#hazzy Logs

Jan 11 2020

#hazzy Calendar

10:44 AM hazzy-m: jthornton: ah, I see the problem, its because of the digit in the object name
11:00 AM hazzy-m: jthornton: Try this:
11:00 AM * hazzy-m sent a long message: < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/nhtdZvPNXnYIiXjyslGdbFXx >
11:01 AM hazzy-m: this will print the chan type correctly for all channels
11:01 AM hazzy-m: you will need to add `from qtpyvcp.plugins import getPlugin` to the imports section of the file
11:42 AM roguish[m]: JT: are you trying to make all this gui stuff easier ??????????
11:47 AM roguish[m]: cause if ya are, it's only going to add to your hero status. gonna have to start wearing a cape......
12:07 PM JT-Shop: lol
12:26 PM JT[m]: hazzy: thanks for sorting that out, I'm on a roll now... but first my weekend luxury nap
12:27 PM JT[m]: roguish: yes, trying to make a simple rules editor with a plain engrish expression generator
06:22 PM JT[m]: hazzy: how do I get the tuple of type?
06:22 PM * JT[m] uploaded a video: expressions-03.mp4 (113KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/CazPCAQtTDmUUoPRpsfBHahr >
06:23 PM * JT[m] sent a long message: < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/prAewsKUbcFjZbJRfRPytoCR >
06:23 PM * JT[m] sent a long message: < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/bvrstArWghBtUHTYdkogaUgB >
06:24 PM JT[m]: https://github.com/jethornton/expgen
06:46 PM hazzy-m: JT: tuple is the type
06:47 PM hazzy-m: Hmm, I guess not for that one
11:28 PM hazzy-m: Montreal is a shithole
11:29 PM hazzy-m: Only place I have been a victim of a robbery, an attempted robbery and witnessed a full on shootout that lasted multiple minutes
11:33 PM TurBoss: omg
11:38 PM hazzy-m: I'm sick and tired of everyone talking about how safe it is and how great the free health care and other socialist systems are
11:38 PM hazzy-m: guess the robbers and gangs feel safe since law abiding citizens aren't aloud to be armed
11:39 PM Tom_L: heh
11:39 PM hazzy-m: ok, rant over :D
11:39 PM hazzy-m: sorry about that lol
11:40 PM Tom_L: so unlike you :D
11:40 PM Tom_L: but it's not just Montreal
11:41 PM hazzy-m: haha, I try not to rant here too often
11:43 PM hazzy-m: strange thing is I've lived in what most people would call the ghetto all my life, and have never once had anything stolen or witnessed any real violence, and I have NEVER locked my car or the house, just not something I have ever needed to do
11:44 PM hazzy-m: then here it seems like a much more classy area, everybody has nice cars and houses, but apparently if you leave your car unlocked for any length of time anything valuable will be stolen
11:47 PM Tom_L: that's how it works
11:48 PM hazzy-m: somebody even had the balls to come info my sisters house and steal my nieces urn with the ashes in it off the table when we were getting ready for the funeral. guess they thought it was a pretty little box and they wanted it