#linuxcnc-devel | Logs for 2014-04-20

[01:13:22] <memleak> sweet im almost done re-writing RTAI :)
[03:08:06] <memleak> ~1,000 lines left out of the original 48K i started with :)
[07:02:12] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03gmoccapy 052.6 002d8c7 06linuxcnc 10lib/python/gladevcp/offsetpage_widget.py gladevcp - offsetpage_widget - bug in mark active solved * 14http://git.linuxcnc.org/?p=linuxcnc.git;a=commitdiff;h=002d8c7
[08:11:01] <linuxcnc-build> build #178 of 4017.deb-wheezy-armhf is complete: Failure [4failed shell_3] Build details are at http://buildbot.linuxcnc.org/buildbot/builders/4017.deb-wheezy-armhf/builds/178 blamelist: gmoccapy <nieson@web.de>
[11:02:18] <cradek> would someone smarter than me please review EBo's changes in the email with Subject: [Emc-developers] request testing [was: QA notices]
[12:03:21] <cradek> pcw_home: which firmware should I be using in my 5i25 to emulate a parport, with the added twist that my machine expects Dir on pin 2 and Step on pin 3? (prob_rfx2 is the other way around)
[12:04:20] <cradek> 5i25_dmmbob1x2 looks promising
[12:08:50] <cradek> hm mesaflash doesn't seem to do anything for me (no output at all, even with --verbose)
[12:11:29] <cradek> hi micges
[12:11:44] <cradek> just working on flashing my 5i25
[12:11:50] <micges> hi
[12:12:03] <micges> thanks for debian patch will merge it later
[12:12:06] <cradek> I packaged mesaflash and sent you a github pull request (hope I did that right, I'm new at github)
[12:12:20] <cradek> welcome
[12:12:43] <cradek> I don't think mesaflash is working for me
[12:12:58] <cradek> I tried: sudo mesaflash --verbose --write 5i25_dmmbob1x2.bit
[12:13:11] <cradek> I get no output
[12:13:30] <cradek> $ sudo mesaflash --list
[12:13:30] <cradek> PCI device 5I25 at 0000:11:08.0 (2718:5125)
[12:13:37] <micges> sudo ./mesaflash --device 5i25 --write 5i25_dmmbob1x2.bit
[12:14:15] <cradek> aha that makes it work
[12:14:38] <micges> I know manual is missing
[12:15:12] <micges> ./mesaflash --help should help
[12:16:00] <cradek> mesaflash [options] --write filename
[12:16:11] <cradek> if --device is needed, it should be shown here
[12:16:40] <cradek> verify is successful
[12:16:41] <cradek> thanks
[12:16:53] <cradek> so looks like mesaflash works on wheezy
[12:16:54] <micges> ok, will fix it
[12:17:15] <micges> that's good
[12:17:32] <micges> what libpci version it reports?
[12:17:43] <cradek> libpci.so.3 => /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libpci.so.3 (0xb774e000)
[12:17:57] <micges> ./mesaflash with no args
[12:18:10] <cradek> Mesaflash version 3.0.0 (built on Apr 20 2014 11:28:48 with libpci 3.1.9)
[12:18:35] <micges> ok
[12:22:42] <cradek> hm the pin numbers in pncconf make no sense
[12:22:51] <cradek> I am still doing something wrong
[12:23:03] <micges> you must power cycle
[12:23:10] <cradek> oh ok
[12:24:10] <micges> note about it will be also added after 'successfully' line
[12:26:45] <cradek> very good idea
[12:28:19] <cradek> hm, labels still make no sense
[12:31:04] <micges> I can't help you with pncconf
[12:31:24] <cradek> http://timeguy.com/cradek-files/emc/pncconf-confused-labels.png
[12:31:36] <cradek> micges: thanks for helping with the flash
[12:31:58] <micges> sure, thanks for feedback
[12:33:09] <cradek> I will try prob_rfx2 even though it is wrong for my machine (maybe I should just rewire it)
[12:43:36] <KGB-linuxcnc> 05v2.6.0-pre1 97dc4a2 06linuxcnc branch created * 14http://git.linuxcnc.org/?p=linuxcnc.git;a=commitdiff;h=97dc4a2
[12:49:31] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03Norbert Schechner 05master 71d59fd 06linuxcnc 10lib/python/gladevcp/offsetpage_widget.py 10src/emc/usr_intf/gmoccapy/gmoccapy.glade 10src/emc/usr_intf/gmoccapy/gmoccapy.py 10src/emc/usr_intf/gmoccapy/release_notes.txt gmoccapy_1_1_3 - solved G92 as system bug * 14http://git.linuxcnc.org/?p=linuxcnc.git;a=commitdiff;h=71d59fd
[13:33:26] <skunkworks_> logger[psha]:
[13:33:26] <logger[psha]> skunkworks_: Log stored at http://psha.org.ru/irc/%23linuxcnc-devel/2014-04-20.html
[13:33:33] <skunkworks_> any one have a idea
[13:33:34] <skunkworks_> http://www.cnczone.com/forums/linuxcnc-formerly-emc2-/219190-linuxcnc-2-5-2-wont-run.html#post1475020
[13:33:43] <skunkworks_> I have not followed the directions yet...
[13:54:44] <linuxcnc-build> build #179 of 4017.deb-wheezy-armhf is complete: Failure [4failed shell_3] Build details are at http://buildbot.linuxcnc.org/buildbot/builders/4017.deb-wheezy-armhf/builds/179 blamelist: Norbert Schechner <nieson@web.de>
[14:41:08] <memleak> who wrote mesaflash? peter?
[14:46:02] <cradek> the copyright lists both micges and mesa
[14:51:52] <micges> I wrote, based on Peters earler programs and his help
[15:09:37] <pcw_home> cradek: I think the Rutex (Ru990 or something) config also has swapped step/dir pins
[15:09:39] <pcw_home> I would think the machine made .xml files for the newer configs should work but not sure what pncconf expects anymore
[15:11:14] <cradek> pcw_home: I looked through all the pin files and settled on 5i25_dmmbob1x2.bit as the closest - I think it will work fine
[15:13:49] <cradek> pcw_home: I'd sure like to get everything that's needed for the 5i25 to work right, into deb packages on w.l.o, and ideally installed by default on whatever new CD we make
[15:15:37] <cradek> seems like we need seb/you/cmorley/micges/maybe me - all pulling together to get to that goal
[15:16:19] <cradek> as it is, I guess I'm going to hand-write a config and try to get my mill going so I can continue testing 2.6
[15:25:02] <pcw_home> Yeah at the minimum a common token set for xml files would be good :-)
[15:25:36] <skunkworks_> http://imagebin.org/306650
[15:25:42] <skunkworks_> expanding testing...
[15:25:45] <cradek> hm2/hm2_5i25.0: IO Pin 017 (P2-01): IOPort
[15:25:59] <cradek> is this pin 1 on the built-in external parport connector?
[15:26:37] <cradek> skunkworks_: that's some serious gcode
[15:27:10] <skunkworks_> no - just tort rotated and shifted a bunch of times
[15:27:26] <cradek> ah seems like testing rotation is good
[15:27:54] <skunkworks_> that just was a fluke that I saw that issue.. I had to rotate some gcode to make it fit on the terco
[15:28:57] <pcw_home> cradek: yes P3 is GPIO 0..16, P2 is GPIO 17..33
[15:28:59] <linuxcnc-build> build #180 of 4017.deb-wheezy-armhf is complete: Failure [4failed shell_3] Build details are at http://buildbot.linuxcnc.org/buildbot/builders/4017.deb-wheezy-armhf/builds/180 blamelist: Norbert Schechner <nieson@web.de>
[15:29:43] <cradek> P2 is the one already on the card (not the dongle)?
[15:29:53] <pcw_home> well its pin 1 of the header connector (not the DB25 which is P3)
[15:30:09] <cradek> oh oops
[15:30:20] <cradek> ok so I need to be using IO Pin 000 (P3-01): IOPort
[15:30:34] <pcw_home> P3 is the DB25, P2 is the HDR26
[15:30:41] <cradek> thanks
[15:30:53] <cradek> I shouldn't've closed the box already
[15:31:34] <pcw_home> its a bit confusing since the board reference designators are just assigned by physical location
[15:32:34] <pcw_home> but people only rarely use P2 so I put the first GPIOs on the back panel connector
[15:33:16] <cradek> aha! amps enabling!
[15:33:43] <cradek> jogging!
[15:33:45] <cradek> whee
[15:34:28] <skunkworks_> yay
[15:40:14] <cradek> first hook up home switches in hal, THEN try homing
[15:42:46] <skunkworks_> heh - did it break anything ;)
[15:43:23] <cradek> nope
[15:43:28] <skunkworks_> I ran the turco into the end of travel and I had to take the bottom off so I could get to the stepper to turn it manually.
[15:43:33] <skunkworks_> Z axis
[15:43:53] <skunkworks_> that thing needs atleast homing switches
[15:44:03] <cradek> hm, AXIS is showing me mist and flood checkbuttons but it shouldn't because those pins aren't netted to anything
[15:44:08] <cradek> I bet that's a regression
[15:44:23] <skunkworks_> heh - it is up on my screen too
[15:44:36] <skunkworks_> (screenshot even)
[15:44:38] <cradek> the mist and flood checkbuttons?
[15:44:42] <skunkworks_> yes
[15:44:49] <cradek> do you also remember that 2.5 didn't show them?
[15:45:01] <skunkworks_> not off the top of my head
[15:45:05] <pcw_home> I wonder if it would be a good idea to have a bunch of pncconf created sample configs
[15:45:07] <pcw_home> (since they have a good set of standard hal bolierplate) as starting configs
[15:45:14] <skunkworks_> I don't think I have 2.5 built here yet
[15:45:52] <cradek> pcw_home: I think the opposite - we should remove sample configs as soon as we have a gui that can create them
[15:46:18] <pcw_home> hmm
[15:46:20] <cradek> a proliferation of sample configs in various states of out-of-dateness is kind of a curse
[15:46:47] <cradek> (but for today, pncconf didn't work for me)
[15:49:52] <pcw_home> I really wish pncconf worked with available hal pins/parameters (but I have probably said that enough times)
[15:51:32] <micges> pcw_home: what do you mean?
[15:52:58] <pcw_home> rather than having duplicated FPGA configuration specific information in .xml files
[15:54:43] <pcw_home> it would also make it more generic (not mesa specific)
[16:58:40] <micges> cradek: mf packaging works very good
[19:00:48] <asah> how do I make a new .c component, without the .comp stuff?
[19:01:10] <asah> I added it to hal/components/mycomp.c and it not building when I “make"
[19:09:55] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03Chris Morley 05new_pncconf a8d376d 06linuxcnc 10src/emc/usr_intf/pncconf/build_HAL.py pncconf -fix HAL arrow direction * 14http://git.linuxcnc.org/?p=linuxcnc.git;a=commitdiff;h=a8d376d
[19:26:03] <asah> ok, I went the comp route, but loadrt is not able to load a trivial example.
[19:26:21] <asah> after I used comp—install mycomp.comp
[20:18:21] <linuxcnc-build> build #181 of 4017.deb-wheezy-armhf is complete: Failure [4failed shell_3] Build details are at http://buildbot.linuxcnc.org/buildbot/builders/4017.deb-wheezy-armhf/builds/181 blamelist: Chris Morley <chrisinnanaimo@hotmail.com>
[20:18:46] <cradek> micges: that's great, I built a deb to install for my own use when working on my 5i25 earlier
[20:19:37] <cradek> micges: I would like it if you could make a release when you are ready, and we could put it in the linuxcnc.org repository, so people can install it like any other package
[20:19:52] <cradek> micges: (eventually I hope people can get all the firmwares that way too)
[20:20:30] <cradek> jthornton: be sure you see gene's compliment in -developers
[20:20:58] <cradek> bbl
[20:48:30] <micges> cradek: will do