#linuxcnc | Logs for 2013-02-15

[00:00:20] <Gene34> cradek: I must crash also, could you provide a link your your encoder so I can research further. Thanks!
[00:39:08] <Loetmichel> mornin'
[04:54:30] <bigvalen> http://blog.makezine.com/2013/02/14/3d-printing-revolution-the-complex-reality/ - now that's engineering
[04:55:00] <bigvalen> (it's worth mentioning that despite the name of the article, the author reckons 3D printing is much weaker than CNCs
[04:55:02] <bigvalen> )
[07:24:48] <Tom_itx> JT-Shop, you around?
[07:25:08] <Tom_itx> if you see andy, tell him i got the profile into the cad cam
[07:25:23] <Tom_itx> i just need to get the orientation right and spit out some code
[07:35:15] <jthornton> too early for him
[08:06:24] <jdh> anyone use Galil DMC boards?
[08:08:52] <skunkworks> no
[08:09:17] <skunkworks> (I have not) I think mach has a pluggin that sort of works
[08:12:37] <jdh> I think one of mine died yesterday, but it just fails to work in an odd manner.
[08:19:13] <jdh> also seems to be a rather pricey card since all we use it for is to drive one stepper
[08:25:18] <skunkworks> yeck
[08:25:32] <JT-Shop> Tom_itx: am now
[08:49:07] <JT-Shop> I had a conversation with a Galil guy that claimed they are the best but the only way to use them is to transmit a 2 letter menomic code line by line
[08:49:24] <JT-Shop> kinda wierd I thought for a CNC application using G code
[08:59:35] <skunkworks> I talked to a guy at one of the cnc fest that had a lathe converted to galil with mach. He could not thread.
[08:59:51] <jdh> that's true of most mach isn't it.
[09:04:23] <skunkworks> he was a nice guy - I think he one a printer port mesa card at the raffle. We bought some servos and a puma robot arm from him.
[09:04:30] <skunkworks> won
[09:06:46] <JT-Shop> the guy I was talking to kept saying how easy it is to run with a script of some kind in basic or something like that
[09:09:40] <skunkworks> yeck.
[09:10:09] <jdh> I would probably like that.
[09:10:18] <jdh> but, not enough to use windows.
[09:10:51] <jdh> my galil cards are in XP boxes though. This one, the card shows up, the Galil SW can 'register' it, but when it trys to talk to it it hangs up.
[09:12:13] <skunkworks> Have you looked at ebay?
[09:12:57] <jdh> it's for work. I'll just order two from whomever the distributor is.
[09:13:56] <skunkworks> http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_odkw=dnc+galil&_osacat=0&_from=R40&_trksid=p2045573.m570.l1313&_nkw=dmc+galil&_sacat=0
[09:17:05] <skunkworks> we have a galil motion control in one of our automated screen shooting machines
[09:17:24] <skunkworks> It is funny the amps say galil but they are just re-branded amc drives
[09:18:35] <skunkworks> we had one of the amps go out - and the maintenence guy brought it to me - I pulled one out of my desk that I had bought off of ebay for my own use. ;)
[09:42:50] <pcw_home> Hmm this email from the IRS seems to have come from Paris...
[09:43:18] <jdh> I could save us a lot of cash if our sourcing people would buy things off eBay/etc.
[09:46:08] <JT-Shop> that's a new scam?
[09:46:41] <jdh> not so new
[09:50:10] <L84Supper> maybe the IRS is outsourcing its collections? :)
[09:53:05] <pcw_home> Sometimes I get a morbid interest in spam that gets through spamassasin
[09:53:06] <JT-Shop> lol
[09:53:23] <TekniQue> I haven't used spamassasin in years
[09:53:43] <TekniQue> it was a lost battle
[09:54:01] <pcw_home> Seems to get about 99.9% of our spam
[09:54:08] <FinboySlick> pcw_home: You a memeber of 419 Eater?
[09:54:18] <FinboySlick> It's an entertaining sport.
[09:54:21] <jdh> my normal email goes through a box with spamassassin then gets forwarded to gmail
[09:54:39] <jdh> I see maybe 3-4 spams a month
[09:55:01] <pcw_home> I think Spamassasin uses most of our servers cycles...
[09:55:12] <jdh> if that... when I do check my spam folders, I often find things that while technically are not spam, I have no interest in reading.
[10:07:23] <tjb1> http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2013/02/15/russia-meteorite/1921991/
[10:13:23] <bigvalen> tjb1, http://zyalt.livejournal.com/722930.html has more photos.
[10:14:57] * archivist giggles at http://cs6081.userapi.com/v6081385/508f/hhp8_8Hlg7g.jpg
[10:15:56] <bigvalen> That was my favourite too
[10:16:45] <bigvalen> Oh. Probably you guys are bored of this now. But...for CNC use, what's the best 3D package to invest time & money in for hobbists who expect to invest a lot of time ?
[10:16:55] * bigvalen is considering Rhino, but $999 is .. plenty.
[10:17:16] <bigvalen> I've been working with Inkscape & Eagle's GCode plugins for the moment
[10:21:19] <ReadError> for doing toolpaths or design?
[10:27:35] <cpresser_> does anyone know a material which is 1. opaque 2. easy to lasercut 3. thin (up to 1.5mm / 1/16in)?
[10:29:14] <archivist> steel
[10:30:50] <cpresser_> 2. easy to lasercut with a 80W Co2 laser :)
[10:31:07] <cradek> paper
[10:31:31] <cradek> denim
[10:31:39] <jdh> sometimes, asking the question is harder than you think.
[10:31:40] <cradek> I think there are not enough constraints here :-)
[10:32:11] <cpresser_> 4. constaint: durable and not to flexible
[10:32:30] <cpresser_> its going to be used to mask of illuminated acrylic
[10:32:48] <cpresser_> eg, i want to cut a negative of a flower int 'that material' and put it on top of the acrylic
[10:32:49] <jdh> black HDPE?
[10:33:47] <cpresser_> does PE melt reasonably well when laser-cutting?
[10:34:14] <jdh> dunno, probably not.
[10:34:51] <cpresser_> but the basic idea is good, i should start to check out varius polymers
[10:35:19] <jdh> hero3 comes with the right lens doesn't it?
[10:35:20] <cpresser_> i think ABS might be an option. just need to find a supplier for 1mm ABS sheets
[10:39:37] <jdh> will it melt back together after the cut?
[10:40:25] <DJ9DJ> namd
[10:43:04] <JT-Shop> skin
[10:44:25] <cpresser_> skin?
[10:45:26] <jdh> not so opaque
[11:38:21] <Loetmichel> re @ home
[12:05:54] <jthornton> I think I'll go take a nap that usually makes the UPS man appear as if by magic
[12:06:34] <pcw_home> Thats nice, when I take a nap all that shows up is more work
[12:06:37] <jdh> I'm waiting on a SmartPost(tm) shipment. Should be here any week.
[12:07:40] <jthornton> that's encouraging for sure...
[12:08:33] * jthornton goes to test the nap theory out
[12:15:30] <Tecan> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odcwWLtP6BM does this video hurt your eyes too ?
[12:16:22] <Tecan> its giving me a headache actually
[12:27:03] <Tom_itx> andypugh i managed to get the profiles in the cad cam. just need to get them oriented right and spit out some code for ya
[12:29:37] <andypugh> Thanks. I am starting to feel guilty about the effort this is taking :-(
[12:30:43] <Tecan> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yh4pPdkrlqw You Might Be A Redneck If......Part 1 of 14
[12:31:27] <Tom_itx> andypugh, i've been wanting to figure out the lathe package anyway. just gives me an excuse to do it
[12:31:47] <andypugh> Nice attempt to assuage my guilt :-)
[12:32:12] <Tom_itx> you'll have to massage the gcode anyway as i don't have a proven post for it
[12:32:19] <Tom_itx> just some generic ones
[12:34:56] <Tom_itx> looks like the gcode posts positive instead of negative z so i'll have to fix that
[13:20:18] <Tom_itx> andypugh, are you near your machine?
[13:20:21] <skunkworks> pcw, Yay - ethernet solution!!
[13:22:12] <Connor> skunkworks: ?
[13:22:31] <skunkworks> Connor, your on the email list - right?
[13:22:40] <Connor> which one ?
[13:22:44] <skunkworks> emc-users
[13:22:46] <Connor> yea.
[13:22:59] <skunkworks> the last email from michal
[13:23:02] <Connor> just joined a few days ago to follow the Arrow 500 thread
[13:24:25] <Connor> looking..
[13:24:58] <Connor> not seeing it.. let me look on the archive...
[13:25:08] <skunkworks> are you billy?
[13:25:12] <Connor> yes
[13:25:15] <Connor> :)
[13:27:02] <Connor> Not sure why it didn't come through.. I see it in the archive.. let me check my spam folder...
[13:28:56] <Connor> Nope. not in the junk folder either.. strange....
[13:28:59] <Connor> Oh Well.
[13:32:41] <Connor> So, ethernet support coming for MESA stuff..
[13:32:43] <Connor> cool
[13:32:52] <skunkworks> pete seems excited about his conversion :)
[13:32:58] <Connor> Yup.
[13:33:27] <Connor> He's a little all over the board on the e-stop and limits.. I think he needs to just take a deep breath.. and we'll sort it out..
[13:33:47] <skunkworks> heh
[13:37:46] <Connor> You used a saw blade for the disks?
[13:38:18] <skunkworks> yes
[13:38:40] <skunkworks> it was only 1 stage as the other end was also a joint
[13:38:51] <Connor> How much off set can it handle ?
[13:39:30] <skunkworks> it was suprisingly flexable - but the thing is pretty dead on axially. We just could not get it perfect for a solid coupling
[13:40:02] <Connor> I still think Olham couplers would be fine for him..
[13:40:05] <Connor> but, it's his machine..
[13:43:52] <Connor> Why sawblades ?
[13:44:49] <andypugh> Tom_itx: I was. Which means I was a long way from the PC :-)
[13:45:17] <skunkworks> Connor, because they are made to be a bit flexible
[13:45:26] <andypugh> Hacksaw blade or wood saw blade?
[13:45:50] <andypugh> A wood saw is nicely tempered carbon steel, seems like a good choice.
[13:45:53] <archivist> circular saw blade
[13:47:47] <skunkworks> http://electronicsam.com/images/KandT/conversion/yaxis/flexplate.jpg
[13:47:55] <skunkworks> for
[13:48:06] <skunkworks> http://electronicsam.com/images/KandT/conversion/yaxis/adaptfinal1.JPG
[13:48:22] <JT-Shop> cool
[14:05:53] <L84Supper> http://www.harborfreight.com/electric-die-grinder-with-long-shaft-44141.html anyone try this one yet? Are the bearings good enough to last for >100 hours of use?
[14:13:45] <andypugh> Bearings can always be changed
[14:21:16] <andypugh> My dividing head gets stiff to turn the worm of before all the backlash has gone. I wonder if that means that the worm thread depth is more than the wheel tooth depth?
[14:25:32] <Tom_itx> andypugh, i have a file with a single pass for you to see if it's ok or not before i post one with all the cuts
[14:26:18] <Tom_itx> there's something wierd about the post i used though, you will need to edit the tool numbers
[14:26:58] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/emc/andyp/
[14:28:32] <skunkworks> andypugh, that would be my thought...
[14:41:21] <andypugh> Tom_itx: Rather annoyingly, it gives radius errors
[14:42:19] <andypugh> Possibly a radius-mode thing
[14:42:34] <Tom_itx> i can try to have it post all line segments
[14:42:53] <andypugh> I just realised I was in a mill config
[14:42:55] <Tom_itx> the path is to the center of the tip radius
[14:43:20] <Tom_itx> the tool is on a 5 deg angle to the work
[14:43:21] <Tom_itx> left edge
[14:44:13] <Tom_itx> the material block side is 206mm round od by ~50mm long
[14:44:30] <Tom_itx> you'll want your stock longer to hold it
[14:45:26] <andypugh> Time to eat. Back shortly.
[14:49:02] <Tom_itx> i can change it to line segments if needed
[15:13:08] * JT-Shop has fun making parts with Touchy-Gremlin-Pyngcgui GUI :)
[15:20:55] <Tom_itx> bbl
[15:47:50] <DJ9DJ> gn8
[16:14:10] <tjtr33> will TWOPASS=ON work for comps loaded in POSTGUI_HALFILE ? ( i get "insmod: error inserting '/usr/realtime-2.6.32-122-rtai/modules/linuxcnc/oneshot.ko': -1 File exists" )
[16:14:47] <tjtr33> the err is on a oneshot loaded in the postguihal file
[16:19:00] <andypugh> tjtr33: I don't know. But I do know that all doubled-up components have to be by name, not number.
[16:20:41] <tjtr33> yep all named ( found that the hard way) thx
[16:24:14] <andypugh> I can see reasons why the postgui file might not be part of two-pass. Everything needs to be up and running by the time postgui is read.
[16:28:39] <tjtr33> andy.. nm i had 'declared' them in 2 files, the err meant 'you did asked for namedthingy already' thx
[17:15:32] <Tom_itx> andypugh, does that format look like it may work?
[17:16:18] <andypugh> Probably.
[17:16:31] <andypugh> I may need to do something about G91.1
[17:16:54] <andypugh> No, that isn't it
[17:16:58] <Tom_itx> when you're ready i'll generate all the cuts
[17:17:09] <Tom_itx> once we can establish a good format
[17:17:26] <andypugh> I am just puzzled about how it can get the arc radius wrong
[17:18:38] <Tom_itx> i can generate lines
[17:18:42] <Tom_itx> pretty easy
[17:19:09] <andypugh> I think it is probably some header issue.
[17:19:20] <Tom_itx> it sometimes happens in a tight curve where the path is offset from the corner
[17:19:47] <Tom_itx> given the tool geometry it should avoid that
[17:19:53] <Tom_itx> i used .8 as the nose radius
[17:20:01] <andypugh> Truth be told I am rather distracted by packing for my holiday tomorrow, and trying to get a route into my GPS (Turin Airport to Montgenevre avoiding the passes closed by snow)
[17:20:14] <Tom_itx> that's fine
[17:20:22] <Tom_itx> we can take it up next week or so
[17:20:39] <Tom_itx> just holler
[17:20:46] <andypugh> And what I mean is, that LinuxCNC won't even preview the Gcode
[17:21:00] <Tom_itx> can i simulate lathe on mine?
[17:21:06] <Tom_itx> how do i set that up?
[17:21:53] <andypugh> choose the sim lathe mm config?
[17:21:58] <Tom_itx> ok
[17:29:46] <andypugh> 9-wire steppers? What would they be?
[17:31:30] <TheLargeRod> What's up guys
[17:31:34] <TheLargeRod> noobie here needs some help :(
[17:31:44] <jdh> ask
[17:31:53] <TheLargeRod> Ok so I built a DIY CNC machine
[17:31:56] <TheLargeRod> and I'm using LinuxCNC
[17:32:01] <TheLargeRod> together with EMC2Arduino
[17:32:24] <TheLargeRod> now, I can make squares (on paper and pen for now) 1" squares and they come out pretty perfectly
[17:32:31] <TheLargeRod> I have a precision tool to measure them
[17:32:40] <TheLargeRod> but when I try to make circles or spirals
[17:32:41] <TheLargeRod> they come out square
[17:32:59] <jdh> square square, or just not perfectly round?
[17:33:05] <TheLargeRod> square square
[17:33:09] <TheLargeRod> like 90* angle square
[17:33:39] <TheLargeRod> not even close to round :/
[17:34:20] <TheLargeRod> I've worked backlash to where the machine will run .001" longer or shorter but even itself out after .300" at most
[17:35:17] <jdh> what is the purpose of emc2arduino?
[17:35:29] <TheLargeRod> to control the Arduino board and in turn the steppers
[17:35:49] <jdh> when you run the circles in linuxcnc, does the backplot on the screen look correct?
[17:36:01] <andypugh> Someone else was using that. I was not convinced that it was a great idea.
[17:36:03] <TheLargeRod> yeah on the screen it all looks smooth
[17:36:18] <andypugh> You have the Arduino USB connected?
[17:36:22] <TheLargeRod> Yessir
[17:36:40] <TheLargeRod> it works fine when I jog the machine or tell it to make squares
[17:37:04] <jdh> does emc2arduino handle g2/g3?
[17:37:51] <TheLargeRod> I;m not sure
[17:37:57] <TheLargeRod> I'm guessing those are arc commands?
[17:38:24] <jdh> yes
[17:38:39] <TheLargeRod> I;m checking
[17:38:39] <TheLargeRod> that might be the issue
[17:38:55] <jdh> you can break them up in to tiny linear moves
[17:39:03] <jdh> but, IMO, the whole concept is flawed for real use.
[17:39:13] <andypugh> LinuxCNC does _not_ support USB. With your setup you are really reliant on the emcarduino chap, that project is not part of LinuxCNC (And in my opinion it is wrong-headed and stupid)
[17:39:38] <jdh> I thought "concept is flawed" sounded better.
[17:39:44] <r00t4rd3d> lol
[17:39:58] <TheLargeRod> care to explain why? I'm making do with what's available for now
[17:40:10] <andypugh> I agree. You have a way with words and I am at the bottom of a bottle of Rioja
[17:40:12] <r00t4rd3d> can you get the machine to work okay with just linuxcnc?
[17:40:21] <jdh> do you have a parallel port?
[17:40:38] <TheLargeRod> it's a laptop that I'm using
[17:40:42] <TheLargeRod> so I don't believe so
[17:42:09] <r00t4rd3d> what do you have a motor shield or something?
[17:42:20] <TheLargeRod> just 3 Bigeasy drivers
[17:42:21] <TheLargeRod> from sparkfun
[17:42:36] <andypugh> TheLargeRod: USB introduces latencies of several mS. The emcarduino project attempts to get round this by offloading the realtime parts of the motion controller to the Arduino. This could be made to work, but isn't the direction the core project has taken.
[17:43:08] <TheLargeRod> I see Isee
[17:43:43] <andypugh> Laptops rarely excel at realtime stuff at the best of times.
[17:43:46] <r00t4rd3d> TheLargeRod, have you seen the grbl shields?
[17:44:01] <TheLargeRod> I'm thinking about trying grbl right now
[17:44:14] <PCW> well... core may be drifting that way but I suspect the RT part will have to have enough memory and floating point guts to run all of motion and HAL
[17:44:15] <r00t4rd3d> https://www.synthetos.com/webstore/index.php/assembled-electronics/grblshield-grbl-arduino-diy-cnc-shield.html
[17:44:19] <jdh> the author says no RTAI needed for his stuff, RTAI is only for old school parallel ports.
[17:44:44] <PCW> yeah and hal and motion
[17:44:56] <andypugh> jdh: I can't help feeling he doesn't "get it"
[17:45:02] <jdh> yeah
[17:45:09] <TheLargeRod> no I get it
[17:45:17] <TheLargeRod> I've been around PCs all my life
[17:45:20] <jdh> I was talking about the author
[17:45:21] <TheLargeRod> just my first time around CNC stuff
[17:45:32] <andypugh> TheLargeRod: I believe you, I am questioning the emcarduino author
[17:45:37] <TheLargeRod> ah ok
[17:45:38] <TheLargeRod> sorray :)
[17:45:48] <r00t4rd3d> see his new project? hal2emc
[17:46:09] <r00t4rd3d> or hal2arduino
[17:46:16] <jdh> wonder if you could fit all that in an Arduino Due.
[17:46:40] <PCW> does it have floating point?
[17:46:52] <andypugh> I welcome all peripheral projects, I just wish they would declare their limitations
[17:47:25] <jdh> it doesn't have an FPU, but it does FP emu
[17:48:00] <PCW> better off with a raspberry
[17:48:15] <andypugh> TheLargeRod: I am not sure of your budget constaints. But if you can afford a bare Atom motherboard, memory and small SSD you can build a known-good dedicated controller for <$200
[17:48:40] <TheLargeRod> As far as that goes I've been wanting to grab a Raspberry Pi
[17:48:46] <TheLargeRod> It looks damn good for $35
[17:49:06] <TheLargeRod> budget is tight unfortunately :/ I'm a college student so this is taking up all my spare cash, which isn't much already
[17:49:07] <andypugh> The Pi is fun, but may lack the horsepower to run LinuxCNC.
[17:49:46] <PCW> Just use a old free PC if you are budget constrained
[17:49:58] <TheLargeRod> yeah that's what I'm using
[17:50:00] <TheLargeRod> an old laptop
[17:50:40] <andypugh> Pi is currently a project for those interested in the challenge, not with a machine to run. It may never work. (Yes, I know that it has been shown to work on Youtube, but that is offloading stepgen to a PIC and GUI to a remote web browser)
[17:52:54] <PCW> I suspect things lake the PI/cubieboard/beaglebone will be great when mhaberler and friends spin of the RT portion of LinucCNC to a HAL and MOTION blob
[17:53:06] <PCW> s/lake/like/
[17:53:41] <PCW> with say network interface from upper layers
[17:53:54] <andypugh> TheLargeRod: Have you looked for a paralle port?
[17:54:09] <TheLargeRod> I hadn't thought the need for one until now
[17:55:15] <andypugh> Let me be clear. I hate them, they are an anachronism, and horrid. But you can drive them direct from software with pretty much exact timing.
[17:56:02] <andypugh> Does the laptop have a 25-pin D-sub (possibly purple) anywhere on the back?
[17:56:10] <TheLargeRod> no it doesn't :/
[17:56:12] <TheLargeRod> it's old but not that old
[17:56:37] <andypugh> My 100% up-to-date Dell at work has one on the docking station
[17:57:50] <TheLargeRod> I'm gonna go to the garage and flash GRBL
[17:57:54] <TheLargeRod> see what comes of it
[18:01:15] <andypugh> TheLargeRod: You have two known-to-work options with that computer. You could run Mach3 and a Smoothstepper on USB ($200). Many thousands of people are happy with that (Oh, and you need a Windows license too). Or you can use that computer for other stuff, and build a dedicated LinuxCNC machine controller, for well, about $200 (less if you find an old unloved machine with a parport, but ther are $80 FPGA PCI cards that
[18:01:15] <andypugh> a parport into the weeds)
[18:08:03] <andypugh> or you could help with emc2arduino, but, as I said, I have my doubts about the design philosophy. This may be because I don't understand the project, I am not clear on where he draws the boundary between PC and Arduino.
[18:10:17] <ReadError> i couldnt even get linuxcnc to start without a parport ;/
[18:10:44] <Jymmm> ReadError == OperatorError
[18:11:33] <ReadError> it works on my vmware esxi box just fine
[18:11:41] <ReadError> parallels does not let you emulate it though
[18:11:45] <Jymmm> yo can't expect a car to take you anywhere if you don't have tires on it!
[18:11:59] <ReadError> you can setup a "printer" which writes to a txt file
[18:12:07] <Jymmm> Yes, and most VM's have virtual devices too.
[18:12:12] <ReadError> and once you install the parallels tools it basically breaks linuxcnc
[18:12:13] <andypugh> ReadError: You can. But slowly
[18:12:23] <ReadError> libc or some other lib got overwritten
[18:15:04] <andypugh> There are many, well several, cars out there with no tyres. For example the 1893 Benz Victoria. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b4/Benz_Victoria_(3hp)_(1893)_pic1.JPG
[18:16:50] <JT-Shop> that has tires...
[18:18:38] <andypugh> Yes, sadly I couldn't find a picture of one without the retrofit rubber bands. To be truly pedantic the steel bands originally fitted were called tyres, but were not, I feel, what ReadError had in mind)
[18:19:16] <JT-Shop> ah, I was thinking of steel tires like wagon and cannon wheels
[18:19:46] * JT-Shop is off to Hydes, anyone want some fish and chips?
[18:20:53] <PCW> shoot some over here!
[18:20:54] <TheLargeRod> ok back
[18:21:34] <TheLargeRod> it seems that slowing down EMC a LOT helps the case
[18:21:52] <TheLargeRod> which of course I couldn't try right away because my x-axis screw went lose
[18:21:58] <TheLargeRod> so gotta wait for JB weld to dry up
[18:24:28] <andypugh> JT-Shop: Yes, the early cars had exactly that. of course roads were softer back then, it probably worked fine except in towns with stone cobbles.
[18:52:52] <Jymmm> JT-Shop: Yes, do you offer free 30m delivery by chance? You can hit PCW on the way out too
[18:53:32] <Jymmm> PCW: I have yet to find fish and chips reasonable in the bay area.
[18:53:47] <Jymmm> PCW: $7 and up for this dinky lil thing.
[18:54:33] <Jymmm> andypugh: How much is F&C from street vendors?
[18:54:56] <PCW> I have not had fish&chips in years, used to be good ones in Berkeley
[18:55:01] <Jymmm> andypugh: or holes in the wall
[18:55:22] <andypugh> it's not a steet-vendor thing
[18:55:46] <Jymmm> PCW: I look ALL the time, even hit Race St, they want $10 for a basket, and it doens't look that good
[18:55:50] <andypugh> Fish and Chip shops tend to be open very limited hours, which only the locals are aware of.
[18:55:56] <L84Supper> http://www.theredlionlincolnsquare.com/ all you can eat fish and chips tonight
[18:56:06] <Jymmm> andypugh: ok, so how much on avg?
[18:56:30] <andypugh> And it isn't cheap. It depends on the fish, and where you are, but £7 probably.
[18:56:44] <Jymmm> andypugh: quality?
[18:57:00] <Jymmm> L84Supper: I dont see all you can eat
[18:57:06] <andypugh> Generally very good, for the type I described.
[18:57:15] <L84Supper> Jymmm: every Friday
[18:57:27] <Jymmm> andypugh: I suspect there are far more curry places than anything else
[18:57:30] <Jymmm> L84Supper: ah
[18:58:26] <andypugh> Jymmm: Kebab shops probably outnumber curry places
[18:58:40] <Jymmm> Kubatay?
[18:58:45] <Jymmm> (sp)
[18:59:34] <Jymmm> andypugh: You guys now have good "fast food", we still have greasy stuff.
[19:00:22] <andypugh> A kebab is like a an elephant's leg made of lamb rotating in front of a gas fire. They carve it off as it reaches the peak of bacterial content, and serve it in a flat bread with a token salad.
[19:00:48] <jdh> they use electric things here
[19:01:04] <L84Supper> cured meat on a stick!
[19:01:14] <jdh> Doner Kebab
[19:02:44] <L84Supper> I'm still looking for good fish and chips, pizza, and falafel in China
[19:04:08] <L84Supper> but if you enjoy eating things that most people throw away, you're in luck
[19:05:26] <andypugh> L84Supper: Are you in China now?
[19:06:08] <L84Supper> back in Chicago this week
[19:11:29] <L84Supper> andypugh: if you need help getting something sourced from there let me know
[19:11:51] <andypugh> I was actualy going to ask if you have seen anything alive other than humans.
[19:12:37] <andypugh> In Qingdao I can't even recall seeing any insects. I saw one cat, and not a single seagull. Which is just strange in a port.
[19:13:12] <L84Supper> animals at farms, lots of pets in the cities, ducks in cages at most markets
[19:13:48] <L84Supper> was that last fall?
[19:15:19] <andypugh> No, April last year
[19:15:33] <L84Supper> maybe it was still cold
[19:16:26] <L84Supper> haven't been to Qingdao yet though
[19:16:31] <andypugh> It wasn't warm, but that didn't seem to bother the seagulls in the UK or US
[19:17:47] <andypugh> My Garmin GPS is great. Their route planning software is horrible, and their website is worse.
[19:18:32] <andypugh> I can't buy a map update because I need to log on. I can't create an account because I already have one. I can't use that account because the password doesn
[19:18:54] <andypugh> 't work. Not even the reset one that they took an hour to send me.
[19:24:04] <L84Supper> http://imagebin.org/246867 cats of Nanjing
[19:25:41] <L84Supper> I'm really surprised that there aren't more electrical fires in China or India
[19:27:18] <tjtr33> thats typical asian street wiring, gets crazy, in BKK i saw cops chasing a guy who was on the wires trying to escape
[19:31:25] <tjtr33> thx for the red linon url, my old fac Atlantic Fish & Chips is gone. Ham, eggs, sausages, blood pudding and a Watneys... sigh
[19:34:22] <andypugh> Well, i can't work the Garmin website, I can barely work the Garmin software, I can't get Inkscape Gcodetools to work, and I am a computer "expert". What hope do normal folk have?
[19:34:40] <tjtr33> re: TWOPASS=ON it does not work for POSTGUI_HALFILE, had to move the loadrt's to earlier .hal files , and the nets were ok in postgui
[19:36:05] <andypugh> tjtr33: That makes sense, though I can see it isn't obvious.
[19:37:33] <L84Supper> FAB = free and broken software
[19:41:10] <L84Supper> http://www.croatiaweek.com/paypal-packing-up-from-croatia/ what are the alternatives for buyers there?
[19:41:26] <L84Supper> any EMC users in Croatia?
[19:48:27] <Jymmm> andypugh: Did you try logging in using a different browser?
[19:48:35] <Jymmm> andypugh: Did you try calling them?
[19:48:43] <Jymmm> andypugh: Which GPS?
[19:49:18] <andypugh> I sent them an email. They will respond in 3 business days.
[19:49:31] <andypugh> I can't call them, it's 0136 here
[19:50:04] <Jymmm> Which GPS? Did you try a different browser?
[19:50:10] <andypugh> The GPS is a Zumo 660.
[19:50:38] <andypugh> (so only a rather expensive one)
[19:51:15] <andypugh> I got the route downloaded to the GPS. The maps will just have to stay out-of-date
[19:51:27] <Jymmm> andypugh: What maps do you have now?
[19:52:11] <andypugh> Even downloading a route from Base Camp is stupid. It transfers it, but that doesn't make it appear in "Custom Routes", You need to No, you need to go to tools -> my data -> import data -> routes, then
[19:52:12] <andypugh> watch it crash and reboot it before it show up in "Custom Routes"
[19:52:21] <Jymmm> andypugh: City Navigator® Europe ???
[19:52:33] <andypugh> Jymmm: Yes, 2010
[20:11:45] <Gene34> anyone here use an AMT encoder?
[20:13:45] <r00t4rd3d> before http://i.imgur.com/2Phhw6h.jpg after http://i.imgur.com/XuDOhIr.jpg
[20:13:56] <andypugh> Not I
[20:16:46] <ReadError> so
[20:16:56] <ReadError> im not sure how tight to tension these belts on my R&P drive system
[20:17:29] <ReadError> was hoping tjb was around
[20:18:30] <andypugh> ReadError: Do you read the mailing list?
[20:18:50] <ReadError> no ;/
[20:18:56] <ReadError> i get like 150 emails a day
[20:19:03] <ReadError> like 100 from work
[20:19:18] <andypugh> I posted a link to a pdf there from Contitech which said what belt tension to use.
[20:19:37] <andypugh> Basically half of the "torque tension" is about right.
[20:20:12] <Gene34> root4rd3d: Nice!
[20:20:48] <ReadError> andypugh, do you have the pdf by chance?
[20:20:53] <ReadError> i can try searching later on my real pc
[20:21:43] <Tom_itx> andypugh, what are you gonna make with these forms?
[20:24:49] <andypugh> Tom_itx: A new lid for: http://www.the22club.org/wp-content/gallery/90th-anniversary-dinner/img_6455.jpg
[20:25:14] <andypugh> If you look at the one the chap is holding, it is in a very sorry state
[20:25:19] <Tom_itx> heh cool
[20:25:40] <Tom_itx> looks pretty beat up
[20:26:31] <andypugh> Yes, it was repaied (for £270) three years ago. They swaged a copper ring in. It didn't work, it just tore off the whole rim.
[20:26:31] <Tom_itx> you plan to roll the edges together then?
[20:26:55] <andypugh> Tom_itx: Solder. (and a beaded edge on the outer layer)
[20:27:02] <ReadError> hey r00t4rd3d
[20:27:08] <ReadError> did i tell you i got my collets ?
[20:27:35] <Tom_itx> you could probaby mill it too
[20:30:49] <andypugh> Tom_itx: From solid?
[20:31:27] <Tom_itx> the molds
[20:31:38] <Tom_itx> well the piece too if you were ambitious
[20:31:48] <andypugh> Ah, yes, probably. Still have a CAM problem.
[20:31:59] <Tom_itx> huh?
[20:32:00] <Tom_itx> cam?
[20:32:02] <Tom_itx> i don't :D
[20:32:12] <andypugh> https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/pYomg8CstFoxtFfEtJZyxNMTjNZETYmyPJy0liipFm0?feat=directlink
[20:32:35] <Tom_itx> ahh
[20:32:42] <Tom_itx> is that soldered on the top?
[20:33:13] <andypugh> The crown is soldered on, yes.
[20:33:52] <andypugh> It belongs to the 1922 club. Guess when it was founded :-)
[20:34:29] <Tom_itx> you sure don't wanna bugger that up
[20:35:26] <andypugh> I don't think the pot is nearly that old, probably 1950s
[20:36:00] <Tom_itx> you gonna use brass?
[20:36:24] <Tom_itx> oh, do you want me to face off the very end as part of the code?
[20:36:28] <Tom_itx> skin cut
[20:36:49] <Tom_itx> and do you prefer cutting center out or to the center?
[20:37:09] <Tom_itx> generally to the center i believe is the most acceptable
[20:39:53] <andypugh> I think with the tool geometry outside to centre makes most sense.
[20:40:00] <andypugh> Does the code work on your sim?
[20:40:08] <Tom_itx> i haven't tried it
[20:40:17] <Tom_itx> i've been lazy this evening
[20:40:51] <andypugh> No problem. I won't be doing anything for at least a week.
[20:41:04] <Tom_itx> i know for sure the post for the lathe needs some work
[20:41:14] <Tom_itx> but i've never had a lathe to polish it on
[20:41:26] <Tom_itx> we always MDI'd the lathe jobs
[20:41:43] <skunkworks> andypugh: did you figure out your backlash issue
[20:41:51] <Tom_itx> so maybe i'll gain from this too
[20:42:37] <andypugh> I normally use my macro config: http://www.bodgesoc.org/lathe/lathe.html
[20:43:18] <andypugh> skunkworks: In the dividing head? That's an issue for when I get back. Tonight was set aside for packing.
[20:43:25] <skunkworks> ah
[20:43:36] <skunkworks> leaving again?
[20:43:49] <andypugh> Yes, off skiing next week.
[20:43:53] <skunkworks> aww - nice
[20:44:04] <skunkworks> aww - nice
[20:44:12] <skunkworks> heh - where?
[20:45:00] * skunkworks hasn't skied on a real mountain yet
[20:45:13] <andypugh> I was in germany for new year, back for a week, then skiing for a week, back for a week, 2 weeks in Lapland, back for a week, now skiing for a week. I don't think I have had a weekend without a flight somewhere this year.
[20:45:44] <andypugh> Next weeks is Montgenevre (French Alps)
[20:45:56] <skunkworks> nice
[20:50:05] <andypugh> http://presseagence.com/lettre-economique-politique-paca/files/2012/09/montgenevrecreditl.martin.jpg
[20:51:22] <skunkworks> wow - that is pretty
[20:51:42] <skunkworks> The closest I came to skiing a mountain was jackson hole. (but it was in the summer)
[20:52:12] <Tom_itx> just don't come back on crutches
[20:52:40] <skunkworks> once you learn how to fall - skiing as cake ;)
[20:52:49] <andypugh> They have pictures that make it look even prettier: http://img.over-blog-kiwi.com/0/20/07/69/201210/ob_55fd3d69637664e75d0e31f39c2339fa_img-3472.JPG
[20:53:29] <andypugh> Tom_itx: Too late, I already have a knee that will never be quite right again.
[20:55:38] <Tom_itx> andypugh, default positioning mode? incremental or absolute
[20:55:47] <Tom_itx> absolute is default
[20:56:07] <Tom_itx> G90
[20:56:12] <ReadError> andypugh, do you have the link to that pdf?
[20:56:21] <ReadError> this search isnt coming up with much on the archvies
[20:56:24] <ReadError> archives*
[20:56:35] <andypugh> Tom_itx: Absolute.
[20:56:56] <Tom_itx> right hand is positive move
[20:57:08] <Tom_itx> as is up on X
[20:57:22] <andypugh> ReadError: http://www.contitech.de/pages/produkte/antriebsriemen/antrieb-industrie/download/td_synchroflex_en.pdf
[20:58:00] <ReadError> ty sir, downloading now
[21:01:51] <andypugh> OK, I need to sleep. I think I will have to leave the GPS updating its maps.
[21:02:00] <andypugh> Night chaps
[21:02:01] <skunkworks> night
[21:02:02] <Tom_itx> andypugh do you have a sample lathe file i could look over?
[21:06:34] <andypugh> Tom_itx: emailed
[21:06:57] <Tom_itx> thanks
[21:07:05] <Tom_itx> i'll try to improve on the post template
[21:07:23] <Tom_itx> laters..
[21:07:52] <andypugh> G'night
[21:25:33] <Gene34> what hardware is needed for a ttl encoder to work with linuxCNC
[21:30:46] <skunkworks> ttl?
[21:31:04] <skunkworks> ttl can interface with the printer port depending on how fast you need to count
[21:31:41] <skunkworks> mesa makes interface cards that take either ttl or differential
[21:32:57] <tjtr33> got jump cycles running on the edm, like peck drilling :)
[21:33:08] <tjtr33> but uses time_cut and time_movingabout.
[21:33:09] <tjtr33> the movingabout time is split into movingaway and movingback
[21:35:00] <Gene34> skunkworks: can you point me in a direction for hardware purchase using http://www.ebay.com/itm/Proform-Freemotion-treadmill-motor-3-8-hp-/200894157229?pt=US_Cardio_Treadmills&hash=item2ec63991ad
[21:35:27] <Gene34> skinkworks: as a spindle, and a http://www.cui.com/Product/Components/Encoders/Incremental_Encoders/Modular/AMT_100_Series
[21:35:34] <Gene34> Skunkworks: as the encoder?
[21:41:48] <Tom_itx> does lcnc use G71?
[21:42:00] <Tom_itx> check for metric parameter
[21:42:07] <Gene34> and possibly a driver as http://www.galco.com/buy/KB-Electronics/KBMM-225
[21:43:51] <Gene34> assuming I can fit the encoder on the 3.8hp dc servo, what else do I need and will that driver work for a closed loop with linuxCNC
[21:45:18] <Gene34> I have seen videos of that servo with that dc drive work... but did not utilize an encoder
[21:47:50] <Gene34> http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=OWI6Nr1gAy0
[21:49:23] <Tom_itx> does lathe use G43?
[21:49:46] <Tom_itx> tool length offset
[21:52:17] <Gene34> please help
[22:11:54] <Tom_itx> does lathe mode support turn and facing cycles? ie G82 G84
[22:12:14] <Tom_itx> appears those were redefined
[23:10:09] <Tom_itx> do lathes use H word for tool length offset?