#linuxcnc | Logs for 2013-01-14

[00:13:11] <mrsun> hmm there was some "gui" for axis that let you make pockets, slots etc real fast directly from linuxcnc .. what was that? :)
[00:36:46] <archivist> mrsun, http://linuxcnc.org/docs/html/gui/ngcgui.html is one of them
[01:28:15] <tjb1> So does the D525MW have a usable parallel port onboard? Just confirming
[01:29:04] <Jymmm> Put a towel on your windshield, then just pull it off in the morning... no frost to scrape off.
[01:31:18] <tjb1> Get your suv fixed yet Jymmm
[01:31:28] <Jymmm> Nope
[01:32:04] <Jymmm> In-tank fuel pump is dead.
[01:33:11] <tjb1> well drop it and replace it
[01:33:48] <Jymmm> it's got 20 gal in itand I just dont have the jacks, etc to drop it
[01:34:58] <tjb1> siphon it out
[01:35:14] <Jymmm> to where?
[01:35:21] <tjb1> a gas can?
[01:35:29] <Jymmm> 20 gallons???
[01:35:42] <tjb1> 4 gas cans?
[01:35:49] <tjb1> into another vehicle?
[01:36:28] <tjb1> bathtub?
[02:20:56] <DJ9DJ> moin
[09:38:25] <Guest6169> hi
[09:39:15] <Guest6169> I looking for a interface cnc controller, but no find it. Is a black box
[09:40:22] <JesusAlos> appears white silkscreen a text of function terminal
[09:40:47] <JesusAlos> someone did mention in his day
[10:05:50] <mrsun> hmm, "german quality" vice ... one corner of the base plate is 0.05mm higher then the others
[10:06:05] <mrsun> spotted it on the surface plate just for fun ... 4 little dots was all i got in contact area :P
[10:07:40] <r00t4rd3d> go on the internet and complain.
[10:08:12] <mrsun> yeah!
[10:08:16] <archivist> define "quality" though
[10:08:53] <mrsun> archivist, well the casting looks good, machining not so good ... and definetley not the accuracy .. but hell its a drilling vice so :P
[10:09:58] <mrsun> still a drilling vice for $100 i feel should be somewhat better then that :P
[10:10:24] <r00t4rd3d> maybe your tape measure is .05 off
[10:10:45] <mrsun> r00t4rd3d, yeah .. indicator and surface plate .. now thats a "tape measure" :P
[10:11:55] <r00t4rd3d> all I use is a tape measure :)
[10:12:08] <archivist> and did you take the average of three readings to get rid of your measuring error
[10:13:11] <r00t4rd3d> measure once, cut 3 times!
[10:13:20] <mrsun> archivist, avarage ? when i got exactly the same reading every time i swooped the indicator
[10:13:57] <mrsun> and i did it more then 3 times to check both sides, they are equaly out atleast .. so its "straight" that way
[10:14:16] <mrsun> begins at 0 at the far end and ends up at 0.05 nearest the fixed jaw
[10:14:26] <r00t4rd3d> file it out
[10:15:02] <r00t4rd3d> .05 aint but a p hair
[10:15:51] <mrsun> well everything i put in it will have a hole that is 0.05 off and depending on how long the piece is that can add up :P
[10:17:24] <mrsun> but gonna convert it to a small milling vice for the mini mill =)
[10:17:31] <mrsun> so will redo surfaces anyhow :P
[10:17:46] <r00t4rd3d> i could see if it was inches
[10:17:58] <mrsun> huh ? :)
[10:18:14] <mrsun> 0.05 is about 0.002 inch
[10:19:32] <r00t4rd3d> which is minuscule
[10:20:07] <mrsun> when working with tape measure yes :P
[10:20:37] <mrsun> but as its "tapered" upwards, if i want to do something to fit something else that part will also be tapered ...
[10:22:25] <r00t4rd3d> compensate with a shotgun in your mouth
[10:22:34] <r00t4rd3d> :D
[10:24:09] <r00t4rd3d> What killed him? .002 of an inch!
[10:25:11] <r00t4rd3d> what are you making, rockets?
[10:25:41] <mrsun> stuff that is good enough for me
[10:25:47] <mrsun> to my standards
[10:42:41] <tjb1> Our school got a 60w laser :D
[11:40:52] <Loetmichel> re @ home
[12:03:39] <tjb1> Im going to convert my vinyl cutter to run linuxcnc
[12:03:55] <tjb1> and sheetcam
[12:04:30] <tjb1> Because signblazer and signcut suck
[12:08:41] <IchGuckLive> hi all
[12:25:06] <skunkworks> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mach1mach2cnc/message/138152
[12:25:44] <skunkworks> "On the "we would like to do" list is something to replace the brains..
[12:25:46] <skunkworks> The thinking is to have more of a PLC like GUI.. I know the and and or
[12:25:48] <skunkworks> gates are simple but they are not like what you see in Industry so
[12:25:49] <skunkworks> Ladder logic is a more logical approach."
[12:29:26] <Gabriel__> Hi all. I try to run Linuxcnc on a RT_PREEMPT patched kernel (branch rtos-integration-preview3, configured --with-threads=rt-preempt-user), and I get the error "Failed to claim parallel port /dev/parport0". The device /dev/parport0 exists. Any hints about this problem? Thanks.
[12:31:10] <skunkworks> Gabriel__: http://wiki.linuxcnc.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?NewRTInstall
[12:31:44] <skunkworks> at the bottom of the page it talks about the printer port
[12:33:27] <Gabriel__> skunkworks: Thanks, I'm checking it.
[12:43:40] <Gabriel__> skunkworks: Unloading the "lp" kernel module solved the problem, thank you.
[12:54:29] <skunkworks> great!
[13:22:39] <thrile> can anybody help me understand how the planner works? http://wiki.linuxcnc.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?Trapezoidal_Velocity_Profile_Trajectory_Planner
[13:22:58] <cradek> thrile: can you ask a more specific question?
[13:23:32] <thrile> I'm trying to find X in the blend areas, and its acceleration
[13:24:24] <thrile> I made on paper and in mathematica a very simple motion, close to the one in the picture: {{0, 0}, {10, 100}, {40, 175}, {70, 100}, {100, 110}, {155, 0}}
[13:25:06] <thrile> using the very simple formulas explained there, not any fancy multi-line blending or anything
[13:27:10] <thrile> more specifically, I'm not looking for a function, but a method of finding discrete X values. I suspect the acceleration is a diff equation, and X seems constant to me -_-
[13:31:48] <cradek> the points along the path come from calls to tcGetPos, which wrap a bunch of posemath library calls
[13:32:01] <cradek> I don't understand what you mean about X seeming constant
[13:33:13] <thrile> invariant in regard with time
[13:34:03] <cradek> well if you're moving X and your "X" values don't change, you're not looking at the right X
[13:35:15] <IchGuckLive> cradek: is the hal able to read the next gcode line or the x,y value of the next move ahad
[13:35:39] <cradek> IchGuckLive: no, nothing at the HAL level knows the future
[13:35:57] <thrile> I'm not talking about an actual machine, but the formula posted there for X
[13:36:19] <IchGuckLive> cradek: thanks
[13:36:22] <cradek> are you asking about the actual source code, or the wiki page?
[13:36:39] <thrile> Are there newbie intro papers on parabolic blendings and such? :)
[13:36:55] <thrile> Oh, I barely have any idea about the source code, I'm just trying to understand the math
[13:37:28] <cradek> I doubt that wiki page has much to do with how linuxcnc actually works
[13:37:39] <cradek> I did not understand you were asking about the wiki page
[13:37:45] <thrile> Most likely
[13:37:55] <thrile> But it's the only sane example of parabolic blends I've found around
[13:38:54] <thrile> Well, I'm asking "How do I figure out discrete X values during the parabolic blend regions?" and posted the wiki as pretty much the only decent source of info on the topic. Although you probably knew it :)
[13:39:10] <mhaberler> thrile: some locations to dig for examples:
[13:39:11] <mhaberler> https://trac.lcsr.jhu.edu/cisst/wiki/cisstRobotTutorial
[13:39:48] <mhaberler> maybe here: http://www.ros.org/wiki/robot_mechanism_controllers/JointSplineTrajectoryController
[13:40:07] <thrile> I've fought with this paper all morning https://smartech.gatech.edu/bitstream/handle/1853/41948/ParabolicBlends.pdf?sequence=3 just to realise it's not really detailed on what I need
[13:40:31] <mhaberler> maybe here: http://code.google.com/p/robotics-toolbox-python/source/browse/#svn%2Ftrunk%2Frobotics-toolbox-python
[13:40:50] <mhaberler> maybe here: http://svn.cs.brynmawr.edu/viewvc/Myro/trunk/robonova/
[13:42:40] <mhaberler> on the cubic interpolator see here, unsure if this relates to blending as done in the linuxcnc tp (I dont think so, its a layer below): http://wiki.linuxcnc.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?CubicInterpolator
[13:43:35] <thrile> nah, iirc, cubic is the way to go due to less jerk through initial acceleration.
[13:44:24] <thrile> I'm just trying to understand parabolic blends and their trapezoidal profilesm, cubic blends need probably even more calculus
[13:45:35] <mhaberler> well the wiki is a tad short on theory - adding any relevant literture finds here would really help http://wiki.linuxcnc.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?Whitepapers_For_Reference
[13:51:31] <thrile> yeah.. so off to learning calculus I guess
[13:51:47] <thrile> meh, I always knew somehow I'd need it
[14:20:31] <kwallace> Does anyone have a favorite internal threading insert and holder for turning aluminum? I would like to get in close to the inside face so the insert can't stick out much after the point. A common pitch will be 32TPI.
[14:42:13] <JT-Shop> kwallace: there are two basic types, the single point and the full form. the single point covers a range and the full form does one pitch per insert
[14:43:04] <JT-Shop> the ones I use look like a triangle insert with one thread shape on each edge
[14:44:12] <kwallace> I would be more interested in the single point like this one:http://littlemachineshop.com/products/product_view.php?ProductID=3695&category=-765769359
[14:44:46] <kwallace> But as Gene would say, "They are mighty proud of it."
[14:45:40] <JT-Shop> strange design with laydown on one end and on-edge on the other end
[14:46:12] <JT-Shop> ah I see now it is reversable for OD and ID threading
[14:50:07] <kwallace> I recall there are triangular inserts that lie flat with a tooth profile on each tip. Ahh.. like this: http://www.carmex.com/page.php?actions=show&id=113&instance_id=4
[14:51:48] <JT-Shop> that's what I use as the grooving and boring inserts fit the same holder
[14:56:19] <tjb1> JT-Shop: The G540 should be back today :)
[14:57:13] <kwallace> Do you have any hints on what to search to find the inserts you use? I suppose the basic triangular form has a designation?
[15:02:37] <JT-Shop> mine is a Seco SNR 00050 55-11 Snap Tap holder and 11NRA60-A1 CP300 insert for 48-16TPI
[15:02:48] <rob_h> always grind up a tap to make a threading tool if its not too big ;) i always find the uncoated Kgrades to work best on Alli for threading
[15:03:59] * JT-Shop waves at rob_h
[15:04:06] <rob_h> hello over there
[15:08:23] <rob_h> always this type system that alot of people make ideal for small part/bores http://www.vargusuk.co.uk/vardex/template/default.aspx?pCatId=7&pageId=5
[15:08:50] <rob_h> or there is this type, grate for grooving and threading on same tool, horn make one too, so do others, http://www.sandvik.coromant.com/en-gb/products/corocut_MB/Pages/default.aspx
[15:08:51] <kwallace> rob_h: I just caught on to what you mean. Just grind away all but one tooth of the tap.
[15:09:19] <rob_h> yea sure plenty places on net explane show better than what i could
[15:09:43] <rob_h> sometimes getting threading bars or holders into places is not ideal
[15:13:32] <kwallace> I would hate to "ruin" a perfectly good tap, but they are a lot cheaper than an insert and matching bar. I have blank HSS tools, but I don't look forward to grinding most of the tool away.
[15:15:23] <rob_h> yea blanks aint too cheap now days ether
[15:22:07] <tjb1> Anyone here running a d525mw box?
[15:25:10] <r00t4rd3d> no
[15:25:29] <rob_h> any one done a powertooled lathe with C axis
[15:53:22] <Connor> tjb1: Is a very common board to use.. yes. I have 1 and the 1.6ghz vsersion, both running linuxcnc.
[15:53:33] <tjb1> Can you recommend a good case?
[15:53:36] <tjb1> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811154091
[15:53:39] <tjb1> Looking at that one
[15:54:04] <Connor> That's the exact one I used for the 1.6Ghz version.. very nice case.
[15:54:06] <Connor> No complaines.
[15:54:15] <Tom_itx> i have that case as well
[15:54:19] <Tom_itx> and like it
[15:54:33] <Tom_itx> only i paid less for it
[15:54:35] <tjb1> The reviews are hard to use at newegg
[15:54:40] <tjb1> Lots of bad it seems for all the cases
[15:54:53] <tjb1> Do I need another fan?
[15:54:59] <Connor> No.
[15:55:08] <Tom_itx> it's got a psu and fan in it
[15:55:14] <Tom_itx> i didn't use an extra fan
[15:55:24] <Tom_itx> i did mount a 2.5" drive on the side
[15:56:11] <Connor> I'm not sure what the bad reviews are about.. but.. It's a very nice case.
[15:56:23] <Connor> Also remember.. people tend to bitch more about bad stuff than good stuff.
[15:56:52] <Connor> and I hate when people flag a product bad review for "Shipping" issues..
[15:57:18] <tjb1> Can you install linuxcnc over usb
[15:57:32] <Connor> I used a USB CDROM to do the install..
[15:57:35] <Tom_itx> i used a thumbdrive on one
[15:57:40] <Connor> not sure if you can install it from a thumbdrive..
[15:57:47] <Connor> never tried it.
[15:58:25] <tjb1> So it works Tom_itx ?
[15:58:39] <tjb1> Or is there some special voodoo I have to do to make it installable?
[15:58:44] <Tom_itx> it's been a while but i did it
[15:58:56] <Connor> Make sure if your using a 2.5" Drive, you get a adapter kit for 3.5"
[15:58:59] <Tom_itx> yeah there's something you run.. i forget just what
[15:59:15] <Tom_itx> Connor, what for?
[15:59:29] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/intel_atom/detail/DSC_0008.JPG
[15:59:34] <Tom_itx> i put it on the side
[15:59:35] <Connor> My SSD HD I had.. was 2.5" But came with 3.5" brackets
[16:00:03] <tjb1> Hmm
[16:00:03] <Tom_itx> i didn't shrink those pics..
[16:00:09] <tjb1> I have a few 2.5 HDD
[16:00:10] <Connor> I can tell.
[16:00:25] <Tom_itx> Jymmm wanted to see the case so i took em in a hurry
[16:00:52] <Connor> tjb1: Do they have 2.5 to 3.5 adapter plates?
[16:01:17] <tjb1> No, ill just get some from newegg
[16:01:42] <Tom_itx> get an L end on one of the sata cables
[16:01:44] <Tom_itx> it's alot handier
[16:01:55] <Tom_itx> but a regular one will fit
[16:02:50] <Connor> I *DID* put a fan in mine.. only because it was inside of my router which is very stuffy.
[16:02:51] <DJ9DJ> gn8
[16:03:54] <Connor> http://www.ivdc.com/cnc/cnc8.jpg
[16:03:59] <tjb1> You need to buy the sata cable?
[16:04:09] <Connor> it's in the cubby on the left.
[16:04:14] <Connor> I think the mobo comes with a SATA.
[16:04:31] <Connor> http://www.ivdc.com/cnc/cnc13.JPG
[16:04:38] <Connor> all closed up..
[16:05:32] <tjb1> What do I need to search to find these damn adapters
[16:06:08] <Connor> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811990004
[16:06:20] <Connor> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811993005
[16:07:15] <tjb1> Well the first one is cheaper
[16:07:29] <tjb1> I have a 4gb ram stick at home out of new laptop
[16:07:32] <Connor> I was throwing up examples of what I found.
[16:07:42] <tjb1> I couldnt find anything except power adapters
[16:08:30] <Connor> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817996040
[16:08:45] <Connor> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817812011
[16:09:48] <tjb1> I like that first one
[16:10:29] <Connor> I got a SSD HD for my install... it came with a adapter.
[16:11:30] <tjb1> im looking at usb cd drives
[16:17:51] <Jymmm> Tom_itx: Lies, all lies!!!
[16:20:33] <tjb1> Connor: Would you know a cd drive that would fit in it?
[16:23:05] <Connor> Just about any would.. just be sure to get a SATA.. But to be honest.. I didn't bother...
[16:23:28] <Connor> You shouldn't need it except for the initial load.
[16:24:47] <Connor> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick
[16:24:55] <Connor> follow that, should work for the linuxcnc iso too
[16:25:40] <tjb1> alright
[16:25:48] <kwallace> I've used common USB thumb drives for new installs. UNetbootin or Start Up Disk Creator can put the disk image on the drive. Google for details.
[16:26:59] <tjb1> And Connor, one more…will this type of RAM fit the d525mw? DDR3 PC3-10600
[16:27:11] <Connor> One sec. on phone.
[16:27:49] <kwallace> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USB%20Installation%20Media
[16:29:27] <Connor> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820139220
[16:29:33] <Connor> I got two sticks of that.
[16:30:30] <Connor> HAS to be the 204-Pin SO-DIMM style
[16:31:23] <Connor> you using p-port or mesa ?
[16:31:55] <Mr_Wolfsl> Hi
[16:32:07] <Connor> if par-port, go ahead and grab a PCI one.. just to make life a little easier.. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16815104231
[16:32:27] <Connor> I know you can use the onboard.. but, this adds a tiny amount of extra protection, plus gives you more I/O
[16:34:42] <Mr_Wolfsl> I have tried the line knet axis.8.motor-pos-cmd axis.8motor-pos-fb in the .hal to loopback the tool length for the kinematics but it doesn't work
[16:35:33] <Mr_Wolfsl> euh net not knet *
[16:36:23] <Mr_Wolfsl> anyone have an idea?
[16:38:36] <tjb1> Parallel Connor
[16:38:47] <tjb1> That RAM is 204
[16:38:59] <tjb1> Its out of my new laptop and its a 4gb stick so I will use it if I can
[16:39:02] <Connor> Okay, then get that PCI par-port cord.. makes it a tad easier.
[16:39:18] <Connor> I don't think the board can see a 4GB stick..
[16:39:23] <Connor> let me look at the manual.
[16:39:32] <tjb1> I have a parport card
[16:39:43] <tjb1> For the expansion slot
[16:39:55] <tjb1> plus the board has one built in right?
[16:40:01] <Connor> correct
[16:40:17] <tjb1> Well I will just use those 2 together
[16:40:35] <tjb1> If it can read a 4gb card, ill be ordering now :)
[16:40:58] <Connor> nope. 1GB or 2GB sticks..
[16:41:02] <Connor> http://downloadmirror.intel.com/19123/eng/d525mw_d525mwv_techprodspec.pdf
[16:41:05] <Connor> page 16
[16:41:12] <Connor> but the memory is CHEAP
[16:41:12] <tjb1> Ah, damn
[16:41:17] <tjb1> So 2- 2gb
[16:41:19] <Connor> $24.00 for the two sticks.
[16:41:52] <Connor> Now, that's DOCUMENTED. You could try it with your 4Gb stick.. but.. I make NO promise. :)
[16:41:53] <tjb1> I got a 500gb - 7200rpm seagate that was in my macbook pro when I got it
[16:42:08] <tjb1> Well I only paid $42 for 2-4gb cards from crucial
[16:43:28] <kwallace> I run LinuxCNC on 1GB just fine. My guess is 2GB or more wouldn't help.
[16:43:54] <Connor> Doesn't hurt either. :)
[16:44:11] <Connor> and I've been known to browse the web and run chat on my CNC machine while working..
[16:44:33] <tjb1> Mine will be plasma only so I will just grab 2gb
[16:51:10] <tjb1> Thanks for your help Connor
[17:05:52] <Connor> tjb1: No Problem.
[17:06:11] <Connor> Okay, so, do I want a Fast or slow fuses for my speed controller (on the AC Side)
[17:34:00] <r00t4rd3d> the 525mw can see 4gb memory chips
[17:34:15] <r00t4rd3d> you can put 8gb in it even though the manual only says 4gb
[17:34:39] <Connor> Really ?
[17:34:45] <Jymmm> but you can't use cheap ram iirc
[17:34:57] <Jymmm> cheap == crap ram
[17:34:59] <Connor> I just got with what the manual says..
[17:35:04] <Connor> better off.
[17:35:29] <Connor> Okay, WTF do people do to keep their shops organized.. I'm about to go nutz trying to figure out what to do with mine!
[17:35:56] <Connor> I end up with all sorts of odd-and-ends of screws, nuts.. power connectors...
[17:36:00] <Connor> etc etc
[17:39:39] <r00t4rd3d> http://www.crucial.com/store/partspecs.aspx?IMODULE=CT2KIT51264BF1339
[17:42:51] <r00t4rd3d> then this for OS
[17:42:51] <r00t4rd3d> http://www.ebay.com/itm/160946035386?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649
[17:42:58] <r00t4rd3d> zoooom!
[17:43:55] <r00t4rd3d> http://www.amazon.com/Embedded-PARTS-QUICK-Mini-ITX-industrial-motherboards/dp/B00724HO9W
[17:44:02] <r00t4rd3d> that one is slightly better
[17:45:08] <r00t4rd3d> ubuntu would boot very fast with 8gb mem/usb-ssd
[18:00:00] <Valen> get a bunch of chinese food containers and make shelving
[18:00:15] <Valen> alternatly look at the back wall of M5 in mythbusters
[18:34:29] <tandoori> hi Valen
[18:34:55] <Valen> sup
[18:56:32] <_tjtr33> is webgl possible on D510MO, 12.04? "It doesn't appear your computer can support WebGL." sez the demos at Kronos :(
[18:57:16] <_tjtr33> ^^ GMA 3150
[19:00:48] <_tjtr33> ^^ ffox 18
[19:06:01] <Valen> webgl may have some higher requirements
[19:07:07] <kwallace> Is there a chance that a 7i76 Step/Dir daughter board could be modified to have quadrature A B outputs on the Step/Dir pins? My mill has A B input amps for the steppers. I could build a circuit to convert Step/Dir to A B but I'd rather not. Or, I could use general purpose digital outputs.
[19:07:12] <Valen> some of the GMA's have screwed up GL drivers
[19:09:06] <_tjtr33> Valen i think i found it in about:support "Adapter DescriptionVMware, Inc. -- Gallium 0.4 on llvmpipe (LLVM 0x300)" wtf!?!?
[19:09:20] <Jymmm> Shit.... I WISH this my problem, fixed in no time... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqIOv3DJ6wE
[19:09:22] <Valen> ?
[19:09:58] <_tjtr33> Valen the driver seems to be VMware's not the Intel driver ( no idea why )
[19:10:04] <Valen> thats kinda odd
[19:10:09] <_tjtr33> yup
[19:10:13] <Valen> and would probably not support GL
[19:10:19] <Valen> whats Dr Google say?
[19:11:01] <_tjtr33> ? i was just about to remove VMware (if possible )
[19:11:21] <Valen> I'm guessing you aren't running vmware on an atom
[19:11:48] <_tjtr33> no, this never had vmware iirc,, a fairly new 12.04 install
[19:13:51] <skunkworks> kwallace: I think you can - look at the step_type http://www.linuxcnc.org/docs/2.5/html/man/man9/hostmot2.9.html#stepgen
[19:14:07] <skunkworks> would be 2?
[19:15:14] <kwallace> Oops, I didn't think to look in the driver manual. Thanks. I'll go look.
[19:16:13] <skunkworks> although the 'complete gray cycle' for 1 step seems a bit odd. might want to ask peter about that
[19:16:14] <Valen> Jymmm: whats up with what?
[19:16:34] <skunkworks> how fast does it output that cycle?
[19:16:40] <Valen> _tjtr33: I suggest putting the output of a lspci into google and seeing what it says about drivers
[19:16:45] <Jymmm> Valen: somebody trying to repair their car without knowing what the problem is.
[19:17:34] <Valen> you may need to blacklist the vmware modules or something like that
[19:17:50] <kwallace> I'm planning on ordering a 5i25/7i76 kit for my Shizuoka. I'd also like to set up Modbus to the VFD.
[19:18:24] <JT-Shop> http://imagebin.org/242946
[19:19:06] <JT-Shop> http://imagebin.org/242947
[19:19:06] <JT-Shop> http://imagebin.org/242948
[19:20:02] <JT-Shop> someone give Candice some Zen http://linuxcnc.org/index.php/english/forum/49-basic-configuration/26044-zen-toolworks-spindle-motor-config
[19:20:22] <Tom_itx> gonna make a vertical one?
[19:20:57] <Tom_itx> i borrowed one of those from a friend and pushed the end off it so if you go that route, make sure you beef it up
[19:21:26] <Tom_itx> and if you get it too beefy, it defeats the purpose of having it on the ground
[19:22:41] <skunkworks> kwallace: I know JT-Shop has done modbus to vfd..
[19:24:05] <kwallace> It looks like there is an RS422 port on the 7i76 but only mentions SmartSerial.
[19:24:06] <Tom_itx> JT-Shop, i would also double the large wedge size
[19:24:26] <Tom_itx> if you get stringy wood it helps separate it better
[19:26:10] <_tjtr33> Valen thx, ffox does say webgl is blocked for my setup, will look at lspci ( was using lshw which just sez its Intel N10 video )
[19:26:42] <Valen> yeah some specific cards are blocked, though generally you can override that somewhere
[19:26:50] <Valen> at least in chrome, dont know about ff
[19:27:15] <_tjtr33> 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation N10 Family Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)
[19:27:57] <_tjtr33> urph! why cant there be 1 name for 1 thing? maybe thats the problem, diff apps see it diff
[19:30:55] <Tom_itx> JT-Shop, nice storage idea though
[19:31:31] <Tom_itx> will the inner strap retainer be threaded?
[19:31:57] <JT-Shop> a pin goes in the hole
[19:32:05] <Tom_itx> that kinda looks like a weak spot
[19:32:37] <Tom_itx> those clevices are typically backed by a triangle
[19:32:39] <JT-Shop> my calculations show 8x the force
[19:33:02] <JT-Shop> ah yea there are some small bracing missing yet
[19:33:06] <Tom_itx> what about bending force on the bracket
[19:34:03] <Tom_itx> i started out with a single wedge stack and ended up making it alot wider near the back
[19:34:42] <JT-Shop> I figured I could put some spreaders behind the triangle blocks
[19:35:34] <Tom_itx> you're always gonna have some knotty wood that doesn't wanna cooperate
[19:36:08] <Tom_itx> it splits a helluva lot easier when it's frozen too
[19:36:15] <JT-Shop> I might extend the outside part down some to double up
[19:36:37] <JT-Shop> the table will be about 24" off the ground with a log lift
[19:36:49] <JT-Shop> chow time
[19:36:50] <Tom_itx> i've seen some that had at + configuration on the wedge too
[19:37:02] <Tom_itx> had a + *
[19:37:52] <Tom_itx> figure a bin to catch the split wood too
[19:37:57] <Tom_itx> make life alot easier
[19:38:18] <Tom_itx> with pneumatic tires
[19:39:21] <Valen> JT-Shop: are you using air or something else for that?
[19:39:30] <Valen> I'd be a little worried about air throwing splinters
[19:39:50] <Tom_itx> hydraulic
[19:39:58] <Valen> nifty
[19:40:13] <Tom_itx> at least mine was
[19:51:45] <tjtr33> Valen, left ffox alone, installed chromium, ran 'chromium-browser --ignore-gpu-blacklist', then as able to view demos at Khronos ( seems risky, but a start ) thx!
[19:52:53] <Valen> heh
[19:52:59] <Valen> well thats a good start anyway lol
[19:53:16] <Valen> you may not be seeing them at their best tjtr33
[19:57:25] <tjtr33> i have no comparison tho
[20:07:39] <AR_> do you like my progress so far?
[20:07:40] <AR_> http://i.imgur.com/iJ2cB.jpg
[20:07:41] <AR_> LOL
[20:08:32] <r00t4rd3d> i dont like that
[20:08:51] <AR_> too bad
[20:08:55] <r00t4rd3d> CHANGE IT
[20:09:12] <r00t4rd3d> that isnt where the motor is really going to go is it?
[20:09:19] <AR_> yes it is
[20:09:31] <r00t4rd3d> you can crash into that
[20:09:41] <AR_> yup
[20:09:48] <r00t4rd3d> put it on the backside
[20:10:00] <AR_> you mean flip the whole thing around?
[20:10:08] <r00t4rd3d> that is a shit ton of travel also
[20:10:11] <AR_> i could just turn that around
[20:10:15] <AR_> the whole thing
[20:10:21] <AR_> yeah i was thinking
[20:10:26] <AR_> that is a 6x8 plate on there now
[20:10:43] <AR_> right now i'm just trying to get it laid out
[20:11:10] <r00t4rd3d> you really only need like 3-4 inches of travel on your zaxis
[20:11:21] <AR_> that is Y axis xD
[20:11:25] <r00t4rd3d> oh
[20:11:34] <AR_> X will go on top
[20:11:41] <AR_> in mill form
[20:11:54] <AR_> http://i.imgur.com/whppy.jpg
[20:12:05] <AR_> this pic shows more parts
[20:12:19] <AR_> it is coming together so well
[20:12:57] <AR_> i'm thinking of using those short rails with the pillow block bearings for Z axis
[20:13:02] <r00t4rd3d> im not a fan of the random assortment of bolts either
[20:13:12] <AR_> i like it
[20:13:18] <AR_> it makes it more eccentric
[20:14:10] <AR_> i'm just using what i have now to get it in a form where i can order things i need
[20:14:21] <AR_> like... the frame
[20:14:31] <AR_> i kindof need a frame to put this stuff on
[20:14:33] <AR_> i guess
[20:14:38] <r00t4rd3d> the bolt heads sticking out will probably lead to issues also
[20:15:25] <AR_> well i was thinking of mounting the bearing blocks upside down to that plate in the center
[20:15:34] <AR_> have the rails 'facing up'
[20:15:53] <AR_> regardless, i will probably put a thicker plate there anyway
[20:16:02] <AR_> then i can countersink the bolt heads
[20:16:37] <pcw_home> skunkworks: stepgen quadrature mode just runs 4 times faster than step/dir
[20:16:39] <pcw_home> mode so you have to set your scale to 1/4 what it would normally be
[20:19:35] <kwallace> pcw_home: Does the 7i76 generate the step/dir signals on board or are they generic output pins?
[20:20:10] <pcw_home> generic so they can be PWM/step/dir or whatever
[20:21:14] <kwallace> I want A B signals for my h-bridge stepper amps and wondered if I should order the 7i76 kit.
[20:21:38] <pcw_home> just 5V buffers/inverters so you have differential 5V outputs
[20:22:31] <r00t4rd3d> Im making my new zaxis out of oak and purpleheart :D
[20:22:32] <pcw_home> Are these just 1/2 step bipolar drivers?
[20:23:23] <ReadError> r00t4rd3d loves the wood
[20:24:13] <r00t4rd3d> so does your mom
[20:24:37] <kwallace> I have them 1/2 stepping now and living with the reduced torque but getting .0005" half steps.
[20:24:51] <ReadError> r00t4rd3d: indeed, hence, me.
[20:25:15] <pcw_home> Hmm do Oak and Purpleheart have the same moisture coefficient of expansion?
[20:26:12] <pcw_home> kwallace: A Hardware stepgen may be overkill for a 1/2 step driver
[20:28:00] <Tom_itx> pcw_home, http://www.fs.fed.us/ccrc/topics/urban-forests/docs/physical%20properties%20and%20moisture%20relations%20of%20wood.pdf
[20:28:28] <pcw_home> And if you have enough I/O, a standard parallel port breakout
[20:28:29] <pcw_home> (instead of the 7I76) is an option if you need a hardware stepgen
[20:28:56] <r00t4rd3d> im only using PH on a small part of it
[20:29:09] <r00t4rd3d> the router clamp
[20:29:53] <Tom_itx> pcw_home, P. 9 & 10
[20:31:42] <r00t4rd3d> right now my zaxis is made from like 4 different kinds of wood
[20:33:13] <Tom_itx> pcw_home, in short.. no
[20:34:10] <pcw_home> Ahh look li cocobolo is really good (though I think thats one of the toxic ones)
[20:34:16] <pcw_home> look like
[20:34:29] <kwallace> pcw_home: I'm using PCI parports for stepping now, but I am using a Pluto for fast PWM to the spindle VFD, although I'd like to go to Modbus for that. A fast encoder counter would be needed for a future spindle encoder, but I suppose I could get by with the Pluto. The 7i76 seems pretty convenient if I can use the step/dir terminals as AB.
[20:34:52] <r00t4rd3d> I guess purpleheart is pretty toxic also but I didnt get any ill effects from the dust.
[20:35:09] <pcw_home> sure its just a stepgen mode parameter
[20:35:57] <pcw_home> I think a lot of tropical hardwoods are toxic (full of bug killers)
[20:36:40] <elmo40> hey people. I am trying to get a computer and printer into my service truck. I want a database to keep track of everything (inventory, customers, scheduling service calls...) and a printer to make a receipt for the customer before I leave. Going uber high-tech with tablet and thermal printer would be sweet... but I could live with a stationary computer(touch screen is nice but kb is fine, too) and an inkjet printer. Any ideas how to go about doing this? wh
[20:37:30] <kwallace> pcw_home: I got the feeling that the 5i25 had some sort of communications link to the 7i76 to support the 7i76 specific functions.
[20:37:56] <pcw_home> just the 24V I/O
[20:38:23] <pcw_home> well and the Spindle analog
[20:39:04] <pcw_home> and the remote I/O can handle 2 MPGs as well
[20:41:39] <tjtr33> dm510 doesnt play well with webgl, ffox17 or 18, tried chromium: some webgl ok, tried chrome beta25, others ok, mostly not. conclusion: dm510 POS for webgl.
[20:42:17] <pcw_home> the step/dir outputs and encoder inputs and serial port I/O are buffered
[20:42:19] <pcw_home> but direct so can be re-purposed with different firmware on the 5I25
[20:44:58] <kwallace> I guess the biggest difference between the 7i75 and 76 is that the 76 has differential terminals for each 5i25 signal?
[20:47:10] <skunkworks> kwallace: so you're running h-bridge with quadrature?
[20:47:30] <kwallace> Yes.
[20:47:30] <skunkworks> and that gives you 1/2 steps?
[20:47:44] <skunkworks> Of .0005?
[20:48:21] <skunkworks> so would the mesa stepgen only give you a resolution of .002?
[20:48:50] <kwallace> http://www.wallacecompany.com/machine_shop/Shizuoka/Driver%20Schematic1.jpg
[20:49:52] <kwallace> No, but if my steppers could keep up, I could do those half steps faster.
[20:49:53] <skunkworks> yikes!
[20:50:53] <skunkworks> is that the drive that people are always replacing the ouput transistors in?
[20:52:05] <kwallace> I haven't had any trouble, but they do whine a bit.
[20:52:34] <pcw_home> skunkworks: the hostmot2 manual is not very clear, the steps are generated
[20:52:35] <pcw_home> evenly but at 4 times the normal rate (so you need to set the scale appropriately)
[20:53:20] <pcw_home> (in quadrature mode)
[20:54:23] <pcw_home> 7I75 is just an I/O protector so universal but unbuffered/un-isolated
[20:54:35] <skunkworks> ok - as long as you guys understand it ;) ..
[20:55:10] <kwallace> The steps don't come in fours do they?
[20:55:19] <pcw_home> No
[20:55:43] <skunkworks> heh - good. (that is how I was understanding it...)
[20:57:09] <pcw_home> the normal stepgen steps when the accumulator over/underflows
[20:57:11] <pcw_home> the quadrature one uses the top 2 bits of the accumulator to generate
[20:57:12] <pcw_home> the gray code so the 'edge' rate is 4 times step/dir
[20:59:20] <pcw_home> You can generate normally scaled quadrature with the
[20:59:22] <pcw_home> table mode but that was never supported by the driver
[21:05:11] <kwallace> So, to add the quadrature output the existing counter code was tweaked. Kinda makes sense because quadrature isn't used that often and the only side effect is the scale value needed to flush the lower bits.
[21:10:12] <kwallace> Oops, my drivers are not h-bridge but unipolar.
[21:12:45] <AR_> what's a good rigid column for a CNC mill that can be made/bought for under $100
[21:13:40] <AR_> i know you can buy mini mill 'solid' columns from LMS for like $150
[22:00:25] <jdh> relatively inexpensive 5/24vdc http://www.mpja.com/01-15-13.asp?r=245198&s=6
[22:39:47] <s1dev> anyone know where to get relatively backlash free worm gears the gear preferrable has an OD less than 3"
[23:14:58] <Jymmm> http://BacklashFreeWormGears.com/
[23:15:36] <Jymmm> just a guess ;)
[23:59:06] <tjtr33> https://sdp-si.com/eStore/Direct.asp?GroupID=390