#hazzy Logs

Feb 01 2020

#hazzy Calendar

09:43 AM dremeier[m]: G-morning
09:45 AM * dremeier[m] uploaded an image: json.png (143KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/jauriarts.org/YgXZBcirgWianCNmmbTyULyp >
09:45 AM dremeier[m]: please, can you explain me how the variables from . settings.json come to a .ngs file?
09:45 AM dremeier[m]: Is there a py code to transfer into linuxcnc variables?
09:56 AM hazzy-m: dremeier: the values in the sub are pulled in from settings entry boxes and passed as arguments to the subroutine
10:01 AM dremeier[m]: so the word before the . has nothing to say? Example: tol-setter-probe.fast-probe-fr, only the 'fast-probe-fr' holds the variable and are available in all .ngc files?
10:08 AM hazzy-m: dremeier: slow_probe_fr is a widget name, tol-setter-probr.fast-probe-fr is a setting name
10:15 AM * dremeier[m] uploaded an image: gotog30.png (92KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/jauriarts.org/eASVZDHoThMvnJzjdgCedWsu >
10:15 AM dremeier[m]: so that is not working, why?
10:17 AM hazzy-m: Because you’d have to pull the value in front a setting, which you can’t do
10:17 AM hazzy-m: The sub only can pull from a widget
10:19 AM dremeier[m]: please cna you tell me how to do?
10:21 AM dremeier[m]: the widget 'VCPSettingsLineEdit' is called "z_tool_change_position". So the sub should pull from that?
10:31 AM hazzy-m: Yes!
10:33 AM * dremeier[m] uploaded an image: vcpSetting.png (158KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/jauriarts.org/KIdxPGpGrcDMwwssLFbVbZkk >
10:33 AM dremeier[m]: but it is not working
10:34 AM dremeier[m]: 2020-02-01 17:20:20,063 - qtpyvcp.plugins.notifications - ERROR - Named parameter #<z_tool_change_position> not defined
12:39 PM dremeier[m]: I got it working! 🤟