#hazzy Logs

Dec 01 2019

#hazzy Calendar

04:05 AM TurBoss: morninh
04:05 AM TurBoss: * mornig
04:05 AM TurBoss: * morning
09:57 AM hazzy-m: Morning!
09:57 AM * hazzy-m just got back from Florida in time to do laundry and catch a plane for Montreal
10:11 AM TurBoss: wow
10:18 AM Tom_L: hope you're gettin paid good to do laundry
10:50 AM roguish[m]: hazzy: quite the jet setter.....
12:46 PM Guido[m]1: Hi everyone, I started to play with probe_basic and noticed something during cont. jogging: When using a touch screen it feels very sluggish - meaning: if i let go of the button, the machine keeps traveling. I tried the same with a mouse. Regular speed clik led to quite a bit of movement. It oesn't feel instant. Never hadd the issue with gmoccapy though - any thoughts?
01:24 PM hazzy-m: Guido: my guess would be that's due to your axis acceleration settings.
01:25 PM hazzy-m: Are you sure they're the same on your gmoccapy and qtpyvcp configs?
01:29 PM Guido[m]1: Hey hazzy, yes I am - i switched from gmoccapy config to probe_basic (instead of starting with a fresh config). I just double-checked within my config git.
01:30 PM hazzy-m: Ok, that's interesting
01:31 PM hazzy-m: Is it sluggish when keyboard jogging and using the buttons?
01:32 PM Guido[m]1: hold on a second - I'll need to go intpo the basement to test that. I never jog via keyboad - what are the shortcuts? What do you mean by "and using the buttons" in combination with keyboard?
01:34 PM hazzy-m: By buttons I mean the touch screen
01:35 PM hazzy-m: Arrow keys jog X and Y if a widget doesn't have focus
01:38 PM Guido[m]1: testing now:)
01:39 PM Guido[m]1: yes, same problem... even scarier: brief tip of the arrow key: short move, another brief tip: 6mm move
02:31 PM TurBoss: jog wit keyboard only works if you click on a empty area not in the 3d plotter like the space between 2 button
02:31 PM TurBoss: *with
02:34 PM Lcvette: Jogging is broken?
02:35 PM Guido[m]1: I noticed that as well;) however, the issue remains. I hav ebeen informed at another discord that qtpyvcp und gmoccapy use significantly different rendering engines (qtpyvcp uses opengl?) - it might be, that my poor little intel NUC with a celeron is a bit on the weak side... I'll have to check that
02:36 PM TurBoss: we use VTK to draw wichs uses opengl as background while gmoccapy uses gremlin wich uses opengl directly
02:37 PM TurBoss: our implementation seems to require more resources to run smooth
02:37 PM TurBoss: :(
02:38 PM Lcvette: Turboss, vtk is not as good as gremlin?
02:38 PM TurBoss: gremlin just works
02:39 PM Guido[m]1: I'll do some more testing tomorrow - oddly enough: using a handwheel works just fine (than again: the handwheel doesn't to continuous jogging)
02:39 PM TurBoss: Thanks!
02:40 PM TurBoss: Lcvette: you can swich to gremlin
02:40 PM Lcvette: I don't use the screen jog
02:40 PM Guido[m]1: I wonder though: Might it be a better idea to start a new config from scratch? Are there known issues when migrating from an existing config?
02:41 PM Lcvette: Guido: check the Sim configs for differences
02:43 PM Guido[m]1: Will do, will have a bottle of red wine to along with that... 😉
02:43 PM TurBoss: :D
02:45 PM hazzy-m: Guido: is the GUI laggy in any other way?
02:46 PM Guido[m]1: Not sure (I have not noticed anything, but I haven't tested specifically either)
02:53 PM TurBoss: good things about VTK is that we can load stl tools and parts
02:57 PM Lcvette: TurBoss (@TurBoss:matrix.org): can we have the tool depiction show tools from stl files?
02:58 PM Lcvette: In the backplot?
02:58 PM Lcvette: :o
02:58 PM Guido[m]1: question though: opengl is only rendering the 3D view, right? not the entire gui
02:58 PM TurBoss: not yet but posible
02:58 PM TurBoss: yes only the 3d
02:59 PM TurBoss: rest are Qt widgets
02:59 PM TurBoss: but the carousel is qml
03:13 PM TurBoss: hazzy: last issue i have with the multioffsets stuff is draw the rapid between paths
03:14 PM TurBoss: load does know about but requires to reload again
03:14 PM TurBoss: :|
03:23 PM TurBoss: gcode.parse() is where I lost signal
03:23 PM TurBoss: I can't find where is defined