#linuxcnc-devel Logs

Jan 23 2023

#linuxcnc-devel Calendar

02:45 PM -!- #linuxcnc-devel mode set to +v by ChanServ
03:21 PM pere: hi
04:31 PM pere: smoe: hi
04:32 PM pere: smoe: I've been thinking about your idea about a hardware test rig for linuxcnc. wonder how hard it would be. :)
04:43 PM smoe: I think the answer during our meeting was that the simulation has it all for us. So if we could compare trajectories then this may even be superior?
04:43 PM smoe: But then again, I think that some small testbed is what most who approach LinuxCNC will go through prior to connecting it up with their lathe/mill.
04:56 PM pere: smoe: sure, for the problem mentioned, a simulation would be enough. but for testing and verifying a specific set of hardware drivers are working, I believe a test bench is needed.
04:56 PM pere: perhaps something simple like one axis with limit switches would be enough.
04:59 PM JT-Woodshop: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1OtWNuLWfwc as simple as you can get
05:05 PM smoe: Like it.
05:07 PM JT-Woodshop: smoe, is there an issue with the mesa card images in mesact?
05:11 PM smoe: You mean for an upload to Debian? On Debian only those software is distributed in their main "section" (Debian calls it "distribution") that have source code for all parts that the package ships - any firmware blob is not appreciated, the package would then go to their non-free section.
05:11 PM smoe: This also holds for the documentation PDFs.
05:16 PM JT-Woodshop: ok, what do I need to do?
05:18 PM smoe: I am not sure. The firmware-change is an optional feature, right? So maybe those firmwares can be substituted with a URL to download it?
05:19 PM JT-Woodshop: yes, the firmware is optional download... I could do the same with the board images
05:21 PM smoe: That would be nice. It may however be sufficient for those images to just add a reference to their origin and the copyright that goes with it.
05:21 PM JT-Woodshop: I looked at the Mesa pdf's and I don't see a copyright for them
05:21 PM JT-Woodshop: maybe pcw-home can comment on that?
05:22 PM smoe: The Debian folks areĀ  a bit picky. Anybody who does something has a copyright on that work, explicitly stated or not. Unless the redistribution is explicitly allowed, it is not allowed.
05:23 PM smoe: The Debian folks areĀ  a bit picky. Anybody who cretes something has a copyright on that work, explicitly stated or not. Unless the redistribution is explicitly allowed, it is not allowed.
05:23 PM smoe: creates
05:23 PM smoe: I am about to suspend myself for a few hours now.
05:24 PM JT-Woodshop: ok, goodnight