#garfield Logs
Jan 08 2025
#garfield Calendar
11:52 AM aandrew: rue_mohr: well I already complimented your windings, it looks like a nice compact unit and an elegant build
12:07 PM Tom_L: and yes i have a set of those too
12:10 PM aandrew: do yours have that very distinctive "squeak" to them if you try to hold the top and turn the screwdriver?
02:01 PM polprog: they suck if you use a lot of force
02:01 PM polprog: i cut my fingers with one
02:01 PM Tom_L: they're not meant to be prybars!
02:01 PM polprog: no i mean screwing it in
02:02 PM polprog: the one i had had some uncleaned bits of metal in the handle
02:02 PM polprog: when i turned it, they got stuck in my fingers x-x
05:29 PM polprog: they sent the fuses and fan for the agilent
05:30 PM polprog: i also got the eeeeeeeproms for 8051
05:30 PM polprog: i think i will first run the 8051 from an external CLK, on the blink eprom, to check it works
05:30 PM polprog: and then continue with the caps
05:30 PM polprog: i dont know what's wrong, i got 2x20pf and it barely oscillates
05:30 PM polprog: maybe my 11M xtals are wonky or somethin
08:09 PM rue_mohr: polprog, did you see the 0805 DAC board I designed up?
08:09 PM rue_mohr: some rando board house asked if they could quote on it. I asked for 10pcs, the price they brought back was $224USD
08:10 PM rue_mohr: about $340 CAD
08:10 PM rue_mohr: aandrew, yea!
08:11 PM rue_mohr: they tend to snap if you clamp vise grips to them, and turn a screw while leaning on it with most of your weight
08:12 PM rue_mohr: polprog, what crystals do you have?
11:26 PM aandrew: hahaha I see you too have the same struggles as I do
11:27 PM aandrew: too funny
11:28 PM rue_mohr: :]