#linuxcnc-devel Logs

Aug 23 2018

#linuxcnc-devel Calendar

04:36 AM Jin^eLD: mornin
10:22 AM seb_kuzminsky: hazzy-dev: you could add an "ini_filename" field to the Status structure, and have Task populate it from the environment during startup
10:23 AM seb_kuzminsky: Jin^eLD: good morning!
10:23 AM Jin^eLD: hi seb_kuzminsky! :) cleaerly we are in different timezones )
10:23 AM seb_kuzminsky: i'm in Colorado, USA, it's 9:23 in the morning here
10:24 AM Jin^eLD: my "morning" usually starts at 10 a.m., I am not an early bird
10:24 AM Jin^eLD: currently on vacation in Greece, 18:24 right now
10:26 AM seb_kuzminsky: cool! how's greece these days?
10:27 AM Jin^eLD: actually nice and even not as hot as in the cities around Vienna (my parents are there) or Bratislava (where I live)
10:28 AM Jin^eLD: fresh wind from the sea
10:28 AM Jin^eLD: not too many tourists
10:28 AM seb_kuzminsky: heh
10:28 AM Jin^eLD: quite relaxing :)
10:30 AM Jin^eLD: on the minus side... holy crap, 1l of gasoline costs €1.86, really insane
10:31 AM Jin^eLD: so I am not driving around that much this summer, got a thirsty offroader from 1976 ;)
10:34 AM Jin^eLD: seb_kuzminsky: how are things in Colorado? I remember seeing some youtube videos, it was so hot people were warming up pizzas and frying eggs on the street :)
10:35 AM seb_kuzminsky: it's not that bad this year
10:35 AM seb_kuzminsky: we're getting a lot of smoke from the wild fires in california, but it's been a relatively cool & wet summer here
10:36 AM Jin^eLD: luckily I was not in the Athens area, apparently it was really bad there
10:37 AM Jin^eLD: there was a fire on the neighbor island but they got it under control quickly using multiple planes
02:17 PM skunkworks: boy you can really do amazing things with hal
02:21 PM seb_kuzminsky: what'd you do this time, skunkworks ??
02:36 PM Jin^eLD: am I correct seeing that it is not possible to pass some specific CFLAGS via the environemnt to halcompile do stuff like #ifdef(DEBUG)? or did I miss some special way?
03:34 PM skunkworks: seb_kuzminsky: nothing.. Just reading the forum with what people have done.
03:37 PM seb_kuzminsky: something for the Showcase on the website?
06:15 PM hazzy-lab: seb_kuzminsky: Thank you! I am trying to add ini_filename to status as you suggested.
06:15 PM hazzy-lab: Looking in taskmodule.cc I see: https://github.com/LinuxCNC/linuxcnc/blob/master/src/emc/task/taskmodule.cc#L241
06:16 PM hazzy-lab: So if I understand it right, on line 446 I could add `.add_property("ini_filename", &ini_filename)
06:18 PM hazzy-lab: and then add a ini_filename property here: https://github.com/LinuxCNC/linuxcnc/blob/master/src/emc/usr_intf/axis/extensions/emcmodule.cc#L314
06:19 PM hazzy-lab: it that at all the right way to go about it?
06:19 PM * hazzy-lab has never worked with c++ before
06:38 PM seb_kuzminsky: err, i think taskmodule is something different. a half-finished attempt to reimplement (part of?) task in python, maybe? I'm not really sure
06:39 PM seb_kuzminsky: look at emctaskmain.cc
06:40 PM seb_kuzminsky: emctask_startup() maybe the place to do this?
06:40 PM seb_kuzminsky: i'm not really sure, but good luck!
06:40 PM * seb_kuzminsky out
06:44 PM hazzy-lab: logs
06:44 PM logs: hazzy-lab: today's log: http://irc-logs.kcjengr.com/%23linuxcnc-devel/2018/08/23.html
06:46 PM hazzy-lab: thank you seb!
07:28 PM seb_kuzminsky: huh, a new logger robot
07:46 PM Tom_L: yeah hazzy-dev modded mine slightly
07:51 PM hazzy-lab: seb_kuzminsky: It appears that there used to be a method for getting the INI file:
07:51 PM hazzy-lab: https://github.com/LinuxCNC/linuxcnc/blob/master/configs/sim/axis/orphans/pysubs/task.py#L38
07:55 PM hazzy-lab: I think the the ini_filename method is still there, but I can't import emctask, probably something changed after the EMC debacle ...
08:02 PM hazzy-lab: I think this is were the ini_filename method is defined: https://github.com/LinuxCNC/linuxcnc/blob/master/src/emc/task/taskmodule.cc#L252
08:08 PM Tom_L: is that the part it shuts down on an ini error?
08:12 PM hazzy-lab: Tom_L: No, I am trying to add a `ini_filename` attribute to the `linuxcnc.status` module
08:12 PM hazzy-lab: seems neater then trying to get it from the logs :)