#linuxcnc-devel | Logs for 2016-08-05

[08:31:17] <jepler> skunkworks: not much happening right now is there
[10:37:23] <pcw_home> had not seen this before:
[10:37:25] <pcw_home> people.redhat.com/srostedt/preempt-rt-not-just-kernel-2013-lpc.pdf
[10:37:26] <pcw_home> slide 25 about interrupts is interesting WRT hm2_eth
[10:58:44] <lair82> pcw_home, not sure if you saw my message yesterday, but, how do I update the firmware on my 5i23, it is saying v31, and I was trying to update my 7i70 and 7i71
[10:59:11] <pcw_home> i posted a link to updated 5i23 firmware
[11:01:38] <lair82> Got it now, didn't see the reply
[11:01:45] <lair82> Thank You also
[11:05:01] <lair82> And all I need to do is " sudo cp ,,,,,,,, " that file into the 5i23 directory in order for it to be updated, correct?
[11:05:24] <pcw_home> yeah
[11:06:02] <lair82> Ok, cool
[22:13:40] <jepler> interesting sounding device, too modest to fit hostmot2 into though https://warmcat.com/embedded/fpga/electronics/analogue/2016/03/29/silego-digital-analogue-cpld-fpga.html
[22:22:45] <jepler> http://lab.whitequark.org/notes/2014-12-03/cnc-milling-glass/
[22:24:45] <jepler> http://lab.whitequark.org/notes/2014-06-14/transistor-as-a-light-source/
[22:37:51] <pcw_home> Fairchild Semi made white light emitting arrays used that technique in the 60's
[22:38:24] <pcw_home> ( for film annotation )
[22:41:23] <pcw_home> (I think its red in the picture due to being filtered by the die coating)