#linuxcnc-devel Logs

Nov 17 2021

#linuxcnc-devel Calendar

05:51 AM pere: seb_kuzminsky: is <URL: https://sourceforge.net/p/pycam/mailman/pycam-announce/ > dead?
10:46 AM seb_kuzminsky: pere: i think both the pycam lists are pretty dead these days
10:50 AM pere: seb_kuzminsky: ack.
10:51 AM pere: the alternative was that pycam had not seen a release in four years...
10:52 AM pere: seb_kuzminsky: is there anything blocking a new upload of linuxcnc to debian? I notice it is not listed in <URL: https://ftp-master.debian.org/new.html >.
10:56 AM seb_kuzminsky: there was feedback (rejection) from the ftpmasters because of inaccuracies/omissions/problems with debian/copyright
10:56 AM seb_kuzminsky: smoe started working on it: https://github.com/LinuxCNC/linuxcnc/pull/1384
10:58 AM seb_kuzminsky: i don't know how to tell if he's ready for that PR to be merged... i was holding off until he made a comment to that effect, but maybe i'll email him and ask
11:06 AM pere: seb_kuzminsky: Perhaps <URL: https://wiki.debian.org/CopyrightReviewTools > provide some hints for you to check if d/copyright is more complete now. I would just merge the PR myself, as it obviously improve the situation.
11:16 AM seb_kuzminsky: thanks for the link, checking now
11:34 AM seb_kuzminsky: pere: what's the status of https://github.com/LinuxCNC/linuxcnc/pull/1356 ? it seems like folks are mostly in agreement on the mailing list that po4a is a good idea
12:08 PM pere: seb_kuzminsky: status is that I am waiting for the french translator to see what he can do, and have not yet integrated it into the build system.
12:08 PM seb_kuzminsky: ok, cool
12:08 PM pere: I further started on the README update, but it is incomplete, mostly because I do not know if we want small POT files or one large POT file.
12:15 PM seb_kuzminsky: on the topic of "lots of small POT files or one big POT file", i'm not sure either
12:15 PM seb_kuzminsky: my intuition is that small pot files that each match one .adoc file is the simplest, but i'm not at all familiar with translation tools, and so i may be missing something about how things in that ecosystem work
12:19 PM seb_kuzminsky: for example, if a developer changes a translatable "source" string in a .c or .adoc file, that requires an update to whatever .po file(s) that track translations of that source string, right? If the commit includes a patch to the .c/.adoc file with the english source string, and a patch to the *matching* .po file, it's easy to see that the right thing happened. But if the commit contains a
12:20 PM seb_kuzminsky: patch to the .c/.adoc file and to the middle of a giant .po file that covers the whole project, a reviewer has to inspect the .po patch to make sure that the right thing happened there. I think that's how it works?
12:21 PM seb_kuzminsky: on the other hand, I think POT files are smart enough to notice when specific source strings are used unchanged in multiple places in the sources, and only require one translation of that string, instead of requiring a separate translation for each place where the source string appears. If that feature exists, and does not span across .po files, then that's a strong argument for having one
12:22 PM seb_kuzminsky: big .po file for everything
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