#garfield Logs
Jan 22 2025
#garfield Calendar
12:29 AM rue_mohr: rif
12:44 AM rifraf: HI RUE
12:45 AM rifraf: so the MT4 has an advasntage here, cost and size wise
12:45 AM rifraf: well the MT4 are double the MT2 i ordered but anyway
12:47 AM rifraf: material feeder just needs to be a gripper to hold bar and a cylinder to move and hit a settable endstop, chuck etc on tailstock
12:47 AM rifraf: or a tool
12:48 AM rifraf: the good thing is i am only aimed to hold and feed alluminium and brass/bronze to around 10mm, can make alot of pen stuff with that
12:49 AM rue_mohr: yea, I'd like to look over a few commerial machines and see what they do
12:49 AM rifraf: ok well i have paused a little to do the same so we can think on it
12:49 AM rue_mohr: I'm sad, cause I was asked to reautomate one in the next town over, and I declined
12:49 AM rue_mohr: it got scrapped and the building was torn down
12:49 AM rifraf: just polishing old top a bit for now, sop nice with the ac servo
12:49 AM rifraf: quiet as, i can watch youtube while i polish
12:49 AM rue_mohr: but, it would have taken knowhow to operate, and the guys asking didn't know how
12:50 AM rue_mohr: I'm working tomorrow, need sleep, gnight
12:50 AM rifraf: even the smallest desktop polishing machine was so noisy, and steppers drove me nuts
12:50 AM rifraf: nite
12:51 AM rifraf: servo controller fan much louder than servo even
12:51 AM rue_mohr: !?!?! when was I there?
12:51 AM rifraf: aropund 2003? i
12:54 AM rue_mohr: 2005
12:54 AM rifraf: tiptoes is mega32
12:54 AM rifraf: found local copy of webage
01:21 AM rifraf: http://www.roboreprap.com/tiptoes/index.htm
01:21 AM rifraf: ta dum, all still online
01:21 AM rifraf: and even better http://www.roboreprap.com/robotics/index.html
01:21 AM rifraf: http://www.roboreprap.com/robotics/html/rue.htm
01:21 AM rifraf: your oun page
01:21 AM rifraf: Nov 2005
01:24 AM rue_mohr: getting old sucks, everyone you know dies.
01:24 AM rifraf: stacked opposing increases stroke but not force, but stacking on top of each other increases that same orientation increases force but not stroke, is cool that you can work out the force needed and stack appropriatly
01:24 AM rifraf: rue yeah, i don't know why i bother
01:24 AM rifraf: but it makes that living more worthwhile in my case
01:25 AM rifraf: would be bored shitless if i had to watch tv for a passtime
01:26 AM rifraf: are you old rue? i think not, wonder what you look like 20 years down the track, did you see your link earlier?
01:28 AM rifraf: Tom_L if you can explain the green ring please, a spring of some sort? the collets i used got sucked into the tool holder with air
01:29 AM rifraf: oh they are ball bearings, its even expained if you read properly :/
01:29 AM rifraf: ahh
01:29 AM rifraf: neat
01:31 AM rifraf: quote: Therein lies the problem-you need the right shape inside the spindle ID to guide ball bearings
01:33 AM rifraf: this so neat project but still lacks auto feeder potential https://www.cnccookbook.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/img_611aebacf2bd5.png
01:35 AM rifraf: unless you use 2 cylinders, one each side, then easy to have gap in middle, but need more leverage with air that an oil cylinder
04:26 AM Tom_L: rifraf, you can make one that has a tube but would be designed different. the ones with retention knobs are for collet changers
04:26 AM Tom_L: and yes those are balls to help guide the fingers around the retention knob
04:27 AM Tom_L: the 'vent' on the side could possibly be for thru hole coolant i'm not sure
04:27 AM Tom_L: or just a way to lube the bearings
04:31 AM Tom_L: for material, you can pull with fingers like the ones you posted the other day or 2) you can push the material with a feed tube behind the chuck instead of in front of it. i ran a set of multi spindle bar machines that used the collet tube approach
04:32 AM Tom_L: the collet tube approach would have a stop in front of the chuck for the material then would either swing or index out of the way
04:34 AM Tom_L: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQRWwkEx_bk
04:34 AM Tom_L: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7WH12VtsIVs
04:35 AM Tom_L: you can see the bar at 1:11 there
08:15 AM rue_mohr: hmm, I didn't get any work done on sprayers
08:15 AM rue_mohr: and I got almost no sleep last night
09:45 AM aandrew: I'm having a lot of trouble understanding what that machine is doing
09:45 AM aandrew: rue_mohr: that sucks. any particular reason or just one of those nights?
11:43 AM Tom_L: rifraf,
11:43 AM Tom_L: lo
01:11 PM rifraf: hwy Tom_L thanks, have checked responces, will dig deeper after work
06:30 PM rue_mohr: hopefully just one
06:37 PM Tom_L: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/bRsVEGmC6es
07:48 PM rue_shop2: ok, 3 working motors
08:36 PM rue_mohr: hows polprog doing?
09:23 PM rue_mohr: https://infosec.exchange/@RueNahcMohr/113875301307416502
09:23 PM rue_mohr: oh rif went