#linuxcnc | Logs for 2014-03-25

[00:00:22] <XXCoder1> openscam seems decent enough for me. even with "scam" in name lol
[00:00:25] <XXCoder1> anyway night all
[00:01:46] <sabotender> aww goodinght
[00:08:19] <CaptHindsight> sabotender: it's all the 98xx not just the 980x
[00:08:32] <CaptHindsight> the 9815 had the issue as well
[00:09:05] <CaptHindsight> but you're not using an FPGA so it doesn't matter
[00:09:11] <CaptHindsight> any should work
[00:10:30] <sabotender> http://www.ebay.com/itm/25Pin-Parallel-Port-Printer-to-PCI-I-O-Controller-Card-Adapter-MO-US-qwbg62-/171266938451?pt=US_Internal_Port_Expansion_Cards&hash=item27e04e1653 then ill get this cheap thing
[03:07:55] <Deejay> moin
[03:22:52] <sabotender> hi
[06:13:07] <Loetmichel> :grrr, chinese liars... bought a webcam, advertized (ebay) with "25 megapixel, (chip 2048*1536)"... plugged it in: can deliver full resolution with 15fps on 2.0?!? ... liiked into it: cmos sensor has 640*480... ;-(
[06:13:12] <Loetmichel> looked
[06:20:33] <archivist> not just the chinese who lie about camera specs
[06:21:30] <archivist> we do have a law in the UK where the goods must be as advertised
[06:22:35] <Loetmichel> but great for soldering
[06:25:41] <archivist> I want a real high res camera or two for some projects, some use canon A2xxx (cant remember the full number)
[06:28:18] <archivist> Powershot A1400 and A2200 cameras
[06:28:48] <archivist> you can remote control them via usb
[06:29:47] <sabotender> those are expensive
[06:30:10] <archivist> compared to shitty webcam yes
[06:30:50] <sabotender> hehe
[06:32:37] <archivist> £33 second hand
[06:33:48] <Loetmichel> http://www.cyrom.org/palbum/main.php?g2_itemId=14790
[06:34:18] <Loetmichel> it is a VERY cheap webcam
[06:34:28] <Loetmichel> €5.90
[06:35:28] <archivist> I use the microscope for that job
[06:37:16] <Loetmichel> thats not good for me
[06:38:22] <Loetmichel> have to find a microscope field glass now that i can use with bott exes
[06:38:53] <Loetmichel> usually i see one eye "something" and the oter black wit a half moon of something out of focus
[06:39:11] <Loetmichel> it seems i cant auim my eyes good enough for the optics
[06:40:07] <archivist> use one eye to get a stereo microscope setup before you use both eyes
[06:41:06] <archivist> then move the eyepieces together/away to get the merge
[06:49:53] <Loetmichel> archivist: doesent help
[06:50:09] <Loetmichel> too less room for movement of the head in these optics
[08:34:25] <R2E4_> awful quiet in here.
[08:35:20] <Loetmichel> R2E4_: europeans are working now
[08:35:22] <archivist> shush
[08:35:23] <Loetmichel> like me ;-)
[08:35:38] <R2E4_> We are working here in Canada also.
[08:36:32] <rob_h> machine is looking after its self here working away nicly just has to wake robot up to change bars :)
[08:38:04] <R2E4_> My machine is coming along.
[08:38:30] <R2E4_> X,Y,Z is running now, and I cleared up the issue I was having. So I am happy happy!
[08:39:01] <R2E4_> next up on the bucket list, tuning (dreading) and setup homing.
[08:42:49] <R2E4_> JT, you around?
[08:43:53] <R2E4_> archivist, Loetmichel: Do you know what the software is JT used on his tutorials site?
[08:43:58] <R2E4_> http://gnipsel.com/linuxcnc/index.html
[08:44:39] <R2E4_> I got it. AsciiDoc
[08:44:41] <archivist> methinks he explains what he is using
[08:45:38] <Valen> australians are working now
[08:45:51] <Valen> i mean sure its half past midnight
[08:45:55] <Valen> but we are hard like that
[08:47:01] <archivist> working at emptying a tinny
[08:47:03] <Loetmichel> no idea
[08:48:11] <archivist> Loetmichel, just found how to adjust the stereo zoom for image alignment http://www.covingtoninnovations.com/stereozoom/
[08:48:46] * Loetmichel hs just marked (engraved and colored with crayons) the two ne hdds for the company .. i may have to much time at my hands ;-) -> http://www.cyrom.org/palbum/main.php?g2_itemId=14793
[08:54:01] <R2E4_> what are they using on the big cnc routers say 4X8 for motion? certainly not ballscrews.... Rack and pinion?
[08:54:33] <Loetmichel> i have seen ballscrews with moving nut
[08:54:37] <Loetmichel> and fixed screw
[08:55:10] <R2E4_> So the motors on the nut?
[08:55:27] <Loetmichel> right
[08:55:39] <archivist> some are rack and pinion but they wear, some are toothed belt
[08:59:15] <R2E4_> I'm not going steppers again. Servo's all the way.
[09:22:31] <terabyte-> my 4x4 is rack and pinion
[09:22:34] <terabyte-> works AWESOME
[09:22:46] <terabyte-> i have the CRP4848 with Nema34
[09:23:15] <R2E4_> yeah, I have a 4X4 with rack and pinion also.
[09:23:33] <terabyte-> http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2829/12079321406_b5f91ca159_b.jpg
[09:23:49] <humble_sea_bass> you obviously don't have enough since you didn't color match the green velcro
[09:23:49] <terabyte-> http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2886/12891952095_c3a1e16dfc_h.jpg
[09:24:14] <R2E4_> thats nice.
[09:24:41] <terabyte-> thanks bud
[09:24:54] <terabyte-> so far its been a great machine
[09:24:59] <R2E4_> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FadI53SivOg theres mine.
[09:25:03] <humble_sea_bass> remember, a handsome spindle is his own best friend
[09:25:10] <R2E4_> upgraded to all aluminum with rack and pinion.
[09:26:45] <terabyte-> very nice
[09:42:17] <miss0r1> I have had a thought! (waiting for applause)... too much vertical movement is bad for the tools in a mill, because the middle of the tool essentially stands still, so my thought is: Do any of you use a ramp when you 'dig into' a pcb? or is that considered overkill?
[09:44:34] <cpresser> miss0r: the tools i use for pcbs are quite cheap, so i dont bother
[09:44:51] <archivist> depends, on the tool grind and clearance angles as well
[09:45:19] <miss0r> I am using a 0.3mm ballhead. I was just wondering :)
[09:52:15] <miss0r> cpresser, What tools do you use for pcb'ing ?
[09:52:52] <cpresser> miss0r: actually i was thinking of cutting the countour. i use 2mm diamond-tooth carbide mills for that
[09:53:14] <cpresser> miss0r: for engraving i use .3mm china engraving tools
[09:53:56] <miss0r> alright. A ball head or a straight head?
[09:54:12] <cpresser> straight. let me search for a picture..
[09:54:39] <miss0r> I am just having issues with the finish of the cobber when I use a straight head.
[09:54:47] <cpresser> miss0r: http://www.gis-tec.com/images/express_photo.jpg
[09:55:36] <miss0r> cpresser, Oh! you happy with the result of that?
[09:56:38] <cpresser> miss0r: it all depends on how flat i can mount the copper-plate onto the bed
[09:57:19] <miss0r> cpresser, Indeed - I build a vacuum table a few days back, with 50 suction holes underneath a 160x100 pcb
[09:58:29] <miss0r> That seems to do the trick. I should try with the cheap chinese tool for milling.
[10:03:22] <miss0r> cpresser, I have a picture if you are interrested.
[10:03:59] <cpresser> miss0r: are you happy with the vacuum-table? what do you use as vacuum sourcE?
[10:05:13] <miss0r> I use an industrial vacuum cleaner. But a regular one will do as well, as long as you make sure it does not overheat due to the lack of airflow. And I am VERY happy with the result
[10:05:29] <miss0r> http://picpaste.com/DSC_0082-JdRK7Imi.JPG
[10:05:37] <miss0r> I seem to have it at an angle, sorry about that
[10:07:10] <miss0r> I made it out of a slab of nylon. I basicly build it, mounted it securely and milled off 0.2mm of the top with a 3mm mill
[10:07:20] <miss0r> to make damn sure it was straight
[10:08:21] <cpresser> that looks nice
[10:08:47] <cpresser> i assume there is some kind of adapter for the 5 hoses to attach to the shop-vac?
[10:09:36] <miss0r> Well, I have just used a standard electrical junction box (100x100x40mm) with soft rubber seals for cables, and I drilled a hole in the lid
[10:09:43] <miss0r> for the vacuum
[10:11:38] <miss0r> my idea with using 5 separate hoses and 5 separate chambers inside the vacuum table, is that I can place a small object on there, as long as I have 70% of the holes in each chamber used blocked. Then it will stick.
[10:12:27] <miss0r> When I place a board on there, and drop it, it makes a serious 'smack'.... My best guess is that I have to use aprox 5kg of force to move it sideways and somewhat more to lift it directly off.
[10:12:58] <miss0r> The way really beats thoes 4 clamps i used to use
[10:16:50] <miss0r> also: the chinese mill i bought had a control box that was a little too chinese for my taste, so i build an upgrade: http://picpaste.com/DSC_0083-y12RXfZP.JPG
[10:20:36] * miss0r if off
[11:14:33] <CaptHindsight> what's the easiest way to add a job counter to linuxcnc? (besides physically counting the stack of parts you just made)
[11:15:58] <jdh> how do you define a job?
[11:16:08] <jdh> final op?
[11:17:36] <jdh> add a sub that sets a counter input via hal?
[11:35:59] <marmite> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BjleLcyIIAA8C4f.jpg:large beliv i wnet to fast and to deep with my dremel :D
[11:37:52] <CaptHindsight> when the g-code program loaded has finished
[11:41:56] <archivist> marmite, a real dremel ? some have rubber bearing support internally so be gentle with feeds and speeds
[11:42:20] <marmite> yeah. this one has real bearing in it ^^
[11:42:25] <marmite> but its still a crappy dremel
[11:42:27] <marmite> :D
[11:42:47] <archivist> rubber around the real bearing I mean
[11:43:13] <marmite> oh yeah this is plastic around
[11:43:43] <JT-Shop> it's snowing
[11:44:27] <marmite> http://www.ebay.com/itm/WW-650-WW-Collet-CNC-Router-Spindle-Sherline-Taig-Wolfgang-Engineering-/171215372275?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item27dd3b3ff3 http://www.ebay.com/itm/ER11-Spindle-for-Sable-2015-SPD-ER11-ENGRAVER-mill-PCBs-engraving-/191105193402?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2c7ec1d5ba these any good? :D
[11:44:37] <chiphead> morning
[11:45:12] <chiphead> anyone using sparkfun's quarstepper driver board ?
[11:48:40] <archivist> marmite, I could mention a book on spindles http://www.myhobbystore.co.uk/product/17613/book-27-spindles-wps if you want to homebrew
[11:51:40] <marmite> i will check it out
[11:52:25] <archivist> it has a few designs for people to make
[11:57:14] <archivist> marmite, there are also some interesting homebrew designs out there http://www.raynerd.co.uk/?p=1562
[12:13:31] <schef> hi guys..i can't figure out how to start ST6560-T4 4axis stepper motor controller..it works in mach3 on windows..i want to use linuxcnc..i installed linuxcnc distribution..is here somebody familiar with this card..?!
[12:19:24] <archivist> schef, it is just a case of reading the pinouts and working out what each one needs, you can use stepconf
[12:28:14] <schef> i tryed that..i read a pdf manual which pin is what and used stepconf but coudnt get it runing
[12:30:07] <schef> in manual it sais that i have to have xyzab axis but in linux i cannot choose b..x axis has two step mottors y a z have one..could that be the case..
[12:31:38] <archivist> not sure that stepconf has a gantry where two are slaved, you may need to hand edit the config files
[12:33:25] <schef> can you make an example..i'm new to this..pleas..
[12:33:46] <cpresser> schef: start with the axes which habe only one stepper, thats easier. you only need 2-3 pins for that (step, dir, enable)
[12:34:11] <schef> aha..
[12:34:52] <schef> i didnt hear the sound of the mottors when i started linuxcnc..the motors dont turn on..
[12:35:01] <cpresser> schef: i think stepconf is the easiest way to go
[12:35:07] <schef> like they do in mach3 when i click reset..
[12:35:15] <cpresser> schef: please post a link to the manual
[12:35:47] <schef> http://www.katodo.com/Documentation/10.9031.0007/CNC_TB6560_4-Axis_Stepper_Motor_Controller.pdf
[12:36:57] <cpresser> schef: page5 has the pinout. Pin1 does enable all axes. make sure you configure this pin
[12:37:06] <R2E4_> That looks pretty straight forward.
[12:40:31] <cpresser> linuxcnc has a 'amplifier enable' pin. connect that to pin1 in stepconf
[12:42:13] <schef> i didnt do that..i will try it out..
[12:42:30] <schef> i put estop in or out...thats the proble i think
[12:50:39] <schef> now i get the error
[12:50:40] <schef> joint 0 on limit switch error
[12:50:51] <schef> joint 2 on limit switch error
[12:51:13] <schef> here is my stepconfig http://pastebin.com/V9eBLj6W
[12:51:36] <schef> still it didnt start the mottors..
[12:54:12] <R2E4_> did you configure limit switches/
[12:55:21] <R2E4_> thats not the file we would want to se. it is your hal file.
[12:56:05] <R2E4_> Thats just your stepconf config so next time you start t, it will have the same settingsw
[12:56:08] <schef> i dont have them.
[12:56:30] <R2E4_> Who took them?
[12:57:21] <schef> i dont have hardware limit switches..i didnt get them with the machine (i think so)
[12:57:31] <schef> eurotools24.de
[12:57:51] <schef> on this site the only machine..
[12:57:57] <R2E4_> so edit your hal file and comment them out, and increase your setting for soft limits
[12:58:37] <schef> ok..
[12:59:44] <cpresser> schef: you can test the motors from within stepconf
[13:01:02] <cpresser> schef: make sure every single motor is working from within stepconf. when that is working we can work out the rest
[13:07:40] <IchGuckLive> hi all B)
[13:07:59] <IchGuckLive> it has been a wonderfull day here in south germany
[13:08:59] <IchGuckLive> someone is in washington state where those mudslides happen ? has there been so many rain
[13:10:56] <schef> thanks guys..i have to go..i will contact you when i get back..
[13:13:36] <IchGuckLive> schef: your welcome
[13:16:37] <marmite> archivist: would be intresting if i had a lathe
[13:17:44] <IchGuckLive> pcw around
[13:17:50] <archivist> lathe is a useful tool, I would be lost without a few
[13:18:31] <marmite> indeed
[13:18:36] <marmite> i have missed one so so many times
[13:19:25] <marmite> i allmost bougt one last week for 150 usd :/
[13:19:39] <marmite> oh its more 210 usd
[13:19:57] <marmite> hard doing curancy converting in the head somethimes :D
[13:20:38] <marmite> but one guy had called 5 minues earler and bought it
[13:20:44] <pcw_home> around
[13:20:52] <archivist> iirc my southbend was £125 30 odd years ago
[13:21:18] <IchGuckLive> pcw_home: hi im reatching on one mashine 5i25/7i75 serial error
[13:21:21] <XXCoder1> IchGuckLive: region I;m yeah pretty lot rain. its rainforst tyoe biome around here anyway
[13:21:34] <IchGuckLive> pcw_home: it all works well after restart
[13:21:48] <IchGuckLive> pcw_home: do you got a guess
[13:21:49] <XXCoder1> its been increasing each year due to global warming
[13:22:27] <IchGuckLive> XXCoder1: shoudt there not be snow
[13:22:35] <pcw_home> Which error?
[13:22:49] <XXCoder1> lol march snow is pretty rare this side of wa
[13:23:09] <IchGuckLive> pcw_home: im not at the mashine are thee differend serial errors
[13:23:23] <IchGuckLive> communication error
[13:25:21] <pcw_home> usually means there is noise current injected into the DB25 cable either by a ground loop or by coupling
[13:25:23] <pcw_home> (running the cable near power cables for example)
[13:25:37] <IchGuckLive> pcw_home: i got 5 identical mashines so coudt it be a card failue no other showes this
[13:26:18] <pcw_home> is it just an error pop up or does it stop machin operations?
[13:26:21] <IchGuckLive> oh yes there i see the problem
[13:26:36] <IchGuckLive> stop mashine operation
[13:26:58] <IchGuckLive> they tunneled the power and the Db25 cable to a walkway
[13:27:14] <pcw_home> OK a crc error or other noise generated error would not stop the machine
[13:27:27] <IchGuckLive> steel pipe and there are up to 5 plasmas in the shop
[13:27:47] <pcw_home> actually sounds more like a power issue at the 7I76
[13:28:26] <pcw_home> (sound like comms just dropped out entirely rather than having a transient error that you woudl expect with noise)
[13:28:35] <Connor> pcw_home: PeteFromTN was getting those 5i25/7i77 serial error's when ever he clicked the spindle direction on his VFD. (Even before giving it a speed). After he switched to Modbus, it stopped.. we never could figure out what was causing that.
[13:29:45] <pcw_home> I actually told him how to fix it (common mode choke on analog signals)
[13:30:29] <Connor> he never told me that.. Why would it happen even before given a speed value? just direction ?
[13:31:07] <pcw_home> Look at the VFd ground with a scope :-)
[13:31:24] <Connor> kinda a mute point now. :)
[13:31:33] <pcw_home> (you will se 10s of volts of 1 MHz + signals)
[13:32:12] <pcw_home> ground is just an autotransformer at HF
[13:32:32] <Connor> Okay, so, 7i76E that's a Ethernet version of the 7i76 ? Not supported yet? and, how does that work. Are the commands still off-loaded to a FPGA ?
[13:33:22] <pcw_home> I have one working here but ist still a bit beta
[13:33:37] <Connor> Saw it on the store. :)
[13:33:58] <Connor> So, does it have a FPGA built in?
[13:34:05] <pcw_home> its really all the same, uses Ethernet in real time
[13:34:56] <pcw_home> yes it has a FPGA (and its basically all the same hostmot2)
[13:35:07] <Connor> Yea, I was just trying to figure out were the FPGA came into play.. the 5i25 being the FPGA connecting to the 7i7x cards.. since this was Ethernet... were the FPGA was at.
[13:35:09] <Connor> okay.
[13:35:13] <Connor> makes sense.
[13:35:44] <Connor> meant for point-to-point ethernet, no switches/hubs in between ?
[13:35:55] <pcw_home> Yes
[13:36:35] <pcw_home> (and host mac is dedicated to 7I76E/7I77E/7I80)
[13:37:00] <Connor> I probably should look at getting a 5i25 + 7i76 combo at some point.
[13:37:22] <Connor> get away from using cheap a$$ BOB and pport
[13:37:57] <pcw_home> You can probably still use the cheap a$$ BOB with a 5i25 directly
[13:38:17] <pcw_home> (the 7I76 is overkill for most small machines)
[13:38:19] <XXCoder1> Microsoft BOB? ;)
[13:38:20] <skunkworks> the 5i25 acts like 2 printer ports nativly.. I/O wise..
[13:38:38] <skunkworks> Connor, 7i80... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfU4uyGgLZw
[13:38:41] <Connor> Yea. I know. but, I have extra crap in the machine.. I.E. PWM to analog 10v for spindle.
[13:38:43] <pcw_home> (I should make a 7I76-Lite)
[13:39:17] <Connor> Why did I see mach ?
[13:39:26] <Connor> also have a charge pump..
[13:39:34] <skunkworks> mach? where? ;)
[13:39:54] <Connor> in that video, first screen..Looks like Mach3
[13:40:14] <skunkworks> it is - I was using the mesa 7i80 to log mach output..
[13:40:20] <skunkworks> into linuxcnc
[13:40:29] <Connor> OMG WHY? :)
[13:40:39] <Connor> Why would you subject yourself to Mach3 ? :)
[13:40:54] <XXCoder1> whats wrtong with mach3?
[13:41:02] <Jymmm> It's fun and entertaining for the whole fmaily!
[13:41:16] <R2E4_> lol
[13:41:47] <skunkworks> Connor, just some comparing.. http://wiki.linuxcnc.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl/wiki.pl?NewTrajectoryControl
[13:42:17] <archivist> Connor, dont ask mach to cut threads on a lathe
[13:42:32] <archivist> or any geared motion
[13:42:39] <Connor> I'm not going to ask mach to do ANYTHING. :)
[13:42:41] <Connor> Ick. :)
[13:46:27] <Connor> I probably could just use the existing BOB with the 5i25, but, that means I'll have to grab another BOB to get a few more inputs... and have to use external cable to loop the I/O back into the case.
[13:46:46] <skunkworks> Connor, comparing the new trajectory planner in linuxcnc to mach3 (one of the comlaints of linuxcnc) It seems to be very comparable now even though you cannot compare apples to apples very well. (plus no constraint violations.. )
[13:47:11] <Connor> what's wrong with the trajectory planner?
[13:47:14] <Connor> in linuxcnc ?
[13:47:44] <skunkworks> at higher speeds - the 1 segment look ahead starts showing its limitation
[13:51:03] <skunkworks> ie - something like trocoidal path at 3000mm/min
[13:51:04] <skunkworks> http://imagebin.org/300539
[13:51:23] <skunkworks> current tp.. http://imagebin.org/300858
[13:51:25] <Connor> http://www.cnczone.com/forums/attachments/f164/158332d1335297187-connors-g0704-enclosure_small-jpg
[13:51:41] <skunkworks> new tp http://imagebin.org/300857
[13:51:42] <XXCoder1> bah login required
[13:52:20] <Connor> really ?
[13:54:46] <Connor> http://www.ivdc.com/cnc/conversion/enclosure.JPG
[13:54:49] <Connor> same picture.
[13:56:33] <XXCoder1> using old pc case eh
[13:56:37] <XXCoder1> nice idea
[13:56:53] <XXCoder1> in fact, I think I have ancient one somewhere lol
[13:56:56] <Connor> 4U rack mount.
[13:57:17] <Connor> I need to take a new picture.. that one is old.. It's change a little.. more stuff in it..
[13:57:51] <XXCoder1> cool
[13:58:07] <XXCoder1> oh I found even more quality lamated wood in trash near work again!
[13:58:09] <Connor> the stepper PSU moved.. the spindle speed controller is mounted in it.. along with a SSR
[13:58:27] <XXCoder1> framed with wood, but could easily remove. woot!
[13:58:30] <Connor> You can see the cheap a$$ BOB. :)
[13:58:36] <XXCoder1> those wood is fairly high price
[13:58:45] <XXCoder1> lol ok
[14:00:24] <XXCoder1> BOB is one just under power box?
[14:00:34] <XXCoder1> or one under that, to left of controllers?
[14:00:39] <XXCoder1> err "drivers"
[14:00:53] <R2E4_> IS there a limit to how high Pgain can go?
[14:03:03] <Connor> The one under the PSU is the Computer Mobo, the one to the left of the drivers is the BOB .. I.E Break Out Board.
[14:03:04] <skunkworks> normally the limit is the axis starts oscillating...
[14:03:34] <XXCoder1> Ahh thanks for explaining
[14:05:50] <R2E4_> ok, if you leave it where the axis starts oscillating and you adjust I and D to stop the oscillation whcih is catchup error, then it is sitting normal without hunting. Now you can jack up the P again until it starts oscilating again.
[14:05:53] <R2E4_> NO?
[14:06:17] <XXCoder1> I would be amazed if next day theres lots of alum or steel L beams (other part I need) in trash lol
[14:08:11] <CaptHindsight> I have more webcams on the way but does anyone know of one that can focus at ~2"?
[14:08:22] <R2E4_> My question is how far can you go?
[14:08:26] <CaptHindsight> without any mods
[14:08:59] <gene__> ebay for colonoscopy camera, focuses to about 1.75"
[14:09:43] <Connor> that a question or statement ?
[14:09:58] <gene__> IIRC I paid $22 for one to use with camview-emc
[14:10:36] <humble_sea_bass> I think my apple iSight was capable of focusing that close
[14:10:42] <humble_sea_bass> but the damn thing is firewire
[14:11:04] <gene__> its also bigger, this thing is 7mm in diameter
[14:11:10] <CaptHindsight> gene__: whats the res of yours?
[14:11:52] <gene__> I think it can be pushed harder, but IIRC the lag is less at 640x480
[14:12:28] <Connor> http://www.ebay.com/itm/310385448264
[14:12:30] <gene__> And that seems to be sharp enough.
[14:12:31] <Connor> thats the one I have
[14:12:54] <Connor> manual focus.. so.. I can get damn close. :)
[14:13:13] <cpresser> 300K pixels... thats not 30M pixels
[14:13:29] <gene__> It has builtin lens surround illumination, but when dealing with metal, the specular reflections will kiil you
[14:13:30] <Connor> Yea. the description is fracked.. it's a 1.3M
[14:13:47] <Connor> gene__: You can turn it off or adjust it..
[14:13:49] <CaptHindsight> lol, so whats the actual res?
[14:13:51] <Connor> not very much adjustment..
[14:14:03] <gene__> So I have more light I can aim on at about a 45 degree angle that make better pix.
[14:14:05] <Connor> it'll do 640x480 @ 1.3M I think.
[14:14:06] <pcw_home> freenode/R2E4_: for velocity mode servos main tuning is done with P and FF1 (D shoud not be needed if drives are tuned)
[14:14:35] <pcw_home> D should not be needed
[14:14:59] <CaptHindsight> Connor: have you measured the res at that range? at 1.5" what's the field of view?
[14:15:12] <skunkworks> R2E4_, did you get your brake figured out
[14:15:16] <gene__> I also use FF0 for a thru bias to help center the error band.
[14:15:40] <CaptHindsight> gene__: same question ^^
[14:15:48] <R2E4_> ok. While you are adjusting it intially, in the air, will be significantly diffent offset when a bit is cutting through a hunk of steel on the table.
[14:15:49] <Connor> CaptHindsight: Not yet..
[14:16:13] <gene__> I spose about 2/3rds inch at the workpiece
[14:16:36] <Connor> I'll fire it up tonight and do some testing.
[14:16:47] <Connor> I just got it working on the mill a day or two ago..
[14:16:51] <R2E4_> Skunkworks, yeah I got it straightened out. I added a .1 second timer, to give the brake a chance to engage and it doesnt drop a smidggin....
[14:16:52] <Connor> still need to make a mount for it.
[14:17:02] <CaptHindsight> 0.6" at 640 pixels is 0.001"
[14:17:16] <Connor> I can do closer than .6"
[14:17:25] <CaptHindsight> I have some low cost usb microscopes on the way
[14:17:26] <R2E4_> pcw_home: ok, Leave D at 0
[14:17:32] <gene__> That seems tobe about what I'm seeing.
[14:17:48] <CaptHindsight> 0.6" field of view at 1-2" distance would be nice
[14:18:11] <CaptHindsight> the lens should not be too close to the work surface
[14:18:48] <gene__> Cuz it will get dirty from flying lub.
[14:18:50] <pcw_home> also no I...
[14:19:22] <CaptHindsight> far enough away to be longer than the end mill
[14:19:33] <R2E4_> just drop the P untill it doesnt oscilate?
[14:20:21] <Connor> That would only matter if the camera was mounted all the time... My initial plan was to mount mine in a tool holder.
[14:21:32] <pcw_home> yes drop P until its stable even when jogged
[14:21:42] <CaptHindsight> Connor: I want to mount it offset so it can me used for auto zero as well as viewing the cuts
[14:21:59] <gene__> You want it stiff enough to pick up on the loading. But I am finding that altho Peters SPINx1 is far more linear than a C41, I still need to bend the curve down some at the top end.
[14:22:17] <Connor> yea, I had thought about that.. this one probably won't be able to do that.
[14:22:56] <pcw_home> SPINX1 is better than 1% linear
[14:23:50] <gene__> That is probably an artifact of the input buildout of your motor controller. If the resistance to the summing junction is low from the put terminal, the sum gets overridden and speed goes way up.
[14:24:05] <gene__> This is NOT the SPINx1's fault.
[14:24:33] <gene__> Its linear to the limits of my ability to measure it.
[14:25:49] <marmite> man why is it so hard to find ifnromation about spindles for new people in this hobby :D
[14:26:00] <marmite> so hard to find a decent spindle for a samller machine
[14:26:02] <gene__> Using the JT250 controller in a 7x12 as a for instance, its terribly non-linear, but a 10k resistor in series with the input makes a hugfe diffeence.
[14:27:52] <gene__> The input buildout R in this Gemini controller is about 30k and I have not tried adding another 50k between the SPINx1 and the controller, but I suspect that will go quite a ways in linearizing it.
[14:28:57] <gene__> I have the SPINx1 set to peak at 15 volts, which is abut 1.5X what the gemini needs, so there is room to play :)
[14:32:12] <gene__> marmite: ebay has some spindles I am looking at for a quite reasonable price, however I was cautioned that the R8 chcuks, due to the single setscrew mounting, will probably have excessive runnout, so I haven't dropped the card yet.
[14:38:39] <marmite> so large thoe
[14:50:56] <gene__> 52mm in diameter is too large to drop into an x1, so I bought an extra casting that I was saw the froont end off & then use the clamp that came with most of those.
[14:51:59] <gene__> But I haven't yet bought another post because I'd like to be able to revert and carve a 3 lb hunk of alu too.
[14:53:16] <gene__> Changing the whole post and Z drive would be the easiest way to convert back and forth, but I'm concentrating on the lathe ATM.
[15:13:21] <asah> Im working with a BLDC motor in qi personality.
[15:13:47] <asah> I am having a heck of a time getting it to not act up.
[15:14:32] <asah> I think that my rotor alignment proceedure is the problem, but I am not sure of the best method to figuring out the rotation of the electrical phase to the counter.
[15:15:31] <asah> anyone have a good proceedure on how to start from scratch with a new incremental encoder with index pulse, and an unknown motor using a mesa 7i39 to drive it?
[15:24:14] <Einar> Is there a way to turn off keyboard shortcuts in Axis? It happens ever so often that I type a command to MDI when it actually is in Manual. Usually resulting in feed override as there was a number in my command.
[15:25:11] <Einar> I have the screen to the right of me when I do this, as I look at the work. So I don't actually see what I write.
[15:25:47] <XXCoder1> havent worked on cnc yet but already had habit of looking before hit enter
[15:25:51] <XXCoder1> makes for less mistakes
[15:26:23] <XXCoder1> i avoided one rm / . -R once
[15:26:41] <Einar> Dancing lessons! Twos steps right to give command, two steps left to check. Repeat...
[15:28:32] <XXCoder1> lol
[15:28:41] <XXCoder1> cant alter setup?
[15:29:54] <Einar> I don't know. Maybe I should get myself a pair of Google Glass with correction lenses?
[15:34:45] <JT-Shop> Einar, you can change Axis with .axisrc file... it's in the manual
[15:39:48] <Einar> I don't have sound on the PC. Will Axis emit some sound if given a keyboard input it does not know? Or any other reason I should put a loudspeaker in there?
[15:49:57] <Connor> who was having the issues with the break on Z dropping 1" before the break kicked in? They ever figure it out ?
[15:50:26] <XXCoder1> r2 was
[15:50:32] <XXCoder1> he figured it out
[15:50:40] <XXCoder1> relay and timer fixed it or something
[15:50:54] <XXCoder1> more or less zero drop now
[15:57:30] <Connor> pcw_home: Dang it.. the 7i78 card almost would work for my system.. except no extra I/O. Just 4 steppers, spindle and encoder.. No MPG, no inputs for homes/limites/probes. no extra outputs.. You need something inbetween the 7i76 and 7i78
[15:59:42] <Connor> skunkworks: You around ?
[16:06:18] <skunkworks> yes?
[16:07:10] <Connor> Questions: What the best way to go about writing up a a toolchanger script in the simulator, without having all the inputs for the interlocks ? Working on PeteFromTN scripts...
[16:07:14] <Connor> but only on my sim.
[16:08:18] <Connor> 2nd Question: On your tool changer, how do you handle the detection a tool per change in slot? He has Geneva setup.. with a sensor that toggles with the tool is in correct place.. I though about using it with a software encoder to count...
[16:11:46] <JT-Shop> might take a look at my sim tool changer
[16:12:08] <Connor> I have a simple rack style setup using remap in simulator.
[16:12:21] <Connor> Typing out a flow chart now for PeteFromTn's
[16:20:35] <tjtr33> for openscam, you'll need several more debs fro 10.04 ( dunno which, running the app rebooted me, so i lost the terminal session )
[16:20:47] <tjtr33> several boost lin=bs, and qt4 packages
[16:21:08] <tjtr33> looks impressive, turn on 'show cut surface' and turn off the tool path else it'll look like nothing was rendered
[16:22:19] <skunkworks> Heh - for the most part - I stood in front of the machine and fittled with solinoids and played with ladder
[16:25:06] <skunkworks> in my tool chain - the tools are barcoded...
[16:25:27] <Connor> Yea, but, you still have to check each one...
[16:25:53] <skunkworks> sure
[16:29:34] <PCW> Yay! 3.12.5 preempt_rt works with Baytrail video
[16:29:53] <skunkworks> yay!
[16:30:42] <PCW> tired of looking a graphics data in text mode
[16:31:34] <PCW> and... video accel works (fs 1080 flash no problem)
[16:32:30] <PCW> now if i can fix the 9000 dependency issues...
[16:36:55] <CaptHindsight> only 9000 meh :)
[16:38:03] <PCW> sorry i started downloading asciidoc
[16:40:44] <PCW> memleak: One vote for 3.12 instead of 3.10
[16:42:00] <Connor> JT-Shop: Where is your toolchanger sim example ?
[16:42:46] <Connor> and is it remap or classic ladder ?
[16:44:27] <JT-Shop> you were asking how to simulate inputs
[16:44:30] <JT-Shop> gnipsel.com
[16:44:45] <JT-Shop> it's classicladder
[16:50:11] <Connor> Okay, so you just have a button for each tool.. does that mean it has 4 sensors? 1 for each tool?
[16:50:16] <Connor> what if only have 1 sensor?
[16:52:20] <JT-Shop> that sim is for a turret with an absolute encoder, you would have to make what ever makes sense for you
[16:52:41] <JT-Shop> if you have one prox then you just need one button to simulate the prox
[16:52:47] <Connor> This is just a prox sensor that indicates once per tool position
[16:53:25] <Connor> But, I need to simulate the count up/ count down from current tool to new tool
[16:53:46] <JT-Shop> that should be real
[16:54:22] <Connor> So, I was thinking of using software encoder with the prox sensor as being A input.. not use B or Z
[16:55:02] <JT-Shop> why not use whatever you would use in real life?
[16:55:23] <JT-Shop> classicladder does counters real nice :)
[16:55:39] <Jymmm> JT-Shop: That's illegal in 39 countries.
[16:56:12] <Connor> A) Using remap because of Z spindle height change in toolchange. B) I don't have the hardware.. I'm writing this for PetfromTN. would rather have the basics done and then tweak on site.
[16:56:49] <JT-Shop> what is a "that"
[16:57:16] <Connor> So, use hal encoder for counter <= Use a single gui button to indicate the prox sensor change ?
[17:02:29] <JT-Shop> how are you going to count in real life?
[17:02:46] <Connor> with hal encoder
[17:03:00] <Connor> unless there is a better way
[17:18:52] <Deejay> gn8
[17:43:32] <Einar> Threading works fine now: http://sjaavik.no/linuxcnc-dev/GrinderArbor8mm.jpg
[17:46:05] <JT-Shop> Connor, after the last tool triggers the prox how are you going to set the encoder counts to 1 at the next tool?
[17:46:28] <Connor> haven't gotten that far yet. :)
[17:46:28] <XXCoder1> ein figured what was wrong eh
[17:48:23] <JT-Shop> could be tricky to do as you need to skip 0
[17:48:45] <Connor> just got my button setup to count.. it's count up now..
[17:48:49] <Connor> not sure how to get it to count down...
[17:49:05] <Connor> since I'm using counter-mode
[17:49:13] <JT-Shop> does the tool carousel move both ways?
[17:49:17] <Connor> yes
[17:49:43] <JT-Shop> so your going for shortest distance
[17:49:50] <Connor> yup
[17:50:26] <JT-Shop> I think you need to write a component to handle it
[17:51:03] <Connor> Gotta be a way to do it with hal and O words (which will be used with remap)
[17:51:23] <JT-Shop> have fun
[17:52:06] <skunkworks> Einar: what was it?
[17:52:08] <Connor> Maybe I can define a tool-pocket pin.. and just use O word to count up / down
[17:53:06] * JT-Shop goes back to building a gate
[17:58:38] <Einar> Skunkworks: I don't know. Maybe it was the 2.5mm pitch. 2mm pitch was fine. And so was the 0.635mm pitch (40TPI) in the picture.
[18:00:19] <CaptHindsight> http://www.3ders.org/articles/20140325-3d-printing-enables-cost-effective-investment-casting.html
[18:01:52] <CaptHindsight> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSic92P7JJs powder + binder investment casting
[18:08:21] <JT-Shop> Connor, does the tool changer increment one station at a time?
[18:08:31] <Connor> yes.
[18:08:40] <Connor> I found a updown component that'll probably work.
[18:09:28] <PetefromTn_> I take it you are discussing MY toolchanger LOL..
[18:09:29] <rob_h> JT-Shop, i woudl think its a geneva indexer like mine are
[18:10:03] <rob_h> i did all mine in the classic ladder.. i did start making a comp at some point but never got time to finish it
[18:10:17] <rob_h> but connor and pete have the fun of moving the Z axis while in tool change mode
[18:10:27] <Connor> rob_h: Using remap
[18:10:33] <PetefromTn_> rob_h Your machines do not enjoy that I suppose.
[18:10:39] <Connor> PetefromTn_: Yes, how many tool slots again ?
[18:10:49] <rob_h> no they could aford the extra cylinder on the changer
[18:10:55] <PetefromTn_> 20 I think I gotta check when I get home.
[18:11:25] <rob_h> dont forget its bidirection so have to rember to carry the count in each direction as such
[18:11:38] <rob_h> maybe reset is a better word
[18:11:40] <Connor> yup. working out the math now.
[18:12:47] <rob_h> http://pastebin.com/svDFRJBs
[18:13:20] <rob_h> in classic i did it the hard way with compares it was fun
[18:13:29] <JT-Shop> hi Rob
[18:13:34] <rob_h> hi
[18:14:48] <JT-Shop> I think mine is a geneva indexer as well
[18:15:17] <JT-Shop> so plenty of time to stop the motor after the prox is high
[18:15:27] <rob_h> then mine got a 3 phase motor to drive it..
[18:15:41] <PetefromTn_> Honestly I am quite surprised that there have not been other simple umbrella toolchangers done before as every Haas, Fadal, Cincinatti etc has these type changers..
[18:16:05] <JT-Shop> unbrella?
[18:16:08] <rob_h> yea i think i just turned it on for a set time to index it after the bit was seen and added 1 to the count
[18:16:29] <rob_h> maybe others pickup a better machine with random and dont worry lol
[18:16:33] <PetefromTn_> yeah I believe that is what they are called..
[18:16:49] <rob_h> yes JT thats the name mostly given
[18:17:06] <JT-Shop> for the geneva drive?
[18:17:08] <PetefromTn_> better machine?
[18:17:41] <rob_h> well umbrella is normaly a standard option on a new machine... random is a added cost
[18:17:58] <PetefromTn_> random?
[18:18:02] <JT-Shop> random is faster
[18:18:02] <rob_h> twin arm
[18:18:07] <PetefromTn_> never heard it called that.
[18:18:13] <JT-Shop> swap tools
[18:18:24] <PetefromTn_> I have heard them called side mount swingarm etc...
[18:18:25] <rob_h> called random due to the tool never goes back into the same pocket number
[18:18:33] <JT-Shop> preposition the next tool then swap it with the one in the spindle
[18:18:37] <rob_h> yea prob EU talk and US talk there ;)
[18:19:04] <PetefromTn_> That was never an option on these machines.
[18:19:04] <JT-Shop> then you have redneck mixed in for a real mess
[18:19:35] <PetefromTn_> you callin' me a redneck?
[18:19:50] <JT-Shop> me
[18:19:52] <rob_h> lo
[18:20:47] <JT-Shop> seems to determine direction you need to calculate the shortest number between the current and requested tool
[18:21:10] <rob_h> ? u mean what i pasted link for
[18:21:53] <JT-Shop> yea
[18:22:11] <rob_h> yea it does.. was a snippet from the comp i made for CHNC where i put in servo motor
[18:22:34] <rob_h> i started wirtting a comp for when i do my other VMC to linuxcnc but been to bussy to think about converting it
[18:22:45] <JT-Shop> lol me too
[18:22:54] <JT-Shop> I need to play catch up for a while
[18:22:57] <rob_h> id like to find a newer machine realy also
[18:23:19] <rob_h> 10k spindle, through spindle coolant , random tool
[18:23:22] <PetefromTn_> what kinda machine is it?
[18:23:35] <rob_h> just bigger leadwell of what i put on youtube
[18:23:40] <JT-Shop> that would be a nice one
[18:23:47] <rob_h> one on youtube is a 540 X travel, other is a 720X travel (mm)
[18:23:56] <R2E4> evening
[18:23:57] <PetefromTn_> That looks like a decent machine on youtube.
[18:24:04] <Connor> is their a trick to get a component to work via name vs number ?
[18:24:11] <Connor> loadrt and2 names=upand,downand
[18:24:14] <Connor> loads it..
[18:24:14] <PetefromTn_> evening
[18:24:26] <Connor> but addf and2.upand servo-thread
[18:24:29] <Connor> says it can't find it.
[18:24:33] <R2E4> I see your working on your ATC
[18:24:43] <JT-Shop> it aint and2 anymore after you rename it
[18:24:52] <PetefromTn_> well Connor is at least I am lost..LOL
[18:25:08] <rob_h> PetefromTn_, is just entertaiing us all while we watch
[18:25:13] <R2E4> uukk! Does Conner travel? lol
[18:25:14] <JT-Shop> Connor, look in Show Hal Configuration
[18:26:05] <R2E4> I was looking on youtube, and mine Y has to travel during a tool change.
[18:26:05] <PetefromTn_> I'm really lucky he lives nearby here. I have been doing machine work for him and he helps me with the retrofit techie stuff....
[18:26:38] <PetefromTn_> so you may need some of the same medicine we need for my machine then I guess.
[18:26:44] <R2E4> My X,Y and Z are done.
[18:26:53] <PetefromTn_> mine as well..
[18:27:03] <R2E4> yeah, but there's nop doctor in these here parts....
[18:27:06] <PetefromTn_> I have been making parts with the machine for awhile now...
[18:27:49] <R2E4> sI have to dothe homingand test the limits before I run a file on it.
[18:28:04] <PetefromTn_> that's for sure..
[18:28:42] <PetefromTn_> I really like the homing setup on linuxCNC. there are many scenarios you can setup including home to index.... which is nice.
[18:29:41] <R2E4> yeah, I was reading that but didnt understand exactly what it was
[18:30:40] <PetefromTn_> well basically the encoders have an index pluse once in a revolution, you home to the switch and then the axis backs off from there to the index pulse and calls that home.
[18:30:57] <PetefromTn_> It is possibly more accurate than the switch itself.
[18:33:58] <R2E4> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmvUlqs67dk thats a machine like mine doing a tool change
[18:34:42] <R2E4> PetefromTn_: I put a relay and delayed the swquence by .1 second, andit fixed my Z dropping issue.
[18:34:56] <Connor> alright.. using updown, and2, or, and not components.. I now have a counter that counts up to 20, wraps to 1, and if I set the direction bit, it counts down.. wrapping from 1 to 20
[18:35:16] <JT-Shop> your almost there
[18:36:26] <Connor> Yup. Now, to write a O command that decides which direction is shortest, toggles the direction bit, the starts a while loop waiting for the tool changer to run.
[18:36:30] <PetefromTn_> glad to hear you got the Z sorted out. I know you were worried about that.
[18:38:02] <PetefromTn_> Connor I know we need to sit down and discuss the sequencing of the actual toolchange soon. Like I said we need to have not only each movement and sensor actuation but also the negatives of each for safet as well as a time out safety.
[18:38:34] <rob_h> no parting the tool changer off into the work table
[18:38:34] <Connor> Yea.. I'm writing out individual building blocks right now...
[18:39:03] <Connor> I.E. a subroutine that advances the tool to the appropriate pocket.
[18:39:24] <Connor> a subroutine that checks the ram sensors and actuates the ram accordingly.
[18:41:33] <asah> how have people setup their pwm frequency on mesa 3pwmgen ? I cannot see .frequency pin as listed in the docs.
[18:46:29] <rob_h> you mean? setp hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.pwmgen.pwm_frequency 192000
[18:46:30] <R2E4> PetefromTn_: you homing is using index?
[18:47:30] <Connor> now, to figure out the math of choosing the shortest path...
[18:47:36] <Connor> for the direction bit.
[18:48:25] <asah> rob_h: no that does not work. neither pwm_frequency nor frequency show up for me as pins.
[18:49:08] <rob_h> not sure what mesa hardware you are running
[18:49:41] <JT-Shop> asah, use show hal configuration to see what the pin names are
[18:50:09] <asah> right. I am using halcmd on the cli and using “show pin”
[18:50:28] <asah> I am using 5i23 board
[18:50:34] <PetefromTn_> R2E4 yeah I am.
[18:54:47] <asah> oh crap, it is a param, not a pin.
[18:57:20] <asah> and its on the pwmgen not the instance
[18:57:20] <JT-Shop> that's why I like shc
[18:57:30] <R2E4> ahhh.... no Homing docs at gnipsel
[18:57:40] <JT-Shop> lol
[18:57:44] <JT-Shop> homing?
[18:59:48] <R2E4> hehe yeah.
[19:01:18] <JT-Shop> as in how to set up an axis?
[19:02:07] <JT-Shop> http://www.linuxcnc.org/docs/html/config/ini_homing.html
[19:02:52] <R2E4> I have that whole manual printed and am in that section now.
[19:16:30] <R2E4> Home sequence starts at 0, That does not reflect the axis number correct? Re: If I put home_sequence=0 for y the 1 for x then2 for Z, it will hpome in YXZ sequence?
[19:17:33] <micges> R2E4: yes
[19:19:09] <Connor> okay, how do you read in a pin value into a O word function ?
[19:26:11] <micges> Connor: bit pin or float pin?
[19:26:32] <Connor> number.. so, I'm thinking motion.analog-out
[19:27:58] <micges> Connor: http://www.linuxcnc.org/docs/html/gcode/m-code.html#sec:M66-Input-Control
[19:29:47] <Connor> crap
[19:29:52] <Connor> s32 can't be float
[19:30:11] <micges> Connor: M66 E0 L0 ; will read motion.analog-in-00 into param #5399
[19:30:35] <Connor> yea. but the value is coming from a component output the value as s32
[19:31:06] <micges> use conv-s32-float module
[19:31:23] <Connor> yup. on it already
[19:32:07] <Connor> how does those work.. I've never used them.
[19:38:47] <micges> like all comp
[19:38:49] <micges> s
[19:39:07] <micges> s32 is input, converted to float is output
[20:13:42] <Connor> micges: Is there a way to output a variable for debugging in O words>
[20:14:32] <micges> what do you mean exactly by O words?
[20:14:58] <Connor> Well.. I want to see what's assigned to #5399
[20:15:05] <PetefromTn_Andro> Connor man is there any way I can help ya here? I sure wish I knew more about that kinda programming stuff just never done anything like it before.
[20:15:44] <Connor> trying to figure out why my do loop is infinate loop when #5399 should be 0 and #5 is too.
[20:15:58] <Connor> PetefromTn_Andro: I'm good.. Doing this in the simulator.. trying to figure the hard part out..
[20:16:08] <Connor> once that's done.. we should be good on other building blocks.
[20:16:43] <micges> Connor: (DEBUG, #5399)
[20:17:15] <Connor> Oh boy...
[20:17:25] <Connor> it's returning 0.00000
[20:17:33] <Connor> which I bet doesn't eq 0 ? huh ?
[21:32:42] <Connor> Hey Guys.. on the tool table...
[21:32:51] <Connor> the POC slot.. that's suppose to be the Pocket.. is it not ?
[21:33:40] <Connor> When I do a (DEBUG, #<_selected_tool>) it show the row # of the tool, not the value in the POC field..
[21:33:43] <Connor> Is that right ?
[22:00:13] <Connor> Hello? Anyone care to comment on tool tables and pocket numbers?
[22:00:40] <R2E4> Conner, PEte comingback topnight?
[22:00:47] <Connor> probably not
[22:01:13] <R2E4> ah... Ran m,y first gcode dry..... Everything looks good so far.
[22:04:28] <Connor_iPad> From what I can tell. The POC field in the tool table isn't used.
[22:08:52] <Connor_iPad> So, can anyone confirm or deny that?
[22:11:16] <skunkworks> I think it depends on if you are using a random tool changer or not.. (if the tool goes into the same pocket it was taken out of - or the pocket of the new tool)
[22:12:17] <Connor_iPad> So, then POC is only valid if random is turned on?
[22:12:43] <Connor_iPad> Other wise it uses the row number as the pocket?
[22:15:08] <skunkworks> that sounds right... But I only have a limited knowlege of it
[22:15:38] <Connor> That's kind strange.. I would think it would use the POC field regardless...
[22:18:16] <skunkworks> I think poc is the physical pocket.. (and can change if it is a random tool changer is used)
[22:18:28] <skunkworks> otherwise poc = tool number
[22:18:43] <Connor> No. POC != tool number..
[22:18:47] <Connor> ever.
[22:18:51] <skunkworks> really?
[22:19:15] <Connor> it's the ROW in the tool table.. or the POC # based on that random tool changer value
[22:20:09] <skunkworks> my tool tables all have Poc=tool number
[22:21:40] <Connor_iPad> Strange. Not sure what this means.