#linuxcnc-devel | Logs for 2013-12-26

[09:52:53] <dgarr> a push command is failing for me today, any ideas? http://www.panix.com/~dgarrett/stuff/session.txt
[09:54:30] <cradek> it is saying you do not have a local ref called dgarr/ngcgui-gcmc
[09:54:51] <cradek> what are you trying to do with that push?
[09:56:45] <dgarr> trying to update the test branch named dgarr/ngcgui-gcmc
[09:57:05] <cradek> what branch do you have checked out locally?
[09:57:51] <dgarr> ok -- i renamed my local and push with dry-run works -- thanks
[09:58:39] <cradek> aha, welcome
[10:01:28] <dgarr> cradek: i made an alternate patch for making axis.ngc more readily editable without changing in user dir: http://www.panix.com/~dgarrett/stuff/0001-axis-editable-temporary-axis.ngc-when-installed.patch
[10:09:20] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03Dewey Garrett 05dgarr/ngcgui-gcmc a8c5250 06linuxcnc 10lib/python/pyngcgui.py 10nc_files/gcmc_lib/square.gcmc 10tcl/ngcgui.tcl ngcgui-gcmc: parse gcmc msgs on stderr * 14http://git.linuxcnc.org/?p=linuxcnc.git;a=commitdiff;h=a8c5250
[10:12:07] <cradek> dgarr: do you still have a link to the first one? I can imagine this one failing on systems with two logins (like my run creates /tmp/axis.ngc, which your run can't read)
[10:13:56] <dgarr> http://www.panix.com/~dgarrett/stuff/0001-axis-use-an-editable-axis.ngc-when-installed.patch
[10:14:56] <dgarr> i would fix the two logins issue if you conclude the method is viable
[10:22:58] <cradek> I think the right place might be PROGRAM_PREFIX, but I still do not really like the idea. I would rather we get the user to use file/save-as and then file/open and file/edit. Would it be good enough to just put those instructions in the comments? This make it so they get the default splash screen again next time [in my opinion this is good, but I can see both sides], and it lets us update the splash screen with new versions, as we've ...
[10:23:04] <cradek> ... wanted to do several times now.
[10:24:21] <cradek> file/save-as and file/open both default to the same directory, PROGRAM_PREFIX, so the save/reopen task is pretty simple
[10:38:29] <dgarr> putting it in /tmp still allows updating the splash screen
[10:40:26] <cradek> because of the os's /tmp autocleanup? (does ubuntu do that?)
[10:41:57] <dgarr> no -- in the patch it is copied fresh from /usr/share at each startup using axis.py
[10:43:16] <cradek> oh you're right, I misread it
[10:45:24] <cradek> so their edits don't persist across linuxcnc runs, and are overwritten
[10:45:34] <dgarr> correct
[10:50:35] <cradek> brb
[11:04:16] <jepler> so I was thinking of a slightly different approach:
[11:04:40] <jepler> when the user invokes edit, check whether the file can be edited
[11:05:05] <jepler> if not, prompt the user to save the file as..., reload the saved-as file, and edit the saved-as file
[11:05:37] <jepler> do we still put an "examples" symlink in the default PROGRAM_PREFIX of the installed system?
[11:06:01] <jepler> because any example file will have a similar "can't be edited" problem, it's not quite unique to the splash screen
[15:30:00] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03Norbert Schechner 05master ab517d4 06linuxcnc 10lib/python/gladevcp/hal_mdihistory.py gladevcp - hal_mdihistory - go button did not get sensitive * 14http://git.linuxcnc.org/?p=linuxcnc.git;a=commitdiff;h=ab517d4
[22:41:45] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03Dewey Garrett 05dgarr/ngcgui-gcmc 8d8b283 06linuxcnc 10lib/python/pyngcgui.py 10nc_files/gcmc_lib/square.gcmc pyngcgui: find_gcmc before creating page * 14http://git.linuxcnc.org/?p=linuxcnc.git;a=commitdiff;h=8d8b283