#linuxcnc-devel | Logs for 2016-07-31

[01:23:10] <KGB-linuxcnc> 05seb/2.6/task-revert 1e809f9 06linuxcnc 04. branch deleted * 14http://git.linuxcnc.org/?p=linuxcnc.git;a=commitdiff;h=1e809f9
[01:35:35] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03Sebastian Kuzminsky 052.7 0ac20e5 06linuxcnc 10VERSION 10debian/changelog LinuxCNC v2.7.6 * 14http://git.linuxcnc.org/?p=linuxcnc.git;a=commitdiff;h=0ac20e5
[01:35:35] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03Sebastian Kuzminsky 05signed tags ade7dbc 06linuxcnc 03v2.7.6 LinuxCNC v2.7.6 (tagged commit: 0ac20e5) * 14http://git.linuxcnc.org/?p=linuxcnc.git;a=commitdiff;h=ade7dbc
[05:39:31] <REEEN> Hello guys, did one of you already tried to retrofit a nc machine with linuxcnc ?
[05:40:21] <REEEN> I mean a machine that has 3 axis but only 2 drives and axis 2 and 3 share one motor by coupling out and in
[05:44:19] <archivist> skunkworks_, had a machine sharing but he added a motor
[05:47:53] <REEEN> yes I know that is one solution, but it is a lot more work for me, the whole mechanism of that machine is build to have only 2 motors
[05:50:29] <archivist> his was hydraulic servo as well
[05:52:55] <REEEN> okay I have 2 dc servo drives in very nice condition
[05:57:34] <archivist> on one machine I have left some axes as manual some cnc
[06:12:12] <REEEN> my machine also has some manual handwheels. Did someone ever made it possible to use them and also cnc control ? axes will be coupled out when moving with handwheel, but I think a following error will occur
[06:14:16] <archivist> often a cnc jog is used off a hand wheel
[06:17:01] <REEEN> yes but this works different
[06:19:37] <archivist> add an encoder behind the hand wheel
[09:07:44] <skunkworks_> zlog
[11:39:41] <seb_kuzminsky> i'll upload 2.7.6 to the deb archive tonight
[12:44:17] <JT-Shop> YEA!
[15:45:42] <Roguish> Is there a written simple procedure for master rtpreempt on Jessie???? if so, where, please?
[16:38:03] <Roguish> is the 'apt-key' the same across the buildbot?
[16:38:55] <Roguish> where/what are all the buildbot key?
[17:22:44] <andypugh> I wonder if this is a lack of “sudo make setuid” ? https://forum.linuxcnc.org/forum/38-general-linuxcnc-questions/31338-after-selecting-settings-ok-axis-and-give-it-close#78210
[20:51:50] <seb_kuzminsky> Roguish: yep, same apt key for all buildbot debs
[20:52:03] <seb_kuzminsky> instructions here: http://buildbot.linuxcnc.org/
[21:03:35] <jepler> Roguish: seb_kuzminsky has been working on improving the build documentation, pull requests that improve it further are welcome. http://linuxcnc.org/docs/master/html/code/building-linuxcnc.html
[21:16:14] <seb_kuzminsky> i think he's asking about prebuilt packages, because of the apt key thing
[21:22:41] <jepler> well there's probably some chapter in the docs for that too
[21:26:41] <seb_kuzminsky> similar: http://linuxcnc.org/docs/2.7/html/getting-started/getting-linuxcnc.html#_alternate_install_methods
[21:27:39] <seb_kuzminsky> if only someone would do the thing i promised to do, and make a jessie rt-preempt kernel available in the wlo deb archive, then we could add that as a supported platform
[21:40:37] <jepler> that would indeed be exciting
[21:44:16] ChanServ changed topic of #linuxcnc-devel to: http://linuxcnc.org | Latest releases: 2.7.6 and 2.6.12 | (this channel is logged by the zlog robot)
[21:46:18] <jepler> oh did that number just go up? whee
[21:50:11] <KGB-wlo> push to master branch: http://linuxcnc.org/
[21:50:12] -linuxcnc-github:#linuxcnc-devel- [13wlo] 15SebKuzminsky pushed 1 new commit to 06master: 02https://github.com/LinuxCNC/wlo/commit/bcf1255e5526b7bd76f038ca69d89356e2876dfb
[21:50:12] -linuxcnc-github:#linuxcnc-devel- 13wlo/06master 14bcf1255 15Sebastian Kuzminsky: new post: linuxcnc 2.7.6
[22:47:11] <Roguish> jepler, seb_kuzminsky: thanks. i'm truly not whining. I realize that docs are always the last to get done. plus, the speed you guys work make it difficult to keep up (that's a compliment actually...)
[22:48:04] <Roguish> I'm looking to Jessie, 'cause wheezy is getting a bit long in the tooth.
[22:49:09] <Roguish> and going to master to try out ja . I have a potential commercial application on a simple 6 axes press brake.
[22:49:41] <Roguish> any way. as always, thanks for the work.
[22:57:09] <Roguish> JT earlier today said he would try a jessie install with master.
[22:57:40] <Roguish> I'm not good at writing docs, but follow pretty well and am willing to check any out and comment.
[22:57:44] <Roguish> just saying....