#hazzy Logs
May 19 2020
#hazzy Calendar
12:42 AM Joco[m]: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1i3TuuJEMVt3J62cUVq0t9pGEuF-aY60U
12:43 AM Joco[m]: shows the new MDI History/Queue widget and how am using a HAL linked visible/not-visible pin to show/hide the tool-change UI elements based on control of state from the NGC macro.
12:44 AM Joco[m]: Hmm ... think I have a second enhancement for that widgets v2
12:45 AM Joco[m]: remove_row and run_single_row
01:20 AM Not-944e: [02qtpyvcp] 07joco-nz synchronize pull request 03#33: Mdi history and queue widget - 13https://git.io/JfRMI
02:35 AM Not-944e: [02qtpyvcp] 07TurBoss pushed 031 commit to 03VTK_Lather [+0/-0/±1] 13https://git.io/Jfu6Z
02:35 AM Not-944e: [02qtpyvcp] 07TurBoss 033e72212 - draw two polygons
05:13 AM Joco[m]: quick sample of simulated home processes monitored by a h/w diagnostics panel: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1sdq9Dadg4FTODnr6ZW_0VYH9qdeVLo9i
06:00 AM Joco[m]: suggest apt install that package
06:01 AM Joco[m]: or maybe pip
06:03 AM Joco[m]: and when/how did you get the error
06:04 AM Joco[m]: ie. did you follow: http://www.qtpyvcp.com/install/quick_start.html
06:10 AM Joco[m]: so you get the issue with probe-basic only? what about the other qtpyvcp samples?
06:12 AM Joco[m]: I don't use probe-basic so not going to be able to help. I get the same error when trying to import that module into python. Yet I can run up my and other GUIs fine
06:14 AM Joco[m]: I just started probe-basic fine
06:14 AM Joco[m]: but I dont have that QtWebKitWidgets thing
06:15 AM Joco[m]: well if I do its not loadable from a python interpreter
06:15 AM Joco[m]: need QT5
06:15 AM Joco[m]: and python2.
06:20 AM Joco[m]: do you have the developer install of probe basic?
06:23 AM Joco[m]: https://kcjengr.github.io/probe_basic/dev_install.html
06:24 AM Joco[m]: or didi you use: https://kcjengr.github.io/probe_basic/quick_start.html
06:29 AM Joco[m]: cd into that directory and do a git pull
06:32 AM Joco[m]: the dir where you cloned the git repo to
06:35 AM Joco[m]: I would then, just for paranoia re run the 'pip install -e .' command. The last fullstop after the -e is needed.
06:36 AM Joco[m]: run that command inside the repo dir
06:47 AM Joco[m]: pushing midnight. Sleep time.
06:48 AM * Joco[m] sent a long message: < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/yIATgtUXggSATMvilJebEnVR >
06:48 AM Joco[m]: you might not need to do the last two cp's
06:48 AM Joco[m]: anyways ... sleep.
07:28 AM hazzy-m: beelash: hello
07:28 AM hazzy-m: looks like you have a missing dep
07:58 AM hazzy-m: try `sudo apt install python-pyqt5.qtwebkit`
07:58 AM hazzy-m: if you are running a new version of QT might need `sudo apt install python-pyqt5.qtwebkitwidgets`
08:25 AM JT-Cave: anyone bought a laptop recently? I need a new one for the wife
08:28 AM Lcvette: morning
08:29 AM JT-Cave: morning
08:29 AM Lcvette: no, i got my wife a big tablet and she says she likes it more then her old laptop
08:30 AM JT-Cave: which one did she get?
08:30 AM JT-Cave: still runs windblows?
08:32 AM Lcvette: no its a tablet
08:32 AM Lcvette: really big apple tablet
08:32 AM Lcvette: huge
08:32 AM JT-Cave: ah ok
08:33 AM JT-Cave: gotta have IE to view the LAN cameras
08:33 AM Lcvette: apple 12.9"
08:34 AM Lcvette: IE?
08:34 AM JT-Cave: Internet Explorer windblows
08:34 AM Lcvette: internet explorer?
08:34 AM Lcvette: does that still exist?
08:34 AM Lcvette: i though MS went to edge
08:35 AM JT-Cave: no clue, I don't follow MS
08:35 AM Lcvette: i use chrome
08:36 AM JT-Cave: I use FireFox but you can't view the cameras on it so IE for camera viewing
08:36 AM Lcvette: gotcha
08:51 AM Lcvette: anyone need any spring steel ballscrew covers?
08:52 AM Lcvette: im ordering some for my lathe z axis
08:52 AM Lcvette: they are 18.50/pc plus shipping
08:53 AM * Lcvette uploaded an image: image.png (291KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/KqZTpVXyafiZqqKnEBnTaebz >
09:13 AM hazzy-m: JT-Cave: IE doesn't exist anymore, they switched to chromium
10:16 AM roguish[m]: good morning alllllll
10:19 AM roguish[m]: JT-Cave: the MS surface tablet things are supposed to be pretty good. my sister has one and really likes it. that's after have some Apple stuff, that literally fell apart.
10:23 AM roguish[m]: Lcvette: morning...... hey when I install probe_basic, there is a line in the install instructions that copies some configs. the xyzab config directory is never found. anywhere. What's up with that?
10:29 AM Lcvette: did you look in linuxcnc/config?
10:29 AM Lcvette: roguish: ^^^
10:37 AM * Lcvette uploaded an image: Screenshot_2020-05-19_11-28-12.png (54KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/voeKnvZSMoUSpnCmILPgUExx >
10:38 AM * Lcvette uploaded an image: Screenshot_2020-05-19_11-28-55.png (50KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/iHhIBqeoaBRqexKMHFvykGcQ >
10:40 AM Lcvette: it is automatically copying the files into the linuxcnc folder
10:40 AM Lcvette: roguish: ^^^
10:52 AM * JT-Shop has nothing in windblows newer than 7... I wonder if linux chrome will show the cameras???
11:13 AM JT-Cave: roguish[m], I'm going to get a new work laptop and the wife can have the wide screen one I use now
12:07 PM roguish[m]: JT-Cave: most of my stuff is win 7. I have a laptop with win 10 (started as win 8). Win 10 is ok. definitely gotten better over the years since introduced. Most codes are dropping support for win 7, like solidworks.... My old drag around work laptop died. I'm looking to replace it but can't really justify it yet. looking at Dell 5540 or 7540. Tons of horsepower. probably $1500 min. I don't even mind slightly
12:07 PM roguish[m]: used.
12:47 PM * hazzy-m loves Lenovo ThinkPads
12:49 PM hazzy-m: I have at least 8 or 9, dating all the way back to 2003, to the X1 carbons. They all still work like new, except for the batteries
12:59 PM JT-Cave: I've not kept my subscription for SW for quite some time. I know for sure I don't want a HP laptop
01:02 PM Lcvette: turboss arte you here?
01:02 PM Lcvette: i did more testing last night and he new orientation thing reverted back to the angled cone
01:03 PM TurBoss: yes?
01:05 PM Lcvette: yeah it reverted i think after i changed the tool table
01:06 PM JT-Cave: https://www.newegg.com/p/1TS-001A-00J81
01:59 PM Joco[m]: Morning
02:08 PM TurBoss: morning
02:08 PM TurBoss: Lcvette: how is the revert?
02:08 PM TurBoss: if tool diameter is 0 draws a cone
02:09 PM Joco[m]: JT-Cave:
02:09 PM Joco[m]: Oops
02:10 PM TurBoss: hello Joco
02:12 PM Joco[m]: Anything interesting going on?
02:13 PM TurBoss: not much
02:13 PM TurBoss: local festivities here
02:13 PM TurBoss: but cancel
02:13 PM TurBoss: no one drunk over ther
02:13 PM TurBoss: * no one drunk over there
02:14 PM * hazzy-m is trying to do a PLC upgrade, failing mostly
02:15 PM Joco[m]: Wednesday morning here. Trying to motivate myself to get going. At least only two new days till weekend.
02:22 PM * TurBoss uploaded an image: Captura de pantalla de 2020-05-19 21-13-08.png (2KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/jauriarts.org/fzLttOnCljpyPpxGhOjCyRiF >
02:29 PM Joco[m]: PLC? Is that software or a bunch of switches, logic contacts etc?
02:30 PM * TurBoss uploaded an image: image.png (186KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/jauriarts.org/SugCgAdPrskeuSQzgsVCCGlj >
02:31 PM TurBoss: something like this
02:31 PM TurBoss: programable logic controller
02:31 PM TurBoss: programed in ladder
02:31 PM * TurBoss uploaded an image: image.png (7KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/jauriarts.org/OSemiFpPERJUPJjUdNcUHKbb >
02:31 PM Joco[m]: Ahhhh. Never dealt with those.
02:32 PM TurBoss: there are many providers
02:32 PM TurBoss: siemens, omron..
02:32 PM TurBoss: linuxcnc has clasicladder
02:33 PM Joco[m]: Yeah. Not had to get into ladder on linuxcnc
02:33 PM Joco[m]: Although some of the complex hal stuff gets close
02:33 PM TurBoss: hal can do the same
02:33 PM TurBoss: yea
02:34 PM Joco[m]: I have some complex hal for using a game pad as a pendant
02:34 PM TurBoss: cool
02:35 PM Joco[m]: Wireless logitec thing. Looks like an xbox controller
02:35 PM * hazzy-m uploaded an image: ima_279047d.jpeg (172KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/yNkBPMaIYxfabpVpkyNxjQvl >
02:35 PM TurBoss: wow!
02:35 PM Joco[m]: Reminds me i need to do some more refinement on it.
02:35 PM hazzy-m: this is a B and R PLC
02:35 PM * TurBoss lives in prehistory
02:36 PM Lcvette: > Lcvette: how is the revert?
02:36 PM Lcvette: ?
02:36 PM TurBoss: hello
02:36 PM * hazzy-m uploaded an image: ima_bc189e2.jpeg (208KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/XhUyYHaTPSXdnuesWtTtvVul >
02:36 PM Lcvette: o/
02:36 PM Lcvette: :D
02:36 PM TurBoss: you said there is a revert
02:36 PM hazzy-m: Lcvette: Hey
02:36 PM Lcvette: i don't know what revert is
02:36 PM Lcvette: lol
02:36 PM Joco[m]: hazzy: that looks a bit daunting
02:37 PM Lcvette: oh yes, the lathe tool tip thing, it stopped showing a circle and reverted to showing the cone on all tools with a different angle
02:37 PM Lcvette: o/ hazzy
02:37 PM TurBoss: <Lcvette "yeah it reverted i think after i"> this^^
02:37 PM Lcvette: :D
02:37 PM hazzy-m: Joco: It is, I've rewired the entire machine twice in the past year. Customer keeps changing what they want
02:37 PM Lcvette: \o/.
02:37 PM Lcvette: lcvette is loading and measuring tools for a job
02:38 PM TurBoss: <hazzy-m "Joco: It is, I've rewired the en"> if he pays...
02:38 PM TurBoss: great
02:38 PM Joco[m]: Yup. His cheque book then all good
02:44 PM hazzy-m: Over 175k, and we only have 20k in the machine lol
02:46 PM Joco[m]: 20k worth of rewiring?!
02:51 PM hazzy-m: yes
02:52 PM Joco[m]: Shit. Thats a lot of mind changing.
02:52 PM hazzy-m: and new safety system, which is a royal pain
02:52 PM * hazzy-m uploaded an image: ima_faed8cd.jpeg (165KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/mCakcGTWFEJJCZmiOYeQcJEz >
02:53 PM Joco[m]: No idea what that does but it looks new and expensive.
03:19 PM Joco[m]: Mach3 has a "teching mode" where it essentially saves MDI entries out to a file that can be loaded as a gcode prog and rerun/edited. Is that a gimmick or a useful feature?
03:57 PM roguish[m]: hazzy: light curtain........
06:21 PM Joco[m]: WIN. Just worked out and tested connecting to a running GUI using pdev debug in eclipse
06:21 PM Joco[m]: I can now line step through code and inspect things on the fly
06:29 PM Joco[m]: Ultimate coding/debug power mwuahahahahaha
07:01 PM TurBoss: brutal
07:10 PM Joco[m]: soo cool. I'm actually tracing through signal events firing on status channels.
07:11 PM Joco[m]: I can now see exactly what the F is going on.
07:30 PM TurBoss: how to?
07:40 PM Joco[m]: how to what?
07:40 PM TurBoss: got it
07:40 PM TurBoss: :=)
07:41 PM Joco[m]: in the world of C etc you could have compile time option for debug versions and none debug versions. Can do you a similar pattern or effect in pythin?
07:41 PM TurBoss: not really sorry I was talking about pydev
07:41 PM Joco[m]: oh that
07:42 PM Joco[m]: you need to sacrafice a chicken just as the sun rises while facing south
07:42 PM TurBoss: i have a cat
07:42 PM TurBoss: :-)
07:43 PM TurBoss: do I need a specific eclipse version?
07:45 PM Joco[m]: hang on ...
07:46 PM Joco[m]: http://www.pydev.org/manual_101_install.html
07:46 PM Joco[m]: I followed this
07:47 PM Joco[m]: using LiClipse might make it simplier
07:47 PM Joco[m]: I used eclipse proper but it was a bit of a bugger to get it working well
07:47 PM Joco[m]: if I had just used the apt install method it probably would have been easier
07:48 PM TurBoss: cool Thank you
07:49 PM TurBoss: ops no space left
07:49 PM TurBoss: :/
07:49 PM TurBoss: I'll give a shoot soon
07:49 PM TurBoss: thanks
07:52 PM Joco[m]: I then followed the instructions for remote debugger: http://www.pydev.org/manual_adv_remote_debugger.html
07:52 PM TurBoss: what is your starting point binary?
07:53 PM TurBoss: linuxcnc rip-enviroment qtpyvcp?
07:53 PM Joco[m]: yup
07:53 PM Joco[m]: rip environment
07:53 PM Joco[m]: but it shouldn't matter
07:54 PM Joco[m]: I think you need to load the whole of qtpyvcp as a project into eclipse
07:54 PM Joco[m]: so it knows the source tree
07:55 PM Joco[m]: File>Open Projects then navigate to the qtpyvcp directory inside the repo. That is the real source tree.
07:56 PM TurBoss: ok
07:58 PM Joco[m]: I might try and build some instructions. It would be very useful to anyone developing in this code base
07:59 PM Joco[m]: the biggest plus for me this morning has the ability to see the data structures while the gui is running. I know have a MUCH better understanding of what is going on.
07:59 PM TurBoss: amazing Great well done!
08:00 PM Joco[m]: I need a way to remove an entry from MDI history. Couldn't see how I should be doing that in a way that would not be at risk of breaking something. Now I know exactly what I need to do. :-)
09:03 PM Not-944e: [02qtpyvcp] 07joco-nz synchronize pull request 03#33: Mdi history and queue widget - 13https://git.io/JfRMI
09:36 PM Joco[m]: lol - I keep adding little bits to my pull
09:44 PM Joco[m]: hazzy: hi. Just added a method to status.py to allow me to remove an entry from mdi history by index number. I did some reading on setters etc and couldn't see an annotation for this. If there is a better/correct pattern to follow please let me know so I can correct.
10:19 PM Joco[m]: Working on a macro concept for MDI screen. If I get it working could be a useful pattern for someone to leverage.
10:50 PM Lcvette: quick question
10:50 PM TurBoss: shoot
10:51 PM Lcvette: if i turn off the optional stop button it should keep running at tool changes correct?
10:51 PM TurBoss: sorry I don't know
10:51 PM Lcvette: lol
10:51 PM Lcvette: /o\
10:51 PM Lcvette: think thats how it works
10:51 PM Lcvette: right now it stops at every tool change
10:52 PM * Lcvette sent a long message: < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/sTvhvgMJXxJoqpgcOgwRlstb >
10:52 PM Lcvette: the M1 is the optional stop
10:53 PM Lcvette: i am just curious if optional stop button is not illuminated if it ignores M1
10:53 PM TurBoss: M1 pauses the program is optionas stop is on
10:54 PM Lcvette: ok
10:54 PM Lcvette: so if i turn off M01 button it will ignore?
10:54 PM TurBoss: yes will continue
10:54 PM Lcvette: \o/
10:54 PM Lcvette: great
10:55 PM Lcvette: the programmable coolant is fantastic
10:55 PM Lcvette: works soo good
10:55 PM Lcvette: doesn't even need siggen
10:55 PM Lcvette: although it would be cool
10:55 PM Lcvette: just to do it
10:55 PM Lcvette: but not really needed