#linuxcnc | Logs for 2013-06-02

[00:17:02] <tjtr33> vismach: i got rotary axis with arbitrary 'axle' to move ( c axis is not about Z, but spins around a 'tilted Z' ) http://videobin.org/+6n4/7w5.html
[00:23:00] <tjtr33> dang got it to home :)
[02:09:22] <DJ9DJ> moinsen
[02:09:28] <DJ9DJ> good morning! :)
[04:36:36] <skroon> hi all
[04:57:45] <skroon> I was just experimenting with makign my spoilboard leveled
[04:57:50] <skroon> with wood and plastics
[04:58:03] <skroon> i'm only taking of 0.3mm but i'm seeing strange burr's
[04:58:15] <skroon> I believe the type of burr i'm getting are called 'rollovers'
[04:58:23] <skroon> does this mean I should go with a deeper cut perhaps?
[05:59:07] <jthornton> sharper cutter I'd guess
[06:06:54] <Mjolinor> stuck
[06:07:16] <Mjolinor> I musty be doing somethign stupid here. I have a machine on parallel -port 1 (the only port)
[06:07:52] <Mjolinor> it works fine. I disconnect hte cable and run Ptest and it doesnt operate the pins on the port, I am sure it used ot do and I cant remember anything I am not doing so whats my problem?
[06:08:37] <Mjolinor> I can stick the scope on , for example, pin2 and using the EMC2 can watch it change level when I move X, (pin2 is my direction pin)
[06:08:52] <Mjolinor> but looking at the same pin with Ptest doesn't do anything
[06:09:58] <skroon> jthornton: right so the tool might be dull in that case
[06:10:56] <skroon> I noticed that when i'm doing conventional milling it's less of an issue
[06:13:10] <jthornton> conventional milling will dull the cutter faster
[06:13:38] <jthornton> when I start seeing a lip curled over I know my end mill is dull
[06:16:24] <cpresser> Mjolinor: perhaps the outputs are open-collector?
[06:18:46] <skroon> jthornton: 'lip curled' good words :)
[06:18:50] <skroon> jthornton: so throw them away?
[06:20:24] <jthornton> well I do look at them with magnification on my old eyes first
[06:20:43] <skroon> i'll have to learn, how to spot dull drills
[06:21:05] <skroon> this is a 1.6mm drill, is there a way to see those with simple magnifyign glass as well?
[06:22:58] <jthornton> yes a 10x jeweler loupe works well
[06:32:28] <Mjolinor> cant be an open collector problem, I can look at hte pin when I run EMC so it must be soemthign to do with HAL or HALRUN, somethign I am not doing
[06:33:25] <Mjolinor> doesn't matter now, I am jsut trying to find the pinouts on the breakout board without having to get the datasheets for the buffers, Ill do it that way :)
[06:33:25] <cpresser> Mjolinor: ah sorry, i didnt read everything
[06:50:36] * jthornton wonders why people email with questions about LinuxCNC instead of asking on the forum
[06:51:08] <Mjolinor> or in IRC :)
[06:51:17] <jthornton> or the mailing list
[06:51:26] <Mjolinor> went through your glade tutorial, it's good
[06:51:31] <Mjolinor> but you knew that :)
[06:51:36] <jthornton> thanks
[06:51:43] <jthornton> well I hoped that anyway
[06:53:27] <Mjolinor> there are a couple of differences with newer version of glade
[06:54:10] <jthornton> yea, I'm stuck on 10.04 as long as LinuxCNC is
[07:05:16] <jthornton> I tried 12.04 once but I hated the interface
[08:13:47] <mhaberler> no, you arent, you could just as well build on mint and forget lucid
[08:14:00] <mhaberler> (with a sigh of relief ;)
[09:44:55] <andypugh> pcw_home: There is a chap on CNC zone using 7i77 with the DMM-tech drives. The input circuit is a bit funny (they have configured it so that it can work with a pot too). When the 7i77 powers off and the analogue outs become effectively OC, the drive runs at max speed. http://www.dmm-tech.com/Files/Specification_DYN2.pdf page 6.
[09:45:35] <andypugh> Is the best solution an NC relay across the pins, that LinuxCNC opens with amp-enable?
[09:46:26] <skunkworks> there isn't a drive enable?
[09:46:36] <andypugh> Not that I can see.
[09:47:19] <andypugh> The Dyn3 drive is a lot more conventional. In fact last time I looked the Dyn2 didn't offer analogue control at all.
[09:47:54] <pcw_home> sort of crazy without a drive enable
[09:48:24] <pcw_home> +-10V input?
[09:48:25] <andypugh> Cutting the track to that 4k7 looks like one plan...
[09:48:48] <andypugh> 0-5V + direction.
[09:49:10] <pcw_home> Yuck
[09:49:38] <pcw_home> It has a pullup on the input so it runs when unconnected?
[09:50:42] <andypugh> Yes. There is an input circuit picture in that link.
[09:52:41] <pcw_home> Thats terrible
[09:53:36] <pcw_home> I would punt and use in in step/dir mode, no way that can be really right
[09:54:07] <pcw_home> bbl
[09:56:34] <pcw_home> even if the runaway at power down is fixed, without a drive enable, it will always creep when powered and linuxCNC is not closing the loop = no good
[10:01:39] <andypugh> So, he needs to swap the 7i77 for a 7i76?
[10:14:34] <skunkworks> that just seems like a bad idea...
[12:18:22] <IchGuckLive> hi all B)
[12:38:52] <IchGuckLive> http://webcams.passau.de/ its wet water is rising very quick
[12:41:06] <micges> IchGuckLive: here in Poland also
[12:41:41] <IchGuckLive> micges: agree wet al over
[12:41:51] <Tom_itx> yup, they lowered the dam here to avoid flooding
[12:42:05] <Tom_itx> on the river
[12:42:13] <IchGuckLive> lowerd
[12:42:20] <Tom_itx> it's hydraulic
[12:42:44] <IchGuckLive> ah B)
[12:43:22] <IchGuckLive> http://www.hnd.bayern.de/ all red and pink
[12:44:19] <IchGuckLive> http://www.hnd.bayern.de/grafiken/grafiken_abw_neu.php?pgnr=10092000&art=W&addhr=hr_ms&days=&vhs=true&vhs_org=&vhs_last=
[12:45:08] <micges> IchGuckLive: where are you?
[12:45:19] <IchGuckLive> not there O.O
[12:45:49] <IchGuckLive> we had try and asunny wether past 2 days
[12:47:55] <IchGuckLive> today in our monthly news paper around metal working ther has been a notice about hobby cnc
[12:48:43] <IchGuckLive> if factorys want more personal they shoudt look into the hobbyForums for persons that are involved
[12:49:10] <IchGuckLive> last year about 250.000 mach licenses are sold
[12:49:55] <IchGuckLive> if you chare etch only 100USD that makes quite a big number for the russin owner
[12:50:24] <IchGuckLive> no douth why he is sitting in the philipines on his own iland
[12:50:37] <IchGuckLive> a moneymaker
[12:56:37] <IchGuckLive> im off By til tomorrow !
[13:08:00] <Sansi> hi @ll
[13:09:49] <micges> hi
[13:10:01] <Sansi> i am new hear and I'm looking for people from southern Germany who are familiar with Linux CNC
[13:10:07] <Sansi> hi micges
[13:16:14] <jthornton> Sansi, have you looked at the LinuxCNC User Map?
[13:18:45] <Sansi> jthornton: Thanks for tip because, where can I find it?
[13:18:53] <Tom_itx> is there a link to that on the site?
[13:19:15] <jthornton> linuxcnc.org left lower side of screen
[13:20:01] <jthornton> you will have to be logged in to view it
[13:22:45] <Sansi> jthornton: thx
[13:28:15] <cpresser> Sansi: see query
[13:28:40] <Tom_itx> i wonder which country has the most users
[13:29:20] <cpresser> Tom_itx: absolute or in percentage?
[13:29:42] <cpresser> and: which percentage? of inhabitants, of cnc-users, ...?
[13:32:10] <Tom_itx> inhabitants
[13:33:46] <Tom_itx> some countries aren't as industrialized as others so cnc users may not be a fair comparison
[13:33:59] <Tom_itx> but of the ones that are it would be an interesting comparison as well
[13:46:47] <DJ9DJ> namd
[16:28:24] <DJ9DJ> gn8
[16:40:56] <Mjolinor> can I get more RPS out of a stepper motor with micro stepping than with full steps?
[16:58:10] <pcw_home> Probably not unless you are losing steps because of resonance
[17:06:58] <Mjolinor> time to remove soem gering then, it's not fast enough
[17:38:01] <andypugh> Mjolinor: It might not be that simple. depending on the exact shape of the speed/torque curve you might get lower torque with lower gearing and gain enough speed to actually be faster. Or not.
[17:38:43] <Mjolinor> I dont need much torque, it is only to turn the core on a coil winder
[17:39:18] <Mjolinor> but I just looked, removing the gear is not an option as hte stepper motor diameter is greater than my headstock gear
[17:39:34] <Mjolinor> and I need a hole through the middle as it is to wind long coils on a flexible core
[17:39:56] <Mjolinor> so its looking like 33 minutes for 1000 turns, thats not exactly a produciton machine :)
[17:40:33] <Mjolinor> could go to toothed belt I suppose
[17:48:03] <Mjolinor> Enough for today, thansk for the input, back tomorrow with lots more questions to do with my HP inkjet coil winding machine :)
[19:27:24] <tjtr33> the abc arm closer again, needs scaling and armature http://videobin.org/+6n6/7w7.html
[19:27:31] <tjtr33> its half puma, half vmc :)
[19:27:32] <tjtr33> i hope to use param s in the python gui for sizes rather than all hardcoded
[20:21:39] <tjtr33> archivist, in a vismach gui, can i make a 'class' ( eg a bearing block ) and then 'instance' it several times?
[20:21:51] <tjtr33> i tried this and nothing is rendered http://pastebin.com/RsUft2Ti lines 144-158
[21:38:46] <skunkworks> tjtr33: very cool
[21:39:26] <skunkworks> I played with visimach for a little bit - then alex_joni made my puma arm so I didn't have to.
[21:39:35] <skunkworks> (another project...)
[21:41:20] <GammaX> got my shars fly cutters in... boy do they look shitty! hoping the cut better then they look!
[21:41:40] <Tom_itx> what's bad about it?
[21:41:55] <tjtr33> skunkworks, thx: i'm redoing it as 5 axis, like the dmg's i dont see how the 6th helps
[21:42:00] <GammaX> they just look realy rough! lol Almost like they have been used since the 80s
[21:42:26] <GammaX> Usually tooling is smooth, these are not.
[21:53:29] <PetefromTn> evening folks
[21:54:37] <GammaX> hey pete
[21:55:46] <PetefromTn> Hey GammaX..
[22:54:49] <Tom_itx> i forgot what dir you put the .bit files in...
[23:07:19] <GammaX> Tom_itx, do a search for .bit
[23:10:30] <Tom_itx> i figured it out
[23:20:01] <tjtr33> dang! skunk left
[23:21:24] <tjtr33> http://videobin.org/+6n8/7w9.html this is like the DMG EVO line, super hear duty single support AB ( single support but huge bearings )