#linuxcnc-devel | Logs for 2015-01-18

[02:57:26] <Guest74944> hi seb_kuzminsky those patches paolo pushed in RTAI work on 64-bit but the upstream RTAI will not work with linuxcnc, math and other features are not compatible, someone said they were going to shoot you an email and let you know
[02:58:35] <memfrob> Gene Heskett was his name
[19:13:35] <skunkworks> does someone want to take the challenge of making tort have random 1-9 axis moves and any combination of..
[19:17:06] <cradek> didn't past-me do that once already?
[19:17:36] <skunkworks> the current tort doesn't allow some of the axis to reach maximum vel/acc because they are always combined with others.
[19:17:42] <skunkworks> http://electronicsam.com/images/KandT/testing/Screenshot%20from%202015-01-18%2018:53:20.png
[19:18:11] <skunkworks> I think (iirc) you added the rest of the axis.. `bcuvw...
[19:19:23] <cradek> wow, what a test program
[19:19:55] <skunkworks> it is just tort - rotated a few times.. ;)
[19:33:37] <skunkworks> you can see there are slight velocity violations.. (I don't think they are a problem...)