#linuxcnc-devel Logs

Jan 13 2018

#linuxcnc-devel Calendar

09:57 AM mozmck: skunkworks: Is that a 7i80HD with the 50 pin connectors?
09:59 AM skunkworks: Umm
09:59 AM skunkworks: yes it is the 50 pin version
09:59 AM skunkworks: I don't remember the exact model number
09:59 AM mozmck: Ok. Everything I have has 25 pin connectors. So I either need a 7i77 or get a card with 50 pin connectors.
10:01 AM skunkworks: http://electronicsam.com/images/matsuura/20160423_155545.jpg
10:01 AM skunkworks: yes hd
10:02 AM skunkworks: ah - I would think for a basic bridgport - the 7i77 would be more than enough. But it has smart serial so you could add extra i/o
10:02 AM mozmck: 48 I/O should be a lot more than we need I think!
10:02 AM mozmck: I bet we could get by with a 7i37 with 8 out and 16 in
10:04 AM skunkworks: 7i37 is 50 pin also though
10:05 AM mozmck: Yes. I'm thinking about using a 7i93 + 7i33 + 7i37
10:06 AM mozmck: Or I might just go with a 7i92 + 7i77.
10:11 AM skunkworks: ah
10:12 AM skunkworks: either way - they will work great :)
10:13 AM speedy__: pcw_mesa: tnx for the ilowpass hint! makes things move nicer.
10:19 AM speedy__: i'd like to switch from machinekit to linuxcnc on beaglebone black (compile from source), but cannot find any tutorial for that. is somebody experienced in that?
10:21 AM skunkworks: wod - didn't know there was a 7i93
01:20 PM seb_kuzminsky: speedy__: there might be some development needed for that unfortunately
01:20 PM seb_kuzminsky: i think machinekit has some drivers for high-speed signal generation on the pru, which are not in linuxcnc (yet)
01:24 PM seb_kuzminsky: lol, a headline came across my news feed about water shortages in cape town: "Will taps run dry?", and i thought it was about tapping threaded holes without lubricant
01:25 PM Tom_L: hah
01:44 PM pcw_home: wonder if the PRU driver be a direct port ( dont know if the MK driver/hal interface has changed )
01:53 PM skunkworks: Yay!
01:54 PM skunkworks: we have to tap some 1.75" holes.. Going to have to take a video...
01:55 PM pcw_home: seems like a threadmill would be less scary...
01:55 PM skunkworks: yes - but the tap was cheaper :)
01:55 PM pcw_home: until you break it...
01:56 PM skunkworks: 3 holes.. I will cross my fingers. It will be fine :)
01:58 PM seb_kuzminsky: pcw_home: i've wondered that too
01:58 PM seb_kuzminsky: i think machinekit has changed how comp loading works, but i dont know how big the change it
01:59 PM seb_kuzminsky: i guess we'd have to figure out how to build their pru firmware, and distribute that somehow (as part of linuxcnc, or as a separate deb with dependencies)
02:00 PM seb_kuzminsky: somewhere i have a dusty project that builds pru firmware using a non-standard gcc
02:07 PM KimK: skunkworks: I once worked on a special machine for drilling the three/three holes that are on the ends of a railroad car axle to hold the end cap on. I don't remember the bolt size, but they were pretty big (not as big as 1.75" though!) (more follows...)
02:10 PM KimK: skunkworks: Anyway, one of the machine operator's jobs was to prepare the six taps while they were parked by carefully scrubbing all the previously cut chips off with a large-toothbrush-like brush, and then brush on a tap lube that looked for all the world like strawberry yougurt. Sorry, I don't remember the brand name. Worked great though.
02:11 PM KimK: s/yougurt/yogurt/
02:12 PM pcw_home: Has reverse feed been merged into master or 2.7?
02:13 PM pcw_home: ( forum question )
02:13 PM seb_kuzminsky: no, reverse feed is not merged into any of our branches
02:14 PM pcw_home: must be some git way of asking that question
02:14 PM seb_kuzminsky: there's not an easy way to ask git that question, because there's not single well-defined way that feature merges look in the history
02:16 PM pcw_home: Since I don't understand it I assume git has godlike capabilities
02:16 PM seb_kuzminsky: there's even a koan about this particular quirk of git
02:16 PM seb_kuzminsky: http://stevelosh.com/blog/2013/04/git-koans/#only-the-gods
02:17 PM seb_kuzminsky: "The historian hung his head as enlightenment crushed down upon him."
02:19 PM * KimK hopes that someday there'll be a "Cliff's Notes" that explains those koans for the unenlightened, like me.
02:21 PM pcw_home: Ha!
02:23 PM pcw_home: bbl
04:44 PM speedy__: seb_kuzminsky: at the moment i am totally fine with machinekit. but they have no support in their gitter channel at all and it should not be your job supporting me developing for machinekit. i thought of - if there is interest - providng the jog dial component for linuxcnc primarily.
09:59 PM -!- #linuxcnc-devel mode set to +v by ChanServ