#linuxcnc | Logs for 2012-11-05

[02:07:51] <DJ9DJ> moin
[03:01:14] <Loetmichel> mornin'
[06:59:24] <ktchk> plasma thc stand-alone or software?
[08:17:35] <pferrick> hi, just installed xchat and want to make sure its working...!
[08:18:03] <alex_joni> it's not ;)
[08:20:17] <pferrick> Have to get to work, so I'll save my question for later...
[08:21:56] <archivist> dont keep us in suspense!
[08:22:24] <pferrick> Ok, here's a quick version: I'm getting hesitation on homing moves, and (often) a complaint about the "home switch being inactive before start of latch move"
[08:23:58] <pferrick> This "stuttering" does not happen during regular moves. The problem cropped up while I was messing around with the config files, so I eventually created a fresh config using stepconf. But I still have the problem.
[08:24:51] <pferrick> Basic question: what could cause hesitation in homing moves but NOT jogs?
[08:25:16] <archivist> I have been to lazy to fit switches so far but one sets a small offset when using the same switch for home and limit
[08:26:43] <pferrick> yeah, i have home_offset in there. It's worked fine for a long, long time. I would suspect the parport itself, except regular moves are fine.
[08:28:33] <pferrick> Now I really gotta get going- I'll check in later. Thanks.
[08:30:26] <alex_joni> most likely the switch itself?
[08:31:52] <cradek> yes that error means you have a problem with what the home switch is reporting
[08:31:59] <cradek> you should use halscope to see what it's doing
[10:56:26] <tjb1> What a wonderful day
[10:56:43] <JT-Shop> raining and cold...
[10:57:22] <tjb1> Not here…I just stayed up til 5 am staring at the ceiling then got up at 7:30
[10:58:20] <tjb1> 2 classes left :(
[11:02:02] <tjb1> JT-Shop: Is your plasma torch cable run through the chains or do you have a boom for it?
[11:04:33] <JT-Shop> http://imagebin.org/234738
[11:05:01] <tjb1> That arm rides with the gantry?
[11:06:56] <JT-Shop> it just follows it around
[11:07:09] <tjb1> Oh is it fixed in the corner then
[11:07:24] <JT-Shop> yea it swivels in the corner
[11:08:10] <tjb1> Were trying to get one working on mine, we have it in the middle but if the torch moves a certain way the cable gets behind the motor then it will get pulled going to a corner
[11:08:14] <tjb1> Still working that out
[11:09:10] <JT-Shop> vise grips are your friend while you sort that out, I assume as big as your table is if you use a setup like mine it would need to be attached to the gantry
[11:10:01] <tjb1> i just need to find a way to get the cable held above the motor
[11:10:14] <tjb1> its held below it now so it swivels around it
[11:34:12] * JT-Shop pressure tests the 40 gallon tank for the plasma cutter
[11:34:46] * syyl_ws takes cover
[11:35:03] <JT-Shop> 10psig
[11:35:38] <syyl_ws> ah ok, thats not dangerous
[11:35:59] <JT-Shop> took a while to put 10psig in through a shrader valve
[11:35:59] <syyl_ws> no need for cover
[11:39:49] <JT-Shop> seems to hold air for the most part except for a tiny bubble on the element seal
[11:56:05] <WalterN> are there any good 3D CAD programs for linux? (commercial or open source)
[12:03:18] <cpresser> WalterN: there is heeks-CAD, openSCAD, FreeCAD
[12:03:40] <cpresser> as far as i know CATIA also works with wine (has been a few years since i used it last)
[12:03:59] <WalterN> cpresser: which one has a UI closest to solidworks or viaCAD?
[12:04:19] <cpresser> cant tell since i never used solidworks or viaCAD
[12:04:27] <WalterN> oheh
[12:04:31] <cpresser> openSCAD has no GUI at all. its text-based :)
[12:04:38] <IchGuckLive> Hi all B)
[12:05:07] <IchGuckLive> openscad is good for moving cad objekts simulation
[12:05:46] <WalterN> heh.. then lets go with: which one has shiny buttons to click on and is easiest to use?
[12:05:56] <IchGuckLive> WalterN sounds Germany
[12:06:38] <IchGuckLive> Best for 2D is to use Librecad 3D heekscad
[12:06:47] <WalterN> ok
[12:06:49] <IchGuckLive> all free to use in 3OS
[12:06:56] * WalterN goes to look up
[12:07:01] <IchGuckLive> im from Ramstein Germany
[12:07:32] <WalterN> what? germany? I'm not from germany...
[12:07:38] <IchGuckLive> WalterN: what is your goal to meet
[12:07:47] <IchGuckLive> wood metal
[12:08:06] <IchGuckLive> mashining or sculping milling or lathe
[12:08:26] <WalterN> well... metal.. or plastic I guess.. w/e will fit in a lathe or mill
[12:08:45] <IchGuckLive> so most 2D shapes
[12:08:57] <IchGuckLive> with a sertain depth
[12:09:05] <WalterN> going to use it for other things mostly for practice
[12:09:14] <WalterN> enh
[12:09:23] <IchGuckLive> practice is best to use this 2 systems
[12:09:41] <IchGuckLive> as they are mainly autocad based Gui oriantated
[12:09:47] <WalterN> 3D starts as 2D anyway
[12:10:02] <IchGuckLive> only at a Nurb system
[12:10:03] <WalterN> o.0 I kind of hate the autoCAD interface
[12:10:20] <IchGuckLive> look at librecad
[12:10:39] <WalterN> was mentioned before that its not 3D
[12:11:43] <JT-Shop> http://imagebin.org/234747
[12:11:45] <IchGuckLive> im a Pro Engineering man so i start 3D and then cut out the part
[12:12:01] <JT-Shop> http://imagebin.org/234748
[12:12:11] <IchGuckLive> JT-Shop: REPRAP
[12:12:17] <JT-Shop> lol
[12:12:39] <IchGuckLive> ah 2nd got the clue
[12:13:08] <IchGuckLive> this will end up in a nice steel fence
[12:13:13] <WalterN> cpresser: http://code.google.com/p/heekscad/wiki/UbuntuInstallation lol... 2011..
[12:13:15] <IchGuckLive> or even car gate
[12:13:47] <IchGuckLive> WalterN: for your need it is the repro packet
[12:14:05] <IchGuckLive> version 0.18 is good enove to start
[12:14:07] <WalterN> ..?
[12:14:19] <IchGuckLive> synaptic
[12:14:23] <WalterN> oh
[12:14:34] <IchGuckLive> WalterN: 10.04 ?
[12:14:36] <WalterN> apt-cache search did not show anything useful
[12:15:09] <IchGuckLive> there are precompiled
[12:15:28] <IchGuckLive> http://code.google.com/p/heekscnc/downloads/list
[12:16:01] <IchGuckLive> http://code.google.com/p/heekscad/downloads/list
[12:16:13] <IchGuckLive> WalterN: install cad first
[12:16:40] <WalterN> oh no wonder... it was moved to github
[12:16:41] <WalterN> https://github.com/Heeks
[12:17:05] <IchGuckLive> you do not need the newest as there is only reprap things
[12:17:42] <WalterN> ..?
[12:17:53] <IchGuckLive> 3D printing
[12:19:11] <IchGuckLive> here i made some examples for usige http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAVkVawm6pM
[12:21:44] <WalterN> heekscad is not in the repos
[12:22:12] <IchGuckLive> the packets need to be downloaded and then installt
[12:44:15] <andypugh> roh: I accidentally found the other EU Mesa stockist today. They have 5i25/7i76 in stock it appears: http://www.retrofit-plus.at/MESA/
[12:45:02] <syyl> that guy opens and closes his shop every few month
[12:45:07] <syyl> with changing names
[12:45:21] <andypugh> Yes, I suspect he was cnc-ready.at
[12:45:28] <syyl> jep
[12:45:36] <syyl> there i bought my 5i20
[12:45:44] <syyl> took very long time
[12:46:34] <IchGuckLive> agree on that he ships very slow
[12:46:39] <IchGuckLive> i ordert 4
[12:47:17] <andypugh> I ordered a 7i49 from duzi.cz on Friday, shipped today, allegedly.
[12:47:36] <syyl> that sounds better :D
[12:50:04] <andypugh> But if roh is in Germany, he could just pop over the border and collect :-)
[12:54:49] <andypugh> Hmm, actually, retrofit+ is near Vienna and Duzi is in Ostrava. Both are nearly as far from Deutschland as they can possibly be ans still be in their own countries :-)
[12:57:05] <jthornton> andypugh, did you have to do anything special to run the calculator on your mac?
[12:59:56] <Loetmichel> re @ home
[13:00:56] <andypugh> jthornton: I never got it working on my Mac.
[13:01:12] <andypugh> NameError: name 'sys' is not defined
[13:01:51] <jthornton> ok I think I fixed that one I was not importing sys in both files
[13:01:51] <andypugh> I fired up a Linux VM to test it, maybe I wasn't clear on that point.
[13:02:08] <roh> well.. i usually use a postal service. traveling is much to expensive
[13:09:41] <IchGuckLive> roh: where are you in BRD
[13:11:02] <IchGuckLive> im in ramstein RLP
[15:04:57] <frallzor> ahoyhoy
[15:15:25] <PCW> its not TLAPD for another 10 months
[16:00:08] <JT-Shop> 81 members and 41486 guests online
[16:02:17] <skunkworks_> wow - I just had my wifes HD get get smoked by the power supply.
[16:02:35] <skunkworks_> I found the same model hd and replaced the motherboard. No go.
[16:02:45] <skunkworks_> *circuit board
[16:03:05] <JT-Shop> yuck
[16:03:13] <cradek> huh, I've seen a bad PS blow a motherboard lots of times, but never a disk
[16:03:35] <cradek> but I don't trust disks to persist from minute-to-minute so maybe it just didn't strike me as odd :-)
[16:03:50] <skunkworks_> did a little searching online.. Seagates have a 'bios' chip on them that is HD specific. 8 pin surface mount. swapped that from the bad circuit board to the new one... I am copying as we speak!
[16:04:07] <cradek> dude.
[16:04:16] <cradek> go buy a lottery ticket and a tape drive right away
[16:04:50] <skunkworks_> well - we have been lack luster in backups.. we have one from a few months ago - would have been fine.. just some spreadsheet type stuff that would have been nice to have
[16:05:31] <skunkworks_> honestly - this is about the 6th time I have fixed a hd like that...
[16:05:49] <cradek> I now have all my data at home on zfs raid with routine (hourly) snapshots
[16:05:55] <skunkworks_> did one a month ago that 'just worked' swaping the circuit board...
[16:06:03] <cradek> and of course periodically still written to tape
[16:06:10] <skunkworks_> as long as it isn't mechanical.
[16:06:31] <skunkworks_> cool
[16:07:32] <cradek> well I'll call you if I ever need help... that's quite a record.
[16:07:44] <cradek> (you'd think it would teach you to make backups, though...) haha
[16:07:48] <skunkworks_> heh
[16:08:04] <skunkworks_> well - the really important stuff is.. (just not the important stuff)
[16:08:35] <cradek> I hate hate hate losing anything. even 5 minutes of work. I just refuse.
[16:09:05] <skunkworks_> heh - how does the snapshot work? seems like it would slow things down.. (how much data are you snapshoting?)
[16:09:41] <cradek> snapshots are instant in zfs. only when you cause new differences does the data "split".
[16:10:11] <skunkworks_> hmm - have to do some researching
[16:11:50] <frallzor> good evening Mr JT-Shop
[16:15:14] <DJ9DJ> gn8
[16:16:33] <JT-Shop> good evening Mr Frallzor
[16:16:42] <frallzor> weey =P
[16:16:58] <JT-Shop> did you see the 300lb anvil stand?
[16:17:02] <frallzor> me?
[16:17:07] <JT-Shop> yea
[16:17:10] <frallzor> no
[16:17:12] <frallzor> show!
[16:17:16] <JT-Shop> http://gnipsel.com/shop/anvil/images/anvil-stand-01.jpg
[16:17:21] <JT-Shop> http://gnipsel.com/shop/anvil/images/anvil-stand-02.jpg
[16:17:25] <JT-Shop> http://gnipsel.com/shop/anvil/images/anvil-stand-03.jpg
[16:17:29] <JT-Shop> http://gnipsel.com/shop/anvil/images/anvil-stand-04.jpg
[16:18:05] <frallzor> fancy =)
[16:18:37] <syyl> can never have enough c-clamps, ha?
[16:19:14] <frallzor> real men use clamp with their teeth!
[16:19:29] <frallzor> + some proper grammar
[16:19:38] * frallzor is tired
[16:19:40] <syyl> ;)
[16:20:01] <syyl> me too
[16:20:09] <syyl> but almost finished my toolmakers block..
[16:20:09] <syyl> https://dl.dropbox.com/u/24396704/Aufspannw%C3%BCrfel/IMG_0987.JPG
[16:22:32] <frallzor> I cut some mds in my bandsaw =P
[16:22:36] <frallzor> *MDF even
[16:23:10] <PCW> servo error from latency is relatively easy to calculate for torque mode drives
[16:23:12] <PCW> with known PID gains and axis mass (for a single error)
[16:23:13] <PCW> primary error is from position sample at wrong time,
[16:23:15] <PCW> and incorrect PID output applied for one sample
[16:24:04] <JT-Shop> aww he left
[16:24:38] <frallzor> anyone got some experience in machining/engraving glass btw?
[16:27:03] <JT-Shop> I core drilled glass with grinding compound and a copper tube
[16:27:58] <frallzor> Im going to try and engrave letters into 4mm glass but not sure how to staret
[16:28:53] <PCW> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8RY01M7BFQ&feature=related
[16:28:54] <PCW> somebody doing that
[16:29:08] <lwizardl> so what tools would be the best to make acurate measurements with of producing items with the cnc mill
[16:31:43] <frallzor> PCW watched that, but seems too easy somehow =P
[16:32:13] <PCW> he doesnt show the broken ones :-)
[16:33:46] <frallzor> wonder which stepdown one dares to try when engraving
[16:45:00] <JT-Shop> can you engrave glass?
[16:47:06] <frallzor> that video seems to say so
[16:57:01] <andypugh> JT-Shop: So what does the anvil on your 300lb stand weigh?
[16:57:46] <andypugh> lwizardl: What was the question again? You want to know how to measure the thngs you are making?
[16:59:10] <lwizardl> andypugh, basically what I'm wanting to know is is there a tool more finely accurate to take measurements then just a standard tape measure.
[16:59:37] <andypugh> A digital Caliper is often useful
[16:59:50] <andypugh> What sort of size do you need to measure?
[17:00:13] <lwizardl> I have one of those but is only does small measurements
[17:00:24] <andypugh> How big do you need?
[17:00:57] <theorb> Tape measures are good for large measurements (rooms), steel rules for medium sizes (things that fit on a desktop), and calipers for small things (bolts).
[17:01:39] <andypugh> You can get digital calipers up to at least 1000mm (40") but they aren't especially cheap
[17:01:41] <andypugh> http://www.machine-dro.co.uk/1000mm-40-digital-calipers.html
[17:02:01] <lwizardl> well right now i'm taking measurements of stuff to make boxes for my stuff. doing measurements mainly of my gaming consoles, computers, etc. but I know that I will end up making a table and desk for someone (already talked to me about engraving them)
[17:02:29] <theorb> lwizardl: Get a decent set of steel rules for that, IMHO.
[17:02:35] <andypugh> I saw this 5 foot micrometer on ebay the other day too: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MOORE-WRIGHT-54-60-COMBINATION-MICROMETER-SIMILAR-TO-MITUTOYO-/190744612617?pt=UK_Home_Garden_PowerTools_SM&hash=item2c6943cf09
[17:02:51] <theorb> I think at 5 foot, it's not really a *micro*meter anymore.
[17:03:23] <andypugh> Boxes I would use a 300mm caliper for. Desks you can use a good steel tape measure.
[17:03:30] <JT-Shop> 300lbs LOL
[17:04:00] <lwizardl> yeah i have this one http://www.harborfreight.com/6-inch-composite-digital-caliper-93293.html
[17:04:24] <lwizardl> brb gotta give someone a ride
[17:06:22] <andypugh> One tool I do rather like (but don't own) is the vernier pi tape, for measuring diameters: http://www.pitape.com/products-circumferencetapes-metric.htm
[17:07:46] <andypugh> I like my 3" caliper, it's rather useful in confined spaces (like on a machine tool)
[17:08:42] <andypugh> Hmm, I think I need a 1000mm one though...
[17:09:31] <andypugh> No, I just changed my mind :-)
[17:18:49] <JT-Shop> oh well out of mixed gas... finish welding the anvil stand in the morning
[17:23:16] <andypugh> I think I should buy that big micrometer to settle the question of whether my sister is over 4'10" as she claims, or under as we suspect :-)
[17:23:36] <JT-Shop> please take some photos of the measuring
[17:25:28] <JT-Shop> http://www.borderagencyscotland.com/?ind2014
[17:25:50] <JT-Shop> andypugh: have you seen this http://www.metalwebnews.com/howto/rolls/BendingRolls.pdf
[17:28:09] <JT-Shop> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KEg5NDZ6rnM
[17:34:09] <andypugh> Looks like a nice set of rolls, but I can't say I feel the need.
[17:36:12] <JT-Shop> my 3 in 1 is the same but less polished
[17:41:04] <andypugh> Is it the same sort of design? (2 to pinch and one to bend?)
[17:41:15] <andypugh> I can't recall how mine works.
[17:43:09] <andypugh> Ah, yes, it appears to be the same: http://www.axminster.co.uk/axminster-750mm-sheet-metal-worker-prod23170/
[17:46:31] <lwizardl> okay back
[17:47:06] <JT-Shop> mine still leaves a flat unless you roll almost the same diameter as the top roll
[17:47:45] <andypugh> Have you tried it with his suggestion of swapping the leading edge?
[17:49:03] <JT-Shop> no, I never thought of that the few times I needed to roll something
[18:21:28] <JT-Shop> does G76 take into account if your in diameter or radius mode? I seem to recall something about this...
[18:22:09] <JT-Shop> yep there it is in the manual
[18:22:17] <Valen> doh i meant to tell andy about TI giving away 100A brushless controllers
[18:23:38] <tjb1> For free?
[18:24:11] <Valen> aparently
[18:24:15] <tjb1> Link?
[18:25:36] <Valen>  http://www.ti.com/ww/en/more/solutions/motor.shtml?DCMP=national_winning_combo&HQS=brushlessdc-sampleem&sp_rid_pod4=OTA3Mjk0NzYxOAS2&sp_mid_pod4=39485546&spMailingID=39485546&spUserID=OTA3Mjk0NzYxOAS2&spJobID=151584927&spReportId=MTUxNTg0OTI3S0 - free, and free shipping.
[18:25:37] <Valen> aparently
[18:25:44] <Valen> i havent looked into it too much
[18:27:22] <Jymmm> not free, you have to give up yout info
[18:28:17] <Valen> free for everybody except Jymmm
[18:28:46] <Jymmm> Just because you don't have to pay for something doens't make it free.
[18:29:37] <Jymmm> They will sell you out in a heartbeat for shit loads of cash
[18:29:52] <Jymmm> just saying.
[18:37:54] <JT-Shop> dang nice threads now with the Machinist Calculator
[18:38:01] <tjb1> Thats just a sample valen
[18:38:09] <tjb1> You get like 3-4 little SMD chips
[18:38:17] <tjb1> I have already requested every sample they have
[18:48:02] <PCW> We are using the DRV8312 in a new drive.
[18:48:03] <PCW> It seems fairly nice though is not really meant for servo use
[18:48:05] <PCW> (we had to work around some of its limitations)
[18:48:49] <Valen> ey pcw, hows things?
[18:49:01] <PCW> OK, busy
[18:49:24] <Valen> sorry ;-> I just sent through a price enquiry
[18:49:57] <PCW> Not complaining :-)
[18:50:12] <Valen> I figured you guys would be rolling your own brushless stuff
[18:50:20] <Valen> being FPGA people
[18:50:33] <Valen> I didn't even get an IRC fanboy discount ;-P
[18:50:37] <PCW> yeah slowly creeping that way
[18:51:20] <PCW> there is an educational discount if you order through a school
[18:52:23] <Jymmm> http://scriptevolution.com/blog/2012/03/free-edu-emails/
[18:53:14] <PCW> Yeah usually the ship to /bill to better be a legit school
[18:53:48] <Valen> heh I could probably arrange that
[18:53:55] <Valen> though it would be a primary school lol
[19:05:13] <Valen> some ampier drives would be nice too
[19:05:27] <Valen> to match the kelig or whatever it is servo motors
[19:18:09] <JT-Shop> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzrUqAtUcpU
[19:21:12] <JT-Shop> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLDSdnHWaSU
[19:21:20] <PCW> 8i21 (using the DRV8312) is 48V 20A cont 50A peak
[19:21:38] <PCW> sorry 30A cont
[19:53:21] <tetbert> Fritzing gave me this *_drill.txt file that appears to be valid gcode, is Axis/EMC2 capable of reading them?
[20:01:45] <jdh> load it up and see if it complains
[20:02:57] <ReadError> omfg
[20:03:02] <ReadError> i install fritzing
[20:03:06] <ReadError> worst.app.ever
[20:03:14] <ReadError> removed like 5 minutes after
[20:24:26] <r00t4rd3d> its cool for making Arduino tutorials :D
[20:25:03] <r00t4rd3d> it has all the pretty pictures.
[20:25:51] <r00t4rd3d> just confusing at fuck is all
[22:03:04] <Aero-Tec> can one set up a rotary axis to have a 360 deg roll over?
[22:04:13] <Aero-Tec> if EMC can be set up with roll over, how does one set it up?
[22:27:30] <skorket> has anyone experimented with attaching a reflective ball to the rotating chuck, shining a laser on it and measuring runout/vibration that way?