#hazzy Logs

Sep 11 2020

#hazzy Calendar

01:51 AM TurBoss: morning!
01:51 AM TurBoss: I'm investigating thoose errors
02:21 AM TurBoss: seems opengl 1.50 ES not compatible VTK
02:21 AM TurBoss: mew
04:23 AM Not-8b99: [02qtpyvcp] 07martincolladofab starred 03qtpyvcp - 13https://git.io/JUWlR
04:54 AM JT-Cave: morning
05:18 AM TurBoss: morning
05:19 AM JT-Cave: wow I think I'm installing linuxcnc 2.8.0 on this debian 10 pc
06:05 AM JT[m]: yippie got 2.8.0 on this pc now
06:07 AM TurBoss: hurray
06:10 AM JT[m]: https://gnipsel.com/linuxcnc/uspace/debian10-emc.html
06:14 AM TurBoss: Nice!
09:48 AM JT-Shop: AWESOME!!!! (axis, hide) works on the BP Mill... now I can have while loops that only end at the press of button
09:48 AM JT-Shop: THANKS!!!
11:55 AM Lcvette: TurBoss: o/
11:55 AM Lcvette: :D
11:55 AM Lcvette: sot he issue is opengl1.50?
11:55 AM Lcvette: * so the issue is opengl 1.50?
12:14 PM TurBoss: hello
12:23 PM JT-Cave: hi
12:40 PM TurBoss: not sure Lcvette I'm investigatin :=)
12:42 PM TurBoss: opengl version is hardcoded on the grphics card
12:59 PM TurBoss: <JT-Shop "AWESOME!!!! (axis, hide) works o"> Awesome!
01:02 PM JT-Shop: yea I'm stoked because it is very important to have if you have an endless loop like a part probing routine
02:56 PM Joco[m]: <JT-Shop "yea I'm stoked because it is ver"> Is that button press thing only a feature in 2.8? I upgraded my debian 9 to 10 yesterday and mill seems to running fine. Some real cnc cuts planned for today.
03:10 PM JT-Shop: actually you can do it in 2.7 it's called features there. in 2.8> it's on by default
03:11 PM JT-Shop: Joco[m], you using 2.8?
03:14 PM Joco[m]: Yup
03:15 PM JT-Shop: http://linuxcnc.org/docs/2.8/html/gcode/overview.html#gcode:ini-hal-params
03:15 PM Joco[m]: Installed from build-bot
03:16 PM JT-Shop: I just got my machines up to date with 2.8... well the BP and a couple of PC's
03:19 PM Joco[m]: Ah got it. Im using some of those features for my tool change and auto tool length setting
03:19 PM JT-Shop: yea you can do stuff like o100 if [#<_hal[qtpyvcp.probelog.checked]> EQ 1]
03:19 PM JT-Shop: do something
03:19 PM JT-Shop: else bail
03:20 PM JT-Shop: or in the case of probing a profile and logging the coordinates to a file you can just let it run till it gets to the end then press the button to stop
03:21 PM Joco[m]: Yeah. But you need to run a dummy m66 if the hal pin is expected to change state during prog run
03:21 PM JT-Shop: you can use a hal button
05:51 PM JT-Shop: nope that does not work...
05:52 PM JT-Shop: Joco[m], do you have an example of a dummy m66?
05:53 PM * JT-Shop heads inside I'll read back in the morning
06:02 PM TurBoss: n8
06:48 PM Joco[m]: <JT-Shop "Joco, do you have an example of "> From the docs: M66E0L0
07:05 PM * TurBoss sent a long message: < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/fNWADyXbAMtMIGDHlRQYHJkm/message.txt >
07:05 PM TurBoss: with a personal machine name
07:07 PM TurBoss: B6423X load program test1.ngc from tests directory
08:08 PM hazzy-m: TurBoss: LOL
08:09 PM TurBoss: if you say STOP!
08:10 PM TurBoss: the machine stops
08:10 PM TurBoss: just in case
08:10 PM TurBoss: hello o/
08:10 PM hazzy-m: that would be neat!
08:10 PM hazzy-m: o/