#linuxcnc-devel Logs

Dec 20 2020

#linuxcnc-devel Calendar

06:44 PM Tom_L: upgrading from 2.7 to 2.8 maybe the configuration utility should change motion.spindle-xxx to spindle.0.xxx since configs in 2.7 will generally have one spindle
06:49 PM Tom_L: instead it leaves it as motion.spindle-xxx which is an error
06:49 PM pcw_home: which configuration utility?
06:49 PM Tom_L: when you update from 2.7 to 2.8 it asks if it should change your config file
06:49 PM Tom_L: if it recognizes an older config
06:49 PM pcw_home: Ahh the conversion script needs to be updated
06:50 PM pcw_home: yeah that change also resulted in a name collision with the spindle component
06:51 PM Tom_L: most components are prefixed that way
06:51 PM Tom_L: dunno why it was changed in motion
06:52 PM Tom_L: it would clarify where the config line came from
06:52 PM pcw_home: shorter and more obvious. (but less clear where they come from)
06:54 PM Tom_L: anyway i got rpi4 up with 2.8.1 with my 2.7 config files
06:55 PM pcw_home: The RPI4 seems pretty decent
06:56 PM Tom_L: odd it can run buster and my old d525 can't
06:56 PM Tom_L: preempt-rt is too much for it
06:56 PM pcw_home: the RPI3 was acceptable but the 1G or RAM was a big limitation
06:57 PM pcw_home: (manipulating complex backplots would crash the RPI3 due to lack of memory)
06:58 PM pcw_home: probably not really a crash but just glacial performance
06:59 PM skunkworks: rpi4 seems 'just enough' for linuxcnc so far
07:00 PM skunkworks: I was playing with turbocnc today. Boy. So glad linuxcnc is around
07:00 PM Tom_L: yeah, don't do anything else with it...
07:00 PM skunkworks: right
07:00 PM Tom_L: but aren't most controls that way?
07:01 PM skunkworks: yes.. well - some you cannot do anything else anyway. with linuxcnc - you can do other things while it is running. on good hardware.
07:02 PM skunkworks: was planning on making a video for doscember.. (running turbocnc on dos with newish hardware)
07:02 PM skunkworks: didn't work with an i5 - very crashy. but have an older amd that seems to run well
07:02 PM skunkworks: (turbocnc)
07:02 PM Tom_L: i got a deb for 2.8.1 that may be newer but wonder if it's worth trying to update
07:02 PM skunkworks: it acutally jogs around the terco
07:02 PM skunkworks: not as smooth
07:19 PM -!- #linuxcnc-devel mode set to +v by hitchcock.freenode.net
08:19 PM -!- #linuxcnc-devel mode set to +v by ChanServ