#linuxcnc-devel Logs

Sep 19 2024

#linuxcnc-devel Calendar

11:05 AM seb_kuzminsky: #2671 also broke the docs build in the buildbot
11:16 AM seb_kuzminsky: by dropping support in master for the platform that the buildbot uses to build the docs: http://buildbot.linuxcnc.org/buildbot/builders/2000.docs/builds/8608
01:57 PM pere: hi
02:13 PM seb_kuzminsky: hi pere
02:13 PM seb_kuzminsky: long time no talk, how are things?
02:14 PM pere: busy as usual. not sure what to highlight.
02:15 PM pere: on the metal working side, I try to figure out how to mill thin steel sheets, and in other areas I am playing with GPUs for AI.
02:16 PM rmu: how thin?
02:17 PM pere: 0.5mm, I believe.
02:17 PM pere: my current plan is to use a sacrificial plate and super clue, but have to make the plate first. :)
02:20 PM pere: as for linuxcnc, I have not had much time to spend on it. the little I have I spent on translation sync between weblate and github.
02:21 PM pere: we did get approval for a stable update in debian, but no-one prepared a upload yet. I hope to find time to look at it some time, but hoped someone else would react to it too. :)
02:24 PM rmu: i habe experience with 0,6mm 1.4301, that is not fun to mill.
02:24 PM rmu: s/habe/have/
02:25 PM rmu: with steel you could try using magnets to hold it and down-cut bits
02:28 PM pere: I saw some videos recommending very shallow cuts and superglue, and will try this approach first. lack both magnets and cut-down-bits, and hope to make due with what I got.
04:32 PM -!- #linuxcnc-devel mode set to +v by ChanServ
06:04 PM -!- #linuxcnc-devel mode set to +v by ChanServ