#linuxcnc-devel | Logs for 2014-05-13

[07:30:19] -card.freenode.net:#linuxcnc-devel- [freenode-info] channel flooding and no channel staff around to help? Please check with freenode support: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#gettinghelp
[14:32:11] <andypugh> Argh! I should know better by now, I got embroiled in trying to help aram.
[14:36:57] <archivist> :)
[14:46:10] <skunkworks> just wait until you meet him in person!
[15:51:03] <cradek> doesn't aram just want a feed override knob?
[15:51:22] <cradek> if so, he should use an encoder
[15:51:39] <cradek> just because he asks a question it doesn't mean that's the right question to ask
[16:20:53] <andypugh> I suggested an encoder in my second message.
[17:03:23] <PCW> Aram wants a THCAD so I get to do support
[17:05:30] <PCW> seb_kusminsky: 7I65 comp works fine
[17:12:07] <PCW> I looks like Aram wants to use welding current to set feed rate
[17:44:37] <andypugh> In that case the THCAD suddenly looks like the right solution.
[22:02:21] <skunkworks> logger[psha]:
[22:02:21] <logger[psha]> skunkworks: Log stored at http://psha.org.ru/irc/%23linuxcnc-devel/2014-05-14.html