#garfield Logs
Jan 09 2025
#garfield Calendar
07:07 AM polprog: rue_mohr: no i didnt
07:23 AM polprog: rue_mohr: let me look up the xtals
01:29 PM polprog: so whats the dac board?
01:30 PM polprog: i replaced the fan and the fuse in that agilent psu
01:30 PM polprog: it now works
01:31 PM polprog: im getting used to the interface
07:28 PM rue_mohr: wait, back up
07:28 PM rue_mohr: you have pdfs of all the forrest mimms books?
07:28 PM rue_mohr: awesome on bench power suppply front!
08:20 PM aandrew: rue_mohr: https://pastebin.com/BckW4MTy
08:21 PM aandrew: if you set up a syncthing node I can give you access to the whole 1.2T directory
08:24 PM rue_mohr: syncthing?
08:25 PM rue_mohr: hmmm
08:25 PM rue_mohr: how can I do that...
08:25 PM rue_mohr: forward port...
08:28 PM aandrew: you don't need to port forward anything
08:28 PM rue_mohr: I cant install it on my router
08:29 PM aandrew: you don't have to. it has GUID lookup and discovery
08:29 PM rue_mohr: hu? how does one use it?
08:29 PM rue_mohr: so I install...
08:29 PM rue_mohr: then?
08:33 PM aandrew: just install it, when it starts up tell me what your node ID is and I'll add it to mine and in a minute or so you should get a popup saying "SOME RANDO WANTS TO SHARE "books" WITH YOU"
08:33 PM rue_mohr: oh huh
08:37 PM aandrew: for example my node id is PIVS7PB-VUM5NEX-ABMC5TQ-SK5RWDP-7RK2Y6J-FY2HEHU-QGYSAGU-IH2HAAU
08:37 PM rue_mohr: doesn't seem to be a command line program
08:37 PM rue_mohr: but I'm not sure yet
08:37 PM aandrew: it is actually a command line program, it has a web UI
08:38 PM rue_mohr: aha
08:38 PM aandrew: IIRC it's even in ubuntu
08:39 PM rue_mohr: do I need to access the gui?
08:40 PM Tom_L: rue's brouser is limited to tty
08:41 PM aandrew: no you can do it over CLI but I'm not super familiar with it
08:41 PM rue_mohr: using lynx on the terminal
08:41 PM aandrew: the GUI's way easier to accept shares and configure it
08:41 PM rue_mohr: its a remote machine
08:41 PM aandrew: can't you point a computer with a GUI at the URL?
08:41 PM aandrew: ah
08:41 PM aandrew: ssh -D8080 is what I do for those cases
08:42 PM aandrew: then you have a socks5 proxy to access anything that remote machine can access, including localhost
08:43 PM rue_mohr: I have a half working brain right now
08:43 PM rue_mohr: and it just said something I'm not getting
08:45 PM rue_mohr: so did that id work?
08:46 PM rue_mohr: I went with ssh -Y and have a firefox window open
09:09 PM aandrew: you need to give me your ID
09:09 PM aandrew: you open the browser to localhost:8384 and it should guide you through. you do NOT need to set up any drives/shares
09:10 PM aandrew: when you accept my sharing request it'll ask you where you want to put it
09:32 PM rue_mohr: I did
09:33 PM Tom_L: that's worse than a ms serial number
09:33 PM rue_mohr: only by about 3 hepta-ettes
09:41 PM rue_mohr: https://wiki.c2.com/?NumericalPrefixes
09:41 PM rue_mohr: huh
09:41 PM rue_mohr: and I think I missed aandrew, should I just leave it running?
09:42 PM Tom_L: do you trust it to not take over everything?
09:42 PM rue_mohr: its a non-critical workstation
09:42 PM rue_mohr: tho shares to my fileserver
09:42 PM rue_mohr: where everything is critical
09:43 PM Tom_L: rif is working on servo drives
10:06 PM rue_mohr: OMG
10:06 PM rue_mohr: rifraf, !
10:07 PM rue_mohr: awe he didn't share
10:08 PM rue_mohr: I'm worried my visit got him kicked out of his house and he hates me
10:08 PM rifraf: haha, you're awake
10:08 PM rue_mohr: oh hi
10:08 PM rue_mohr: do you hate me?
10:08 PM rifraf: g'day rue_mohr
10:08 PM rue_mohr: gday
10:08 PM rifraf: never sir, i am not used to this irc thingo
10:08 PM rue_mohr: ah
10:08 PM rifraf: forgot i was in 8 channels
10:08 PM rue_mohr: servo drives! steppers with encoders?
10:09 PM rifraf: rue_mohr i needed you so much before, but Tom_L was about to give me the confidence to try anyway
10:09 PM rue_mohr: always try anyway
10:09 PM rifraf: rue the servo is amazing, i bought one for xmas, and just 5 min ago had a major breakthrough
10:10 PM rifraf: when i though drive was dead, no digital inputs were working
10:10 PM rue_mohr: ok
10:10 PM rue_mohr: (what kinda servo is it?)
10:10 PM rifraf: the inputs anyway, the driver and servo kick arse
10:10 PM Tom_L: some chinaco ac servo
10:10 PM rifraf: so, it says i need to give 24V dc input to drive the digital inputs
10:10 PM rue_mohr: oh
10:10 PM Tom_L: needed some field voltage
10:10 PM rue_mohr: its a 3 phase mains
10:11 PM rifraf: i was scared, but it kinda makes sence now, means even the opto or whatever never gets power from the host controller
10:11 PM rue_mohr: on an industrial controller pcb
10:11 PM rifraf: yes 3 phase mains
10:11 PM rifraf: wait no
10:11 PM rifraf: 2 phase
10:11 PM Tom_L: 3phase out?
10:11 PM rue_mohr: rifraf, 3 wire?
10:12 PM Tom_L: to the motor
10:12 PM rifraf: yep, standard output like VFD
10:12 PM rue_mohr: yea, wtf are you doing with that/
10:12 PM rifraf: rue my machine just became amazing
10:12 PM rifraf: i want to make spinning tops still
10:12 PM rue_mohr: ah
10:12 PM rifraf: but took to long to make it worthwhile
10:12 PM rue_mohr: I thought you already took over the world with them
10:12 PM Tom_L: i nearly forgot about those
10:13 PM rifraf: udgraded my auto tailstock took, now way faster and can drill 150mm deep, and still so fast even pecking with full retract every 2-4mm
10:13 PM rue_mohr: how are you going to distinguish your tops from the other ones?
10:13 PM rifraf: because mine are not the same
10:13 PM rue_mohr: :]
10:13 PM rifraf: and spin for the best times
10:14 PM rifraf: hard to make, you see i made my own machine to do it
10:14 PM rue_mohr: I wonder what the tops are that the guy here makes
10:14 PM rue_mohr: ok
10:14 PM rifraf: is like a few hundred K to by machines that can do it
10:14 PM rifraf: and if you have those you will not waste time making tops
10:15 PM rifraf: anyway, like I told Tom, currently happy as a pig in mud, has been long time since i could say that
10:15 PM rifraf: rue you know why, first because i could not reverse spindle direction very easy
10:16 PM Tom_L: you should now
10:16 PM rifraf: and now i can using standard M4 gcode
10:16 PM rue_mohr: the guy here makes a killing with them
10:16 PM Tom_L: set the braking mild and don't go from M3 straight to M4
10:17 PM rue_mohr: https://focusworksedc.com/collections/fidget-tops
10:17 PM rue_mohr: huh
10:17 PM rifraf: and the best thing ever, I will be able to control the servo drive on the fly, to be either Position control (stepper type signals) or speed control ( like a VFD and spindle)
10:17 PM Tom_L: do you have an external brake resistor?
10:17 PM rue_mohr: :]
10:18 PM Tom_L: or do those drivers support those..
10:18 PM rue_mohr: rifraf, so, is that using the lathe you had then??
10:18 PM rifraf: Tom_L there are inbuilt delays, but I type my own gcode so will be sure to pause for a bit, is for diffent workpaths
10:18 PM rifraf: rue_mohr yes, the lathe thingo i made
10:18 PM Tom_L: my default delays were kinda mushy so i sped them up some
10:18 PM rue_mohr: cool rifraf
10:18 PM rifraf: \is now very better, but needs a better frame, but happpy to get the welder out and fiz that soon
10:19 PM * rifraf wonders how to send phots etc again, would love to show you but might be too much for today
10:19 PM rue_mohr: ircjunk!
10:20 PM rue_mohr: your webpage is still up somewhere
10:20 PM rue_mohr: I found it once, burried under some other main site
10:20 PM rifraf: did factory reset this morning so a few things to reconfigured shortly
10:20 PM rifraf: yes, i am still paying so much fot nothing
10:20 PM Tom_L: pasteboard.co
10:20 PM rifraf: will remove it this year and store on another site
10:21 PM Tom_L: https://pasteboard.co/
10:21 PM rifraf: cheers tom, which reminded me of pastbin, its still there, wonder if i can login
10:21 PM rue_mohr: Tom_L, how long has THAT image paste site been around?
10:21 PM Tom_L: i dunno
10:22 PM rifraf: whats your time?
10:22 PM rue_mohr: I'm at 8:13PM
10:22 PM Tom_L: 10:13
10:22 PM rue_mohr: "flip the AM/PM and subtract 4" iirc from being there
10:23 PM Tom_L: you're +16 iirc
10:23 PM rifraf: hrrm, ok 2pm here only, i will try
10:23 PM rue_mohr: oh 6
10:23 PM rifraf: get a picture, when i get it working, so what are your current projects, main ones anyway
10:23 PM rue_mohr: so, rifraf, are you still working on a cnc outfit?
10:24 PM rue_mohr: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/tempimage/
10:24 PM rue_mohr: I made a folder that auto-empties to 10 images
10:24 PM rue_mohr: er, there abouts
10:24 PM rue_mohr: so those are "the latest" of whatever I been doing lately
10:25 PM rue_mohr: oh I been postin old junk
10:26 PM Tom_L: been designing a gui for linuxcnc: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:443/~webpage/cnc/JT-SHOP/flexgui/touch-probe3.png
10:26 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:443/~webpage/cnc/JT-SHOP/flexgui/touch-probe3-2.png
10:26 PM rifraf: nice 3d printed motor experiments rue?
10:26 PM rue_mohr: resolver
10:27 PM rue_mohr: it was just some fun, without the metal, the signal is super weak
10:27 PM rifraf: Tom_L awesome, is that like the main gui for it or a skin?
10:27 PM Tom_L: main gui
10:27 PM Tom_L: https://www.gnipsel.com/linuxcnc/flexgui/index.html
10:27 PM Tom_L: there's the project page
10:27 PM Tom_L: all python driven front end
10:27 PM rifraf: wicked
10:27 PM Tom_L: you drag a widget on and it just works
10:27 PM rue_mohr: Tom_L, does the touch probe stuff correct the job for position and rotation?
10:28 PM Tom_L: yes
10:28 PM Tom_L: if i understand you right
10:28 PM rue_mohr: huh
10:28 PM rifraf: nice i used python to make my own programm to test spinning tops
10:28 PM rue_mohr: so it can rotate your nc file to correct the the material position
10:28 PM Tom_L: i did most of the testing for that project and did that example
10:28 PM rifraf: with a basic gui, was a hard month, but still works
10:29 PM Tom_L: rue_mohr, yes
10:29 PM rue_mohr: rifraf, what did you use to make the gui in?
10:29 PM Tom_L: https://github.com/jethornton/flexgui
10:29 PM rue_mohr: oh yea tom too
10:30 PM rifraf: rue more was now anaconda or the other new thingo
10:30 PM rifraf: not
10:30 PM Tom_L: i dumped most of the images showing rotation etc
10:30 PM rue_mohr: Tom_L, wow I like that sound of that project
10:30 PM rifraf: um, was basic stuff, let me find it
10:30 PM rue_mohr: (its feature list)
10:30 PM Tom_L: rue_mohr, it turned out very cool
10:31 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:443/~webpage/cnc/JT-SHOP/flexgui/single_point_threadmilling.png
10:31 PM Tom_L: does circular hole patterns etc
10:31 PM Tom_L: without coding them
10:31 PM rue_mohr: oh, built on QT it seems
10:31 PM Tom_L: i did all the subroutines
10:31 PM Tom_L: pyqt
10:31 PM Tom_L: 6
10:31 PM rue_mohr: yep
10:31 PM rifraf: threadmilling sounds cool, i'd love to try it soon
10:32 PM rue_mohr: rifraf, do you have a cnc mill ?
10:32 PM rue_mohr: did you know I used my cnc mill as a lathe?
10:32 PM rifraf: rue_mohr yes
10:32 PM rue_mohr: hahah and a wire bender (thanks to tom)
10:32 PM Tom_L: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z47eQH6NaTE
10:33 PM Tom_L: a cap i did for rue
10:33 PM Tom_L: i could run it alot faster but was still testing things
10:33 PM rifraf: but its the one i made, milled a nice big keyway the other day in hard steel
10:33 PM rue_mohr: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jBCo70l1A4 I wonder if you could do your tops like that..
10:34 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:443/~webpage/rue/extinguisher_nut/Pressure_test_cap3.jpg
10:35 PM rifraf: yep thats cool, this machine has different setup for the tool holder, travels with the spindle, but heck i could do it if i had too
10:35 PM rue_mohr: rifraf, I made up a series of stepped shafts for DIY optical encoders
10:36 PM rue_mohr: that tom made the disks for
10:36 PM rifraf: nice, but i cannot belive the encoders these days
10:37 PM rifraf: this thing (the servo) has like 10000 counts per revolution.
10:37 PM rue_mohr: and that end bit was supposed to be a cutoff and it didn't go as badly as it looked
10:37 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:443/~webpage/rue/encoder/encoder7.jpg
10:37 PM Tom_L: haha
10:37 PM rifraf: was that brass bit threadmilled?
10:37 PM Tom_L: yup
10:37 PM rifraf: nice
10:37 PM rifraf: oh oh oh
10:37 PM rifraf: i made my lathe make left hand threads the other day
10:38 PM rifraf: that was neat, had to add in extra gearing
10:38 PM Tom_L: threadmilling is built in that gui i did
10:38 PM rue_mohr: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/tempimage/p1300351.jpg
10:38 PM rifraf: after i tryed 4 ways to cut a left hand thread and they kept coming out right hand, lol
10:38 PM rue_mohr: I'm lovin mixing the cnc and 3d printer
10:38 PM rifraf: rue_mohr yep, a great tool to assit prototyping
10:39 PM rifraf: i make printed parts before machine, and even use them for ages, good to see where things wear out and are weak
10:39 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:443/~webpage/cnc/thread_mills/Thread_mill2.jpg
10:39 PM Tom_L: i can make about any thread
10:42 PM rue_mohr: I have not added that gear yet, but I have the images and parts
10:43 PM rue_mohr: so ^^ that was the step in the shaft
10:43 PM rue_mohr: it locks the shaft into the 3d printed plate
10:44 PM rue_mohr: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/tempimage/p1300349.jpg I was really happy how they came out
10:45 PM Tom_L: gonna call it a night here. rifraf glad you got the drive working
10:45 PM rifraf: are they ok priced buy the looks, do you use more than a single point, like on here https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003205784585.html
10:46 PM Tom_L: single point are more versatile
10:46 PM rifraf: Tom_L no worries, me too and thanks, i was gonna do it anyway because had not much to lose after a week, feel stupid but also glad no smoke came out
10:46 PM Tom_L: than a full threadmill
10:47 PM Tom_L: each one has a range it can work in
10:47 PM rifraf: a full seems hardcore, but the 3 point seems good if you can drive it, will look at some videos i guess, and will add a new servo spidle if need, these things are cool
10:47 PM Tom_L: before the thread gets too deep etc
10:47 PM Tom_L: full are faster but need to be more specific for a given thread
10:47 PM rue_mohr: so, servo tailstock...
10:47 PM rifraf: rue, not just yet
10:48 PM rifraf: but a powerful closed loop stepper with biult in drive tailstock
10:48 PM rifraf: is almost as cool
10:48 PM rue_mohr: I want a auto-feeder for my lathe
10:48 PM Tom_L: https://www.carbidedepot.com/formulas-tap-standard.htm
10:48 PM Tom_L: good data for threadmilling
10:49 PM Tom_L: that site has alot of good stuff
10:49 PM rifraf: rue now i can make a bar feeder
10:49 PM rifraf: that is coming up :)
10:49 PM Tom_L: https://www.carbidedepot.com/resources
10:50 PM rue_mohr: rifraf, yea, tell me your thoughts on that
10:50 PM rue_mohr: I would cnc ammend my lathe if I could put a feeder on it
10:50 PM rifraf: now that i can use inputs and outputs better with be able to do cool stuffs
10:50 PM rue_mohr: rifraf, with using the cnc mill, I did the nc on a mill-cam
10:50 PM rifraf: well we need a cheap hydraulic chuck solution
10:50 PM rue_mohr: oh wait, no I hand coded that
10:51 PM rue_mohr: Tom_L, find us free hydraulic chucks :]
10:51 PM Tom_L: you should show him your spring bender
10:51 PM rue_mohr: oh you do your video
10:51 PM rifraf: yep alot of hand coding here still with this machine but less now that i can drive the rotary axis like a proper spindle
10:51 PM rifraf: i saw sping bending
10:52 PM rifraf: was not that long since i visited
10:52 PM Tom_L: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5XLpwVbrxuA
10:52 PM Tom_L: that's the wrong one
10:52 PM rifraf: i need to be able to auto use 2 spindles next
10:53 PM Tom_L: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lonf4ypINVM
10:53 PM Tom_L: that's better
10:53 PM rifraf: current plan is still switches, but surely i can disable one or the other with some i/o and just send the signals to both all the time
10:55 PM rifraf: Tom_L it that real spring wire, what guage?
10:56 PM Tom_L: ask rue it was for his project
10:56 PM Tom_L: .050"?
10:56 PM rifraf: is neat having a mach to go in all directions by typing a bit of text
10:56 PM Tom_L: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4SQ74QLO50
10:56 PM rifraf: machine, omg i am drinking too much too early
10:56 PM Tom_L: hole pattern using my gui
10:57 PM rifraf: i need to go and sit peacefully with this machine for a while
10:57 PM Tom_L: the bit was bent but it works
10:57 PM rifraf: just so exicted, i made sure to heatshrink all my temporary wiring so should be safe enough for me
10:58 PM rifraf: heh, yep there would be some forces involved
11:00 PM Tom_L: gnite
11:00 PM rifraf: see ya Tom_L
11:00 PM rue_mohr: :]
11:11 PM rue_mohr: oh dear god, I'm browsing 2021 photos and I was STILL making the big cnc
11:11 PM rue_mohr: this is an embarrasment
11:34 PM rifraf: are you still making it now?