#linuxcnc-devel Logs

Jul 16 2024

#linuxcnc-devel Calendar

01:54 AM pere: andypugh_: when do you plan to merge the new man pages into master?
03:37 AM rmu: anybody has an idea https://github.com/LinuxCNC/linuxcnc/actions/runs/9952705007/job/27494568453#step:8:2169
04:03 AM rmu: now the curl error when getting https://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debian/20220716T154603Z/pool/main/p/po4a/po4a_0.67-2_all.deb is back
04:04 AM rene-dev: rmu it should not download the po4a package, I removed that step
04:21 AM rmu: oh seems i need to update my branch...
04:21 AM rmu: sorry
12:09 PM andypugh_: pere: I tried last night, and found some hard to handle merge conflicts in other sections. Such as interp_G7x.cc
12:10 PM pere: andypugh_: yeah.
12:51 PM Unterhaus_ is now known as Unterhausen
01:27 PM mrec: andypugh_: the problem with the half circle is not fixed yet
01:27 PM mrec: I managed to fix the remaining problems before heading to my flight to Austria
01:28 PM mrec: the configure script / makefile seems to be a bit odd when 2 kernels are installed -rt and rtai (including headers) but -rt is booted it will compile the -rtai version
01:29 PM mrec: even though --with-realtime=uspace is set ...
01:29 PM mrec: compiling the real -rtai build has some issues, rtai_math.h or something like that has to be included instead of math.h in a few cases
01:30 PM andypugh_: mrec: I am having toruble merging the changes to g7x so it’s pssible it isn’t fixed in the version you compiled. Which version was it?
01:30 PM mrec: the latest git version from 1-2 days ago
01:30 PM andypugh_: master or 2.9?
01:30 PM mrec: master .. should be 2.10pre no?
01:31 PM mrec: I will set up another linuxcnc system in a few days because I'm working on the Mitsubishi MDS-B-SVJ2 (via ethernet)
01:31 PM andypugh_: (and, if you want to compile uspace with rtai on the system, the trick is to “hide” the /usr/realtime…. folder. I generally rename it to /usr/hidden_realtime….
01:32 PM mrec: I got both builds work in the end (2 versions one time with rtai one time uspace/-rt only)
01:32 PM andypugh_: It looks like the putative fix is currently ony in 2,9: https://github.com/LinuxCNC/linuxcnc/pull/3020
01:32 PM mrec: ok.. the g-code is in the bugreport, can you just load it?
01:33 PM mrec: if it's still there ... I can fix it in September I just have some roadmap to complete first (build / verify hardware)
01:38 PM mrec: https://streamable.com/w6t2bv
01:38 PM mrec: this one should be powered by linuxcnc in september
09:12 PM -!- #linuxcnc-devel mode set to +v by ChanServ