#linuxcnc-devel Logs

Oct 22 2018

#linuxcnc-devel Calendar

06:53 AM Jin^eLD: hi
07:32 AM jepler: reports are that this is in newly released kernel 4.19. Might be an interesting way to reduce ethernet jitter a bit more, at the expense of increased latency. https://lwn.net/Articles/748879/
07:41 AM rmu: jepler: did anybody try userspace ip stacks?
07:44 AM rmu: like https://github.com/OpenFastPath/ofp
07:50 AM rmu: it's not easy to cut through all the blabla and BS and get to some facts how a paket is really handled from reception to socket or the other way round
10:30 AM rmu: using lwip and a simple polling driver for e1000 should be feasible, but of course maintaining network drivers would be a complete disaster
11:13 AM rene_dev_: rmu I dont think that is something you want to do
11:13 AM rene_dev_: especially as you need custom code for each card
11:36 AM skunkworks: yes - initally the ethernet solution for linuxcnc used rt-net
11:36 AM skunkworks: not fun
11:51 AM rmu: custom code for each card would not be feasible, but using something like dpdk seems possible
11:51 AM rmu: www.dpdk.org
11:52 AM rmu: but i think it mostly supports 10gig cards
12:10 PM rene_dev_: but why?
12:17 PM rmu: to have exact control when pakets are sent, no context switches, no preemption, no interrupts
12:21 PM rmu: but probably all wasted effort, better improve rt-preempt
05:45 PM TurBoss: Hello
05:46 PM TurBoss: I found a bug in pncconf related to work space dimensions
05:46 PM TurBoss: if I click back in the assistant the work space is multiplied by 10
05:46 PM TurBoss: eg
05:47 PM TurBoss: if I set 150 and the I click back it sets to 1500
05:47 PM TurBoss: can someone confirm??
06:12 PM andypugh: TurBoss: Sounds like one for Chris Morley, it’t often easier to find him on the forum.
06:14 PM TurBoss: Ok thanks
06:24 PM Jin^eLD is now known as Jin|away
06:57 PM hazzy-m: TurBoss: I was able to reproduce the pncconf problem. It occurs when a comma is used as the decimal seperator
06:58 PM hazzy-m: It appears that the comma is ignored, so `120,0` is converted to the number `1200`
07:02 PM TurBoss: hazzy: but I didn't put any dot or comma
07:02 PM TurBoss: it does automatically
07:03 PM hazzy-m: Yes, GTK puts it in automaticaly because of your local
07:04 PM hazzy-m: That also explains why your STEP_SCALE was 1000 times what it should be the other day. The calculator adds three decimal places, and GTK correctly used a comma for the decimal seperator because of your local, but PNCConf interpreted that as 160000 instead of 160
07:04 PM TurBoss: ohhhh
07:04 PM TurBoss: genious!
07:06 PM hazzy-m: I'm looking at pncconf.py, I see were the values are read from the input boxes, but I'm not sure how best to fix the problem
07:06 PM TurBoss: checking
07:07 PM hazzy-m: look at line 5247, I think that is it
07:15 PM hazzy-m: no, that's not it
07:20 PM TurBoss: could be line 62?
07:33 PM hazzy-m: TurBoss: Yes, that looks like it. How did I miss that? LOL
07:37 PM hazzy-m: I added some prints, and that does seem to be it
07:37 PM hazzy-m: wonder why it sets the local every time it gets a value ...
07:45 PM * hazzy-m goes afk to work on the corvair