#hazzy Logs

Jul 12 2020

#hazzy Calendar

12:06 AM hazzy-m: Joco: that looks very good indeed
12:07 AM hazzy-m: 1am, time for sleep
12:07 AM Joco[m]: nite
12:40 AM Joco[m]: * It's looking a heck of lot better than it was when I started out.
05:17 AM JT-Cave: morning
09:11 AM hazzy-m: Morning
10:38 AM hands[m]: joco did you run it at the same speed for your tests? you may want to run at different speeds so you can tell if the issue is related to RF/noise or are related to the ball screw.. Especially how consistent the data is.. (just finished a personal project where I was measuring forces and noise/hz coming out of the wall and through the DC power supply was causing issues with measurement.. given the sizes you are measuring it
10:38 AM hands[m]: it might be worth making sure time isn't a component of the .04mm movement noise).. By the way .04mm is amazing error rate!!!!
10:49 AM roguish[m]: morning.............
11:03 AM JT-Cave: yo
11:07 AM hazzy-m: JT-Cave: did you see I worked on your plain text edit?
11:07 AM hazzy-m: I didn't realize it was so close to being finished, fantastic work
11:09 AM * JT-Cave has been neck deep in chickens lol
11:10 AM JT-Cave: glad you got it done, I'll be glad when all I have to do is feed, water and pick up poop
11:26 AM hazzy-m: JT-Cave: How are the automation projects coming?
11:33 AM JT-Cave: slow, finally got all my components in the other day... just need to put it together
11:33 AM JT-Cave: Rusty the truck tied me up for a week trying to sort out why the rear calipers were dragging after replacing the pads and van has been in the shop for 2 weeks
12:19 PM JT-Cave: well that didn't last long
12:19 PM * JT-Cave thinks he finally got screen blanking turned off in X
02:04 PM Joco[m]: hands: good question re speed. I have been running at 150mm/min feed rate. As i needed to ensure was not over stressing the mesa encoder that is really designed for MPG. But running at say 100 or 200 should be ok for a test. A big variable in this homing consistency. I have run a few checks with rehoming as a key element. The error band does move a little but is still pretty tight. I.e holding the bulk of error points within
02:04 PM Joco[m]: the 0.02mm band. After work I’ll try the different speed tests.
02:08 PM Joco[m]: <hazzy-m "I didn't realize it was so close"> I didn’t know it existed. Like a pure QT implementation. Scintilla is sooo finiky.
02:13 PM Joco[m]: Quick mesa question: given I think there is some good mesa knowledge here ... what card would be best/most appropriate to add h/w high speed encoders to a 7i76e?
02:22 PM Joco[m]: * Quick mesa question: given I think there is some good mesa knowledge here ... what card would be best/most appropriate to add h/w high speed encoders to a 7i76e? Im thinking a 7i85 but someone was poopooing the db25 connects being used.
02:34 PM hands[m]: Joco, I was just talking to Peter at Mesa about this, he suggested the 7i89 (but I also need a toon of encoders)..
02:38 PM * hands[m] uploaded an image: unknown.png (11KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/jauriarts.org/gmsKeQZRZskxGjwkgOQNEBsh >
02:38 PM hands[m]: Before I go down a rabbit hole of refactoring, is there a good reason NOT to break the large reusable components (maybe even whole tabs) into self-encapsulated widget using .ui files?
02:38 PM hands[m]: for instance something like:
02:39 PM hands[m]: I did a quick test with a single control with the jog rate, and it seems to be getting the updates just fine even though the slider was in the main form..
02:48 PM Joco[m]: You mean completely encapsulated UIs sub parts? All laid out and ready to drop into place?
02:57 PM hands[m]: yes
02:57 PM hands[m]: DRO, Jog, Offsets, etc..
02:58 PM hands[m]: would make feature creation easier as every template could "consume" the same components.. composing as needed... (within reason)
03:03 PM Joco[m]: hmmm ... conceptually I can't see why not. But in all honesty if anyone is likely to see a "why not" it will be the likes of hazzy or JT-Cave
03:03 PM Joco[m]: TurBoss: as well
03:04 PM Joco[m]: I've spent the last 20 years managing technical delivery teams. I've been away from the tools too long
03:04 PM hands[m]: yah it was a general question... I was answering your question about encoders, then I switched topics 😛
03:05 PM Joco[m]: lol
03:05 PM Joco[m]: I saw your comment re the 8 encoder board
03:07 PM Joco[m]: I think on the kit I have I will probably stick with stepper drivers but adding a linear encoder as a fine adjustment is what I am looking into . HOWEVER, having the 8 encoders would allow me to move to either servos or encoder backed steppers in the future.
03:07 PM Joco[m]: while still keeping use of the scales.
03:07 PM Joco[m]: just for giggles. lol
03:07 PM Joco[m]: I think I have said this before: the mill IS the hobby
03:08 PM hands[m]: best machines in the world (that aren't linear servos) are glass scales + servos with encoders..
03:08 PM Joco[m]: O.o - about to hit a tunnel. Will go dark for about 8-10mins
03:41 PM Joco[m]: Monday morning. Work. Blah. Got to win the lottery.
03:45 PM * JT[m] uploaded an image: VectorImage_2020-07-12_031518.jpg (5455KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/xxDPawrdXQGuEIkMRLlPBpQY >
03:45 PM JT[m]: Finally got the run enclosed
03:47 PM Joco[m]: Nice. Always a good feeling to get something done.
05:12 PM roguish[m]: JT: will it keep all the hungry critters out?
05:12 PM roguish[m]: anyway to electrify?
05:12 PM roguish[m]: old car coil?
05:13 PM roguish[m]: when the chicks are inside, of course.
05:13 PM roguish[m]: inside the house
06:10 PM JT-Cave: there will be some very HOT wires on the outside lol
10:05 PM * hazzy-m uploaded an image: image.png (121KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/SdrDcAINfVyNvCUfdiNJMLJI >
10:26 PM Joco[m]: looking good. How are you showing what line is being executed?
10:27 PM hands[m]: Nice!
10:40 PM * hazzy-m uploaded a video: gcode-edit.mp4 (4432KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/PgUzCApjewxKrtOQhCnDeEOG >
10:40 PM hazzy-m: just highlighting the current line for now