#garfield Logs
Jan 10 2025
#garfield Calendar
12:53 AM rifraf: made progress but still having trouble auto reversing spindle, least it stops but no reverse, time to make notes
07:19 AM rue_mohr: yea....
07:20 AM rue_mohr: rifraf, in the programming you can probabl set it up so the 0-10V is -full to +full, or 0-full
07:20 AM rue_mohr: so 5V would be stop
07:47 AM polprog: o hi rifraf
07:47 AM polprog: aandrew: wow i had no idea syncthing is so easy
07:54 AM rue_mohr: it cant be, hasn't happened yet
07:55 AM rue_mohr: curious to what the snag was
07:55 AM polprog: i think aandrew just went afk
07:55 AM rue_mohr: mmm
08:47 AM aandrew: I did go afk. I still don't have your ID to add to my machine
08:48 AM aandrew: oh wait you did paste it, how did I miss that
08:50 AM aandrew: ok you're set up -- in the next little bit you should have a popup saying "media" wants to share Books with you
08:57 AM aandrew: polprog: if you're interested send me your device ID and I'll share too
09:03 AM polprog: id have to set it up first, that sounds good
09:03 AM polprog: maybe ill do this tomorrow, im busy today
09:03 AM polprog: gotta finish some shit for next week
03:12 PM rifraf: polprog hi
03:12 PM rifraf: rue_mohr with a clear head this morning everything working perfect with the servo drive now
03:14 PM rifraf: woke up with too many hydraulic chucks in shopping cart, hope i didn't buy any
03:15 PM rifraf: best deal it seems was https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005548994929.html
06:02 PM polprog: after arranging the kit in the lab
06:02 PM polprog: i think i need a bigger lab
06:53 PM rue_mohr: $395cad
06:54 PM rue_mohr: aandrew, no popup...
06:57 PM rue_mohr: rif...
06:57 PM rue_mohr: the chuck he found has no throat
06:57 PM rue_mohr: there is no point..
06:58 PM rue_mohr: why is there a pull rod
06:58 PM rue_mohr: wrench
06:59 PM rue_mohr: I'm confused
06:59 PM rue_mohr: I think its a chuck for a tailstock
06:59 PM rue_mohr: its not for a feeder
06:59 PM rue_mohr: tom, where you at?
07:00 PM rue_mohr: the hydraulic isn't here
07:04 PM rue_mohr: wait, I think these are actuated by a hollow drive from the inside of the spindle
07:05 PM rue_mohr: aliexpress.com/item/1005006431335585.html
07:05 PM rue_mohr: different topic
07:06 PM rue_mohr: should I get this or make one
07:07 PM Tom_L: plastic handle would likely shatter
07:08 PM Tom_L: mind you i have one but not from them
07:08 PM rue_mohr: aliexpress.com/item/32907041446.html
07:08 PM rue_mohr: oh
07:08 PM Tom_L: use mine for deburring holes sometimes
07:09 PM rue_mohr: oh they dont have the good one
07:09 PM rue_mohr: aliexpress.com/item/1005004829016438.html
07:09 PM rue_mohr: ok
07:10 PM rue_mohr: too small tho
07:10 PM rue_mohr: aliexpress.com/item/32663010182.html
07:11 PM rue_mohr: broken listing
07:12 PM rue_mohr: I think I can build a better one for less
07:19 PM Tom_L: https://www.arthrex.com/products/AR-1415
07:21 PM Tom_L: i dunno where i got mine
07:21 PM rue_mohr: hmm
07:21 PM rue_mohr: I have a lot of cordless drill parts
10:19 PM VanUnamed: hey rue_mohr hows things going