#hazzy Logs

Aug 17 2020

#hazzy Calendar

05:00 AM JT-Cave: morning
06:23 AM TurBoss: morning
04:28 PM Joco[m]: hazzy: how is the new plan text gcode editor coming along?
04:51 PM TurBoss: Joco: how can i help
04:51 PM TurBoss: for me I would like to implement search/replace
04:59 PM Joco[m]: TurBoss: think the help angle should be directed at hazzy
05:01 PM Joco[m]: I had done stuff with the old scintilla editor but I think (and rightly so) we are going to abandon that and move to a simpler "clean room" implementation of syntax highlighting based off a QT text editor widget
05:01 PM TurBoss: yup
05:01 PM TurBoss: the old one has search and broken replace
06:51 PM * hazzy-m uploaded an image: ima_8318424.jpeg (211KiB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/fvaOXDUriBUjAEmSPpfNjYGt/ima_8318424.jpeg >
06:52 PM * hazzy-m is tired.
06:52 PM * hazzy-m 56,000lbs that high in the air is a little nerve wracking
06:56 PM Joco[m]: yup. I have had a fraction of that weight in the air and no matter much I kept telling myself it was perfectly safe, nothing would fail and the secondary strap would hold as well. I still had a knot in my stomach.
08:30 PM hazzy-m: the new gcode edit is fully working for text display
08:31 PM hazzy-m: it just needs to have save/save as etc. implemented
08:31 PM * hazzy-m posted a file: PlainTextEdit (19KiB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/TtbpOiAbetqBiuBJWPolpgDs >
08:32 PM hazzy-m: there is an example that might be useful
11:12 PM -!- #hazzy mode set to +o by ChanServ