#garfield Logs

Jan 26 2025

#garfield Calendar

08:41 PM rue_shop2: 10 more bend heads, I'v never needed that release pin Tom_L
08:57 PM rue_shop2: I seem to have bent them all the right way
08:58 PM rue_shop2: only enough material for 27 springs
09:06 PM Tom_L: it's a 'just in case' feature
09:07 PM rue_shop2: good thing we did the videos, I dont know which side is left
09:07 PM Tom_L: coil spring workin out ok?
09:09 PM rue_shop2: load on right, I think I mounted it properly
09:10 PM rue_shop2: I think 0,0,0 was the top middle of the former
09:10 PM Tom_L: yes
09:10 PM Tom_L: afik
09:11 PM Tom_L: put a (note) in the nc file
09:12 PM Tom_L: i can't tell in the file since i don't remember where you start the spring on your pin
09:15 PM rue_shop2: do you know what the file was called?
09:15 PM Tom_L: helix_spring_rue is what it is here
09:15 PM Tom_L: .txt?
09:16 PM rue_shop2: files/cnc/springwind/adjust2.nc
09:16 PM rue_shop2: files/cnc/springwind/Helix_spring_rue.nc
09:16 PM rue_shop2: files/cnc/springwind/adjust1.nc
09:16 PM Tom_L: i can post it if you want to compare
09:17 PM rue_shop2: adjust2 is the latest
09:17 PM Tom_L: did you edit it?
09:17 PM Tom_L: all i have is the final result you said was good afik
09:17 PM rue_shop2: < N11 G03 X0.2923 Y0.1687 I-0.3375 J0.0
09:17 PM rue_shop2: < N12 G02 X0.3375 Y0.0 I-0.2923 J-0.1687
09:17 PM rue_shop2: < N13 G01 X0.346 Y-0.375
09:17 PM rue_shop2: ---
09:17 PM rue_shop2: > N11 X-0.0873 Y0.326 Z-0.3464 I-0.3375 J0.0
09:17 PM rue_shop2: > N12 G02 X0.3375 Y0.0 Z-0.3624 I0.0873 J-0.326
09:17 PM rue_shop2: > N13 G01 X0.346 Y-0.625
09:18 PM rue_shop2: complex, must have been you
09:18 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:443/~webpage/rue/Can_Holder/Spring/Helix_spring_rue.txt
09:18 PM Tom_L: it was still there
09:19 PM Tom_L: and yes X0 Y0 is the center of the pin
09:21 PM rue_shop2: I'm not quite sure where z0 is
09:21 PM Tom_L: i think the top of the pin
09:21 PM Tom_L: then it moves down ~.300ish to start the bottom coil
09:21 PM Tom_L: -.4724
09:22 PM Tom_L: to start the first winding
09:22 PM Tom_L: since yours was a bit different than my setup
09:23 PM Tom_L: (X0 Y0 Z0 pin center top)
09:23 PM Tom_L: add that to line 2
09:24 PM Tom_L: it makes sense since that's the only real reference you had to go off of
09:26 PM rue_shop2: all working! :]
09:26 PM rue_shop2: single stepped it to start
09:27 PM Tom_L: my file isn't exactly the same as what you posted here
09:28 PM Tom_L: i may have changed the leadin a little
09:30 PM rue_shop2: 7:20, I can bend springs for about 2 hours
09:30 PM Tom_L: shouldn't take that long
09:31 PM rue_shop2: not for 27
09:32 PM Tom_L: 30 min maybe
09:33 PM rue_shop2: does F stay the same after the last thing it was set to?
09:33 PM Tom_L: yes
09:33 PM Tom_L: F25 here
09:33 PM Tom_L: you can bump it up i'd imagine
09:33 PM Tom_L: Z is always less
09:39 PM rue_shop2: maybe 30 is as high as I can go...
09:40 PM Tom_L: you can remove the one on N7 and put the 30 there if you want. it'll just move faster down in Z
09:40 PM Tom_L: if you removed the F15 completely, that move would become a rapid move
09:41 PM Tom_L: because of N1
09:41 PM Tom_L: a bit safer to leave it
09:42 PM rue_shop2: I think I'v hit the limit I set in GRBL
09:47 PM Tom_L: i'm off to bed.. fighting the flu
09:50 PM rue_shop2: G00 G90 X0.346 Y-0.375
09:50 PM rue_shop2: why G00 if G90?
09:50 PM rue_shop2: 90 is curve interpolate isn't it?
09:51 PM rue_shop2: https://paste.debian.net/1346988/
09:51 PM rifraf: decided to upgrade the bar feeder now, if i am going to make a new headstock may as well make it as functional as possible
09:51 PM Tom_L: no
09:51 PM rue_shop2: oh
09:51 PM rifraf: will feed 1" stock
09:51 PM Tom_L: 90 is distance mode
09:52 PM Tom_L: 90 91
09:52 PM Tom_L: one or the other
09:52 PM rue_shop2: so wait, if you are G90 and then do z0.1 then z0.3 where are you?
09:52 PM Tom_L: http://linuxcnc.org/docs/stable/html/gcode/g-code.html#gcode:g90-g91
09:53 PM rue_shop2: 0.3 or 0.4?
09:53 PM Tom_L: the post puts those in there, you may not need both
09:53 PM Tom_L: it just does a quirky little move
09:53 PM rue_shop2: ah
09:53 PM rue_shop2: 90 is absolute
09:53 PM rue_shop2: ok
09:54 PM Tom_L: i think the Z.3 Z.1 will end up at Z.4
09:55 PM Tom_L: wait, absolute would move it from .3 back up to .1
09:55 PM Tom_L: i think
09:55 PM Tom_L: if it works i wouldn't mess with it
09:55 PM Tom_L: you can find out real quick by commenting one out
09:56 PM rue_shop2: rifraf, mid production!?
09:56 PM Tom_L: it will be at the wrong start Z
09:56 PM rifraf: rue_shop2 pre, am still in CAD stage
09:56 PM rifraf: the prototype i half made will still be the test jig
09:56 PM Tom_L: actually N7 takes it to start Z
09:57 PM Tom_L: the Z.3 Z.1 should be above the top of the pin
09:58 PM rue_shop2: Tom_L, yea, I'm carefully trying to trim the dancing
09:58 PM Tom_L: take out the .3 line
09:58 PM Tom_L: should be fine
09:59 PM Tom_L: it will start feed at .1 then down to .4725 on N7
10:00 PM rue_shop2: -
10:00 PM Tom_L: and if you want to rapid to -.4725 remove the F15 feedrate
10:00 PM rue_shop2: rifraf, your using grbl... aren't you?
10:00 PM Tom_L: then it will feed the helix at F25
10:00 PM Tom_L: or 30
10:01 PM rifraf: rue_shop2 no
10:01 PM rifraf: but i have used
10:01 PM rue_shop2: oh, I have an nc file spooler I wrote, I quite like it
10:01 PM Tom_L: it complains a bit on some things
10:02 PM Tom_L: or did you fix that?
10:02 PM rue_shop2: I need some motivation to work on it
10:02 PM rue_shop2: grbl doesn't understand all the fancy codes
10:03 PM rue_shop2: and my spooler doesn't weed them out
10:03 PM Tom_L: nothing fancy in this file
10:03 PM rue_shop2: but I also need it to break up your -multiple-commands-in-one-line- to not overfeed grbl
10:04 PM rue_shop2: there, 27 springs
10:04 PM rue_shop2: I officially need to buy more spring wire now
10:04 PM rue_shop2: I'm only doing a batch of 10 more heads tho
10:04 PM Tom_L: you mean like the preamble? G54 G17 G20 G00 G90?
10:04 PM rue_shop2: so, that will work for a while
10:05 PM rue_shop2: I still have to bend the tails on the springs, but thats not too bad
10:05 PM rue_shop2: yea
10:05 PM Tom_L: it won't process that line??
10:05 PM rue_shop2: some of the codes that cambam uses it doesn't understand
10:05 PM rue_shop2: yea, its fine with everything in your file
10:05 PM Tom_L: mine are pretty standard across the board
10:06 PM rue_shop2: yep
10:06 PM rue_shop2: 8pm, food and sleep I recon
10:06 PM Tom_L: i think i did up a grbl post to use on yours
10:06 PM rue_shop2: I got to bed about 2am last night, see if I can get a good night sleep for work tommorow
10:06 PM Tom_L: got rid of a couple things linuncnc is ok with
10:07 PM rue_shop2: then i need to start making latches
10:07 PM Tom_L: does grbl translate ';' as a comment line?
10:07 PM Tom_L: or just ()
10:07 PM rue_shop2: A12
10:07 PM rue_shop2: hmm I'v not tried ;
10:08 PM rue_shop2: I just shut it all down, need food!
10:08 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:443/~webpage/rue/Can_Holder/A12_New/A12_batch2.jpg
10:08 PM Tom_L: A12
10:08 PM rue_shop2: yup, that one
10:08 PM rue_shop2: I have like 5 left
10:08 PM Tom_L: i might have 2
10:09 PM rue_shop2: and a few I can recover from broken heads
10:09 PM Tom_L: in a 'what's this' bag
10:09 PM rue_shop2: heh :]
10:09 PM rifraf: https://imgur.com/a/sItlSSa
10:10 PM Tom_L: rif, what are you modeling that in?
10:10 PM rifraf: ms paint
10:10 PM Tom_L: holy crap... serious?
10:12 PM Tom_L: also, the push arms for the collet... you should form them to have more surface contact at the corner or it will wear
10:12 PM rifraf: its amazing that without any collet mods can feed an 1" bar
10:13 PM rifraf: Tom_L yeap, the whole connection for that will take a bit of time to best model, is just simple so i can animate for now
10:13 PM Tom_L: maybe a radius on both parts there
10:13 PM rifraf: will be a very small area where i need max force, once collet is popped then rest easy
10:14 PM Tom_L: ok bedtime.. need to get over this crud
10:15 PM rifraf: get weel soon, see ya
10:23 PM rue_mohr: rifraf, what kinda collette is that?
10:28 PM rue_mohr: U2
10:29 PM rifraf: looking at ways to use an over centre type lever
10:30 PM rifraf: its a C5 collet, huge through hole
10:31 PM rifraf: also added face plate for 5" chuck
10:35 PM rue_mohr: C5 or C12
10:35 PM rifraf: C5
10:35 PM rue_mohr: looks like C5 doesn't go up to 1"
10:35 PM rifraf: goes over
10:35 PM rifraf: can hold almost 1.25
10:36 PM rue_mohr: fact check, ... c5 has a 5/16-24 thread on the pull'r
10:36 PM rue_mohr: 7.7mm od...
10:37 PM rue_mohr: but C12 is only 5/8-18 thread
10:37 PM rifraf: has both internal and external thread, both odd size but great to work with
10:37 PM rue_mohr: aliexpress.com/item/1005008378220229.html
10:37 PM rue_mohr: where is the lie...
10:37 PM rifraf: am using th 1.25" external thread now
10:39 PM rue_mohr: er, something is really wrong
10:39 PM rue_mohr: do you have those C5 collets yet?
10:39 PM rifraf: looks weird rue, C5 has 1" internal and 1.25 external thread, one is 20tpi, other is 24 tpi
10:39 PM rifraf: rue_mohr nope, have not ordered till design is right, can get a full set of good quality, but over $300AUD
10:40 PM rifraf: may get a couple of cheap sigle ones first
10:41 PM rifraf: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004153555533.html
10:41 PM rue_mohr: 5c, not c5 :]
10:42 PM rifraf: woops, sorry
10:42 PM rue_mohr: all good, I'm glad you weren't designing around some random wrong data
10:43 PM rue_mohr: hmm, $27 for a 6mm one
10:43 PM rue_mohr: (shipped)
10:44 PM rifraf: yep i only really need 3 or 4 sizes to start with as well
10:44 PM rue_mohr: the full set is 135+139chipping
10:45 PM rue_mohr: $11.50ea
10:45 PM rifraf: gotta find a few bits of steel to start machining main 2 bars, will keep me out of trouble for a while
10:45 PM rifraf: yep, but the shipping is nile 3 days then, and the set it self is decent quality
10:45 PM rue_mohr: $300
10:45 PM rue_mohr: maybe I should start with the $30 starter pack
10:46 PM rifraf: yep, thats why i said $300 a while back for a set
10:46 PM rue_mohr: yup
10:46 PM rifraf: and many used ones in the US it appears, but too much for shipping to AU
10:47 PM rue_mohr: oh...
10:47 PM rifraf: look at used 5C sets on ebay
10:49 PM rue_mohr: aliexpress.com/item/1005008367053105.html only $3k for the whole thing there rif...
10:49 PM rue_mohr: I like the way the chips go right into the motor connector
10:54 PM rue_mohr: it looks like they pressurize to hold, not release
10:56 PM rifraf: wow, nice link rue
10:58 PM rue_mohr: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lwnn3JXEH8
10:58 PM rue_mohr: oh...
10:58 PM rue_mohr: thats,... not what I expected
10:58 PM rifraf: its does do the same thing nearly
10:58 PM rue_mohr: it just moves the collar tho, not the collette
10:59 PM rifraf: yep still no bar feeder
11:00 PM rue_mohr: yea, two tasks
11:04 PM rue_mohr: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKun_ZRPkwk
11:04 PM rue_mohr: I think this was a good one, the end was nice
11:04 PM rue_mohr: but youtube messin with me, so that might not be the link
11:07 PM rue_mohr: 9:00 bedtime
11:08 PM rue_mohr: but today I bent up 10 heads and 27 springs, feeling good about that