#linuxcnc | Logs for 2014-02-11

[00:20:54] <Connor> scottcnc: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16815104231
[02:18:53] <Deejay> moin
[06:44:17] <skunkworks> archivist, is the weather affecting you?
[06:45:59] <archivist> yes/no/depends
[06:46:59] <archivist> was snowing, sun is out, its cold in here
[06:47:01] <jthornton> lol
[06:51:18] <skunkworks> -22f here.. they are telling everyone in town to let their water run a trickle...
[06:51:29] <jthornton> ouch
[06:51:41] <jthornton> it's a balmy 10f here
[06:52:37] <skunkworks> it has been such hard cold for so long that frost is getting down the th 4+ ft range
[06:53:37] <skunkworks> and in this area - that is the minimum you bury water lines
[06:59:47] <jthornton> that is too cold for me
[07:02:27] <archivist> un heated house is too cold for me
[07:37:47] <eric_unterhausen> skunkworks, you're in Kansas?
[07:37:55] <skunkworks> Wi
[07:38:00] <skunkworks> WI
[07:38:17] <eric_unterhausen> I lose track
[07:38:27] <skunkworks> there will be a test later..
[07:39:01] <eric_unterhausen> I was in Wisconsin for a very cold winter, don't remember any pipes freezing
[07:39:10] <eric_unterhausen> and all my friends lived in trailers
[07:39:59] <jdh> I let my water trickle once. The drain froze and the sink overflowed overnight
[07:40:18] <eric_unterhausen> maybe that was too much of a trickle?
[07:40:28] <jdh> as low as I could get it.
[07:40:59] <eric_unterhausen> I was a little worried here, some of our pipes run through the exterior wall
[07:41:52] <jdh> I'd suggest moving some place more hospitable to human life.
[07:42:32] <eric_unterhausen> my mother lives in Virginia and she had pipes freezing because their winters are usually very warm
[07:42:50] <eric_unterhausen> older house, bad insulation
[07:43:19] <kengu> http://www.flexelec.com/ready-to-use-heating-cables-stopgel-antifreeze.html
[07:43:48] <eric_unterhausen> for the longest time, they would let people build without building inspections
[07:44:07] <eric_unterhausen> mom's house has one of those uninspected additions
[07:44:39] <eric_unterhausen> she has some pipes that she doesn't know where they could go without tearing out a significant amount of the house
[07:46:26] <skunkworks> I am not worried about the water pipes in the house.. we do have some hot water pipes for heat that I know run pretty close to the outside wall... but we have been through a couple of -22f days this winter with no issues.
[07:51:32] <GuShH_> skunkworks: as long as the water keeps flowing and it's not at freezing point, it shouldn't clog
[07:51:41] <GuShH_> insulation really helps.
[07:52:03] <GuShH_> you guys have "open" construction where access to the pipes is fairly easy? I have brick walls.. you just can't access anything.
[07:52:03] <skunkworks> sure.. (this is a turn of the century house... )
[07:52:26] <GuShH_> but they are thick enough and we only get freezing temps for a few days in winter so it's ok
[07:52:41] <GuShH_> skunkworks: heh this place is from the 70s, not much insulation
[07:55:45] <PetefromTn> I guess I have been lucky, we have had the coldest winter since we moved to Tennessee this year by far and I just trickle the water at night when it is supposed to dip down into the really cold temps and so far we have not had any pipe problems. I have local freinds who have not been so lucky. I have loaned out my turbo forced air heater to help unfreeze pipes twice now this winter.
[08:02:19] <GuShH_> PetefromTn: won't freezing also cause leaks due to rupture generally?
[08:02:30] <GuShH_> specially on weak spots
[08:03:08] <PetefromTn> I am sure it would... Shoulda never left Florida LOL. SO far tho have not had any problems but it is supposed to snow tomorrow or the next day.
[08:03:32] <jdh> Pete: I'm going back down next Wed.
[08:03:47] <PetefromTn> Aw man ya gotta do that dontcha...
[08:04:05] <PetefromTn> just rub it in... RUB IT IN!!
[08:04:09] <GuShH_> let's hope it stays that way :p
[08:04:10] <jdh> ok
[08:04:32] <PetefromTn> Ya goin divin'?
[08:04:56] <jdh> yep. In the Chassahowitzka
[08:05:10] <PetefromTn> chassawhatta?
[08:05:34] <jdh> heh. Just north of Weeki Watchi.
[08:05:53] <eric_unterhausen> my mother's house has mud and horse hair walls ;)
[08:05:55] <jdh> or weeki wachee
[08:06:25] <PetefromTn> When ya head down there drive by my house and I will hop in with ya might even buy ya a burger for the ride hehe
[08:06:26] <eric_unterhausen> so cutting into it is an adventure, plus the mud stings when you get it in your eyes
[08:07:01] <PetefromTn> she live in a wigwam or something?
[08:07:17] <eric_unterhausen> common hillbilly construction in that part of virginia
[08:07:28] <eric_unterhausen> in fact, I think the colonists all used something like that
[08:07:48] <GuShH_> poor horseys, left nakid.
[08:07:53] <eric_unterhausen> it's just the hillbillies were doing it longer
[08:08:35] <eric_unterhausen> I have no idea where they got enough horses
[08:08:50] <PetefromTn> Hillbillies....America's last line of defense LOL
[08:09:59] <eric_unterhausen> they are ok as long as they don't take over an entire region like around my mother's house
[08:10:30] <eric_unterhausen> the first guy to use drywall must have been a pariah
[08:10:34] <kengu> http://www.uponorpro.com/Extranet/Layouts/ProductAndToolModal.aspx?id={B5CE2B03-EC4A-4D96-A4FD-E7C4F21C1B2C} sleeving is great as you just have to use a vacuum or something to move air and thus prevent freezing
[08:10:40] <PetefromTn> We have areas around here that have what I conisder TRUE hillbillies. I try to steer clear...
[08:11:20] <eric_unterhausen> I'll put the hillbillies in Virginia up against anyone's
[08:12:05] <PetefromTn> PEx in itself is pretty prone to freezing and cracking anyways. I mean it will freeze up but it does not burst since it is so flexible in the first place unlike PVC or copper pipe.
[08:12:10] <eric_unterhausen> people from where I lived went over to West Virginia because you could get married at 13 without parental consent
[08:12:29] <jdh> who wants to marry those old hags?
[08:12:34] <PetefromTn> Oh I am sure that is true I have been to Va and Wva several times.
[08:13:03] <eric_unterhausen> it's getting more civilized now, no doubt
[08:13:48] <PetefromTn> Tennessee is a unique place, I have never lived where you can have a beautiful brand new nice home on one spot and then right next door there is a trailer that is half falling down with shit all over the yard and cars missing in the tall grass...
[08:13:55] <jdh> sure, the meth makes everything more civil
[08:15:22] <PetefromTn> I gotta find a 3' square smaller pallet to ship an item today and I already exhausted all the usual suspects.
[08:15:41] <jdh> c'mon, you are a woodworking guy. Make one.
[08:16:18] <PetefromTn> The damn flooring and tile shop I frequented went belly up and they had some shitty beat up particle board pallets out back that were water logged....
[08:16:40] <PetefromTn> I would but I don't have any spare materials for one right now and don't feel like paying for it.
[08:17:40] <PetefromTn> Speaking of woodworking I spent the last two days installing hardwood flooring in my daughter's home. Took 15 hours and my legs and knees are sore as shit...
[08:18:02] <dieter> hello, need some advice, I will convert my BF20 Desktop mill from PCdreh to Linuxcnc. Which version would be the best? I am already familiar with 2.5.2 on my DIY gantry but like to use tool change zero for example
[08:18:31] <PetefromTn> whats PCdreh?
[08:19:12] <dieter> a cad cam combination which is not longer developed because the Person died
[08:19:49] <PetefromTn> Aw that sucks.. Won't have that issue with LinuxCNC huh.
[08:20:00] <dieter> http://www.pcdreh.de/
[08:20:51] <dieter> not bad at all but proprietary with hardwaredongle
[08:21:13] <PetefromTn> I hate dongles
[08:22:15] <dieter> in fact i like hard dongles more than these unholy licence stuff, once you have a dongle you can install wherever you want and ad often you want
[08:22:35] <PetefromTn> Not sure what you mean by tool change zero but most folks recommend the stable release I think it is 2.5.3 or something.
[08:22:58] <PetefromTn> Yeah until the dongle gets lost or damaged..
[08:23:11] <skunkworks> dieter, you you mean tool length measuring (like with a switch)? that will work in 2.5.3
[08:25:23] <dieter> tool leght measuring thats it
[08:26:25] <dieter> does it work with the moccapy skin?
[08:27:45] <skunkworks> you probably want to ask that on the forum...
[08:28:03] <skunkworks> I don't know if anyone here is running moccapy
[08:28:35] <dieter> me :-)
[08:29:07] <dieter> which skins do you guys use? default?
[08:35:21] <skunkworks> I use axis
[08:37:14] <jdh> I've never even heard of moccapy
[08:37:39] <jthornton> a German guy made it
[08:38:15] <jthornton> you can create your own gui using gscreen
[08:38:28] <jdh> looks nifty
[08:39:48] <dieter> its not about the look what i like is the concept that makes it usable on a touch screen with almost not needing a mouse
[08:40:03] <skunkworks> jthornton, is that using glade to edit the screen? or is there some sort of 'screen editor' out side of that?
[08:40:33] <jthornton> yea, you use gladevcp widgets and glade to build a screen
[08:41:02] <jthornton> I made a simple one this morning in a few minutes following cmorley example on the wiki
[08:42:06] <CaptHindsight> skunkworks: I heard we're supposed to finally get above 32F by next Monday/Tues
[08:44:57] <CaptHindsight> has anyone seen a lower cost more consumer product version of http://www.igus.com/iglide ?
[08:46:57] <skunkworks> I think that it is supposed to be in the 20's today...
[08:51:12] <jdh> my wife's school is closing at 11
[08:51:19] <jdh> and it won't be below 35f here.
[08:52:11] <jdh> $d00d will take my boat off the trailer and block it up for $150. $50/month for the storage area
[08:52:15] <jdh> (urk>
[08:56:04] <JT-Shop> propane is down to $3.672 a gallon in Missouri now...
[08:58:13] <CaptHindsight> how high was it?
[08:59:30] <CaptHindsight> http://www.propane-prices.com/priceupdate.html
[08:59:41] <JT-Shop> $4
[08:59:54] <CaptHindsight> good thing I only use it for cutting
[09:10:48] <archivist> CaptHindsight, they would claim they are low cost
[09:11:14] <archivist> never really liked the idea but have some samples here
[09:18:02] <PetefromTn> Anyone want to help me look at a code to try to figure out why my part got a little screw up in it yesterday I am trying to figure out what happened...
[09:21:13] <PetefromTn> I posted this picture yesterday of the part I machined and in it you can see the triangular slot on the left side is not shaped properly. http://imagebin.org/292747
[09:21:43] <PetefromTn> I have been looking at the code for that part of the machining and I cannot see where it screwed up?
[09:22:00] <cradek> if the code is wrong you should clearly see it in the AXIS preview
[09:22:14] <cradek> from above (click the Z button)
[09:23:20] <PetefromTn> http://pastebin.com/Gyr4JLNg
[09:23:30] <PetefromTn> Here is the code I sent to the machine.
[09:24:17] <PetefromTn> I will reload the code and see if I can tell in Axis if that is visible. Honestly do not understand it because i tried to run a simulation of it and it does not appear in the sim.
[09:24:59] <PetefromTn> I machined the same set of pockets the other day when I was doing it tool by tool before you helped me find the offset issue I was having and it did the same basic thing there too...
[09:25:12] <cradek> that must not be the full code
[09:25:21] <PetefromTn> Trying to determine if there is something wrong with the machine or the code.
[09:25:41] <PetefromTn> It is not it is only the part of the code that pertains to this set of pockets..
[09:26:38] <PetefromTn> I can post the full code but it is quite long and contains other machining operations. Gonna go out and startup the machine now and reload the file into axis and see if I can see the problem on the screen.
[09:27:34] <PetefromTn> Someone said that they thought the cutter plunge was too fast but it is quite slow and plunges in an offset of only .010 from the original pocket so I doubt that is the problem and even if it was the other pockets machined properly.
[09:28:03] <PetefromTn> Not sure if it is my Code or what..
[09:28:34] <cradek> other pockets have bad finish, like the tool was vibrating
[09:29:12] <cradek> what is the tool? length, diameter, material?
[09:29:16] <PetefromTn> yeah I know but that is due to using the full cutter to determine the shape of the pocket as I don't have a cutter to make the small internal radius.
[09:29:37] <PetefromTn> 1/4 inch carbide 2 flute in 6061..
[09:30:34] <cradek> depth of 3x diameter with carbide isn't bad
[09:30:42] <cradek> I wouldn't expect too much deflection
[09:30:59] <PetefromTn> yeah I am pretty sure the cuttter and plunge are not the problem
[09:31:27] <cradek> if for some reason (and it would be very weird) it took an unexpected path, it would show up in the backplot (pink lines) after running the program
[09:31:41] <PetefromTn> Hell I even cranked the feedrate down when that part machined to get a better finish in the corners but it stilll chattered.
[09:32:26] <cradek> sometimes fiddling with the spindle speed is better - a little faster or slower can stop the resonance
[09:32:39] <PetefromTn> yeah
[09:33:06] <PetefromTn> it only chattered for that moment it went into the corners tho.
[09:33:18] <cradek> oh yikes, for the finish pass it's plunging in a corner
[09:33:35] <cradek> it shouldn't do that
[09:35:37] <PetefromTn> yeah I know it is not ideal whatsoever toolpath,my concern is not the crappy setup rather why it tweaked out so far of the designated tooolpath...
[09:37:07] <cradek> which triangle is that worst one?
[09:37:21] <cradek> also I'd like to see a picture of the finish on the weird corner
[09:37:39] <PetefromTn> The cut appears to have started outside of the pocket by like .1 or so and tapered down into the pocket.
[09:37:58] <PetefromTn> I will take another picture here hang on a second..
[09:38:50] <skunkworks> I have seen that kind of shape with cutter deflection..
[09:39:11] <skunkworks> as the tool wanders around - it makes a bigger hole
[09:39:46] <cradek> how long are the flutes on this mill? how much stickout do you have?
[09:41:12] <cradek> is this the triangle near x-2.4 y0 ?
[09:43:43] <mazafaka1> how to ask bot to read the log - of this day, of some day in a past?
[09:43:50] <skunkworks> logger[mah],
[09:43:50] <logger[mah]> skunkworks: Log stored at http://linuxcnc.mah.priv.at/irc/%23linuxcnc/2014-02-11.html
[09:45:11] <cradek> if it's that "left" triangle, it's the only one that plunges at the inner (least radius) corner for the finish pass. the rest of them plunge at an outer corner.
[09:46:10] <cradek> so the chatter could be really different at that one
[09:46:31] <PetefromTn> http://imagebin.org/292750 Flutes are .875 long and stickout is about an inch.
[09:46:35] <cradek> also it does it right after roughing, without even pulling the tool out, so the hole could have been quite full of chips
[09:47:35] <PetefromTn> No chips man my flood is pretty powerful and honestly even in those large pockets did not have any problems with chip evac. Looking at the close up pic it looks pretty bad.
[09:48:01] <cradek> that plunge is line N5617 and is one straight line down
[09:48:03] <PetefromTn> I guess it is possible the cutter deflected that much but that is an awful lot..
[09:48:25] <mazafaka1> PetefromTn: why not to cut out a depth of about 2mm at once?
[09:48:28] <PetefromTn> yeah I know that I could not get a decent spiral plunge setup to work in the tight hole.
[09:48:29] <cradek> it's pretty darn impossible that linuxcnc changed that one line into a diagonal for part of the way, and then down
[09:48:57] <cradek> I think it absolutely has to be tool/work/machine deflection
[09:49:16] <PetefromTn> Thats what I thought which is why I asked this question and maybe the machine drifted or something?
[09:49:38] <PetefromTn> So you do not see any toolpath deviation on that hole then?
[09:49:38] <mazafaka1> How does the tool goes down into the steel? It is better to drill at first, then citting off smal depths you can cut out material with whole diameter of the mill
[09:49:40] <cradek> in your new picture the top corner looks like there's some extra cut too
[09:50:10] <PetefromTn> mazafaka1: The pocket was already machined in steps this happened on a finish pass around the inside of the pocket.
[09:50:10] <cradek> mazafaka1: the gcode link is above
[09:50:39] <cradek> the plunge for the finish pass is cutting that corner
[09:50:51] <PetefromTn> Yeah it is I think..
[09:51:08] <mazafaka1> PetefromTn: well, cylinder collet for the mill doesnn't keep end mill bits from inserting into the collet when you do not drill and try to sink deeper into material.
[09:51:14] <PetefromTn> It is a strange thing I cannot figure out and if it was deflection why did it not happen to the other holes?
[09:51:15] <cradek> PetefromTn: is this the triangle near X-2.4 Y0?
[09:51:34] <PetefromTn> cradek: trying to determine that now..
[09:51:37] <mazafaka1> cradek: i don't have anything to visualize the code
[09:51:57] <cradek> mazafaka1: you should get linuxcnc, the price is right
[09:52:24] <mazafaka1> cradek: i know, i will :)
[09:52:43] <mazafaka1> PetefromTn: i have met such problem, there are two variants^
[09:53:57] <mazafaka1> 1) the detail has moved under the load due to already not that sharp edges of the mill bit
[09:53:57] <mazafaka1> 2) under the load, some machines return errors, but you don't see it on the monitor
[09:54:09] <PetefromTn> cradek: yeah that is the location..
[09:54:31] <cradek> PetefromTn: that one is cut differently from the rest - the plunge is at the inner corner
[09:54:44] <mazafaka1> It was once that machine did not do a circle, with G3 command. That was a mailfunction...
[09:54:49] <PetefromTn> No load issues here and the cut was rather quiet...
[09:55:22] <PetefromTn> cradek: That is correct it is the only one different.
[09:55:56] <PetefromTn> Not sure why CamBam made that one different but it is definitely starting from a different plunge point.
[09:56:09] <cradek> I would expect squealing noise on those corners, seeing the chatter in your picture
[09:56:34] <cradek> with a little manual gcode editing you could cut just that pocket in scrap
[09:56:46] <cradek> I'm not sure what to advise except watch/listen carefully and see what it's doing wrong
[09:57:14] <cradek> I doubt you're getting wrong motion - surely your ferror limit is set less than .1"
[09:57:36] <pcw_home> I was just about to ask....
[09:57:40] <PetefromTn> oh the cutter squealed when it rounded the inside corners just for a moment but not on plunge in.
[09:57:50] <PetefromTn> I think I might have found the problem tho..
[09:57:54] <mazafaka1> on my machine, I would thought of overload, try to change Z level and check where the mill goes.
[09:58:08] <mazafaka1> i mean, by not touching the metal
[09:59:24] <cradek> here is edited gcode to cut just that one pocket: http://timeguy.com/cradek-files/emc/onepocket.ngc
[09:59:30] <PetefromTn> I was just looking at the cambam setup and I actually changed the start point there and I clicked that corner to try to allow the cutter to get a tangent lead in but it did not work and I did not change it. So CamBam used my start point for that hole and automatically determined the rest of the holes... It may actually be that I clicked a point that snapped outside the hole a tad but I am not sure that is possible or not.
[10:00:14] <cradek> the plunge is straight down in the gcode you gave me
[10:00:47] <PetefromTn> If it DID snap to a point outside the hole it could certainly have deflected the cutter as it went down into the hole I suppose..
[10:01:23] <mazafaka1> some software add horrible 'lead in' moves
[10:01:32] <PetefromTn> agreed it is straight down. Thank you guys so much for looking at this for me I have been baffled as to what actually the problem was and I started to wonder if the machine did it somehow...
[10:02:20] <PetefromTn> I don't appear to have any backlash issues because the holes are nice and round and the finish in the quadrants is nice too so that kinda proves that out I suppose.
[10:02:25] <mazafaka1> for machine - only two variants: 1) overload, 2) detail moves a bit
[10:04:02] <PetefromTn> mazafaka1: Thank you for trying to help with this. I THINK what I will do now is try to remachine those pockets using a better lead in and NOT selecting the start point myself. Honestly I felt like they could be larger for aesthtics anywyas. This will give me a chance to make the pockets look nicer and clean up the chatter. Unfortunately I do not have a cutter that is smaller diameter that will do that deep without hitting
[10:04:02] <PetefromTn> the shaft.
[10:04:28] <mazafaka1> And when the spindle torque is low for some reason, cutting speed reduces and mill actually pushing the blank, this happened to a huge steel sheet I milled.
[10:04:55] <PetefromTn> mazafaka1: This is 6061 aluminum and the spindle load was minimal at best.
[10:05:10] <mazafaka1> PetefromTn: Do you actually visualize the ready-to-use code in a simulator?
[10:05:27] <PetefromTn> We're talking a 1/4 inch 2 flute cutter on a 7.5Hp spindle.
[10:06:25] <PetefromTn> I do generally simulate but CamBam does not have a native simulation so I have to use CNCsimulator pro and while that program works great it can be tedious to setup for each cut. They bundle CamBam with Cutviewer and I tried it too and it is pretty crude at best.
[10:06:25] <mazafaka1> 2-flutes cutters... chip load...
[10:07:12] <mazafaka1> PetefromTn: simulate it in linuxCNC itself. This way I saw stupid lead-in moves whan I started
[10:07:45] <PetefromTn> cradek: Thanks for amending that code. Will have to simulate it to see what you altered. I think I will just redo the MOP and make the pocket wider to allow a suitable lead in.
[10:07:59] <mazafaka1> LinuxCNC simulator is the best, those from software A saw aren't useful
[10:08:06] <PetefromTn> mazafaka1: Can you do that?
[10:08:19] <mazafaka1> oh, this is Windows...
[10:08:22] <PetefromTn> I was not aware linuxCNC had built in simulation..
[10:08:31] <cradek> I only deleted the other pockets. Thought you could test-cut just this one to see what's happening.
[10:09:09] <cradek> but if you redo it and can get better finish pass entry I bet the problem goes away
[10:09:16] <PetefromTn> Okay.. I have the part still in the vise and I have the offset G54 saved so I can probably just redo the code to remachine all the pockets larger .
[10:09:22] <mazafaka1> PetefromTn: it has a machine called simulator, and there is a 5-axis machine...
[10:09:26] <PetefromTn> I hope you are correct.
[10:09:43] <cradek> we'll see... :-)
[10:09:50] <mazafaka1> PetefromTn: change Z-level
[10:09:53] <PetefromTn> mazafaka1: Yeah but I was unaware that you can actually use the sims on a running machine..
[10:10:30] <PetefromTn> cradek: Thanks so much man you are AWESOME!
[10:10:39] <PetefromTn> hehe
[10:10:53] <cradek> now I'm blushing
[10:11:01] <PetefromTn> take a bow LOL...
[10:11:22] <mazafaka1> and let machine to move the cutter above the part, but stay away from the mill bit, only use steel ruler to put it close to the mill bit and the pert you're milling
[10:12:04] <mazafaka1> PetefromTn: i don't think you can use sim preset on a running machine, only on another pc or laptop
[10:12:31] <PetefromTn> okay thanks maza
[10:12:36] <mazafaka1> take a princess, not bow, don't be mistaken!
[10:12:50] <PetefromTn> doh!
[10:35:07] <JT-Shop> PetefromTn, you can run a sim on your machine from the LinuxCNC menu
[10:37:06] <JT-Shop> what you can't do is run it at the same time your running your machine
[10:37:41] <PetefromTn> Oh really did not know that thanks man.'
[10:39:49] <PetefromTn> Does not appear that you can select the start point of each pocket only the start point of the first pocket in CamBam unless I am missing something. I may have to make each pocket a single MOP and select the start point for each. Strange it will not start on the long smooth edge instead of the tight corner.
[10:40:42] <jdh> doesn't it start wherever the vector you started with started?
[10:42:45] <PetefromTn> you basically choose geometry and then select a machining operation, setup the variable like feeds and speeds select a cutter and then create toolpaths to see what it wants to do. Just like sheetcam.
[10:43:23] <jdh> are you importing a dxf?
[10:43:26] <PetefromTn> I just asked about this on their forum hopefully there is some easy way to select all the pockets start points individually.
[10:43:29] <PetefromTn> yeah.
[10:44:07] <jdh> I would assume the object in the dxf has a reference location.
[10:44:23] <PetefromTn> yeah the zero is in the middle of the part.
[10:44:36] <PetefromTn> pockets are polar arrayed around it.
[10:44:39] <jdh> not the drawing, each individual vector
[10:45:03] <PetefromTn> don't understand.
[10:48:06] <jdh> everything in your drawing is an object (of sorts) it has reference locations and sizes. I woudl assume most CAM stuff uses that as the default starting location
[10:48:28] <jdh> vs. something like mastercam that actually tries to make good cuts
[10:49:59] <PetefromTn> well someone replied to my post and said that you can only have one start poin per MOp regardless of the number of entities. So I have to setup an MOP for each pocket with its own start point. Apparently you can just copy and past the MOP into the tree..
[10:52:25] <quitte> Hi. does anyone happen to use the live cd on a pxe server? I'm looking for ways to get partial persistence and preseeding the cnc configuration.
[10:55:20] <cradek> since the configuration files (~/linuxcnc/configs) are not packaged, the preseed system isn't going to help you there
[10:55:47] <cradek> are you trying to run diskless? what's your eventual goal?
[10:56:11] <Connor> PetefromTn: The machine will do EXACTLY what you tell it to do.. So, be careful .. :)
[10:56:43] <quitte> my disk is broken so pxe is my workaround. considering vibrations that seems reasonable and it works. but I hate walking up with an usb stick and putting config files in place each and every time
[10:57:00] <Connor> quitte: SSD
[10:57:28] <PetefromTn> Connor: Ya know man I know I must come off sounding like a newb here but I have run many many parts on CNC mills now I am just really not used to LinuxCNC nor CamBam.....
[10:57:51] <cradek> so you're using pxe to run, not just to install?
[10:57:56] <Connor> PetefromTn: Your learning allot all over again.. It happens.
[10:58:44] <quitte> pxe already works just fine. worst case: i unpack the squashfs and do my mods there. I'd prefer using the infrastructure for using deltas that I know is there. but I'm not sure how well that works with nfs instead of local media or if it works at all
[10:58:56] <PetefromTn> I only wanted to use CamBam because of the 3d toolpaths everything I am doing here I could accomplish with Sheetcam easier and quicker but I need to get experience with CamBam so when I start the 3d stuff I am not totally lost.
[10:59:03] <quitte> cradek: I use pxe to run, not to install.
[10:59:04] <Connor> I'll never forget breaking a $30.00 vbit because I forgot to tell the machine to raise the Z high enough.. ran right through one of my fixture hold down bolts.. cut a nice grove in it before as it did too.
[10:59:21] <cradek> quitte: perhaps you just want a nfs home directory then
[10:59:42] <quitte> cradek: is that possible without modifying the squashfs?
[11:00:02] <cradek> quitte: quite doubt it
[11:00:12] <Connor> PetefromTn: You buy CamBam yet? Or still using the trial ?
[11:00:19] <quitte> cradek: otoh I really want the non-free nvidia drivers. so there will be resxquashing at some point
[11:01:00] <cradek> no you probably don't - they will screw up your realtime performance
[11:01:18] <Connor> I was just getting ready to say that cradek
[11:01:27] <PetefromTn> Honestly I am still using the trial but in all that messing with the Post processor trying to get it to play nice with the Cincinatti I used up all my 40 saves. I contacted them and they gave me some kinda unlimited trial to use until I decide if it is what I need.
[11:01:45] <jdh> that was nice of them.
[11:01:52] <Connor> PetefromTn: Kick butt.
[11:01:58] <PetefromTn> yeah it was considerably nice of them.
[11:02:00] <quitte> heh. my realtime demands are _very_ low compared to what you guys probably do.
[11:02:25] <Connor> quitte: You using parport with steppers ?
[11:02:30] <quitte> yes
[11:02:41] <Connor> then your realtime demand is high.
[11:02:50] <PetefromTn> Honestly if I can get used to using it and it does decent toolpaths and allows me the 3d stuff I am wanting to do I will surely buy it but the jury is still out.
[11:02:51] <Connor> you'll have issues.
[11:03:28] <Connor> So, Stay away from those video drivers.
[11:03:35] <Connor> and again, consider a SSD
[11:03:36] <quitte> okay. nothing but controlling on that machine then
[11:03:48] <Connor> they're cheap.
[11:04:02] <Connor> Your running Axis ?
[11:04:27] <quitte> Connor: what's wrong with PXE? If I rolled my own debian live image it could even fit entirely in ram without issues. Yes I'm running axis
[11:04:59] <Connor> quitte: Yes, running CAD/CAM on control is a common desire.. but, honestly.. not recommended..
[11:05:33] <jdh> jsut not at the same time.
[11:05:37] <cradek> diskless has a lot going for it, but initial setup is tricky
[11:06:58] <Connor> I just think it's allot of work..
[11:07:04] <cradek> yep
[11:07:12] <Connor> and makes updates hard.
[11:07:16] <cradek> yep
[11:07:20] <Connor> SSD's are cheap.
[11:07:31] <Connor> and will load tons quicker on boot.
[11:08:00] <quitte> at the moment updates from my perspective mean that there's a new live cd.
[11:08:12] <cradek> I didn't think about updates. you would have to rebuild the squashfs each time.
[11:08:29] <cradek> we sure as heck don't make a cd for every update. that's why we have debs.
[11:08:36] <quitte> which would be easy if linuxcnc used the debian live helper
[11:08:54] <cradek> I don't know what that is
[11:10:09] <quitte> it was a fork of the tools used for creating the ubuntu live images. it allows creating live images from little more than a list of the packages that you want to put into it.
[11:10:18] <Connor> quitte: Again, I tend to go down the path of less resistance, or most traveled.. Not many people run diskless.. and if your concern is vibration killing HD's then SSD is a good solution.
[11:11:03] <Connor> I try to stay in the main steam, that way.. if I have issues, I don't have to rule out crazy things I've done..
[11:11:05] <cradek> quitte: ah I see. well I am positive we'll not make new CD images for every point release...
[11:11:18] <Connor> with that being said.. I've done some crazy things.. :) Right PetefromTn ?
[11:11:51] <quitte> cradek: how hard is it to get a debian system working similar to where the live cd is?
[11:13:05] <cradek> can you ask a more specific question?
[11:13:21] <PetefromTn> Hey guys how can I make LinuxCNC open the folder I want to keep my G-code in without having to search for it.
[11:13:33] <Connor> quitte: You wanting to run linuxcnc on a Debian install instead of Ubunutu ?
[11:13:36] <cradek> PetefromTn: it's in the ini
[11:14:40] <PetefromTn> okay thanks..
[11:14:50] <Connor> PROGRAM_PREFIX = /home/pete/linuxcnc/nc_files
[11:14:50] <quitte> yes, I'd prefer debian as I'm more familiar with it. I'll need to pick a proper kernel and maybe rebuild a bunch of ubuntu packages. Is there anything special about the ubuntu live cd apart from that?
[11:15:23] <Connor> quitte: Now your going down a whole different road....
[11:16:01] <Connor> Honestly.. once you have the machine up and running, you won't need to fiddle with the OS much..
[11:16:10] <quitte> Connor: not really. I know better how to use live-helper to get my goals from scratch than how to modify a ubuntu squashfs image
[11:16:28] <PetefromTn> so do I change the /ncfiles to the G-code file I have on my desktop?
[11:16:55] <Connor> /home/pete/Desktop/G-code-folder
[11:18:22] <PetefromTn> Do you need to restart for that to take effect?
[11:18:33] <Connor> Just linuxcnc
[11:19:13] <PetefromTn> Ok.
[11:20:07] <Connor> quitte: Do what ever you want.. I just think your headed down a long hard road when a SSD would solve your issues and make it easier to help you in the future..
[11:20:26] <PetefromTn> with that being said.. I've done some crazy things.. :) Right PetefromTn ? Yeah man you're just plain crazy LOL...
[11:21:05] <PetefromTn> Well just restarted that did not appear to work..
[11:21:21] <Connor> This for the MAIN machine or SIM ?
[11:22:06] <PetefromTn> you talking to me?
[11:22:12] <Connor> Yes.
[11:22:35] <Connor> Never mind.. main machine..
[11:22:49] <PetefromTn> have not tried simulation so yeah trying to get the linuxCNC program to open my G-code file when I select file>open.
[11:23:09] <Connor> Did you replace the G-code-folder with whatever the folder name was on your machine ?
[11:23:09] <PetefromTn> Its a file saved to my desktop.
[11:23:28] <Connor> Is it on your desktop ?
[11:23:29] <quitte> Connor: my wallet very much tells me that a ssd is not an option. I guess I'll fire up live-helper and figure out what work went into the ubuntu-live modifications that way.
[11:23:31] <PetefromTn> I typed it in exactly.
[11:23:38] <PetefromTn> yeah it is.
[11:23:48] <PetefromTn> Does it need the pathway.
[11:23:50] <Connor> okay.. my bad.
[11:24:12] <Connor> look for and change PROGRAM_PREFIX = /home/pete/linuxcnc/nc_files to PROGRAM_PREFIX = /home/pete/Desktop
[11:24:40] <PetefromTn> capitol D?
[11:24:44] <Connor> Yes
[11:25:17] <PetefromTn> OK
[11:26:35] <Connor> That work ?
[11:26:51] <PetefromTn> Nice.. Is it also possible to have it open with files of type>all files?
[11:27:15] <Connor> Probably.. that's why I use a specific folder for my files
[11:27:49] <PetefromTn> Okay my G-code files from CamBam are .nc and from Sheetcam are .txt....
[11:28:06] <PetefromTn> I think I can change one or the other...
[11:28:46] <PetefromTn> Just would be nice to not have to go searching for files everytime I open one up because I am making changes all the time to files...
[11:29:09] <Connor> I would make them .nc
[11:29:46] <PetefromTn> okay how can I make the file open in all tho because I want to not have to keep changing stuff..
[11:30:01] <Connor> looking..
[11:30:31] <PetefromTn> Thanks bud.. You got any idea when you want to come over again?
[11:31:18] <Connor> Not just yet.. This weekend is spent because of Valentines and Wif'es moms bday.. Not sure If I have to travel out of town next weekend or not..
[11:32:01] <jdh> Valentines
[11:32:31] <jdh> guess it supports 'the economy'
[11:33:11] <Connor> cradek: I know it can be done.. How to enable linuxcnc to display files with .txt or .gc instead of just .ngc ? Something in the [FILTER] section
[11:34:44] <jthornton> its in the manual
[11:35:42] <Connor> I found the filter section, but that talks about external programs.. we just want Axis to see .nc and .txt files along with .ngc
[11:36:04] <Connor> without having to change the open all
[11:37:33] <jthornton> If your post processor outputs files in all caps you might want to add the following line:
[11:37:33] <jthornton> PROGRAM_EXTENSION = .NGC XYZ Post Processor
[11:40:35] <PetefromTn> nah it doesn't
[11:41:19] <jthornton> it?
[11:42:51] <PetefromTn> they are not all caps.
[11:43:12] <jthornton> that is a quote from the manual
[11:46:12] * jthornton feels a communication confusion in progress
[11:47:31] <skunkworks> But the yellow!
[11:48:01] <Connor> Pete. Try adding this line.. PROGRAM_EXTENSION = .nc, .txt in the [FILTER] section of your INI
[11:48:21] <Connor> PROGRAM_EXTENSION = .nc,.txt
[11:48:30] <jthornton> yep
[11:49:12] <Connor> then restart linuxcnc again.. it then should look for .ngc, .nc and .txt files ..
[11:49:20] <Connor> plus images and .py
[11:50:10] <PetefromTn> standby.
[11:50:29] <archivist> you man
[11:50:33] <archivist> your
[11:52:20] <PetefromTn> There is already two Program extension lines one for .pmg,.gif,.jpg and another for .py so I will add another below it for these file types correct.
[11:52:29] <Connor> yea
[12:00:34] <PetefromTn> Thanks Connor it is workign well now.
[12:08:17] <Connor> PetefromTn: Good Deal.
[12:10:21] <Loetmichel> *gnah* tehre are tings that will take a while... just teached the boss how to shut down the CNC mill... in about 2 hrs... and then gone home
[12:10:28] <Loetmichel> -> http://www.cyrom.org/palbum/main.php?g2_itemId=14685&g2_imageViewsIndex=1
[12:10:57] <Loetmichel> 6600 drills 3mm, 5mm deep in PVC... years lateter... ;)
[12:11:42] <Loetmichel> ... and tomorrow morning: another 6600 drills with 0,5mm 8mm deep... ;-)
[12:12:14] <Connor> why 2 ops ?
[12:12:53] <IchGuckLive> hi all B)
[12:13:00] <archivist> no tool changer
[12:13:02] <Loetmichel> Connor: because the machine has no tool changer.. and i am to lazy to write 2 programs
[12:13:19] <Loetmichel> so i will recicyle the program for the 3mm tomorry and simply put z 4mm deeper
[12:13:33] <Connor> You just having to make larger and deeper ?
[12:13:48] <Connor> and first op is index hole ?
[12:13:56] <Loetmichel> hmm?
[12:13:58] <Loetmichel> no
[12:14:01] <Loetmichel> vacuum table
[12:14:06] <Connor> or different table ?
[12:14:35] <Loetmichel> so: 3mm wide, 5mm deep for area, then 0,5mm 8mm deep (thru)= for less loss if open
[12:14:52] <Loetmichel> in each 3mm hole
[12:15:14] <Loetmichel> inside it looks like that: http://www.cyrom.org/palbum/main.php?g2_itemId=14682&g2_imageViewsIndex=1
[12:15:31] <Loetmichel> (without the 8mm thick PVC surface plate)
[12:15:33] <IchGuckLive> ready made vacuum tables are so cheep with all the rubber mates yu can mill on
[12:16:29] <Loetmichel> IchGuckLive: and have aluminium surface plates
[12:16:35] <Loetmichel> and the wrong hole distance
[12:16:45] <CaptHindsight> IchGuckLive: where do you find your low cost vacuum tables? DIY?
[12:16:49] <Loetmichel> and are bent beyond recognition
[12:17:13] <Loetmichel> CaptHindsight: http://www.ebay.de/itm/Vakuumtisch-VT6040ST-Aufspannplatte-Spannsystem-fur-Maschinentisch-CNC-Frase-/200702598435
[12:17:16] <Loetmichel> for example
[12:18:26] <IchGuckLive> CaptHindsight: http://www.ebay.com/bhp/cnc-vacuum-table
[12:18:32] <IchGuckLive> 89USD
[12:19:05] <IchGuckLive> this includes 3pice of rubber mate to mill on about 0.5mm thick
[12:19:31] <CaptHindsight> IchGuckLive: can they be stitched together to make larger 1m x 2m?
[12:20:19] <CaptHindsight> http://www.ebay.com/itm/Vacuum-table-VT2525-CNC-CHUCK-Engraving-or-Milling-/271297358872 3 sides anyway
[12:20:56] <IchGuckLive> look at the shop he got plenty of stuff
[12:21:21] <CaptHindsight> http://www.ebay.com/itm/280801860523 US $1,189.00 48inches by 24inches
[12:21:32] <IchGuckLive> Loetmichel: der typ ist aus frankfurt
[12:21:47] <Loetmichel> IchGuckLive: so what?
[12:22:04] <IchGuckLive> somthing off for direct buy
[12:22:52] <PetefromTn> http://imagebin.org/292784 Much better... still some chatter in the corners but that is okay for what I am gonna do with this.
[12:23:54] <IchGuckLive> PetefromTn: go profiling ypourself on that poice
[12:23:59] <CaptHindsight> Wenn ist das Nunstruck git und Slotermeyer? Ja! ... Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput!
[12:24:17] <PetefromTn> IchGuckLive: huh?
[12:24:37] <IchGuckLive> industiul parts on good pricing
[12:25:03] <IchGuckLive> CaptHindsight: nice trunslating
[12:25:21] <CaptHindsight> IchGuckLive: it's a direct python quote
[12:25:36] <CaptHindsight> http://www.montypython.net/scripts/funniest.php
[12:25:58] <CaptHindsight> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gpjk_MaCGM
[12:27:48] <Connor> Looking better PetefromTn
[12:28:08] <Connor> How THIN does that get turned down to ?
[12:29:13] <Loetmichel> CaptHindsight: why are you not dead?
[12:29:45] <Loetmichel> wasnt that the "weapon of mass destrucktion" from Monty phytons flying circus?
[12:29:45] <CaptHindsight> I print replacement organs as they fail
[12:29:59] <PetefromTn> it actually gets machined with profiles from both sides to have sort of a z effect and the webbing remaining is maybe .3 or so thick depending on how I approach it. It is all hand work on the lathe from there so no CNC to determine the exact setup. It is completely aesthetic other than the diameter and the mounting.
[12:30:05] <CaptHindsight> worlds deadliest joke
[12:32:13] <PetefromTn> At some point I would love to be able to set it up for 3d work in the mill to at least relieve the majority of the material if not finish it completely.
[12:34:26] <Connor> PetefromTn: Too bad you cant cut it in half so you could make 2 of them.
[12:36:27] <PetefromTn> actually it needs to be nearly this thick on the outside edge it gets relieved in the middle for clearances... so even if I could it would not help me.
[12:36:44] <Connor> Oh. okay
[13:19:21] <IchGuckLive> zeeshan: more canadian medals today
[13:24:45] <PetefromTn> Okay folks ready for another stupid question? I am trying to pickup a hole center here and I am gonna use my Edge finder manually. I will locate the side and then I want to set zero on that and then traverse across to the other side of the hole to find the diameter and come back half. Is there a way to zero your DRO without assigning another fixture offset like G56 to it or something?
[13:26:58] <IchGuckLive> you need to zere there where you woudt like to start your G-code
[13:27:04] <IchGuckLive> on that zero mark
[13:27:49] <PetefromTn> I don't want to start G-code I am trying to locate a fixture I already machined.
[13:27:50] <IchGuckLive> or are you just messuring the hole center position
[13:28:01] <PetefromTn> yes.
[13:28:55] <IchGuckLive> oh someone wrote a hole center position finder pyvcp towards given corrdinate system some time ago
[13:29:20] <IchGuckLive> its a add on towards DRO bar
[13:30:32] <IchGuckLive> but you can do it also by your calculator
[13:30:53] <PetefromTn> yeah I don't need any sort of automated setup I just want to set a zero on one side then traverse across to measure the other side so I can find the middle.
[13:31:19] <IchGuckLive> you dont need zero
[13:31:34] <IchGuckLive> go X+ get it inside calculator
[13:31:39] <PetefromTn> yeah well it would make it easier..
[13:31:48] <IchGuckLive> go x-
[13:31:50] <awallin> there's G92, but the use of proper fixture-coordinates is encouraged... at least for cnc
[13:32:11] <PetefromTn> whats improper about trying to find the center of a hole?
[13:32:45] <IchGuckLive> if you not want to move any zero its tha calculater methot
[13:33:04] <awallin> well some people might not encourage the use of g92 in g-code programs
[13:33:39] <awallin> "G92 makes the current point have the coordinates you want (without motion)"
[13:33:45] <awallin> http://linuxcnc.org/docs/html/gcode/gcode.html#sec:G92
[13:33:48] <PetefromTn> So as a temporary way to find a fixture location say I have not machined that part in a couple months but I need to setup again on it I can use G92 to do that...
[13:34:03] <IchGuckLive> X+ in calculater and memory of calculator ,, then X- from X+ ,,,EQ Div 2 ,,, Memory - eQ = X hole middle
[13:34:54] <PetefromTn> IchGuckLive: Thanks man I know how to use a calculator..
[13:35:39] <IchGuckLive> O.O i whars not shure about it ;-)
[13:36:23] <IchGuckLive> ok im off BYE may olympia be with you O.O
[13:36:26] <PetefromTn> ;)
[13:37:23] <PetefromTn> awallin: What does the without motion mean exactly does it mean it is just for what I am wanting to do measurement with no G-code?
[13:44:30] <JT-Shop> it means no movement takes place as a result of G92
[13:45:59] <PetefromTn> so I can indeed use the G92 the way I am wanting to temporarily locate a point then.
[13:49:45] <JT-Shop> yea, just don't forget to undo your G92 or you will get a surprise next time you run something
[13:50:49] <JT-Shop> I use G92 to touch off my Z on my plasma
[13:51:39] <PetefromTn> yeah I just need to find the center of this fixture because I don't want to machine some new jaws here I already machined them to fit the part the other day but screwed up on the offset save.
[13:53:03] <JT-Shop> what does the fixture look like?
[13:53:19] <PetefromTn> nothing fancy just a big circle machined into my sac jaws...
[13:54:00] <JT-Shop> you need a probe :) but you can find it with an edge finder
[13:54:17] <PetefromTn> Oh yeah man a probe would be awesome...
[13:54:19] <JT-Shop> jaws move when you install them...
[13:54:42] <JT-Shop> I plan on making one, I have full 3-d model of a famous one
[13:55:48] <PetefromTn> LOL make me one too!
[14:03:17] <JT-Shop> a cad drawing?
[14:04:11] <PetefromTn> hehe I I'd settle for that. I gotta go pickup my kids be back in a sec.
[14:13:20] <Einar_Shop> I get this msg: halscope: config file 'autosave.halscope' could not be opened. Where is that file supposed to be?
[14:13:30] <Einar_Shop> The msg comes when closing.
[14:14:51] <JT-Shop> how are you running halscope?
[14:16:02] <Einar_Shop> Open it from Axis.
[14:16:26] <JT-Shop> halscope should save the file in your config directory
[14:16:41] <JT-Shop> is the directory read only?
[14:17:58] <Einar_Shop> Not for user.
[14:18:31] <JT-Shop> are you running 2.5 installed from the liveCD?
[14:19:48] <Einar_Shop> No. It's 2.6.0~pre That's what it says on startup.
[14:21:15] <Einar_Shop> Think I found it. If I close scope before linuxcnc the error is not there it seems.
[14:21:41] <Einar_Shop> So "automatic" closing seems not to be proper?
[14:22:54] <JT-Shop> dunno, I always close halscope first
[14:23:39] <JT-Shop> probably gets the path from the environment variable that Axis has...
[14:24:39] <Einar_Shop> Yes now it comes up with same channels as when closing. So closing via Axis interface is not the right way!
[14:30:18] * JT-Shop tries to remember why he wanted to go to town today...
[14:30:39] <Connor> and why did JT-Shop want to go to town ?
[14:35:45] <PetefromTn> Jt shop went to town to get a pack of beef jerky and a root beer so he can come back here and help me sort out this damn Toolchanger LOL
[14:49:02] <PetefromTn> Managed to pickup that fixture pretty damn close but I am gonna remachine it anyways so it is correct for sure. Then I can machine the other side of the part finally.
[14:51:14] * JT-Shop makes his own beef jerky
[14:53:50] <PetefromTn> NICE man what kind do you make?
[14:54:00] <PetefromTn> venison?
[14:55:26] <JT-Shop> both
[14:55:43] <JT-Shop> http://gnipsel.com/recipes/recipes.html
[14:55:48] <PetefromTn> Hot?
[14:56:25] <JT-Shop> it can be just depends on how much peppers and hot sauce I use
[14:56:54] <PetefromTn> Jeez man you are a renaissance man between CNC and cooking and all the other stuff you do I need to step up my game here LOL
[14:57:41] <JT-Shop> the venison jerky mix does not taste good with beef and same for the beef jerky mix doesn't do well with venison
[14:57:50] <JT-Shop> lol
[15:00:01] <JT-Shop> PetefromTn, do you have SolidWorks?
[15:00:22] <PetefromTn> Hell no man I can barely afford CamBam hehe
[15:02:51] <PetefromTn_> what the heck happened to my internet LOL
[15:13:22] <PetefromTn> WTF?
[15:18:04] <Deejay> you got hacked
[15:18:15] <Deejay> ;-)
[15:22:10] <PetefromTn> was it you hehe
[15:30:06] <PetefromTn> Okay sports fans finally machining the other side of this thing...LOL
[15:30:41] <Connor> don't fck it up. :)
[15:37:07] <PetefromTn> Tryin' not to man...
[15:41:26] <Loetmichel> same thing you Fu'ed yesterday?
[15:41:32] <Loetmichel> or was it last week?
[15:42:45] <PetefromTn> http://imagebin.org/292816 SUCCESS!! now it is ready to hit the lathe...
[15:43:49] <JT-Shop> what does it do?
[15:44:07] <jdh> scope wheel?
[15:44:13] <PetefromTn> look pretty LOL
[15:45:45] <jdh> the holes in the outer part look kind of funky
[15:47:36] <PetefromTn> they look funky because they are going to get machined in the lathe and you will be able to see the final look then. They are correct as they are machined.
[15:48:13] <jdh> what tooling did you cut the groove things with?
[15:48:32] <scottcnc> its boring holes to the center of the earth
[15:49:20] <Loetmichel> that looks like it could be a motorcycle rim if done ;-)
[15:50:01] <PetefromTn> just a 2 flute ball endmill
[15:50:40] <jdh> http://www.gunmart.net/images/content/accessories_reviews/4020/5.jpg
[15:50:45] <PetefromTn> man that default to G54 almost got me again. I need an indicator to tell me which system it is in.
[15:50:56] <JT-Shop> PetefromTn, did you know you can get a free Solidworks Viewer?
[15:51:04] <scottcnc> what are those spherical holes for?
[15:51:23] <PetefromTn> jdh: yeah man that is sorta what I am making only fancier..
[15:51:25] <scottcnc> does this thing rotate
[15:51:46] <PetefromTn> yeah.
[15:52:57] <jdh> that's a lot of metal. going to thin the inside?
[15:54:08] <PetefromTn> yeah man I have made a whole bunch of these for shooters around the world but I always did it manually... now I am going to use the VMC if I can figure the damn thing out. I also have some other products I am working on.
[15:54:56] <jdh> can't you do most of the lathe work on the mill?
[15:55:22] <CaptHindsight> ah a digital pellet gun recoiless rewinder knob
[15:55:46] <CaptHindsight> left handed at that
[15:55:47] <PetefromTn> Can I? No can you do it on the mill....yeah LOL
[15:56:12] <jdh> you can remove most of the excess material on the mill, but better finish on the lathe?
[15:56:13] <PetefromTn> I just don't have the 3d skills yet for that but I am working on it.
[15:57:03] <PetefromTn> That is the next step actually. these wheels are spoken for and with all this problems I have been having they are late already so once I get these hand finished I will start trying to finish them more in the mill.
[15:58:14] <jdh> groovy
[15:59:15] <jdh> now you need a cnc turning center
[15:59:25] <jdh> you could make them out of large bar stock.
[16:02:18] <PetefromTn> yeah man I hear you. Once I get this machine running completely with the toolchanger I plan to sell my manual lathe and try to buy a used CNC slantbed lathe and retrofit it as well...
[16:19:24] <Deejay> gn8
[16:34:39] <lirtex> Hi, I have a question regarding spindle speed control, and spindle direction control. I've setup my hal file according to http://linuxcnc.org/docs/html/examples/spindle.html#_pwm_spindle_speed\
[16:36:04] <lirtex> I can indeed switch between forward and reverse, and can control the speed with the '+' and '-' buttons. However, there is a very strange phenomenon - when the spindle is reversed, + decreeses the speed, and - increases the speed
[16:36:24] <lirtex> Do you have any idea what may be causing that?
[16:38:23] <JT-Shop> + moves the speed toward more positive so decreases speed
[16:38:59] <JT-Shop> do you normally use the manual controls for your spindle?
[16:39:05] <lirtex> but why does it behave differently according to the spindle direction?
[16:39:24] <lirtex> speed is a scalar measured in RPMs
[16:39:43] <PCW> spindle speed is signed
[16:40:21] <lirtex> I see... so what should I do if my VFD accepts 0 to 5 volts?
[16:40:27] <lirtex> (no negatives)
[16:40:43] <JT-Shop> abs component
[16:40:50] <PCW> apply the + and - to the unsigned number
[16:41:31] <PCW> (which you create with abs component)
[16:41:53] <Einar_Shop> I just fixed same problem on mine 5 min. ago. What hardware do you have lirtex?
[16:42:04] <PCW> then + will mean faster independent of direction
[16:42:15] <lirtex> Einar_Shop: Gecko g540
[16:42:40] <Einar_Shop> I have Pico Systems USC and DAC, and moving jumpers fixed it.
[16:43:08] <lirtex> PCW: Great, just read about abs and it seems like it's the right way to fix it.
[16:43:11] <lirtex> Thank you all!
[16:43:25] <lirtex> I'll go and try it now.
[17:22:42] <JT-Shop> LOL the Cuban pig cooker has white wall tires
[17:33:20] <PetefromTn> JT-Shop: Hey man you smokin' the wacky week over there?
[17:46:52] <JT-Shop> wife bought a whole pig cooker from an outfit in Miami
[17:47:22] <JT-Shop> she is Puerto Rican...
[17:48:45] <andypugh> Seems like a non-sequiter
[17:59:18] <PetefromTn> I built a pig cooker for a customer locally a couple months ago and he invited me over to the first pig roast. It was lots of fun and some damn good food!
[18:00:28] <JT-Shop> what me being born on King Salmon?
[18:14:11] <jdh> I like pigs
[18:15:01] <JT-Shop> PetefromTn, do you have a photo of the cooker you made?
[18:15:05] <jdh> http://tinyurl.com/qzvuqw9
[18:15:16] <jdh> I want to make one of those red stands, but I don't have that much travel
[18:23:39] <andypugh> jdh: make the long part in two halves. In fact make a virtue out of necessity and make the join in the middle a hinge so that it can collapse for storage when the "thing on top" isn't there.
[18:24:41] <jdh> it needs to be rigid
[18:25:10] <jdh> or, at least too rigid for a hinge.
[18:25:13] <andypugh> Can't it borrow rigidity from the thing it is suporting?
[18:25:30] <jdh> if it were held on my more than a flimsy bungie
[18:25:33] <jdh> by more
[18:25:58] <jdh> the handle part isn't really touching the scooter
[18:26:32] <andypugh> Well, if you can't make it in one piece and can't have a joint then you can't make it..
[18:26:40] <jdh> nice idea though, with more hinges it could be collapsible
[18:26:51] <jdh> well, I could buy a bigger router
[18:27:39] <andypugh> What they do at work when making large car parts on the 3D printer (and I have seen a whole front axle assembly for a Transt van) is to make jigsaw-style connections and glue them.
[18:28:04] <jdh> that would probably work. or a lap joint
[18:28:46] <jdh> or replace the long flat part with pvc pipe
[18:29:00] <JT-Shop> or make half then move it over to make the other half
[18:29:14] <JT-Shop> I've done that on parts too long to fit my mill
[18:29:27] <jdh> that might work. Or I can just buy a bigger router.
[18:29:35] <JT-Shop> that too
[18:30:03] <andypugh> I get the feeling that the only solution that will make you happy is to buy a bigger router :-)
[18:30:11] <jdh> ok.
[18:30:31] <jdh> that's an $8,000 scooter sitting on top of it.
[18:30:47] <owhite> hello people. I have a x-y table run with geckos going to a mesa 5i20. I've tried using gmoccapy and axis GUIs, and in both cases when I load up a .ngc file and let it run for a while g-code execution hangs. I'm not seeing anything in dmesg, and nothing is coming out on stderr. Any suggestions for where I could start debugging?
[18:31:24] <andypugh> I need a 40" x 12" high-grade surface plate, but it needs to be very cheap and I need to be able to lift it. I suspect I have a number of mutually incompatible requirements there.
[18:31:36] <jdh> yeah, the lift part.
[18:31:52] <jdh> owhite: does it stop in the same place?
[18:32:30] <owhite> no. It doesnt appear to be associated with a particular file. I used a file in examples, and it hangs up arbitrarily in the code, as well as my own gcode files.
[18:32:49] <owhite> if I re-run, it will hang up at other lines than before.
[18:33:12] <andypugh> can you see hm2_5i20.0.watchdog-has-bit ?
[18:33:24] <owhite> yes, hang on.
[18:33:31] <jdh> does that not trigger a fault?
[18:33:43] <andypugh> I would expect an f-error at the very least.
[18:33:56] <andypugh> But it's worth a look.
[18:33:59] <owhite> it is false.
[18:34:10] <owhite> which sounds bad.
[18:34:16] <andypugh> No, that's good.
[18:34:43] <owhite> k. what to do? should I apply jumper cables to the m5i20?
[18:35:06] <andypugh> That means that the realtime system is still running so it does appear to be purely an interp problem.
[18:35:42] <owhite> i have a hal file that does addf hm2_5i20.0.pet_watchdog servo-thread
[18:36:13] <andypugh> owhite: what is the status of the feedhold pin? If that is linked to an IO pin, but the IO pin is floating then you may get what you are seeing.
[18:36:31] <owhite> is feedhold on the mesa board?
[18:37:04] <andypugh> owhite: Yes, and if the watchdog hasn't bit then it means that the petting isn't glitching, so the realtime threads are good.
[18:37:11] <owhite> halcmd show pin | grep feedhold gives no output.
[18:37:16] <andypugh> Feedhold is a HAL pin
[18:37:25] <jdh> grep -i ?
[18:37:42] <owhite> -i, I dont get any output.
[18:38:02] <andypugh> feed-hold
[18:38:08] <owhite> hang on.
[18:38:35] <owhite> motion.feed-hold is false.
[18:38:57] <andypugh> OK, I am out of easy ideas.
[18:39:05] <jdh> it isn't just paused in axis?
[18:39:33] <owhite> yeah so I'm confused. axis goes into a state that it doesnt seem like it lets me bounce the machine on/off and reset.
[18:39:46] <owhite> which I think I've been able to do before.
[18:40:11] <andypugh> That sounds inconvenient
[18:40:33] <jdh> stock linuxcnc install or somethign new?
[18:40:38] <owhite> well my point is it behaves differently than a pause.
[18:40:47] <andypugh> 'Fraid I need to log off. Good luck.
[18:40:57] <owhite> hm. how to answer that. I think for the most part it is stock.
[18:41:05] <jdh> heh.
[18:41:28] <jdh> I would think you need cradek or someone with his knowledge.
[18:41:29] <RyanS> If I am foolish enough to mill with a drill press (I am), which is the one I should never do conventional or climb? Someone mentioned it here
[18:41:40] <jdh> conventional
[18:41:58] <jdh> you need rigidity for climb
[18:42:30] <RyanS> right.. dont climb
[18:42:46] <owhite> does anyone know of ways to test if the watchdog is getting pet properly?
[18:43:01] <jdh> if it weren't, it would have been true
[18:43:03] <jdh> (bitten)
[18:43:14] <owhite> ok.
[18:43:27] <owhite> crap - why isnt there any type of error output?
[18:44:08] <jdh> that is odd. but since it is in axis and that other thing, I would guess it is something in the interpreter and that is not a normal problem for a plain install.
[18:44:34] <RyanS> wtf.. Don't do it on a bridgeport either . According to this video
[18:47:10] <PCW> There is a notifier if the watchdog bites
[18:47:29] <Tom_itx> teeth marks?
[18:47:32] <owhite> thanks.
[18:47:38] <PCW> (assuming the UI hasn't hung)
[18:47:51] <jdh> heh
[18:48:20] <owhite> so it looks like I can get control of the UI back if I type $ setp halui.program.stop true
[18:48:56] <owhite> so it hangs, doesnt want to execute the gcodes, and doesnt let the UI set program.stop to true.
[18:54:49] <owhite> let me go bug the guys in linuxcnc-devel.
[18:58:43] <RyanS> Okay, I don't get why climb produces more load... Is it because the tooth cuts down into the metal rather than from underneath? http://robbjack.com/technical/general/tech-milling.png
[18:59:21] <RyanS> 'bites' in more?
[19:06:15] <owhite> hoo boy well that didnt work.
[19:08:24] <PCW> sounds like the UI hangs, any fancy UI gimcracks added?
[19:09:50] <owhite> well, that's a thought. There are some glade UI components loaded in.
[19:10:29] <owhite> let me see what happens if I use a more 'native' instance of axis.
[19:12:11] <PetefromTn> RyanS: Climb milling does not really produce more load that is a factor of the depth of cut and engagement. What climb milling does is have a tendency to PULL the workpiece along with it like a cars tire pushing against the road. SO if you have a less than rigid setup it can really grab the work and pull it along maybe even taking it out of your fixture or rotating the head at least making the finish look like crap and real
[19:12:11] <PetefromTn> warbly looking.
[19:12:52] <Tom_itx> look at how the cutter approaces the work
[19:12:55] <PCW> is that a technical term?
[19:13:00] <Tom_itx> it takes more energy
[19:13:28] <PetefromTn> JT-Shop: Sorry man my wife came home from work and we were eating dinner and talking so I missed your message.
[19:14:05] <PetefromTn> The Pig Roaster I built was basically going to be put atop a large concrete and brick permanent grill setup the customer was building.
[19:14:49] <PetefromTn> SO all I did was build a very large steel grate system with big handles enought to allow a couple strapping boys to lift a fullsized pig and all the trimmings out of the base.
[19:15:53] <PetefromTn> Then I had to build a large lid with dual doors and smoke stacks that was large enough to swallow the whole thing yet light enough that you could lift it with just one guy and it has built in prop rods.
[19:17:16] <PetefromTn> Unfortunately when I went to visit them and enjoy the first pig roast they had only just stacked the concrete blocks together to make the base it was not cemented in nor was the brick done so it just looked like a big stack of concrete cinder blocks with a lid on it. Nothing too impressive but I have some pics somewhere if you guys want to see it.
[19:18:31] <PetefromTn> The lid is just like a mondo oversized gas grill lid that the guy was going to get powdercoated or something.
[19:18:49] <PetefromTn> It was hinged in back just like a normal grill.
[19:22:45] <PetefromTn> Anyone got any GOOD plans for a table mounted tool probe? I was interested in the kind that looks like a mushroom hopefully with some kinda O-ring seals to keep the coolant out...
[19:26:33] <owhite> PCW - so this thing seems to be running pretty well without my glade vcp stuff loaded in - what do you figure that means - should I just not use 'em? I kind of liked those features.
[19:26:37] <PetefromTn> http://www.ebay.com/itm/CENTROID-CNC-control-Tool-Touch-Probe-for-Fagor-Fanuc-Haas-Renishaw-Alternative-/230888799271?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item35c20b7c27
[19:26:54] <PetefromTn> Something like this only without the $1300.00 price tag LOL.
[19:28:30] <owhite> and boom. it hung. trying a couple things.
[19:28:30] <PCW> owhite, not a UI guru, but maybe restore stuff a bit at a time if thats possible
[19:40:21] <owhite> adios people. Thanks for everything.
[19:51:53] <Tom_itx> https://tu-academy.csod.com/LMS/catalog/Welcome.aspx?tab_page_id=-67&tab_id=20000178
[19:56:53] <Tom_itx> introduction to ^^ : http://www.sandvik.com/en/news-and-media/news/general/get-your-drivers-licence-in-metal-cutting/
[21:09:04] <PetefromTn> Hey folks... Whaddya guys think of this one? http://www.mycncuk.com/forums/tool-tooling-technology/4670-tool-height-setting-probe-mach3-solution.html\
[21:16:32] <CaptHindsight> that link needs the \ removed
[21:20:17] <PetefromTn> oops sorry.
[21:20:30] <PetefromTn> http://www.mycncuk.com/forums/tool-tooling-technology/4670-tool-height-setting-probe-mach3-solution.html
[21:51:55] <PetefromTn> Everybody snowed in tonight its kinda slow here it seems..
[22:50:20] <tjtr33> NASA free webinar 'how to weld with handheld laser torch' from Marshall Space FLight center , need to register http://www.techbriefs.com/webinar189
[23:50:56] <uw> i like how it uses TIG welding cups