaper. they seem to think their control adds value...
[14:29:23] <witnit> agreed, but i feel like a well known name control will resell quickly
[14:30:23] <PCW_> Also a good control can be resold (or sold for parts) to someone trying to nurse along another old control
[14:30:30] <witnit> i really dont know enough about commercial controls, like if i just had that control i would have no idea its lone value
[14:31:20] <witnit> im not able to even consider buying the machine due to that im in indiana, but im looking at two others nearby and am trying to hone in on a cost
[14:31:43] <furrywolf> I know nothing about commercial controls either, just that everyone seems to rip them off and trash them to use linuxcnc...
[14:32:08] <CaptHindsight> the one in Tucson looks to be in a clean condition
[14:32:44] <CaptHindsight> you see lots of them looking like they were submerged in water for a 2 years
[14:32:44] <_methods> i would think $3-5k would be fair prices
[14:32:51] <furrywolf> I wish I could get a good vmc... but I can't even afford a mesa board for my current machine, much less a multi-thousand-dollar machine...
[14:33:30] <witnit> i like the servo systems, the 7i90 and 7i33 combo is incredibly affordable
[14:33:31] <CaptHindsight> what would it be worth in 100% working condition? $3k?
[14:33:46] <CaptHindsight> how old is it?
[14:34:01] <witnit> buy it capt, its too far for me
[14:34:20] <_methods> fully working cnc lathe like that with turret on cross slide i would say fair price at auction would be around $4-8k
[14:34:33] <_methods> depending on who all was there obviously
[14:34:33] <furrywolf> truck freight can be surprisngly affordable, if you shop around and are willing to wait.
[14:34:34] <CaptHindsight> a dealer wouldn't pay more and a shop would buy it only if they were local and possibly had a similar already
[14:35:20] <furrywolf> the trick is to find someone already going your direction with unfilled space in their truck. then it's pretty much free money for them...
[14:35:45] <_methods> but once again you never know, i saw a fully functional ikegai cnc lathe go for $1k at auction one time
[14:35:46] <CaptHindsight> whats that TV show about truckers?
[14:35:47] <witnit> furrywolf: is there website that truckers in this situation use
[14:35:55] <_methods> was kinda kickin myself in the ass for not buying it
[14:35:56] <CaptHindsight> they are tied in with ebay freight now
[14:36:09] <CaptHindsight> let me get the link
[14:36:54] <furrywolf> yes, but I don't know them off the top of my head.
[14:36:56] <cradek> I used uship.com
[14:37:03] <cradek> it worked out really great
[14:37:11] <CaptHindsight> http://www.uship.com/ltl-freight/
[14:37:15] <CaptHindsight> yeah^^
[14:37:29] <cradek> I picked a guy with his own truck
[14:37:31] <_methods> you use local riggers and them for freight?
[14:37:44] <cradek> I rented a big forklift for my end
[14:37:51] <cradek> you have to be ready when they get there
[14:38:05] <cradek> he was good at calling and telling me the schedule while on his way
[14:38:17] <_methods> yeah we're doing a big move in a week or so we just rented a 30000lb forklift lol
[14:38:22] <_methods> $1k/day
[14:38:22] <furrywolf> he doesn't want to get stuck waiting for you. :)
[14:38:24] <CaptHindsight> or maybe lift gate on each end, whats that lathe weigh?
[14:38:40] <_methods> i've done smaller lathes with a rollback and winches
[14:38:53] <_methods> that was no fun
[14:38:56] <cradek> chnc? any little forklift can get that down to the ground
[14:38:57] <CaptHindsight> tilt bed tow truck
[14:39:05] <cradek> then you can easily move it by yourself with rollers
[14:39:13] <_methods> rent skates
[14:39:23] <witnit> yeah the chnc is rather light compared to alot of machines
[14:39:23] <furrywolf> if it's less than a couple tons, pallet jack and liftgate should do it
[14:39:36] <_methods> yeah those chnc's don't look too heavy
[14:39:43] <cradek> they're tipsy
[14:39:51] <witnit> probably just over 2 ton
[14:40:13] <furrywolf> then it depends on the liftgate... they come in a wide variety of weight limits.
[14:40:17] <CaptHindsight> they probably have a forklift at the shop where it's being sold
[14:41:04] <_methods> i hate moving machines
[14:41:07] <witnit> yeah if someone would load it, alot of local riggers are affordable and can pop over to unload and put it right where you want it most of time
[14:41:09] <_methods> so much stress
[14:41:46] <furrywolf> of course, if you're hiring crews and trucking it, figure another $1000 cheaper it has to be for it to be a good buy
[14:41:47] <witnit> i just hate getting my tubes lined up with my spindles on uneven broken concrete :)
[14:42:04] <_methods> bar feeders?
[14:42:07] <witnit> yeh
[14:42:17] <_methods> hehe shim away
[14:42:22] <witnit> well, similar
[14:42:59] <witnit> http://www.yankeescrew.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/940x430_ACME.jpg
[14:43:06] <witnit> machines like these
[14:43:14] <_methods> hah
[14:43:20] <_methods> we had 3 of those at my old shop
[14:43:28] <witnit> what size?
[14:43:29] <_methods> finally got rid of them
[14:43:33] <_methods> smaller than those
[14:43:36] <_methods> i never messed with them
[14:44:01] <witnit> oh, great machines, just a tough learning curve
[14:44:05] <_methods> yeah
[14:44:09] <_methods> bitch to set up
[14:44:11] <witnit> yeah
[14:44:15] <witnit> can take days sometimes
[14:44:21] <_methods> once you get em rolling it's money money money thought
[14:44:28] <_methods> s/thought/though
[14:44:30] <witnit> yeah try having 6 lathes at once
[14:44:40] <witnit> but you dont have to move parts around the shop to complete them
[14:44:44] <_methods> yeah
[14:44:49] <CaptHindsight> 1800 miles for 4k lbs will be around $1k
[14:44:51] <witnit> your slowest operation = total cycle time per part
[14:45:09] <CaptHindsight> with a forklift at each end
[14:45:49] <witnit> not bad capt, but after it was all said and done, i still couldnt make money on it here in indiana, would be cheaper for me to fly there repair it and make higher profit margin near california
[14:46:16] <witnit> such machines like that can go rather cheap here at auctions
[14:46:32] <_methods> yeah man you guys got tons of machines up there
[14:46:32] <CaptHindsight> yeah, wait for a local deal
[14:47:05] <witnit> well i have two here im looking at about 10 miles from my house.
[14:47:13] <CaptHindsight> I've had people deliver 8000lb machines for $200 from 100 miles
[14:47:32] <_methods> that's good price
[14:47:34] <witnit> i just wanted to price this one to judge these others
[14:47:40] <witnit> yeah sounds like a favor to me
[14:48:10] <CaptHindsight> hiring a tow truck is ~$2/mile plus $100
[14:48:12] <XXCoder> witnit: whats it
[14:48:16] <_methods> we're paying $800 from savannah to charleston for truck
[14:48:17] <XXCoder> looks like gating guns lol
[14:48:26] <witnit> acme-gridley
[14:48:50] <witnit> you should see the big bore machines
[14:48:58] <witnit> they are rather incredible
[14:49:00] <CaptHindsight> we ship 500lb drums all the time across country for $200
[14:49:02] <XXCoder> whats it do
[14:49:25] <furrywolf> XXCoder: gatling guns for screws! :P
[14:49:45] <XXCoder> lol
[14:49:53] <_methods> yeah we got a couple citizens and those dinosaurs got ejected lol
[14:51:57] <XXCoder> 6 part at same time lathe
[14:52:00] <XXCoder> er 8
[14:52:22] <XXCoder> furrywolf: so it makes lots screws eh
[14:52:37] <witnit> the nice thing about the acme is you can set them up once and run them for 20 years and not have to replace anything
[14:52:38] <XXCoder> but is it limited to screws?
[14:53:24] <witnit> no, its like a turret lathe, but the tooling doesnt move, the gatlin looking part rotates just like a gun and the bars are all go to the next position
[14:53:39] <witnit> all the tooling does is go forward and back
[14:54:17] <_methods> impressive to watch run, pain in the balls to set up
[14:54:20] <XXCoder> ahh so it moves in out then turn, first slot is raw, second cleaned, third trim, thread whatever till final stage at slot 8 cut off
[14:54:21] <witnit> yep
[14:54:33] <witnit> davenport is a really fun one to watch
[14:55:12] <witnit> its the same as a acme but its like the guts are on the outside of the machine stuck to a skeleton frame, so you get to see everything
[14:55:14] <XXCoder> heh I bet it takes bunch of mills or lathes to clean up other end
[14:55:23] <witnit> other end of part?
[14:55:33] <XXCoder> screw head
[14:55:44] <witnit> well, no these machines have a pickoff
[14:56:09] <witnit> so, you can hold the part while its cutting off and then do backwork right before it drops it down the shute
[14:56:25] <XXCoder> interesting
[14:56:42] <XXCoder> makes sense for round final shape but what if making lots bolts for example?
[14:57:11] <witnit> http://kaddis.com/Data/Mixed%20Parts%20014.jpg
[14:57:15] <witnit> think about parts like these
[14:57:29] <witnit> most of these could be ran complete on a manual screw machine
[14:57:41] <witnit> they even have stop spindles for the machine so you can crossdrill and tap
[14:58:03] <XXCoder> fancy allright
[14:58:19] <furrywolf> I want to write a trival g-code generator for plumbing fittings
[14:58:20] <XXCoder> wish we had em :P I'm milling fancy nuts at work
[14:58:21] <witnit> all cams and gears :)
[14:58:29] <furrywolf> probably should make it do screws too
[14:58:37] <witnit> how many nuts you gotta make?
[14:58:42] <XXCoder> yeserday I made 192
[14:58:46] <witnit> total'
[14:59:01] <XXCoder> im guessing day shift will finish rest of maybe 20
[14:59:13] <witnit> oh, not bad, what makes them fancy?
[14:59:20] <_methods> truck nuts
[14:59:31] <_methods> lol
[14:59:43] <XXCoder> plane nuts lol not really fancy I call it because its such expensive nuts
[15:00:11] <XXCoder> very hard metal, lathed to round then mill into nut shape, then finally drill holes for something
[15:00:18] <XXCoder> two tiny holes at ends
[15:00:18] <witnit> i have some incolnel nuts here
[15:00:53] <_methods> if it's for aviation it's probably for wire ties
[15:00:57] <XXCoder> heh my coworker is making real thin titanium thingy
[15:01:17] <XXCoder> one part takes twice as long as my job working 3 nut a time
[15:01:19] <witnit> one thing cool about these machines, you can buy a polygon cutting attachment for the to make a hex or put wrench flats on a part
[15:01:25] <_methods> they like to wire stuff together
[15:01:34] <XXCoder> _methods: likey yeah
[15:01:48] <witnit> for the cross slide*
[15:02:04] <XXCoder> wish they had it. they got like 8 older lathes
[15:02:13] <XXCoder> none of em can do poly cut I think
[15:02:32] <_methods> rotabroach
[15:02:44] <witnit> all it is a wheel with x amount of cutters which you roate at x speed ratio to the spindle and it mills in
[15:05:03] * furrywolf wonders how rotabroach fits in
[15:05:14] <witnit> another cool thing to watch is the tapping attachement, the tap drives in and back out and the spindle never stops turning the whole time is does it
[15:05:24] <XXCoder> dunno not a lathe guy
[15:05:33] <XXCoder> lathe looked simplier and harder lol
[15:05:48] <XXCoder> simple in that it has built in tool touchoff stuff, only two axis
[15:06:04] <XXCoder> harder because tooling setup looks hard, as well as easier make mistake and have impact
[15:06:56] <witnit> lathe is nice because if you have to make multiple of same part, jiggins and stops do all the wor
[15:06:59] <witnit> work*
[15:09:04] <witnit> http://i.ytimg.com/vi/8LDYNccQ1yk/maxresdefault.jpg
[15:09:18] <witnit> if you dont have one of these and use a manual lathe for make multiple parts, get one :()
[15:09:21] <witnit> :)
[15:09:40] <_methods> yeah turret stop
[15:09:44] <witnit> easy to make too
[15:09:47] <_methods> first thing you need to make
[15:10:41] * _methods still needs to make one
[15:11:06] <witnit> i think i found one in a box of junk i got with another machine and it fit perfect :)
[15:11:13] <_methods> score
[15:11:32] <furrywolf> I think I'm going to wire six nightlights into a generator stator tester. also, has anyone even contemplated using these honda generator alternators as either servos, spindles, or wind turbines?
[15:12:04] <furrywolf> s/even/ever
[15:12:41] <SpeedEvil> Doubt it
[15:12:48] <SpeedEvil> as they're not very available
[15:17:10] <furrywolf> http://cdn.boats.net/diagram/honda/14ZT70/ILLUST/ZT74F/2900E.png kinda hard to see in that image, but they're a stationary stator inside a permanent magnet rotor
[15:17:15] <furrywolf> 3-phase
[15:17:48] <furrywolf> they put out power at very low rpm... just pulling the pullstart gently I measured 19vac across all three pairs
[15:18:57] <furkanyilmaz11> Hi everybody, I am currently trying to compile kinematics file written in C. I installed linuxcnc dev package. I copied my C file in to linuxcnc/configs/folderofconfig directory. I am trying to write "sudo comp --install deltakins.c" to command line. But I am taking an error like "No such file or directory: deltakins.c"
[15:19:03] <furkanyilmaz11> Any suggests?
[15:21:09] <furrywolf> it's got some mild cogging, but I don't think it'd hold a turbine back from starting in any wind fast enough to get power from...
[15:21:41] <furrywolf> furkanyilmaz11: I have no idea what comp is.
[15:21:56] <furrywolf> so I'm not the best person to help. :)
[15:22:11] <furkanyilmaz11> firstly could you tell me how are u sending a message to me? :)
[15:22:21] <furkanyilmaz11> Like pm?
[15:22:38] <Rab> furkanyilmaz11, is deltakins.c present? Try specifying the path explicitly, like "sudo comp --install ./deltakins.c".
[15:22:51] <furrywolf> I didn't send you a message. I sent the whole channel a message, that started with your nick. lol
[15:23:11] <Rab> comp - Build, compile and install LinuxCNC HAL components http://linuxcnc.org/docs/html/man/man1/comp.1.html
[15:24:53] <furkanyilmaz11> Rab should I enter the directory before enter the file name? like "sudo comp --install linuxcnc/configs/parport/deltakins.c"?
[15:25:18] <CaptHindsight> lets see what bids get placed on shipping a 4k lb lathe, 2k miles from a dock to dock
[15:26:33] * furrywolf notes this channel doesn't get many turks
[15:26:39] <Rab> furkanyilmaz11, try it. Use tab completion to see if the file is actually available from that path.
[15:27:23] <witnit> maybe the path is good but the permissions down the path are bad?
[15:29:18] <CaptHindsight> furrywolf: it's the Cossacks you have to watch out for :)
[15:29:31] <furrywolf> lol
[15:29:39] <furrywolf> I'm just surprised to see a turkish name in here.
[15:30:48] * furrywolf sends everyone copies of yahsi bati to commerate the occasion
[15:30:59] <furrywolf> commemorate
[15:31:11] <furrywolf> bah, I can't spell today. I should go fuck with generators instead of trying.
[15:31:36] <CaptHindsight> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4nk5mSz_2s Hey Giorgy!
[15:31:53] <furkanyilmaz11> Rob I tried it. But now different error here
[15:33:08] <furrywolf> (one of the few movies I didn't horribly dislike)
[15:33:21] <witnit> you lose......comrade!
[15:33:42] <Rab> furkanyilmaz11, what's the error?
[15:34:02] <furkanyilmaz11> Rab how can I send a photo to here. Thats really so long.
[15:34:48] <Rab> furkanyilmaz11, paste it here: http://pastebin.ca/
[15:36:45] <furkanyilmaz11> Rab this site isnt accept my picture because of size, I am trying to find new platform to upload hold on please
[15:37:10] <furkanyilmaz11> Rab http://i60.tinypic.com/30bmskz.png
[15:38:50] <Rab> furkanyilmaz11, deltakins.c is in linuxcnc/configs/sim.axis.vismach.scara/ ?
[15:38:59] <furkanyilmaz11> Rob yes
[15:39:12] <furkanyilmaz11> Rob I read I put file to there
[15:39:22] <furkanyilmaz11> Rob is it wrong?
[15:39:39] <Rab> OK, change to that directory (cd linuxcnc/configs/sim.axis.vismach.scara/) and run comp again (sudo comp --install ./deltakins.c).
[15:41:21] <furkanyilmaz11> Rab already at there. I couldnt understand
[15:41:46] <Rab> furkanyilmaz11, you're in the directory?
[15:41:56] <_methods> what does pwd return
[15:42:00] <furkanyilmaz11> Rab yes
[15:42:52] <Rab> furkanyilmaz11, run "pwd" as _methods suggests, and paste the result here.
[15:43:35] <witnit> seems like, /home/YOURUSERNAME/linuxcnc/configs/sim.axis.vismach.scara/ would be the only change required
[15:43:47] <witnit> or no?
[15:44:31] <_methods> if you didn't want to mess with changing dir
[15:44:56] <furkanyilmaz11> Rab I am really so new in linux. I couldnt understand what really should I do. I was an mach3 user. When I write pwd on command line; command line answering me as a "/home/robotic"
[15:45:27] <Rab> furkanyilmaz11, write "cd linuxcnc/configs/sim.axis.vismach.scara/"
[15:46:50] <furkanyilmaz11> Rab http://i57.tinypic.com/dcs9rs.png
[15:47:12] <witnit> do you see the file when you type "ls"
[15:47:41] <witnit> now that you have ChangedDirectorys
[15:47:49] <furkanyilmaz11> Rab Can we speak via skype or teamviewer? I am really sorry because of I dont know so much thing about linux :(
[15:48:53] <furkanyilmaz11> witinit sorry I saw your messages right now
[15:49:08] <Rab> furkanyilmaz11, sorry, that is not possible for me.
[15:49:26] <furkanyilmaz11> Rab ok what should I do?
[15:49:41] <furkanyilmaz11> Rab Did you see the picture?
[15:50:09] <Rab> <witnit> do you see the file when you type "ls"
[15:50:12] <Rab> Do that.
[15:50:47] <furkanyilmaz11> Why there are no video tutorial or something like this to help the new users of linuxcnc? I am gonna record a video after I done this.
[15:51:11] <witnit> because nobody is paying us to do tutorials ahahahah
[15:51:33] <furkanyilmaz11> witnit :D
[15:51:52] <furkanyilmaz11> should I write 1s
[15:51:56] <witnit> L
[15:51:57] <witnit> ls
[15:52:18] <witnit> lovely little ls
[15:53:16] <furkanyilmaz11> http://oi59.tinypic.com/2i8ymp1.jpg
[15:53:54] <Rab> Great! Now type "sudo comp --install ./deltakins.c"
[15:57:12] <furkanyilmaz> hey I disconnected because of error are you at there?
[15:57:24] <Rab> I am.
[15:57:31] <furkanyilmaz> ok
[15:57:32] <furkanyilmaz> http://oi60.tinypic.com/v2z8yr.jpg
[15:57:33] <Rab> <Rab> Great! Now type "sudo comp --install ./deltakins.c"
[15:57:57] <Rab> furkanyilmaz, type this: ""
[15:57:57] <Rab> sudo apt-get install linuxcnc-dev
[15:58:45] <XXCoder> Rab: guy timed out
[15:58:55] <XXCoder> 246 seconds
[15:58:57] <Rab> XXCoder, that was his previous iteration.
[15:59:00] <furkanyilmaz> its already updated
[15:59:05] <XXCoder> oh
[15:59:19] <Rab> furkanyilmaz, I don't know the problem, sorry.
[15:59:46] <furkanyilmaz> Rab message is: xxx is already the newest version
[16:00:09] <furkanyilmaz> Rab upgraded 0 new etc.
[16:00:27] <Rab> furkanyilmaz, OK. Sorry, I can't help.
[16:00:48] <furkanyilmaz> Rab why? whats happened?
[16:00:49] <XXCoder> do you use apt-get? if so, did you update it?
[16:01:00] <XXCoder> sudo apt-get update
[16:01:58] <Rab> furkanyilmaz, I don't know what the problem is!
[16:02:17] <furkanyilmaz> http://i57.tinypic.com/2gsingk.png
[16:02:27] <furkanyilmaz> Rab ok thank you for spending time
[16:02:38] <furkanyilmaz> Rab really thank you very much
[16:02:44] <Rab> furkanyilmaz, sure!
[16:03:25] <XXCoder> try sudo apt-get update
[16:03:35] <furkanyilmaz> Rab Have you got an any suggest about what should I do after now? Should I send a bug report or something like that? Sorry about my bad english
[16:03:43] <XXCoder> then try get update linuxcnc-dev and hope it was updated
[16:04:07] <furkanyilmaz> XXCoder what should I write actually to command line? I am so new in linux
[16:04:13] <XXCoder> sudo apt-get update
[16:04:43] <witnit> furkanyilmaz: did you do a search on "iso c90 forbids mixed declarations and code"
[16:04:47] <furkanyilmaz> oww something is loading right now :)
[16:05:05] <XXCoder> yeah probably will not update much if it was recent install
[16:05:14] <furkanyilmaz> witnit no
[16:05:31] <furkanyilmaz> witnit should I?
[16:05:33] <witnit> i think it says there is error with deltakins.c did you edit it yourself?
[16:05:43] <furkanyilmaz> no
[16:05:51] <furkanyilmaz> And updating is done right now.
[16:06:17] <furkanyilmaz> I am gonna try again
[16:06:19] <XXCoder> furkanyilmaz: now try update linuxcnc again.
[16:06:26] <XXCoder> linuxcnc-dev that is
[16:06:50] <furkanyilmaz> ok
[16:07:12] <furkanyilmaz> sudo apt-get linuxcnc-dev
[16:07:17] <furkanyilmaz> is it right?
[16:07:25] <XXCoder> witnit: its working code, its just niot following nice C - revision 90 standard
[16:07:42] <XXCoder> open source tend to be bit messy
[16:07:46] <witnit> ahh well, all yours now then =D
[16:08:01] <XXCoder> not much else I can do
[16:08:09] <XXCoder> furkanyilmaz: yea
[16:08:30] <XXCoder> witnit: its HAL_SUCCESS thats something wrong
[16:08:41] <XXCoder> ignore "warnings" just look at error
[16:09:02] <furkanyilmaz> XXCoder I wrote wrong command I think it didnt work
[16:09:13] <XXCoder> whats it sa
[16:09:16] <XXCoder> I gonna go soon
[16:09:55] <furkanyilmaz> http://i59.tinypic.com/zuiej9.png
[16:10:01] <Rab> furkanyilmaz, read this: http://www.linuxcnc.org/index.php/english/forum/10-advanced-configuration/26680-delta-kinematic-problems-during-compiling
[16:10:17] <XXCoder> oh yeah
[16:10:24] <XXCoder> sudo apt-get install linuxcnc-dev
[16:10:29] <furkanyilmaz> Rab thank you I am going to read this.
[16:10:31] <XXCoder> forgot that
[16:10:50] <XXCoder> later hope there was a update
[16:10:53] <Rab> furkanyilmaz, add "#define HAL_SUCCESS 0" to the top of deltakins.c.
[16:11:19] <furkanyilmaz> XXCoder its loading something right now
[16:11:21] <Rab> And run comp again.
[16:11:48] <XXCoder> work yay heh 10 hours :P
[16:11:52] <XXCoder> laters
[16:11:55] <witnit> hey rab great find
[16:12:01] <witnit> be safe XXCoder !
[16:12:05] <XXCoder> thank
[16:12:14] <furkanyilmaz> XXCoder Message is "nuxcnc-dev is already the newest version."
[16:12:39] <XXCoder> yeah it was rather low chance, did you read what rab said? going now
[16:13:02] <furkanyilmaz> ok I am gonna add it
[16:14:40] <furkanyilmaz> http://i60.tinypic.com/282j054.png
[16:14:56] <furkanyilmaz> I add it is there an any mistake?
[16:15:30] <furkanyilmaz> If its ok I am gonna save and compile it again
[16:16:44] <Rab> Looks good!
[16:18:22] <furkanyilmaz> http://i59.tinypic.com/n36p90.png
[16:18:36] <furkanyilmaz> is it ok now? So its installed nicely ??? :)))
[16:18:55] <furkanyilmaz> My hurt is too fast right now ;!!
[16:19:31] <tiwake> anyone know how to work GCodeTools in inkscape?
[16:19:32] <furkanyilmaz> Is it ok installed right?
[16:20:10] <Rab> furkanyilmaz, I hope so.
[16:20:29] <witnit> furkanyilmaz: learning to search for things like rab did is very very important to people learning linux. example when he found the link http://www.linuxcnc.org/index.php/english/forum/10-advanced-configuration/26680-delta-kinematic-problems-during-compiling
[16:20:35] <Rab> tiwake, I've done it, but it was so easy I forgot. Basically you put the files in Inkscape's plugins directory.
[16:20:54] <tiwake> Rab: what files?
[16:21:21] <furkanyilmaz> What the fuck!! Who is the winner bitvh(linux). Fuck the mach3! and I am gonna take a complete tutorial video after the project is completely done
[16:21:28] <tiwake> Rab: it looks like GCodeTools comes pre-installed with the new version of inkscape
[16:21:28] <Rab> tiwake, the gcodetools files.
[16:21:49] <Rab> tiwake, yeah, I've heard that. I'm still using an older version of Inkscape, though.
[16:21:50] <furkanyilmaz> witnit, Rab, XXCoder thank you really so much
[16:21:52] <tiwake> at least it does for my debian install
[16:22:15] <furkanyilmaz> witnit I am gonna read it
[16:22:20] <Rab> tiwake, sorry, I parsed your question as "how to *install* gcodetools".
[16:22:27] <tiwake> ah, no...
[16:22:34] <tiwake> I want to use it :P
[16:22:54] <tiwake> and its complaining about origin, no tools defined and stuff
[16:23:10] <Rab> I've always just ignored that stuff.
[16:23:30] <Rab> I'm sure it makes life easier if you actually set that up.
[16:23:35] <tiwake> well
[16:23:42] <tiwake> I just want to use it for engraving
[16:23:43] <furkanyilmaz> Rab, witnit and XXCoder can you give your mail adresses I want to share my project with you
[16:24:16] <Rab> furkanyilmaz, just link to it here.
[16:24:41] <furkanyilmaz> Rab it isnt completed yet. After I finish it how can I found you
[16:24:56] <witnit> we all live here now
[16:24:58] <witnit> hahahahahah
[16:25:13] <furkanyilmaz> witnit ok bro! :D
[16:25:27] <Rab> tiwake, same (mostly). If you're using a conical cutter, there's probably no way to set it up anyway. gcodetools is only really 2D.
[16:25:28] <witnit> what machine are you building?
[16:25:47] <tiwake> alright, thats really all I want
[16:26:14] <tiwake> probably use a little ball endmill
[16:26:58] <furkanyilmaz> witnit Delta robot with 750w industrial ac motors and professional gearboxes. I am just 19. And Its really difficult projects for me
[16:27:28] <Rab> tiwake, I can tell you what I did. I set the stroke width in Inkscape to correspond to the tool I wanted (1mm or whatever). Then output gcode for those paths, then zeroed my Z-axis so the cutter was at the right depth.
[16:27:45] <tiwake> Rab: so... I just select the stuff I want and select the GCodeTools engrave thing?
[16:28:10] <Rab> tiwake, I've never used the engraving function.
[16:28:19] <tiwake> then what function?
[16:28:28] <Rab> Just Path to Gcode.
[16:28:48] <tiwake> ok
[16:28:55] <tiwake> do they need to be paths then?
[16:29:10] <tiwake> and not things like a circle object, or text
[16:29:13] <Rab> I guess I should stop offering advice. I was in a hurry, so as soon as I got it producing anything useful I started cranking out jobs and never explored further. ;)
[16:29:42] <Rab> I only used paths. I don't know how gcodetools treats objects.
[16:29:53] * tiwake facehooves
[16:29:55] <tiwake> alright
[16:30:12] <Rab> I made a special SVG font with optimized paths for text.
[16:30:48] <witnit> quite a project furkanyilmaz do you have a time deadline or doing this at your own pace?
[16:31:10] <tiwake> Rab: oh, fancy... can I get a copy?
[16:31:16] <tiwake> :3
[16:31:16] <Rab> Bear in mind that gcodetools does some rudimentary optimization, but it's not very smart. In particular, if your paths are made from a series of segments (as is typical), it will do a separate plunge for each segment and the job takes forever.
[16:31:22] <Rab> lemme look
[16:31:43] <tiwake> and yeah
[16:32:00] <tiwake> I've dealt with something similar... a plugin for corel draw
[16:32:03] <tiwake> I hated it
[16:32:19] <furkanyilmaz> witnit I have a time deadline. I have just one more month maximum to finish completely this project
[16:32:28] <tiwake> the plugin sucked, corel draw sucks...
[16:32:39] <Rab> So you select all your segments, Ctrl-K to combine into one path, then use the path editor to join each segment.
[16:32:51] <CaptHindsight> heh, had one carrier respond with "can it be on a pallet or crated?" the crate would cost >$100
[16:33:05] <witnit> wow, you have quite a project indeed, is the hardware all complete, you just need to reconfigure the controls?
[16:33:12] <tiwake> yeah
[16:33:14] <tiwake> alright
[16:33:14] <CaptHindsight> closer to $200
[16:33:21] <Rab> tiwake, still looking, I'll let you know when I find something usable.
[16:33:50] <tiwake> Rab: don't sweat it too much
[16:34:10] <Rab> tiwake, I'm more disturbed that I can't find it if I need it.
[16:34:37] <tiwake> ah, that is worse, yeah
[16:37:10] <furkanyilmaz> witnit yes hardware is easiest part for me. I am not good enough at software. Hardware is completed.
[16:38:32] <furkanyilmaz> witnit I was planing the arduino but its not good for pulse and direction signal. I used 1 mega and 3 uno but it didnt work nicely. Now I am trying to learn emc2
[16:38:42] <witnit> all i can say, is dont attache the arms until you know for a fact all the motors are acting exactly how you expect.
[16:39:57] <furkanyilmaz> witnit sure firstly everything will test before motors is not connected
[16:40:54] <furkanyilmaz> witnit I am using my room like a garage and homeoffice and I dont wanna crash the walls of my room :D
[16:42:24] <furkanyilmaz> witnit have u got an any idea about what that means? ::: Open the HAL file referenced to by your own INI file replace the name: loadrt trivkins with loadrt my_new_kins
[16:42:59] <furkanyilmaz> I have no idea about HAL's yet.
[16:44:01] <witnit> you have two files, .hal and .ini learn both very well, just print them out and highlight things you think you understand and just look for things, such as "loadrt trivkins "
[16:44:52] <witnit> maybe when you were making a new kinimetatics file it might have made it something like deltakins.....
[16:45:35] <furkanyilmaz> haha there is a 200 of pages manual for just .hal files. :D
[16:48:10] <Rab> tiwake, sorry, I just realized that I never made a complete font, only letters as needed. But here's what I have to give you something to look at: http://reboots.g-cipher.net/text.svg
[16:48:40] <tiwake> ok
[16:49:10] <tiwake> Rab: it does I's and K's for circles instead of R's?
[16:50:02] <Rab> ??
[16:51:46] <Rab> tiwake, take a look at PyCAM. It has a built-in engraving feature with a bunch of options, and it saves to SVG so you can import to Inkscape. I haven't had a chance to use it, only to install and run through, but it looks pretty nice.
[16:52:24] <tiwake> yeah, I was going to look at that later too
[16:52:41] <witnit> furkanyilmaz: you have very little time you will run into problems, what controller are you using?
[16:53:56] <furkanyilmaz> witnit I am gonna use parport
[16:55:33] <furkanyilmaz> witnit really I want to stay in contact with you is there an anyway? If I give you a my mail adress can u send a mail to me?
[16:57:58] <witnit> sure, just email me at duckdnsduck@cosmicemail.com but im not much help i have years on this stuff and still am clueless
[16:59:29] <furkanyilmaz> witnit I couldnt understand :D Because of my bad english
[16:59:57] <furkanyilmaz> witnit "im not much help i have years on this stuff and still am clueless" what do you mean
[17:00:21] <witnit> i am not very good with linuxcnc. I have been working on machines for years now and do not understand it very well
[17:01:46] <CaptHindsight> furkanyilmaz: also try the linuxcnc mail list https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/emc-users
[17:02:00] <CaptHindsight> Emc-users@lists.sourceforge.net
[17:04:02] <witnit> furkanyilmaz: what model motors do you have?
[17:05:00] <furkanyilmaz> witnit did you took my mail?
[17:05:35] <witnit> got it
[17:06:01] <furkanyilmaz> ok can we go on at there?
[17:06:40] <witnit> sure but don't expect much ahahah
[17:08:01] <furkanyilmaz> I couldnt understand :D
[17:08:18] <witnit> okay, but i am not very helpful
[17:21:09] <Deejay> gn8
[17:37:41] <tiwake> Rab: you think pycam would be better than GCodeTools?
[17:41:53] <Rab> tiwake, I'm not familiar enough to say. But AFAIK gcodetools is 2.5D only. I have to edit the gcode manually if I want to vary plunge depths.
[17:42:35] <Rab> If PyCAM does better processing, and any kind of 3D, it should spank gcodetools.
[17:52:30] <CaptHindsight> <-- looking for an AM3 DDR2 mainboard with AMD chipset (no nividia)
[17:53:14] <CaptHindsight> the DDR2 version makes it difficult to find
[18:13:02] <MattyMatt> 780G, and no you can't have it
[18:14:00] <MattyMatt> I'll trade for an equivalent, if you're local
[18:15:10] <MattyMatt> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128382
[18:18:46] <MattyMatt> http://www.ebay.com/itm/GIGABYTE-GA-MA780G-UD3H-SOCKET-AM2-AM2-AM3-MOTHERBOARD-HDMI-DVI-GRAPHICS-/151676745770
[18:19:30] <MattyMatt> there's one for $1 more in US, but hey, free international shipping
[18:20:42] <MattyMatt> rock solid after 5+ years of 24/7
[18:23:28] <MattyMatt> 5 years with a X2 45W. cool n quiet
[18:24:08] <MattyMatt> and more like 8 years. dazed n confused
[18:47:25] <cthompson> that might be the board I have in my linux server
[18:49:07] <cthompson> ah, no, this is mine http://www.gigabyte.com/products/product-page.aspx?pid=4305#ov
[18:49:26] <cthompson> mine is ddr3
[20:43:39] <FinboySlick> zeeshan: Acrylic milling seems a success. I probably need better chip clearing because I could smell it but overall, the result is good.
[20:53:42] <witnit> i always wondered how well it would work to put a box around your milltable and use a pump with cutting fluids to quickly cool such types of work
[20:54:20] <witnit> submerge everything
[20:56:49] <MattyMatt> that's the usual method with wire edm
[20:57:56] <MattyMatt> you'd still need to circulate the fluid for chip removal
[20:58:04] <MattyMatt> jacuzzi
[21:00:20] <MattyMatt> j'acûzz y
[21:03:18] <zeeshan> FinboySlick: it smells usually :P
[21:03:28] <zeeshan> did you just experiment for the feed and speed?
[21:03:33] <zeeshan> similar to aluminum?
[21:04:43] <FinboySlick> zeeshan: 1 thou per flute.
[21:05:01] <zeeshan> more like steel then :P
[21:05:05] <zeeshan> or stainless
[21:11:52] <PetefromTn_> evenin'
[21:12:18] <FinboySlick> zeeshan: I could probably have fed it more but I'm not going to touch it for now.
[21:12:40] <FinboySlick> I have less than a meter of toolpath so it doesn't really have much time to heat the cutter up.
[21:57:20] <ssi> zeeeee
[21:57:53] <ssi> peeeet
[22:05:57] <jdh> Still got your gemini drives?
[22:06:30] <ssi> yeah
[22:07:05] <ssi> I have like six of them :P
[22:16:45] <zeeshan> sup
[22:17:36] <FinboySlick> I ended up buying those 5/16-32 taps too. KBC tools has pretty nice stuff.
[22:18:26] <FinboySlick> You ever order from 'em zeeshan?
[22:18:34] <zeeshan> nope
[22:18:37] <zeeshan> theyre local to me too!
[22:18:37] <zeeshan> lol
[22:18:54] <FinboySlick> I was happy they didn't try to charge 30 bucks shipping for a 10 bucks tap.
[22:19:01] <zeeshan> where are from?
[22:19:06] <jdh> I had a problem with one after a power outage today. Still not sure what happened to it, but it got better when I manually ran one of the programs
[22:19:12] <FinboySlick> zeeshan: Eastern Quebec.
[22:19:16] <zeeshan> oh!
[22:19:30] <zeeshan> FinboySlick: i bought 500 taps a long time ago
[22:19:34] <zeeshan> for $50
[22:19:41] <zeeshan> all usa made. got a killer deal
[22:19:53] <zeeshan> some guy had no clue what they were , was selling a kennedy box full of em
[22:19:57] <FinboySlick> I hope they weren't all the same size ;)
[22:19:57] <zeeshan> too bad theyre all imperial
[22:20:01] <zeeshan> nah
[22:20:10] <zeeshan> tons of taps, i went through all of them
[22:20:14] <zeeshan> only threw 10 away
[22:20:14] <FinboySlick> That's a heck of a deal.
[22:20:27] <zeeshan> ive been hoping to come across metric taps like that
[22:20:31] <zeeshan> but i dont think its going to happen
[22:23:28] <zeeshan> where in eastern quebec
[22:23:36] <zeeshan> im thinking of going to james bay by road
[22:23:46] <zeeshan> do you speak quebecois! :P
[22:25:30] <FinboySlick> zeeshan: If you go before this summer, you can say hello to my dad. He manages pretty much the only civilization up there.
[22:25:43] <FinboySlick> zeeshan: And yes, I do.
[22:25:51] <zeeshan> tabarnack!
[22:26:06] <FinboySlick> zeeshan: You're set. Only word you need.
[22:26:10] <zeeshan> calise!
[22:26:24] <FinboySlick> Oh, you're getting elaborate now ;)
[22:26:32] <zeeshan> i picked it up from living in ottawa
[22:26:40] <zeeshan> couple of my friends were from quebec
[22:26:52] <FinboySlick> Ottawa is kind of nice.
[22:27:02] <zeeshan> i loved hull more than ottawa :d
[22:27:13] <zeeshan> i love canada in general
[22:27:17] <FinboySlick> Up until recently, Montreal was the place to be.
[22:27:22] <zeeshan> the great north strong and free!
[22:27:59] <FinboySlick> zeeshan: You still in Ontario?
[22:28:22] <zeeshan> yea just outskirts of hamilton
[22:30:59] <FinboySlick> Cool. And they let you drive that RX7 in Ontario? Surly not past 8pm.
[22:31:22] <FinboySlick> :s/surly/surely/
[22:31:48] <zeeshan> haha for sure
[22:31:52] <zeeshan> isnt rhd banned in quebec
[22:32:11] <FinboySlick> Hmmmm... It would have to be fairly recent.
[22:34:00] <FinboySlick> There was a rhd skyline around here not too long ago anyway
[22:40:09] <zeeshan> ah
[22:48:31] <zeeshan> 4.8805
[22:48:33] <zeeshan> whoops
[23:03:52] <furrywolf> post auger adapter welded up... gave it a coat of paint, but then it started drizzling. might need to repaint.