#garfield Logs

Jan 25 2025

#garfield Calendar

05:58 PM rue_shop2: si2302
06:19 PM rue_shop2: a03400
06:19 PM rue_shop2: ao3400
06:19 PM rifraf: happy Australia day to ya
06:20 PM rifraf: yep
06:21 PM Tom_L: you need a cylinder on both sides?
06:21 PM rifraf: evens it up and gives twice the force
06:21 PM rue_shop2: my collets are R8
06:21 PM rue_shop2: it looks like they take a 1/2"-20tpi bolt
06:22 PM rifraf: 16mm bar getting fed in that example,
06:22 PM rifraf: am happy with t hat
06:22 PM rue_shop2: Tom_L, what do you know about R8 collettes?
06:22 PM rue_shop2: oh, image online says 7/16"-20
06:22 PM Tom_L: they use them on bridgeports/
06:22 PM Tom_L: ?
06:23 PM rue_shop2: for an autofeeding lathe
06:23 PM Tom_L: you'd need a tube not a bar if that's the application
06:23 PM rue_shop2: yea
06:23 PM rue_shop2: and there isn't much room for throat left after the thread
06:24 PM Tom_L: the multi spindle used collets with material matching feed tubes
06:24 PM rue_shop2: but what thread did they have on the back of them
06:24 PM Tom_L: the 'fingers' unscrewed from the tube and you could change the set along with the collets
06:24 PM Tom_L: dunno
06:25 PM Tom_L: The thread size for an R8 collet is 7/16 in - 20 UNF. This is also known as M1TR
06:27 PM rifraf: 7/16 dosn't leave much room for a draw tube
06:27 PM rue_shop2: no
06:29 PM rifraf: the 1`" on the C5 was a game changer, is just what i was wishing for
06:29 PM rifraf: i could even use the outside thread and feed more than 16mm, but not for now
06:31 PM rue_shop2: ok
06:52 PM rue_shop2: ugh
06:52 PM rue_shop2: I cant ch32
06:52 PM rifraf: each cylinder is good for 500N, so with 2 of them and 5:1 leverage should be close to 5kN at the drawtube release
06:52 PM rue_shop2: minichlink wont work on any of my computers, not even the author knows why
06:53 PM rue_shop2: wlink wont compile on *this* station becasue 'cargo' is too old
06:53 PM rue_shop2: so, attiny85 it is
07:36 PM rue_shop2: nope, the tiny85 cant hardware serial
07:36 PM rue_shop2: damnit
07:37 PM rue_shop2: I specifically didn't want to use an atmega32
09:37 PM aandrew: https://www.eevblog.com/forum/projects/using-an-ac-circuit-to-turn-on-another-ac-circuit/msg5794475/#msg5794475 slick little circuit
09:43 PM rue_mohr: heh, a CT, yea
11:38 PM rue_mohr: got it rifraf
11:38 PM rue_mohr: servo control from python
11:39 PM rue_mohr: just one of my 8 servo controllers for now
11:39 PM rue_mohr: means I can work it all out PC side and port the good stuff over later if I want
11:41 PM rue_mohr: I would like to make the program into a stop-motion like controller, have a timeline you can set servo positions against
11:44 PM rue_mohr: https://infosec.exchange/@RueNahcMohr/113892871287969171