#linuxcnc-devel Logs

Nov 14 2022

#linuxcnc-devel Calendar

12:05 AM pere: I send a message about the next video chat to emc-developers@ on friday. It has not yet made it to the web archive. :(
12:49 AM pere: rene-dev5: around?
12:50 AM pere: silopolis[m]: around?
12:52 AM CaptHindsight[m]: Rod got us a VPS for a new buildbot
12:52 AM CaptHindsight[m]: he was asking about which debian should be loaded onto it intially
12:53 AM pere: aha. any debian can be run in a chroot, so any will do.
12:57 AM CaptHindsight[m]: pere: https://sourceforge.net/p/emc/mailman/message/37734788/
01:09 AM pere: CaptHindsight[m]: thanks. The subject of the missing message is "Next LinuxCNC video chat".
01:12 AM pere: CaptHindsight[m]: did you investigate buildbot setup?
01:16 AM CaptHindsight[m]: pere: just after 1am here, just leaving, the RTAI dev (Alec/ntulinux) , Andy and others would be using it, it's no problem for them
01:17 AM CaptHindsight[m]: JT is also working on a buildbot at his place
01:17 AM pere: CaptHindsight[m]: so a different buildbot setup than the one on buildbot.linuxcnc.org?
01:18 AM CaptHindsight[m]: he has some extra hardware like me but has new Starlink service
01:19 AM CaptHindsight[m]: pere: different as hosted on a VPS or at JT';s place vs Sebs old self hosted buildbot
01:19 AM CaptHindsight[m]: back in 10 + hours
01:19 AM pere: did not quite understand the plan, but good to see progress. good night. :)
01:20 AM CaptHindsight[m]: Andy needs access to a buldbot to continue releases
01:22 AM CaptHindsight[m]: and some others wsih to support ARM and RTAI
01:22 AM CaptHindsight[m]: so everyone can use the same buildbot
01:23 AM CaptHindsight[m]: pere: i think only Seb has buildbot.linuxcnc.org, but if he's no longer around much then we need to move on
01:24 AM CaptHindsight[m]: things change, people get busy, marriages, family, new jobs etc etc
01:25 AM pere: seb_kuzminsky is around, but quite busy. if we know what setup is required, we can provide him with everything on a silverplatter to reduce the amount of work he need to do.
05:17 AM rmu: pere: last messages from you on emc-developers@ received here are dated 2022-11-08
05:24 AM pere: I assume the list moderator have not moderated yet. not sure who it is. seb_kuzminsky, perhaps?
05:31 AM andypugh: Possibly John Kasunich. Most of the Admins listed are currently fairly inactive.
05:31 AM andypugh: https://sourceforge.net/p/emc/mailman/emc-developers/
05:32 AM andypugh: Better link: https://sourceforge.net/p/emc/_members/
06:04 AM pere: andypugh: I could suggest you as a moderator?
01:46 PM -!- #linuxcnc-devel mode set to +v by ChanServ
05:28 PM pere: seb_kuzminsky: how many are moderating the emc-* mailing lists these days?