#hazzy Logs
Nov 22 2019
#hazzy Calendar
07:39 AM Not-5e4d: [02qtpyvcp] 07Gnevko commented on issue 03#26: Problem with vtk pachake by installation - 13https://git.io/JeiIR
10:36 AM Not-5e4d: [02qtpyvcp] 07TurBoss commented on issue 03#26: Problem with vtk pachake by installation - 13https://git.io/Jeim7
10:43 AM TurBoss: @lcvette:matrix.org: https://github.com/kcjengr/probe_basic/issues/2
10:44 AM Not-5e4d: [02qtpyvcp] 07TurBoss commented on issue 03#26: Problem with vtk pachake by installation - 13https://git.io/Jeimp
10:45 AM Not-5e4d: [02qtpyvcp] 07TurBoss edited a comment on issue 03#26: Problem with vtk pachake by installation - 13https://git.io/Jeimp
11:03 AM Lcvette: <Not-5e4d "[qtpyvcp] TurBoss commented on i"> TurBoss (@TurBoss:matrix.org): thanks turbos I replied!
11:03 AM Lcvette: <Lcvette "TurBoss (@TurBoss:matrix.org): t"> TurBoss (@TurBoss:matrix.org): thanks turboss, I replied!
11:11 AM TurBoss: ty
11:17 AM CaptHindsight: TurBoss: did you see the new LCNC fork yet?
11:18 AM CaptHindsight: OpenCN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7JCOAdtCOc
11:18 AM TurBoss: I'm just reading what you said on devel
12:01 PM TurBoss: no python interface so it can't run qtpyvcp
12:02 PM TurBoss: interesting project anyway
12:27 PM hazzy-m: :(
12:37 PM -!- #hazzy mode set to +o by ChanServ
05:30 PM hazzy-m: Lcvette: have you use the onlinecarbide 37 helix end mills for AL?
05:39 PM Lcvette: hazzy: yeah, they are ok
05:39 PM Lcvette: I like the high Helix yg 1 tools better
05:40 PM Lcvette: All industrial has the best pricing on them
05:44 PM hazzy-m: thanks
05:44 PM Lcvette: https://allindustrial.com/cutting-tools/#/filter:brand:YG1/filter:categories_hierarchy:Products$253ECutting$2520Tools$253EMilling$253EEnd$2520Mills$253ESquare$2520End$2520Mills/filter:number_of_flutes:3/filter:flute_direction:Right$2520Hand/filter:finish_coating:Uncoated
05:46 PM hazzy-m: those are quite inexpensive, nice
05:49 PM jthornton: http://www.lakeshorecarbide.com/standardlengthcornerrad.aspx
05:49 PM Lcvette: They were alot cheaper
05:49 PM jthornton: I use those but 2 flute
05:49 PM Lcvette: They got popular
05:49 PM jthornton: Lcvette, hows your dad doing?
05:51 PM Lcvette: I was buying 3 packs on eBay of the 1/2" x 1.25" for $48
05:52 PM Lcvette: He's doing much better! Thanks!
05:54 PM Lcvette: 3 flutes is much smoother then the 2 flute, leaves a gorgeous finish
05:55 PM Lcvette: Even on my little G0704 machine I was getting crazy good finishes
05:55 PM * Lcvette uploaded an image: tapatalk_1509386569143.jpeg (98KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/AgRQYeyvgLpNaZStNSiQMraL >
05:55 PM * Lcvette uploaded an image: _20181211_235038.JPG (248KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/ZiEYWeANTgWpPzJHUvegmcvP >
05:56 PM * Lcvette uploaded an image: tapatalk_1509386572623.jpeg (117KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/rwOGzNEAgPnhmzPhQqRtsLyQ >
05:56 PM * Lcvette uploaded an image: tapatalk_1509386543308.jpeg (49KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/MeZbsTgIEXesrzkNZJcyaaLb >
05:57 PM hazzy-m: yeah, those are nice finishes ...
05:57 PM hazzy-m: wow
05:58 PM * Lcvette uploaded an image: tapatalk_1509386565391.jpeg (102KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/vphXhysWdGXGxJcFBwRtJQpr >
05:59 PM Lcvette: Yeah side cuts fresh off the Mill
06:16 PM roguish[m]: Lcvette: very nice.
06:46 PM jthornton: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5OCL6rL5OY&feature=youtu.be
08:08 PM hazzy-m: Nice!