#hazzy Logs

Apr 30 2020

#hazzy Calendar

03:38 AM JamesW: lol - building my version of Mill v6 from the ground up. LOTS of learning
05:20 AM RacoonRider|MovT: @hazzy thanks. That makes the trick. I have searched all docs/websites before but didn‘t find that dependency in any file. Do i miss some place?
05:20 AM RacoonRider|MovT: Maybe next time i struggle again 😦
05:25 AM RacoonRider|MovT: Thats what i found on github and executed (https://github.com/kcjengr/probe_basic/blob/master/docs/source/dev_install.rst): "sudo apt install python-pyqt5 python-pyqt5.qtquick python-dbus.mainloop.pyqt5 python-pyqt5.qtopengl python-pyqt5.qsci python-pyqt5.qtmultimedia qml-module-qtquick-controls gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad libqt5multimedia5-plugins pyqt5-dev-tools python-dev python-setuptools python-pip git:"
05:25 AM RacoonRider|MovT: please add python-pyqt5.webkit to that line.
05:26 AM RacoonRider|MovT: please add python-pyqt5.qtwebkit to that line.
06:22 AM hazzy-m: RacoonRider | MovT: Yes, it needs to be added, it was just added as a Dependency a few days ago
06:22 AM hazzy-m: Lcvette ^^
06:24 AM jthornton: morning
07:37 AM hazzy-m: Lcvette: https://forum.linuxcnc.org/qtpyvcp/38090-qtpyvcp-widget-rules?start=10#166199
07:37 AM hazzy-m: Can you please take a look at this question about probing?
07:38 AM hazzy-m: Thanks!
08:45 AM Lcvette: o/
08:45 AM Lcvette: replied!
08:45 AM Lcvette: lcvette has been away and preparing to go again
08:45 AM Lcvette: working onmy parents house trying to get it ready to put on the market
09:19 AM Lcvette: and working on dirtbikes in the evenings... :D
09:19 AM Lcvette: \o/
10:34 AM hazzy-m: Lcvette: thank you!
10:34 AM hazzy-m: how are your parents?
11:05 AM RacoonRider|MovT: hazzy: thanks a lot. Love the vcp 🙂
02:36 PM JamesW[m]: Been trying to understand some qtpy stuff. I can see what @Slot decorator does. But I can’t seem to find a definition in the documentation. Is it a vcp front for @pyqtSlot?
02:37 PM JamesW[m]: or jus a shortcut I have not stumbled across in the pyqt5 implementation?
02:44 PM JamesW[m]: And if anyone interested, my learning journey so far by doing a “clean room” reimplementation (with tweaks) of JTs most excellently designed out Mill v6 interface. It’s going to work awesomely for my wee Bf20 and the 1280x1024 Elo touch I have. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HBnxdwyOMW1M2ZJghR11vyelQUv9XsgH/view
03:05 PM hazzy-m: JamesW: QtPyVCP used the QtPy compatibility layer, which theoretically allows using PyQt4, PyQt5 or PySide python bindings
03:06 PM JamesW: hazzy-m: ah - cheers. Do you have a documentation link handy? Or will it pop up on a google search in an obvious way?
03:06 PM hazzy-m: the qslot decorator has different names in the different implementations, so QtPy normalizes it to just Slot
03:07 PM hazzy-m: unfortunately there is not much documentation
03:07 PM hazzy-m: https://github.com/spyder-ide/qtpy
03:07 PM JamesW: oh - sorry - reread that. So a destinct name for the layer
03:07 PM hazzy-m: JamesW: exactly!
03:08 PM hazzy-m: that looks fantastic!
03:08 PM JamesW: cool - worked it out iniitially by seeing what was happening in JTs interface then trying stuff. Figured out how to use button groups even more now in Designer to make good use of the exclusive select function.
03:10 PM JamesW: makes some widget rules redundant that he was using.
03:24 PM JT-Shop: JamesW, looking good
04:01 PM JamesW: JT: Cheers. Your work has REALLY helped my understanding and seeing what the patterns are. Tried a number of different layouts then tried your one and it was the one that made way more sense. It felt, comfortable, where as others just didnt flow for me.
04:21 PM JamesW: JT-Shop: some of your code is a little more abstract than my out of practice brain can cope with. I "think" I get what the partial function does. But it felt like more of an extra abstraction than I could currently get my head around. If you could elaborate on how partial was/is helping that would be awesome.
04:24 PM JT-Shop: give me a bit, fixing snacks for the chickens
04:34 PM JamesW: lol - no rush. I'm on a work call.
04:34 PM JamesW: just listening listening listening. yawn
04:42 PM JT[m]: in mainwindow.py for example in the mdiHandler I pass self to the setupMDI
04:44 PM JT[m]: looking for a good explination lol
04:46 PM JamesW: I can see what is happening. I'm just not getting how that is helpful. What is "partial" adding to the mix. Cose when I started my python I looked at how you were using partial then I did it the non partial way and I was left thinking "what have I lost? Can't see it".
04:47 PM JamesW: maybe the more complex mdi example is where it starts to help?
04:47 PM JT[m]: without partial I could not make that connection in a called file
04:47 PM JamesW: ah - so its all due to splitting things out into different files? I have not done that.
04:48 PM JT[m]: suppose you have to pass a function somewhere where it's expected to have 2 arguments But a function you already have needs access to some third context object to do its job one option is to use partial and it's the easy way
04:48 PM JT[m]: yes, it makes it much easier to read a few hundred lines of code than a thousand
04:50 PM * JT[m] goes back to work on the new coop
04:59 PM JamesW: JT: thanks. I will be picking apart how you have approached the MDI side of things very shortly. I really like the entry concept you have used. I think I will add some extra sugar to support printing vars to support debugging and checking things.
05:03 PM JT-Shop: cool
07:29 PM JamesW: been using the DROWidget. It has imperial and metric display masks. However I am not seeing it honour the G20 or G21 setting on display. Is this a bug or is there a certain way you need to use or trigger it to get the widget to recognise and honor the in force units?
09:22 PM TurBoss_backup: this is a test
09:22 PM TurBoss: hello!
09:22 PM TurBoss: no double messages
09:23 PM TurBoss_backup: another test
09:27 PM TurBoss4184[m]: another test
09:34 PM hazzy-m: Hurray!
09:34 PM hazzy-m: TurBoss: How did you fix?
09:35 PM hazzy-m: JamesW: that sounds like a bug ....
09:35 PM hazzy-m: I think most people just use rules for the DROs..
09:40 PM TurBoss: did nothing
09:41 PM hazzy-m: so it fixed it's self
09:41 PM hazzy-m: I wish all bugs would do that lol
09:41 PM TurBoss: duno
09:41 PM TurBoss: other room #freenode_#panda3d:matrix.org had issues too
09:41 PM hazzy-m: great!
09:41 PM hazzy-m: how is quarantine?
09:42 PM TurBoss: tomorrow we can go outside
09:42 PM TurBoss: \o/
09:42 PM TurBoss: make sport
09:42 PM TurBoss: my legs started to beigin rusted
09:42 PM TurBoss: 1 or 2 peps
09:42 PM TurBoss: not more tha 1km
09:43 PM hazzy-m: Hurray!!
09:44 PM TurBoss: how is there?
09:46 PM hazzy-m: we have already started opening back up
09:46 PM TurBoss: fuk a friend of mine says is not tomorrow is the day next
09:47 PM TurBoss: how is people? many deds?
09:48 PM hazzy-m: about the same as the flu, actually less
09:48 PM TurBoss: how many rips a day?
09:48 PM hazzy-m: not good, but not nearly as bad as was expected
09:49 PM TurBoss: here stays ad 300
09:51 PM hazzy-m: that's a lot :(
09:52 PM hazzy-m: we have had a total of about 1200 deaths in my state
09:52 PM TurBoss: hazzy: rene said to port all linux cnc stuff to gtk3
09:52 PM TurBoss: I offered to help
09:52 PM TurBoss: there is some plan?
09:52 PM hazzy-m: booo
09:53 PM hazzy-m: actually, that is a good idea
09:53 PM hazzy-m: I think gmoccapy has already been mostly ported
09:54 PM hazzy-m: there is not that much, most of it is still TK
09:54 PM TurBoss: oh
09:55 PM TurBoss: we need a less bloated linuxcnc
09:55 PM TurBoss: :P
09:55 PM TurBoss: non debian dependent
09:55 PM TurBoss: but that not gona happend
09:57 PM hazzy-m: yes, that would be VERY nice
09:57 PM hazzy-m: its so bloated not, and it's only getting worse
09:57 PM hazzy-m: * its so bloated now, and it's only getting worse
09:59 PM TurBoss: qtpyvcp yocto is awaiting
10:02 PM hazzy-m: yes, very patently, for years
10:02 PM TurBoss: :P
10:03 PM TurBoss: glorious victory awaits
10:03 PM Not-944e: [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13https://git.io/JfOKC
10:03 PM Not-944e: [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson 03c34c230 - BUG: Fix "The requested dialog 'open_file' was not found" error
10:04 PM hazzy-m: that should make some people happy :)
10:04 PM TurBoss: \o/
10:05 PM Not-944e: [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson pushed 031 commit to 03gh-pages [+489/-0/±0] 13https://git.io/JfOK4
10:05 PM Not-944e: [02qtpyvcp] 07traviscibot 031a66436 - Deploy kcjengr/qtpyvcp to github.com/kcjengr/qtpyvcp.git:gh-pages
10:06 PM hazzy-m: Should be ok to merge DynaATC?
10:07 PM TurBoss: the external one?
10:07 PM TurBoss: it need test
10:07 PM hazzy-m: yes
10:07 PM hazzy-m: ok
10:07 PM hazzy-m: we need the Panda Fu
10:07 PM hazzy-m: lol
10:07 PM TurBoss: i just works here
10:07 PM TurBoss: oh yes
10:07 PM TurBoss: the panda maste
10:08 PM TurBoss: * the panda master
10:08 PM TurBoss: 🐼
10:08 PM hazzy-m: it seems to work great
10:08 PM hazzy-m: but we should get Lcvette 's approval
10:08 PM TurBoss: you know what he is doing during quarantine?
10:08 PM TurBoss: https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/davidmack/coronavirus-zoo-pandas-mate-hong-kong-ocean-park
10:09 PM TurBoss: yes there is no hurry
10:10 PM TurBoss: also
10:10 PM TurBoss: @hazzy I did well in the entry points?
10:10 PM TurBoss: i'm not sure
10:10 PM hazzy-m: I think he is working on his parents house
10:10 PM hazzy-m: Yes!
10:10 PM hazzy-m: They are perfect
10:10 PM TurBoss: was a joke
10:10 PM TurBoss: :P
10:10 PM TurBoss: saw the link?
10:11 PM hazzy-m: xD
10:11 PM TurBoss: panda bunga bunga
10:11 PM hazzy-m: lol
10:13 PM Not-944e: [02probe_basic] 07KurtJacobson pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13https://git.io/JfOK2
10:13 PM Not-944e: [02probe_basic] 07KurtJacobson 032125767 - DOC: Add 'python-pyqt5.qtwebkit' to dependencies
10:15 PM Not-944e: [02probe_basic] 07KurtJacobson pushed 031 commit to 03gh-pages [+88/-0/±0] 13https://git.io/JfOKr
10:15 PM Not-944e: [02probe_basic] 07traviscibot 0391e5549 - Deploy kcjengr/probe_basic to github.com/kcjengr/probe_basic.git:gh-pages
10:52 PM JamesW: hazzy-m: sorry been in multi hour conference call. Re the DROWidget - so people just use a rule to get the formatting correct?
10:52 PM JamesW: even though its supposed to do that itself?
10:55 PM JamesW: actually I can't see how you can use a rule. There is no way to fix the value with a rule.
11:05 PM JamesW: found it in the source tree. Going to have a play and see if I can figure out what is going on.
11:05 PM JamesW: It could well be user error
11:05 PM JamesW: :)
11:06 PM JamesW: But I think I need beer first. I always code better with beer.
11:06 PM TurBoss: JamesW: what is the issue?
11:06 PM TurBoss: good idea
11:07 PM TurBoss: do you know the balmer peak?
11:07 PM JamesW: TurBoss: I am not seeing the DROWidget honour the metric/imperial format setting
11:07 PM TurBoss: its hard math
11:08 PM JamesW: its is always running metric even when I know the gcode state is metric
11:08 PM JamesW: sorry - always running imperial
11:08 PM JamesW: I hate imperial.
11:08 PM JamesW: Inches do my head in. lol
11:09 PM TurBoss: https://xkcd.com/323/
11:10 PM JamesW: beautiful.
11:10 PM JamesW: Windows ME. TOTALLY!
11:10 PM TurBoss: 🙂
11:11 PM JamesW: I know some people who would say the same thing about WIn10.
11:11 PM * TurBoss uploaded an image: Captura de pantalla de 2020-05-01 06-11-12.png (12KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/jauriarts.org/QKjuENFErVlFkHcgbWjoQkCT >
11:12 PM TurBoss: where you cant see the widget?
11:14 PM JamesW: no I can use the widget fine. It does not behave correctly, or at least as it appears it should. The widget has an imperial and metric display mask. So when your machine is in units=inch it should use a format like 0.0000 where as when in metric (mm) mode it should display more like 0.000. Or in my case 0.00. However it seems to be always in Imperial mode. No matter what.
11:15 PM TurBoss: ah i see
11:24 PM Not-944e: [02qtpyvcp] 07TurBoss pushed 031 commit to 03DRO_WIDGET [+0/-0/±1] 13https://git.io/JfO69
11:24 PM Not-944e: [02qtpyvcp] 07TurBoss 034497caa - get the unit system on boot
11:24 PM Not-944e: [02qtpyvcp] 07TurBoss created branch 03DRO_WIDGET - 13https://git.io/fhCou
11:26 PM travis-ci: kcjengr/qtpyvcp#1434 (DRO_WIDGET - 4497caa : TurBoss): The build passed.
11:26 PM travis-ci: Diff view : https://github.com/kcjengr/qtpyvcp/commit/4497caa7cc4d
11:26 PM travis-ci: Build details : https://travis-ci.org/kcjengr/qtpyvcp/builds/681807147
11:27 PM JamesW: cool - maybe that was the issue.
11:27 PM JamesW: but that is not yet in main is it
11:27 PM TurBoss: is on a branch
11:27 PM TurBoss: do you have a git installation?=
11:28 PM JamesW: not sure ... let me look
11:28 PM TurBoss: I mean you cloned qtpyvcp to get it running?
11:28 PM TurBoss: or did a pip install?
11:30 PM JamesW: how do I tell if I did pip or git? I have a git dir of the repo. Just can not remember if I used that as the install base or nt
11:30 PM TurBoss: we call this a develop install on docs
11:31 PM JamesW: nope - pip install
11:31 PM TurBoss: ok
11:31 PM JamesW: will look at docs and see if I can figure out how to back it out and redo
11:32 PM TurBoss: there is no need to redo
11:32 PM TurBoss: just git clone qtpyvcp to any place
11:32 PM TurBoss: then cd into there
11:33 PM TurBoss: and issue "python2 -m pip install --upgrade -e ."
11:33 PM TurBoss: git clone https://github.com/kcjengr/qtpyvcp.git
11:33 PM TurBoss: brb coffe
11:38 PM * TurBoss uploaded an image: VectorImage_2020-05-01_063826.jpg (320KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/jauriarts.org/dFTJBVCruqpDDcVdeqPJNRGL >
11:40 PM JamesW: ok - got that done a little script so I can rerun whenever
11:40 PM TurBoss: cool
11:41 PM JamesW: checked out your branch and did re ran that script
11:41 PM JamesW: so "should" be using your patch
11:42 PM JamesW: hmm - no change wonder if that means I really do need to do a pip uninstall
11:43 PM TurBoss: you need to checkout the experimental branch
11:44 PM * TurBoss uploaded an image: VectorImage_2020-05-01_064332.jpg (321KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/jauriarts.org/XfHFJqGyJbWwasOROcuCSSQX >
11:44 PM TurBoss: git checkout DRO_WIDGET
11:44 PM JamesW: yup done all that
11:44 PM JamesW: how do I check if its taken?
11:44 PM JamesW: i.e. after the install
11:45 PM JamesW: the version being called as in use is still 0.3.7
11:45 PM TurBoss: hmm
11:45 PM * JamesW[m] uploaded an image: image.png (13KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/egchMdChFTWIvPflTNLRxxFP >
11:46 PM TurBoss: ```
11:46 PM TurBoss: https://github.com/kcjengr/qtpyvcp.git
11:46 PM TurBoss: oops
11:46 PM TurBoss: qtpyvcp --version
11:46 PM JamesW[m]: as you can see G21 in effect but the format not altering. The X line has been mucked wuth
11:46 PM TurBoss: if you issue g21
11:46 PM TurBoss: g20 the g21?
11:46 PM JamesW[m]: issue after the start?
11:46 PM TurBoss: * g20 then g21?
11:47 PM JamesW[m]: ah - hand on ...
11:47 PM TurBoss: this is obiousli a bug in the dro widget
11:47 PM TurBoss: the changes i made didn't fix
11:48 PM TurBoss: for me if I issue g20 and g21 it changes but only after 1 change
11:48 PM TurBoss: wich is not good
11:49 PM JamesW: yup - same
11:49 PM JamesW: need to manually issue a G21 or G20. It does not read the starting state of the machine and operate off that
11:51 PM JamesW: so it must be based on when the DRWidget cgets the machine state v's it being set. Assuming it get's machine state on initialisation.
11:51 PM Not-944e: [02qtpyvcp] 07TurBoss pushed 031 commit to 03DRO_WIDGET [+0/-0/±1] 13https://git.io/JfOiw
11:51 PM Not-944e: [02qtpyvcp] 07TurBoss 03972b5f9 - update dro on boot
11:52 PM JamesW: k
11:52 PM JamesW: will pull and recheck
11:52 PM TurBoss: can you please do a git pull?
11:52 PM TurBoss: the run the vcp
11:52 PM JamesW: on it
11:52 PM TurBoss: no need to run pi again
11:52 PM TurBoss: * no need to run pip again
11:52 PM TurBoss: just git pull
11:53 PM JamesW: no change. Sure not need to re run pip?
11:53 PM TurBoss: we use branches to keep experimental stuff separated from "stable"
11:54 PM TurBoss: try
11:54 PM TurBoss: pip install -e .
11:55 PM TurBoss: yep my fault
11:57 PM JamesW: after your pip install -e . it worked
11:57 PM TurBoss: yes?
11:58 PM TurBoss: but now is allways in metric format
11:58 PM TurBoss: doesn't matter is I choose a metric or imperial INI
11:58 PM * JamesW[m] uploaded an image: image.png (12KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/SULeGzMsZWQNvwjvKaBKclBL >
11:58 PM JamesW[m]: will load an inch based machine
11:58 PM TurBoss: thx