#hazzy Logs
Oct 09 2020
#hazzy Calendar
12:23 AM pinder[m]: Good link
12:24 AM pinder[m]: I will learn a lot from this guy
12:24 AM pinder[m]: Thankyou hazzy
04:51 AM JT-Cave: morning
05:20 AM pinder[m]: morning
06:12 AM TurBoss: mornng!
06:17 AM * pinder[m] sent a long message: < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/xOnjTpnjcKcfAbDmfIpGwtle/message.txt >
06:18 AM TurBoss: sure
06:19 AM TurBoss: you need to enble autologin in
06:19 AM TurBoss: ```
06:19 AM TurBoss: /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf
06:19 AM TurBoss: search for...
06:19 AM TurBoss: autologin-user=
06:19 AM TurBoss: and set there your username
06:20 AM TurBoss: then create a file in ~/.xinitrc if doesn't exist
06:21 AM TurBoss: and put there
06:21 AM TurBoss: ```
06:21 AM TurBoss: linuxcnc path to you init
06:21 AM TurBoss: this whay it will skip desktops like xfce4
06:22 AM TurBoss: pinder: give me a sek I'm booting the debian 10 machine and I'll try here too
06:24 AM TurBoss: hmmm aparently .xinitrc does nothing
06:24 AM JT-Cave: you need to uncomment autologin-user-timeout=0
06:24 AM JT-Cave: as well
06:25 AM JT-Cave: also the first autologin-user is in a comment header gotta go down to the seat
06:34 AM TurBoss: its .xsession
06:34 AM TurBoss: in this file put the linuxcnc command
06:45 AM pinder[m]: Thankyou guys
06:45 AM TurBoss: worked?
06:45 AM pinder[m]: Kids attacked me with their rifels 😀
06:45 AM TurBoss: hihih
06:45 AM pinder[m]: I'll let you people know
06:45 AM pinder[m]: Hopefully share a video
06:45 AM TurBoss: great!
06:47 AM -!- #hazzy mode set to +o by ChanServ
10:47 AM pinder[m]: i am not able to start monokrom from config
10:47 AM pinder[m]: DISPLAY= qtpyvcp
10:47 AM pinder[m]: VCP= MonoKrom
10:48 AM TurBoss: maybe the capital letters?
10:49 AM TurBoss: are they requiered to run them from command line?
10:49 AM pinder[m]: let me see
10:49 AM TurBoss: Uppercase
10:49 AM TurBoss: :P
10:49 AM TurBoss: english is not my main
10:58 AM TurBoss: any luck?
11:00 AM hazzy-m: pinder: monokrom-plasma
11:01 AM TurBoss: o/
11:01 AM hazzy-m: MonoKrom by it's self does nothing
11:01 AM hazzy-m: Or monokrom-mill
11:05 AM pinder[m]: yeah
11:05 AM pinder[m]: that works
11:08 AM pinder[m]: okay
11:08 AM pinder[m]: all qtpyvcp options tested
11:21 AM pinder[m]: where is xsession
11:21 AM pinder[m]: ?
11:21 AM TurBoss: its hidden in the home directory
11:21 AM TurBoss: press ctrl + H
11:23 AM * pinder[m] uploaded an image: 20201009_215245.jpg < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/DJaJHDPoOjFsrCdtBPedZzKD/20201009_215245.jpg >
11:23 AM pinder[m]: no luck
11:23 AM TurBoss: the create a new empty file
11:24 AM TurBoss: calles ".xsession"
11:24 AM TurBoss: * then create a new empty file
11:24 AM pinder[m]: ok
11:24 AM TurBoss: * called ".xsession"
11:25 AM TurBoss: put there
11:25 AM pinder[m]: path to the ini file?
11:25 AM TurBoss: ```
11:25 AM TurBoss: linuxcnc /home/yourusername/path/to.ini
11:26 AM TurBoss: yes!
11:26 AM TurBoss: @hazzy does --develop work with sass too?
11:26 AM TurBoss: * hazzy: does --develop work with sass too?
11:27 AM pinder[m]: okay
11:27 AM pinder[m]: done
11:27 AM pinder[m]: lemm restart
11:29 AM pinder[m]: autologin didnt worked
11:29 AM pinder[m]: but it went straight to monokrom :)
11:30 AM TurBoss: cool
11:30 AM TurBoss: the is something on the lightfm.conf file
11:30 AM TurBoss: * the is something on the lightdm.conf file
11:31 AM * pinder[m] uploaded an image: 20201009_220024.jpg < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/vDkKBdrkvpMxRauNdildttcw/20201009_220024.jpg >
11:31 AM TurBoss: * then is something on the lightdm.conf file
11:31 AM pinder[m]: not fullscreen though
11:31 AM pinder[m]: how to go to desktop manger
11:31 AM * TurBoss sent a long message: < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/eMQadOJpIGPWQiJLKQNyQDjt/message.txt >
11:31 AM pinder[m]: or cli
11:32 AM TurBoss: ctrl + alt + f1
11:32 AM TurBoss: to cli
11:33 AM TurBoss: youl have to rename .xsession
11:33 AM TurBoss: to log in WM again
11:34 AM pinder[m]: okay
11:34 AM TurBoss: do you know nano the editor?
11:34 AM TurBoss: ```
11:34 AM TurBoss: mv .xsession .xsession_orig
11:34 AM TurBoss: * ```bash
11:34 AM TurBoss: mv .xsession .xsession_orig
11:34 AM TurBoss: ```
11:35 AM pinder[m]: yeah i know
11:36 AM TurBoss: great!
11:39 AM * pinder[m] uploaded an image: 20201009_220817_8391387107598569040.jpg < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/hEfTThIiHscwvyCzjiGKDeHx/20201009_220817_8391387107598569040.jpg >
11:42 AM TurBoss: its autologin-user=username
11:42 AM TurBoss: and comennt autologin-session again
11:44 AM TurBoss: * ```
11:44 AM TurBoss: autologin-user=username
11:44 AM TurBoss: * ```
11:44 AM TurBoss: #autologin-session
11:45 AM TurBoss: :D
11:45 AM pinder[m]: mybad
11:45 AM pinder[m]: Sometimes
11:45 AM pinder[m]: I become a kid
11:45 AM TurBoss: is fine
11:45 AM TurBoss: lol
11:52 AM pinder[m]: I think, for me, finishing monokrom is all left to do for plasma cutters
11:53 AM pinder[m]: l
11:55 AM pinder[m]: here's a problem
11:57 AM pinder[m]: Manually starting from desktop works fine with fullscreen
11:58 AM pinder[m]: but in .xsession window size is not full
11:59 AM * pinder[m] uploaded an image: 20201009_222908.jpg < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/euvCrWFtqCtOeVDdVaAMWRoo/20201009_222908.jpg >
12:03 PM pinder[m]: TurBoss: any idea?
12:03 PM TurBoss: nop
12:03 PM TurBoss: 🤔
12:04 PM pinder[m]: should I try with window size
12:04 PM pinder[m]: ?
12:04 PM pinder[m]: in ini
12:05 PM TurBoss: I only see th MAXIMIZE option
12:05 PM TurBoss: but not sure if will do
12:05 PM * TurBoss sent a long message: < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/IRvLiRyvezcEeqEDkPKvNakt/message.txt >
12:05 PM * TurBoss sent a long message: < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/AMomUxtWouvHOsMCdNbIBjaS/message.txt >
12:10 PM pinder[m]: no luck
12:16 PM TurBoss: did you tried with
12:16 PM TurBoss: ```INI
12:16 PM TurBoss: MAXIMIZE = True
12:19 PM pinder[m]: give me a sec
12:20 PM pinder[m]: updating qtpyvcp and monokrom
12:20 PM TurBoss: great
12:32 PM pinder[m]: maximize true dont work
12:32 PM TurBoss: :/
12:32 PM pinder[m]: without fullscreen true
12:32 PM pinder[m]: trying them both now
12:32 PM TurBoss: if not add a xfce start application
12:34 PM pinder[m]: hmmm
12:34 PM pinder[m]: thats also an option
12:34 PM pinder[m]: but i wanted this
12:34 PM pinder[m]: without a desktop
12:35 PM pinder[m]: p
12:37 PM pinder[m]: no luck
12:37 PM pinder[m]: now trying widow size
12:44 PM pinder[m]: It worked
12:44 PM pinder[m]: tried my display resolution as SIZE
12:45 PM pinder[m]: Happy
12:45 PM pinder[m]: 😄
12:53 PM TurBoss: hurray!
12:53 PM pinder[m]: Now I got what i wanted
12:54 PM pinder[m]: will add some plymouth
12:54 PM pinder[m]: Grub setting
12:54 PM pinder[m]: but that stuff is easy
12:56 PM TurBoss: I have coreboot and I would like to set the boot image too but no good video settings I have found
12:57 PM TurBoss: corebot is a libre bios
12:59 PM TurBoss: just by casuality my motherboard is supported lol
03:43 PM buzzmarshall is now known as no1b4me
03:45 PM no1b4me is now known as buzzmarshall
04:40 PM hazzy-m: TurBoss: yes, if you use the watch option with qtsass
05:38 PM hazzy-m: pinder: Should I and an option to fit to screen resolution?
05:38 PM hazzy-m: * pinder: Should I add an option to fit to screen resolution?
06:02 PM JT-Cave: hazzy-m, do you know of anything like a qtimer that is native to python?
06:04 PM hazzy-m: JT-Cave: you will need to use a thread
06:04 PM hazzy-m: take a look at threading.Timer
06:05 PM JT-Cave: I have been looking at it but it seems like you have to create a new timer each time unless I'm missing something
06:05 PM JT-Cave: hmm maybe I just need to start it again???
06:05 PM JT-Cave: I'll try that
06:06 PM hazzy-m: I think that might work
06:06 PM JT-Cave: I only have about 12 samples to look at now lol
06:06 PM hazzy-m: lol
06:08 PM JT-Cave: https://dpaste.com/CUD5MDRJM
06:08 PM JT-Cave: that one looks to me it creates a new timer each time
06:09 PM JT-Cave: https://dpaste.com/5VARXGVS5
06:10 PM JT-Cave: this one uses a global... don't need that just declare it in init as self.timersomething
06:11 PM hazzy-m: It won't let me restart a timer :(
06:11 PM hazzy-m: I guess you have to create a new one each time
06:15 PM JT-Cave: raise RuntimeError("threads can only be started once")
06:15 PM JT-Cave: yea looks that way
06:17 PM JT-Cave: https://dpaste.com/87GAFXQWY
06:17 PM JT-Cave: that seems to work... it's for my chicken coop lol
06:27 PM hazzy-m: JT-Cave: how about this https://dpaste.com/HLJLD8N2D
07:13 PM TurBoss: <hazzy-m "pinder: Should I and an option t"> hazzy: that would be amazin
07:13 PM TurBoss: > <@kcjengr:matrix.org> pinder: Should I add an option to fit to screen resolution?
07:13 PM TurBoss: * hazzy: that would be amazing
07:13 PM hazzy-m: 👍
09:56 PM pinder[m]: <hazzy-m "pinder: Should I and an option t"> I think its fine, in xfce fullscreen and maximize work just fine. for .xsession window size is enough.
10:15 PM Joco[m]: hazzy: should hal_plot break if not connected to a hal value source?
10:18 PM Joco[m]: TurBoss: do you have an example of how to access machine actions from python? Do I just create a new actions.machine_actions class instance or is there a global instance I should be referencing?
10:23 PM TurBoss: Joco: maybe this one? https://github.com/kcjengr/qtpyvcp/blob/master/qtpyvcp/widgets/input_widgets/jog_increment.py#L26
10:23 PM TurBoss: its unused actually
10:24 PM TurBoss: https://github.com/kcjengr/qtpyvcp/blob/master/qtpyvcp/plugins/exported_hal.py#L16
10:25 PM Joco[m]: thanks will have a snoop
10:26 PM hazzy-m: Joco: machine actions should be moved to a plug-in eventually, but for now that are all staticmethods
10:26 PM Joco[m]: rgr
10:27 PM Joco[m]: also solved my hal-plot crashing. Something flaky going on. But it will crash if used and the hal pin is not linked. At least that is what seems to be happening for me. :-/
10:31 PM Joco[m]: ok - that is SCREWY. Now it it sodding works!
10:32 PM * Joco[m] takes the win and moves on
10:37 PM * Joco[m] sent a long message: < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/PrQTVlrmfkKhnWcTGxEUYdoV/message.txt >
10:38 PM * Joco[m] sent a long message: < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/jMeXsQAgTXBjvFAEzzoNFIVA/message.txt >
10:38 PM hazzy-m: They are defined in the YAML syntax file
10:38 PM Joco[m]: had a look at the soource code and can't see any documentation
10:38 PM Joco[m]: oh
10:39 PM hazzy-m: Looks good gcode syntax in the yaml lib directory
10:39 PM hazzy-m: Look in the*
10:40 PM * Joco[m] sent a long message: < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/hTLORQssNiMrQtbjPKIBpzsr/message.txt >
10:52 PM Joco[m]: ok what am I doing wrong. As testing trying to make all the 'Y' axis letters red.
10:52 PM Joco[m]: Thought this would do that:
10:53 PM * Joco[m] sent a long message: < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/ikvbNvGBqKKvShakYOfHbvIf/message.txt >