#linuxcnc-devel | Logs for 2016-08-11

[10:10:52] <cradek> andy gives just the answer I would have given, except faster
[10:12:55] <archivist> what did I miss :)
[10:20:25] <cradek> nothing - a mailing list question
[13:24:08] -linuxcnc-github:#linuxcnc-devel- [13linuxcnc] 15jepler commented on issue #137: @SebKuzminsky I particularly want your viewpoint and feelings about this before merging it. 02https://github.com/LinuxCNC/linuxcnc/pull/137#issuecomment-239239449
[13:25:44] <jepler> I should use having this obnoxiously underpowered bbb running linuxcnc (well, halonly) as impetus to work on some of the rough corners around remote (tcp) user interface
[14:22:55] <PCW_> Dont the have display acceleration working on the BBB yet?
[14:28:52] <jepler> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[14:30:21] <jepler> I don't even have a monitor on mine, so for me definitely not
[14:31:03] <jepler> https://github.com/beagleboard/linux/issues/31
[14:32:00] <jepler> seems like still no opengl
[14:32:14] <jepler> opengl es maybe, but you can't run the windowing system at the same time
[14:36:57] <PCW_> Yay for proprietary Graphics accelerators
[14:46:25] <jepler> boo, bbb has a "real" ethernet mac right in the CPU but the RT kernel is Xenomai and there's no support in RT-NET for the "cpsw" hardware
[14:51:07] <PCW_> That's the big pain with RT-Net: limited MAC support
[14:52:45] <PCW_> I suspect the Preempt-RT has a related limitation, in that only common MACs get RT patches
[16:14:48] <jepler> yes probably so
[16:15:03] <jepler> but it's a matter of fixing an existing driver, not starting with a blank screen..