#linuxcnc-devel | Logs for 2015-06-16

[06:13:57] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03John Thornton 052.7 325cc83 06linuxcnc 10docs/src/gui/tklinuxcnc.txt 10docs/src/remap/structure.txt Docs: fix build warnings * 14http://git.linuxcnc.org/?p=linuxcnc.git;a=commitdiff;h=325cc83
[06:33:58] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03John Thornton 052.7 7fb1075 06linuxcnc 10docs/man/man9/hostmot2.9 Docs: fix build warnings * 14http://git.linuxcnc.org/?p=linuxcnc.git;a=commitdiff;h=7fb1075
[09:30:58] <seb_kuzminsky> jthornton: why are you changing "==== Title" to ".Title"?
[09:32:10] <seb_kuzminsky> http://asciidoc.org/userguide.html#X46
[09:33:29] <seb_kuzminsky> ".Title" is a block title, which is a different kind of thing, i think
[09:33:30] <seb_kuzminsky> http://asciidoc.org/userguide.html#X42
[09:37:09] <seb_kuzminsky> oh, i bet you're squashing asciidoc build warnings from having four levels of indentation, plus leveloffset:1, which makes it think those are 5th-level offsets, which are not supported by asciidoc...
[10:31:12] <pcw_home> lair82_: something is really broken in those plots
[10:31:13] <pcw_home> To check resolver issues you need to check steps closer than 100 mill ( 180 degree ) points
[10:32:03] <pcw_home> probably no larger than 25 mill steps ( 45 degrees )
[11:54:32] <jthornton> seb_kuzminsky, correct
[11:55:16] <jthornton> and it looks better to not have the horizontal line
[13:17:13] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03John Thornton 052.7 c83f2d3 06linuxcnc 10docs/man/man9/hostmot2.9 Docs: fix build warnings * 14http://git.linuxcnc.org/?p=linuxcnc.git;a=commitdiff;h=c83f2d3
[13:41:01] <skunkworks> heh - when mach4 loads on the older computer - it repaints repaints repaints..
[13:47:16] <PCW> maybe always does but too fast to notice on a faster CPU/graphics system
[16:12:08] <JT-Shop> I'm down to one warning that puzzles me "make[1]: warning: jobserver unavailable: using -j1. Add `+' to parent make rule."
[16:12:11] <JT-Shop> http://buildbot.linuxcnc.org/buildbot/builders/2000.docs/builds/2619/steps/compile/logs/warnings%20%281%29
[16:12:24] <JT-Shop> anyone have a clue what that means?
[16:13:31] <cradek> no but I'm sure you can ignore it
[16:13:34] <cradek> it ain't you
[16:14:15] <JT-Shop> I'm just wondering if it is something in the submakefile?
[16:15:41] <cradek> yeah, it's make-specific but I don't know what it means
[16:21:56] <seb_kuzminsky> i bet our makefiles have a rule somewhere that runs "make mumble mumble", and the parent make doesn't realize that the daughter-make is a make
[16:22:30] <cradek> I think the kbuild part recurses (because it has to) but there should be no other recursion
[16:23:22] <seb_kuzminsky> this is in the docs build, it shouldn't invoke kbuild
[16:33:22] <seb_kuzminsky> ah, our docs buildsystem recurses
[16:36:48] <cradek> well, then someone really didn't know what they were doing
[16:39:30] <seb_kuzminsky> i'll fix it
[16:39:43] <cradek> yay!
[16:54:05] <JT-Shop> Yippie!