#linuxcnc-devel Logs

Jan 31 2022

#linuxcnc-devel Calendar

11:14 AM silopolis[m]: Hello guys, how is GNU AGPL v3 compatible with the project?
11:20 AM silopolis[m]: Asking because owncloud's docs guidelines are really nice and wondering if we could derive these?
11:38 AM jepler[m]: What the devil, weblate hasn't createda new pull request (that I see) but it's sending alerts again about outgoing changes. Did anybody change settings in weblate since the last time this was going on?
11:43 AM jepler[m]: silopolis: as far as I am aware "GPL version 2 only" is not compatible with "AGPL version 3". This understanding stems from "GPL version 2 only" not being compatible with "GPL version 3". https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html#v2v3Compatibility
01:44 PM silopolis[m]: <jepler[m]> "What the devil, weblate hasn't..." <- Only settings I changed are white spaces and line breaks checks, so shouldn't have changed anything at git level
01:44 PM silopolis[m]: <jepler[m]> "silopolis: as far as I am aware..." <- OK, thanks. So, maybe we can use them as inspiration to write our own...