#hazzy Logs

Oct 14 2019

#hazzy Calendar

04:51 AM jthornton: morning
04:54 AM Wandoo1980|Sebas: Morning 😁
05:14 AM TurBoss: morning
05:23 AM Tom_L: hey
07:23 AM TurBoss: yo
07:51 AM roguish[m]: good morning from the cool left coast. finally feelin a fallish.....
07:57 AM JT-Shop: 40f this morning
09:15 AM TurBoss: from plugins status wich is the machine unit system, program_units or linear_units ?
09:16 AM TurBoss: oh im idiot
09:16 AM TurBoss: linear units
09:17 AM JT-Shop: program units is G20/21, linear units is the units set for linear axes, angular units is the same for rotary axes
09:17 AM JT-Shop: no your not lol
09:17 AM TurBoss: i figure
09:17 AM TurBoss: thanks
09:17 AM TurBoss: status:linear_units
09:28 AM Not-5e4d: [02qtpyvcp] 07TurBoss pushed 031 commit to 03metricZeroDialog [+0/-0/±1] 13https://git.io/Je84p
09:28 AM Not-5e4d: [02qtpyvcp] 07TurBoss 036f9ab46 - get value not text and draw as float
09:29 AM Not-5e4d: [02qtpyvcp] 07TurBoss pushed 033 commits to 03master [+0/-0/±3] 13https://git.io/Je84j
09:29 AM Not-5e4d: [02qtpyvcp] 07TurBoss 03e86952f - Merge branch 'metricZeroDialog'
09:29 AM TurBoss: offset dialog was not working for metric
09:31 AM Not-5e4d: [02qtpyvcp] 07KurtJacobson pushed 031 commit to 03gh-pages [+460/-0/±0] 13https://git.io/Je8BT
09:31 AM Not-5e4d: [02qtpyvcp] 07traviscibot 039af0890 - Deploy kcjengr/qtpyvcp to github.com/kcjengr/qtpyvcp.git:gh-pages
09:57 AM TurBoss: ok now go figure notifications
09:57 AM TurBoss: ...
09:58 AM Not-5e4d: [02qtpyvcp] 07TurBoss deleted branch 03metricZeroDialog - 13https://git.io/fhCou
09:58 AM Not-5e4d: [02qtpyvcp] 07TurBoss deleted branch 03metricZeroDialog
11:17 AM Lcvette: TurBoss: wow you did it!
11:18 AM Lcvette: \o/
11:18 AM TurBoss: vtk still buged
11:18 AM TurBoss: g55 is drawn wrong
11:18 AM Lcvette: still bugged?
11:18 AM Lcvette: just on your comuter?
11:19 AM TurBoss: on machine
11:19 AM TurBoss: g54 is ok but g55 no
11:23 AM * TurBoss uploaded an image: vtk655.png (201KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/nHvcuoVEtUKWSeSENNJVLpiJ >
11:23 AM Lcvette: :o
11:23 AM TurBoss: also program boundaries
11:24 AM Lcvette: yeah those drive me nuts not wortking
11:24 AM Lcvette: lol
11:24 AM Lcvette: its nice to jst hit buttons to see the item on the screen instead of having to manipulate it everytime you change a viewport
11:25 AM Lcvette: have any ideas on the G55?
11:25 AM Lcvette: maybe in a formular somewhere?
11:26 AM TurBoss: I have to chech
11:35 AM Lcvette: wait... were you on g55 the whole time you were having problems and i was on g54 and thats why mine was good and yours was broke?
11:35 AM Lcvette: lol
11:36 AM Lcvette: Wandoo1980 | Sebastian | End-CNC: high wandoo
11:36 AM Lcvette: did you do probing?
11:37 AM Wandoo1980|Sebas: currently not yet
11:37 AM * Wandoo1980|Sebas uploaded an image: IMG_20191014_170606_851.jpg (117KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/jauriarts.org/JhwlEWeyCWeoPuEIYRCgcowc >
11:37 AM * Wandoo1980|Sebas uploaded an image: IMG_20191014_170606_849.jpg (139KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/jauriarts.org/BBwpiwkYYeEhKLVQYtBwuEkx >
11:37 AM * Wandoo1980|Sebas uploaded an image: IMG_20191014_170606_850.jpg (100KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/jauriarts.org/tZRJKjbTfooLDBWMGoSNKUQk >
11:37 AM * Wandoo1980|Sebas uploaded an image: IMG_20191014_180610.jpg (2429KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/jauriarts.org/dwzkwdYncnUIyCBFlRkBtYcW >
11:37 AM Lcvette: hahaha
11:38 AM Lcvette: nice!
11:41 AM Lcvette: TurBoss: my g55 is not broken?
11:42 AM TurBoss: 😕
11:42 AM * Lcvette uploaded an image: Screenshot_2019-10-14_12-36-31.png (276KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/fAUVpDgwEMJUtlYSTvvnvXVU >
11:44 AM Lcvette: Lcvette goes to test all of the offsets
11:46 AM Lcvette: TurBoss (@TurBoss:matrix.org): maybe a coma issue for you?
11:47 AM Lcvette: I have the latest pulled
12:01 PM Lcvette: ok, i was able to recreate
12:01 PM Lcvette: \when it happened, i had set an offset in G57
12:01 PM Lcvette: zeroed, then closed
12:02 PM Lcvette: when i restarted, the offset was not in the offset table recorded
12:02 PM Lcvette: so i rejogged to a different location
12:02 PM Lcvette: and set G57 to zero again
12:02 PM Lcvette: then i loaded a program
12:02 PM Lcvette: and the program loaded not where the origin should be
12:03 PM TurBoss: hurray I'm not crazy!!
12:03 PM Lcvette: it loaded to the dissapeared first G57 offset i had done that did not get recoreded
12:04 PM Lcvette: so
12:04 PM TurBoss: ☹️
12:04 PM Lcvette: im thinhking this is an issue with the offset table maybe
12:04 PM Lcvette: something got out of synch
12:04 PM TurBoss: does the offset match the vale of something?
12:04 PM TurBoss: the erratic one
12:04 PM TurBoss: I mean from the origin to the erratic pat orgin
12:05 PM * Tom_L turns off the random offset switch
12:05 PM Lcvette: yes
12:05 PM TurBoss: goo
12:05 PM Lcvette: turboss
12:05 PM Lcvette: the program is loading to the offset i previously set that did not get recorded in the offset table
12:05 PM TurBoss: ¿?
12:06 PM Lcvette: the one that when i restarted had disappeared
12:06 PM Lcvette: so we need to determine why and how the first offset dissapeared
12:07 PM Lcvette: i suspect this could happen in any offset you were working in and is just a matter of something going wrong when the offset is zeroed or maybe that the system was turned off before the offset could be recorded
12:08 PM Lcvette: well the var file shows the correct offset for the origin
12:09 PM Lcvette: so does the offset table and all the dro's
12:09 PM Lcvette: so it may be in vtk as you suspect
12:09 PM Lcvette: where does vtk store the offsets?
12:11 PM TurBoss: it reads them from python ststus channel
12:11 PM TurBoss: stores the in ram
12:11 PM Lcvette: hmmm
12:12 PM TurBoss: for some reason origin is drawn correctly
12:14 PM Lcvette: yes
12:14 PM Lcvette: so drawing the origin and the loaded file maybe pulls information from two different locations?
12:15 PM TurBoss: it seems
12:20 PM TurBoss: qtpyvcp/widgets/display_widgets/vtk_backplot/vtk_backplot.py
12:20 PM TurBoss: this is the widget
12:21 PM Lcvette: the G92.2 bug is still there
12:21 PM Lcvette: G59.2*
12:21 PM Lcvette: but i know i fixed it somewhere
12:21 PM TurBoss: ?
12:21 PM TurBoss: what does
12:22 PM * Lcvette uploaded an image: Screenshot_2019-10-14_13-16-05.png (8KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/FhjmlUwSnWRnGOSrsBODOQpP >
12:29 PM Lcvette: TurBoss: fixed now there is G59.1 G59.2 G59.3
12:29 PM Lcvette: pushed latest on probe_basic
12:30 PM Lcvette: i also reset everything and now the error is gone
12:30 PM Lcvette: does yours go away?
12:32 PM TurBoss: was on machine
12:32 PM TurBoss: can I send you the files?
12:32 PM Lcvette: what was on machine?
12:32 PM Lcvette: what files?
12:32 PM * TurBoss uploaded an image: vtk655.png (201KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/nHvcuoVEtUKWSeSENNJVLpiJ >
12:32 PM Lcvette: program
12:32 PM Lcvette: ?
12:32 PM TurBoss: this one
12:32 PM TurBoss: the error
12:33 PM Lcvette: sure but i was able to reproduce with 3d chips too so its not a program issue
12:34 PM Lcvette: i just reset the offset table one line at a time then the whole thing to make sure it was clesared and now all offsets are back to nnormal
12:34 PM TurBoss: ya
12:34 PM TurBoss: ok
12:35 PM Lcvette: are you abel to clear the issue?
12:35 PM Lcvette: or is it persistent?
12:37 PM Lcvette: i think it is a delay issue
12:37 PM Lcvette: from when the zeroes are set to define the work offset and shutting the machine down because when i got the error i did it very fast
12:38 PM Lcvette: set zeroes and immediately shut machine down
12:38 PM Lcvette: maybe the var file had not saved itself yet and the vtk was written from the volatile memory and not the var or something like ltthat?
12:39 PM TurBoss: save button takes like 3 seconsd to issue 9 mdi commands
12:39 PM TurBoss: you can see them on terminal output
12:40 PM Lcvette: So maybe shutdown happened before they issued
12:40 PM Lcvette: I cleared and now can't reproduce
12:40 PM TurBoss: no
12:40 PM TurBoss: was on run
12:40 PM TurBoss: I mean i loaded set the offsets then ran
12:41 PM TurBoss: I'm gona test a notifications thing
12:42 PM Lcvette: Can you clear the issue?
12:46 PM Lcvette: ok
12:46 PM Lcvette: i ran, then stopped, then hit go to zero
12:46 PM Lcvette: and it went to wrong zero
12:46 PM Lcvette: when i hit run again it is wrong
12:47 PM * Lcvette uploaded an image: Screenshot_2019-10-14_13-40-56.png (282KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/IwhrhKVTKavTiBLKUcoPWUJF >
12:47 PM TurBoss: hurray we have notifications!!!
12:47 PM Lcvette: \o/
12:47 PM Lcvette: you did it?
12:47 PM Lcvette: pop up notifications?
12:47 PM TurBoss: can you test it?=
12:48 PM TurBoss: I'll push
12:48 PM Lcvette: yes but wait i found an anomoly
12:48 PM TurBoss: ok cool
12:49 PM * Lcvette uploaded an image: Screenshot_2019-10-14_13-42-51.png (43KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/rQxqJcfwZrGtWMSvnLujqZCN >
12:49 PM TurBoss: origin is wrong
12:49 PM TurBoss: ?
12:49 PM * Lcvette uploaded an image: Screenshot_2019-10-14_13-43-20.png (61KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/NjCalvNJZYkTtxNuEpXgcMCU >
12:49 PM Lcvette: it shifted to G54
12:50 PM Lcvette: only thing i changed there is clicking g54 button
12:50 PM Lcvette: can you see if yours is shifting to a different offset
12:50 PM Lcvette: ?
12:50 PM TurBoss: ok
12:51 PM Lcvette: so maybe vtk is pulling offset from the wrong one
12:52 PM Lcvette: i can repeat the problem
12:53 PM Lcvette: from any offset
12:53 PM Lcvette: it reverts to G54
12:55 PM * Lcvette uploaded an image: Screenshot_2019-10-14_13-48-58.png (53KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/GbqEKyplMeyrGPjEdpjQzVSh >
12:56 PM Lcvette: the go to zero button for some reason always send the machine to G54 x0 y0 z0
12:57 PM * Lcvette uploaded an image: Screenshot_2019-10-14_13-50-48.png (107KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/ItZawdNibNULQVoJiFMLrZVk >
12:57 PM * Lcvette uploaded an image: Screenshot_2019-10-14_13-51-38.png (7KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/sDbTbspsrZRhoREeGjVbReVX >
12:58 PM Lcvette: see it is one inch different all axis
12:58 PM Lcvette: the dro's are showing that difference and it thinks its at the zero position for G55 but it is actually at the zero position for G54
12:59 PM Lcvette: then if i restart the program the backplot is off
01:01 PM Lcvette: so it is not issuing the mdi command for the currently selected work offset
01:01 PM Lcvette: going to try it manually in the mdi box now
01:02 PM Lcvette: mdi box entry sent it to proper zero
01:02 PM TurBoss: okay
01:03 PM * Lcvette uploaded an image: Screenshot_2019-10-14_13-56-48.png (51KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/IciOEYEVPosvFQmORMgEavDM >
01:03 PM Lcvette: definitely a bug somewhere but it is deeper then just vtk i think
01:03 PM Lcvette: ?
01:03 PM TurBoss: it seems
01:03 PM Lcvette: :o
01:05 PM * TurBoss uploaded an image: cat.gif (1796KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/nxfIoCKhHOvdSPoxbLSIOYXm >
01:05 PM Lcvette: lol
01:05 PM Lcvette: can you try stopping the program and then hit go to zero
01:05 PM Lcvette: it repeats everytime on mine goes to g54
01:06 PM Lcvette: doesn't matter what offset i start the program in
01:07 PM Lcvette: it always goes to G54 x0 y0 z0
01:09 PM Lcvette: if i switch work offsets then back to opriginal and hit go to zero again it goes to the correct place
01:09 PM Lcvette: sek i will send a video
01:09 PM * TurBoss uploaded an image: image.png (320KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/KtLmLtRVsbDYhrrzfkUqaHRY >
01:10 PM TurBoss: see the path is not on zero
01:10 PM TurBoss: should go up and left
01:11 PM Not-5e4d: [02qtpyvcp] 07TurBoss deleted branch 03offset_table - 13https://git.io/fhCou
01:11 PM Not-5e4d: [02qtpyvcp] 07TurBoss deleted branch 03offset_table
01:11 PM Not-5e4d: [02qtpyvcp] 07TurBoss deleted branch 033D_PLOT
01:11 PM Not-5e4d: [02qtpyvcp] 07TurBoss deleted branch 033D_PLOT - 13https://git.io/fhCou
01:12 PM Lcvette: turboss
01:12 PM Lcvette: what happens if you change offset when you have that issue
01:12 PM Lcvette: does it shift to an offset the fits the tool path?
01:12 PM Lcvette: mine does
01:13 PM TurBoss: it moves
01:15 PM Not-5e4d: [02qtpyvcp] 07TurBoss deleted branch 03VTK_METRIC
01:15 PM Not-5e4d: [02qtpyvcp] 07TurBoss deleted branch 03VTK_METRIC - 13https://git.io/fhCou
01:17 PM TurBoss: but with that seccond "offset"
01:17 PM TurBoss: lags
01:20 PM Lcvette: sending video now
01:20 PM * Lcvette posted a file: offset_go_to_0_issue.mkv (14906KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/kSnqlUZJeQTuyaXxaMYOhslt >
01:25 PM Lcvette: TurBoss: ^^^
01:25 PM Lcvette: TurBoss: ^^^
01:25 PM Lcvette: see video
01:25 PM Lcvette: i think the two are related
01:26 PM Lcvette: something is not staying in synch with offsets and vtk
01:26 PM TurBoss: i'm in
01:26 PM Lcvette: but can be resyched
01:26 PM Lcvette: by changign offsets
01:26 PM Lcvette: wanted to see if you could resolve your problem by changing offsets then going back and go to zero with the correct offset selected
01:26 PM TurBoss: ok
01:31 PM TurBoss: Lcvette: where does G30 go for you?
01:31 PM TurBoss: can you show machine boundaries?
01:32 PM Lcvette: g30 should go where ever it has been set on the offsets page
01:35 PM Lcvette: those labels should show the g30 position but never got setuyp
01:35 PM Lcvette: need to find where they are sotred in the var
01:36 PM TurBoss: brb eat
01:37 PM Lcvette: me too
01:44 PM Lcvette: G30 - makes a rapid move from the current position to the absolute position of the values in parameters 5181-5186.
02:37 PM * Lcvette uploaded an image: Screenshot_2019-10-14_15-02-09.png (5KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/tavRnEkKVdTuBpswVAryHioX >
02:37 PM Lcvette: probably need to connect these to 5181-5183
02:37 PM Lcvette: so they display the G30 offset
02:46 PM Lcvette: the set tool offset position is a G30.1
02:49 PM TurBoss: sorry Lcvette I'm a bit away :D
02:49 PM Lcvette: ok
03:08 PM Lcvette: TurBoss: great work on the notifications!!
03:08 PM TurBoss: they work=
03:08 PM TurBoss: thanks
03:08 PM Lcvette: yes!!
03:09 PM Lcvette: i tried probing with no tool and it popped right up and looked fantsastic too!
03:09 PM Lcvette: wasn't the ugly linuxcnc notification look
03:11 PM * Lcvette uploaded an image: Screenshot_2019-10-14_16-04-50.png (348KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/hBmXNksdYUbBWPQqQxlHAHav >
03:13 PM Lcvette: TurBoss: maybe an epiphany
03:13 PM Lcvette: i think maybe the offsets plugin is causing the issue with work offsets
03:14 PM * Wandoo1980|Sebas uploaded an image: IMG_20191014_210541.jpg (2769KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/jauriarts.org/quXxvyetRiCfBcfrdkbUzlJg >
03:14 PM Lcvette: and that is why when you change offsets and back it works
03:14 PM Wandoo1980|Sebas: Finished 😁
03:15 PM Lcvette: \o/
03:15 PM Lcvette: the force is strong with that cat
03:15 PM Wandoo1980|Sebas: Now i go to bed and tomorrow i will probe something 😁
03:16 PM Wandoo1980|Sebas: Oh yes it is 😎 The force of sleep
03:16 PM * Lcvette uploaded an image: IMG_20191014_161004542_HDR.jpg (143KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/OlGEKaKvlmVCjwReDFJElKjK >
03:16 PM Lcvette: Wandoo1980 | Sebastian | End-CNC: ^^^
03:17 PM * Wandoo1980|Sebas uploaded an image: IMG_20191014_221035.jpg (2288KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/jauriarts.org/CXWyixTUunLauODCmckhNDmg >
03:17 PM Lcvette: hahahaha.. that is a fat kitty!
03:17 PM Wandoo1980|Sebas: Hehe, have a good night 😁
03:17 PM Lcvette: you too!
03:27 PM Tom_L: what's happenin?
04:05 PM Lcvette: turboss got notifications working!
04:05 PM Lcvette: \o/
04:05 PM Lcvette: i found some other bugs and things that need fixing
04:05 PM Lcvette: finishing etc
04:06 PM Lcvette: and the offset bug i finally started seeing so turboss is not crazy
04:06 PM Lcvette: \o/
04:10 PM Tom_L: what do notifications do for me?
04:10 PM Tom_L: error messages?
04:12 PM Lcvette: pop up error message\
04:12 PM Lcvette: they are very helpful
04:12 PM Tom_L: errors like.. you just crashed your tool?
04:12 PM Tom_L: or probe...
04:13 PM Tom_L: or program runtime errors?
04:13 PM Lcvette: TurBoss: the offset table is very broken
04:13 PM TurBoss: yes?
04:13 PM Tom_L: and i thought you were done with it?
04:13 PM Lcvette: i just changed an offset with 3d chips loaded and it changed all the offsets in the table
04:14 PM Tom_L: that doesn't sound right
04:33 PM * Lcvette posted a file: offset_issue.mkv (28377KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/RrWAuoDRdRohZFbVInffwDuk >
04:34 PM Lcvette: turboss ^^^
04:34 PM Lcvette: here is what i found after trying to see what is going on all day
04:34 PM TurBoss: checking
04:34 PM Lcvette: hoping those clues can help lead to resolution
04:38 PM TurBoss: 😕
04:38 PM TurBoss: we need a hero
04:41 PM Lcvette: TurBoss (@TurBoss:matrix.org): is the hero
04:41 PM TurBoss: oh no we are lost
04:42 PM Lcvette: .../o\
04:42 PM * TurBoss uploaded an image: image.png (166KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/sJAQlwsaCeWZpsIGkukhYgVc >
04:44 PM Lcvette: lol
04:45 PM Lcvette: so any ideas?
04:45 PM Lcvette: i think it is more in the offset table or changing offsets then in the vtk
04:46 PM Lcvette: because vtk is drawing exactly where its supposed to according to the gui but the offsets are not returning to the correct locations
04:46 PM Lcvette: and it is showing wrong in the dro
04:47 PM Tom_L: possibly when linuxcnc actually writes them out
04:50 PM Lcvette: it did it before the offset tble
04:51 PM Lcvette: i just checked out earlier commits and ran had the same problem
04:51 PM hazzy-m: yo
04:51 PM Lcvette: nubby o/
04:51 PM Lcvette: things are busted
04:51 PM Lcvette: we need a hero
04:51 PM hazzy-m: \o
04:51 PM Lcvette: turboss says so
04:51 PM hazzy-m: need a hero?
04:51 PM Lcvette: o/
04:51 PM Lcvette: yes
04:52 PM Lcvette: scroll up and see the video i made
04:52 PM Lcvette: depicts the issue
04:52 PM TurBoss: VTK hero
04:52 PM * Tom_L gives hazzy-m a red cape
04:52 PM Lcvette: i think its not in vtk but in gui or gui connection to linuxcnc
04:53 PM Lcvette: https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/RrWAuoDRdRohZFbVInffwDuk
04:54 PM Lcvette: hazzy ^^^
04:54 PM hazzy-m: thaks for hte linl
04:54 PM * hazzy-m tries again
04:54 PM hazzy-m: thanks for the link lol
04:54 PM Lcvette: \o/
04:54 PM Lcvette: hercules hercules
04:55 PM * TurBoss goes from hero to zero
04:55 PM Tom_L: :O
04:58 PM hazzy-m: so does the machine do to the right place?
04:58 PM hazzy-m: go to*
04:59 PM Lcvette: only on G54
04:59 PM Lcvette: if you run it from another offset %g5 for example and hit go to zero it goes to G54 zero
05:00 PM Lcvette: and even though the G55 offset is still active and the dro's show it is at the G54 zero offset, it runs from the G54 offset zero oocation instead
05:02 PM hazzy-m: VTK or the machine?
05:02 PM Lcvette: machine
05:02 PM Lcvette: it is reverting to G54
05:02 PM Lcvette: doesn't matter what ciurrent offset you have active
05:03 PM hazzy-m: have you verified in HAL or with actual hardware?
05:03 PM hazzy-m: seems like that would be a LCNC big
05:06 PM hazzy-m: whait
05:06 PM hazzy-m: looks like its just running in G55
05:06 PM TurBoss: I'm sorry hazzy I'm a bit away
05:07 PM hazzy-m: No problemTurBoss!
05:07 PM Lcvette: did you watch the whole video?
05:07 PM hazzy-m: several times
05:08 PM hazzy-m: but my brain is a little bit fryed right now lol
05:08 PM Lcvette: lol
05:08 PM Lcvette: mine too
05:16 PM jthornton: hazzy-m, you get your machines setup?
05:17 PM Tom_L: jthornton, what'd you think of those vacuumform setups?
05:17 PM hazzy-m: jthornton: getting there, will take another long day
05:18 PM jthornton: I got some ideas from them, had to sit and wait for a Mesa box to be delivered and UPS just came about an hour ago
05:18 PM jthornton: need to pick up some 1/2" angle I think
05:18 PM jthornton: hazzy-m, take photos!
05:21 PM * hazzy-m posted a file: 409528A0-0DB4-4C9A-9E6F-03CE91939001.JPG (3097KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/lubOpwZScWuEwDTGBLuZwMHG >
05:21 PM hazzy-m: fail
05:21 PM * hazzy-m uploaded an image: ima_bfc6798.jpeg (215KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/yAkyztnhJIpoirScWxsxICay >
05:22 PM * hazzy-m uploaded an image: ima_1f22ee2.jpeg (216KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/FSkdUSHegHAflTxFvaewyyWG >
05:23 PM * hazzy-m uploaded an image: ima_6ff4eaf.jpeg (210KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/pJpYbGiSMpLUEegeoppCQNdP >
05:23 PM hazzy-m: thats the state its in now, pretty big mess lol
05:23 PM jthornton: looking good to me, just need to tidy up a bit
05:23 PM hazzy-m: but at least most of the machines are in place
05:25 PM hazzy-m: Lcvette: ProbeBaisc is running very slow
05:25 PM hazzy-m: the DROs are backplot are updating about once every second
05:26 PM hazzy-m: have you had any problem with this?
05:26 PM Lcvette: why is that?
05:27 PM Lcvette: mine does not look slow at all
05:29 PM Lcvette: hazzy: maybe your system is running slow?
05:29 PM Lcvette: i am tresting on 3 different systems currently and all look normal
05:30 PM Lcvette: afe you checking out the latest probe basic?from probe_basic repo?
05:32 PM Lcvette: turboss are you seeing slow running?
05:32 PM TurBoss: didnt notice
05:33 PM TurBoss: on machine vtk was a bit laggy but normal
05:34 PM Lcvette: I am not noticing
05:34 PM Lcvette: Bit maybe I'm immune
05:35 PM Lcvette: The update of fros looks smooth and fast
05:35 PM Lcvette: O did notice when I load that bezel file it take a few seconds to load
05:36 PM Lcvette: Looks the same on 2.9 and 2.9
05:36 PM Lcvette: 2.8
05:38 PM Lcvette: Maybe PC latency issue?
05:38 PM Lcvette: Mine are good latency machines
05:39 PM Lcvette: Maybe the go to zero button needs to specify the current work offset?
05:40 PM Lcvette: Bit I don't think that is right, the current work offset that is active in the GUI should dictate that mdi entries are the current settings
05:42 PM Tom_L: do you show all active settings somewhere?
05:43 PM Lcvette: the offset table shows the current offet and so do the buttons
05:46 PM Tom_L: what about active gcodes like G20 21, G90 91 etc?
05:46 PM Tom_L: i haven't looked it over that close
05:47 PM Tom_L: but that information is handy to see
05:47 PM * Lcvette uploaded an image: Screenshot_2019-10-14_18-41-19.png (31KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/wJqgsAsTIvJHmZHMgvLKMZNc >
05:48 PM Tom_L: nice
05:49 PM Lcvette: good catch tom_l
05:49 PM Tom_L: ?
05:49 PM * Lcvette uploaded an image: Screenshot_2019-10-14_18-43-20.png (65KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/tzjNMMxoDnRRFoeWLocWykSH >
05:49 PM Lcvette: its in G55 but that column of active gcodes says its in G54
05:50 PM Tom_L: :) when does what get updated?
05:50 PM Lcvette: that im not certain
05:50 PM Lcvette: hazzy
05:50 PM Lcvette: halp!!
05:50 PM Lcvette: we found another clue
05:50 PM Tom_L: and which one is more accurate
05:51 PM jthornton: are you running a program?
05:51 PM Lcvette: im not sure
05:51 PM Lcvette: yes
05:51 PM Lcvette: jthornton ^^^
05:51 PM jthornton: wanna know why?
05:51 PM Lcvette: 3d chips
05:51 PM Lcvette: yeah
05:52 PM jthornton: I'm going to point you to the docs...
05:52 PM jthornton: http://linuxcnc.org/docs/2.8/html/gcode/m-code.html#mcode:m2-m30
05:52 PM Lcvette: 3 days we have been battling this
05:53 PM Tom_L: he just wanted you to sweat a while
05:53 PM * jthornton was busy as a bee
05:54 PM jthornton: got the ipad air 2 tablet for the drone and geez it's huge
05:54 PM Tom_L: i'm not sure what other controls do on end
05:54 PM jthornton: but I'll be able to see
05:54 PM Tom_L: heh
05:54 PM Lcvette: but we have issues even without the program getting to the end
05:54 PM Tom_L: now you're just playing
05:54 PM Tom_L: that's not busy!
05:54 PM jthornton: that would be something else then
05:55 PM jthornton: I didn't play with it today, it just came a couple of hours ago... charging it up
05:55 PM Lcvette: if we stop mid program, and go to zero, i goes to G54
05:55 PM Tom_L: heh
05:55 PM Tom_L: you still got a little sun left...
05:55 PM jthornton: that also may be by design
05:55 PM Tom_L: it shouldn't
05:55 PM jthornton: I have to get the DJI Go app from the play store so I'll do that in the morning
05:55 PM Lcvette: damn sure shouldn't
05:55 PM Tom_L: it should stay on the current offset until ended or changed
05:56 PM jthornton: are you setting G55 in your program then aborting?
05:56 PM Lcvette: it should move in the active current work ofset
05:56 PM Lcvette: otherwise it is dangerous
05:56 PM Lcvette: no
05:56 PM Lcvette: seting zero in G55 then loading
05:56 PM Tom_L: but your active list shows something else
05:56 PM Lcvette: it changes
05:56 PM jthornton: are you executing a G55 in your program?
05:57 PM jthornton: in the preamble?
05:57 PM * Lcvette uploaded an image: Screenshot_2019-10-14_18-51-05.png (63KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/jESFZLIWMKOLVorEDIvDiWxM >
05:57 PM Lcvette: jthornton, the program is being loaded with the G55 offset active and at zero
05:58 PM Lcvette: the program comes in at the correct position
05:58 PM Lcvette: all is well when you run the program
05:58 PM Lcvette: but if you stop mid way through, and select go to zero which is a X0 Y0 Z0 mdi command
05:58 PM Lcvette: it goes to G54 xyz zero not G55
05:59 PM Tom_L: what if you say G1 G55 x0 y0 z0
05:59 PM Lcvette: and on that command it changes the offset back to G54
05:59 PM Tom_L: mdi
06:00 PM jthornton: abort functions the same as M2
06:00 PM Tom_L: mdi may default to G54
06:00 PM Lcvette: mdi should do no such thing
06:00 PM Lcvette: it should move in the current active work offset
06:01 PM Lcvette: if i call the G55 x0 y0 z0, it returns to g55 and so does the active offset\
06:01 PM Lcvette: but that should not be the case
06:01 PM Lcvette: it should adhere to G55 unless changed by an mdi command ir gui input
06:01 PM Lcvette: anything else is wrong
06:01 PM Lcvette: and dangerous
06:02 PM jthornton: if you don't want the abort to act like M2 then you can't have it in your g code file you must wrap with %%
06:02 PM Lcvette: so just end the program with M5
06:02 PM jthornton: http://linuxcnc.org/docs/2.8/html/gcode/overview.html#gcode:file-requirements
06:03 PM jthornton: M5 is spindle off
06:03 PM Lcvette: right
06:03 PM Lcvette: not having m2 or m30 means spelling out the m words for everything
06:04 PM Lcvette: ive never seen g54 be set on an M2 or m30
06:04 PM jthornton: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/CwpnF7Vj7p/
06:04 PM Lcvette: i thinkthat is dangerous
06:04 PM jthornton: a normal g code program where m2 is resetting many things
06:05 PM jthornton: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/sdqtQFK9Bb/
06:05 PM Lcvette: an m command in my opinion should stay away from anything G
06:05 PM jthornton: a program that does not reset anything
06:05 PM jthornton: you need to rewrite linuxcnc then to suit you or understand what M2 does and what %% does not do
06:06 PM Tom_L: you're better off setting codes you need in a program every time you need them
06:06 PM jthornton: exactly, a good preable is the best thing to do
06:06 PM jthornton: preamble even
06:07 PM Lcvette: Tom_L: i agree
06:07 PM Tom_L: then it doesn't become a problem
06:07 PM Lcvette: M30 or M2 should kill all M words to off
06:07 PM Lcvette: not change offsets
06:07 PM jthornton: read the docs about M2
06:08 PM Lcvette: if i stop mid program and restart and it has changed to a G54 from a G55.. thats a crash
06:08 PM Tom_L: Lcvette, does it alter the values stored in the .var file? or just revert to G54
06:08 PM jthornton: yes and you must understand that
06:08 PM Lcvette: it reverts to G54 as the current offset
06:08 PM jthornton: http://linuxcnc.org/docs/2.8/html/gcode/m-code.html#mcode:m2-m30
06:08 PM Lcvette: it also does not change the gui offset indicators\
06:09 PM jthornton: if you have M2 then an abort is the same as ending the program
06:09 PM Lcvette: no i see it jt, i just totally disagree with it
06:09 PM Tom_L: if i break a tool midstream and use the run from line option, i also must be aware i need to turn the spindle back on etc
06:09 PM Tom_L: there is no perfect world
06:09 PM jthornton: yup
06:10 PM Lcvette: that i understand, but i still don't want something auto changing my offsets
06:10 PM Tom_L: i've gone in midstream and added the M3 and start on that line to avoid that
06:10 PM Lcvette: especially when it doesn't change the buttons or offset table as to which offset is the active one
06:10 PM jthornton: that's up to the gui programmer...
06:10 PM Tom_L: that's up to the gui to refresh itself
06:10 PM Lcvette: so now gui's need feedback from that m2 or m30 command to make them show correctly
06:11 PM jthornton: or monitor the state of linuxcnc
06:11 PM Tom_L: somewhere it stores all active codes... just read those
06:11 PM Lcvette: an mdi command to G57 updates the gui display buttons
06:11 PM Lcvette: but m2 does not
06:11 PM Tom_L: more often than you currently are
06:11 PM Lcvette: so its changing without issuing an mdi line
06:16 PM Lcvette: turboss
06:16 PM Lcvette: found the solution
06:16 PM TurBoss: yes?
06:16 PM TurBoss: !!!
06:16 PM Lcvette: remove m2 or m30 from all your programs
06:17 PM TurBoss: oh
06:17 PM Lcvette: it resets the offset to G54
06:17 PM jthornton: when you do make sure you have a good preamble in each g code file
06:17 PM Lcvette: so when yours reaches the end of the program and then goes somewhere else its in the wrong ofset
06:17 PM Tom_L: % probably does the same thing
06:18 PM Lcvette: dumbest hintg ive ever seen or heard of in machining
06:18 PM jthornton: %% does nothing
06:18 PM Tom_L: when it reaches the end of the program the next code to execute movement should also include the offset requested
06:18 PM jthornton: it's a choice you have to make, either reset things or not
06:19 PM Lcvette: it should always be the choice of the operator
06:19 PM Lcvette: never the machine
06:19 PM jthornton: it's the choice of the person writing the g code file
06:19 PM Lcvette: i think its a horrible mistake to remove an offset without it being told too
06:19 PM Lcvette: and worse to hide it in an m2 or m30
06:20 PM jthornton: it's not hidden you have to read the docs to see what m2 does
06:20 PM * Lcvette uploaded an image: Screenshot_2019-10-14_19-12-43.png (17KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/CkkpRGXZTJLxXTFmeSnpWvwT >
06:20 PM jthornton: if assume what it does then your screwed?
06:20 PM jthornton: !
06:20 PM Lcvette: what other system does that?
06:20 PM Lcvette: none i have ever used
06:21 PM jthornton: it's the NIST standard...
06:21 PM Lcvette: why reqrite what those codes do in most other systems
06:21 PM * Lcvette uploaded an image: Screenshot_2019-10-14_19-14-23.png (12KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/KWWXJONYqeIDOSNGxPCNTlqn >
06:21 PM Lcvette: so that will stop it from changing offsets?
06:22 PM Tom_L: https://smithy.com/cnc-reference-info/chapter-5/program-stopping%26ending/page/0
06:23 PM Tom_L: https://www.edingcnc.com/wiki/index.php?page=78_input-m-codes
06:24 PM Lcvette: exactly!!!
06:24 PM Lcvette: none of those rest the offset
06:24 PM Lcvette: because it is rephukintarded to do so
06:24 PM Lcvette: lol
06:25 PM Tom_L: 1. Axis offsets are set to zero (like G92.2) and origin offsets are set to the default (like G54).
06:25 PM Lcvette: Note that the coordinate system are no longer reset, I modified this behavior because I have broken a lot of bits due to this so I modified it.
06:32 PM Tom_L: https://tsapps.nist.gov/publication/get_pdf.cfm?pub_id=823374
06:32 PM Tom_L: page 46
06:33 PM Tom_L: it's how the government originally set up the rs274 standard
06:33 PM Lcvette: because they do things so well always
06:33 PM Lcvette: lol
06:33 PM Tom_L: just in case you want to point fingers
06:33 PM Lcvette: the second link above shows the author removed that function because its prone to cause crashes
06:34 PM Tom_L: controls vary
06:34 PM jthornton: actually it was quite a good project... we would not be here without it
06:34 PM Tom_L: we both know that
06:34 PM Tom_L: i followed it a while in it's infancy
06:34 PM Tom_L: then dropped out for quite some time
06:34 PM Lcvette: still doesn't make it the best course of action
06:34 PM jthornton: I tried so hard to do a BDI install but never could
06:34 PM Tom_L: use grbl?
06:34 PM jthornton: change it
06:35 PM jthornton: use Mach
06:35 PM Lcvette: use a custom mcode
06:35 PM Tom_L: just saying. that's what you've got to play with
06:35 PM Lcvette: not just mach that removed it
06:35 PM Lcvette: for good reason
06:37 PM jthornton: you can live with it or change it...
06:39 PM Lcvette: a percent sign at the front and end of the prgram like you showed gives an error
06:40 PM Lcvette: bad character '%'
06:40 PM Lcvette: so then what?
06:41 PM jthornton: on a blank line?
06:42 PM jthornton: I think you didn't use the % like I showed you...
06:43 PM * Lcvette uploaded an image: Screenshot_2019-10-14_19-37-15.png (19KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/qODAVxrHMHhklAiiXobJZVkf >
06:44 PM jthornton: that's not what I showed you
06:45 PM Lcvette: removed the line number preceding it and same error
06:46 PM * Lcvette uploaded an image: Screenshot_2019-10-14_19-40-06.png (14KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/PUOULLfWNLpIyFRRQDrcpDGK >
06:46 PM Lcvette: did the same at the end
06:46 PM Lcvette: soooo....
06:46 PM Lcvette: http://linuxcnc.org/docs/2.8/html/gcode/overview.html#gcode:file-requirements
06:47 PM Lcvette: docs here don't really address it clearly
06:48 PM Lcvette: jthornton: ^^^
06:48 PM jthornton: yes I know, I'll fix that in the morning
06:48 PM jthornton: the % must be at the start and end of the file
06:48 PM Lcvette: ah
06:49 PM Lcvette: not the gcode
06:49 PM Lcvette: gotcha
06:49 PM jthornton: just like my example
06:49 PM Lcvette: the first percent sign on the first line of the file followed by one or more lines of G code and a second percent sign.
06:49 PM jthornton: aye
06:50 PM Lcvette: this led me to believe that it needed to be above the gcode line directly
06:50 PM Lcvette: kinda contradicted
06:50 PM Lcvette: in the case of files with more then just gcode
06:50 PM Lcvette: ie headers
06:51 PM jthornton: where is that line? the first percent sign on the first line of the file followed by one or more lines of G code and a second percent sign.
06:51 PM jthornton: ah I see it
06:52 PM Lcvette: http://linuxcnc.org/docs/2.8/html/gcode/overview.html#gcode:file-requirements
06:52 PM Lcvette: file requirements
06:52 PM jthornton: seems pretty clear the first % must be on the first line
06:52 PM Lcvette: it was not to me
06:52 PM jthornton: how did you interpret that
06:53 PM Lcvette: believe me i understand i wrote the instll docs with clear instructions and still the people following it did interpereted it in their own way
06:53 PM jthornton: with the first percent sign on the first line of the file
06:53 PM Lcvette: they were trying to copy the whole colored block of text and enter it even though the doc said one line at a time
06:53 PM jthornton: seems clear... it must be on the first line of the file
06:53 PM Lcvette: then leave that there and ommit followed by gcod
06:54 PM Lcvette: becauise that makes it sound as though the first line of gcode
06:54 PM jthornton: to be a valid g code file it must have at least one line of g code
06:54 PM Lcvette: or bvetter yet show an example picture of an odd case
06:54 PM Lcvette: to be a valid gcode any file must contain gcode
06:54 PM jthornton: that is reasonable to have an example
06:55 PM * Lcvette uploaded an image: Screenshot_2019-10-14_19-48-57.png (46KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/sNfWjbHLcrCAiAfbOBPahvrj >
06:55 PM Lcvette: this percent sign is not directly followed by gcode
06:55 PM jthornton: comments are g code
06:56 PM Lcvette: ok, so.. lets just leave it at it will be uinmistakable with a picture like this
06:57 PM * Lcvette uploaded an image: Screenshot_2019-10-14_19-51-17.png (23KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/CDeXaidrOgLewqrlVtVfefTI >
06:57 PM Lcvette: here is a mmore publicastion friendly image
06:58 PM Lcvette: turboss this resolves the issue on my end
06:59 PM Lcvette: maybe we can make a new mcode that removes the g54 offset reset
07:00 PM Lcvette: follows every g5x offset perfectly now!
07:00 PM Lcvette: no longer is offset in the program sue to the m2
07:00 PM Lcvette: \o/
07:00 PM Lcvette: thnaks for pointing that out JT
07:00 PM TurBoss: hurray
07:01 PM Lcvette: you will just need to find a way to change the M2
07:01 PM Lcvette: or M30
07:01 PM Lcvette: if you want it to recognize program end
07:01 PM Lcvette: without the offset reset
07:03 PM Lcvette: jthornton: on the subject of docs
07:03 PM Lcvette: i wanted to ask if there is a way to do single highlighted lines with a non highlighted space between
07:04 PM Lcvette: i screwed with it for quite some time the other day but the : for doing the highlight wanted to continue on without a break unless i had a section that was not indenteed with a bold format
07:05 PM Tom_L: so
07:07 PM Tom_L: are we back on track again?
07:08 PM Lcvette: need turboss to test
07:08 PM Lcvette: if so i think we need to make a custom mcode or change the M2
07:08 PM travis-ci: kcjengr/probe_basic#125 (master - f54fc50 : Chris): The build was broken.
07:08 PM travis-ci: Diff view : https://github.com/kcjengr/probe_basic/compare/2eef752718c0...f54fc5004c2e
07:08 PM travis-ci: Build details : https://travis-ci.org/kcjengr/probe_basic/builds/597904626
07:09 PM travis-ci: kcjengr/probe_basic#127 (master - f54fc50 : Chris): The build was broken.
07:09 PM travis-ci: Diff view : https://github.com/kcjengr/probe_basic/compare/f54fc5004c2e...f54fc5004c2e
07:09 PM travis-ci: Build details : https://travis-ci.org/kcjengr/probe_basic/builds/597904840
07:09 PM travis-ci: kcjengr/probe_basic#128 (master - f54fc50 : Chris): The build failed.
07:09 PM travis-ci: Diff view : https://github.com/kcjengr/probe_basic/compare/f54fc5004c2e...f54fc5004c2e
07:09 PM travis-ci: Build details : https://travis-ci.org/kcjengr/probe_basic/builds/597904921
07:10 PM * Lcvette uploaded an image: Screenshot_2019-10-14_20-04-04.png (36KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/XJQDRJWFMqUVOVFMMiAURURN >
07:10 PM Lcvette: this fails jthornton
07:10 PM Lcvette: so im not certain how to highlight each of those rows individually
07:11 PM Lcvette: so the same miustake the test installer made doesn't happen again
07:14 PM travis-ci: kcjengr/probe_basic#130 (master - bb23c97 : Chris): The build was fixed.
07:14 PM travis-ci: Diff view : https://github.com/kcjengr/probe_basic/compare/f54fc5004c2e...bb23c978521b
07:14 PM travis-ci: Build details : https://travis-ci.org/kcjengr/probe_basic/builds/597906149
07:19 PM Lcvette: turboss can you test to see if your issue went away using program with % signs at start and end and no M2
07:19 PM Lcvette: ?
07:22 PM Lcvette: is there a way to make a safe z move standard?
07:22 PM Lcvette: ie move z first before x and y?
07:24 PM TurBoss: sorry Lcvette tomorrow
07:24 PM * TurBoss goes to bed
07:25 PM Lcvette: ok just send a note when you get done testing tomorrow!
07:25 PM Lcvette: :D
07:25 PM Lcvette: night!
07:50 PM Tom_L: Lcvette what do you mean move z first?
07:50 PM Tom_L: and yes there is
07:52 PM Lcvette: Instead of all axis moving simultaneous, z would move first to it's destination and xy would move after that
07:52 PM Lcvette: I was reading and it looks like I can do it on g28 and g30
07:52 PM Tom_L: yes
07:52 PM Tom_L: it's in the ini
07:53 PM Lcvette: But need to set it up for go to zero as well
07:53 PM Tom_L: per axis
07:53 PM Lcvette: Or maybe change go to zero from a mdi button to aceubcall button
07:53 PM Tom_L: set x and y the same and z before them
07:54 PM Lcvette: Yeah I mean for go to zero
07:54 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/cnc/screenshot.png
07:54 PM Tom_L: like the zero axis button?
07:55 PM Lcvette: Looks like G28 An will move z to g28 z value and then x and y
07:55 PM Tom_L: sends z up and then x and y
07:56 PM Tom_L: just tie the button to an ngc file that has G20 Z0
07:56 PM Tom_L: G28 Y0 X0
07:56 PM Lcvette: Zero axis to me sets the selected axis to zero
07:56 PM Tom_L: 2 lines
07:57 PM Tom_L: it takes them home
07:57 PM Lcvette: Yeah that's what I was considering
07:57 PM Tom_L: i added another button that just does X and Y
07:57 PM Lcvette: G28 Z0
07:57 PM Tom_L: so if i don't want to move z i just do x and y
07:57 PM Lcvette: Should send all home with z moving first
07:58 PM Tom_L: if you do a G28 Z0 X0 Y0, all 3 will move at once
07:58 PM Tom_L: not what you want
07:58 PM Tom_L: you need 2 lines
07:59 PM Lcvette: Right
08:05 PM Tom_L: [HALUI]
08:05 PM Tom_L: MDI_COMMAND = O<work_zero> call
08:06 PM Tom_L: MDI_COMMAND = O<work_zero_xy> call
08:06 PM Tom_L: those 2 files have the G28 in em
08:08 PM Lcvette: Yup
08:18 PM Tom_L: HOME_SEQUENCE = is just that. for setting the homing order
08:20 PM Lcvette: Yeah mine homes z forst6
08:20 PM Lcvette: Works good
08:21 PM Lcvette: Where is hazzy
08:21 PM Lcvette: He said probe basic is running slow
08:21 PM Lcvette: Wanted to see if he thought there is a solution
08:21 PM hazzy-m: drinking bourbon
08:21 PM Lcvette: Bourbon?
08:22 PM hazzy-m: I think it might just be my labtop
08:22 PM hazzy-m: however you spell it lol
08:22 PM Lcvette: Lcvette makes an iced coffee Bailey's and kaluha
08:23 PM hazzy-m: I need to install from scratch on my desktop and test your instructions and see how it runs
08:23 PM hazzy-m: I got a nice big screen on that machine too
08:23 PM hazzy-m: this one is just too small to run PB on
08:24 PM Tom_L: we need a probe_basic_mini
08:27 PM Lcvette: Hazzy is gonna test lcvettes docs?
08:29 PM Lcvette: Once we have a probe_basic fully operational then I will make others
08:30 PM Lcvette: Too much work to update multiple guis at once
08:37 PM hazzy-m: sweet!
08:38 PM Lcvette: Turboss got notifications working
08:38 PM Lcvette: JT helped resolve the offsets issue
08:38 PM Lcvette: Was m2
08:39 PM Lcvette: M2 changes offset back to g54
08:39 PM hazzy-m: oh realy?
08:39 PM Lcvette: But the GUI buttons and offset table are not updated
08:39 PM hazzy-m: but the WC buttons did not update? no
08:39 PM Lcvette: Yeah horrible practice
08:39 PM hazzy-m: yeah
08:39 PM hazzy-m: strange
08:39 PM Lcvette: Bit it's NIST STD apparently
08:40 PM Lcvette: Even though other systems don't Al use it
08:40 PM Lcvette: Seems dangerous to me
08:41 PM Lcvette: Probably need to revise how the buttons and offset table react to m2 and m30
08:41 PM Lcvette: The status column on the right of the screen updated
08:42 PM Lcvette: So maybe whatever drives that should drive the buttons also
08:42 PM Lcvette: And offset table
08:42 PM Lcvette: Not sure how to do that, maybe turboss has some ideas
08:42 PM Lcvette: Will ask him when he wakes up
08:51 PM Lcvette: Any thoughts I can relay to turboss?
09:01 PM Lcvette: Or is that something that can be added in rules editor maybe?
09:09 PM hazzy-m: So it sounds like the status to G5X index is not being updated with the current system changes but that the active codes are being updated
09:09 PM Tom_L: what drives the machine status table?
09:09 PM Tom_L: active codes...
09:13 PM Tom_L: returns type tuple but from where?
09:14 PM Tom_L: status:gcodes but in what order?
09:22 PM Lcvette: hazzy: hazzy the status when update by m2 changes in the machine status bar, bit not the buttons or offset table
09:23 PM hazzy-m: Lcvette: yes
09:23 PM Lcvette: I'm not sure what drives our current buttons, bit they change via mdi
09:23 PM * Tom_L calls it a night
09:23 PM Lcvette: But m2 occurs in automatic mode and is not an mdi call
09:24 PM hazzy-m: Tom_L: the codes come from status.active_gcpdes and are in numerical order
09:24 PM Lcvette: Starts with 0 or 1?
09:24 PM Tom_L: numeric order of modal group?
09:25 PM Tom_L: they are listed by modal group
09:25 PM Lcvette: G0 = 0 G1=1
09:25 PM hazzy-m: Lcvette: that’s why it Dießen update
09:25 PM Lcvette: Or G0=1
09:25 PM hazzy-m: We need the state tags branch...
09:25 PM Tom_L: Lcvette you sure?
09:25 PM Lcvette: That's what I deduced
09:25 PM Tom_L: no
09:26 PM hazzy-m: Tom_L: I cannot remember exactly, but it’s on the LinuxCNC python interface docs
09:26 PM Lcvette: I was asking
09:26 PM Tom_L: they would be listed by modal group because any code in the modal group could change the others
09:26 PM hazzy-m: Lcvette: yes, that’s right
09:26 PM Tom_L: but what order they fall i don't know
09:27 PM Lcvette: hazzy: to be clear which one?
09:27 PM Lcvette: G0=0
09:27 PM Lcvette: Or G0=1
09:28 PM Lcvette: To start the tuple
09:28 PM hazzy-m: I think G0 € 0
09:28 PM Lcvette: Ok
09:28 PM hazzy-m: Look in the docs
09:28 PM Lcvette: Lcvette is wingin it
09:28 PM Lcvette: Yup heading there now
09:28 PM * hazzy-m is too lol
09:28 PM * hazzy-m goes back to sleep
09:29 PM Tom_L: G0 G1 G2 G3 are all in the same modal group
09:29 PM Tom_L: as an example
09:31 PM Tom_L: http://linuxcnc.org/docs/html/gcode/overview.html#_modal_groups
09:31 PM Tom_L: motion group 1
09:31 PM Lcvette: http://linuxcnc.org/docs/html/config/python-interface.html
09:31 PM Lcvette: Tom_L: ^^^
09:32 PM Tom_L: you are concerned with group 12
09:32 PM Lcvette: gcodes
09:32 PM Lcvette: (returns tuple of integers) - Active G-codes for each modal group. G code constants G_0, G_1, G_2, G_3, G_4, G_5, G_5_1, G_5_2, G_5_3, G_7, G_8, G_100, G_17, G_17_1, G_18, G_18_1, G_19, G_19_1, G_20, G_21, G_28, G_28_1, G_30, G_30_1, G_33, G_33_1, G_38_2, G_38_3, G_38_4, G_38_5, G_40, G_41, G_41_1, G_42, G_42_1, G_43, G_43_1, G_43_2, G_49, G_50, G_51, G_53, G_54, G_55, G_56, G_57, G_58, G_59, G_59_1, G_59_2, G_59_3, G_61,
09:32 PM Lcvette: G_61_1, G_64, G_73, G_76, G_80, G_81, G_82, G_83, G_84, G_85, G_86, G_87, G_88, G_89, G_90, G_90_1, G_91, G_91_1, G_92, G_92_1, G_92_2, G_92_3, G_93, G_94, G_95, G_96, G_97, G_98, G_99
09:32 PM Lcvette: Tom_L: ^^^
09:34 PM * Lcvette sent a long message: < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/oYOlXLLNNFrRhAPoZAbkFbAg >
09:34 PM Lcvette: not sure which is what is the one that is being changed by m2
09:34 PM Lcvette: or if it is the big whole kabudle gcode
09:40 PM * Lcvette uploaded an image: Screenshot_2019-10-14_22-34-12.png (28KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/egKxPNgrkkWmDBxcRkCwKAZr >
09:41 PM Lcvette: so we need to add expressions to the buttons so that if the g5x_index matches the current G5x button then it is set checked
09:41 PM Lcvette: ?
09:41 PM Lcvette: hazzy ^^^
09:41 PM Lcvette: ?
09:43 PM Tom_L: the m2 doc tells you which ones it sets back to default
09:44 PM Lcvette: it just tells the gcodes
09:44 PM Lcvette: i need the tupl;e integer
09:45 PM Lcvette: but i think g5x_index is what we need
09:45 PM Tom_L: what is that long list you posted?
09:45 PM Lcvette: that would be for the status
09:45 PM Lcvette: of all gcodes
09:45 PM Lcvette: for that list on the right side of the screen
09:46 PM Lcvette: status:gcodes
09:46 PM Tom_L: so your display only shows active ones?
09:46 PM * Lcvette uploaded an image: Screenshot_2019-10-14_22-34-12.png (28KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/OkSGaaoAgUVKxSYiwHymAMEX >
09:47 PM * Lcvette uploaded an image: Screenshot_2019-10-14_22-40-29.png (29KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/MOswdKCGPxNInTAefCNoNWiz >
09:47 PM Tom_L: i saw that already
09:47 PM Lcvette: that is for that vertical column on the right side of the scvreen
09:47 PM Lcvette: it shows active gcodes
09:47 PM Tom_L: that's what i was asking
09:47 PM Tom_L: where does it say to show only active ones?
09:48 PM Lcvette: thats the rule that displays them in that container
09:48 PM Tom_L: i saw that
09:48 PM * Lcvette uploaded an image: Screenshot_2019-10-14_22-42-20.png (16KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/pWFADJTpghyNuAUlEtmSaFjc >
09:48 PM Lcvette: i sent you the link
09:48 PM Lcvette: the linuxcnc python interface
09:48 PM Lcvette: status:gcodes
09:49 PM Tom_L: so that only displays active ones?
09:49 PM Lcvette: ch[0] lists all returns
09:49 PM Tom_L: or all of them
09:49 PM Lcvette: it displays the active ones from the long list
09:49 PM Tom_L: where do the active ones get filtered?
09:49 PM Lcvette: yes
09:49 PM Lcvette: they are returned because they are active
09:50 PM Lcvette: ie if i mdi a new one it pops up in that list
09:50 PM Lcvette: that rule constantly updates the list
09:50 PM Lcvette: same with mcodes but that uses status:mcodes
09:50 PM Tom_L: so status:gcodes only returns active ones
09:51 PM Lcvette: it only returns active ones
09:51 PM Tom_L: so
09:51 PM Tom_L: with that return, one gcode from each modal group will be returned
09:51 PM Tom_L: group 12 is the offsets
09:52 PM Lcvette: because the rules of the interpereter only allow for one to be returned yes
09:52 PM Lcvette: this only knows whats active
09:52 PM Lcvette: it does not make the determinations of which are or arent active
09:52 PM Lcvette: that is all controlled in the interpereter
09:53 PM Tom_L: i see a possibility of 15 codes returned
09:53 PM Tom_L: at any one time
09:53 PM Tom_L: group 0 is all non modal
09:54 PM Lcvette: thats fine but it doesn't require you to know why
09:54 PM Tom_L: motion group is 1 which is all g0 1 2 3 and cycles
09:54 PM Lcvette: althought it is good practice too
09:54 PM Tom_L: it tells you where to look in the tuple of returned values
09:54 PM Lcvette: for this dilema i need an expression in the g5x_index
09:54 PM Lcvette: which returns 1-9
09:55 PM Tom_L: i am speculating
09:55 PM Lcvette: the tuple is just a bunch of numbers it does not take into consideration the model fgroup
09:55 PM Tom_L: i don't know python but i've done my share of coding
09:55 PM Tom_L: i realize that
09:55 PM Lcvette: it is liusted according to the nlist in the docs
09:55 PM Tom_L: but only one number from each group can be returned
09:55 PM Lcvette: i am just not sure if it begins with a 1 or a 0
09:55 PM Tom_L: so you need the offset of the group you're interested in
09:56 PM Lcvette: to line up the tuple number with the g_xx
09:56 PM Tom_L: life begins at 0
09:56 PM Lcvette: which was why i asked hazzy if G0=0 or G0=1
09:56 PM Lcvette: not in g5x_index
09:56 PM Lcvette: it begins with 1
09:56 PM Tom_L: ok
09:57 PM Lcvette: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
09:57 PM Lcvette: so that throws me off
09:57 PM Lcvette: otherwise i would assume it started with 0
09:58 PM Tom_L: whatever oops container that returns it, fixes that so it returns starting with 1 i would assume
09:58 PM Tom_L: it's a big ugly black box
09:59 PM Lcvette: Lol
10:00 PM Tom_L: all you see is what you pass to it and get back in return
10:00 PM Lcvette: I wish there was a expression builder
10:00 PM Tom_L: there is one
10:00 PM Tom_L: it's called hazzy-m
10:00 PM Lcvette: In this case I need an expression that sets the button as checked if it matches the index
10:01 PM Lcvette: And unchecked if it is anything else
10:01 PM Tom_L: if x+1 = index
10:02 PM Lcvette: And then
10:02 PM Tom_L: hmm i finally found that .var reference
10:03 PM Tom_L: i knew it was there but couldn't find it the other day
10:03 PM Lcvette: Lcvette doesn't know the syntax
10:03 PM Tom_L: as to what var numbers do what
10:03 PM Lcvette: Parameters
10:03 PM Lcvette: In docs
10:03 PM Tom_L: http://linuxcnc.org/docs/html/gcode/overview.html#sub:numbered-parameters
10:04 PM Lcvette: yup
10:05 PM Lcvette: but the way we access that is through the status
10:05 PM Tom_L: some of those are user defined variables though
10:05 PM Tom_L: i just forgot where they were listed
10:06 PM Tom_L: 31-5000 you can use in your gcode as parameters
10:06 PM Lcvette: yeah i am very familiar as i had to find persistent ones for the atc
10:06 PM Tom_L: nothing to do with what we're discussing...
10:06 PM Lcvette: we use 5190-5201 for the carousel pockets
10:07 PM Tom_L: just an aww shit moment
10:07 PM Lcvette: lol
10:07 PM Lcvette: those are good
10:08 PM Tom_L: when i was taking catia classes, one of the guys designed a doll house that was completely parameter driven
10:08 PM Tom_L: he changed one number and the whole thing re'scaled
10:09 PM Tom_L: i did a set of hydraulic cylinders that were table driven but not to that extent
10:09 PM Lcvette: yup
10:10 PM Lcvette: solidworks is alot like that
10:10 PM Tom_L: yeah i think it does tables as well
10:10 PM Lcvette: i have ballscrews from my machine design that are table driven
10:10 PM Lcvette: for end machining
10:10 PM Lcvette: length diameter etc
10:12 PM Lcvette: https://qtpyvcp.kcjengr.com/components/status_items.html#g5x-index
10:12 PM Lcvette: g5x_index does begin with 0
10:12 PM Lcvette: G53 is 0
10:12 PM Tom_L: your returned value from g5x_index would be the P value for G10 Px
10:14 PM Lcvette: correct
10:14 PM Tom_L: G53 may not be modal since it must be programmed on every line
10:15 PM Tom_L: no, it's not in the offsets group
10:15 PM Tom_L: but rather in group 0 (non modal)
10:16 PM Tom_L: i look at that as something like a feedrate override
10:16 PM Tom_L: the active feed is still programmed but you gave it a percentage of override
10:16 PM Tom_L: and once it's cancelled the feed is still in effect
10:17 PM Tom_L: maybe that's a bad example
10:17 PM Lcvette: status:g5x_index returns an integer
10:17 PM Lcvette: and the expression type is bool
10:17 PM Lcvette: so thats true or false right?
10:17 PM Tom_L: heh
10:18 PM Tom_L: syntax status:g5x_index returns int
10:18 PM Tom_L: syntax status:g5x_index?string returns str
10:18 PM Lcvette: right but i think bool is what we want
10:19 PM Tom_L: you want int
10:19 PM Lcvette: maybe
10:19 PM Lcvette: maybe not
10:19 PM Tom_L: bool would be no help here
10:19 PM Lcvette: int is bool
10:19 PM Tom_L: bool is int
10:19 PM Lcvette: in the rules editor
10:19 PM Tom_L: int is all positive numbers
10:19 PM Tom_L: unsigned
10:19 PM Lcvette: if you write it the first way syntax status:g5x_index returns int
10:20 PM Lcvette: then the expression only allows for a bool type expression
10:20 PM Tom_L: python is greek to me
10:20 PM * Lcvette uploaded an image: Screenshot_2019-10-14_23-14-21.png (28KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/EQvrpBPKKSqiLaGFMlEeEOgb >
10:21 PM Tom_L: what you query in the expression would be true or false
10:22 PM Lcvette: right so i want to query each button as being true or false if it is the same as the index
10:22 PM Tom_L: if status:g5x_index == 1 "G54"
10:22 PM Tom_L: that's just sudo code
10:22 PM Tom_L: but the expression would have to be true to return G54
10:22 PM Lcvette: man i wish the4 docs delved into the expressions more
10:23 PM Lcvette: right
10:23 PM Tom_L: there is likely a more elegant way to do it
10:23 PM Lcvette: i just need it to be true or false and then add what to do in either state
10:23 PM Lcvette: ie set button checked or set button unchecked
10:23 PM Tom_L: you have till 12 to finish it.
10:23 PM Tom_L: on your mark
10:23 PM Tom_L: get set
10:24 PM Tom_L: GO!
10:24 PM Lcvette: /o\
10:25 PM Tom_L: if status:g5x_index ==1 self.checkbutton_active() or whatever
10:26 PM Tom_L: i don't know what the button functions are
10:26 PM Lcvette: there is an enable mode
10:26 PM Lcvette: i wonder if that enables the button
10:26 PM Lcvette: we need hazzy to explain this stuff
10:26 PM Tom_L: i know how to find out
10:26 PM Tom_L: no you don't
10:26 PM Tom_L: you need to test it
10:27 PM Lcvette: lol
10:27 PM Tom_L: start out clean and if it fails don't save the changes
10:27 PM Lcvette: that would be like cracking an ecryption by testing one line at a time manually
10:27 PM Tom_L: but if it works on one button...
10:28 PM Tom_L: clock is ticking...
10:28 PM Tom_L: 12:00 .........
10:28 PM Lcvette: https://www.hackerearth.com/practice/python/working-with-data/expressions/tutorial/
10:32 PM Lcvette: ch[0]==1 was accepted but did not work
10:33 PM Tom_L: ch[0] is char
10:33 PM Tom_L: i bet
10:33 PM Lcvette: channel
10:33 PM Lcvette: ?
10:33 PM Tom_L: dunno, it's just a name
10:33 PM Tom_L: Lcvette[0]
10:33 PM * Lcvette uploaded an image: Screenshot_2019-10-14_23-27-38.png (7KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/iRScWeNzIyGNUGdtoxROKoij >
10:34 PM Lcvette: think it refers to the channel listed
10:34 PM Tom_L: maybe
10:34 PM Lcvette: in this case ch[0] refers to status:g5x_index?string and ==1 checks equality to 1
10:34 PM Tom_L: did it accept status:g5x_index == 1 ?
10:34 PM Lcvette: so if 1==1 it should enable the button
10:35 PM Lcvette: since i have it set to enable
10:35 PM Lcvette: maybe?
10:35 PM Lcvette: testing now
10:35 PM Tom_L: 12:00
10:35 PM Tom_L: :)
10:35 PM Tom_L: it's how i learned to code
10:36 PM Lcvette: failed
10:36 PM Tom_L: so try something else
10:40 PM Tom_L: early day comin. i'm goin to sleep
11:06 PM Tom_L: to get an idea of expressions look at some of the others
11:07 PM Tom_L: for example the T 0 by the M6
11:08 PM Tom_L: it's got an enable disable expression in it
11:08 PM Tom_L: along with an update for the tool number
11:09 PM Tom_L: look at both it's rules
11:11 PM Lcvette: i did
11:11 PM Lcvette: i have it doing something but it seems wrong
11:11 PM Tom_L: you could use a string expression comparison
11:12 PM Tom_L: status:g54_index?str or whatever the format was then compare it to "G54" etc
11:12 PM * Lcvette uploaded an image: Screenshot_2019-10-15_00-05-40.png (30KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/SPVbBpEkXqAmLXyYzDUWaSXg >
11:12 PM Lcvette: this works to set the button checked when in g54
11:13 PM Lcvette: but even when i start the program in G55, for some reason it switches to g54 in the status but it remains in g55 in the offset its cutting
11:13 PM Lcvette: im going to set all the other buttons the same way to see if that stops it from happening
11:13 PM Tom_L: so try it with G55 too and see if it switches
11:13 PM Tom_L: '2' in ch[0]
11:13 PM Tom_L: for g55
11:15 PM Lcvette: did that and now it does not change
11:16 PM Tom_L: so try something else
11:16 PM Tom_L: see you're making progress
11:16 PM Lcvette: now im just confused
11:16 PM Lcvette: this should be working
11:16 PM Tom_L: use the string comparison instead
11:17 PM Tom_L[m]: status:g5x_index?string == 'G54'
11:17 PM Tom_L[m]: * `status:g5x_index?string == 'G55'`
11:17 PM Tom_L[m]: etc
11:18 PM * Lcvette uploaded an image: Screenshot_2019-10-15_00-12-10.png (103KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/hnKRkhDsGHQkJekbjaTqnMBG >
11:18 PM Lcvette: this is why im confused and i think it is not working
11:18 PM Lcvette: because the status channel switches to G54 the moment i hit cycle start
11:18 PM Lcvette: but it is moving in G55
11:19 PM Lcvette: and showing G55 coordinates
11:19 PM Lcvette: so something i think is broken
11:19 PM Tom_L: did the code turn the g55 box blue?
11:19 PM Lcvette: and the expressions should be working
11:19 PM Lcvette: no it was already in G55
11:19 PM Lcvette: and the status column switches to G54 the moment cycle start is hit
11:20 PM Lcvette: does it with no expressions too so there is something going on that shouldn't be or something i am unaware of
11:20 PM Tom_L: dunno right now
11:20 PM Lcvette: maybe before starting it runs through the code again and sees the M2 and that triggers the switch back to G54?
11:20 PM Lcvette: me either
11:20 PM Tom_L: i'm goin to sleep
11:20 PM Lcvette: but i don't think any expression incolving the g5x_index will work with it doing that
11:20 PM Tom_L: just had to have one last look
11:21 PM Lcvette: ok
11:21 PM Lcvette: night
11:31 PM * Lcvette posted a file: G54_status_offset_issue.mkv (6069KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/CWljHnTdDrtlwbbGcBNbeMda >
11:33 PM Lcvette: hazzy: see the above video, i figured out the correct rule i think to make sure the offset buttons read what the status does but there is an issue with the status switching to G54 even when just cycle start is pressed... this is a strange issue i will need you or turbosses help with
11:33 PM * Lcvette uploaded an image: Screenshot_2019-10-15_00-05-40.png (30KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/ZloYhNQcHtebaczMkHyZadkF >
11:35 PM Lcvette: this rule will change the g54 work offset button checked when status changes to G54, but with it changing on cycle start it ALWAYS checks the G54 button which is not correct i don't think.. need a test maybe in axis to see if it does this as well
11:36 PM Lcvette: jthornton maybe you know a reason why? i searched the docs looking for a reason but found nbothing as to why it switches to G54 at the press of cycle start.. very odd, i understand the M2 but this one doesn't make any sense...?
11:36 PM Lcvette: turboss too ^^^
11:37 PM Lcvette: lcvette is flabergsted
11:40 PM Lcvette: and i just checked, on the % gcode % no M2 file it does not change to G54 at the press of cycle start.. so how are you supposed to tell the buttons and offset table to mirror statyus when cycle start changes the status to G54.. something needs fixing in linuxcnc i think maybe?
11:47 PM Lcvette: here is the video of the % gcode % no M2
11:48 PM * Lcvette posted a file: G54_status_offset_issue_no_M2.mkv (4146KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/rsvNRYlZidCPXKBAeQiGqssw >
11:51 PM Lcvette: jthornton, here is youtube link to make it easier to see and spend less data
11:51 PM Lcvette: https://youtu.be/qdY2Lzsq5Cg
11:51 PM Lcvette: and the other non M2 is uploading will link momentarily
11:56 PM Lcvette: https://youtu.be/0Edcpbg-urM
11:57 PM Lcvette: seems when M2 is removed things work fine but regrdless, for those that wish to maintain NIST compatibility.. that status should not be changing until M2 is actually executed in the file.. cart is being put before the horse so to speak so how are the gui buttons supposed to reflect correct status when status does not?