[00:08:55] <CaptHindsight> toastyde1th: from the scrollback it sounds like his laser caught fire and then it got out of control enough for the fire brigade to visit
[00:09:06] <toastyde1th> oooh
[00:09:53] <XXCoder> ouch
[00:10:03] <XXCoder> hope nothing expensive was damaged
[00:43:51] <Valen> oops
[02:27:46] <cathode> i missed it
[02:49:53] * cathode opens a can of worms
[02:50:43] <cathode> CNC Lathe vs CNC Mill vs CNC router table ... which one is going to provide more overall utility for hobby use and production of prototype parts (for robotics, or other machines, for example)
[02:51:31] <cathode> i'm leaning towards cnc mill
[02:55:30] <Valen> mill + 4th axis will do pretty much anything
[02:55:48] <Valen> if you have something to make the gcode
[02:55:57] <cathode> ok
[02:57:16] <cathode> i have a fair amount of experience with designing parts in solidworks but i've not dealt with actually translating a part into cnc instructions (gcode?)
[02:57:25] <Valen> yes
[02:58:44] <cathode> anyway i'm looking at building something mostly from scratch, not buying
[02:58:59] <Valen> 's a good plan unless you are spending money
[02:59:28] <cathode> i suppose a cnc router table is probably the most simple type of thing to make given that it's only 2-axis plus a few inches of z travel
[02:59:55] <Deejay__> moin
[03:01:30] <guerillaengineer> If that means morning, which it most likely does, then mornin'.
[05:40:40] <yeahiii> hey there, I am thinking about getting a mini itx mainboard with onboard parallel port and graphics. ( Does anyone know if LinuxCNC has issues with such integrated GPUs?
[05:59:33] <mk0> why not cubie or BeagleBone Black?
[06:18:53] <chris_gough> hi, is this the place for stupid newbie questions or should I post it on the forum?
[06:20:33] <Loetmichel> chris_gough: shoot away ;-9
[06:20:45] <Loetmichel> if we can hallp we will
[06:20:48] <Loetmichel> help
[06:21:31] <chris_gough> well, I have a 4 axis foam cutter that I'm trying to simulate in a virtualbox image of the live CD...
[06:21:52] <chris_gough> my ini file currently looks like this
[06:22:29] <chris_gough> I can't figure out how to change the distance between XY and UV
[06:22:47] <chris_gough> so, when I make tapered shapes, they look wrong
[06:23:16] <chris_gough> (in reality, thee sides are 1.5 meters apart, not 20cm)
[06:23:22] <chris_gough> how do I do that?
[06:23:40] <Loetmichel> hmmm
[06:24:01] <Loetmichel> no idea what you mean, i only use it for a 3 axis stepper driven CNC mill, tho
[06:25:03] <chris_gough> I's like one of them too, but right now all I have/need is the foam cutter. Total newbie to CNC.
[06:26:26] <chris_gough> the machine looks a bit like this one
[06:53:54] <yeahiii> haven't thought about the beaglebone, yet. does anyone know how stable it runs?
[06:58:15] <_methods> i think there are a few people using it
[06:58:22] <_methods> i have no idea how stable though
[06:59:09] <_methods>
[07:17:49] <chris_gough> sorry for the delay. Here's a screen shot of the foam-cutter sim in axis, showing 38.1mm distance between XY and UV sides.
[07:18:28] <chris_gough> I don't know how to tell linuxcnc that those sides are 1.5m apart
[07:22:39] <jthornton> there is a guy that cuts foam wings and I think he posted on the forum
[07:22:55] <jthornton> all your worried about is the back plot?
[07:29:08] <chris_gough> with a strait taper cut it's no problem, but with a tapered cut the whole thing is so distorted it's useless
[07:29:49] <chris_gough> useless visualisation - baring in mind that I'm trying to learn g-code etc with the sim
[07:37:54] <_methods> chris_gough: have you read through this?
[07:37:57] <_methods>
[07:38:49] <_methods> i think you need to have installed the dev verision of linuxcnc
[07:53:26] <chris_gough> Thanks _methods. I have a reasonably recent (few weeks old) liveCD, and it came with the axis_foam example referenced in that post. But I can't figure out how to change the geometry of the machine to match my physical one. I can exit the axis dimensions, but not the distance between XY:UV (along the axis normal to Z and W).
[07:54:59] <chris_gough> For g-code, I'm generating it with "profili pro" at the moment but imagine I'll be tweaking it a lot manually once i get the hang of things
[07:55:55] <archivist_herron> does this setup have its own kins?
[08:01:00] <chris_gough> I don't know. How do I find out (was working from the supplied example)
[08:02:14] <mk0> chris_gough, when i cut tapers, i plot every axis.
[08:02:43] <mk0> and every axis has its own gcode.
[08:05:58] <chris_gough> mk8: My gcode (from profili) has lots of lines like "G1X-0.23423Y0.3453U-0.5435V0.2342". Is that what you mean "every axis has it's own gcode?
[08:06:13] <archivist_herron> in the hal files there will be line loading some kins or other. may need the kins reworking for your dimensions
[08:06:54] <chris_gough> Or, is the gcode else ware telling the machine about the dimensions of the machine (that seems weird).
[08:07:01] <archivist_herron> yes that moves 4 axes at the same time
[08:07:49] <chris_gough> Thanks, I'll start digging through the kinematics
[08:07:54] <mk0> yes, exactly what i mean. two pairs.
[08:08:17] <mk0> i didn't find kinetics for XYUV
[08:09:04] <mk0> that means you'll have to recalculate plots for each pair of axis
[08:09:34] <mk0> yes, that is abusive, but not very hard
[08:10:07] <chris_gough> I don't understand "recalculate plots", do you mean when I generate gcode?
[08:10:10] <mk0> and well gscite has vertical selection for pasting second pair
[08:12:12] <mk0> nope. replot path in CAD for each pair knowing the distance between nodes and recalculate where to start from to get ideal taper.
[08:13:01] <mk0> or write kinematics. that could be perfect because i do not know how to do it
[08:13:30] <chris_gough> the halfile does a "loadrt trivkins", I can't find anything else obviously relevant.
[08:13:56] <archivist_herron> trivkins is the standard, nothing special
[08:15:47] <chris_gough> I think profili is doing that for me. I just checked and it wants to know the distance between sides of the machine and where the foam block is positioned. So my only problem is with the visualisation. well, my current problem :)
[08:18:43] <mk0> ah)
[08:19:04] <mk0> profili is a separate software?
[08:21:09] <chris_gough> yes, bespoke closed source for designing wings. has .gcode and .cut export features. The machine came with XP/GMFC and I figured I'd convert it to linuxcnc before going open source CAD... one learning curve at a time
[08:27:38] <mk0> ahh
[08:27:56] <chris_gough> archivist_heron: I read the kinematics page and don't understand why non-trivial kinematics model of my machine would be an advantage. It has 4 linear joints, two orthogonal pairs.
[08:28:18] <mk0> anyway i could not adjust linuxcnc for what you (and i) want
[08:29:28] <mk0> there is config for XYUV and foam. but it does not consider distance between nodes.
[08:31:04] <chris_gough> mk0: My interpretation of what I was looking at, is that it would work but the visualisation is weird. There is a distance, 38.1mm in my sim, and I don't know where it's coming from.
[09:27:51] <tjtr33> linuxcnc and XYUV hot wire foam cutting:
[09:28:37] <tjtr33> wow all magic33de's videos are gone from youtube & wayback. thats Ichguchlive, he did quie a bit withXYUV wire foam cutting
[09:30:46] * SpeedEvil sighs.
[09:34:22] <skunkworks> that sucks
[09:35:43] <tjtr33> see sammel lothar's work also on xyuv hotwire
[09:39:53] <tjtr33> skunkworks, a wayback machine for linuxcnc videos
[09:41:10] <skunkworks> neat
[09:47:20] <cpresser> has anyone tried to get this thing working with linuxcnc?
[09:47:30] <cpresser> I wonder if its a HID device
[09:49:35] <CaptHindsight> just about everything lower cost consumer grade and wireless tends to not be reliable
[09:52:20] <cpresser> i dont need wireless. most likely i would build my own electonics for it
[09:52:25] <CaptHindsight> started carrying it
[09:52:50] <CaptHindsight> I might be able to try one next time I stop in there
[09:54:04] <cpresser> it does have a lot of buttons and a nice case. looks like a perfect start for a rebuild
[09:54:28] <CaptHindsight> read the docs!
[09:54:56] <CaptHindsight> it's nearly readable
[09:55:09] <skunkworks> CaptHindsight, does that one work with linuxcnc? (the driver that people have worked one?)
[09:55:41] <CaptHindsight> skunkworks: dunno, just reading the docs myself
[09:55:56] <CaptHindsight> it has a .dll
[09:56:25] <CaptHindsight> so probably not HID, just DLL hell
[09:57:23] <skunkworks> well - I think the work that has been done is unrelated to the mafgr...
[09:57:52] <cpresser> i do read 'HID' in one of the docs.. however there is also a document called 'problems'. seems like the firmware is not that good
[09:58:10] <CaptHindsight> seems like a good project using a BBB, RPi or some duino
[10:00:00] <CaptHindsight> but cpresser's ebay link has it for ~1/4 the price at Automation Tech
[10:00:39] <skunkworks>
[10:01:52] <CaptHindsight>
[10:02:19] <skunkworks> it would be nice to have a pendant.
[10:02:49] <skunkworks> 40 meters.. cool
[10:02:49] <CaptHindsight> I wonder which micro is inside that pendant?
[10:06:42] <TekniQue> I figured I'd ask here, not strictly linuxcnc related. I'm looking for something like a sliding spline coupling to attach a nema13 stepper motor to a flow control valve
[10:07:33] <TekniQue> there's a screw that extends out of the valve and when the valve is opened up the screw extends further
[10:07:57] <TekniQue> so I need some way to take out the slack
[10:08:21] <TekniQue> and it would be easiest if there's something I can buy to do this
[10:08:43] <_methods> shaft diameter?
[10:08:58] <TekniQue> quarter of an inch or so
[10:09:10] <TekniQue> 8mm maybe
[10:09:31] <_methods> what's on the existing shaft?
[10:09:33] <_methods> a flat?
[10:09:50] <TekniQue> existing shaft has a rectangular end
[10:09:57] <TekniQue> and a handle that presses onto the rectangle
[10:10:11] <TekniQue> handle is held in place by a 1/4-20 nut
[10:10:12] <_methods> you got pics might be easier to visualize
[10:11:38] <_methods> you're tryin to turn a maually actuated valve into like a solenoid actuated
[10:12:26] <TekniQue> intu a stepper actuated
[10:12:46] <TekniQue> it has about 720 degrees of range
[10:13:09] <TekniQue> and if I could turn it with a stepper to adjust the water flow that'd be ideal
[10:13:23] <_methods> yeah i wonder if you could add like a T to the top of the screw then attach a slotted "pipe" that goes over the T
[10:13:58] <_methods> have the slot long enough to account for the screws travel
[10:14:03] <TekniQue> yeah that would be the way to do it
[10:20:20] <TekniQue> the item in question is a load valve for an engine dynamometer pictured
[10:20:36] <TekniQue> the manufacturer offers a stepper controlled version but it's $1100
[10:21:50] <TekniQue> when a stepper and driver can be had for less than a 100 bucks and I already have a manual valve and I'm doing my own control electronics anyway, I figure I'll make my own
[10:23:53] <_methods> dynomite lol
[10:23:56] <dgarr> skunkworks: there are sim configs for the xhc-hb04 pendant in 2.6 (configs/sim/axis/xhc-hbo4)
[10:24:29] <_methods> yeah if you can mill a flat on the screw then you can just mill a slot in a coupler on the stepper shaft
[10:28:18] <PetefromTn_> WOW that is cool...
[10:49:32] <TekniQue> PetefromTn_: yes
[10:49:38] <TekniQue> very nice
[11:07:03] <TekniQue> apparently, FJO has been acquired by Holley
[11:07:54] <PetefromTn_> Looks relativley complex tho not sure how I would even use it if I could LOL
[11:07:55] <TekniQue> FJO as in manufacturer of wideband lambda controllers and injector driver boxes
[11:08:00] <TekniQue> oops
[11:08:02] <TekniQue> wrong channel
[12:00:21] <Gabriel_> Hi. I want to use LinuxCNC to control servo motors in torque-mode. I would like to know if the necessary HAL connections are different from those in velocity-mode, or just the parameter values. Thank you.
[12:00:53] <cradek> just tuning differences
[12:01:31] <Gabriel_> ok cradek, thank you.
[12:12:10] <PCW> Torque mode servos will typically need a higher servo thread rate than velocity mode servos
[12:12:11] <PCW> (for equivalent dynamic stiffness)
[12:14:14] <TekniQue> anyone here have good knowledge of load cells
[12:14:28] <TekniQue> I want to make a digital torque wrench
[12:14:59] <TekniQue> so an arm with a load cell in it to measure the torque
[12:15:14] <TekniQue> and I'm wondering which would be more suitable, a double bending beam or a single bending beam
[12:15:47] <TekniQue> assuming the cell goes somewhere along the length of the wrench's lever arm
[12:16:44] <TekniQue> objective is to capture the torque data on a computer using an ADC
[12:17:53] <_methods> might be able to use a digital torque wrench with spi
[12:17:55] <archivist> load cells have 4 strain gauges in a bridge arrangement
[12:18:47] <TekniQue> I know, and I have an instrumentation amplifier to connect to that
[12:18:52] <archivist> so you measure the balance of the bridge, make sure the adc is the right type for that
[12:19:13] <TekniQue> I'm purely wondering about the physical characteristics
[12:19:49] <TekniQue> I want to make the arm in two pieces, insert a load cell in between
[12:19:56] <archivist> test and calibrate, adjust the gain to make the numbers sensible
[12:20:38] <TekniQue> I'm wondering if a dual beam cell is suitable or if I'm better off with a single beam cell
[12:20:50] <archivist> not sure what you want to do will be linear
[12:20:53] <TekniQue> in the application where the cell forms part of the lever arm
[12:21:14] <TekniQue> well, the bending load on the lever arm is the same for a given torque
[12:21:27] <TekniQue> no matter if I pull it in the middle or at the end
[12:21:41] <TekniQue> the strain is the same
[12:22:27] <TekniQue> I could epoxy some strain gages to the existing arm
[12:22:31] <archivist> some measure a force in a designed direction rather than bending like you want
[12:22:36] <TekniQue> but I'd rather use a manufactured cell
[12:23:17] <TekniQue> it'll be more linear than me playing with strain gages
[12:23:23] <archivist> most torque is measured by the twist of a bar, probably can buy them too
[12:23:45] <zeeshan-laptop> depends on how accurate you want to get
[12:23:50] <TekniQue> yeah, but my arm doesn't attach to a shaft
[12:24:01] <TekniQue> it attaches onto the perimeter of the shaft
[12:24:01] <zeeshan-laptop> youll have bending forces, shear forces
[12:24:03] <zeeshan-laptop> and torsion
[12:24:10] <TekniQue> so I can't measure the torsion
[12:24:21] <archivist> you put your bar on the end of the shaft
[12:24:52] <zeeshan-laptop> is the beam a round beam
[12:25:26] <zeeshan-laptop> teknique i looked into making my own torque wrench before
[12:25:26] <archivist> day job many years ago was making the electronics for a torquemeter company, they used gears on a shaft
[12:25:30] <TekniQue> archivist: no can do, packaging doesn't allow that, the shaft is hollow
[12:25:46] <TekniQue> and has other stuff passing through it
[12:25:54] <zeeshan-laptop> TekniQue: can you explain what your torque wrench looks like
[12:25:54] <TekniQue> think of it like a big open ended wrench
[12:25:56] <archivist> hollow is no problem
[12:26:02] <TekniQue> that's what I need to do
[12:26:20] <zeeshan-laptop> youre trying to measure how much your hollow bar bends?
[12:26:25] <TekniQue> no
[12:26:36] <TekniQue> solid bar
[12:26:42] <archivist> with a rotating sensor it was non contact on a stationary tube
[12:27:01] <zeeshan-laptop> x-------------------------|
[12:27:09] <zeeshan-laptop> x is attachment point ---- is solid round bar
[12:27:15] <zeeshan-laptop> | is where force is applied?
[12:27:21] <TekniQue> yes pretty much
[12:27:32] <zeeshan-laptop> thats going to generate a complex stress state
[12:27:34] <TekniQue> but the point where force is applied is not accurately located every time
[12:27:46] <zeeshan-laptop> thats no problem
[12:27:53] <TekniQue> except in that it is a pure torque load
[12:27:56] <zeeshan-laptop> because as long as you have a constant length from the x point
[12:27:58] <zeeshan-laptop> you will be okay
[12:28:15] <zeeshan-laptop> yea but in reality
[12:28:15] <archivist> as long as it is far from the measurement site
[12:28:21] <zeeshan-laptop> its not a pure torque load though
[12:28:38] <zeeshan-laptop> think of it like this
[12:28:47] <zeeshan-laptop> take a piece of paper, roll it up
[12:28:49] <zeeshan-laptop> evenly
[12:28:58] <zeeshan-laptop> now try to twist it (torque it)
[12:29:00] <zeeshan-laptop> what happens?
[12:29:02] <zeeshan-laptop> the ends stick out
[12:29:05] <TekniQue> this is the bar I'm looking to replace
[12:29:07] <zeeshan-laptop> you always end up getting warping stresses
[12:29:19] <TekniQue> the blue item
[12:29:25] <TekniQue> attaches to the brake on one end
[12:29:42] <zeeshan-laptop> whats that shaft on the right end
[12:29:43] <TekniQue> other end rests on a fixed point
[12:29:48] <TekniQue> but is not attached to it
[12:29:56] <TekniQue> shaft on the right is secondary clutch shaft
[12:30:00] <TekniQue> which is stationary
[12:30:24] <TekniQue> just used in this application for the torque arm to rest against
[12:30:54] <archivist> some put the load cell at that anti rotation point or one on the bar
[12:30:55] <TekniQue> I'm thinking I'll water cut a new arm
[12:31:05] <TekniQue> in two pieces
[12:31:07] <zeeshan-laptop> i totally agree
[12:31:27] <TekniQue> and bolt a load cell in the middle
[12:31:29] <zeeshan-laptop> i see the problem though
[12:31:33] <zeeshan-laptop> the arm moves back and force
[12:31:45] <zeeshan-laptop> so it varies the torque generated
[12:31:52] <TekniQue> yeah the application point of the torque is not constant
[12:32:03] <TekniQue> so I can't just insert an S beam cell at that point
[12:32:07] <TekniQue> it'd be a nightmare to calibrate
[12:32:13] <zeeshan-laptop> yea
[12:32:18] <zeeshan-laptop> what ive seen done before is
[12:32:24] <TekniQue> I need to measure the bending of the arm
[12:32:25] <zeeshan-laptop> the base of that attachment point
[12:32:30] <zeeshan-laptop> has one or two mounting members
[12:32:32] <zeeshan-laptop> where the load cell goes
[12:32:41] <zeeshan-laptop> its a much less complex stress state
[12:32:48] <TekniQue> and the bending does not vary by where the application point
[12:32:55] <TekniQue> is
[12:33:01] <archivist> remember the torque is only resisted there, it is developed where the rotation is input
[12:33:07] <TekniQue> yes
[12:34:16] <TekniQue> and moving that point around will not affect the relationship between torque and bending load near the brake
[12:34:42] <TekniQue> because it is the brake that generates the torque
[12:34:49] <archivist> I would have a two part arm but BOTH would be around the input shaft one pressing on the load cell at a radius on the other arm which has the slot
[12:34:59] <TekniQue> moving the resisting point around will affect the force at the point
[12:35:45] <archivist> all depends on accuracy you want too
[12:36:01] <TekniQue> I will calibrate the arm with dead weights
[12:36:49] <TekniQue> all I need from the load cell is for it to be stable with temperature and to have a linear response
[12:38:23] <zeeshan-laptop> good ones have a wheatstone bridge
[12:38:28] <TekniQue> yes
[12:38:32] <zeeshan-laptop> with a variable resistor that changes with temp
[12:38:38] <zeeshan-laptop> and negates temp effects
[12:39:16] <zeeshan-laptop> ive been wanting for a long time
[12:39:19] <zeeshan-laptop> to make my own scales for the car
[12:39:20] <zeeshan-laptop> lol
[12:39:21] <TekniQue> mhmm
[12:39:30] <TekniQue> I have a decent temperature compensated cell on my big dyno
[12:39:56] <TekniQue> but this arm I'm looking to replace has a very bad temperature response
[12:40:42] <TekniQue> my big dyno capable of measuring 1200lb-ft torque varies by less than 2lb-ft in its unloaded state
[12:40:48] <archivist> all that colour shows shiny matters not quality
[12:40:51] <_methods>
[12:40:52] <TekniQue> the zero point hardly shifts at all
[12:41:13] <TekniQue> this arm however, rated to 200lb-ft
[12:41:21] <TekniQue> but I'm seeing almost 5 lb-ft of shift
[12:41:34] <zeeshan-laptop> _methods ROFL
[12:41:35] <TekniQue> which is a very big fraction of full scale
[12:41:42] <_methods> does your other one use an aluminum arm?
[12:41:49] <zeeshan-laptop> in university, my bros floor on residence
[12:41:55] <TekniQue> _methods: yeah
[12:42:00] <zeeshan-laptop> had the wifi network name as "SAFE HOUSE"
[12:42:02] <zeeshan-laptop> haha
[12:42:03] <_methods> what grade?
[12:42:13] <TekniQue> nfi, I think it's 7075
[12:42:29] <_methods> i wonder what grade this new one is?
[12:42:33] <_methods> maybe 5052
[12:42:44] <TekniQue> oh
[12:42:47] <TekniQue> my other one
[12:42:49] <_methods> yeah
[12:42:53] <TekniQue> no my other one has a stainless steel S beam cell
[12:43:07] <TekniQue> the small one has an aluminium arm
[12:44:58] <archivist> aluminium creeps, get some real metal
[12:45:08] <TekniQue> yeah that's the plan
[12:45:46] <TekniQue> that's why I'm looking to replace this arm
[12:45:50] <TekniQue> with something more proper
[12:46:07] <TekniQue> and something that handles more torque
[12:46:17] <TekniQue> this aluminium one is only rated to 200 lb-ft
[12:46:29] <TekniQue> which limits me to about 300 horsepower at 8000RPM
[12:46:46] <TekniQue> the brake is capable of much more than that
[12:50:27] <archivist> I have wanted to make something to measure the torque in a clock while running, to analyse which gear mesh is not so good
[12:57:26] <SpeedEvil> archivist: at what frequency range?
[12:57:43] <SpeedEvil> couple of optical encoders, across a coupling?
[13:00:10] <archivist> clocks are slow, , one needs to measure the output torque and the normal working speed 60 secs per rev for an escape wheel, and provide a measured torque at the input(almost stationary)
[13:41:00] <ds3> cd
[13:41:01] <ds3> bah
[13:43:51] <andypugh> archivist: I might have a fun job, repairing an old pulse clock where the master has been demolished.
[14:21:12] <Jymmm> ds3: the OTHER window =)
[14:28:22] <TekniQue> I just quit thinking about it and ordered a new torque arm that has a wheatstone bridge
[14:28:29] <TekniQue> and is rated to 300lb-ft
[14:33:17] <TekniQue> and here's hoping it's more stable than the half bridge arm I have now!
[14:34:37] <_methods> hmm learn something new every day
[14:34:46] <_methods> spherical level compensating bolts
[14:34:51] <_methods> never used one before
[14:36:28] <_methods> anyone in here selling a series 4 pemserter by any chance?
[14:37:10] <CaptHindsight> are you hard-pressed to find one? /badpun
[14:37:42] <TekniQue> pemserter? Sounds dirty
[14:37:53] <_methods> hahah
[14:38:11] <_methods> nah just lookin right now
[15:02:59] <tjtr33> andypugh, when you said the master is gone i was reminded of this
[15:03:19] <andypugh> It would be fun to make one of these
[15:03:29] <andypugh> (those. Maybe them)
[15:04:18] <tjtr33> deese dem dose (Chicago here )
[16:12:49] <_methods> anyone in here going to fabtech?
[16:13:25] <_methods>
[16:18:03] <CaptHindsight> I've gone the past few time when it was in Chicago
[16:20:00] <_methods> yeah its in atlanta this year so i'm probably going to hit it
[16:20:31] <_methods> got a couple free tickets from one of the machinery sales guys
[16:47:01] <CaptHindsight> _methods: looks like they finally knocked down the old run down homes that used be right across the street from the Georgia World Congress Center
[16:48:53] <_methods> ah i havent been down there in like 10 years
[16:49:07] <_methods> can't wait to hit fry's on the way there lol
[16:49:19] <CaptHindsight> been ~6 for me
[16:50:11] <CaptHindsight> at least it's easy to get to
[16:50:59] <_methods> i haven't been to a trade show in forever
[16:51:04] <_methods> bout time i got back to one
[18:03:44] <Deejay> gn8
[18:57:26] <PetefromTn_> Well folks
[18:57:47] <PetefromTn_> I managed to get the new CNC lathe project moved into position in the shop.
[18:57:53] <PetefromTn_> Good lord that bitch is heavy LOL
[18:58:34] <CaptHindsight> well, it should perform better than those wooden cnc lathes
[18:58:36] <PetefromTn_> I also continued stripping the paint from the sheetmetal so I can respray that
[18:58:44] <PetefromTn_> wooden CNC lathes?
[18:59:21] <CaptHindsight> did you see that link i found the other day with the wooden cnc machines?
[18:59:47] <PetefromTn_> I spent some time perusing ebay for a decent 5hp C frame face mount 3 phase inverter duty motor for the machine.
[19:00:04] <PetefromTn_> It looks like I am probably in the $300.00 range
[19:00:15] <CaptHindsight> this is no joke
[19:00:17] <PetefromTn_> Yeah I remember now I just did not get the correlation sorry
[19:00:37] <PetefromTn_> Oh it's a joke alright
[19:00:42] <CaptHindsight> heh
[19:05:27] <CaptHindsight> PetefromTn_: how much do you think the weight is?
[19:05:41] <CaptHindsight> how big is this new toy?
[19:06:10] <PetefromTn_> it's probably about 3k apparently
[19:17:06] <Connor> Hey Guys.. Thoughts on placement of this Strain Relief / Cable Gland on the black box mounted on the stand..
[19:17:53] <Connor> Wires go into the PVC pipe upper left hand area.. I'm think out of the bottom on the left.. or top left above the DIN rail.
[19:19:33] <Connor> Thoughts anyone ?
[19:19:44] <PetefromTn_> Either should work depending on what your board orientation is.
[19:21:20] <Connor> No board. That's just a breakout box being fed from the DB25 to the main case. I ran out of connector space on the enclosure.
[19:22:19] <XXCoder> wood cnc indeed lol CaptHindsight
[19:22:23] <Connor> 2 wire x 3 for the Limits, 1 x 5 wire for the Spindle Encoder, 3 wire for touch probe and touch off plate, 2 wire for the power drawbar. 2 wire for air pressure sensor.
[19:22:34] <XXCoder> no prices too. it means I cant afford those either
[19:22:53] <PetefromTn_> how the hell did you run out of space in that HUGE black box?
[19:23:01] <Connor> that's immediate needs. Little concerned the hole into the enclosure isn't enough.
[19:23:12] <Connor> No more room on the back of it.
[19:23:28] <Connor> without removing and the fans.
[19:23:49] <Connor> and making a new back plate.
[19:26:22] <Connor> Debating on placement of the air solenoid. If I place it inside the enclosure, I can just run a single air line in. (Could have 2 more, one for the toolchanger and one for a air blast)
[19:26:38] <Connor> I could mount them on the back or side of the column.
[19:28:39] <Connor> I swear I paralyse myself trying to figure stupid stuff out.. I'm worried I'll make a wrong choice or something.. I think I'm getting more OCD as I get older.
[19:29:17] <PetefromTn_> Sometimes ya just gotta freakin' do it and then if it is really shitty do it again when you get fed up with it hehe
[19:30:05] <PCW> Damn I need to bold more things in the manuals
[19:30:21] <PetefromTn_> why?
[19:31:09] <Connor> Originally I was going to do upper left hand above the DIN rail. But.. I'm afraid that'll put too tight of a bend radius on the cables... if I come from the bottom.. I can do a nice sweep into the chip enclosure.. but the wires will have to go in front of, or beside the DIN blocks.
[19:31:11] <PetefromTn_> PCW I am gonna box up this 7i77 I toasted and ship it back to ya so I can hopefully have it for the new CNC lathe.
[19:31:14] <PCW> because people dont bother to read
[19:31:46] <PetefromTn_> I resemble that...
[19:31:47] <Connor> PCW You MIGHT want a Quick Start Guide outlining the most critical info..
[19:32:20] <PCW> I might also say screw everyone but OEMs
[19:32:23] <Connor> The jumper settings for power, the modes for MPG, etc.
[19:32:38] <Connor> Oh man, don't do that.
[19:32:42] <Connor> we love you! :)
[19:33:08] <PetefromTn_> Jeez that would bite big time.
[19:33:09] <Connor> PCW This about the emails on the list about how to wire up the MPG for the lathe ?
[19:33:57] <PCW> No, the endless 7I80/7I76E thread on the forum
[19:34:22] <Connor> I've not seen that one.
[19:34:42] <Connor> but, then again, I'm not much for the linuxcnc forum.
[19:34:51] <PetefromTn_> whats goin on?
[19:34:53] <PCW> Just get frustrating sometimes, plus I do get crabbier as I get older
[19:35:39] <PetefromTn_> Shit don't we all heh
[19:36:17] <andypugh> PCW: You do seem to invest about 10x the sale price of some boards in support time.
[19:36:51] <Connor> That's one reason I love the product.. The most excellent support. :)
[19:36:53] <andypugh> If I was you I would be saying “You are too stupid to use my products, just send them back”
[19:36:55] <Jymmm> Everyone's personal Sales Engineer
[19:37:14] <PetefromTn_> hell yeah I recommend you at every turn
[19:37:14] <andypugh> Which is why I don’t do any job where i have customers.
[19:37:25] <PetefromTn_> your products and support are a MAJOR reason I am here.
[19:37:32] <Connor> Tell'm go get a Smooth Stepper and play with Mach3. :)
[19:37:55] <PetefromTn_> that's akin to telling them to eat shit and jump off a bridge no?
[19:38:02] <Jymmm> I'm just here for the dinner and show.
[19:38:50] <PCW> Yeah, and generally I _like_ doing support but occasionally some customers seem unhelpable
[19:39:09] <PetefromTn_> without question some are...hell I probably am hehe
[19:39:16] <Jymmm> andypugh: PCW is just not a jaded bastard like we are =)
[19:39:46] <Jymmm> andypugh: "Press the ANY key to continue"
[19:40:08] <andypugh> PCW I seeem to have broken my vow to never try to help Aram again recently.
[19:40:23] <PCW> Arggg...
[19:41:12] <Connor> When installing a IP68 Wire gland.. which side does the rubber O-Ring go, outside of the enclosure, or inside ?
[19:42:21] <Jymmm> andypugh: Just for that, you must mill/lathe at least 5 of your next projects with dull rusty tooling in penace for your sin =)
[19:43:06] <Jymmm> Connor: got pic?
[19:43:19] <Connor>
[19:43:25] <Connor> That's the one.
[19:43:27] <Connor> I have.
[19:43:39] <Connor> I'm thinking rubber goes on the outside.
[19:43:48] <Jymmm> oh the nut you mean?
[19:43:56] <Connor> I hope anyway.. the inside has ribs.
[19:44:09] <LeelooMinai> O, btw, what is "field power" in those manuals. I read some yesterday and it was referring to it. Is it just some external power that machine use?
[19:44:24] <Jymmm> Connor: Right but the oart that sits in the enclosure, not the cable side?
[19:44:25] <Connor> Jymmm: No, The nut goes outside.. I know that much.
[19:45:05] <Connor> But. I'm thinking Hex | Rubber | Enclosure | Hex Nut
[19:45:08] <Jymmm> Connor: fitting > gasket/oring -> enclosure > nut
[19:45:14] <PCW> Its the Isolated (normally 24V) I/O voltage for inputs and outputs
[19:45:24] <Jymmm> Connor: correct
[19:45:46] <Jymmm> Connor: to prevent water from seeping thru the threads
[19:46:11] <LeelooMinai> PCW: So, it could be shared with steppers, limit switches?
[19:46:48] <Connor> okay. So, Install it where... Bottom left midway between wall and connector... or top left above the DIN blocks.. cables are going up to the PVC that goes into chip tray.. and maybe 2 or 3 beside the box for air solenoids and air pressure switch.
[19:46:48] <PCW> limit switches, relays etc
[19:47:05] <PetefromTn_> I would not think the same power should be used for steppers but limits and estop no?
[19:47:11] <LeelooMinai> I have PSU that is up to 36V that powers the stepper drivers.
[19:47:26] <PCW> steppers only up to 30V or so so best keep steppers on their own
[19:47:42] <Connor> LeelooMinai: Don't use that. Use a external PSU, powerbrick or something.
[19:47:54] <Connor> I'm using my CPU PSU +12v for my stuff.
[19:48:10] <PCW> also step motor drives a big noise makers so not the most appropriate for I/O
[19:48:11] <Connor> would have went with 24v, but allot of my stuff was already 12v.
[19:48:18] <Jymmm> I refilled a one lb disposabe propane tank with 1.23 lbs and it's 74F ambient air temp. Think I should bleed it off?
[19:48:20] <andypugh> PCW: There is a pinout in that guys manual, the photo is annotated with P1 as PWM, P2 as X-step etc
[19:48:52] <Connor> Jymmm: How soon do you plan on using it ?
[19:49:06] <Jymmm> Connor: months to never
[19:49:34] <PCW> Thanks Andy, I'll look later the Ethernet guy had me frazzled...
[19:49:59] <Jymmm> Connor: I refill them ALL once a year. And use as/if needed.
[19:50:02] <LeelooMinai> I think I could also take power from this mesa daughterboard for switches, no?
[19:50:11] <PetefromTn_> I know Microkinetics is less than stellar but I wonder if I could adapt one of these toolchanger turrets to my new CNC lathe once I get it workind.
[19:50:19] <Jymmm> All the empties that is
[19:50:40] <andypugh> PetefromTn_: I thought you already had a toolchanger?
[19:50:49] <PetefromTn_> No unfortunately not
[19:51:00] <andypugh> Sorry, need to read, you are talking about the lathe…
[19:51:04] <PCW> You need to supply Field I/O power. this power is also used for switch common
[19:51:11] <PCW> bbl
[19:51:11] <PetefromTn_> Oh yeah the Cincinatti has one
[19:51:17] <Connor> Jymmm: It'll probably be okay.. but.. I tend to air on the side of caution.. so the fact that your asking indicates you have a little doubt.. be safe and bleed it off.
[19:51:19] <LeelooMinai> I, I see, ok
[19:51:27] <zeeshan|2> ssi
[19:51:29] <PetefromTn_> the new lathe does not.
[19:52:25] <Jymmm> Connor: As I understand it, the risk is when it's put to use in cold climates (winter in this case) and the propane expands and causes the safety valve to release gas.
[19:52:41] <Jymmm> Connor: What I don't know is the actual capacity of these tanks.
[19:53:04] <PetefromTn_> SWEET one here...
[19:53:12] <Connor> You might do some searches on overfilling them on google and see what they say.
[19:53:20] <Jymmm> Connor: They are all sold with 16.4 oz of propane
[19:54:11] <Connor> I know that most pressure vessels are engineered with a safety margin.. What that would be on those.. I have no idea.
[19:54:52] <Jymmm> Connor: I use them on a portable indoor heater. if the safety valve releases, well, you know...
[19:55:09] <Connor> Yea, I think I would bleed it off.
[19:55:15] <Connor> Just not worth the risk.
[19:55:56] <Jymmm> Connor: Yeah, me too.... {grabs thermal gloves}
[19:56:18] <Valen> I'd say depends on how hot it gets
[19:56:28] <Valen> if its cold there all the time probably fine
[19:56:35] <Jymmm> Valen: It's not how hot, but how COLD it gets.
[19:56:36] <Valen> though 25% by weight over fill is pretty big
[19:56:47] <Valen> I meant leaving it over filled
[19:56:58] <Jymmm> Valen: The colder the ambient temp, the more the propane expands.
[19:57:12] <Jymmm> ...when used.
[19:57:22] <Valen> .... pretty sure propane is like everything else, it gets smaller when it gets colder
[19:57:42] <jdh> almost everything
[19:57:49] <Jymmm> Valen: Right, but in use, propane goes from liquid to gas, and expands
[19:57:54] <Valen> so?
[19:58:01] <Valen> that won't make the tank explode
[19:58:05] <Valen> the issue is the tank over pressures when it heats up
[19:58:22] <Jymmm> Valen: So, aas it expands it increases pressure, thus triggering the safety bleed off valve
[19:58:30] <Connor> near open flames..
[19:58:57] <zeeshan|2> hi connore
[19:59:02] <zeeshan|2> propane tank?
[19:59:03] <Valen>
[19:59:31] <Valen> the pressure in the tank is dependant on the temperature of the material in the tank
[20:00:03] <zeeshan|2> ??
[20:00:06] <zeeshan|2> answer me!
[20:00:19] <Valen> zeeshan|2: 7!
[20:00:23] <Connor> zeeshan|2: Yes, we're talking about propane tanks.
[20:00:34] <zeeshan|2> factor of safety is 6
[20:00:39] <zeeshan|2> approx
[20:00:53] <Connor> Jymmm: has 1lb that he over filled by 25%
[20:01:34] <jdh> isn't it liquid in the tank.
[20:01:43] <Connor> yes.
[20:01:53] <Jymmm> jdh: But converts to gas in use
[20:01:55] <Valen> a portion of it
[20:02:05] <jdh> how can you fit 25% more liquid into a container that holds x
[20:02:14] <Valen> the tank has a ullage volume
[20:02:17] <jdh> it converts to gas on the other side
[20:02:17] <zeeshan|2> cause its not all liquid
[20:02:28] <Valen> IE its only meant to be filled to X percentage
[20:02:57] <jdh> I fill my 2400psi steel cylinders to 3600psi
[20:02:59] <Jymmm> If propane is drawn faster than the liquid-to-gas conversaton process occures, the temperature of the tank will get extremely cold.
[20:03:04] <Valen> the remaining gas volume is there to take up expansion of the liquid as the tank pressure changes
[20:03:15] <Jymmm> and beging to get frost on the tank
[20:03:16] <zeeshan|2> u crzy jdh
[20:03:17] <zeeshan|2> :-)
[20:03:29] <Valen> tank temp changes rather
[20:03:51] <jdh> I fill my aluminum 3000psi cylinders to 3000psi
[20:03:59] <Connor> Like I said. It being propane.. not air.. and being used for portable headers etc.. I say bleed it off and be safe.
[20:04:09] <jdh> bah, it's liquid
[20:04:14] <zeeshan|2> f that
[20:04:16] <zeeshan|2> make a flame blower
[20:04:37] <PetefromTn_> I know I am always talking off topic drivel but what the hell does propane have to do with CNC here LOL?
[20:04:54] <jdh> propane powerd cnc!
[20:06:02] <zeeshan|2> no sign from ssi
[20:06:03] <zeeshan|2> =/
[20:06:38] <zeeshan|2> as much as me and him bicker
[20:06:40] <zeeshan|2> he be my friend :/
[20:06:47] <syyl_> cnc flamethrowers?
[20:06:50] <syyl_> Oo
[20:06:53] <Valen> Jymmm: you didn't do thermodynamics at all did you lol, the liquid to gas transition is endothermic, it always uses heat energy as such the tank will always chill off. you can get stick on gas bottle fill labels that make use of this. When you do it a lot, it will get much colder
[20:07:35] <Valen> if you do it just a little then you may not notice it absorbing heat from the surroundings
[20:07:47] <zeeshan|2> why the jabs
[20:08:58] <zeeshan|2> valen youre from australia?
[20:09:10] <PetefromTn_> NICE wish I had the coin...
[20:09:10] <Valen> yes
[20:09:19] <zeeshan|2> i thought australia was a desert
[20:09:23] <zeeshan|2> how do you know thermodynamics
[20:09:24] <zeeshan|2> :-)
[20:09:26] <Valen> lots of it is
[20:09:55] <Valen> because I did a few classes on it at uni when I was doing my degree and also highschool physics
[20:10:34] <Valen> I "jab" at him because he says wrong stuff. like the gas expanding when you use it will make it blow the safety valve
[20:10:47] <Valen> sitting on the dash of your car will make it blow
[20:10:48] <zeeshan|2> i forgot which thermo equations you use to figure out temperature drops
[20:10:52] <zeeshan|2> i know its common sense it drops
[20:10:57] <zeeshan|2> but was it first law of thermodyun?
[20:11:04] <Valen> heh its a decade ago now
[20:11:06] <zeeshan|2> dU = dQ + dW?
[20:11:08] <zeeshan|2> i totally forget
[20:11:27] <zeeshan|2> i did well in the course
[20:11:28] <Valen> I only remember the adiabatic ones because they are the same as momentum
[20:11:34] <zeeshan|2> i just didnt care too much since im a mechanics guy
[20:11:41] <zeeshan|2> o
[20:12:05] <Valen> you need to have the latent heat of formation and the mass of the product vapourising
[20:12:17] <zeeshan|2> starting to ring bells
[20:12:46] <Valen> its messy though if you are just gassing off like that
[20:13:00] <zeeshan|2> just do it slowly
[20:13:02] <Valen> because the equations give you the energy needed to vapourise that quantity
[20:13:12] <zeeshan|2> if you do it slowly
[20:13:22] <zeeshan|2> you'll transfer heat through conduction/convection
[20:13:29] <zeeshan|2> before it drops low enouigh
[20:13:32] <Valen> then you need to work out how much that changes the temperature of that mass of reagent
[20:13:37] <zeeshan|2> haha
[20:13:46] <zeeshan|2> fak thermo!!
[20:14:04] <Valen> like i said, it gets messy
[20:14:36] <Valen> oh adiabatic (no temperature change) pressure/volume formula is P1V1 = P2V2
[20:14:59] <zeeshan|2> looks very much like ideal gas law
[20:15:00] <zeeshan|2> =D
[20:15:04] <Valen> which is the momentum formula, M1V1 = M2V2
[20:15:21] <syyl_> in this house we obey the laws of thermodynamics!
[20:15:24] <syyl_>
[20:15:54] <syyl_> (there is a simpsons quote for every occasion)
[20:16:08] <Valen> yep
[20:16:16] <zeeshan|2> rofl
[20:16:36] <Valen> its one of the most scientificly literate shows out there sadly
[20:18:18] <zeeshan|2> are you an engineer
[20:18:53] <jdh> you should see how hot my little rebreather oxygen tanks get when I boost them up to 220bar
[20:19:08] <zeeshan|2> jdh
[20:19:17] <zeeshan|2> have you cut one of those scuba tanks apart?
[20:19:28] <jdh> nope,why would I do that?
[20:19:34] <zeeshan|2> curiousity
[20:19:45] <zeeshan|2> im wondering what the wall thickness is on em
[20:19:51] <jdh> about 3mm
[20:20:00] <syyl_> the steel ones are pretty thin
[20:20:11] <zeeshan|2> wtf
[20:20:13] <zeeshan|2> .118"
[20:20:15] <zeeshan|2> thats thin
[20:20:35] <Jymmm> You have any idea on how much of a PITA it is to bleed of liquid propane?! LMAO
[20:20:41] <Connor> thats the reason they're stored standing up and not on the side.
[20:20:41] <zeeshan|2> Jymmm:
[20:20:43] <zeeshan|2> just burn it!
[20:20:46] <Valen> zeeshan|2: heh nah, in theory a space scientist, in practice computer programmer and IT person ;-P
[20:20:53] <zeeshan|2> valen haha
[20:21:04] <Connor> the bottom's are much thicker.
[20:21:14] <zeeshan|2> connor
[20:21:16] <jdh> I store mine in whatever orientation they fit.
[20:21:18] <zeeshan|2> what does storing them standsing up
[20:21:20] <zeeshan|2> have to do with anything?
[20:21:25] <Connor> Rust
[20:21:32] <jdh> mine don't rust.
[20:21:42] <zeeshan|2> i'll rust your face jdh
[20:22:02] <zeeshan|2> that'd be kind of a cool super power
[20:22:03] <Jymmm> zeeshan|2: good idea, I'll find something to burn tomorrow =) Got MArshmellows?
[20:22:09] <zeeshan|2> the ability to rust anything i touch
[20:22:17] <zeeshan|2> instantly
[20:22:26] <syyl_> i know people that have that skill
[20:22:35] <syyl_> its not very cool
[20:22:48] <jdh> I can do that with carbon steel knives
[20:22:48] <zeeshan|2> Jymmm: delicious marshmellows
[20:23:03] <zeeshan|2> i'm not talking about surface rust
[20:23:04] <zeeshan|2> i mean
[20:23:06] <Jymmm> zeeshan|2: Hmmmm, fire roasted peppers
[20:23:08] <zeeshan|2> deep rust
[20:23:16] <zeeshan|2> rendering a machine useless
[20:23:43] <zeeshan|2> i'm just talking nonsense
[20:23:52] <zeeshan|2> im trying to distract myself from the rape
[20:23:57] <XXCoder> yummy deep rust
[20:23:58] <zeeshan|2> of a midterm that is coming this friday
[20:24:45] <zeeshan|2> has anyone dealt with shear flows?
[20:24:50] <zeeshan|2> of closed section members?
[20:24:55] <zeeshan|2> with no symmetry
[20:37:51] <PetefromTn_> This is what I will be dreaming of for awhile now hehe...
[20:39:26] <zeeshan|2> hi PetefromTn_
[20:39:34] <zeeshan|2> what kind of lathe did you get?
[20:39:39] <XXCoder> hey stranger
[20:40:58] <PetefromTn_>
[20:41:35] <zeeshan|2> which size
[20:41:37] <PetefromTn_> Mine is the 14x40 flavor only it is not as pretty as the picture....yet
[20:41:45] <zeeshan|2> holy cow
[20:41:48] <zeeshan|2> 5hp motor
[20:41:49] <zeeshan|2> very nice
[20:42:00] <PetefromTn_> actually it came with a 7.5 hp motor
[20:42:06] <zeeshan|2> even better!
[20:42:14] <PetefromTn_> but the motor and other stuff has been removed.
[20:42:35] <zeeshan|2> if you dont mind me asking
[20:42:37] <zeeshan|2> how much?
[20:43:03] <PetefromTn_> $500.00 LOL
[20:43:09] <zeeshan|2> LOL
[20:43:14] <zeeshan|2> nice!!!!!
[20:43:21] <XXCoder> wow
[20:43:25] <zeeshan|2> its what you wanted too
[20:43:27] <zeeshan|2> something that was already cnc
[20:43:27] <XXCoder> needs work but damn cheap
[20:43:42] <zeeshan|2> it looks a lot beeefer than the chiense 12x36
[20:43:46] <zeeshan|2> very nice
[20:43:48] <zeeshan|2> great purchase :)
[20:44:03] <PetefromTn_> I wanted a quality CNC lathe that was ALREADY a CNC lathe.
[20:44:07] <zeeshan|2> is it the 2" spindle bore?
[20:44:21] <PetefromTn_> There is no comparison to the 12x36 other than basic layout.
[20:45:01] <PetefromTn_> it has the D1-5 spindle but it unfortunately has the 1.56 spindle bore.
[20:45:26] <zeeshan|2> still a bit bigger than the 12x36
[20:45:32] <XXCoder> fixable with better chuck?
[20:45:41] <zeeshan|2> XXCoder: the spindle bore
[20:45:45] <zeeshan|2> is the hole that goes through the entire spindle
[20:45:48] <XXCoder> oh
[20:45:55] <zeeshan|2> so you can stick long rods through it
[20:45:59] <XXCoder> yeah
[20:46:07] <XXCoder> cnc lathe I work near has that too
[20:46:16] <XXCoder> hurco umm dunno model #
[20:46:24] <zeeshan|2> PetefromTn_: did you see the video
[20:46:30] <zeeshan|2> trying to see how much i can cut in one go?
[20:46:36] <zeeshan|2> remember my motor is 3hP
[20:46:44] <zeeshan|2> (real 3hp, not chinese 3hp)
[20:46:45] <zeeshan|2> haha
[20:46:51] <XXCoder> think I missed uour link
[20:46:58] <zeeshan|2> i think you saw it
[20:47:00] <zeeshan|2> i posteed it a while ago
[20:47:03] <XXCoder> ok
[20:47:24] <zeeshan|2>
[20:47:27] <XXCoder> I finished my internship project today
[20:47:33] <XXCoder> its a steel tap block
[20:47:42] <zeeshan|2> go to 1 min
[20:47:43] <XXCoder> I made two
[20:47:44] <zeeshan|2> to see the action
[20:47:46] <zeeshan|2> .25" DOC
[20:47:58] <zeeshan|2> at .375" DOC i stalled the motor
[20:48:06] <zeeshan|2> well i didnt stall it
[20:48:09] <zeeshan|2> but i could hear it wanting to stall
[20:48:13] <zeeshan|2> thats when i realized
[20:48:18] <zeeshan|2> a 5 hp motor would be nice to have!
[20:48:31] <XXCoder> use volkwagon motor lol
[20:48:33] <XXCoder> 200 hp
[20:48:34] <zeeshan|2> haha
[20:48:36] <zeeshan|2> dude
[20:48:40] <zeeshan|2> i have my engine from an eclipse
[20:48:43] <zeeshan|2> 160ft-lb
[20:48:43] <zeeshan|2> haha
[20:48:47] <zeeshan|2> 147 hp
[20:48:50] <zeeshan|2> it'll work!
[20:50:08] <PetefromTn_> Honestly I seriously considered retrofitting my 12x36 it is a fine little lathe.
[20:50:19] <zeeshan|2> no point man
[20:50:22] <zeeshan|2> just the ball screws
[20:50:25] <zeeshan|2> REAL ball screws
[20:50:30] <zeeshan|2> are worth not having to convert the chinese lathe
[20:51:12] <PetefromTn_> But I am very pleased with this new machine. It is much heavier and more powerful let alone all the nice stuff like built in spindle encoder, the base of this thing is very heavy gauge steel plate and there is a built in coolant tray and sump.
[20:51:34] <zeeshan|2> how much doyou think it weights?
[20:51:41] <PetefromTn_> I would have had to buy a spindle motor and VFD anyway so this just makes tons more sense really for me.
[20:51:45] <PetefromTn_> 3k
[20:52:00] <zeeshan|2> very nice
[20:52:07] <zeeshan|2> PetefromTn_: you should by the sumitomo drive
[20:52:08] <zeeshan|2> its dirt cheap
[20:52:12] <zeeshan|2> and its top of the line
[20:52:34] <zeeshan|2>
[20:52:35] <PetefromTn_> probably look for another Hitachi WJ-200 if I can afford it.
[20:52:40] <zeeshan|2> that is if you decide to run 5hp
[20:52:48] <zeeshan|2> dude, this is up in par with wj200
[20:53:04] <zeeshan|2> but since this guy had a cancelled order
[20:53:06] <PetefromTn_> motor HP will depend on the best deal I can get on the motor itself
[20:53:09] <zeeshan|2> he's selling them cheap
[20:53:19] <zeeshan|2> these go for like 1200
[20:53:20] <PetefromTn_> would love to get a 7.5 HP motor for it.
[20:53:43] <zeeshan|2> 7.5hp 240V might be hard to find
[20:53:49] <PetefromTn_> apparently this thing has turcite ways.
[20:53:56] <PetefromTn_> huh?
[20:54:00] <XXCoder> metal foam lol
[20:54:01] <andypugh> zeeshan|2: That’s only a 240V VFD though. What is 3-phase voltage in the US?
[20:54:19] <zeeshan|2> andypugh: i hook mine up to single phase
[20:54:31] <andypugh> Turcite is a polymer. Hardinge use it, so do Tormach.
[20:54:39] <zeeshan|2> 3 phase voltage depends on whether its delta or wye
[20:54:43] <PetefromTn_> yeah I am familiar with it.
[20:54:53] <andypugh> zeeshan|2: I was wondering more about the motor voltage
[20:55:02] <zeeshan|2> ohhh
[20:55:19] <zeeshan|2> ill tell you in 1 min
[20:55:31] * zeeshan|2 hides from XXCoder
[20:55:34] <zeeshan|2> he knows what my 1 min is
[20:56:01] <andypugh> zeeshan|2: Well, actually, i was more concerned about Pete’s motor voltage and the 240V VFD
[20:56:17] <zeeshan|2> andypugh: thats what im saying
[20:56:21] <zeeshan|2> 7.5hp 240VAC is hard to find
[20:56:24] <zeeshan|2> theyre usually higher voltages
[20:56:28] <zeeshan|2> so u'll see a xfrmr
[20:56:57] <zeeshan|2> two of my motors say
[20:57:00] <zeeshan|2> 208-230V
[20:57:10] <PetefromTn_> there are lots of 7.5 HP 3 phase 230 volt motors that I saw online...
[20:57:22] <zeeshan|2> PetefromTn_: yes brand new
[20:57:24] <zeeshan|2> you can get em
[20:57:27] <zeeshan|2> im talking about used market
[20:57:30] <zeeshan|2> where you get motors for $50
[20:57:31] <zeeshan|2> :)
[20:57:45] <zeeshan|2> i dont think ive ever bought a new motor!
[20:58:24] <zeeshan|2>
[20:58:27] <zeeshan|2> heres some of the smaller ones
[20:58:31] <zeeshan|2> 230V
[20:59:10] <PetefromTn_>
[20:59:24] <zeeshan|2> damn
[20:59:43] <zeeshan|2> expensive
[21:00:01] <XXCoder> wow what the fuck
[21:00:25] <zeeshan|2>
[21:00:27] <zeeshan|2> the one that came on the lathe
[21:00:28] <zeeshan|2> 220V
[21:00:44] <zeeshan|2> andypugh: i dont understand why motor voltage is important in terms of vFD?
[21:00:50] <zeeshan|2> you can set the max voltage in the vfd
[21:01:20] <andypugh> A 440V motor won’t run well on a 240V VFD
[21:01:24] <PetefromTn_>
[21:01:25] <zeeshan|2> ofcourse
[21:01:27] <zeeshan|2> need transformer
[21:01:37] <zeeshan|2> PetefromTn_: i know they exist
[21:01:39] <andypugh> And then you need a 44V VFD
[21:01:41] <zeeshan|2> you can buy any motor almost brand new
[21:01:49] <andypugh> (440V)
[21:01:52] <zeeshan|2> its just hard to find them used
[21:02:22] <andypugh> If you have a 440V motor (that can’t be re-wired) then you need a higher-voltage VFD.
[21:02:31] <zeeshan|2> andypugh: yes
[21:03:03] <andypugh> They make step-up VFDs, but I don’t think they come in that sort of size. And they cost a lot more.
[21:03:30] <PetefromTn_> Honestly this lathe has a max speed around 3500 or so so I would probably be fine with 5hp and VFD combo should be more than enough. the basic lathe came that way anyway. could save me some money.
[21:03:33] <zeeshan|2> yea my 110VAC vfds
[21:03:41] <zeeshan|2> for 0.5 hp are step up to 240VAC
[21:03:52] <zeeshan|2> PetefromTn_: depends on what you wanna do
[21:03:57] <zeeshan|2> from my experience
[21:04:04] <zeeshan|2> .375" DOC will stall a 3hp motor
[21:04:07] <zeeshan|2> in 6061
[21:04:15] <zeeshan|2> with a VNMG insert 5 degree attack angle
[21:04:28] <zeeshan|2> so if you can live with .625" DOC
[21:04:36] <zeeshan|2> in al, i think youll be okay!!
[21:04:44] <zeeshan|2> (with 5 hp)
[21:04:55] <Connor_iPad> That's a VERY aggressive cut.
[21:05:01] <andypugh> Pah! you have a woman’s voltages! ( )
[21:05:14] <zeeshan|2> Connor: not really
[21:05:14] <zeeshan|2> :P
[21:05:29] <zeeshan|2> i talked to the machinists at school
[21:05:30] <Connor_iPad> zeeshan|2: Stop being a know it all.
[21:05:32] <zeeshan|2> and showed them the video
[21:05:42] <zeeshan|2> about why i was getting long string chips
[21:05:49] <zeeshan|2> nomatter how much i changed the feedrate
[21:05:58] <zeeshan|2> said it was the nose radius of my insert
[21:06:03] <zeeshan|2> i was using a vnmg 331
[21:06:13] <zeeshan|2> suggested vnmg 333 or 332
[21:06:16] <zeeshan|2> to get the chip to curl more
[21:06:26] <zeeshan|2> Connor_iPad: but i do know it all
[21:06:40] <zeeshan|2> what made you say that anyway
[21:07:21] <Connor_iPad> The absolute wall of words with your name preceding it. :)
[21:07:38] <zeeshan|2> im only try to help
[21:07:50] <zeeshan|2> i guess ill stop
[21:08:09] <andypugh> I know less than I think I know. Which is why I have some CNMG12 inserts because I thought I knew how to measure insert sizes. I needed size 09. I also needed C**T too.
[21:08:27] <zeeshan|2> whats 12?
[21:08:48] <PetefromTn_> I need to pull the X servo off and try to figure out what it is so I can get an appropriate servo drive determined.
[21:09:05] <zeeshan|2> andypugh: youre missing a number
[21:09:06] <andypugh> It’s a pity that they didn’t decide on shape - mounting - angle - tolerance. It would make searching eBay easier.
[21:09:23] <andypugh> I am missing two numbers.
[21:09:42] <zeeshan|2> depends
[21:09:43] <zeeshan|2> :P
[21:09:52] <andypugh> These inserts are actually CNMG120408
[21:10:06] <PetefromTn_> Looks like the beginnings of a sweet CNC router to me hehe
[21:10:12] <zeeshan|2> okay youre using iso carbide insert designation
[21:10:16] <zeeshan|2> which is a pain in the ass!
[21:10:43] <andypugh> Pah! You and your antiquated units
[21:10:52] <zeeshan|2> it might be why you have a hard time finding inserts
[21:10:57] <zeeshan|2> ansi system is very simple
[21:10:59] <toastyde1th> do any of you guys do electronics repair as a hobby?
[21:11:02] <toastyde1th> (side question sorry)
[21:11:15] <zeeshan|2> CNMG 4 3 2 for example
[21:11:26] <zeeshan|2> 4 is the IC, 3 is thickness 2 is radius
[21:11:31] <zeeshan|2> CCMT 3 2.5 1
[21:11:41] <zeeshan|2> i hate how they write "ccmt 32.51"
[21:11:46] <zeeshan|2> its a bit misleading :P
[21:13:57] <andypugh> zeeshan|2: In what units?
[21:14:06] <zeeshan|2> all in inches
[21:14:14] <andypugh> 4 inches?
[21:14:16] <zeeshan|2> ohhh
[21:14:20] <zeeshan|2> those are look up numbers
[21:14:21] <andypugh> That’s a big insert
[21:14:36] <zeeshan|2> so for example 4 is the IC , so the dimension is .5"
[21:14:48] <zeeshan|2> 3 refers to .187
[21:14:52] <zeeshan|2> or .185"
[21:14:53] <zeeshan|2> i forget
[21:15:01] <zeeshan|2> the last number is the important one!
[21:15:09] <zeeshan|2> 1 is 0.016 nose radius
[21:15:12] <andypugh> Yeah, so you decided that inches were too big, so decided that your base units should be 3,175mm :-)
[21:15:19] <zeeshan|2> haha
[21:15:32] <zeeshan|2> andypugh: to be fair
[21:15:41] <zeeshan|2> when i teach the machining lab and we talk about material selection
[21:15:51] <zeeshan|2> i start of with "if you're working in north america -> ....."
[21:15:59] <zeeshan|2> "if you're working in the REST OF THE WORLD -> ...."
[21:16:22] <zeeshan|2> the worst is when people try to order 40mm flat bar x 20mm
[21:16:32] <zeeshan|2> it has a 2-3 week turn around time
[21:16:38] <zeeshan|2> and costs like 3x more
[21:17:48] <zeeshan|2>
[21:17:48] <andypugh> I rang the heat-treatment shop today: “I have some EN8 gears to harden”. Now, the EN numbers were invented in WW2, and obsoleted in 1970. (EN24 became 817M40). But everyone still uses EN numbers.
[21:17:52] <zeeshan|2> my school is getting rid of the lathes
[21:17:55] <zeeshan|2> 2 of them
[21:17:58] <zeeshan|2> and replacing them with CNC
[21:18:27] <zeeshan|2> 18"x60"
[21:18:37] <andypugh> I doubt that anyone in industry would use a manul any more. Heck, even I don’t.
[21:18:48] <zeeshan|2> they want 3500 for it
[21:18:52] <zeeshan|2> which is dirt cheap
[21:19:05] <zeeshan|2> you're right
[21:19:26] <toastyde1th> small manual machines are not common in industry - they're very common as size increases
[21:19:32] <andypugh> Looks like an easy CNC conversion. In fact there might be scope for a factory conversion,
[21:19:42] <zeeshan|2> yea the problem is
[21:19:47] <zeeshan|2> i need to sell my 12x36 first
[21:19:51] <zeeshan|2> and move all the shit over to this lathe
[21:20:03] <zeeshan|2> and i really dont know how i'd move it
[21:20:09] <zeeshan|2> its around 6000 lb
[21:20:18] <zeeshan|2> unlike the mill its a weird shape
[21:20:35] <zeeshan|2> and at the end of the day
[21:20:38] <zeeshan|2> do i really need something that big
[21:20:40] <zeeshan|2> ?!!? :D
[21:21:13] <zeeshan|2> btw back to what were talking about -- cnc lathes
[21:21:35] <zeeshan|2> its suprising how students just understanding establishing datums on a cnc machine
[21:21:40] <zeeshan|2> but when it comes to a manual machine, they're lost
[21:21:46] <zeeshan|2> it baffles my mind
[21:21:57] <zeeshan|2> *undstand
[21:27:39] <humble_sea_bass> yo son. computer offsets are mad easy
[21:27:49] <humble_sea_bass> but them knobs is cray cray
[21:40:37] <PetefromTn_> Man this freakin degreaser gags me.. but it is working really good.
[21:43:00] <Tom_itx> at eating your lungs?
[21:43:11] <PetefromTn_> pretty much
[21:43:19] <PetefromTn_> Had to take a breather break ;)
[21:43:31] <Tom_itx> Tri is a cancer causing agent
[21:43:43] <PetefromTn_> I got this schitt at the dollar store for.....a dolla!
[21:44:22] <Connor_iPad> What doesn't cause cancer these days?
[21:44:30] <PetefromTn_> probably some chinese copy of simple green with radioactive goo that will make my hands glow green at night.
[21:44:57] <PetefromTn_> at least I can play with myself without a flashlight under the sheets.....WIN!!! hehe
[21:45:37] <PetefromTn_> I moved the lathe to where it will sit once it is working.
[21:45:55] <PetefromTn_> But I am going to remove that back door for the electronics cabinet so I can work on it
[21:45:58] <Tom_L>,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane
[21:46:03] <Tom_L> degreaser
[21:46:08] <PetefromTn_> pretty much what I did with the Cincinatti
[21:46:17] <PetefromTn_> yeah nasty sheet..
[21:46:39] <Tom_L> also used in drying coffee beans i'm told
[21:46:51] <PetefromTn_> I got to get some cash in here so I can start buying components for this beast
[21:47:28] <PetefromTn_> trying to figure out what paint I want to spray on it right now and what color.
[21:47:39] <PetefromTn_> Thinking a white or cream color
[21:47:46] <Tom_L> epoxy
[21:47:48] <Valen> where can I get titanium bar stock from in australia
[21:47:49] <PetefromTn_> maybe a white with some gray in it.
[21:48:20] <PetefromTn_> I have the epoxy paint I used on the coolant troughs but when you mix that stuff it is thick as peanut butter...
[21:48:41] <FinboySlick> PetefromTn_: But that's not manly enough.
[21:48:48] <PetefromTn_> no way it would spray thru my guns unless you thin it and the guys at the store I bought it from said not to...
[21:49:04] <Tom_L> not a good idea
[21:49:14] <PetefromTn_> FinboySlick Yeah I know and I am not a man for that reason :D
[21:49:15] <Tom_L> you can but it slows the drying time alot
[21:49:31] <PetefromTn_> thats what I figured.
[21:49:36] <FinboySlick> PetefromTn_: And here I thought of you as a machinist version of Brock Samson.
[21:49:47] <PetefromTn_> I need to get something seriously strong for inside the enclosure.
[21:49:59] <Tom_L> powder coat
[21:50:15] <PetefromTn_> Oh yeah man I am JUST like that guy hehe
[21:50:19] <Tom_L> marine enamel
[21:50:20] <FinboySlick> PetefromTn_: (for reference, Brock isn't that well known)
[21:50:39] <PetefromTn_> I would love to powdercoat it but I need to do the lathe base casting as well.
[21:50:55] <PetefromTn_> I mean I don't HAVE to do any of this but I want to make it look nice and clean and new
[21:51:15] <FinboySlick> Paint it *blood red*.
[21:52:35] <PetefromTn_> LOL that's hilarious.
[21:53:00] <PetefromTn_> I actually have some red cans of rustoleum in the shop from another project
[21:53:15] <PetefromTn_> I could paint it and paint the base black and call it the LATHE REAPER...
[21:53:30] <FinboySlick> That's more like it.
[21:53:31] <Connor_iPad> Grizzly green
[21:53:42] <PetefromTn_> Good lord no
[21:53:48] <Connor_iPad> Hehe
[21:53:50] <PetefromTn_> I had enough of the green with the lathe
[21:54:07] <PetefromTn_> My Lathemaster RF45 WAS green... I fixed that shit too hehehe
[21:57:09] <PetefromTn_> hehehe
[21:57:32] <FinboySlick> PetefromTn_: It's an awesome show.
[21:57:39] <FinboySlick> I love Molotov Cocktease.
[22:00:50] <PetefromTn_> Well back to scrubbin'
[22:18:31] <zeeshan|2> ive been using mineral spirits to clean the mill
[22:18:38] <zeeshan|2> that shit eats grease
[22:18:40] <zeeshan|2> for dinner!
[22:20:19] <XXCoder> nice
[22:43:24] <ssi> scrub scrub scrubh
[22:44:05] <ssi> scrubbed himself right off the irc
[22:49:24] <zeeshan|2> SSI!
[22:49:29] <zeeshan|2> DUDE
[22:49:59] <XXCoder> hey ssi!
[22:50:12] <XXCoder> heard what happened. you and your place ok?
[22:51:04] <ssi> I'm fine
[22:51:23] <zeeshan|2> dude
[22:51:25] <zeeshan|2> wtf happened
[22:51:33] <ssi> eh nothing surprising
[22:53:03] <zeeshan|2> is your house ok?
[22:53:08] <ssi> haha no, not really
[22:53:12] <ssi> but it doesn't matter
[22:53:32] <zeeshan|2> plz tell me you didnt lose everything
[22:53:37] <ssi> nah
[22:53:47] <zeeshan|2> its fucked up
[22:53:47] <ssi> have a lot of cleanup to do
[22:53:53] <zeeshan|2> we were talking about fire extinguishers
[22:53:56] <zeeshan|2> that one night
[22:53:57] <ssi> and my insurance company is going to hate me
[22:54:00] <ssi> yeah
[22:54:14] <zeeshan|2> what caught on fire??
[22:54:28] <ssi> the underbed
[22:54:29] <Connor> ssi Be sure to get a new insurance company after.. They'll jack your rates WAY up.
[22:54:38] <ssi> Connor: I won't need an insurance company after :P
[22:54:41] <ssi> I'm not going to stay in that house
[22:54:52] <Connor> Your not ?
[22:54:53] <zeeshan|2> the underbed is the thing
[22:54:56] <zeeshan|2> where the big ass laser tubes went?
[22:55:01] <XXCoder> its too damaged?
[22:55:10] <ssi> nah it's what the downdraft exhaust was attached to
[22:55:13] <ssi> it was still plywood
[22:55:15] <ssi> needed to be changed
[22:55:38] <zeeshan|2> ive been bummed out
[22:55:40] <Connor> You going to find a new house or something ?
[22:55:41] <ssi> it was a calculated risk... sometimes they don't work out :)
[22:55:43] <zeeshan|2> since i heard this shit
[22:55:55] <XXCoder> whats downdraft exhaust? fireplace vent or what
[22:56:04] <zeeshan|2> XXCoder: it sucks
[22:56:05] <zeeshan|2> all the fumes out
[22:56:07] <zeeshan|2> from the table
[22:56:10] <ssi> right
[22:56:12] <XXCoder> oh
[22:56:35] <zeeshan|2> stuff can be replaced
[22:56:37] <zeeshan|2> SSI cant!
[22:56:40] <ssi> yeah I'm not worried about the stuff
[22:56:43] <zeeshan|2> glad you're here with us :)
[22:56:44] <ssi> my pets are ok
[22:56:58] <Connor> You a cat, or dog person? :)
[22:56:59] <zeeshan|2> you're my ARGUE buddy!!
[22:57:01] <zeeshan|2> you cant die on me!!
[22:57:01] <ssi> both :P
[22:57:02] <zeeshan|2> :D
[22:57:16] <ssi> you won't get rid of me that easily
[22:57:26] <Tom_itx> ha!
[22:57:42] <zeeshan|2> where do i send the donations!?!
[22:57:42] <zeeshan|2> :D
[22:57:49] <ssi> no donations necessary
[22:57:58] <ssi> I'll be happy with minimal judgement :)
[22:58:13] <zeeshan|2> hahah
[22:58:15] <zeeshan|2> youre a funny guy
[22:58:19] <Connor> I don't think my wife is going to let me have a laser cutter now because of you. :(
[22:58:23] <ssi> bawww
[22:58:28] <zeeshan|2> connor shit happens
[22:58:34] <ssi> just tell her you won't make yours crappy like I did
[22:58:36] <Connor> Im joking.
[22:58:42] <zeeshan|2> ssi is gonna rebuild his laser cutter
[22:58:45] <zeeshan|2> guaranteed :p
[22:58:47] <ssi> duh
[22:58:53] <ssi> well so the good news is
[22:59:00] <ssi> I was already wanting to move the shop to the airport where the vmc is
[22:59:00] <Connor> or buy one with the insurance money. :)
[22:59:03] <ssi> and now I pretty much have to
[22:59:24] <ssi> the machines in the basement didn't get damaged, but they did get hot enough to cook the oil off them, then wet
[22:59:28] <ssi> so they're going to take some cleanup
[22:59:37] <XXCoder> ow yeah
[22:59:39] <ssi> I think everything's ok
[22:59:42] <ssi> worst thing looks like my tablesaw
[22:59:44] <ssi> the top is a rusty mess
[22:59:45] <XXCoder> wd40 to remove water then more oil?
[22:59:52] <ssi> the hardinge was full of neat oil
[22:59:55] <ssi> and the sump filled up with water
[23:00:01] <ssi> there's 2" of water in the chip tray
[23:00:05] <zeeshan|2> water from extinguisher?
[23:00:05] <ssi> but it's OILY water
[23:00:12] <ssi> water from the plumbing upstairs melting
[23:00:13] <zeeshan|2> or fire fighters i mean
[23:00:14] <zeeshan|2> oh
[23:00:15] <ssi> and the fire dept
[23:00:33] <ssi> so it has a little surface rust on the ways but i think it'll clean up
[23:00:41] <ssi> the chuck on the 602 looks bad but I think it'll clean up too
[23:00:54] <zeeshan|2> dude
[23:00:58] <Connor> take pictures just in case.
[23:01:03] <ssi> yeah I'm taking tons of pics
[23:01:04] <zeeshan|2> im glad its all good
[23:01:07] <ssi> and insurance seems cooperative
[23:01:22] <Connor> and insurance will help pay for cleanup and refurb.
[23:01:25] <ssi> yeah
[23:01:32] <ssi> plus they'll pay for a lot of the bullshit I had but didn't need
[23:01:36] <ssi> and I can spend that money on things I want
[23:01:39] <ssi> like more machines :)
[23:01:41] <zeeshan|2> rofl
[23:01:56] <zeeshan|2> we know what the cause of fire was
[23:02:00] <zeeshan|2> but does the insurance company know?
[23:02:02] <ssi> yep
[23:02:06] <zeeshan|2> they dont care?
[23:02:08] <ssi> nope
[23:02:10] <ssi> shit happens
[23:02:11] <zeeshan|2> GOOD to know
[23:02:29] <ssi> adjuster told me about a guy that was using an oxyfuel torch to bend some metal in a closed basement and it filled up with gas and blew up
[23:02:32] <ssi> and they covered it
[23:02:40] <XXCoder> wow
[23:02:42] <ssi> they cover stupidity
[23:02:43] <ssi> just not malice
[23:02:48] <XXCoder> so your laser caused fire
[23:02:49] <zeeshan|2> gotcha
[23:03:15] <zeeshan|2> did you lose your amc be25 drives?
[23:03:20] <ssi> one's fine
[23:03:28] <ssi> one's smoke damaged and may or may not be any good
[23:03:28] <Connor> I had a house fire on Dec 23rd when I was like 12.
[23:03:34] <ssi> three are in the mail
[23:03:37] <ssi> so those are fine :)
[23:03:38] <zeeshan|2> haha
[23:03:41] <zeeshan|2> sweet man
[23:03:45] <ssi> the X axis servo for the vmc was in the office and I dunno if it's ok or not
[23:03:46] <zeeshan|2> where you at right now??
[23:03:49] <ssi> at work actually hahah
[23:03:52] <ssi> I came here to get my laptop
[23:03:52] <Connor> Main bedroom was totaled everything else smoke damage..
[23:03:56] <ssi> and sat down to use the computer for a minute
[23:04:03] <ssi> Connor: the smoke is amazing
[23:04:06] <ssi> it gets everywhere
[23:04:13] <XXCoder> and look up and find out youre done your shift lol
[23:04:18] <zeeshan|2> what the heck is smoke damage
[23:04:21] <zeeshan|2> how does smoke damage stuff
[23:04:21] <zeeshan|2> :d
[23:04:28] <XXCoder> it can
[23:04:28] <ssi> I'll send you some pictures :P
[23:04:38] <XXCoder> carbon is conductive depending opn how it is
[23:04:51] <Connor> On Christmas, I opened up my gifts.. one was a Joystick and game for the computer.. which was in my bedroom.. destroyed from smoke damage... It still worked.. but.. keys were all metled and it smelled.
[23:05:04] <Connor> My Good ol TI-99-4A
[23:05:21] <zeeshan|2> connor
[23:05:22] <zeeshan|2> so you were a nerd
[23:05:24] <zeeshan|2> even at 11
[23:05:26] <zeeshan|2> :-)
[23:06:11] <zeeshan|2> ssi
[23:06:12] <zeeshan|2> mate
[23:06:19] <Connor> I've always been a Nerd. I built a toy car out of Erector set powered with a electric motor when I was in Kindergarten.
[23:06:48] <zeeshan|2> FUCK
[23:06:56] <Connor> language.
[23:06:57] <XXCoder> I am nerd, geeky and dweeb :P
[23:07:05] <zeeshan|2> ssi are you joking me
[23:07:08] <zeeshan|2> this guy is standing in front of his house
[23:07:09] <zeeshan|2> smiling
[23:07:12] <zeeshan|2> with a fire fighter
[23:07:12] <zeeshan|2> ROFL
[23:07:14] <ssi> haha the cop is a friend of mine
[23:07:20] <zeeshan|2> hahahahah
[23:07:21] <ssi> i was panicking when he showed up
[23:07:26] <ssi> he runs up and hugs me
[23:07:34] <ssi> and goes "this is your opportunity to take an EPIC selfie"
[23:07:42] <zeeshan|2> rofl
[23:07:49] <ssi> calmed me down SO MUCH
[23:08:10] <zeeshan|2> it just makes me really sad
[23:08:13] <zeeshan|2> to see your stuff like that man
[23:08:14] <ssi> don't be
[23:08:14] <ssi> it's fine
[23:08:15] <zeeshan|2> cause i know how much ure into
[23:08:17] <Connor> We had guns and ammo in the house.. you should have heard the bullets popping off..
[23:08:17] <zeeshan|2> it
[23:08:21] <ssi> Connor: yeah me too
[23:08:29] <ssi> the closet in the room where the laser was had 25lb of powder and 5k primers in it
[23:08:37] <ssi> cops asked "is there anything flammable in the house"
[23:08:42] <ssi> I just laughed
[23:08:45] <Connor> ROFL
[23:08:52] <ssi> 20gal kerosene in the parts washer
[23:08:55] <ssi> solvents everywhere
[23:08:57] <ssi> ammo, powder
[23:09:00] <ssi> you name it
[23:09:08] <zeeshan|2> dude
[23:09:10] <ssi> nothing really was an issue other than the powder and primers in the closet
[23:09:14] <zeeshan|2> so by the time you noticed it
[23:09:15] <ssi> and it didn't really make much difference
[23:09:18] <zeeshan|2> it was already up in flames?
[23:09:22] <ssi> it was small when I caught it
[23:09:30] <zeeshan|2> like small means
[23:09:36] <zeeshan|2> roughy 12" x 12"?
[23:09:40] <ssi> it was big enough to melt the wires to the exhaust fan and trip the breaker
[23:09:43] <zeeshan|2> (sorry numbers person)
[23:09:45] <ssi> which killed the air assist
[23:09:53] <ssi> I heard it go quiet and went to check
[23:10:04] <ssi> tried to put it out with towels, got the topside out but the bottom was burning
[23:10:13] <ssi> smoke was bothering me ad I had to make a judgement call
[23:10:17] <ssi> I opted to go outside and call
[23:10:31] <ssi> took 30m to show up, set up, and fight it
[23:10:37] <zeeshan|2> i guess theyre not kidding
[23:10:38] <ssi> by the time they were set up it was quite a blaze
[23:10:40] <zeeshan|2> when they say fires spread fast
[23:10:44] <ssi> well it started slow
[23:10:49] <ssi> but once it got into the walls it went fast
[23:11:02] <XXCoder> fire has exponental growth
[23:11:05] <ssi> yeah
[23:11:10] <zeeshan|2> im grabbing a fire extingiusher
[23:11:17] <Connor> Fire extinguisher would have probably saved the house.
[23:11:21] <ssi> it would have
[23:11:26] <ssi> and I had planned on trying to get some
[23:11:30] <zeeshan|2> look at the bloody logs
[23:11:30] <ssi> day late and a dollar short
[23:11:32] <zeeshan|2> you were going to walmart
[23:11:33] <ssi> yeah
[23:11:36] <ssi> like that night
[23:11:36] <zeeshan|2> to grab one
[23:11:42] <ssi> I was waiting for that cycle to finish
[23:11:44] <ssi> bahhhh
[23:11:45] <ssi> hahah
[23:11:49] <ssi> my luck runs that way
[23:11:51] <Connor> It finished all right.
[23:11:51] <ssi> oh so get this
[23:11:55] <ssi> so my weekend has been nuts
[23:12:03] <ssi> I've been driving back and forth from the airport to the house
[23:12:04] <ssi> staying at the airport
[23:12:08] <ssi> 65 miles between
[23:12:15] <ssi> and I have a little utility trailer I pull behind my car
[23:12:18] <ssi> making trips, moving stuff
[23:12:25] <Connor> ssi: If you had went with Pete it might not have happened either.
[23:12:31] <ssi> Connor: yeah :(
[23:12:49] <zeeshan|2> fak it
[23:12:49] <ssi> so I'm heading through atlanta with a couple friends, in the hov lane, and there's a HERO unit with the lane blocked, so I move over
[23:12:50] <zeeshan|2> forget the past
[23:12:55] <zeeshan|2> look forward to the future
[23:13:00] <ssi> and he walks across and stops traffic to let the guys move over
[23:13:06] <ssi> and I'm sitting in traffic stopped for several minutes
[23:13:10] <ssi> as is eveyrone behind me
[23:13:16] <ssi> then the lady behind me suddenly just rearends me
[23:13:21] <ssi> I get out
[23:13:26] <ssi> she's yelling at me "I couldn't see your trailer!"
[23:13:28] <ssi> (huge ass SUV)
[23:13:31] <zeeshan|2> LOL
[23:13:33] <zeeshan|2> wtf
[23:13:42] <ssi> I was like "That's not my problem, enjoy the hole in your bumper"
[23:13:44] <ssi> and I leave
[23:13:51] <ssi> so I get off the interstate 20m later
[23:13:53] <ssi> go to get fuel
[23:13:59] <Connor> Damn, WTF
[23:14:03] <ssi> I have the trailer and I can't hardly get into the one diesel pump
[23:14:08] <ssi> the trailer's 45 degrees behind me
[23:14:17] <ssi> and some jackwagon in an suv parks an inch from my front bumper
[23:14:26] <ssi> so I have to kinda maneuver a bunch to get out of there without jacknifing
[23:14:34] <ssi> and as I'm getting ready to pull off
[23:14:49] <ssi> he whips out from the pump, pulling out 45 degrees across my back bumper and sideswipes the trailer
[23:14:53] <ssi> tore the whole side of his truck up
[23:14:59] <zeeshan|2> ROFL
[23:15:04] <XXCoder> damn
[23:15:07] <ssi> THIS is how my life goes :)
[23:15:09] <zeeshan|2> dude
[23:15:11] <zeeshan|2> youre not flyting
[23:15:14] <zeeshan|2> for at least 5 years
[23:15:16] <ssi> hahahah
[23:15:20] <zeeshan|2> banned
[23:15:44] <Connor> How did your trailer fair ?
[23:15:50] <ssi> it's fine
[23:15:50] <XXCoder> ssi my worse was someone went 40 mph turning 90 degrees and totaled my car
[23:15:53] <ssi> some white paint on it :)
[23:16:06] <ssi> couple years ago I had a rash of accidents where people kept hitting me
[23:16:09] <ssi> red car, must have been invisible
[23:16:14] <XXCoder> it sucks because I lost old but very realiable car and I was dizzy for 9 months
[23:16:19] <ssi> got rearended, it was in the shop getting repaired
[23:16:24] <ssi> and someone rearended me in my rental
[23:16:25] <ssi> FFS
[23:16:38] <ssi> XXCoder: ew :/
[23:16:43] <XXCoder> I still randomly get dizzy and while I can barely play games before I basically cant play em now
[23:16:55] <XXCoder> I men 3d games like minecraft
[23:17:00] <XXCoder> ksp is fine though
[23:17:02] <Connor> I've been rear-ended in my ford Ranger twice. Within 200' of the same spot..
[23:17:14] <XXCoder> fuking driver got away with ot
[23:17:26] <XXCoder> my insurance covered it so guess its fine
[23:17:37] <ssi> I love ksp
[23:17:38] <ssi> haha
[23:17:48] <XXCoder> you can't imange it
[23:18:01] <XXCoder> you cany imange how glad I am to be still able to play it
[23:18:04] <ssi> I'm sure
[23:18:04] <Connor> 2nd time was a guy in a vet, he Accelerated into me..
[23:18:13] <ssi> I hate getting hit
[23:18:16] <ssi> screws up your whole day
[23:18:25] <ssi> although not as much as burning your house down will :P
[23:18:38] <XXCoder> me too. my replacement car sucked. don't buy ford contour before 1999
[23:18:56] <XXCoder> I now drive a van
[23:19:10] <XXCoder> soccer mom type lol
[23:20:08] <ssi> so ins is gonna pay for another place to live while the house is rebuilt, and storage for my stuff
[23:20:15] <ssi> ie, they're going to give me cash to live at the airport and pay my hangar rent
[23:20:26] <zeeshan|2> they can rebuild a house after a fire? :p
[23:20:27] <XXCoder> no family?
[23:20:32] <zeeshan|2> like starting from scratch?
[23:20:34] <XXCoder> zee yeah if frame wood is fine
[23:20:35] <ssi> sure they can
[23:20:43] <XXCoder> maybe replace few as needed
[23:20:52] <ssi> tehy'll tear it down to framing, replace the burnt stuff, the whole roof
[23:21:20] <zeeshan|2> by living @ the airport
[23:21:24] <zeeshan|2> you mean live in the hangar? :p
[23:21:27] <ssi> haha nah
[23:21:33] <ssi> my buddy has an apartment on the field
[23:21:36] <zeeshan|2> cause that'd be cool :D
[23:21:39] <XXCoder> why not? cheap lol
[23:21:39] <ssi> it's in a hangar
[23:21:46] <ssi> but it's heated and air conditioned
[23:21:48] <XXCoder> just have 5 or 6 blankets if cold lol
[23:21:49] <ssi> which is sort of important :)
[23:22:00] <ssi> oh and it has running water
[23:22:02] <ssi> my hangars don't
[23:22:09] <XXCoder> restroom?
[23:22:14] <ssi> nope
[23:22:33] <XXCoder> your friends hangar has running water but no tiolets?
[23:22:43] <ssi> no he has toilets
[23:22:45] <ssi> mine don't
[23:22:50] <ssi>
[23:23:05] <XXCoder> well place to drink and place to shit.
[23:23:09] <XXCoder> thats all you need lol
[23:23:14] <ssi> showers are nice
[23:23:34] <ssi> but mostly i like heat and AC
[23:23:42] <zeeshan|2> will your insurance cover your belongings?
[23:23:45] <ssi> yup
[23:23:51] <zeeshan|2> fak it
[23:23:53] <ssi> there's some sublimits on some things
[23:23:53] <zeeshan|2> "G0704"
[23:23:55] <zeeshan|2> MIA
[23:24:02] <zeeshan|2> :D
[23:24:03] <ssi> well some bits of the 704 are gone
[23:24:20] <ssi> the stand was in the room, and inside the stand was the servo drives and a 60v toroidal supply
[23:24:33] <zeeshan|2> nooooooo
[23:24:33] <XXCoder> I hope I will have job that i can afford shop or something
[23:24:44] <ssi> I'm not going to screw them on anything; they're going to pay me enough for this crap as it is
[23:25:04] <ssi> I have a LOT of stuff
[23:25:10] <zeeshan|2> i know!!
[23:25:10] <XXCoder> "Oh I also lost gold plated X"
[23:25:11] <zeeshan|2> haha
[23:25:12] <ssi> a lot of EXPENSIVE Stuff, and most of it will need cleaned at the very least
[23:25:20] <ssi> and it could have been a lot worse
[23:25:20] <XXCoder> like this but 10 times more expensive lol
[23:25:26] <ssi> I have a $40k gun collection
[23:25:30] <ssi> and $15k in gold and silver
[23:25:33] <ssi> all in a fireproof safe
[23:25:35] <ssi> and it's all fine
[23:25:38] <zeeshan|2> !!
[23:25:50] <zeeshan|2> ssi is loaded
[23:25:59] <ssi> no, I'm not
[23:26:03] <XXCoder> 40k? 15k is rich?
[23:26:04] <ssi> because I spend all my money on bullshit :)
[23:26:22] <XXCoder> heh
[23:26:28] <ssi> but some stuff should have been in the safe and wasn't
[23:26:33] <ssi> my grandfather's watch was in the room that burned
[23:26:48] <ssi> a 1940s gold omega seamaster
[23:27:02] <XXCoder> dunno about what watch that is but still sucks
[23:27:04] <ssi> so that's depressing
[23:27:09] <ssi> that's about the only thing I really care about losing
[23:27:20] <ssi> also my good friend loaned me a really nice hickok tube tester
[23:27:22] <ssi> and it was lost
[23:27:24] <ssi> that'll be hard to replace
[23:27:42] <ssi> everything else is just stuff
[23:28:09] <zeeshan|2> are you moving all your machinery
[23:28:12] <zeeshan|2> to the hangar?
[23:28:12] <ssi> yeah
[23:28:15] <ssi> every scrap
[23:28:29] <ssi> already moved the plasma table, the tig welder, the bandsaw, and woodworking tools
[23:28:34] <ssi> parts washer
[23:28:44] <ssi> anything I could load with two guys and a utility trailer
[23:28:54] <zeeshan|2> your master sew machine? :d
[23:28:58] <ssi> oh yeah that too
[23:29:05] <ssi> both toolboxes
[23:29:10] <ssi> bins and bins of tools and stuff
[23:29:15] <ssi> my mom came up to help
[23:29:19] <ssi> sent her to the store to fetch some bins
[23:29:24] <ssi> she spent $180 on my card on bins
[23:29:24] <ssi> hahaha
[23:29:29] <zeeshan|2> rofl
[23:29:34] <ssi> I have 20 rubbermaid bins now
[23:29:47] <ssi> $9 apiece aint bad reall y:)
[23:30:39] <zeeshan|2> im glad msot of your stuff is ok
[23:30:51] <zeeshan|2> i know for me i'd be devestated if my shit burned down
[23:31:03] <zeeshan|2> because ive spent like literally 12+ scavenging
[23:31:05] <zeeshan|2> trying to find the best deal
[23:31:06] <zeeshan|2> lol
[23:31:16] <zeeshan|2> i need to inventory everything
[23:31:19] <ssi> yeah, me too
[23:31:24] <zeeshan|2> my dad been on my case about that
[23:31:25] <ssi> it's not great, that's for sure
[23:31:30] <ssi> yeah I wish I had itemization
[23:31:34] <ssi> I've talked about it for ever
[23:31:35] <zeeshan|2> "what your paid" "retail value" "what you'd sell for"
[23:31:38] <ssi> but it's really really hard
[23:31:43] <ssi> and i have SO MUCH STUFF
[23:31:46] <zeeshan|2> i know dude
[23:31:52] <zeeshan|2> i open one drawer in the kennedy box
[23:31:55] <zeeshan|2> and i give up
[23:32:06] <zeeshan|2> its hard to go through every single thing
[23:32:07] <ssi> I got exhausted just trying to make an inventory of the guns
[23:32:19] <ssi> you know you have first world problems when it's exhausting to count your guns
[23:32:22] <zeeshan|2> lol
[23:32:29] <zeeshan|2> from my understanding of guns
[23:32:37] <zeeshan|2> people collect guns as a commodity
[23:32:40] <zeeshan|2> just like gold
[23:32:44] <ssi> some people do
[23:32:50] <ssi> me not really
[23:32:52] <ssi> mine are all differetn
[23:33:00] <ssi> and a significant fraction are handbuilt by me
[23:33:35] <XXCoder> guns just dont appeal to me
[23:33:43] <zeeshan|2> ur face doesnt appeal to me ok
[23:33:49] <ssi> lol
[23:33:50] * zeeshan|2 hides
[23:33:52] <zeeshan|2> :-)
[23:34:00] <zeeshan|2> i havent even seen your face!
[23:34:01] <ssi> they're machines like any other :)
[23:34:02] <XXCoder> im fine with it.
[23:34:12] <zeeshan|2> im pretty anti-gun
[23:34:18] <zeeshan|2> but i'd own a couple
[23:34:21] <zeeshan|2> if that makes any sense?
[23:34:24] <ssi> not really :)
[23:34:31] <zeeshan|2> i just dont like seeing morons owning guns
[23:34:53] <XXCoder> youre in support of gun licensing then
[23:34:54] <ssi> I get ya, but it's like saying "I don't want to have kids cause there's already so many morons having kids"
[23:35:02] <ssi> makes sense, except then only morons have kids
[23:35:18] <XXCoder> like car licensing means less morons on road. somewhat less
[23:35:25] <ssi> XXCoder: um, since when?
[23:35:32] <zeeshan|2> XXCoder: you sumarized it
[23:35:37] <ssi> they'll give anyone a damn drivers license
[23:35:38] <zeeshan|2> i support gun licensing
[23:35:43] <zeeshan|2> that makes it harder for people to get guns
[23:35:49] <zeeshan|2> so the people who are really enthuiasts
[23:35:51] <XXCoder> ssi not quite. thetes this drive test and drive test
[23:35:57] <zeeshan|2> or want it for protection, would go through the hassle and get it
[23:36:03] <XXCoder> one has to be mimnimally able to drive
[23:36:04] <zeeshan|2> the morons get filtered out hopefully
[23:36:08] <ssi> zeeshan|2: that already exists for the most part
[23:36:12] <ssi> I've been licensed since I was 21
[23:36:26] <XXCoder> 27 for me. was too poor to buy car or have car insurance
[23:36:37] <ssi> anyway this isn't the conversation we need to have right now :P
[23:37:02] <zeeshan|2> i hear you can own a gattling gun
[23:37:04] <zeeshan|2> in TX
[23:37:13] <ssi> sure
[23:37:17] <ssi> or anywhere else really
[23:37:23] <ssi> except the horrible places where you can't own anything
[23:37:25] <zeeshan|2> cant own it up here
[23:37:30] <ssi> yeah like that :)
[23:37:47] <zeeshan|2> im going to for my gun license after i graduate
[23:37:51] <zeeshan|2> i've had a few close calls
[23:37:54] <zeeshan|2> w/ black bears
[23:38:02] <zeeshan|2> i got hiking a lot in the middle of no where
[23:38:16] <zeeshan|2> i'd hate to kill one
[23:38:24] <zeeshan|2> but sometimes theyre really aggressive
[23:38:29] <zeeshan|2> especially after they've woken up after hibernation
[23:38:31] <ssi> you don't set out to kill one for sure
[23:38:35] <XXCoder> yeah
[23:38:38] <XXCoder> hey ssi
[23:38:40] <ssi> but sometimes you gotta do it
[23:38:42] <XXCoder> you made some guns eh
[23:38:46] <ssi> but, make sure you bring enough gun
[23:38:47] <XXCoder> machinist stuff?
[23:38:50] <ssi> too little will just piss it off
[23:38:51] <ssi> XXCoder: yeah
[23:38:55] <zeeshan|2> yea
[23:38:58] <zeeshan|2> i hear a 9mil
[23:39:00] <zeeshan|2> wouldnt do anything
[23:39:02] <ssi> correct
[23:39:10] <zeeshan|2> you need a 38 calibre
[23:39:11] <zeeshan|2> or something
[23:39:17] <ssi> 38 wouldn't do anything either
[23:39:28] <ssi> really honestly if you're worried about it you need a rifle
[23:39:31] <ssi> but that's inconvenient
[23:39:32] <XXCoder> bring this zeeshan|2
[23:39:37] <ssi> there are handguns that'd be enough, but they're ridiculous
[23:39:44] <zeeshan|2> my hunter friend suggested
[23:39:47] <zeeshan|2> a sawed off shot gun
[23:39:58] <zeeshan|2> because a rifle is quick enough for short range
[23:40:03] <ssi> well I dunno what the laws are like in canada
[23:40:12] <ssi> but sawed off shotguns are in a special restricted class in the us
[23:40:13] <zeeshan|2> we can have i believe 16 " long shotguns
[23:40:23] <zeeshan|2> LOL XXCoder
[23:40:23] <ssi> shotguns are 18" here
[23:40:26] <zeeshan|2> that movie was awesome
[23:40:26] <ssi> but that's hardly sawed off either way
[23:40:32] <zeeshan|2> ssi as you can see
[23:40:35] <zeeshan|2> i dont know shit about guns
[23:40:36] <zeeshan|2> :)
[23:40:41] <ssi> yeah it's cool :)
[23:40:47] <ssi> plus a sawed off shotgun is a bad idea for bear
[23:40:51] <ssi> because it's all spread and no power
[23:40:57] <zeeshan|2> i wanna spray
[23:41:01] <zeeshan|2> like i did in cs 1.4
[23:41:06] <XXCoder> or this zeeshan|2
[23:41:21] <zeeshan|2> did you guys play CS?
[23:41:28] <zeeshan|2> spray around with the ak
[23:41:35] <XXCoder> I play computer science yes :P
[23:41:35] <zeeshan|2> or troll people with the AWP
[23:41:38] <zeeshan|2> haha XXCoder
[23:41:44] <XXCoder> otherwise dunno
[23:41:51] <zeeshan|2> counterstrike 1.4
[23:41:52] <zeeshan|2> :D
[23:42:05] <XXCoder> oh
[23:42:17] <XXCoder> that was already unplayable before accient
[23:42:41] <ssi> I did a million years ago
[23:42:47] <ssi> like 2000-2001
[23:42:53] <zeeshan|2> hehe
[23:43:05] <XXCoder> last shooter ganme I played was quake
[23:43:09] <ssi> ugh I hate to do it
[23:43:11] <ssi> but I gotta go
[23:43:14] <XXCoder> and I did only some of it
[23:43:22] <ssi> I'm still sitting at my desk at work; gotta get back down to the airport and stop at walmart to get stuff for the poor cat
[23:43:36] <XXCoder> well hope all go good for ya ssi
[23:43:37] <zeeshan|2> cu!
[23:43:38] <XXCoder> later
[23:43:39] <zeeshan|2> come online more!
[23:43:41] <ssi> and i have to be up at asshole o'clock cause I gotta meet the cause analysis inspector at 10am at the house
[23:43:45] <ssi> and uit's on the other side odf traffic :(
[23:43:52] <ssi> well this is the first access to a computer I've had :)
[23:43:55] <ssi> my desktop is trashed
[23:44:01] <zeeshan|2> ill text u
[23:44:02] <zeeshan|2> :)
[23:44:07] <ssi> feel free :)
[23:57:39] <CaptHindsight> have to get the name of that insurance co
[23:57:53] <XXCoder> about to have a fire? heh