#linuxcnc-devel Logs

Oct 05 2019

#linuxcnc-devel Calendar

06:25 AM -!- #linuxcnc-devel mode set to +v by ChanServ
03:33 PM skunkworks: pcw_mesa: what do I do to setup the dpll on a stepper config? this is a 2ms servo thread
03:35 PM skunkworks: currently have .0002" following error
03:39 PM skunkworks: it is a spike right at the begining of motion
03:40 PM skunkworks: then a steady state during acc of about 10uIN
03:50 PM skunkworks: I would think the error would happen at the end of motion too... But it is only at the begining
03:56 PM skunkworks: Heh - enough crap in my head to be dangerous... I remember talk about the velocity joint velocity cmd not working correctly when hooked to the pid command-diriv...
03:57 PM skunkworks: removed that connection and now I get 10uIN of error over the whole move
04:02 PM skunkworks: removed that connection and now I get 10uIN of error over the whole move
04:30 PM skunkworks: http://electronicsam.com/images/greenmachine/IMG_20191005_154307.jpg
04:30 PM skunkworks: That was with vel hooked to pid dirivity
04:30 PM skunkworks: dirivitive
04:30 PM skunkworks: whatever