#linuxcnc-devel Logs

Jul 21 2024

#linuxcnc-devel Calendar

01:52 AM pere: anyone got any idea what go wrong with <URL: https://github.com/petterreinholdtsen/linuxcnc/actions/runs/10026091667/job/27709998884 > with debian/update-dch-from-git?
02:15 AM pere: andypugh_: I am starting to suspect the uninitialized value issue is related to the adoc generated man pages.
02:56 AM pere: andypugh_: I tracked it down to man/man9/toggle.9 and man/man9/toggle2nist.9 and the use of .ie. Not related to the generated adoc->man pages, but a change in a hal component.
02:58 AM pere: andypugh_: d1414e63eb19f2ebb6c300ea40b4404869c516a3 seem to be the trigger.
03:20 AM pere: andypugh_: I've reported the problem as <URL: https://bugs.debian.org/1076660 > and implemented a workaround by just dropping translations of these man pages.
03:30 AM sensille: i did not notice that cb81d5ba73 has made it partially into 2.9 with d72b9d4447. would it be possible to merge the remaining lines into the next release?
03:32 AM pere: sensille: only way to find out is to create a pull request with the remainign ones. :)
03:34 AM sensille: they are already in master. so i make a pull request against 2.9?
03:49 AM sensille: done
03:59 AM pere: Anyone got any idea why pdf building fail in unstable, <URL: https://github.com/LinuxCNC/linuxcnc/actions/runs/10026686566/job/27711296809 >?
04:42 AM pere: andypugh_: the master build status is better now. still failing on pdfs in unstable, but the po4a/groff issue is hidden now.
04:54 AM pere: I am doing a test build on testing (lack unstable machine), to see if I can reproduce the problem.
05:39 AM pere: I can reproduce the problem on trixie/testing.
05:39 AM pere: will take a break a few hours. got a build running (trying -j1 to drop parallellism, to see if it is related), and will check the result when I am back.
01:02 PM Unterhaus__ is now known as Unterhausen
05:39 PM pere: I believe I tracked down a problem, and suspect it is in the french settings of texlive-latex-base. Bug reported to Debian.
05:46 PM pere: andypugh_: any idea what went wrong in <URL: https://github.com/LinuxCNC/linuxcnc/actions/runs/10027341214/job/27712875724?pr=3033 >? is it translation related or something else?
05:49 PM pere: <URL: https://bugs.debian.org/1076675 > is the french texlive issue.
05:56 PM andypugh_: I am guessing that the problem isn’t the tooltable0not-found error mentioed early on, but “timeout in wait_complete_step()” which might be a number of things, and probably won’t happen next time.
06:01 PM pere: an heisenbug? I hate those.
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