#linuxcnc-devel Logs

Feb 23 2018

#linuxcnc-devel Calendar

06:56 AM jthornton: I'm going through the GladeVCP part of the manual and it has .ui for the extension which is QT's extension not Glade which defaults to .glade. I feel saying .ui will confuse users any objection to changing all the .ui references to .glade?
07:33 AM jepler: jthornton: no, let's not do that rashly.
07:33 AM jepler: jthornton: I don't know why the actual files committed to git have one name instead of another...
07:33 AM jepler: jthornton: but the documentation, when it refers to files by name, needs to refer to them by the correct name
07:34 AM jepler: jthornton: .. and we don't know the impact of actually renaming the files, which have had the ".ui" extension since 2010 or so
07:36 AM jthornton: ok
07:38 AM jthornton: what about the example panel in the manual http://linuxcnc.org/docs/2.7/html/gui/gladevcp.html#_running_glade_to_create_a_new_user_interface it seems odd to have it say select file save as and change the default extension
08:05 AM jthornton: I knew something was wrong with the manual when TurBoss spent a week trying to make a simple button work in glade
08:05 AM jthornton: off to work for me
08:08 AM TurBoss: the problem was: trying to put the python handler, the glade and the hal files in a subdirectory of the config directory
08:09 AM TurBoss: maybe missing __init__.py on the sub directory
08:10 AM JT-Shop: clear step by step might have saved you a lot of time I'm thinking
08:16 AM JT-Shop: anyway time to work
08:21 AM TurBoss: I was doing more things than the examples said
08:21 AM TurBoss: so my fault
08:22 AM TurBoss: but allow to load pythonhandlers from a subdir could be great
08:31 AM JT-Shop: did you try /subdirectory/yourfile.py?
08:35 AM TurBoss: yes
08:36 AM JT-Shop: did you have an empty file called __init__.py in that directory?
08:41 AM TurBoss: nop
08:49 AM JT-Shop: try that
08:51 AM TurBoss: ok
08:51 AM TurBoss: asap
09:48 AM jepler: another forum reboot, it'll brb.
09:53 AM mozmck: jepler: I had a user ask yesterday why he could no longer edit some of his posts. Is there a time limit or anything where you can't edit posts over a certain age?
09:53 AM mozmck: I couldn't find any reason off hand that he would not be able to edit the posts.
09:57 AM skunkworks__: that is a pretty normal forum thing - you have x amount of time to edit the post - or the second someone posts after you - you cannot edit your post
10:00 AM mozmck: These posts are old, and he edit them occasionally to keep them up to date. Used to work and now it doesn't.
10:11 AM skunkworks__: huh
10:41 AM JT-Shop: maybe that is a new "feature"???
11:56 AM jepler: mozmck: I have not changed that on purpose
11:56 AM jepler: I can look for a setting
11:59 AM jepler: The "user edit time" of a post is set to unlimited seconds
11:59 AM jepler: kunena forum / configuration / users
12:11 PM mozmck: jepler: thanks. I'm not sure what the problem might be then. Maybe the interface changed and he just can't find the option?
12:11 PM mozmck: I have the option to edit his posts under the Actions button, but then I'm a moderator too.
12:18 PM jepler: wow the administrator interface of the forum feels really slow today
12:19 PM jepler: mysqld is taking a lot of CPU time
12:23 PM jepler: .. the forum is being crawled pretty aggressively by bing, "semrush" and "BUbiNG"
01:24 PM hazzy: jthornton: Re: GtkBuilder UI definition files extensions, the correct extension is .ui, just like it is for QT.
01:24 PM hazzy: I have know idea why glade defaults to saving files with .glade, it is very confusing
01:24 PM hazzy: I would suggest adding a note to the docs to clarify that .glade and .ui are equivalent, but that .ui is the recommended extension
01:41 PM hazzy: I don't know were the best place to put a clarifying note would be, maybe just expand the last sentence here:
01:41 PM hazzy: http://linuxcnc.org/docs/2.7/html/gui/gladevcp.html#_running_glade_to_create_a_new_user_interface
01:41 PM hazzy: To something like "Glade defaults to saving files with the .glade extension, but the standard GtkBuilder file extension is .ui. While both extensions are satisfactory, .ui is recommended for consistency."
01:49 PM hazzy: I think I can figure out how to edit the docs if something like that meets approval :)
01:51 PM jepler_: hazzy: thank you for that information!
01:51 PM jepler_ is now known as jepler
01:54 PM hazzy: jepler: I am happy I actually knew something!
01:57 PM JT-Shop: hazzy: odd this python GTK+ 3 offical tutorial says otherwise http://python-gtk-3-tutorial.readthedocs.io/en/latest/builder.html
01:57 PM JT-Shop: Let’s start by creating a window with a button in it and saving it to a file named example.glade
01:58 PM jepler: I have excluded "semrush" and "bubing" from crawling the forum, via robots.txt which they both claim to support. I've left bing, because unlike those two I know bing does help some end users. I couldn't figure out what BUbiNG is for, but semrush is "All-in-one Marketing Toolkit" so it's clearly *NOT* in the same category as a search engine
01:59 PM jepler: http://law.di.unimi.it/software.php#bubing
01:59 PM hazzy: JT-Shop: That is interesting! Typical GTK, they can't make up their mind, lol
02:00 PM hazzy: I guess they might be trying to distinguish hand written UI descriptions from Glade generated ones, since there is a lot of stuff glade does not support
02:03 PM hazzy: gedit uses .ui for all the UI descriptions, and I know most of those of generated with glade
02:03 PM hazzy: https://github.com/GNOME/gedit/tree/master/gedit/resources/ui
02:03 PM hazzy: of > are
02:06 PM JT-Shop: yes it's odd that they all don't agree on the extension
02:06 PM jepler: like everyone agrees on the extension of part programs
02:16 PM Chris_Morley: If the editor uses .glade then our examples should IMHO - with in a note in the docs that .ui is acceptable. The fact is you can use an arbitrary ending as long as the loading program knows. Pretty sure in gladeVCP you can specify any ending
02:26 PM JT-Shop: sounds like the correct thing to do is if it is created in glade it should have a .glade extension and if it is created in a text editor a .ui so as to not confuse it with a glade generated file
02:26 PM * JT-Shop goes back to work
02:28 PM skunkworks__: I never understood .tap files mach uses...
02:32 PM hazzy: skunkworks__: I am guessing that that might come from the once very popular fanuc NC tapping machines
02:33 PM hazzy: I just asked about the files extensions on #gtk+, should get an answer by next year :D
02:35 PM Roguish: hazzy: how's that UI coming along???
02:35 PM JT-Shop: I don't think it's a GTK thing but rather a Glade thing
02:40 PM hazzy: On #gtk+ they recommend using .ui for all GtkBuilder files, but is really does not matter. What ever is less confusing I say
02:40 PM hazzy: Roguish: I have not worked on it much lately, I need to get back on it
02:40 PM Roguish: ok. stay busy.
02:41 PM hazzy: Roguish: no problem doing that :)
02:43 PM Roguish: stay profitable....
03:36 PM skunkworks__: My only experience with fanuc is a laser at work. They used .fan for the gcode files. Don't think it mattered though
03:37 PM KimK: I'd guess .tap means paper tape, the king of gcode in decades past. One of many extensions for gcode, as jepler pointed out earlier (14:06:01).
03:41 PM KimK: Maybe I should have said xx:06:01 for our friends around the world, as they do on syndicated radio: "...it's twenty-two minutes after the hour...", without saying what hour it is!
03:42 PM Chris_Morley: The problem with using .ui for glade files is if you use glade and qtdesigner you never know which editor will fire up automatically... :)
03:46 PM JT-Shop: exactly
03:47 PM JT-Shop: and that just adds to the confusion for a new person
03:47 PM Tom_itx: how many are gonna be editing glade files right from the start?
03:48 PM Tom_itx: they can barely edit a config file
03:48 PM JT-Shop: why make it harder?
03:49 PM Tom_itx: i'm neutral on the topic, i've never tried to edit one
03:51 PM Tom_itx: is glade mostly for gui stuff?
03:51 PM Tom_itx is now known as Tom_L
03:52 PM JT-Shop: in this case it's for GladeVCP
03:52 PM JT-Shop: note the Glade part
03:52 PM hazzy: Ok, I have both Qt designer and Glade installed. I experimented by double clicking a couple GTK .ui files to see which app they would open in. The hand generated .ui files opened in Glade, the Glade generated one opened in Qt designer, xD
03:53 PM hazzy: I say use .glade, who cares what the GTK folk say
03:53 PM hazzy: Seems less confusing all around
03:54 PM * JT-Shop goes to share a beer with the chickens in the rain
03:57 PM * Tom_L has never seen a drunk chicken