#hazzy Logs

Aug 06 2020

#hazzy Calendar

05:52 AM TurBoss: morning
05:53 AM JT-Cave: morning
05:53 AM TurBoss: what do you guys do when you have a 4th axis thats not wrapper
05:53 AM TurBoss: eg 360 ° rev
05:54 AM TurBoss: wen i have A 3000 and i what to do A0 without motion
05:59 AM TurBoss: the problem is that i have to rewind A axis
07:04 AM JT-Cave: I remember something about that issue... but can't remember where I saw it
07:30 AM TurBoss: wow i fixed
07:30 AM TurBoss: tha ks jt
09:46 AM hands[m]: head desk outputs are equally backwards.. they source voltage, I need them to sink to ground....... shakes fist into the sky, now to make some kind of npn board to fit 24 npn transistors into the mix...... (retrofit I said, it would be easy I said, the Bob did all the hard work I said........ )
09:48 AM hands[m]: TruBoss, what I did for that was make a custom rewind chunk of code in my post processor, it went back current location MOD 360, and then zeroed the axis...
09:48 AM hands[m]: It was based on a comment in the Fusion 360 post processor for my old Fanuc based controller that proper rewind required custom code..
02:03 PM * TurBoss sent a long message: < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/wWsEaPmhgXJLOvAPOhSzMykD >
04:27 PM hands[m]: 2, 8 channel relays sets ordered.. just couldn't work out a reasonable way to solder something up.. luckily none of these output are particularly high speed... And while I DID get things to work with a pull down resistor, then I would have reversed everythning and added a relay to not even let the ouputs turn on until linuxcnc initialized, and a few other things that all felt like risk on top of risk on top of risk...