#linuxcnc-devel Logs

Oct 12 2022

#linuxcnc-devel Calendar

02:08 AM -!- #linuxcnc-devel mode set to +v by ChanServ
02:58 AM -!- #linuxcnc-devel mode set to +v by ChanServ
02:58 AM -!- #linuxcnc-devel mode set to +v by ChanServ
08:35 AM -!- #linuxcnc-devel mode set to +v by ChanServ
08:39 AM -!- #linuxcnc-devel mode set to +v by ChanServ
10:58 AM roguish[m]: pere: good day. I have finished my simple comp. I think. pretty sure. It now actually creates an error when it is supposed to.
11:15 AM pere: roguish[m]: hi.
11:16 AM pere: nice to hear. did you check out git too?
02:24 PM pere: roguish[m]: do you want me to review the code?
02:48 PM roguish[m]: pere: ok. sounds good.
02:48 PM * roguish[m] posted a file: (1KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/LrbRbCGhOgFcRXNuDcskaoMG/div2.comp >
02:49 PM roguish[m]: I tested it in my VM with a linuxcnc sim. ran in a command window (terminal). gives the error with and without debugging turned on in linuxcnc.
02:52 PM roguish[m]: compiles and installs with the halcomp thing
02:52 PM roguish[m]: have to go out for a bit. bbl
02:53 PM pere: looking
03:00 PM pere: roguish[m]: the description still do not explain why negative divisor is a problem. it also fail to mention what happen with divide by zero. are you sure zero division should return 0? Why not NaN of inf?
03:14 PM pere: roguish[m]: instad of if (zz == 0) I would write if (0.0 == zz), to make it obvious that it is compared with a float, not an int, and to make sure the constant always is used for comparision.
03:21 PM pere: roguish[m]: btw, why do you need the zz variable?
04:55 PM roguish[m]: pere: Ok, I can add a few more words in the description. The zz is there because of an error that said the left side could not be a function. I can make the 0 be 0.00 so it's obvious it is a float. What is 'NaN of inf" ?? I will do these and test it, and take screen pictures of the results.... again. thank you.
05:22 PM JT-Shop_ is now known as JT-Shop