#garfield Logs
Jan 11 2025
#garfield Calendar
09:57 AM polprog: att sim activation
10:13 AM polprog: website doesnt work
10:13 AM polprog: but the phone activation seems to work
01:18 PM polprog: att is fucking with me
01:19 PM polprog: online activation of a prepaid doesnt work (probably the api blocks EU for GDPR reason)
01:19 PM polprog: i called the support line at 800-901-9878
01:19 PM polprog: >all of our representatives are busy
01:19 PM polprog: >press 1 to call you back
01:19 PM polprog: 20 mins pass, i get a call
01:19 PM polprog: >all of our representatives are busy
01:19 PM polprog: someone picks up
01:20 PM polprog: i explain the issue and they redirect me to the phone activation service which doesnt work
01:20 PM polprog: lol
01:32 PM polprog: ok, proxying the request through my usa server gave me a diff error
01:33 PM polprog: what a shitshow. they dont have the imei database for european phones
02:02 PM aandrew: rue_mohr: https://ibb.co/tcKsc7v
02:02 PM aandrew: not sure if you've managed to connect yet
02:50 PM rue_mohr: aandrew, I'm in the shop today, I'll try with everything local
06:46 PM aandrew: ok, I'm here for the next whiel
07:44 PM rue_mohr: oh
07:44 PM rue_mohr: still here?
08:14 PM Tom_L: https://www.electronics-lab.com/simple-adapter-board-turns-usb-c-power-supply-variable-voltage-source/
08:21 PM aandrew: yep I'm still here
08:21 PM Tom_L: https://github.com/manuelbl/zy12pdn-oss
08:22 PM aandrew: Tom_L: I have a bunch of fixed voltage ones, and I like to use the 20V ones to feed the little chinese switching adjustable power supplies
08:26 PM aandrew: https://www.aliexpress.us/item/2251832516400128.html that guy with the matching case
08:27 PM aandrew: USBC -> programmable variable voltage/current/power power supply. great for when I'm stuck on set with my son and have to work :-)
09:24 PM rue_shop2: arg
09:24 PM rue_shop2: I'm distracted
09:26 PM rue_shop2: ok, I just started it
09:27 PM rue_shop2: aandrew, did I miss you yet?
09:27 PM rue_shop2: if I'm going to miss all the fun it would be nice to atleast have someone else with me doing stuff
09:28 PM rue_shop2: aandrew, I'm going to propose that this program wont work to transfer the files because we cant co-ordinate time between us
09:28 PM rue_shop2: I'll leave this going, but I'm 100% sure it times out after a while
09:32 PM aandrew: I'm still here
09:33 PM aandrew: ok I've added that node
09:33 PM aandrew: let's see if you get that popup in the next few minutes
09:34 PM rue_shop2: I'm here
09:34 PM rue_shop2: no popup
09:35 PM aandrew: let's wait a few minutes since we're not directly connected
09:36 PM rue_shop2: the last time I ran it, it was at 4/5 on discovery
09:36 PM rue_shop2: I wonder if It didn't catch
09:36 PM aandrew: you've got global discovery eabled and using the default global discovery servers?
09:36 PM rue_shop2: default
09:37 PM aandrew: ok good
09:37 PM rue_shop2: I'm feeling failure
09:37 PM rifraf: upgrading spindle from 500w to the one that used to be on me router
09:37 PM rue_shop2: maybe I should just fire up an FTP server, I might get some free porn as a side bonus
09:37 PM rue_shop2: rifraf, :]
09:38 PM aandrew: lol
09:38 PM rue_shop2: wait
09:38 PM rue_shop2: the id is different
09:38 PM rue_shop2: wtf
09:39 PM rue_shop2: thats not the one it gave me in the comsole when I started it
09:39 PM aandrew: another one? one moment
09:39 PM rue_shop2: yea, the ui gives me a different one than what it had on the console, I dont get that
09:40 PM rue_shop2: maybe thats why it didn't work before
09:40 PM aandrew: ok updated m side with the new node id
09:40 PM aandrew: it should be the same
09:41 PM aandrew: ok it looks like I found you, did you get a popup saying someone wants to share with you
09:41 PM rue_shop2: it did soemething
09:41 PM rue_shop2: I accepted
09:41 PM rue_shop2: "media"
09:41 PM aandrew: good, so it shoudl start syncing soon
09:42 PM rue_shop2: io timeout
09:42 PM rue_shop2: I'll wait
09:42 PM aandrew: yep just be patient
09:45 PM rue_shop2: should I be patient or worried?
09:46 PM aandrew: patient. who knows what it's trying to do to get a connection between these two. :-)
09:48 PM aandrew: in your settings (through the gui) you may need to make sure "enable relaying" is checked in the connections tab. Mine wasn't
09:51 PM rue_shop2: oh its doing things now
09:51 PM aandrew: yep
09:53 PM rue_shop2: hmm, I will have to move it right after, I dont keep a lot of space on the dir /home is on
09:53 PM rue_shop2: dev/sda1 55G 27G 26G 51% /
09:54 PM rue_shop2: it looks like ALL your books tho...
09:56 PM rue_shop2: aandrew, uh, is this 20G or 70G?
09:56 PM rue_shop2: oh 21G
09:57 PM rue_shop2: do you want to trim it down to 1 - electronics and save internet bits?
09:58 PM rue_shop2: I'm not worried if not